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User Comments [ARCHIVE II]
What are your thoughts on drugs/drug usage?
- Drugs can really mess up a person's life. I have seen my friends become consumed by drugs. they are powerful and scary. Education and limitations are the key to keeping society off drugs.
- Illicit substances should be decriminalized 1)to restore individual sovereignty over one's own body; 2) to free the American people from the civil rights violations that are collateral damage of the War on Drugs; 3) to take the profits out of gang and organized crime, thereby making the streets safer; and 4) to free government resources (tax dollars, prison space, agents) for other purposes or abolition.
- I feel drugs are playing a large part in the destruction of human life.
- Any one who indulges in any form of mind altering substances has a problem facing life.
- This should be a personal, not social issue. There should be no loss of responsibility for one's actions, but there should no arbitrary limits imposed on individual liberty to live one's life as one chooses.
- Drugs and drug usage is something that should be hought about by each individual. Abuse can lead to problems.
- Controlled substances are "controlled" for good reasons. I could understand why marijuana might be legalized, but others should remain illegal for possession and use. There are too many other worthwhile needs to devote our time to instead of getting high (or drunk). It is a form of selfishness. I am referring to repeated acts, not an isolated incident. One of the problems with drugs is that they lead to repeated acts of getting high; wasted time that could be better spent doing something helpful.
- I do not smoke, drink or take drugs but yet I think that they should be legalized.
- The government war on drugs is a big waste of time effort and especially tax money. Make it all legal but educate people to the bad effects of all these things along with the bad effects of too much food, toomuch sleep, too much illicit sex, driving too f
- OK as long as it isn't excessive & doesn't hinder your life or goals.
- While I have addiction problems, I am for legalizing drugs and treating people when problems develope
- Unfortunately drugs(new and old, i.e. plants) have been around as long or longer than man has. Us humans have always liked the affect certain substances have on our senses. Drugs will never go away and trying to destroy the plants that are necessary to create them is useless. It all comes back to control of whats out there and teaching self-control (Mom and Dad!). Even with stricter control there will be those to slip through the cracks.
- Any substance can be abused. I don't think we need more legal ways to destroy your bodies and those around us. Responsible use of substances - legal or illegal begin with education in the home. A strong family unit will solve many of the current problems with drugs, teenage pregnancy, and violence.
- Legalize drugs, but provide better treatment and education to take care of problems.
- Drug use is used as an excuse for social problems and
- Educate, don't get started, get a life (find real happiness), I don't want to see any government law prohibiting or wealfare like support - If a person uses drugs, they had better be able to EARN (family) income, or rely on charity existance (or die). If drug users violate the "peace" of others, they should end up in state prison.
- Drugs ruined my family. I now take care of my 6, 4, & 3 year olds alone. I have never tried illegal drugs (only perscription medication). I have never been drunk. I am a single father.
- IIt is my judgement that people should be allowed to do what they want as long as it does not interfere with my rights. If they wish to change their perception of reality with chemicals that is their business.
- People need to lighten up. Drugs have been here forever and regulating them simply creates crime and violence.
- drungs are a way to enhance the human experience and find a bit of bliss while getting through this tough life. we don't, however want to fall into a Brave New World type of senario
- Moderation is the key
- Neither Prohibition nor Legalization tackles the issues as to why people turn to drugs in the first place. I used to smoke most heavily when under stress. Perhaps if people had better coping skills, they wouldn't turn to drugs for escape or psuedo self-esteem.
- all natural drugs should be legalized,no chemicals
- I think it's a personal decision. What's right & appropriate for one person may not be for another. I think there should be more realistic drug/alcohol education for pre-teenagers.
- It's not as good as it seems at first.
- A person who wants to alter their reality will find a way to do it whether it is legal or not. If they do not harm anyone when they do it , then it should not make them a criminal to alter their reality.
- Anyone who could control it is able to consume drugs. But you must reduce when you recognize it's getting out of control !
- drugs are not the problem in today's society, human nature is the problem. people will still destroy the planet and their chances soon, with or wothout drugs.
- What a person chooses to put into their own body should be a personal matter. The idea that those who choose to use certain substances should be branded "criminal" is obscene. So long as you harm no other person, you should be free to do whatever you wish with your own body.
- The government should be the only legal source of drugs. If a user wants to get high, they should stay in a facility (like a drug hotel, at their expense) until the effects wear off.
- Drug usage is a huge problem which must be dealt with because it is getting out of control.
- It's covered in 16, much better education thorugh more routes
- People cause problems, drugs do not, some people cause problems only on drugs, these people should be dealt with and given FAIR and due process if need be.
- Prohibition causes violence. We saw it with alcohol prohibition, we see it with drug prohibition. The illegality of most relatively safe recreational drugs has lead to increased violence, death due to poor quality control, and experimenting with more and more dangerous drugs that haven't been banned yet.
- Along with alchol, pot and hash should be legalized
- All drugs should be legalized but those using them do so at their own risk. No help from the taxpayers if they get in over their heads.
- I feel that marijuana should be legalised although adolescents should be educated about its effects as to make an informed decision.
- You didn't place many options in your answers for ex-addicts such as myself. Drugs are generally life-sucking, and should be dealt with as a health problem rather than a crime. It hasn't worked so far, so legalize and make treatment very available. Social pressure should eventually take care of the rest.
- I think drugs such as coccain and crack are extremly dangerous to our society and that legalizing mmarijuana would greatly reduce the use of then
- I believe that what I do in Privacy of my own home is my business and no one elses as long as I am harming no one but myself. It should be MY choice.
- Dude, all the shit I do is good for the mind. I am stress free.
- The government does not have the right to determine what drugs I am allowed to take. All chemical substances cause harm to the body in varying degrees, and it should be the owner of the body making that choice, not some elected official.
- Alcohol abuse is a major problem, as are street drugs. I understand that today Marijuana is far more potent than when I was young (late 60s), but I think that we should seriously consider legalizing at least a mild form of marijuana. I'm quite "anti" other drugs.
- A waste of your life and everyone around you's energy.
- Drugs just make you function in a dream world. They may seem to help at that time but they really just put off what needs to be done and the abuse of any controlled substance hurts those around you.
- i feel what you do to your body is your problem, but you must take charge of it yourself, not go to others for help
- Why do people like or need drugs. Once we know the answer to that we can fight the problem in a different way.
- Interesting, yet common tie up of alcohol and drugs. yes both are very similar, except one key fact. alcohol is legal drugs arent, in my case this is a strong factor in why i dont do drugs, yet i do do alcohol
- Too much emphasis on staying away from illegal drugs while many corporate interests profit from "legal" drugs. Banning usage does not prevent demand. People will still experiment and use. Education (non-biased) does prevent usage.
- Each adult shouild make the decision for him/herself.
- I think that all drugs should be available in tightly controlled state-run stores
- I have a NOVEL solution for eliminating the importation of cocaine/heroin/pot: genetically engineer a "bug" (virus, bacteria, insect, etc.) to eat the source plants! The "bugs" could automatically die when their job was done, and the producer countries would be POWERLESS to stop them!
- I think by legalizing drugs you will cut down on the crime that is rooted in drugs. You will cut out the gangsters power, get rid of the mophia control, and straighten out a lot of crooked polticians. These are the people who benfit from drug sales and distrubtion. By legalizing it and taxing it you will better America.
- Human animals enjoy alteered states of perception. Whether a child spinning in circles to get dizzy or a latino enjoying the expresso 'buzz' Criminalizing 'normal' behavior for temperence reasons shows how far in understanding of our being, we have evolved :).
- It's sad that people abuse drugs.
- Concerned about the escallation of drug usage.
- test test test
- Turning to drugs is shallow and a sign of weakness, but we have a right to be weak when we want to be weak. Gvtmnt's responsibility is not to protect an individual from himself, but to protect him from being violated by others.
- I think that all of the problems in our society eventually link to drug and alchohol abuse. I think that if we try to control this problem, we will see improvements in things such as family life and violence.
- I'm glad I tripped, but the other garbage did a lot of damage.
- We could get rid of a lot of violence if certain drugs were legalized. The government could probably pay off the national debt with these revenues.
- I will not use drugs, but if you want to I would try stop you.
- I tink that drug abuse is an ongoing and rapidly growing problem in the United States. I personally have never had a drug or alchoholproblem but I know of young adults that do. This area needs to be adressed in order to get the USA back on track
- I suppose it comes down to common sense and moderation. If you have the type of personality that likes to "escape" you'll use anything.. glue, rubbing alcohol, etc...
- Marijuana should probably be legalized and taxed other drugs and alcohol need stiifer penalties when used in life threatening situation ie. driving cocaine and harder drugs major penalties for use and dealing
- Everything in moderation or experimentation is not likely to produce a problem for a person. Drug and alcohol experimentation as well as other forms of experimentation are a natural, healthy part of the growth process. Only when it drug or alcohol usage invades upon the individuals daily life and the life of others do drugs become a problem. Some of the questions in the survey leave little room for accurate answers. I drink beer because I love quality brews. I drink hard alcohols or wine for the f avor. The effects from alcohol can make me giddy and sociable. Alcohol can also make me tired and my digestion and overall feeling of well being can be diminished form a night of too much or drinking too often. Marijuana is a relaxing, fun, spiritual, sharing drug that far surpasses alcohol in its qualities. I feel that organic drugs result in less strain on the body and mind. Soft drugs should be legalized. Hemp should be legalized for its industrial purposes and save some of our forests from being hopped down for paper.
