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User Comments [ARCHIVE I]
What are your thoughts on drugs/drug usage?
- Smoking should be outlawed, Drugs definately should be illegal, Alcohol only in moderation, harsher penalties for drug dealers& users
- The goverment should stop wasting the money they spend on stoping the flow of drugs into this country. The last report I saw show that they spent 22 billion dollars to stop 2-3% of the pot and coke coming into the US in '94. I think it is time for a new goverment.
- it breaks my heart to see so much sadness and trouble created by the use of alcohol and drugs. The possible great minds and controbutions lost because of them. Families destroyed. A true tragedy
- I think that drugs such as marijuana should definatly be legalized, but as for, absolutly not.
- I believe that what is being done to minimize drug, smoking, and alcohol use in minors and in some cases against adults is not enough. Especially in cases of minors. Many minors that are caught in the act get off with a slap on the wrist. But this does not help them it only tells them to be more carefull next time. If there were stronger penalties for minors then perhaps they would think twice.
- All drugs should be legal in and of themselves but there should be penalties for driving, etc. under the influence. Treat other drugs as alcohol (regulated), allow people to do what they want, and remove the element of crime.
- certain drugs have psychological benefits, which should be legalized prescription-wise. other than that, all others should be illegal.
- It is such a waste of one's life
- IMHO, drug/alcohol usage is dangerous in too many ways - however, we can not legislate morality and a person's desire to self destruct. Marajuana is okay - but not while driving or on the job - but how do you control that? Alcohol, you can smell, pot you can't....?
- The drug war causes more crime, death and government spending then drug use ever did.
- Free access to drugs, but education is esential.
- A Person that has a few cones is not a criminal!!!
- i don't need drugs to be f***ed up! seriously, i believe that a sizeable chunk of youngsters will WANT to try whatever adults say they can't do. as a society, and as individual role models, we need to become more open to possibilities other than "DRUGS
- Banning drugs will do no good. Other methods of convincing people that they do not need them must be found. The ideas must begin with the family which is continually under attack by the government and the media.
- There are some people who have "addictive personalities;" no matter what, they will find something to abuse. The drugs are rarely much of an issue on their own, except for a few which are physically addictive on the first use. Even these would probably not be a problem if people didn't think they needed them.
- I used to favor the legalization of drugs. Once I realized that the taxpayers get stuck with all the bills, I stopped thinking that way.
- Marijuanna should be leagalized and controled for profit by governments. Stop the crazy tax spenditures in prosecuting a "nonsense" violation of usuages.
- Marijuana could be legalized, but I think people who hurt others (ex car accidents) because they are under infuence of drugs should be punished a lot more severely than they are now.
- the net should help bring us the TRUTH about drugs
- It seems to me that drug use should be a personal choice issue. Existing penalties are entirely out of proportion to the acts committed.
- The government has no legitimate power to legislate what I ingest or do to my body. The very "war on drugs" that's supposed to help only worsens the problem by increasing the value of the drug trade to criminals, and thus, increasing the crime rate. After all, this is just another form of prohibition, and we've already learned that doesn't work. Or doesn't anyone read the history texts any more?
- drugs are the worst problem every country in the world has ever seen. The problem only seems to be getting worse and actions need to be taken in a organized worldwide manner to help eliminate the dealers and others profiting from drugs.
- The problem is not drug use; it's drug ABUSE. Instead of teaching children to "just say No", I think we need to educate the public on the genuine effects and consequences of drug use and to genuinely empower people to say no when they really don't want to partake.
- I believe that marijuana should be readily available to people. It's good for glaucoma patients and you can get products from it such as paper. noone has ever died smoking it
- I really think drugs of any kind (except for medicinal purpospes) are detrimental. There are so many better and healthier alternatives to drugs for all the reasons I know that people use/abuse them. I wish we would find a way to give more people more positive alternatives as well as crack down on dealers AND users. Education, regulation, severe consequences, positive role models speaking against drugs...these are all good beginnings. We need to keep fighting.
- I think drug use the way it is now is not that bad, but if more drugs were legalized, they could be more easily misused.
- truthful education!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Question of personnel choice. People should learn how to use it and be responsable about it.
- in my high school(middle-class, upper)there is a huge drug and alcohol problem, over 75% smoke pot. People like me who have nerver smoked pot, don't see it as a problem, for it seems as though it has little effect on those who do smoke.
- Like cars some can handle it better than others
- There should be greater punishments for dui and dwi offenders.
