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SURVEY.NET - Content Survey

Survey started: March 21, 2002

Total Respondents: 21319

What is your age:
12.1% 2587 22-25
10.9% 2332 Under 15
9.0% 1925 26-30
7.2% 1532 31-35
6.4% 1372 36-40
6.4% 1360 16-17
5.9% 1254 21
5.9% 1249 20
5.6% 1185 41-45
4.9% 1047 18
4.8% 1020 19
4.7% 994 46-50
3.7% 784 51-55
3.0% 637 56-60
2.5% 528 61-65
2.4% 506 66-70
2.4% 501 71-80
0.5% 108 No Answer
0.2% 47 81+
Your sex:
61.7%13154 Male
33.3% 7107 Female
1.5% 317 No Answer
Your highest level of education completed:
20.0% 4262 College - currently enrolled
19.8% 4225 Some high school
17.2% 3675 Some college
14.5% 3091 College - Bachelors degree
13.2% 2815 High school graduate
9.4% 2005 College - Masters degree
1.5% 314 No Answer
0.9% 194 College - PhD
Your marital status:
48.6%10365 Single
28.7% 6126 Married
15.4% 3290 Divorced
2.3% 482 No Answer
1.5% 317 Separated
First child:
72.2%15387 none
17.6% 3745 male
10.2% 2167 female
First child age:
21.6% 4599 4-6
16.1% 3425 7-12
15.5% 3297 13-17
6.4% 1362 18+
4.3% 925 3 or under
Second child:
79.5%16949 none
13.6% 2899 male
6.8% 1454 female
Second child age:
20.1% 4292 4-6
15.9% 3390 7-12
14.0% 2981 13-17
3.8% 819 18+
2.6% 549 3 or under
Third child:
86.9%18524 none
9.8% 2096 male
3.2% 682 female
Third child age:
19.7% 4206 4-6
13.2% 2812 13-17
13.2% 2811 7-12
1.8% 389 18+
1.1% 236 3 or under
Forth child:
90.4%19282 none
7.9% 1692 male
1.5% 327 female
Forth child age:
18.9% 4031 4-6
12.9% 2746 7-12
12.2% 2601 13-17
0.9% 185 18+
0.6% 133 3 or under
Fifth child:
91.9%19586 none
7.4% 1578 male
0.7% 139 female
Fifth child age:
18.6% 3965 4-6
12.4% 2650 13-17
12.1% 2589 7-12
0.5% 109 18+
0.4% 89 3 or under
Studies have shown a correllation between content in the media and behavior in select areas. What is your level of concern with Lowered academic performance:
40.9% 8709 No Answer
23.1% 4920 Concerned
15.5% 3303 Not concerned
13.4% 2864 Very concerned
7.1% 1509 Indifferent
Your level of concern with Violent and aggressive behavior:
40.4% 8608 No Answer
22.4% 4784 Very concerned
18.0% 3837 Concerned
14.2% 3030 Not concerned
4.9% 1046 Indifferent
Your level of concern with Poor social skills:
40.5% 8633 No Answer
22.0% 4692 Concerned
15.8% 3359 Not concerned
14.1% 3012 Very concerned
7.5% 1609 Indifferent
Your level of concern with Increased likelihood of drug/alcohol abuse:
40.8% 8702 No Answer
18.7% 3985 Not concerned
17.6% 3761 Very concerned
16.1% 3426 Concerned
6.7% 1430 Indifferent
Your level of concern with Increased likelihood of early sexual activity:
40.7% 8682 No Answer
19.6% 4179 Very concerned
16.7% 3556 Concerned
16.4% 3497 Not concerned
6.5% 1390 Indifferent
What do you think is the best solution for dealing with inappropriate content on television and in video games?
52.0%11090 People/parents should control access
23.9% 5094 Government should regulate
16.3% 3485 Some government regulation but not much
3.9% 826 Nothing - this is not an issue
0.4% 84 No Answer
What do you think is the best solution for dealing with inappropriate content on the Internet?
47.6%10150 People/parents should control access
27.6% 5876 Government should regulate
17.1% 3642 Some government regulation but not much
3.6% 764 Nothing - this is not an issue
0.7% 147 No Answer
If you were to use an access control device that would restrict usage based on a schedule set by parents, which would you endorse?
28.2% 6016 Personal attention
26.2% 5594 An Access Control Device that would restrict a device's usage without authorization
14.7% 3127 The V-chip being built into all components
5.3% 1140 Nothing - this is not an issue
If an access control device were available, how likely would you purchase one?
32.7% 6961 Unlikely
16.3% 3466 Probably
15.9% 3390 Maybe
11.5% 2445 Not sure
11.1% 2376 Definitely
6.9% 1474 Probably buy two or more
1.3% 278 No Answer
0.9% 188 Definitely buy two or more
How much would you be willing to pay for such a device?
23.1% 4932 Less than $39.95
18.7% 3994 $69.95 or more
15.3% 3269 $39.95
14.9% 3166 $49.95
12.7% 2707 No Answer
11.9% 2539 $59.95
From what source would you most likely purchase such a device?
34.6% 7375 In stores
20.8% 4441 Word of mouth
14.6% 3111 Internet
12.0% 2551 TV commercial
3.9% 822 Infomercial
3.0% 643 Shopping channel
How would you use such a device?
33.0% 7025 Control television access
31.0% 6605 Control Internet access by limiting power to monitor
15.3% 3258 Control video games by limiting video game power
15.0% 3197 Control computer game access by limiting power to monitor
12.6% 2680 Control video games by limiting TV power
If you had something like an access control device, how concerned would you be that your children might attempt to circumvent this protection?
42.6% 9092 Not concerned
38.9% 8289 Somewhat concerned
9.1% 1937 Very concerned
5.9% 1261 No Answer

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