- All hard drugs should be banned from the US., But I think adults should be able to legally buy marijuana!
- It annoys me that marijuana is illegal while nicotine and alcohol remain legal. On the other hand, I believe in an individual's right to destroy his or her own body and live his/her life the way he/she chooses--provided it doesn't affect my ability to liv
- Nothing changes, governments will always want to restrict their citizens freedoms. Temporarily drug use is restricted, give it 500 years and something else will be restricted instead. Stupid life, huh?
- The war on drugs cannot be won under any circumstances, the War is what keeps the prices and demand artificially high. The government has not declared a war on drugs but a war on it's people. The war is big business with mega-profit as incentive to continue the war. It's time to end the war on drugs. How about a peace on drugs, use education to teach the truth and then let the user choose. The war is being lost because as soon as you try pot for the first time, you know immediately that you were lie to and will resent it. END THE WAR ON THE CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES!
- Anything in excess will eventually turn out to be bad for you. I personally think that alcohol is worse than marijuana because people don't think of it as a drug and therefore tend to go overboard. However if used on a casual and infrequent basis in small amounts, then one is no worse than the other. What you do to your body is a personal choice and people need to learn to accept responsibility for the choices they make. Peer pressure, society, poverty, etc... are all just excuses that people u e to avoid accepting responsibility for their own actions.
- I believe that America could handle legalized drugs. I percieve that our greater danger lies in continuing our current policies and inprisoning millions of people / creating a police state / erroding our personal freedoms.
- The war on drugs is the root cause of the high crime rate.
- The only reason why people are afraid of marajuana is because the public in general calls it DRUG, we do not call people who drinks their daily coffee drugs adicts, the cigarette smokers are not called drug adict, so why do people (the media, the "responsible adults") keep refering, when they talk about marajuana, to drugs!
- Drugs should only be taken with a doctor's prescription to do so.
- I think drugs have helped a lot more people in this world than they've hurt.
- Alcohol is by far the biggest killer. Pot has been lied about by the goverment for years and is one of the least harmful of all drugs. If you gave kids pot instead of booze they would not be driving in to trees at 100mph and fighting over anything.
- Drugs are terrible!
- if drugs were not restricted, they would cost no more then gum, so people would not steal for their habits. people who wanted drugs could get them easily, and people who didnt dont have to take them. however, there should be mandatory sentences for 'slipping' someone drugs to get them addicted. but reasonable, 1 year or 6 months. someone rotting in jail for 40 years being raped by gays and sponging government money solves NOTHING at all.
- If you want to drink Drano, that is part of your right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of whatever.
- There are too many differences between people who use drugs. Some may find it beneficial and some find that it just makes things more complicated. There is too much gray area to say whether or not it would be beneficial to legalize drugs.
- Decriminalize durgs, BUT aim a new drug war at treatment, prevention, and taking all the "cool" out of heavy drug use.
- People must be educated
- I don't understand why marijuana is still illegal when alcohol has been proven to be more toxic.
- the government needs to follow drugs to their source (usually S. America) and stop them there
- should not be available to children in any form-unless medically necessary. should hold people accountable for their actions concerning drugs. some of the drugs listed above are legal number 5 and the legal ones i don't believe are as big a problem as the illegal ones. Time to get serious about our future!
- personally i dont like them, except getting caned once in a while!! BUT i think its personal
- laws against marijuana should stay in place but penalties should be weakened. The prohibition of alcohol consumption by those 18-21 should be done away with completely!
- I think it is stupid to use substances. But people have rights. One of the most important rights is the right to make a mistake. Another is the right to take responsibility for yourself, in fact we are obliged to. I refuse to be protected from myself. Let's make this a free country again! Harry Browne for President!
- We need to get at the psycho/sociological CAUSES of drug use. Without a market for drugs there would be no drug use.
- I think all drugs (particularly addictive drugs) should be legalized. The war on drugs is a joke and I'm tired of my tax dollar being used to further organized crime. I don't condone drug use, but anyone who wants it can get it anyway.
- Drug legalization is vital if our nation is to remain free. We need to legalize all drugs with little or no harm to society (HEMP!!!!!) now and end the hate of the War On Drugs. Free the +1,000,000 pot POW's NOW!
- Either legalize drugs, or crackdown on dealers, pushers, & users!
- I fear the consequences of drug legalization but I have a principled objection to government paternalism. In general people should be free to do what they want unless it harms someone else.
- Government should make no law restricting what you put into your own body. When government restricts what you can do with your body they are in effect saying the body you occupy belongs to the government and you are only allow "priveledges" of use.
- all drugs are different, there is no 'one way' to deal effectively with an out of control drug problem, until you look at what in society people are having difficulty with, and why drugs are more acceptable to our generation than the preceding one. i'm 32 years old and i've seen friends and family willingly throw their lives away, for (1) Cocaine, very bad, extremely addictive, especially if injected(i know), and speed, it's everywhere, its cheap, and there's pure evil in every bag. i know that its onl a chemical,a powder, but if an inanimate substance can be evil, believe me, satan takes special intrest in that stuff, matter of fact, i've got a roommate who's about to start a detox program on monday, and it's been a monkey on my back for allmost 15 years, i hate the stuff, really, but next weak i'll forget whatever it was and be first in line to go that 3 or 4 days again! very troubleing.
- Prohibition has never worked and CAN'T work.
- Drug use should be like gays in the military -- don't ask/don't tell. If it doesn't effect your job or other people, what business is it of theirs?
- drugs should be legal, if you want to do drugs thats your business and yours alone, if you get addicted and cant have a job, its your own fault, but if you can do drugs responsibly then they are a excellent stress reliever and entertainment. it is not the governments business to decide which chemicals/drugs are ok and which are not.
- I'm opposed to drug usage in general, but prohibiting them only increases their usage and induces criminals to get involved in marketing them.
- Education is very emportant. Being a good role model for kids.
- Close the borders to drugs... they are a menace to society.
- Drug use is not necessairly a bad thing - especially when we are still young. As long as the kids are educated about the drugs they're using, the physical and psychological effects (possible problems etc) AND they have a safe place to be (ie: NOT in a car
- I wish it would stop. It is killing children and ruining families
- There is a difference between drug use and drug abuse. If any drug is to be legal then all should be legal ... the contrary is true as well.
- We need to treat drug addicts, not jail them!
- Legalization of low risk drugs (cannabis,psychedelics) would be a great thing
- It's a personal decision which can readily affect the lives of others, so care should be taken by users and pushers alike not to overstep their bounds.
- Marijuana should be legal as is alcohol. People will continue to abuse drugs, but the others should remain by prescription or illegal because they're too dangerous. If you want it you can get it. Also, GET RID OF THE MANDATORY JAIL SENTENCING for drug offenses. What a wasting of time, money and jail space!
- We need to rethink our opinion of pot vs. alcohol. You don't hear of someone who gets stoned walking into a bar and whooping everyone there.
- It should be up to the individual, and not a government whether on not someone uses/consumes some of the softer drugs such as Hash or E. The legalisation or de-criminalisation of certain drugs would criple organised crime and ensure drugs were of a guaranteed quality - lessening the risk to users. Education and legalisation is the key in my opinion.
- Drugs start affecting/effecting you later in life and the penalty really hits alot harder then
- I find it particularly ironic that the most vocal "anti-drug" crusaders think nothing of drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes -- substances that are responsible for thousands of deaths every year; far more than any other form of "drug abuse". Who'
- As far as kids using drugs and alcohol, parents should be more open and honest to their children and become educated themselves on the issue before passing on information to the kids. They need to give all the pros and about it objectively...give their kids the facts and then let them decide. Kids don't like their decisions made for them. It's when parents force their opinions or decisions on kids that the kids will immediately turn around and to the opposite...they'll do what their pare ts don't want them to simply because they want to make the statement that they will make their own decisions. The more taboo you make something, the more it will appeal to kids.
- I see marajuana as a relaxant to be used in private or social atmospheres and see no reason it should not be legalized with an age limit.
- I think a lot of drugs--both marijuana and alcohol should be legal but decommercialized--advertising distorts everything and would overpitch any drug.
- I do NOT consider tobacco a drug. Alcohol is a drug and should be illegal
- our crime problems in the US stem greatly from drugs being illeagal if they were legal crime would go down and govt. could make money fromtaxation of these drugs
- Tax them heavily and let the junkies wipe out the deficit.
- The problems associated with currently illegal drugs are a direct result of their prohibition, and not the drugs themselves. There is nothing inherently wrong, either morally or ethically, with "getting high". People who develop problems with drugs should be treated compassionately - such problems are medical, not criminal. The government has no right, constitutional or otherwise, to prohibit responsible use of any drug.
- The War on Drugs is a failure. An attack against our own citizenry.
- I am an alcoholic with 7 1/2 years of sobriety, and have not used illegal drugs in 18 years. How I felt about using them had no relation to the reality of the damage they did to my personality and my life at that time. They were devastating to me, and I tell my children that they are no good for civilized humans.
- I choose to live my life essentially clean and sober, but I do not judge those who choose differently.
- now that I'm an adult I feel its use as a stimulant is senceless
- Rejects of society. No will power.
- I'll have been sober 10 years this coming October; alcohol and drugs nearly killed me. Those who want/need to use them will use them, whether they're legal or not. I won't judge anyone else for their own usage; for me, though, I'm simply amazed every day that I'm still alive.