- All drugs considered, marijuana is the least understood. When I did smoke it, I was much more in control than when using any other controlled substance or alcohol. But, trying to explain this to someone who has never tried it is useless. People who have never tried it see it as some evil thing just because it's illegal.
- Drugs suck and mess up your mind and your life
- Drugs should be illegal when they have mind altering effects in one standard dosage. These drugs pose countless dangers to society.
- Too much misinformation. Yes I use, but I do it in very moderate amounts and I enjoy it. I fail to grasp what harm I am doing anybody (I make a very good living). This is the land of the free, let me be free.
- We need to be more realistic. Drugs are dangerous, not evil. But American laws currently do more damage than the drugs do. Everyone should read
- Drugs, such as alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, marijuana have certain "side effects" which are known to affect behavior and moods, as well as long term health risks. I really think its ridiculous to outlaw private use of these drugs. For example, alcohol is a "legal" drug, but its not allowed in public, while driving, and at most workplaces. I think the same should apply to all drugs. Public intoxication, and drug abuse at work may continue to require stiff penalties, but allow people to do what they ant in the privacy of their own homes. It will cut down on the non-violent prison population, and let teh addicts seek help in rehab places. Make more room in the prisons for dangerous, violent offenders.
- The war on drugs is a result of peoples fear of loosing (illusion of) control over their lifes. Drugs can be a very potential (also dangers) tool, changing your mind. Education in drugs possibilities and dangers is important. In a free society drugs must be free available.
- Drugs like nicotine and alcohol that are leagal are just as dangerous as marijuana but have more powerful lobbys. Since many people seem to need some form of drug (distillation of achohol has been around as long as civilization), but the moment they cause damage to others (second hand smoke, drunk driving) they should be illegal for those people. This would mean that smokers could only smoke in their own house if they lived alone, but too many smokers are harming their children without a thought and no one is doing anything about it.
- soft drugs used moderately or soft drugs used occasionally excessively is fun and stress relieving
- The history of prohibition demonstrates it is not an effective answer to the drugs problem. 'Just say no' doesn't work, either. Drug testing is just jobs for the corporations - reflex and attention span tests would be a better test for fitness-to-drive (or whatever). Marijuana should be legalised.
- The gov't screwed up back in the 80's (?) when they sprayed all the marijuana w/ paraquat, which made all the dopers turn to cocaine. I NEVER remember anyone getting their head blown off over $25 worth of pot, but I know of many people who have had their lives taken over $25 worth of cocaine. Legalize marijuana and more lives will be saved than lost.
- Most drugs should be legal. As long as the user is made aware of the consequences of taking a drug. I personally wouldn't want to snort something through a straw. But, some people do. If they are aware of what happens, then by all means let them do it.
- should be legal
- I believe that drugs if used in moderation, and with consideration can have a positive effect on your life. There is a fine line between use and abuse, and some people can not distinguish.
- It would be nice to be able to enter more than one answer for some of the questions. Drugs should be regulated. We are a bit schizophrenic about our drugs, insisting that those who use some are criminals while those who use others are "sick". One should be responsible for one's actions at all times.
- People have been taking drugs in Western society ever since the Ancient Greeks. They're not going anywhere. We need to legalize them all with extremely tight regulation.
- There are valuable things that users can learn from drugs (that differ from person to person). While some drugs seem to have little use in this category (opiates, for example), others, such as the phenethylamines, the lysergic acid derivitives, and the various tryptamines can stimulate a lot of discovery. I personally will continue using drugs until I've reached a point where I'm not gaining much from them any more and then move on to other things. I suspect that the reasons why many drugs are illeg l isn't for the "safety" of the user or the community, but out of "darker" reasons--I suspect that in the case of many drugs, large corporations have a large influence in keeping them illegal (ex: marijuana is strongly opposed by alcohol and lumber industries, which would probably lose a significant amount of revenue if marijuana were legalized).
- Everything in moderation, especially moderation. If tobacco is legal, why not marijuana? The inequities in this country just cause more crime.
- The country is spending a lot of money on this and I am not satisfied with the results.
- Most drugs should be legal
- "Soft Drugs" like Marijuana should infact be legalized, while "hard drugs" like cocaine and heroin should remail illigal. Where I live (humboldt county, aka the Emerald Triangle), Marijuana is (more or less) sociallily accepted, I think that the rest of the county (world) should (will) addapt to this form of thinking. Legalizing marijuana would solve some important problems, especially the violence involved with drug use. I think that if it were legalized, prices would fall (because it would be easi r to use) and people would have less trouble affording it (and as we know a lot of violence occurs by people robbing others for their drug money). The government could even tax the "drug" and make a small profit off of its sale...
