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What are your thoughts on drugs/drug usage?
- Its very possible to take drugs in a responsible manner without long term effects
- I believe that people have the right to treat their bodies however they want. I also thing the the war on drugs is a failing mission which fills prisons and wastes money.
- drugs are stupid and people shouldn’t ruin their lives by taking them, not just because of the side effects but because of money issues too
- nice
- Marijuana, LSD, and Mushrooms are all more harmless then tobacco and alcohol and should be legalized. What the fuck is wrong with getting high if it's for personal reasons. If I want to smoke a plant what gives a larger body the right to say I can't?
- Marijuana, out of all drugs, should be legalized. It's effects have helped numerous people overcome numerous challenges such as seizures and speech impediments. It's a medicine, a damn good one at that. While other "legal" medicines are killing people left and right, weed is over here being all illegal for NO reason. If anything, the harmful legal drugs should be illegalised. Marijuana is great.
- Drugs & addiction have taken alot from me, I think treatment/rehab should be used to "punish" drug offenders.
- I love marijuana
- Do not use unprescribed drugs
- I think some should be legal.
- Drugs usage without prescription by a physician should be strictly avoided
- marijuana is the only drug i think should be idealized
- Drugs especially for young people are done for many reasons; boredom, stress, depression, etc. etc. Illegalizing substances makes abuse worse and more frequent. It also opens up black markets, increases crimes, crowds our jails, and messes up with the economy.
- They should not be distributed to human society
- It is Freaking Amazibng
- People are going to do what they want to do.
- i have no opinion
- I think that educating people about drugs and drug usage is important.
- decriminalization, reducing stigma are the solution to most drug related social problems
- I think drugs should be decriminalised so that the harms associated with them can be more effectively addressed
- It's not black and white. Drugs work on a spectrum of good to bad.
- drugs are bad but it is relaxing
- our government gets about 50,000 budget that goes towards the war on drugs and a majority of that money is spent on marijuana. thats insane! Weed should be legal it has many health benefits and legalizing it will allow the government to set standards on it as well as decide who can buy it. The real war on drugs should be targeted on herion crack cocaine, meth, etc. Marijuana is doing more to help than hurt and there has been no recorded deaths that can be pointed to weed, you cant even overdose on it. So whats the deal government? where are we putting our priorities?
- Drugs should be used safely and responsibly and people need to be educated on how to take drug safely, how much, what to do if things go bad, etc.....humans need to explore their consciousness freely without being persecuted as long as they dont damage others lives......drugs are fine as long as people arent stupid...however if it goes wrong it is the takers fault
- Drugs affect everyone differently. When it comes to the debate of Alcohol vs. Marijuana, Marijuana should not be considered more harmful than alcohol. Alcohol contributes a very large percentage of deaths each year... But in Marijuana's case, no one has ever died from consuming any amount of Cannabis.
- Something to be respected.
- Love them.
- They lead to bad behavior
- You should be able to do drugs if you want. Its your body and you should do what you like.
- bad
- i see drug usage as a normal part of experiencing life,
- I like drugs because they help me be more myself. You never really expect to get addicted, it kind of just happens.
- I like weed, if people do or don't use it makes no difference to me as long as they don't say anything nasty to me about my use of marijuana for pain relief.
- they are good to use medical
- I personally believe no drug should be used unless give by doctor or any medical person.
- mortales y dañinas
- son la perdicion de la gente ya que cada vez son mas las personas adictas a estos tipos de drogas las cuales generan perdición en todos sus sentidos
- Son puras alucinaciones inecesarias
- Son malas en exceso
- Weed is a natural plant that should be legalized and taxed by the goverment. It does no harm.
- It is a human right to choose what you put in your body. No one should interfere with that right.
- Depends on people abuse
- Drugs aren't the problem, people and prohibition are.
- its hard to say what drugs should be legal and illegal when they have such a different effect on each person. Some people shouldn't be allowed alcohol because they just become terrible people on it like those who start fights and other people can easily and maturely handle harder things. I think drugs whether legal or illegal are a balance of overall whats best for society and people's rights to their own choices
- They are awesome and help a lot
- que deberian consumirse con medida
- pues hay que prohibirlas
- Drugs have been around since the done of time and man will use his drugs until the day we are gone. Stricter laws and more government involvement is not the answer. Education and awareness on drugs and alcohol are the only thing that can help people.
- drugs should be prohibited, because as soon as you've tried it. You are addicted to it!!!
- People self medicate, no matter the laws
- son malas ,los que slo consumen de tener vien encuenta sus daños
- que esta bien
- I consider it a social problem generated by governments
- All ok moderation
- El consumo desmedido es causa de todo mal social y personal
- Its a personal.choice and should be okay if used responsibly.
- detras de las drogas hay muchos intereses economicos en los que se ven involucrados los gobiernos de varios paises
- Nothing
- it depends on the drug
- Do it, but not to the point where it will ruin your life. Try everything once
- should be another way in which the young have fun and avoid falling into drug use
- I feel that using drugs and alcohol should be someones personal choice.
- I think they do not exist
- drug addiction is destroying families. children go hunry because of there parents problems.
- can be use it
- some people who prove they can handle themselvse should be allowed to use
- they're should be no legal obligations its up to the person doing it not any one else.
- Pain killers should be given to women with bad period cramps. Psychiatrists shouldn't leave there patients to find another psychiatrist, that's how labeling starts!
- if you can maintain a normal life while using drugs you should be allowed what you like
- i think weed should be legal,and that i should be legal for anyone at the age of 18.
- My own personal experience has demonstrated that medicinal products do not automatically lead you to a path of self destruction. The effect and potency of each drug tends to enhance/exacerbate whatever situation you find yourself within. Apart from caffeine, I do not have a drug habit and can easily live a wholesome life without them, however I only seek to experiment with every recreational drug available out of curiosity.
- I believe many drugs are harmful to society while others are simply good for recreational use.
- A few are good but most area bad for you.
- Drugz r fun
- Certain drugs that aren't excessively detrimental to health (ie, marijunna) should be available. However, the effects of marijuanna should be discussed with students (similar to the education students recieve on sex and alcohol in school). Also, there should be restrictions and laws set concerning the purchase and consumption of marijuanna similar to the restrictions set on the purchase and consumption of alcohol. Basically, marijunna should be treated in the same manner as marijunna.
- i think that people should do what ever they want nomatter what and i feel like the govt and society need to back the fuck off.Also fuck society hatin on niggaz lockin dudes up and shit, use freely and move freely, ya nah mean #617
- awsome
- I think drugs are bad for health, but good for health and stress relief.
- I believe drugs overall has a negative effect inside of a community.
- i believe that some people can handle drugs or need them. i also believe that marijuana is a very good drug and helps alot of people. i also think alcohol should be illegal
- I dont care
- I try to smoke weed once a day.
- i like weed.
- Drugs are used a lot.
- i like them
- they suck
- drug use is ok if done during leisure and not during work.