- Human beings will always search for an easy "high." To attempt to prevent it because it is "bad" only leads to increased violence in an attempts to serve the demand. Today's "War on Drugs" is a perfect parallel to Prohibition early in the century, down to thugs fighting over turf in the streets. We're learning the same lesson a second time, let's redirect our energies to educating our children on the potential perils, and stop driving them to early deaths.
- Almost the entire problem has resulted from making drugs illegal -- if they were legal, crime would plummet and we could help the small number of people who would still have an abuse problem.
- All drugs should be legal and available, but education is the key to encouraging sobriety. Legislating morality is tyrany; Educating morality is liberty!
- Should be a law against usage, but more important a continued process of educating our people about the causes and effects of all drug use. The Clinton administration has not be solid in prevention as well as continued education in the use of drugs.
- I think people use drugs and alcohol because they are seeking something like meaning in their lives. All the laws in the world can't change that so they are useless to try. We need to show people the answers not throw them in jail.
- Its a personal freedom until it encroaches upon someone else.
- I think the legalization of drugs would reduce the insentives to deal in and use them. Those who choose not to take responsibility for their use of drugs will become the victims of them. It's called natural selection.
- The drug laws serve 2 purposes in this country. 1. It provides an opportunity for the creation of a authoritarian leviathan to enforce the laws. 2. It keeps the price very high allowing the government to finance covert activities by simply dumping the overpriced commodity on the streets.
- Drugs must be eliminated!!! Dealers should get mandatory 25 years w/o parole
- In Europe, where Marijuana is legal, there are not as many drug problems. Same with alcohol. Think about it.
- Drug use is not a problem - it's a symptom.
- The US govt. didn't declare war on drugs, it declared war on it's own citizens -- Making drugs illegal is a crime of the century.
- Laws should definitely regulate availability but education is very important. Ultimately the responsibility is the individual or the individual's parents (if a minor).
- Drugs suck and dull the mind
- They should be legalized.
- Government seems happy to condone the use of revenue generating drugs such as tobacco despite the health costs involved but resists the legalisation of cannabis while maintaining the "reefer madness" atitude of the past.
- To a certain extent, the individual should be able to make a free and informed choice of what they wish to do. And by consuming the drug, be it more socially acceptible eg. drink, or less acceptible, eg. heroin, the person should not cause any problem to other people. Also those not able to make a choice such as the younger members of society should have information available to know what they are about to take and the possible side-effects.
- If you commit a crime or injure anyone under the influence of any substance you should be punished severly
- Drugs and drug usage should be as little regulated as is medically reasonable. (This includes both physiological and psychological concerns.)
- If it hadn't been for drugs my daughter wouldn't be dead these past 4 years.
- abuse of any drug is a medical/spiritual problem; not a criminal matter.
- legalize it!!!
- I feel that drugs pose a serious problem to our society, and our government needs to crack down on the individuals that deal AND sell them.
- I think that natural drugs such as; Marijuana, mushrooms, peyote, ect.. should be decriminalized. They grow for a reason, they are there for us to use. It is very unfortunate that many people abuse them by not using them for a purpose other than getting "high".
- The "war on drugs" cannot possibly suceed. It wastes far too much of our resources that could be put to better use against repeat violent offenders, child molesters, & other real criminals.
- I tried alchohol and marijuana. Didn't like either of them. I didn't like the feeling of being on them. I was on Prozac, and am now on Wellbutrin. Antidepressants are the most wonderful invention ever!!! People who have never suffered depression coul
- Drug usage is the very biggest threat to our youth and , therefore to the future of this free, great country !
- We need to keep them away from kids without preventing recreational use/abuse of adults who choose to use them.
- Drugs should stay illegal; alcohol legal; Drugs dealers should be punished harder
- All drugs should be legal. The federal govt has no authority in these matters -- not authorized by U.S. Constitution.
- I would never trust a drug user. They have already demonstrated their poor decision making abilities as well as their weak will power. Drugs ARE illegal and ALL who use or deal should be held accountible and punished to the full extent of the plea bargains!
- The government should protect me from other people, not myself
- Drug and alcohol use is a personal decision but education may help with this decision. Addiction to drugs or alcohol can be devastating to a family.
- It's hard to say what should be legal and what should not. At some point the law would hopefully protect people from hurting themselves and others, but it must be balanced with personal choice.
- As long as American society believes that drug abuse is a moral weakness
- Drugs suck, but I don't know how to stop the usage. It's a huge problem all over the world, and something has to be done.
- Some people that are more eveloved handle drugs(maryjane) better than most and infact, can benefit. Alcohol sux though. It's the opposite of enlightening and for that reason, it's still legal and dope isn't.
- marijuana is no where near as damaging alcohol should be legalized
- Need more forceful interdiction at source
- no one should use them.;..
- Drugs have been around since the beginning; therefore, it is impossible to totally eridicate them from society as long as money is used as the medium for commerece. It is inevitable that some people, albeit a small number, will always abuse anything, God help us, even food. Society has to learn to accpet that there will always be a small segement of people who will fail, no matter what the subject matter.
- distructive and substitute for real living
- alcohol is more harmful to individuals and society than marijuana.
- I think anyone can use drugs as much as they want if they do not infringe on my rights, don't drive drunk, don't break into my home to steal for your habit, don't collect SSI for being a drug abuser. Destroy yourself, not others.
- I believe that drugs in general should be legalized. We should punish behavior that harms others (like drunk driving, or stealing to get money for drugs), but not the private, safe use of drugs by adults.
- A personal matter which government has turned into a criminal and social problem
- I don't understand why anyone would even want to start. What is the point???
- I feel our country does not take the abuse of alcohol serious. It is the gateway drug, and our president should get as irate about the marketing to kids as he does tobacco.
- Used socially, responsibly (low end drugs) & moderately should not affect the average person. Of course there are those who cannot control their usage and drugs control them.
- Alcohol is probably the most abused and neglected drug that is available. Because of the social acceptance of its use there are seemingly fewer resources devoted to the abuse of this drug, which often causes the most societal problems
- Drug use is a personal choice. Prohibition only increases the allure of drugs and creates a profitable black market where users can sell the means of their own destruction for profit as opposed to alcohol. Drug legalization would make the drug lifestyle as appealing as the alcoholic lifestyle and make drugs less available to children.
- Everyone has a choice to create his own life.My opinion is that it is better to be free of drugs and happy without drugs. . .
- There should be more attention on treatment instead of interdiction
- It's like adultery; it's a moral issue. Though I may think it's wrong; I don't think it can be legislated.
- Any drug that occurs naturally such as marijuana or mushrooms should be legal, anything that must be processed should not be legal
- I believe in personal freedom and responsibility. People should be free to do what they want as long as it doesn't hurt others
- Drug usage is a problem as it locks a certain part of the population into crime and it does not solve their problems anyway.
- its an issue up to each individual
- Legalizing some drugs will make the "drug problem" look a lot better and will take the profit out of drug dealing. Taxes on legal drugs should go to drug and alcohol rehab programs.
- I believe the choice to put something into one's body should be there own decission.
- You can't regulate or legislate the problem away. You can't stop other counties from producing the drugs for import to your country. A strong educational approach is all government can do to combat the problem. Society must have strong family and community values to stop drug problems. The US lacks that, so consequently, it has a major drug problem.
- I think that all drugies are the scum of the Earth and should be hunted down and killed.
- Drugs can be deadly, if abused. Drugs impair your thinking and senses. People need to quit abusing themselves and others, with their drugs.
- Drugs - under the right circumstances and conditions are very beneficial. The very addictive (coke, crack, crank) drugs have no place in our society - It is destroying our inner cities and our youth. Getting
- The war on drugs is not working. President Bill Clinton is asleep at the wheel. Sometimes I get the feeling he wants to legalize Drugs. Bad idea.
- The Drug problem is a problem in education and enforcing proper use, draconic and simple solutions do not solve the problem.
- More people die from tobacco use than all illegal drugs combined. Yet the same politicians who support the drug War on Some Drugs take tobacco money. This hypocrisy must stop. The drug war is a sham, and it's unconstitutional. Prisons should only be used for those who harm the person or property of another.
- If you want to do them in the privacy of your own home. Fine. But once you leave that sanctuary and interact and possibly infronge upon someone else's rights (such as DWI ro committing a crime, you should be punished to the full extent that the law allow
- i think everyone should decide for themselves if they want to take drugs; people should learn more about drugs so they know how to deal with them; there is no known culture without drugs; drug prohibition is the source of many of society's and of individual drug problems (e g delinquency); drugs can be dangerous but also beneficial (same as for medicinal drugs); the dose makes the poison - Paracelsus
- It's bad for your health & destroys your life.
- drugs are bad for you when you begin to develop a patern of use
- While I do not unrestricted drug/alcohol use, I do think they should be regulated (as far as quality and purity standards) and freely available. Most of the problem with crime could be solved by legalizing drugs. In any endeavor, the greater risk a person takes, the greater reward they expect. A drug dealer is taking a big risk by dealing, therefore expects large financial rewards. Most gangs are kids dealing drugs -- they can make more in part of one evening than they can in a month working at McD nalds. They are so expensive, that those who wish to purchase them can rarely afford them earning money through legitimate means, therefore resort to burglary, robbery, and dealing themselves. There should be quality/purity standards, much like there currently is with alcohol. If you drink three cans of Budweiser today, you know it will get you just as buzzed as the three you drank yesterday, or the three you drank last month. You might not get as buzzed off of a whole bag of marijuana that you bought oday as you did off of one joint that you smoked last week. Unfortunately, drugs will probably never be legalized, as there are too many people on BOTH sides of the law that make their livings on the present system. Not just the dealers and smugglers, but how many judges, prosecutors, public defenders, police officers, and crime lab technicians would still be necessary if all crimes relating to the possession, sale, or purchase of drugs were suddenly removed from their workload?