- Freedom means being able to do what ever you want to do, as long as it doens't hurt anyone else. Drugs should be legal and regulated for quality.
- Your questions on the survey were subjective. Yes I have treied many drugs, and drink in my life. I do not partake in any illegal drug or drink.
- I think people should be left to their own devices. Unfortunately, most people are unable to keep their use (or mis-use) of these substances under control and as a result, bring many of the rest of us into the picture through auto accidents or other aberant behavior.
- I think America and it's War on Drugs is all wrong. A waste of money. How can they make it illegal for a suffering human to smoke a little herb. It's a lifesaver and the US prevents it's use. It's a shame!
- Drugs are mind expanding, harmful only the user and there should be no laws prohibiting them. The government has once again proved itself in violation of constitutional ideals. They want to enforce some common morals on people. Fuck them. I love drugs.
- I think if people want to use drugs than they are free to. As for drug tests, why put the users with the abusers on the doll cue. Studies have shown that many people in 'top' jobs use marijuna for relaxation purposes. Drug testing is also a waste of money. The government spends so much on drug testing and prevention when the money could be going to a more profitable cause. (ie Education)
- Education should begin at home. Drug and alcohol awareness should be priority in goverment, home, school, and church. Information should be widely available evertywhere.
- For some people, natural drugs are just fine... Leave it up to the person. Chemical drugs such as crystall-meth should be more strictly educated about, and should remain illegal.
- I no longer use drugs or alcohol, but I believe it is a matter of individual choice. Minors, however, should not legally be able to use drugs, nor should public use be allowed. Adults should be able to use anything they want in private as long as no minors are involved and no one is forced to use anything.
- Drug Testing is flawed. If you are in a room with smoke (such as a restroom in High School) from drugs and are tested you can lose your scholarship and other important things.
- Hello to all the BIG BROTHER agents viewing this survey. Hope most of you are women. If you are men ... wow did you screw up by getting this detail!
- Alcohol: OK Drugs: Bad
- The desire to use drugs is part of being human. Resistance is futile.
- No drugs should be banned. Proper information/education is vital and the current situation is unacceptable.
- I like the idea of being able to sue drug dealers for damages
- Learn as much as you can. Experiment with the "less dangerous" types, like the one's I have. Consume in moderation the drugs you like at the times you can afford to be "dazed."
- The gov't is creating most of the problem. It should stay out.
- The current War on Drugs is accomplishing nothing except destroying lives and making smugglers rich. Legalization with realistic education, not scare tatics would be more productive. Elimination of the black market and identification of those in need of help would go further and cost less as taxation on alcohol and marijuana sales could easily pay the cost of rehabilatation of those who are in need of it.
- personal freedom. objective reality.
- It seems to me that most of the problems regarding drugs stem from the fact that they can only be obtained by criminals. If more drugs were decriminalized, criminals would no longer dominate their sale.
- Anyone stupid enough to use drugs should be punished to the same extent as drug suppliers which presently is pathetically short of what is justified.
- It is all very horrible because of what it does to your body
- Alcohol SHOULD be regulated like prescription drugs like MORPHINE or even BANNED in the U.S. There are many of my friends in high school that have tried and still smoke weed; They were once B+ -- A- students, but now they're in the lower D -- E range. It is quite obvious that weed should be more tightly regulated(IF legalized) to prevent such tragedies from occuring again.
- Most drugs should be legalized and taxed with the tax revenue used to help addicts if they want it. This would lessen crime and open up prison space for true criminals who are constantly getting released to make room for non violent drug offenders.
- I Feel That Drugs Such As Marijuana Should Legalized Taxed & Regulated Rather Than Spending All The Time, Money And Resources To Fight It. We Could Make Tax Dollars Regulating It And Spend That Money To Fight More Harmful Drugs Such As Cocaine & Crack.To
- Hard drugs no! Personel use of Marijuana yes!!
- Drugs are dangerous. No. 16 should have an "other" category. People look to drugs because they don't believe in themselves, God, or their fellowman.
- I feel that drug usage is a normal human attribute.Unfortunatley many people are weak and succumb to addiction,or some sort of other reliance to certain substance.I feel that choice and education are extremely important,the war on drugs has caused far too many innocent casualties,I am a firm believer that Marijuana prohibition must end,it is many times safer than alcohol,and causes far less social problems.I find it apalling that heroin and cocaine are used for medicinal purposes,yet cannibis remains a dark horse of a drug.Stop the war,overgrow the government!!Peace.