- I think that most drugs (heroine, LSD, etc) should be illegal, though I support marijuana for medical purposes such as for treating anxiety and depression. I myself have anxiety and depression and I would consider using marijuana with lowered THC levels to treat myself.
- im 13..
- I believe doin gpills has no harmful effect
- If you are attracted to, then you have a problem.
- I think alcohol and nicotine should be illegal because of the health risks associated with them, where as things like Marijuana, Pure MDMA, LSD, Psychoactive Mushrooms, Peyote, Salvia, and other psychoactives should be legal, however, I think there should be drug testing for certain jobs where high attention to detail is necessary to be safe, as well as it should be illegal to drive on these substances as your brain is not fully concentrating on driving/ your vision/ hearing is distorted, also there should be more research on these chemicals so we know their long term effects on the body and mind, especially so for the not so heard of substances like DOB, DOC, NBOME25, LSZ, LSA, 2CI, 2CE, ect, as we barely even know the effects not long term. Psychoactive drugs will make people more logical, sociable, and peaceful. Although, I don't think children should take psychoactives because they are unable to fully understand what would be happening, and may become paranoid, I feel as though they would not benefit as much as someone in the teen years or older simply because they don't know that much about the world yet. Also they don't know what the limits are on their body and what the warning signs are if something happens to go wrong. FYI, I'm 17 years old, I've never drank alcohol ever, I've never smoked a single cigarette ever, I used to smoke marijuana everyday, now I smoke every once in a while, maybe once or twice a week a few hits, I've tripped 20 times all within the past year, 15 times on LSD alone, 4 times on DOB, 1 time on both LSD and DOB, and I've rolled on MDMA 2 times.
- Drugs can be used responsibly and medicinally with proper education
- they most be a better control
- Drugs can be hugely beneficial in many ways, they can also be extremely damaging. It ultimately depends on individuals being able to keep a sensible balance. Some drugs that can at first appear harmless (for years) can eventually become evil: e.g. Cocaine.
- It destroys some people's lives.
- All drugs should be reviewed based on medical value, harm to user & harm to others, and classified accordingly. Drugs with risks below a certain limit should be legalised (marijuana, lsd, ecstasy etc). I personally use LSD, Mushrooms, Ecstasy and a few other substances frequently, and I use marijuana and alcohol slightly less frequently .
- Its is dangerous, of course. But if you try a drug once, surrounded by experienced people, nothing should be happening to you. Drugs are neither bad nor good. You can exaggerate using them or you use them for a reason. In the end, it is a matter of opinions.
- i love drugs i wish they came with an accurate warning lable though.
- kmxclz
- As long as people are responsible and know their limits, they are fine. People who abuse substances or go to work or school under the influence are a completely different story. There is a time and place for everything, so make sure it's the right one.
- i think it should be freely used among citezins in the united states so they wont have to kill someone for it
- Drugs are only to be used recreationally or medically, and at that it should always be responsibly. Drugs are only good when used responsibly, and its all up to you're own tastes in drugs. I prefer ones for intellectual and creative purposes, something that has sadly become rare.
- Fun but dangerous, occasional use is fine regular use is bad in every way
- all need lsd
- People that are addicted to herion I don't like, but others don't bother me
- Deal with it.
- everybodys in to there own thing, if it doesnt affect anyone else then theres no issue
- If a person decides that he or she wants to do a specific drug then he or she should have the right to as well as informed about that specific drug. The government should have no role in drug usage or simple possession.
- people should be free to experience what thay want. and if it hurts no other then them self whats the point of using billions on drug regulations?
- do the drug, dont let it do you
- drugs are very addictive and dangerous. alcohol should be illegal.
- alcohol is alot more dangerous than smoking marijuana
- Honestly, most drugs are not that bad for you, some can even help, in moderation. But, too many kids are eager to try something so forbidden. As a country we need to be more open about drugs and their effects. I feel as though most people try a drug for the first time just to see what its like.
- Don't legalize the gateway drug simply because it is a gateway drug, except for medical purposes.
- Personally, I enjoy using drugs on a regular basis. It is fun to me and it is something that I like to do. Some drugs are extremely dangerous (ie. cocaine, methamphetamine, heroine, etc.) however there are also a lot of drugs that are not really that harmful as long as you keep it in regulation (ie. marijuana, alcohol, mushrooms, etc.). I am a huge supporter of marijuana legalization in the US and not just because of the fact that I am a regular marijuana user.
- All drugs have effects on the body. I feel most over the counter medications and perscribed ones are worse than some illegal substances (ex salvia, cannabis) Herbal drugs should be legalized, regulated and taxed to help with the American economy and the drug war. Drug and Alcohol abuse are a psychological problem more than a social problem and should be delt with on a case by case basis.
- If drugs are legalized, people will know what is in them and will not have to risk dirty or diseased utensils when using these drugs
- class
- Marijuana should be legal. The drinking age should be 16 years old.
- people decide if they can use drugs. not government
- rtwb67
- gyz
- Consenting adults should have the right to consume whatever they desire so long as it does not harm other people.
- viva la mriguana
- It is a personal choice, but most drugs are bad.
- I honestly think if the person wants to do drugs then they should be allowed to.
- deben de ser tratados con respeto y cuidadp
- i think no drug is addictive until you start treating people wrong or stealing to get that drug when you start experiencing this feeling take yourself away from it
- drugs must be wisely used
- All drugs should be legalized, the harm of inforcment erases any good.
- i quit doing drugs completely this year, barely drink anymore
- Psychoactive substances are going to be consumed no matter what. Prohibition of said substances only creates an unregulated black market.
- like
- i like weed, great drug right there
- I think that legalising, then highly taxing, mild drugs would be the best way to deal with the drug problem.
- So long as you don't use them too much and don't let them take over your life you should be free to do whatever you wish to do
- todas las drogas deben ser reguladas
- im a penis pal
- Fuck it smoke snort anything as long as ur happy!!!
- Some people are just not meant to take anything. Do your research before you shove some random chemicals into your body.
- People who use drugs simply to get high are weak-minded. I find theres no real reason to do so
- I don't believe in using threats of violence to keep a person from ingesting a substance.
- People do what they want. Let them be stupid and if they want help people should help them.
- The punishment of drug use should not exceed the punishment of the drug itself.
- I believe drugs should be more closely monitored except for weed.
- i love sdr
- if you are in control of yourself and your behaviors, then experimenting with some (NOT hard) drugs can sometimes actually be a good learning experience and can teach you a lot about yourself.
- Stimulants help me get work done.
- ....
- Marijaunna , Alcohol , and DXM are the only drugs I have ever tried . Personally I would never do any other drug all the other drugs out there are disgusting and shouldn't be legal.
- deberian estar proibidada
- I think it is a very important experience to the developing mind. It also helps with creativity and has certianly given me loads to write about in the past. From the best times of being with friends and having a good time to the worst times of freaking out in a horrifying and violent manner, i feel that all of these experiences were necessary.
- i think that young people aren't educated enough on what the effects are, so that causes more issues than it would if we just told them about it, and educated them.