- Wellll we like to get extremly fucked up will we are on the net
- It is going to continue no matter what is done to stop it
- Drugs are a symptom of our societies weak moral attitude.
- Drugs: It screws up your brain but then again if they had a brain in the first place they wouldn't be using it.
- The question of whether to legalize drug usage is a tough one. If it would take away the money and the crime then maybe we should legalize and regulate them. Also make it as tough on driving drugged as driving drunk.
- drugs should be legalized and taxed like tabacco and alchol. Then the abusers would pay for their own medical bills.
- I am concerned that very young people are involved, but because some of the drug awareness programs must prove they are needed to get gov't funding, it is impossible to know how wide spread this problem truely is. This statement is based on a personal experience with a "drug & alcohol survey" used locally with school aged children.
- Seeing as certain substances are illegal not because of the danger to individual users but to large faceless companies such as the paper industry, I think we need to rethink our government policies on the legalization of these substances.
- I think drugs should be illegal unless need be. But I think proof being a passport should enough to buy smokes and alcohol.
- It's sad that so many people seem to need/want drugs. My life is very happy without anything but chocolate (and a drink once a month or so)!
- its a personal issue. Its up to the user.
- I believe that the "War on Drugs" is a total failure which has led to increased crime and unfair jail sentences for minimal users. We should legalize drugs, control them as in The Netherlands, and stop pandering to the fantasy that crimializing druge use will end it.
- Certain drugs should be legalized (pot, MDMA); they're less harmful and more effective than nicotine/alcohol in dealing with psychological and physical pain issues.
- I have never tried any sort of drug - nor will I. But what right do I have to tell someone else what he can do to his own body - especially if his actions do not directly affect me at all? Re-legalization is the only way to ensure personal liberty--vote for Harry Browne, Libertarian for President!
- Marijuana should be legal and the drug war should focus more on hard drugs that cause peoples live to become ruined by addiction.
- I do not believe my grandfather fought the war in Europe for freedom so that I will have to pee in a bottle.
- All drugs should be legalized. I would not encourage anyone to use them, but legalizing them would make them worthless and would go along way to cutting down crime.
- Like anything else, it's okay if you don't abuse it.
- all people should be educated and free to make their own decisions about their own lives, esp. with respect to behavior as private, subjective, and personal as drug one, especially any government, has the right to tell people what they can and cann
- More educations could be offered by the governments
- This is so deep and complex an issue to cover in a few words... Drug use has _always_ been a means of escape from compounded and unrelenting stresses of daily exsistance, but like almost anything else we do to combat the ills of our everyday lives, drug use can far too easily become the crutch that we beat ourselves with. I believe that - in the short view - because of the ultimately addictive and damaging nature of so many drugs, many drugs should continue to be outlawed and their _sources_ cut off. T e question of punative action against individual abusers of drugs is difficult to answer, except that I believe punative action against all but the worst cases to be a waste of life, time, and money - like a social band-aid on a the gun-shot wound to the collective social conscience. In the broad view, I think we can only make a difference in people's lives by creating committed social change that supports the less expensive and more spiritually gratifying methods of rehabilitation, change of circumstance, and active compassion. Thanks for listening... (I said this wasn't easy. Ask me to translate James Joyce for you - that might have been easier !) Tony Maeller,
- I believe marijuana should be legalized
- most teenagers trie drugs at one point.i think the drinking age should be lowered but not below the age of 18. but this would make it easier for other kids to buy beer.
- More and better drug education is necessary. Cigarette ads should be more tightly regulated.
- All drugs should be legally available. Any taxes on sales should be for education, drug treatment programs, and the national debt. Government, in general, should stay out of dealing and busting drug users.
- We need to look at the psychological causes for drug use and address natural ways of dealing with them.
- Drug use is a personal freedom issue. Activities which harm others may be regulated, activities which harm only oneself, may not.
- Drug dealing should be penalized more severely
- Drugs are not necessary to lead a productive life.
- The only problem I have with drug use is that it is easily available to those unable(incompitent) to use them wisely or to make a desision without refering to peer presure.
- unequivocal legalistion of cannabis.
- More education on drug and alcohol abuse/addiction is needed. Along with a zero-tolerance for EVERYONE!
- Legalize it!
- I've been using marijuana for a few years now, and can't understand why such a harmless drug should be prohibbited, while alcohol and tobbaco are killing millions and aren't.
- Drugs and use of is completely wide spread among youth. I come from a priveleged background and along with my friends have been so called well educated about drugs etc yet we all use drugs to some extent. I think what is being left out of drug education is the effects...good and bad. I think that open discussion about drugs with people siting personal experiences would encourage more informed decisions about usage as people realise that drugs affect different people in different ways. Educating kids ab ut drugs before they get exposed to them presents an unreal view. Which becomes the authoritaritive view that kids love to make fun of.
- Any drug that physically harms another (eg: smoking) should be banned.
- There should be no government restrictions on a natural product. There should no differnce between corn and marijuana. They a both worthy cash crops.
- I think the entire drug issue for most drugs is a matter of not health or our Gov being worried about its people. No I think the whole issue is basically WHICH industry (ie Tabbacco, Alchohol) owns more of congress than the others.
- Marijuana and any other drug that grows freely should be legalized. Marijuana causes no harm to the body. Maybe a little but less than a whole lot of legal substances. It's not addictave wither. I'm not addicted to marijuana but I'm addicated to Pepsi. I'm tryiong to stop drinking it because I never drink water. Legalize it!!!!!!!!!!
- I think that certain drugs such as mary jane should be legalized and put in their own little cigerette packs with 20 class A BLUNTS!!!! but I also think that certain drugs such as LSD, PCP, ESTACY,CLOUD 9 , DOWNERS AND UPPERS SHOULD STAY THE SAME.
- I want to agree with the libertarian view that everyone should be free to use whatever drugs he or she wishes, with only the effects on others (e.g., accident while DUI, robbery/theft to support habit, cost of health care for bodily damage from drugs) being punished by law. However, I am *lucky* (not morally superior) to have had a background, body chemistry, social environment, and intellectual outlook on life that together will probably always keep me from using drugs harmfully. Many others do not ave such a fortunate combination. The world needs more resources dedicated to reducing demand for harmful use (e.g., education and rehabilitation), rather than so much to legal punishment.
- made legal but regulated
- I think that doing something that is harmful to ones body is syupid, but it is a matter of choice.
- Drug abuse is a social issue that should be dealt with by building strong communities, not by demonizing users.
- Only if the users know what they are using
- if used irresponsibly, any drug can be dangerous or problematic. be careful folks!
- My most pressing issue with drug usage is concern for those who use them, esp. children.
- DrUG's KiCK AsS
- I think this is a personal & social issue. People should be free to indulge in their drug of choice UNLESS it hurts ANY ONE else. The current system is a total hypocrisy. Alcohol is way more damaging to our society than marijuana, yet it's legal. Could it be that one can purchase Tequila or cigarettes over the counter, paying TAXES on it, when Tequila and cigarettes are far more dangerous than natural substances like marijuana. A stoner is way less likely to have a vehicle accident than a drunk. don't think the government can make money off marijuana, thus it's illegal.
- Marijuana research should be objectively conducted. Growing for personal use should be legalized. Medicinal and social uses should be legalized and controlled. Additionally, tobacco should be more tightly controlled to reduce availability to minors. Use
- I don't advocate abuse of any drug, including alcohol & tobacco, and know that drugs can really screw up one's life & body. However, prohibition and draconian enforcement of drug laws is not working - it just fills our prisons with drug offenders and encourages disrespect of the law, just as Prohibition of alcohol in the 20's did. Drugs should be legalized and the money from the War on Some Drugs should go towards rehabilitating addicts and teaching the public to use in moderation, not abuse drugs.
- cigarettes are very additive and are legal pot nonadditive illegal does't make much sence
- Education is important, but legalization is the only way to solve most of the problems, from organized crime, to addiction. You spelled Prozac wrong, and crank and methamphetamine are the same thing. Most of those listed above, if not all, can be used for medicinal purposes in a controlled environment.
- xxxxxxxxxxxx
- More Moeny should be spend on Education and less on in enforcement
- Except for medicinal uses, there is no legitimate reason for using drugs.
- Drug use amongst young people needs to be stopped.
- It's bringing down this country, ruining some of my friends, destroying the core of this nation, the family. Drugs are a good thing in the hands of those whom have knowledge to distribute them under medical authority.
- It's none of the government's business.
- Ban them all in public (especially cigarette smoking).. let people drink/smoke cigarettes/smoke marijuana in their own house if they way.
- Such a problem I cannot answer #16. I don't know how to deal with it all. Some people probably drink or smoke instead of thinking about this. This issue is so close, I cannot believe ther is anyone who is not either addicted, has lost a loved one to addiction/death, or will in the next 5 years.
- Hard core illeagal narcotics and other dangerous drugs are damaging the fabric of our society. A very aggressive program should be undertaken to stop the flow of Narcotics into this country. Further pentalies for dealing and manufacturing durgs must be stiffened
- What you do should be your own business; however, if it affects others, you should reconsider your actions. The only problem is, even if you think you are only affecting yourself, you really don't know how you're affecting others. Education is the key....