- I think that drugs are useless and people who use controlled drugs should be taken out and shot instead of reformed
- I feel that pro-hibition of Marijuana is as foolish and usless as the pro-hibition of alcohol in its time...Marijuana is far less addicting than alcohol and has many documented medical uses which if put to use would help many people end or reduce their su
- I feel the fact that drugs ARE illegal makes them such a problem in this country. In the 1920's, there were no laws against drugs. Were people constantly strung out? NO... Was there a high crime rate, relating to drugs? NO... Only when drugs became illegal did the problems start. A similar example of this would be prohibition. It had the same effect. When alchohol was legalized again, the problems stopped.
- Someone must address the addiction problems at all social levels.
- I also think there should be more stringent penalties on users as well as dealers, especially those who deal to kids
- Everyone should be able to make his own choices in this matter -- it is not the government's business
- Marijuana Should be legalized for those over 18 years of age. Harder drugs for those over 21. Taking the illegality out of drug use would remove the thrill of drug use for teens. Removing drug users from the prison system would make more room for real criminals that prey on innocent victims. The money spent on fighting the War on Drugs could be used to help those who have a real drug problem.
- Drug s are BAD news!
- Holland leads the way. Decriminalize soft drugs, regulate hard drugs, and treat users who have difficulty with compassion.
- Marijuana is no worse, and in some ways better, than alchohol. Those who claim Marijuana is bad for you, and make it illegal are hypocrits. Alchohol is much more harmfull, yet remains legal. The polititions know that the peons need some kind of drug to dull their senses from the shitty life they have been given. Otherwise, all drugs would be illegal.
- Throwing someone in jail for using drugs is a horrendous crime.
- Education of the potential users has been more effective in the past. Severe,I mean Severe penalties for dealing would certainly stop much,see Singapore.
- drugs are often the escape zone of the lower class
- I belive the states&governments should get together & relise their true enemies hard drugs are the true killer of all children & adults alike and stronger attention put on education & addiction rehabilitation .Marijuana is a good occasional relife & cheaper prouducts can be produce for all to benifit (IT'S NATURAL)
- they are victumless crimes and should not be regulated by the Government
- Drugs which are relatively safe should be available to all, assuming that the benefits and drawbacks are presented objectively. Drug abuse, on the other hand, is not a problem -- it's a symptom.
- Moderately used, most of them are not dangerous.
- They tear down society by destroying lives of the users and others associated with them.
- I think that All Illeagle substances should be made available by and taxed by the U.S. Gov.'t. The prices and quality should be controlled. Money saved on law enforcement needs to be channeled into anti drug campaigns.
- Legalization of drugs would eliminate dealers and the crime surrounding them. People who want drugs are going to get them wherever they must, it may as well be safer and from the government. If drugs were regulated we could be sure of purity instead of
- laws are completely stupid. Should be a matter of personnal choice. Drug usage is not a problem for me : my life continues normaly
- Most illegal drugs should be legalized. We waste our collective energy pursing this victimless crime.
- It is something that is not worth the pain and aggravation it causes.
- The federal government must take a position on the importation of illegal drugs, and commit to preventing penetration of our borders. Federalizing National Guard, or regular Army troops devoting solely to the purpose of inderdicting drugs is an approach which must be taken seriously under consideration.
- I think certain drugs should be legalized. Especially the ones that the government pays billions of dollars to stop. I think it is sort of obvious, that the government cant stop certain people from doing stuff.
- adopt program of harm reduction, not prohidition-see Netherlands
- Trust me,more people smoke pot than you can imagine.
- there is no peace or tranquility like you get when your high comes from personnal achievements. In the beginning of sobriety, even waking up with a clear conscience and total remembrance of everything you said or did the night before is a high
- Since time began there are substance abusers of one form or another, I feel strongly that our country is not dealing strongly enough with the major drug producing nations, but I realize everything revolves around money and influence. The more we change the more we stay the same!
- Dealers and suppliers are the ones to go after to stop drug use.
- If you imbibe, know what you are doing. Do not hurt anyone.
- drugs and their misuse is one of the greates problems facing our society today but the government and others who are responsible for addressing it on a national scale have not really done a single useful thing to help. not mush will help until legalizatio
- I believe in education and responsibility.
- I think anyone should be able to buy whatever they want, without prescription, from a local store. If you are dumb enough to want to kill yourself, feel free! Just don't cry if you are arrested for being under the influence and hurting someone else.