- Don't use them to be cool, use them to help you cope.
- I like them
- Most drugs should be legalised so that the industry can be more tightly controlled e.g. 'cleaner' drugs, less drug related crime, getting a better deal, no black markets, etc
- if you trying anything illigeal then you are going to die
- i do not drink because i feel as if alcohol is very dangerous and is the leading causes of deaths and accidents. But if treatment wasnt avaialable for drug addicts then there would be a lot less relapse b/c they know they will have help to fix themselves and go on and on with it knowing that treatment is available. on the other hand im glad there is treatment programs so people who truly want help can obtain it and actually move past their hardships.
- As a long term heroin addict I feel hard drugs need to be tightly controlled. Weed etc, sell it and tax it.
- in moderation where things can be controled there should be no limitations or restrictions
- I have never tried it but I want to because I am curious. I think it is okay, it doesn't damage your brain, it only impairs judgement for a few hours, like alcohol.
- relax
- its fine
- Drugs are good but only for medical use
- las dogras deben ser legalizadas
- se deben de regular para el beneficio de los demas
- I Love Drugs, They Help Me Escape My Problems
- i dont knowwwwwww.
- i think i should be able to consume whatever i want because it is my body and my life smoke weed if i want to
- Some drugs have very bad side effects/ withdrawal symptoms and should stay illegal. Some illegal drugs (mdma, lsd) are less harmful than current legal drugs (alcohol) and should be legalised.
- Very easy to take it too far.
- After using many drugs, marijuana is my favorite. I use it to sleep, eat, study, and function throughout the day.
- We should legalize and regulate drugs, so that the users are better protected (no cut drugs). In addition, the criminal organizations will lose the majority of their profits
- There are many substances around the world that can clearly be labeled inappropriate. drugs can be useful and harmful in completely different ways. Imagine yourself walking down a dark alleyway. suddenly a large, scary, hooded man grumbles loudly, "HEY" he tosses a large, loaded syringe with a peculiar white, clear fluid into his hands "tick this in your arm you feel pretty cool!". What if you were to try and injected drug, or possibly your curios child? The worst scare, is this man in the alleyway is very possible! Hundreds of people say, "lets shoot up some herein; we can all snort some crystal too!". These few people make all illegal substances appear equal-event, to "the worst" abused substances. People will often find them selves in similar situations. Large reports and authority acts have been taken place to prevent any drugs being used, sold, or trafficked into our country. This is great, and will better help our drug problem in America. I am much younger than you would expect. being as young as i am i can get, any and all add/adhd medications, opiods from hydrocodon, to herion. i am also one call away from any sort of nicotine or alcohol.
- Always research before putting anything in your body, especially illicit drugs. I did my research on marijuana, and found few negative side affects on it. For prescription drigs, I have a prescription for adderol so I have a reason for it.
- well just wait!!! this is my own personal opinion!! well i THINK drugs are STUPID cause on eday you are gonna have an over dose and die.same with alcohol cause one day you are going to wanna drink alot that day and as soon as you take that 30th shot you drop to the ground and die
- In moderation, it's fine. once you get to be a daily user, that's addiction. Doing drugs like meth, heroin, and crack are messed up and completely out of the question.
- fun
- Legalize marijuana
- I like drugs
- drugs kick ass
- Some drugs are much too dangerous to have readily available, but drugs such as Marijuana, which is less dangerous than both alcohol and nicotine, should be legal. This would also take a lot of the danger out of shady drug deals (at least for marijuana).
- I beleive the disease model of addiction is correct, and that substance abuse should be a medical/education/rehabilitation issue, not a legal one. The Netherlands has an effective drug policy.
- I believe responsible educated use of most drugs by adults of their own free will for recreation is completely fine. It would reduce crime immensely if it were legalized and put more tax money in the hands of the government versus a multi billion dollar industry completely on the black market
- Expand your mind and deal with pain
- Drugs are very mind opening
- Know what you're getting in to.
- Drugs aren't bad mmkay. But they can be bad, that's why people need to be educated about them truthfully not propaganda. Basically if you need to legalize some they would have to be mushrooms and marijuana for sure and most likely peyote and lsd aswel. Also MDMA because even though it is bad there are too many people out there taking pills with who knows what in them but this wouldn't be a problem if regulated by the government.l
- I currently don't use any drugs. I cut back on drinking. I cut back on smoking marijauna. I believe if there was more eduction on the proper managing of marijauna and alcohol the world would be a better place.
- Alcohol is extremely harmful, and damaging to society. I feel marijuana should be legalized, but should have a usage limit and age limit.
- All I want to be is El Chapo
- It is becoming normalised, especially party type drugs such as ecstacy. I think some drugs could be legalised and thus be taxed rather than costing the country lots of money to police. If you look at Amsterdam they don't have an uncontrollable rate of cannabis use despite it being legalised. It can also help regulate the purity of drugs available. I don't have a strong opinion on drugs in general though.
- drugs are bad
- Obama should smoke dope with the holy man!
- You have a short time on this earth. I'm an atheist, so I don't believe in an afterlife. If there's a substance that makes you feel amazing, and it doesn't cause too much harm, why not use?
- I don't understand why people feel they need drugs in their lives to function
- Nothing
- Las drogas no deben legalizarce porque ocacionaria mas adiccion de esta droga.
- There should be more control on it
- I think that drugs should be higher regulated. Marijuana should never become legalized because our work force would become inefficient and lazy.
- Las drogas y el alcohol deben ser muy controlados, solo paa usos medicinales, nunca se debe abusar de su consumo
- drugs are good
- I don't really care if people do it it's their own opinion of the issue
- Drug users affect those who don't use them as they to behave badly even in public. The users of drugs such as nicotine pollute the environment making other people develop discomfort as well as allergies.
- Drugs can be very helpful when used responsibly.
- Prohibition doesn't work. Drugs are all differents. Some could be used (medecine,...) such as marijuana, lsd, iboga...
- Hallucinogens should be legal at safe-use facilities. Legalize Marijuana.
- Not a fan about many drugs, am only interested in marijuana. I feel marijuana should be legalized under the circumstances and the studies that show how their are not many negatives to marijuana.
- Relaxing, Helpful to a degree
- I think that if someone researches a drug they are planning to use carefully, they should by all means use it.
- Depends on if the person has depression and is self medicating to the point where it becomes self harm. I respect experimentation.
- I think that drug usage can be a good way to expand one's mind and alter one's consciousness.
- I think that drugs are super harmful, I don't find it okay.
- Well, I've only had a sip of coffee and a sip of my moms wine a couple times;gross
- There's way too much stigma and misinformation surrounding the issue to have an intelligent debate regarding what the problems are and how to solve them.