- certain drugs are good some are bad
- Human beings can make better use of their mental faculties if they avoid them. However banning any currently legal would not work and some drugs on a par with alcohol should be legalised though getting 'stoned' or drunk should be discouraged.
- It is stupid to try to regulate drug and alcohol. People have their freedom to choose what they want to do with their life. If they want to kill themselves, that's their choice. The only thing we can do is to educate people better. By telling people w
- Drugs should be legalized and their abuse treated as a medical problem.
- Education is the key. Unfortunately there will always be people who are prepared to abuse the system for personnal gain (money, kudos etc). The protection of minors is important. Those at risk due to factors other than age, education, peer pressure, etc should not be discounted under the banner of free will/ old enough to decide. However this is not an excuse for the current lack of tolerance. My opion of which drugs should be legaised is based on my own experience and I cannot comment on those that I ave no experience of.
- certain drugs have a positive psychological and physical effect (this is backed up by strong medical evidence- ie: in the case of MS sufferers) and therefore there is a case for legalisation - however, others (generally the manufactured ones) are addictive and physically and psychologically bad for you, so in those cases i think that they should not be freely available and the penalties for using/supplying them should be increased
- This problem will in the end destory any person or counrty.
- Legalise everything but control it through government/quango bodies. Consideration should be made concerning users in the work place as well as health benefit scemes etc. It hardly seems fair to offer free medical care to people sufering from the side effects of their own lifestyle decitions. The same could apply to those who participate in any dangerous recreational activities.
- Drugs allow what was not previously possible (eg staying awake for 5 days straight, etc).
- everything is a drug - an escape, whether it's cocaine or wheel of fortune... get used to it - people with addictive personalities can abuse anything - treat the source, not the symptom.
- cool
- I feel that certain drugs, if administered and montitored by qualified persons, can be beneficial for some individuals.
- i don't mind legalization of many. but the penalties for "public effects" of the drug use should be REALLY harsh. use'em, but keep'em in your yard.
- natural drug eg. MJ/hash/oil/mushrooms/opium/peyote/mescaline should be legalized all other should have tighter controls put on them
- I don't know.
- By making usage of drugs such as alcohol and cigarettes taboo for children, parents and society only fetishize these substances and make them more attractive to children, who are in turn more likely to overindulge when they finally have access.
- Spock and Data in '96 - The Logical Choice!
- Drugs which are currently illegal should stay so.
- I don't like to drink anymore, but I like marijuana. Actually, I don't use it that much, but wish I could more often. As for caffiene, its so much a part of society, that its almost impossible to avoid. As for all other drugs, I prefer to stay away from them.
- I must thought first before consuming
- Moderation is key. But to achieve that that level of consumption is difficult.
- I am in favor of legalization of some milder drugs, ie pot, education of the young is a must, just as with alcohol, adults should be able to grow/purchase for own use
- don't do it man-just say no
- It is a personal choice and none of the government's business
- As long as people take drugs with responsability they should be allowed to. Hard drugs as heroine destroy the personality, they ought to be illegal. It is better to persecute dealers than junkies.
- some people know when to say when..fine for them..I dont.
- Leave tobacco companies alone!
- doing drugs often allowed me to be destuctively passive in all things/a who cares type of Christ I am now a new person no longer under the BONDAGE of DRUGS.
- I don't do them anymore, and never will again. However, I feel that everybody should have that choice, knowing full well what the consequences for each are.
- Using drugs, drinking alcohol, or smoking are a personal decision that doesn't require the interference of the gov., except under cercumstances where it interferes with others (drinking and driving). The "Drug War" created more crime/violence than it stopped. Kids should learn about "personal responsiblity" from family, friends, community.
- I firmly believe that the preamble to the U.S. constitution said it best: All human beings have certain rights which are deemed unalienable; among these are: truth, justice, and the pursuit of happiness!
- Using drugs, drinking alcohol, or smoking are a personal decision that doesn't require the interference of the gov., except under cercumstances where it interferes with others (drinking and driving). The "Drug War" created more crime/violence than it stopped. Kids should learn about "personal responsiblity" from family, friends, community.
- Using drugs is OK, if that doesn't harm other people. There's nothing bad in smoking a joint alone or with some friends, to have fun. Some drugs like pot should be legalized. Alcohol should be illegal.
- I think it is up to the individual to know enough about themselves to make an informed choice of whether or not to use.
- Drugs and alcohol lead to moral decay. They harbor no value!
- End drug prohibition. It encourages black market trade, pushers to target kids, gangs to fight over turf, and creates more prisons and police than we can afford.
- People who are addicted to Illegal drugs, should(though not likely) should have it made easy to go to a rehab. If it is perscribed by an Doctor for medicidinal reasons then it is okay.
- Drug use by our youth is the root of most of our problems. We need tougher laws to deal with users as well as dealers. Our revolving door justice system is very bad. We need to change that and get tough on druggies.
- Although I've seen the negative effects of the excessive consumption of both drugs and alcohol, I still firmly believe in personal freedoms. If someone CHOOSES (and at first, using IS a choice) to use, then who am I to stop them? When they hurt someone else..then it becomes a different story. DUI's should be punished severely as should any crime committed while under the influence.
- i think drugs should be legalized because they have been aroun for centuries and people will do them anyway.Also,if they were legal the money generated from them would go to the government and not some rich drug dealer.
- Education, education, education. The majority of the problems concerning alcohol and drugs is associated with mis-use because of misinformation due to the lack of adequate and correct education.
- The Laws do not need amending.
- I think that social drinking is okay as long as the person involved can handle it and knows when to stop. As the parent of a teenager, I feel that too much emphasis is put on saying no, as opposed to learning responsibility. I also think that drugs, unless over the counter or by prescription (with monitoring), should be illegal.
- If a person does not have positive control of their life, then drugs and alcohol can be detrimental to them..
- moderation, moderation, moderation
- marijuana should be legalized
- The only thjing that makes a drug a drug is the question if it`s legal or illegal. I`m a BIG promotor of marijuana myself caus i don`t c any objections against free distribution of a substance that`s less harmful than legal drugs as alcohol, sugar, coffee etc. !
- Hash, grass or whatever you wish to call it, has, NEVER killed anyone because of it's use. Why is illigal? Because it is illigal users have access via the dealer to other drugs. Making grass legal would remove the black market side of the use and, in time, remove many other drugs, or at least make them harder to get hold of. I have many other thoughts on this area but I suspect nothing you haven't heard already.
- if it's
- No Answer
- drugs and alcohaul can be both beneficial and dangerous depending on the individual and the circumstances. A government carrying out a war on its own people can benefit no one and harm many. Each of us owns our own body, what we take into it is our own decision, and not the governments'. People however must accept full responsibility for their actions whether under the influence of any drug or not..
- Marijuana and Hashish are socially and physicaly less harmful than alcohol and should be legal.
- I know from experience with my son, that drug use causes changes in personality, and limits a persons ability to use good judgement. I believe it is a spiritual void people are trying to fill with drugs, and until our country gets back to it's moral roots, we are going to have people escaping in drugs.
- Drugs are extremely harmful to our country.
- Distrubition of drugs should not be enforced. It is your right to ruin your life. We cannot allow for dictatorship, as this causes childlike attitudes. ie.. hand in the cookie jar.
- Unless we make kids aware of the dangers of drugs, even legal ones, we will never solve the problem of addictive behavior.
- We live in a free country right?It should be an individual's right, to do it or not to do it.
- MJ should be decriminalized.
- A terrible thing that unless curbed will destroy the nation.
- doing drugs in your house doesn't hurt anyone but yourself.\
- As an educator I see children addicted to drugs and alcohol at earlier ages. Third graders are alcoholics b/c they see their parents doing it or their lives are so horrible they need alcohol or drugs to escape it. Also, contrary to popular belief, in the high schools, it is the smart or 'gifted' students who abuse alcohol and/or drugs more frequently possibly due to incredible amounts of pressure from schools, parents, and themselves. They say the drugs help them relax aven though they know the draw acks (ex. most could outline the process of cirosis of the liver in medical terms!). The abusers are becoming younger and younger.
- Drugs and their usage are definetly best being illegal. They should NOT be legalized, and anyone who does drugs needs to seriously think about their lifestyle!!
- Drugs are not the problem, people's relationship to them is the problem. Adults should be warned of the effects of drugs, but not prohibited from using them.
- Drug use should be the responsibility of the user. By regulating drugs, the government cannot deal with abuse in the appropriate manner.
- It's a matter of personal, adult responsibility. Some people can experiment with anything and be ok; others can't handle legal drugs (alcohol). The "War on Drugs" is a no-brainer solution to a complex sociological problem, and should be replaced with decrminalization and treatment programs. ps- it's nitroUs oxide - check spelling.
- Recognition of individual differences is key, as long as people make educated and informed choices about substance usage.
- I think the drug laws are barbaric and stupid. To quote Timothy Leary, "I am 100% for the intelligent, moderate use of drugs and 1000% against careless, excessive use."
- Drug PROHIBITION is the ROOT cause of almost all crime. It results in gangs, convinience store robberies, strung out prostitutes, police corruption, cartells(government created monopolies), Legalize ALL popular drugs AND Drug treatments(methodone, etc)and crime WILL plumet.
- I believe drugs (especially alcohol) suck. To me it is unbelievable how many youths are addicted, or just plain use these harmful substances; it is something that should be stopped but will most likely not unless we take drastic measures.