- Any drug in moderation can be benificial to the individual. It's the small percentage of people who can't control their use that ruin it for the rest of us who don't allow it to control them.
- some people can handle them, some can't!
- The over-regulation of "low-end" drugs (i.e. marijuana, 'shrooms, etc) leads to prisons full of non-criminals, while the murderers and rapists run free.
- I think smoking and alcohol is fine when you are with yor friends or at a party but I think you should know your limits
- Drugs are only dangerous because we make them that way, by not controling them, by making them illegal
- The illegal drug trade is a major threat to the safety and security of the citizens of this country.
- Drug laws make people think they are solving the drug problem - they're not. Better to legalize everything and then solve the real problems caused by society and the individual's psyche
- The current drug war costs billions of dollars and incarcerates non-violent persons who seldom commit other crimes.
- should not be available
- It destroys the family and the community, and needs to be stopped NOW!!!
- Drugs should be legalized. However, crime committed by those under the influence should severe. Also, education of drug use affects is important. The public should NOT subsidize or provide rehabilitation programs for those who chose to use drugs in their lives. If people use drugs and screw up their lives, let them live with the consequences.
- My thoughts on drug testing are not one of the available answers.
- people should have some experiences with drugs at one time or another because then it makes them to experiencce a different kind of sensation but I don't think people should continue because it might lock them up and make their life too dependent on drugs. A human being should have control over himself/herself
- Generally it's a non-productive activity.
- I believe that it is up to the individual to make his or her mind up about drugs as well as everything else in life. Drugs of all kinds cause problems but it is up to the individual not governments or self-proclaimed moral guardians to come to terms with
- A more liberal approach to them would go a long way in addressing the problems
- I like alcohol and I agree that marijuana should be legalized. All other drugs should carry heavy penalties for possession and death (or at least life in prison) for multiple dealing offenses.
- Drug usage is the type of epedemic well beyond the control of gonernments or even the influence of churches. The only real control over drugs begins and ends with a childs education at home.
- Drugs should be stopped
- I think marajuana is mostly harmless, but should not be legalized because then more of the mainstream population would figure it's ok to use it. The cigarette age should be moved up to 21 and more strictly enforced. Alcohol policies should stay as they are, but a)the age restriction should be better enforced and b) I'm not sure how, but we should figure out a way to keep people to moderate use, and make sure everyone who develops a problem is required to get rehab. PS I didn't know how to answer the qu stion about drug abuse in the family; both my parents are heavy smokers, but I'm not sure how that counts as a *drug*--see my point about making marajuana legal?
- I think drug and alcohol usage is one of the key problems with the world. People think it helps them, but it really doesn't. In fact, drugs just lower your communication, and without communication YOU'RE DOOMED. Charles J Phillips-June 6, 1996
- I belive that alcohol is a very strong drug, and I do not understand why marijuana is illegal?
- I know that there are drugs that are very harmful to the system. But the key to keeping kids off drugs is not just teaching them about the effects. Kids are still curious and want to try things. Plus, for many users, it is difficult to get caught so that is not a major problem.
- Sad to see all the suffering a pain caused by drugs/alcohol. The need for drugs/alcohol is driven by godlessness and will eventually be solved when He resumes direct rule of the planet.
- Do what you want, but the demonization of certain substances helps no one.
- I LOVE DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!
- If you do drugs, moderation, and education on their effects upon you are the key.
- Before we can legalise any drug, society should demonstrate its ability to use it responsibly. Currently, certain drugs are in this category (pot,alcohol,nicotine) while others may never be (crack,heroin,LSD)
- Certain drugs will always be taboo and certain members of society will always find and use them. Why? Because they're there!
- I think Alcohol is a much worse drug than Pot, but I think all drugs are bad, so I wouldn't vote for the legalization of pot
- I like drugs
- I believe that drugs are more hyped up as of lately because America is undergoing it's own social decay. People are getting unhappier, so since there has been no one to explain to them about drugs, it must be something to do.
- Every person has drugs that work for them & drugs that work against them.
- The criminalization of drug use results in terrible wastes of public money for ineffective law enforcement efforts.
- Moderation is the key!
- No excuse for starting. Once on drugs, no excuse for not seeking help.
- They are terriable because they ruin peoples lifes.
- Like any potentially dangerous substance (including plastique, for example), regulation and monitoring are key to preventing abuse.
- Drug usage & drug problems are to do with the social maturity of the country in question. Countries such as the Netherlands have the correct mentality when creating laws concerning drugs, i.e. laws are for the people, not the other way around.