- As long as it only physically effects the user they should be legalized if there is no high risk of harm to another person. Drugs like acid should be illegals and drugs like marijuana legalized
- I think that all drugs are awesome. I have no addictions whatsoever, the people around me are very frank about it. All of my friends are heroin addicts, and they are always telling each other "You're addicted." Then they say "No I'm not." But no one has ever said this to me, so I know I'm not addicted
- it is a way to forget reality but hurts
- It doesnt depend on the drug, but the person. I myself have an extremely addictive personality, so therefore, i have tried bigger and i guess "harder" drugs, but besides me having an addictive personality, I also have a straight head, and understand that there's more to life than getting f**ked up. I'm just smart enough to understand the limits.
- some drugs are good some drugs are bad.
- good
- Drugs should be categorized according to their harm to self and society. Drugs are ranked in a obsolete way. Scientists know this, but the government lacks interest and when people find that not all drugs are "that bad" they start growing curiosity about other drugs that can be potentially harmful. If the government changed the way they rate drugs, it would be a major step to the protect teens and others.
- Some drugs are less harmful than others, and the government and D.A.R.E. both fail to acknowledge this.
- Prohibition doesn't change much. And only few drugs change you for the worse.
- Some drugs, used wisely, can be very beneficial.
- Moderation. Legalize.
- drug such as marijuana should not be categorized as a drug and must be legalized
- i believe that drugs such as marijauna and alcohol can be used in moderation, i also believe drugs like coke are extremely harmful to you and many different ways, and is horribly addictive. i think people need to just regulate themselves.
- It is your body do what you want with it
- Should be legalized
- i think most drugs are bad except for two.marijuana and cocaine are alright.i like smoking marijuana
- No pueden llamar tonto a quien fuma un perro e inteligente a quien mata en el ejercito
- Moderation
- bad and danger
- Drug is a word that coverts many substances, so its not fair to say they're all abd. Some are just passe things for kids, while other ruin lives. Ie, some are bad, some arent.
- some drugs, such as marijuana, MDMA, LSD are no where near as harmful as alcohol, and therefore shouldnt be illegal
- that is something that has to be controlled to be less consumption
- Marijuana is harmless. Alcohol can be dangerous. Opiates are by far the most enjoyable, therefore very dangerous and addictive
- Son malos para la salud y para los jovenes
- Marijuana will only lead to greater drugs if that person is in a bad state of mind.
- its not good
- I love perscription pills
- I think many drugs are great and some shouldn't exist
- Drug and alcohol usage is fine the way it is . The only improvement is making certain drugs legal and more easily available .
- I love drugs, they are my passion.
- down to the indivdual, as long as it's in moderate use and not harming anyone else, it shouldnt be too much on an issue. although i dont think this applies to all drugs ie heroin
- Drugs and the usage of them should be illegal and nobody should do them
- It can be dangerous but nessecary for medical reasons at times.
- Drugs are good if used with respect
- it's fine for recreation and parties, but needs to be controlled and dealt with more for addicts
- Drugs are something that should only be handled by mature individuals
- marijuana and alcohol should be legal but other than that it should stay the same
- I think that drugs are bad. I think you shouldnt use them
- I think that as long as drugs are taken under good circumstances there should be no problem, friends should watch each other and talk freely about their opinions about (someone's) drug usage.
- It's my choice to use psychoactive substances, no on else's. I should not be punished and treated as a criminal for making this personal decision.
- cool
- All depends on usage, education, and acceptance
- its all ok, people just need to learn limits
- Drugs can be of benefit but they can also cause problems if abused.
- It is very bad.
- i no longer use any drugs. but i use to because it was fun, peer pressure, eased social anxiety for me, creative thinking etc
- Almost all drugs are relativley harmless when used in moderation and in their pure form
- MORE!!!!!!!
- Drugs are misunderstood
- It's the person that is held responsible, ALWAYS
- I believe all drugs should be legal. Drug use should be treated as a health problem and not a criminal offense. This would save lives, money, and weaken criminal organizations. It would also improve the lives of those with drug problems that cannot afford to address it because of legal reprocussions.
- Well, as long as you aren't doing something hard, go for it. As for those shoving their beliefs down others throats, live and let live.
- Prohibition (and therefore lack of education) causes more deaths than the drugs themselves. Legalising, putting on a market specifically for drugs where they are tested and exactly what the company says they are (much like food) is what we should be striving for. I cannot see it happening for 20+ years though.
- We are temples of God, we shouldn't ruin his beautiful and amazing creation.
- I think most people don't know the truth about drugs, they only know what the government wants them to hear. Certain drugs don't even cause any long-term health issues so it doesn't make sense for them to be illegal. I think as long as you aren't hurting anyone but yourself, you shouldn't be punished by the government.
- I think alcohol should stay right where it is, as well as tobacco. But I believe marijuana should be legalized, or, at the very least, decriminalized. There is absolutely no sense in punishing people for using something natural that has no adverse side effects, no risk of addiction, and does not cause belligerence.
- your mom is a fat cunt
- i think certain drugs should be legal but for the most part, well other than marijuana everything should stay the same.
- no deverian existir, hacen daño y probocan adiccion
- government is gay
- Everything should be legal.
- drugs
- Using drugs can be fun recreationally but there are some that are very dangerous to the users health. I believe these latter ones should be controlled - but who decides what dangerous means? One must consider how frequently alcohol causes death (esp. with respect to motor vehicle accidents) and question if drug control is being approached in the best way.
- Drugs and their usage are okay if kept moderated and certain drugs should be legalized so that they are not laced with other, harder, more dangerous drugs
- drugs should not be legalized
- if responsible you can have a great time
- Psychedelics create conscious people
- I think in moderation, certain drugs and alcohol are okay.
- Marijuana should be legalized.
- I wake and bake everyday. After a while there is a certain clarity that allows you to see amazing detail. I use it for relaxation and sleep habits along with alcohol to escape my reality.
- Regulation and control can win the "War on Drugs"
- drugz r00l
- Alcohol is great, a truly great substance. There is no need for any other drug.
- I feel that all illegal drugs should remain illegal because us human beings have a tendency to moreso "abuse" the power of drug usage
- drugs are the best. All drugs should be legalized.
- It should be up to the person taking them and nobody else. (unless you're still a minor in which case you shouldn't be able to go do drugs freely)
- I think that most drugs should be legal, because I think that you should be able to spend your money on whatever you want as long as you're not harming anyone.
- Drugs aren't as much of a problem as many people seem to think they are. The main problem with drugs is that we are focused on punishing users instead of rehabilitating them. Using drugs is a personal choice, but if people want to reduce drug use, they should focus on educating people about the harmful effects of drugs as well as treatment options that are available.
- Moderation is the key
- I feel SOME drugs are okay to do a few times in your life like psychedelics. Other drugs such as meth, ecstasy, and cocaine should be completely wiped off the planet because they can completely destroy someones life.
- los excesos son malos
- Certain drugs, namely marijuana and psychedelics should be decriminalized.
- Marijuana and acid and mushrooms are good. They should be the only drugs legalized and alcohol should be given to kids.
- legalize it all.
- education and moral and social duty
- The people who use it just to satisfy and fill a void that's inside, the way should be the legalization of soft drugs but only and under strict rules and safety measures to users while they stipulate that the addict must attend obligatoriamenmte Rehabilitative therapies.