- I don't do anything but have an occasional drink, but I do think that drugs should be legalized and controlled by the government. I don't agree with public use of hard drugs, private use should be legal. Use on the job should be strictly enforced. Ther
- should be a personal choice , but as with all matters the result of the choice is your problem
- Some people can function while on drugs/alcohol while many others cannot. I think we need more public programs to help those with serious drug/alcohol problems. I come from a family with a history of alcohol problems, it can ruin your life, your family and your job.
- Drugs are great as long as they are used with care and moderation. You ned to realize the effects, both negative and positive, before you take a drug. Drugs aren't for morons.
- Bad karma
- I believe all drugs should be freely available.I believe their use for other than medicinal purpose is misguided.
- Don't "just say no", Say "NO TOLERANCE!!!"
- Go for it! If you are happy why not be happier. If you are unhappy why not se drugs to get the space you need to change. Drugs won't solve the problem, but *not* taking drugs won't solve it either.
- Responsible adults should be allowed to make their own decisions on drug use when it comes to relatively benign drugs such as psychdelics. More effort should be directed towards preventing children from smoking tobacco, it is the worst killer of all. I am a good example of someone that has used many drugs responsibly, without it affecting my overall role as a citizen or person.
- End drug prohibition.
- Legalize it - vote Harry Browne in '96
- Recovering alcoholic and drug addict. Everyone is different - some people can use drugs/alcohol safely - just not me. They should be legal. It is the lifestyle which often creates more problems then the actual drug ie heroin addicts/prostitution to support habit, etc... have a nice day...:)
- illegal drugs are dangerous and need to remain illegal
- drugs are more of a way out of problems. There should be certain allowances for drug usage
- Victimless/concensual acts should not be crimes.
- i believe it's okay in moderation and does not effect the person taking them or others around them in a negative way.
- Certain drugs should be legal, pot for one.
- The evidence that governmental regulations are ineffective is overwhelming. I firmly belive that all drugs (even your morning coffee) are harmful and dangerous when abused or used by the wrong person. Yet making substances with legitimate medicinal and in
- Drugs should be legal, and it should be up to everyone if they wanna take them or not.
- people should be discouraged of taking drugs but not punished
- In many cases, people are self-medicating. I did (with methamphetamines) for several years. Now, I take Prozac for depression, and have no desire at all for drugs. I drink to help me sleep, but even that may be a thing of the past, now that I've been prescribed Trazodone.
- So long as they harm only themselves people should be allowed to do as they please
- Drug users are REALLY unintelligent. I mean, get REAL, what kind of IDIOT would do that? Its suicide.. And that's the absolute WORST thing you could possible do to yourself.
- This is a personal issue and education can help. You should know what you are doing and feel able to handle the effects of what you are about to do, and know if it is to much
- Drugs should be legalized for adults, with known risks, interactions, etc. on the labels.
- Caffine and Alchol are socialy acceptable drugs.. why not Hash and Mary Jane?
- I've taken them, enjoyed them, but I don't do them any more, except for the occasional joint. I stopped because I didn't feel like taking them anymore, not because I was addicted, arrested, or even asked to stop.
- I think that you should be able to do what you want with your body
- I'd like to qualify my answer to 16 by suggesting a similar regulation for all drugs as we do for alcohol at the moment
- That the drinking age should be lowered to 18 and marijuana should be legal.
- Strict regulation historically accomplishes nothing other than increasing violent crime, and decreasing individuals' desire to take responsibility for their own behaviour.
- We want free, legal, backyard marijuana! Let it Grow!
- some drugs which are legal(like alcohol) are not as good for me as a person as ecstasy and lsd drugs are just as "bad" as illegal ones, so there should be all drugs legal or nothing...also the drugs would be more pure i.e not as bad for the bo
- everyone gets stoned, will we put the whole population in jail for it?
- need better social controls; legal ones do not work very well
- in my younger days I thought that it was cool. I now find that due to marijuana useage I dont recall things as easily as I once did. It has altered somethinginmy brain which I cannot change. I will and continue to direct youngsters away from it and all drugs.
- Just as with everything else in the world, there will always be some people who will ruin their lives or do stupid things using drugs... But I only feel positive effects from my own drug usage. It's a fascinating hobby, of sorts, with mystical undercurren
- Substance abuse should be dealt with as a disease rather than a crime. A small fraction of the massive funds we dedicate to the criminal control of drugs could be dedicated to the education and care of abuse as a social and health problem, saving millions
- Drugs in the medical field arte seen as tools to help fix problems, or alleviate symtoms. This is the reason for any substance, to help, but if abused it will cause problems. education on drug use is very important, but drug use is also very imporntmnt in learning.
- The individual has a perfect right to poison him/her/itself - provided that he/she/it accepts the consequences (no medial care for drug abusers)
- Marijuana should be leagalized for medical use ONLY. Such as in treating the side-effects of AIDS and cancer treatments.
- All drugs should be handled under a medical rather than a criminal model and should be available by consumer choice.
- legalize them. it would cut down on crime, much of which is now drug related, and it would save lives - also, if drugs are legal, they can be regulated as alcohol and tobacco are.
- marijuana is boring. decriminalisation and education would be more effective/appropriate.
- All drugs should be legal. The government should spend drug prevention money on education. Drug use/misuse cannot be stopped by force. The government should educate, then license drug users, then sell users the drugs they want. Undersell the dealers and put them out of business. This WILL lower crime. Too bad we live in such a hypocritical, Victorian era of selfcentered political BS.
- A self destructive attitude is the major factor in drug and alcohol abuse and all the regulations in the world can't stop that. Prevention by education is the best method of counteracting the problem. Regulation can be effective also, but with things as they are it would never be as effective as education and good family support for our children.
- I am in favor of legalizing marijuana since its effects are no worse than alcohol
- most of the problems i've seen have been causes by the prohibition of drugs not the drugs. banning substances hampers the ability to test, and improve drugs and nullifies any quality control efforts.
- In 1910 a ten year old could buy herion off the counter without a perscription or even a note from his parents and there was no drug problem then. The "War on Drugs" has created war zones in our cities. Legalizing all drugs will take away the profit for the criminal element.
- If drugs were made legal and accesible through medical supervision it would take the profit out of the business and greatly reduce crime. Drug usage is an individual psychological problem and individuals should seek porofessional help in making decisions about it.
- As long as there is a demand for drugs and high profits for their sales, drugs will continue to be an unsolvable problem. Prosecution of those involved in the drug trade addresses niether of these facts.
- I think using drugs is an extremely pathetic way to lead your life. Life is so short, you never know when you're going to die, so why waste any second of it on drugs?
- Maraijuana should be re-legalized, and treated in much the same way as alcohol. Other drugs should be decriminalzed. We need to stop treating addicts like criminals, although I do feel that dealers should face severe consequences.
- We spending to much money trying to stop drug. We should look for other ways that are more cost effective.
- I have seen what drugs can do to you if used improperly. Any drug that is not necessary to your well being should not be available. All drugs with a degree of harmfullness should be sold by prescription only and any drug (ie. marijuana, crack etc) should not be readily available, period.
- too much money is being spent in the losing war on education instead.
- Government has no business legislating morality. The model used in Holland is the only one that has evr worked. The "War on Drugs" can never be won and is profoundly stupid and wastefull.
- Like every thing in life: Abuse and you lose it. Know your limitations and certain drugs (and alchohol) can be personally enjoyed. One should not use drugs or alchohol if it causes physical or mental harm to other individuals.
- I believe certain natural drugs such as marijuana and mushrooms should be legalized. Marijuana is a widely used drug with effects a lot like tobacco. If certain drugs were legalized the government could regulate them. With this intervention, it would produce a large amount of revenue. This revenue could be used to educate children and rehabilitate addicts. In the Netherlands, where marijuana is legal and regulated, they have one of the lowest drug problems in the world. It can be done and it can e successful. It is time our government realizes what the people are doing by choice. Whether it is illegal or not, marijuana is a part of popular culture. Like prohibition of alcohol, anything that criminalizes a significant portion of the populace will be ignored - giving rise to a profitable black market. The greatest lesson of history is not to repeat it's mistakes.
- Anything that I can find and use that is growing in the wild should not be controlled by anyone in anyway!
- Any drug should be freely available. Its ones own personal responsibility for ones own actions.
- The "heavy" drugs are causing serious crime problems in our country. Law enforcement needs to be just, swift, and sure. There are too many roadblocks and not enough prisons.
- I think more education and less regulation is the answer to drug and alcohol problems
- There definately needs to be education in the school systems. However, if someone is old and mature enough, and wants to try marijuana then it should not be a crime. I feel that marijuana should be legalized. There are just too many benefits.
- There is a time for everything inlcuding drugs.
- Drugs are stupid, bad for you, and they should burn in hell!!!
- Drugs are very dangerous and penalities should be much stiffer on not only delers and users but up to and including death penalty for those involved in the upper levels
- Society tends to recycle old ideas.
- Stop the insane war on drugs.
- Drugs are a trap. They mask the problems you are having by making you forget them for a few hour. Before you get high you are 1 month behind in your rent and there is no food in the refrigerator. You get high to forget and when you come down your 2 months behind in rent and someone stold the refrigerator. You may not think so at the time but It not only compounds your problems but it causes health problems later on that the USA will have to pay for and we cant afford it.
- I think most of these drugs can be dangerous to use. I think drug use should be treated as a HEALTH problem, though, not a legal/moral one.
- Legalazation of drugs in response to the current crisis facing America is dangerous and foolish.