- Education is the key for dealing with the problem. It will always be there but use can be drastically lowered
- Education and peer association control are the two most effective remidies
- Alcohol addiction is multi-generational (genetic). Much more education needed here. Cocain, crack, meth dealers are cannibals - feeding off the lives of their own kind. Very, very hard time (not necessarily long) is needed. Repeat offenders should get long, long, hard time.
- alchol is very dangerous drug it leads to domestic abuse,accidents in car-
- With few exceptions, drugs should be legal and taxed to support rehabilitation and education efforts. The war on drugs is bankrupt...a way for incompetent law enforcement officials to push buttons for funding, and little more. More societal ills may be
- Some light drugs ex. mar. hash, should be legalized.
- Education starts at home. Common sense, if applied, will do the rest.
- They're really juvenile; I don't care if someone uses drugs, but I immediately assume that they are immature.
- Favor drug legalization with tight controls and taxes. Police enforcement funds would be better spent for treatment. I haven't use so much as alcohol in 13 years.
- Personally, I experienced drugs out of curiosity and decided not to be a regular user.
- It is a well documented fact that when alcohol became illegal in the 1920's the level of violent crime sharply increased and then came back down when the prohibition was repealed. It has also been documented that when other drugs became illegal in the 1960's the violent crime rate increased sharply again and remains high to this date. Legalizing drugs would enable people to afford them on as little as minimum wage, so they would not have to resort to violent crime to feed their habits.
- Illegal Drugs are ruining the lives of the younger generation
- Legalize everything, and really bust people who use things improperly (like driving drunk, working high, etc). Sort of an odd mix, and hard to enforce w/o better testing, but the best answer.
- Governments should not be in the black marketing encouragement business. All drugs should be legal, subject to all normal taxes, subject to an "abuse tax," and the market/tort system used to control their quality (just like any other product). The "abuse tax" fund should be inviolate -- our social "masters" could not touch it -- and the system essentially a pre-payment for the inevitable problems occasioned by substance abuse.
- It is part of our rights to be able to do with our bodies as we see fit, even I harmfull, and it in no way says these rights can be taken away based on age, race, sex, or religon!!!!!!
- Many narcotics are too powerful to be legalized, and I do basically believe in their being Illegal, but people who really want them are going to get them anyhow, so why shouldn't we (the citizens) benefit (through taxation) from the idiots (sorry, but I generally think it is a stupid habit) instead of getting screwed by them (by our tax dollars going to "the War on Drugs".) For any circumstances, however, I believe they should be illegal to minors. I hope this doesn't sound holier than thou, but it i my belief.
- I think there should be a lot more education on the effect of drugs.
- There were several questions that I had multiple answers e. I do believe that all drugs should be legalized, but I also beleive that schools should teach children about drugs honestly. I think the healthiest way to be, is without drugs, but it is often
- Most psychedelic drugs(LSD,Peyote,Marijuana) are relativly harmless unless you get carryed away with them. Alcohol can be dangerous, but is so accepted, it doesn't seem to matter.
- There is a right time and place for drug usage. As long as it is used for medical purposes, all drugs proven to be effective should be legally available. Drug dealers should be shot on sight.
- There is no such thing as a harmless drug. All it does is makes you dependent on the dealer and the drug. People are easier to control by anyone if you are dependent. You lose all creativity and thought of success all you think about is the drug. I see the damage this kind of shit does everyday and it doesnt get any easier to see a starving child or a child on dope because the parents spend all their money on drugs and give it to the child to keep it quiet. Oh sure....Clinton would love it.
- I think we need to get much more practical about the use of drugs. We need to have an open mind about possible solutions.
- Most psychoactive drugs like MJ, LSD, Peyote etc. should be legalized because they are so great!
- Drugs, and drug usage are merely a symptom of a more pressing problem, the decay of Society, and the need to relieve boredom, man's only true enemy besides death.
- Individuals should keep all drug use to an absolute minimum. Nevertheless, drugs should be legalized in order to reduce crime and take the profit out of the drug business.
- Any drug that can cause death/brain damage should be illegal, but things that are natural and harmless (marijuana) should be LEGAL!
- kjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjk
- no comment
- I don't use drugs or alcohol (unless we count Coke, and prescription medication). I've never understood the need, the appeal of drugs. Why do you need to get high? I think it's a silly and immature need. I know I'm biased; my mom was an alcoholic, and I spent my early teens dealing with the effects of her drinking.
- Our country needs a stronger sentencing more of this probation crap. Especially when it comes to drug related crimes.