- Drugs are dangeros, they will harm the society
- todos los exesos son malos
- en todos los casos hasta en las cosas mas sencillas, el problema son los excesos.
- Drugs like Mushrooms/Acid that enhance the senses or mentality should be decriminalized, especially since alcohol etc. cause way more problems to the society. We need to stop this ultra-forbid-everything government. Let people think for themselves as long as they don't harm others in their actions.
- The drugs which can cure us should not be prohibitted by law but they should be taken only after prescription. And other dangerous drugs should be banned in any case.
- Education is to key. Everything is good in moderation. Too much of anything can make you an addict.
- People should know and understand the drugs they are using. Marijuana is a harmless drug, but others should have caution taken.
- lcohol and nicotine kill more people than any other drugs and its legal so all drugs should be made legal. It would educe crime and violence and erraadicate drug cartels.
- Alcohol should be swapped over for marijuana, with the same laws (i.e. 18/21 legal age) and coffee shops should take over pubs.
- Helps me deal with this crazy world.
- If it dosnt effect others dont worry about it let it be a social problem not a legal one.
- I've always used Marijuana responsibly, and I always will. I still smoke it, and it benefits my health. I have ADHD, so marijuana has drastically helped me improve. Marijuana saved my life.
- Drugs are not an inherently bad thing. they are very useful psychological tools taht can do a great deal of benefit to their users, from helping them with personal psychological issues to just helping them have a good time with friends. However, like most powerful tools, put in the wrong hands they can be ruinous. much like you wouldnt say a buzz saw is a dangerous tool that needs to be illegalized because some people are to stupid to safely use them, drugs should not be dismissed as harmful because some losers can be consumed by them
- smoke weed all day! 420
- The government needs to stop trying to regulate plants like marijuana that grow naturally. Humans have been using drugs and alcohol for thousands of years and it will never end so enforcement efforts are futile.
- Awesome as mofo
- not to bad depending on what you do.
- naice
- Do not legalization weed
- Drugs are a drain on the economic success of our nation. The world would be better without them (prescription drugs for medical use exempted of course).
- Drogas solo para curar no para matar
- education is key
- Drugs are good if you're smart and know what you're doing.
- The law shouldn't interfere with drugs. The user is responsible for any negative drug experiences. Education on all drugs is vital.
- i feel gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
- No me gustan las drogas
- Trying anything in the correct and harm reducing methods are totally fine.
- I think drugs are good for medicine purposes & occasional good times. Not an overdose or abuse or addiction. Me & my friends Jasmine, Hannah, & Sara do weed every once in a while on special occasions. We also take pills & stuff but rarely.
- Self-educate before you use, and there'd be less problems with drugs. I believe some drugs should be legalized, such as marijuana and possibly some psychedelics, as I have heard of them being useful for treating mentally disordered people.
- Certain drugs free your mind, open your heart, and connects the universe to your soul.
- Drugs that are unharmful such as marijuana are acceptable
- I believe drugs don't make you so much stupid, as much as they open your mind to new realities and new worlds. Drugs allow people to view the world and beyond in ways no other can imagine. Drugs can be very useful and beneficial or dangerous and addictive. The key to drug usage, is knowing your limits and education about the drug.
- I believe that most drug users and pdistributors are not inherrantly violent or predispositioned towards any specific social action. I belive the law drives much of the violence behind the industry. I firmly beleive that drugs such as marijuana should be legalized, while I understand this will never happen I am an advocate the decriminalization of it.. I also beleive in the decriminalization of substances such as LSD and Cocaine. Each has been shown to be less harmful than alcohol consumption so criminalization due to harmful effects cannot consitute its societal ban. The harsh regulization of society is what leads to much of the turmoil and violence that plauges our society, not the substances that are used to relive the stress of such harsh mandates and laws.
- The drugs are bad thing
- Too much of anything is bad.
- It's really good fun and should be completely legal for any consenting adult. People need to learn more about the drugs they take and be more responsible about it.
- it will always go on
- all drugs should be legal
- I'm only okay with people smoking marijuana. When I say I'm okay with it, I mean I'm okay with people doing it occasionally. I don't understand why some peope do it every single day. That's what bothers me.
- Used responsibly, drugs are a lot safer than many activities which are completely accepted in today's world
- Drug usage is up to the person in question. It helps some people, it destroys others.
- I think we should be like Europe where they are alot more comfortable with alcohol. I want weed to be legal but then there will be taxes but I don't think people should think weed is as bad as they make it. I don't think its bad at all if you watch your usage and don't let it become your life. Weed stimulates the mind and is natural so I don't know why people hate on it.
- shouldnt be illegal
- Look this is how im gonna drop it, 1000 people in a room all on coke or alchohol or acid or (hard drugs) your gonna have problems like fights, deaths etc. Plus these drugs cause people to act in ways which are a dangerous to others . I know cause ive had em. 1000 people in a room with weed or 1000 people sober I very much doubt you would have so many issues with violence etc. Alchohol destroys lifes all over the world, so why should that be legal? Because the market for it is supporting the way we have grown a custom to living. Why not let weed be a part of this because bottom line if you dont agree with weed get your rock music and throw it away. Get you regae and throw it away infact just throw most of ya music away. And I get that ganja has risks etc, but can you tell me how thats anybody elses business except my own. There are health risks when you smoke cigarettes, drink red bull, drink beer, drink wine, eat, have sex, get in a car, get on a plane, answer your mobile phone etc. does that mean all these things should be illeagal? Your going to harm your fellow man much more than me having a spliff when ya drive home tonight cause that shits gonna kill us all. Look they wont legalize stuff cuz they think it will destract us and ultimatly extract us from society which they dont want cuz they need you to work for our system to exist as we know it. Plus there are risks of alienating people in society that feel strongly against substances such as weed (you know those that havnt tried it and hear DRUGS and think well that must be bad thats your answer the risks outweigh the financial gains
- psychedelics should be legalized for medical research. drug use should be left up to the individual.
- It is morally unacceptable to tell people what they can and cannot consume, I also believe marijuana is very beneficial for society and should be legalized.
- Social drugs such as weed and MDMA should be legalised or at least decriminalised.THe focus should be on clamping down on hard drugs such as coke, crack and herroin. I think these drugs are a problem to society, wheras i think that social drugs are much less of a problem than alcohol is. I would sooner see that illegalised than weed and MDMA.
- Non-Harmful drugs such as cannabis, mushrooms and LSD should be decriminalized, while hard drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamines should stay illegal..
- i dont even know anymore
- There are those who can handle occasional drug use, and there are those who can't. You need to get a feel for who you are and not use drugs if you feel as though you're at risk for addiction or negative experiences.