- I think things are getting worse, for example, kids are getting into drugs at a younger age then before and this will continue to happen so sooner or later kids will be starting at age 7 or earlier which is horrible!
- Prohibition doesn't work. We must put up with occassional drug problems
- The use of any/all substances, is a personal/moral issue, that government has no legitimate right to legislate. What government should legislate however is a persons behavior I.E. violent, careless, stupid as aresult of using drugs and or alcohol.
- I beleive that alchol and drugs are hereditary and drug dealers as well as drug users should be penalized. More schools should teach the effects of alchol and drugs. I've been clean for 8 and 1/2 years. Drug treatment centers should be acessable to all that need the help, it isn't easy some people need to go through treatment more than one time, like me I went twice before I grasped the program.
- Drug use is a sad attempt to escape from reality. People I have known who used drugs admit that it is an escapist tool. Why not make human freinds to talk to instead of using drugs as an escape from your problems?
- I feel that people are totally stupid and should be ashamed for using them. Do they have any idea as to what they are doing to themselves!?!? I feel that this needs to become a bigger issue than it is. People are caring enough to stop the drugs or the usage!
- You can not legislate morality. What a person does to his or hers body,as long as it doesen't harm or interfear with anyone else, it thats persons private business. Not the government,not the churchs, not any other group with an axe to grind.
- Drug usage should only be used for proper medicinal purposes if any. People should be able to find their own high without the help of such addictive substances.
- I hate seeing people's lives distroyed by drugs.
- I believe that all drugs that are illegal should remain illegal. They have no benefit unless medicinal purposes are found for them.
- Making drugs illegal is a joke as they are unenforcable. It is a HUGE waste of our tax money. People who want drugs get them.....even in jail. It's another instance of this country's Rebublican Jesunatzi's trying to run everyones life.
- Drugs should be legal; their use is a personal decision with no victim involved. It is not the Government's or an employer's business as to what a person does on their on time. Only when a person infringes on the rights of others should they be searched, arrested or jailed.
- I agree that this country has a serious drug problem, but I believe it is a drug enforcement problem. The police in this country need to be curtailed severely or we all risk losing a most basic freedoms.
- i wonder how it feels when i take drugs..
- Drugs are a poison that corrupts the spirit. People will use drugs as a crutch, and thus will not learn how to deal with their problems.
- Except for the very habit forming they should be legal
- Legailty has, for political reasons, little to do with safety in either direction; what is banned cannot be supervised, and it is unsupervised use which most often leads to casualties.
- i couldn't live without them. they're better than sex. that's pretty damn great. i get my pussy wet just thinking about getting fucked up.
- They should legalize tobacco and marijana.. would cut down on arrests and kids being kicked from school. There should be a rule.. high when you are in school, or smoke, you are gone for good.
- we shoul leagalize drugs it would put the dealers out of buisness .and help ballence our bugdet..if people are going to use ,nothing will stop them.
- Many people who abuse drugs & alcohol have other psychological projects which they are masking with the substance. Our society needs to deal with mental health issues more; we're putting our money and efforts in the wrong place.
- X rules.... Can't get addicted... feels great... should be legal... nuf said!
- Drugs are an escape, but then again, so is television; drug are a method of enlightenment, but then again, so is television (potentially)
- There are people that will never use harmful drugs, and people will will no matter what, the people in the middle should be educated enough to know enough about them to decide for themselves. But if they do decide "yes" and get caught they should be punsihed.
- I think if drugs were legal the producers would stand to make a profit. It is hyppocritical of the US to try and legislate or penalize other countries in Cental or South America when drug and alcohol related deaths are the #1 cause of death in this count
- drug users are stupid,silly, dumb because life is short and they take that fucking bullshit to have fun but it kills themselves. All of drug users are motherfucker!!!
- No productive member of society would be involved with illegal drug use. It undermines our value system and puts all at risk whether personally - health - or societally.
- I do not see the need for drugs in my life, even those prescribed for me. I only take drugs if I am in pain for more than 24 hours, and then it is usually nothing more than an aspirin. As for others using drugs, as long as they are safe, and are not likley to do others harm, let them.
- Most substances that are illegal should remain so because of their socially detrimental effects. If someone decides to use drugs or alcohol they should be prepared to face the consquences of their actions.
- The drug problem is closely related to many other crimes in this country. We need to emphasize to our children, young and old, they do not need drugs to enjoy life or to solve their problems. Drug usage is a major cause in our decline in social values. 70% of the illegal drugs produced worldwide are consumed by people in this country. Where does the problem really lie?
- I think the buying, selling, and use of all drugs should not be prohibitied, regulated, nor taxed in any way. I am not personally interested in the use of drugs right now. I think it is OK for purposes of spirituality, creativity, productivity, and recreation in moderation. I would try to convince people not to use unsafe or addictive drugs, and I would like to see drugs made safer and less addictive.
- Peolple should be able to enjoy life without the aide of substances.
- Certain recreational drugs should be allowed. I believe that all forms of alcohol and tobacco should be regulated, controlled and sold by government agencies to restrict access to those persons of legal age. This could perhaps prevent young people from becoming addicted at such early ages.
- Just like everything else, when used with intelligence, and in moderation, drugs & alchohol can be very pleasing.
- I think that every one who wants to will at least experiment with drugs and/or alcohol. If it only goes that far then ok. Once it goes past that them you have a problem and need help. I used to not care about drugs, sure go ahead knock yourself out...until my sons were born. I've thought about the nite that I would be called in to ID his body because he overdosed by one of his friends. Just the thought of kids and drugs makes me sick!
- Humanity will always take drugs and we should humanize the rules.
- I think that drugs are a reason the world is turning into such a hateful place.
- We could stop a lot of crime and the government would make a lot of money by legalizing certain drugs.
- I don't know...
- As far as whether to legalize currently illegal drugs, I think we have enough problems without adding another legal vice for kids to adopt. Education on drugs/alcohol avoidance must start at home...a strong home is the key!!
- I think they should legalize's better for you than alcohol
- Some folks that I hold in high esteem seem to think drugs are an appropriate means to an end. I'm not sure I can understand that position.
- Prohibiting the use of drugs only makes them more attractive to some - education is the only answer
- drugs are always going to be used whether they are legal or not so why doesn't the government just tax them and make some money out of it
- Light, social drugs are not as harmful as research makes them out to be.
- Trust in liberty requires that people be alowed to make both good and bad choices for themselves. "Trust in libery is an acknowledgement of faith in God and his works", Freidric Bastiat, The Law, 1850.
- One of the largest problems this country faces.
- I love drugs
- With Prozac, none of the stronger drugs are necessary
- It is a persons personal choice. I don't like it when peoples or my own drug use affects myself or others. Drugs should not come inbetween friends.
- I think drugs are incredibly stupid, a waste of time, money and life. I have seen too many people destroyed by drugs. I have rarely used any, and will not beyond Tylenol and such and prescription if I need it. If there MUST be drugs, I'd rather see people use marijuana than any other, including alcohol and nicotine. I would never personally use marijuana even if it were legal. I have strong feelings about this, as most of my family will likely die of some sort of drug abuse, be it cigarrettes, alcohol r stronger drugs.
- If my body truly belongs to me, what I put into it is no one's business but mine. The government believes that IT owns my body. The choice is mine to make, and I have made the right one by avoiding mind altering drugs.
- I think that drugs (cocaine, heroin, marijuana...) are generally more detrimental to a person's health than is alcohol.
- I fell that people should be able to put whatever they want into their bodies.
- Drugs other than alcohol are fine on occasion (once or twice a month) and alcohol is great when used in control and where a person is responsible (ie. designated driver).
- Quit talking about a drug war unless we really plan to fight one.
- All humans innately possess the desire to excape the mundane; some do it with drugs/alcohol; some do it by exercise, television, computer games, or other "socially acceptable" outlet. I believe some persons have a genetic predisposition for substance addiction. Early education and intervention is needed---but we will never completely eradicate the problem.
- I feel pot might help as a medicine for some people.
- Well, a lot of drugs in my opinion should be legalized, LSD, Marijuana, Peyote, Extacy, and a few others. Drugs like cocaine, heroin, those and more other needle drugs are fairly stupid and should remain illegal. I think kids parents (Not the government,
- drugs use is caused by the need to escape and creates a large problem for those of us who want to escape to a stoner-less civilization
- illegal drugs should be wiped off the face of the earth.
- As along as it doesn't hurt anybody else, why should they care.
- I think a lot of it is due to peer pressure and intimidation. I think that curiosity, unhappiness, and depression can also motivate people to use drugs.
- The best way to regulate is to legalize.
- I think our ethics and morals too much cloud our sensibility and logic. I think the people who make the laws have no first hand experience and as such don't know what the hell they're dealing with. I think addictive drugs that clearly have a negative impact should be illegal but many currently banned drugs do not fit this discription. Down with religious, self-rightious SOB's!
- As long is it doens't hurt someone else a person should be able to do with their body what they want
- I think we need to understand *why* people use drugs, then work from that to cure the disease, not the symptoms.
- While I did not check "legalize" for the spectrum of drugs, I strongly believe criminal enforcement is ineefective in dealing with drug problems.
- The War on Some Drugs is doing a great deal of damage to this country. It is a mistake. A war cannot be won without an army. There is no army with which to fight the War on Some Drugs. We are loosing. We will never win this war. We should cut our losses now and give up. Continuing the War on Some Drugs is insane. Prohabition didn't work. The only winners are the dealers.
- do no time for a victimless crime...