- I think it is up to the parents to teach children right from wrong. I grew up in a Jewish household where it was a custom to drink wine on the Sabbath (Friday night). My parents were open to us drinking if it was with them at the dinner table. I think thi
- Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are constitutional guarantees. For some people, the pursuit of happiness involves drug use. It is a personal choice, and it's none of the governments business. It used to be that people were persecuted for their religeous beliefs. It hasn't changed.
- It is my believe (sp?) that the only way people are ever going to be truly free is if drugs which are *not* harmful in anyway to the body (marijuana, LSD, shrooms) are de criminalized. Why are these drugs illigal? Because the government cannot stand the idea of people been free. We have been repressed.
- I fell that laws against drugs go's against the consitution of the usa
- Drugs are a personal choice. People should be instructed in their use either through personal instruction or through a manual such as From Chocolate to Morphine by Weil. Those people that hvae problems with certain drugs and continue to abuse them should be fined/rehabbed or even imprisoned. Note that there is a definite difference between use and abuse. Abuse is a pattern of behaviour that comes about over time and harms others. Use is simply partaking of the drug.
- they are extremely mind opening
- Drugs are for people who want to have fun in a different fashion than is currently considered accepted. The key to fighting the drug problem is educating people in the effects of drugs and leaving people to their fun.
- Opinions of the majority should not have the power to changes the lives of others.
- people who are on drugs usually end up being slaves of,first, criminals--then secondly, the corrupted private industry of recovery or the beurocratic crap of the government
- drugs have been used for centuries. To the extent that there has been a problem, our current laws only serve to make things worse.
- i put no answer for the drug testing catagories because none of the answers fit my situation. i believe that certain in certain situations drug testing is acceptable (i.e. car wrecks) but the problem is that you can test positive for a drug long after it's effects have left your system. while i have never been tested by an employer, i was forced to undergo random drug testing as a college athlete. that aside, i don't believe that recreational drugs should be illegal; however, if someone committs a c ime while on drugs, that person is responsible for the crime. the fault lies in the individual, not the drug. however, if there was a drug that directly caused a person to commit violence, then such a drug should be outlawed.
- Current drug laws and the "war against drugs" just make the problem worse.
- Prohibition causes more problems that drugs ever could
- I believe some people are responsible and mentally mature enough to know hoiw to use certain drugs. They should be allowed to do so. If someone is too stupid to use them responsibly, then it is their own fault if something goes wrong. Kids should be watched by their parents, not by the government. The only time I agree with drug regulation is when a non-concenting party gets harmed by it (such as with drunk driving)...
- A diference is to be made between majijuana/haschich and other drugs. Pot should be legalized.
- Drugs are only abused by those with weak personalities.
- I assumed 'for the purpose of getting high
- drugs are part of life. everything you consume or sense is a "drug"- if you have become aware of it, it has affected you. it is simply a question of degree and follow on effects. (eg: aroma therapy- smells can relax, stimulate etc.) therefore, "drugs" will not go away, no matter how draconian laws are. people have the right to choose, no government or organisation has the right to interfere with an informed adults right to choose their own behaviour, provided it does not harm others. by this i mean real harm, not bogus stats that, for instance "suggest" loss of income and "therefore" lower health as harm. The favoring of demonstrably more dangerous drugs by governmnts backed by vested interests, ie booze, and the concurrent suppression of cannabis culture and use, is a great, great hypocrisy. I hope future generations will regard the idea of prohibition and its resultant excesses by dangerous fanatics in government employ, as a crime against humanity. drug use is not the best choice for recreation l activity, but the attempts by governments to deny individuals the option is creating far more harm and damage to individuals and society as a whole than drugs ever will. legal drugs can be quality controlled and therefore safer and more predictable to use. most people with "drug" problems, really have a coping problem, or an addictive personality. drugs are not the answer, but neither is arrest and incarceration and forfeiture of property and loss of employment. May tolerance prevail, the ignorant be e lightened, and the evildoing people in government and distribution be overthrown. thankyou for the chance to participate.
- I think they are good and ALL should be LEGAL!!!!!!!!!
- It is impractical and immoral to try to control what law-abiding adults put in their bloodstreams.
- Too few people realise what drugs are about. Scaremongering tactics from governement officials hamper education secerely, leading to excacerbation of problems, esp. with younger people.
- Drugs awareness is vital in making sure that teens do not get hooked on drugs at a young age. Fight herion etc and legalize marijuana.
- Its fun but to addictive
- Drugs are good for social occasions. People aren't so stuffy and they are more interactive. Great for deep thinking and creaticity.