- Drugs should be used responsibly. Always using drugs should never be the base. Certain people should be able to use drugs where necessarily. Marijuana should be legal, if alcohol is, considering it is less dangerous. Marijuana (and other weaker drugs, like caffiene, NOT including alcohol) should be legal, as long as you don't use them inappropriately (like all of the time, or with great promotion to people who choose not to use). LSD should be allowed for spiritual use, but the person should be well informed. I believe that an interesting law would be a "drug license". If a person is deemed responsible, and well-educated on that drug, they should be able to buy and use it. They would be punished for overuse, and very strongly punished, and have their license remor distributing to those who do not have a license. There is a better way to control drugs by saying all strongly psychoactive drugs except alcohol should be illegal. With sense and organization, certain drugs should be legal. Extremely addictive drugs like Meth should not be legal. Keep in mind that LSD is often used responsibly anyway, and should not be as illegal as it is.
- drugs are perfect for evolution, that's why they should be legal. if people know how to use them, then they'll use them properly. and they are smart and should remain living. if they do not know how to use a drug but abuse it then it would make sense in the evolutionary-sense that they would die. only the strong/smart survive.
- I don't believe there should be mandatory drug tests. It is an invasion of personal privacy, and usually the only ones that are caught are marijuana users, which is the least we should be worrying about when it comes to moral. Drugs are forms of perception, and each and every one of us have different reactions. If you can't handle something, DON'T DO IT. If you can, why the fuck not? If you're not hurting anyone/thing, it shouldn't be a problem. Government has grown too large over these many years and taken control of the public, when we should be the ones in control. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS! Peace. <3
- Is a huge problem, but education for youngsters is paramount at controlling the drug population. Addicts cannot be helped in this manner, but the younger generation who haven't been exposed can
- drugs that can be used medically are ok for people who need that. Also drugs that are not bad for you and are not toxic like marijuana are ok.
- People need to be educated on the actual truth with drugs especially marijuana and alcohol.
- I believe all drugs that are not considerably addictive and/or pose major health problems should be 100% legal. All other drugs should be decriminalized.
- In a short and simply put manor, I believe drug use should be available for everyone; and though I personally do not agree with the use of most, it is opne's own right to experiment and use drugs in the way they see fit.
- Drugs which cause none or minimal harm to others should be legal
- Not sure that drugs should be legalized, but drug users should be offered help when caught rather than jailed. It's more helpful to get them back on their feet, saves money, and keeps room in prisons for real criminals.
- Each individual is reacts differently to different substances, so blanket laws and regulations are not effective or reformative. We tried to save people from their selves regarding drug use by making all drugs illegal via the war on drugs, ineffectively. The world as a whole should adapt a more compassionate role in helping those who seek help for their drug problems, while letting others who are doing no harm to others, live life and experience what they will, and learn lessons in the manner they see best.
- Drugs destroy the population. Drug education and rehabiliation is vital.
- i like turtles
- Drugs are a test to a person's mental strength. When someone fails, it's their fault, not the drugs.
- More realistic education should replace programs such as DARE. Drug use ought to be treated as a medical issue, not a criminal one.
- DRugs are pretty awsome. kinda like cheat code for real life.
- hard drug usage should stay illegal marijuana should become legal not because i smoke it, but because it would probably help with crime. people would no longer have to sell it and that would make for less problems. also i believe if alcohol is legal then there really is no fight as to why marijuana would be. people coulf fight that it is unhealthy but smoking cigarettes are illegal to so obviously health is not our many worry.
- If marijuana and psychedelics are used correctly, they can have wonderful personal benefits.
- I think some are fine as long as the person has their life on check and does everything.
- Well most drugs are every dangerous, but i think that if your educated on drugs and you know what your doing its somewhat alright. As long as you know you have the ability to stop at anytime.
- I think that a lot of drugs can be used responsibly and safely If people take the proper precautions and research before taking them. However some drugs such as meth are just terrible.
- I think that caffeine and maruijuianna should be legal it is by far less harmless the Alchol and tobacco.
- All drugs are bad in some way if abused, even soft drugs like caffeine and marijuana. Alcohol is a drug as well. Drugs can enhance the human experience recreationally if used responsibly.
- drugs offer alternative realities and great things, but prohibition has turned them into a taboo, despite most societies acceptance of some sort of drug.
- Drugs should be legal, I aint hurtin no body buy my body
- the war on drugs is the governments last hope to have control over its population racism and hate have cost the american people billions over the years of the drug war
- Fine if used in moderation.
- It's not the chemical, it's how you use it.
- Drugs are there for enjoyment of those who want it, and mentall can handle the effects it brings. Mental stability is the main factor behind drug use, recreation, even medicinal treatment. Everyone is different, why are we all grouped the same?
- I believe marijuana should be legalized since it's effects only help people, but legal drugs such as alcohol should be made illegal since it not only destroys your liver but can kill you. Marijuana as killed nobody where alcohol has killed thousands.
- Every one of these jobs are ridiculous and shouldn't be used for anything, in any circumstance. EXCEPT for marijuana. It should be legalized immediately. Also, alcohol should be banned immediately.
- i used to say i want to marry herion, i loved it that much, it.ruined my life, i went to rehab and two years later im back at it worse than ever. i want to stop so bad and i will. its hard. its a never ending cycle and no one should ever just try it once cuz its not just once. the soultion to this issue is thre is not one. its sad to think i was once a sweet innicoent child, i dont wish this upon anyone. it ruins lives. and familys. i wish there was a magical answer on how to permanentaly drug proof all kids, but there is not. we just have to raise them right, because adults form the children into the people they become, if they grow up around substance abuse its inevatible, they will use too. most of the time with there parents or family. so sad.
- Legalize Marijuana. It is less harmful than legal addictive drugs(Tobacco and Alcohol.
- I think that though miss information people can end up using drugs when they dont understan the effects - not all drugs are horribly dangergous or addictive and many people dont understand the effects on the brain/self. if the actual stimulation was described to kids it might alter their usage
- They are there to help with everyone needs
- anything natural, should not be illegal. first off that just seems wrong to make something that naturally occurs illegal, plus the affects of almost any natural drug are harmless to the person and others around them.
- I think drugs are ok to be used for experimental usage, except meth, crack, and pcp, that's just dumb i've pretty much done everything else and i like it i don't really feel like there is anything wrong with me, as long as one doesn't get addicted to the drugs they are using i don't see why we can't use them
- Drugs are either used by people who are bored or have serious issues
- Drugs kill the soul, and the family surrounding them. Everything, except for Caffeine should be illegal. Alcohol, Marijuana too. ILLegalize it!!!!
- Drug usage can get to a point where it is completely inappropriate. If someone doesn't smoke marijuana (for example) every single day of the year, I think it's ok for them to smoke it. Drugs overall can lead to a bad future and hurt your education if you are a teenager.
- It's okay recreationally, as long as the person can still function
- I think drugs and alcohol help a lot of people with stress and pain.
- It should be up to each individual; the government shouldn't have a right to dictate what people put into their bodies, let alone arrest them for it.
- enforcement does not work
- Use responsibly, in moderation
- I believe there is nothing wrong with drugs and drug usage. The problem is people who abuse it and go around doing stupid stuff making drugs seem like Satan's little helper to the media.