- catch the dealers,lock them up for ever
- Recreationally, they're fine. The laws should be less restrictive for adult personal usage.
- I enjoy marijuana on occasion, and would like to see it legalized. I, however, had a terrible battle with nicotine (much more addictive) and I believe it should be illegal... it is extremely harmful and has tremendous negative effects on ones day to day productive life.
- Drug usage isn't a problem if the user is aware of the consequences and uses his/her drugs responsibly.
- Drugs and alcohol are overrated both in terms of the problems they cause and the solutions they provide. Drugs and alcohol can ruin lives and wreck homes, yet in most cases they do not. There are far more recreational drug/alcohol users than abusers. The decisions you make about your drug/alcohol use are what determines their effects on your life.
- Drug usage is not the problem, we use drugs every day, from tea, coffee, to alcohol and cigarettes. Problem is the prohibition, and prejudice, regarding the usage of some drugs (cannabis) which unables full concentration of authorities on hard drugs. In any way, prohibition is not the answer, apropriate education would do a better job.
- All drugs once is a funny game, you never get addicted, if you are stable enough to withstand any substantial repetition
- Those that wish to do it should be allowed to, so long as it is only themselves that are affected (eg. Room full of MJ smoke is not appreciated by those who don't smoke it!!) Education is the key; everyone needs to know what the effects are before they start indulging in mind altering chemicals.
- most of your available answers were not appropriate for me. what people ingest is a personal choice and should be left up to the individual.
- we should spend more of our money to fight the drug problem in the U.S.
- I think all drugs should be legalized for a variety of reasons. Number one, just using a drug does not mean that a person will commit any real crime, that is to say, crime with a victim. An individual should be allowed to do anything they want to themselves. Personal responsibility is something that is sorely lacking in our society. Making drug use
illegal says that people cannot be responsible for their actions. It says that the government knows what's best for e eryone. If drugs were legal it would also be a lot easier to determine what the REAL negative effects their were from each particular drug. Then people could avoid the truly hazardous drugs and stick to the reasonbly safe ones, and/or make them purer and safer. - Working as a paramedic I can see the very debilitating effects of the misuse of drugs and alcohol. It is a slow but sure way to ruin a life.
- Strong physically addictive drugs should be banned, but availible for prescription to prevent criminality. (This way, drugaddicts will be forced to make themselves availible to anti-drug treatment. Drugs which doesn't make the user a threat to others should be legal and availible.
- Just like weapons, some drugs are dangerous and some are INHERENTLY DANGEROUS, we should require a licence, just like for a car, for drugs and weapons. Education, regulation and meaningful enforcement, to keep dangerous things out of the hands of youth, who cannot give consent(due to their lack of experience).
- drugs should only be used by those who can handle them.
- where's the wine? not everyone drinks only beer or hard liquor. as for testing, some jobs should require IMPAIRMENT testing, but what one does in one's off hours is one's own business.
- I believe that no government has the right to dictate what a person may or may not put into their own body. Obviously there are certain situations where it should be controlled (driving, surgeons operating, etc.), but apart from such specific instances, I believe that an individual should have the right to consume what they choose.
- should keep separate responses on alcohol and marijuana from cocaine and crack
- What one takes into their body is their business but they are responsible for the results.
- Freedom of choice has to be based on clear information, and that has to be taught at an early age. Social use of soft drugs, such as marijuana is no worse than social use of alcohol. The problem with soft drugs is that society alienates a large number of people who are harming no-one but themselves. Alienated people feel less responsible for their actions in that society
- Each to his own. Disempower criminals.
- Drugs reduce a person's ability.
- Drugs should be controlled if their abuse leads to physical addiction, or severe
- should legalize pot
- End Prohibition of ALL drugs!!! Possession or consumption of ANY substance by an ADULT is NOT a crime!!! (They are NOT harming others!)
- The addictive personalitiy was not dealt with here__that is the real problem
- Not to be used in excess. Keep under control
- They are needed sometimes under medical supervision.
- Legalize everything, tax it, take the tax money and use it for drug education programs. Give people the facts and let them make their own choices. Legal and taxed drugs will be purer and cheaper than the same drugs when they are illegal.
- There are some drugs (recreational) that could possibly be legalized w/out makor problems to society
- I don't think that destructive drugs should be glamorized.There is such a thing as free will and people need to be held accountable for their own actions: not some government, company or state.
- There are no good or bad drugs. Anything abused or not used in moderation can cause harmful side effects.
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