- Alcohol may be used during parties,but drugs should be used only if needed in medical conditions.
- Responsiblity is most important
- Drugs are good
- Myself I like to use some forms of drugs on special occasions but I also make strightly sure I won't become a habit. I don't have a negative attitude towards drugs, however I think everyone should be super careful to keep their drug usage under control because they can get extremely dangerous when things getg out of hand.
- amazing
- Weed is good, meth is bad.
- Drugs like methamphetamine should be completely destroyed, personally speaking, seeing as how I lost years of my life to the drug and can't help but to see myself when I warn teenagers of the serious damage it will cause to their lives. I believe alcohol should only be served in bars, resteraunts, etc., as I believe it would dramatically decrease the rate of alcoholism - if it were harder to get to every day and served by a licensed and trained bartender that is in control to keep underage drinkers sober and legal drinkers below the legal limit to prevent P.I.
- I'm the BIGGEST Drug user in my school. XDD So, I don't know what to really say, but that this survey is a load of worthless crap. XD
- Fuck cops
- More drug use than i expected once i came into the culture, drug prohibition does not work, legalization and education are the ways to go.
- I enjoy them, some should be legalized.
- I believe that in a country that promotes personal freedom, drugs should be legal. As long as you are not hurting anyone else with your drug use, then there should be no problem. Ending the drug war would stop the drug violence in Mexico, save lots of taxpayer money, and create revenue which the United States so desperately needs.
- People should be able to do what they want with their bodies. Marijuna and other drugs should be legalized.
- If they people want to do it then let them. The government could make a lot more money, plus more people would die so there would be more space for the new.
- ---
- Well not all drugs are bad i.e : Chocolate, caffeiene.
- Drug education should be more reliable and focus on safe drug usage
- fun
- Moderation is key!
- Drugs and alcohol open people uo to a new perspective of life unattainable without drugs. They should be readily available for most everyone.
- Moderate use of Marijuana,LSD, MDMA, and some opiates is ok in my opinion.
- I smoke pot around once a week, sometimes more, sometimes less. It enhances my creativity, makes me more sociable, and helps me deal with stress. I have mild-moderate depression, generalized anxiety disorder, and Aspbergers Syndrome. I am fifteen, and I say "Yes we cannabis!" (:
- All should be educated and learn the way drugs affect them and their limits.
- If you use drugs you are not a bad person, weed really needs to be legalized, i smoke everyday and have high 90s in school. All other drugs that are hard and actually dangerous should stay illegal like cocaine.
- Drugs are okay in moderation, if they aren't used at times when you need to be doing other things.
- Drugs can be good or bad depending on how you use them.
- I love drugs way too much.
- drug give addiction
- I believe that most drugs should be legal for either recreational or prescription use with the exception of meth and heroin.
- It can be fun and useful, can also cause lots of problems. Moderation is key.
- Certain drugs such as heroin and cocaine have no real benefit whatsoever. Marijauna on the otherhand is harmless and does have benefits for pain relief.
- I think that marijuana is less harmful than alcohol and tobacco, therefore, it should be legalized. If anything were to be illegal, I think it should be tobacco products. They kill so many people a year, and they aren't even trying to stop the selling of the products!
- it is bad
- I think drugs are an important part of pursuing happiness for some people. I believe people should have a right to experiment with psychoactives if they want to as long as they don't drive or endanger others. I do not believe that people should be incarcerated for non-violent drug offenses ever. Marijuana and natural psychodelics should be legalized in my opinion. I would not take back my substance use if I could, it has helped me see the world another way and taught me a lot about myself. However, I do think moderation is the best way to use drugs/alcohol as excessive use has set my life back somewhat.
- I think that marijuana should be legalized for a variety of reasons. One, it is absolutely no more dangerous than drinking, period. Two, it isn't addicting. Three, Nobody has ever died from it. Four, it has a wide variety of medicinal purposes. And finally, it's the best.
- Marijuana is not harmful and is useful for medical reasons. Hard drugs that have serious risk towards the user are the main problem and should be more tightly regulated. Alcohol is not a problem with me however it is with many people but would be too hard to strictly regulate.
- I think that if someone wants to use a drug the government should let them. It is their overall choice to do it. No one should control that.
- Drugs should be used at your own will. Don't be taking drugs all the time. The more drugs you consume, the more they will affect your health and create problems.
- some drugs are alright for people to use. marijuana isnt as harmfull as alchol and yet it is illegal. thats fucked up
- its bad
- The reason people abuse them if becuase they searching for something more, or want to be feel something different that normal life can't offer them. I think people just want to be happy and feel love.
- There should be a better education on how to use drugs safely. Also, marijuana should be legalized.
- If you use marijuana once in a while it is fine but harder drugs are really bad .
- Drugs can do beautiful things; users simply must act responsibly and know their own limits.
- Drugs that come from the ground, salvia, marijuana, peyote, etc. They should be completely legalized. For drugs that are refined laws should be set on them, less strict laws, but laws. However partaining to marijuana laws, they are futile and useless and should immeaditly be completely repealed if anyone even has a tiny drop of sense. Note that I have never used marijuana, although i know people who do. Thank you for your time and consideration.
- they are good
- I don't really know.
- Marijuana is safer than liquor
- The only drug I agree with is marijuana.
- its not good and it will kill you if you dont stop.
- its really personal choice and the people you hang out with.
- Drugs change the way you think of things. If you think you can handle what drugs do to your brain, than try things a few times. As soon as you feel uncomfortable is when you stop doing everything.
- Certain drugs are okay when used in moderation.
- it is great.
- I enjoy drugs.
- its aqwesome
- marijuana should be legal and drinking
- i think that there are some people out there who use drugs in a bad way like using crack and stuff but weed and alc. is fine
- The use of drugs and alcohol are a bad COMBINATION because the person can die from an overdose, alcohol consumption in ex causes destruction of homes and families.
- Legalize, regulate and employ for medicinal or psychological needs, and for artistic creativity.
- Weed should be legal, it will make ciggerette usage and cancer rates go down. You can't die from weed and its stupid that something like cigerettes is legal but can kill you and weed is illlegal but can't kill you.
- el uso de drogas se debe penalizar mas severamente en el caso de los adolescentes
- Everyone should have the right to put anything they want in their body and have access to the information they want about it.
- ok
- it is a big problem
- dank.
- Drugs exist in everything we eat and drink, so we need better law in the matter
- There needs to be more control of these drugs coming into our country
- They should be used at your own descretion.
- I think most drugs should be legal, excluding some such as heroin and crystal meth. If somebody wants to do drugs it is their life and their choice to do so. I don't think society should be able to control what substances people can and can not use.
- i feel neatural about it
- It's a personal choice.
- Marijuana should be lagalized
- Drug use will never stop. there will always be an addict/alchoholic It will always be there
- If people want to ruin themselves let em do it. drugs should be legalized.
- Drugs aren't bad, it's what people do. There is a difference between a drug user and a drug abuser.
- Making drugs illegal just makes them more appealing to people.
- Drugs are overtaking youth; it is readily available, and, unfortunately, it's everywhere. Whether you know it or not, you
- Marijuana should be legalized, if not the penalties should be lowered.
- The key to saving our youth from drugs, is to educate them on the risks, and to cure those who have fallen in to addiction. Drugs users shouldn't be considered as criminals, but as people who may or many not need help. Also, I believe, that responsible drug use is possible, and I disagree with people who take drugs when they no nothing about it.
- It's everyone's own decision. People should be informed better about drugs.
- Always have the control of what you're taking and how much/how often. It should not come to an addiction and it shouldn't be harmful to your body.
- should be monitored
- Just stay responsible and accountable for your actions
- muy malas
- I have no stake in the legalization of all drugs however countries that have all drugs available on prescription have much lower usage rates than here so I think that should be done for addictive substances. Hallucinogens which are not physically addictive should be completely legal considering they do far less harm than drugs which are already legal.
- Prohibition has never worked and never will. Bringing the black market to the "white market" , or taxed/legal market, would cut gang money.
- I think drugs can be very helpful medically as well as psychologically. I believe drugs with minimal harm, such as marijuana, should be legalized.
- I love drugs, but they ruin lifes if you put your drug priorities before your important ones
- Drugs are bad.
- hey hey smoke errday
- dgjk
- Some drugs if used properly an develop you as a person?open your mind and give huge possibilities? some can help dealing with problems and stress - they are not a desision,but they can help you to make the right one.But use them properly and respect them.
- Many illegal substances can be used positively, and should be legalized.
- It's nice on occasion.
- it seems drugs help you cope with life and stress issues but at the end of the day all your doing is fucking up your life more then it already is. drugs are just an easy way out for cowards i learned the hard way.
- the best
- I believe we should focus on preventing the personal problems that people face that cause them to turn to drugs and alcohol. I also believe that marijuana is a plant, not a drug and should be legal.
- I think drug use can be an educational and therapeutic experience when used in a responsible and mature setting by intelligent adults.
- W0o0o0o0o0o0o0oOo0o0o0o0O0o0o0o0o0
- huinidufuhuvufrvvrger9ueiiegd
- I am against limited personal freedoms for personal safety. What you put in your body should be your business. Truthful education should be the deterant.
- Cannabis should definitely be legalized. I think that more truthful education on drugs would be helpful.
- Certain drugs (Marijuana, LSD, Mushrooms, DMT, Mescaline, Etc.) of the mind-expanding variety should be legalized. However, the harder drugs with ACTUAL scientific research showing their addictive potentials should remain illegal.
- Potential users should be warned about drugs and drugs should carry an age limit... certain drugs should not be available unless on prescription (certain addictive opiates) but people should be educated and taken care of rather than criminalised..
- Responsibility and moderation
- I think everyone should be free to make their own mistakes
- poop
- stay baked nd wasted :)
- i should be able to use any thing i want
- due to lack of education on the government's part, safer drugs such as cannabis and ecstasy remain illegal when alcohol and tobacco are not, this is obserd and i believe the goverment need to take a long hard look at the real underlying reasons that they classify drugs the way they do!
- Every year thousands of people die of alcohol abuse and of other drugs, but nobody has ever died from Marijuana abuse. Other than being risk-free, it has countless medical benefits, such as helping with Parkinsons.
- It is bad for you and can ruin ur life
- Drugs are ok in moderation
- fun
- No opinion
- Most drugs can be bad for you and addictive. Marijuana should be legalized because it isn't addictive, makes life seem better, and you'll be happy.
- I like doing drugs, that is when i have some spare cash like 50 pounds for a gram of cocaine or 25 for a half gram, which is rediculous money but i still waste mine on the drug like everyone else i know, cannabis i smoke everyday as soon as i wake, my life seems better this way, however if i wasnt so addicted to weed, and i didnt get so stressed with loved ones when i try and quite, i would really like to quite and only smoke at partys and stuff, but everytime i try i turn into a horrible son, boyfriend, student, so best thing is to get a 10 pound bag of weed and have a smoke, every ounce of stress is then lifted off my shoulders but am unfortunately a lazy stoner again
- Its should matter what you use so long s it's your choice. If your abusing something that's not physically addictive then you have a stupidity problem not a drug problem.
- Drugs can be used in moderation but not misused
- i think people should look up the side effects of te drug they are about to use so they know the right dosage to take and what to expect. i think a lot of studies should be done with magic mushrooms so people can fullly understand their potential. perscription pills should be outlawed except to be given to the very crazy.
- If people wanna fuck up, let them. Then they'll learn. Experience first hand so if you live to tell it, you'll have a story to tell. You can't say shit unless you've done it yourself.
- marijuana is the best drug in the world and should be legalized
- They are bad and should never excist
- Drugs can be used responsibly, but if made legal I believe problems would only be worse
- they should be illegal
- I think chemically altered drugs are bad, but other drugs like marijuana that grow from the ground with their affects should be legalized.
- I think depending on certain people/situations it's okay. But this is also only my opinion to a certain degree. I believe if they were more offered, and less for the matured, I feel the number in usage would help lower. Eventually leading to stabling out.
- never
- i'm whatever about the issue
- I luvvvvv them
- drugs that dont serriously mess up your system should be free to everyone under the age of 19 (do to them not being able to make apropriate decitions on there own until at adult age), i think that if someone is ready to try weed, he or she should try it, with no consenquences, but with drugs like heroine, it seriously messes you up so it should be illegal
- I love it.
- Tried most stuff at least once or more. Not under any circumstances but needs to be something that enhances my experience ie. with nature. I think too much of anything is bad but there is nothing wrong with trying most things once. Peace
- kln
- I think naturally occuring substances, such as marijuana and mushrooms, should be legalized. As well as LSD. None of these drugs have adverse affects, (Excluding LSD flashbacks.)
- Bad. Bad. Bad. Bad. Baaaaad.
- i think if people were smarter about them, they could use them. But since they aren't drugs laws are fine where they are.
- Drugs are no where near as bad as people make them out to be, excluding harshest substances meth and heroin. In many cases drugs do not ruin lives, the rules and reactions against them do. Its been my personal experience that marijuana, lsd, mushrooms, ecstasy, etc are non addictive, in my case Cocaine isnt addictive i used it every day for a week then didnt do it again for six months and had no craving towards it. Certain things should be legal other wise people will try other substances that i can see would cause serious health issues such as 'bath salts' 'spice' 'plant food' and RC's in general. Thats my 2 cents, if you wish to contact me with further questions you may at
- Ok
- toxic drug dealers should be delt severely
- Drugs are not for everyone, there are many different kinds of drugs. Some kinds are good for some kinds of people. There are good and bad things to consider when doing or discussing drugs.
- depends on the drugs. weed should be legal.
- weed is okay drugs are jus dumb
- ban alcohol, legalise cannabis
- Drugs are not as bad as people put them out to be. But, people should be cautious when choosing to do drugs because some are addictive and can interfere with life.
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