- I agree smoking pot and drinking alcohol
- i'm a college graduate, employed and i pay my bills and taxes. occasionally i smoke marijuana and i'm ok. i've never harmed anyone and wouldn't think of it. the media likes to scare people.
- I just want to say that a person has to be strong willed if their going to experiment with drugs and alcohol because it can take over your mind , body and soul without you even realizing that it happened until it's too late! I was a heavy drug user at one time and now it caught up to me even though I kicked it on my own. I now have Hepititus C and only have a few years to live because of something that i did 13 years prior, I'm now 38 and I feel that my life has just begun and here I feel that I got kn cked back down! Since being diagnosed with Hep C (3 years ago) I no longer drink either. Now that I'm straight all the time I see the people that I use to drink with and see how alcohol affects a persons personality, But I have to say that I do miss drinking socialbly. That all I have to say about the topic. Thanks thelenster :)
- no one has the right to tell me what i can do with my own body or mind. we need proper education and regulation so people can make sensible informed decisions.
- Most drugs-Bad Keep laws same- Education is best -
- America is amazing; it professes to have so many "freedoms," yet it is probably the most tightly regulated country with regard to drugs and alcohol. Nicotine is proven to be addictive and harmful, and it is still freely available. Marijuana is not addictive, but it is illegal.
- Particularly in the United States, the problem with soft drugs (specifically alcohol and marijuana) is immaturity about use. Having a drinking age of 21 and an entering college age of 18 is ridiculous, and is merely a way of pretending the problem doesn't exist. If the drinking age were lowered to 18, or a British-style 16-if-you're-with-parents, then there'd be less binge drinking in college and later life, as there would have been an eduacational process. With regards to marjuana, I feel that it i essentially a harmless drug, if it does somewhat decrease productivity by causing a shorting of attention span, but that this should be the user's problem, not the government. It causes less damage socially than alcohol, and making it illegal only gives criminal records and makes the police force spend time on otherwise innocent upstanding citizens.
- Most drugs should be legalized but controlled by the government. Tax it, have farmers grow it instead of NOTHING, why is it that school teachers and 7-11 clerks are being given drug tests and not doctors or lawyers? Of course, it won't be easy but eventually we will be victorious!
- Most drugs should be legalized but controlled by the government. Tax it, have farmers grow it instead of NOTHING, why is it that school teachers and 7-11 clerks are being given drug tests and not doctors or lawyers? Of course, it won't be easy but eventually we will be victorious!
- Answer to experience w/ alcohol: mostly beer and wine. Answer to thoughts on drug testing: should only be legal as part of an investigation into a crash (airplane, train, etc.) causing death or injury.
- drugs/alcohol are the cancer that eats at our civilization and without strickter regulations we are useless
- It's hard for me to imagine being addicted to drugs because of the crappy feeling I get after drinking or smoking. I wish people would try to stronger.
- Alcohol is no good,drugs not for medical use are for losers.
- It wasn't very exciting to me. *shrug*
- If we raise people to think responsibly, they will act responsibly.
- Too many people are in jail for drug related crimes. They should decrimalize drugs, empty the jails of drug users so there would be more room for the child moslesters, rapes, murderers, white collar crimials and politians.
- Drugs and Alcohol should be regulated but that should be available as they are in places like England, I only reffer to the non addivting drugs.
- I feel that drugs should be legalized and sold through doctors and so forth for a very low price per usage. This would eliminate the majority of the street pushers and cut down on crime and violence.
- Drugs outside of a health care environment is not right and it all needs to be requlated and controlled more.
- If some jerk want to ruin his/her life with drugs, then so be it. Personally, I don't care to have my tax dollars wasted trying to stop idiots from being idiots!
- that if drugs are addicting and KILL then why take them for a short rush, in all the time people spend taking drugs they could be enjoying life on the otherside, I mean there's two sides to the picture.
- Drugs are very evil substances and the people who take them deserve the punishment they get years later for taking them(side effects).
- Legalization of drugs would eliminate the high profit which encourages violent criminals to engage in drug trafficking. It didn't work for alcohol in the 20's and its not working now.
- I'm a libertarian, I think everything should be legal, and everyone should be responsible for their own action. I also think though that I should have the right to shoot anyone freaked out on them under any self-defense conditions
- We can't stop others from harming themselves only from harming others
- I believe that drug and drug usage has many different ramifications. There are those who can and can't deal with them in an adult manner. I do believe that a different attitude by society concerning drugs and alcohol could possibly change some problems; take the European countries for instance, alcohol consumption is looked at differently and their alcoholism rate is reported lower than in the U.S.
- Drugs and alcohol STINK!!! They should both be against the law.
- End the war on drugs, and we wouldn't have a war on crime either. Legalize adulthood!
- where it is against the law, enforce the law to the fullest.
- The War on Some Drugs has been a colosal failure. No good has come of it. It has greatly increased crime and government power over the indivdual.
- I have become comfortably numb.
- it is a complete freedom of choice and shouldn't be messed with espically the government
- Drugs should not be readily avaiable to the general public. Drugs are destroying our youth in America.
- Overuse is wrong
- The drug war is the most detrimental domestic policy in US history
- I think that alcohol and cigorettes aren't THAT bad ( but they're not good) However, I do feel that harder drugs are very bad
- I don't approve of the use of currently illegal drugs but the federal government has no Constitutional authority to regulate it except as it's use may affect the work performance if federal employees or as it's use by federal employees may affect national security. If an individual wants to accept the consequences of drug useage, let them use it. I also believe that if an employer or landlord disapproves of it's use then they have the right to fire or evict the users.
- Take the money out of drugs by legalization. Yes, a few more might OD and afew more might be come addicted, BUT the crime rate (druggies burgaling, etc.) would drop and the general population would benefit far more.
- Drugs are an excellent way to screw up your and possibly someone else's life.
- n/a
- Laws against drugs cause more problems than the drugs do. Alcohol is most deadly drug and causes the most problems. De-criminaliztion makes most sense for drugs currently illegal and more severe penalties for DUI and other traffic incidents involving drugs. Drugs/alcohol and driving of any kind do not mix. Tolerance and education key to curbing usage.
- Some people will always want more, some will say they should be banned implicitly, and the rest of us are sensible enough to know when to quit while we are still enjoying the benefits
- Determination of one's level of maturity is the key to the use of alcohol and with some drugs, while education about the harmful affects of the more addictive drugs should be stressed.
- I hate paying a Dr.Visit everytime I need drugs. When I know what works on my body, I should be able to get anything without a prescription. I don't want to go to a Dr. unless I need their advice, but a Pharmacist usually knows more about how drugs work than Dr.s.
- I think that if the drugs and alcohol are used wisley and in a safe invironment then there is nothing wrong with them. I think that if you know you will not become addicted to them then there should be no limits. To many people think that it is an excape from reality and thats not how they should be used.No drugs should be a goal of anyone that cares but more then likly it will happen. If you are smart it will not happen often. All major drugs like cocain and other drugs that are highly dangerous to our health should not be legal. I thinkthat the major problem with people today is that they do not use them wisely or for the right reason.I do agree that major drugs should be illegal. They are to deadly not to be.
- Drugs have destroyed SO many lives (and brain cells). Why someone would seek to do this to themselves is something I find hard to understand- and how our society PRODUCES so many people who feel it is the answer saddens me- and makes me fearful for the future.
- moderation is the key!
- People need to escape sometimes. Drugs provide that. I don't believe that legalizing marijuana is going to have a negative effect on our society. So many people use it and I believe it's alot less dangerous than alcohol, which is legal.
- The War on drugs has claimed more lives, caused more crime and misery than drug use.
- Hard drugs while not desirable as a recreational tool should be legalises if for no other reason than to minimise drug related crime
- As long as drugs are used and not abused (used to excess or in a way that harms the user or other people) I think that it is fine.
- I truly believe alcohol is far more dangerous than many organic types of drugs and that if alcohol is legal, these types of drugs should at least be decriminalized
- I think that it is scary seeing kids at my school believe drugs to be fun and rebellous. I wish they could see themselves in ten years
- drugs are for the birds
- I believe in free access and use of drugs, but without government support for rehabilitation or any other aid.
- Drug are powerful and can be quite dangerous, but government restrictions are useless. People take drugs to releive physical pain and emotional stress. The fact that so many people are abusing drug should be telling us that there is something wrong with
- I've seen drugs mess up a lot of peoples lives. I don't think they should be regulated out of anger or hatred but I am for makeing them have harsh regulations out of compation.
- It's when drugs and alcohol make us stupid (i.e. more than any small/moderate amount) that it gets out of hand.
- If used moderately some drugs can be good. Just like anything else if done in excess, it can be a problem.
- drugs use was the biggest waste of time and money in my personal experance, I don't recomend it for anyone.
- I think alcohol should be available at a younger age. Younger people drink anyways and it is not as harsh as drugs.
- drugs can be used as a tool. If there is a problem with drugs/alcohol, the problem was already there and has only been amplified. We need to treat addicts as medical cases, not criminals. Drugs should be legalized, not just decriminalized. There is far too much violence and pain brought about by the need for it already.
- I do not feel that any additional drugs should be legalized since we now have a huge problem with the drugs we have now that are legal. The cost to society is too great.
- I am not a frequent user of drugs or particularly addicted to any one drug, however I enjoy injecting certain drugs on occassions purely for the enjoyment of the effects of the drug and in my opinion certain more addictive drugs such as cocaine are much more enjoyable and less affective than say alcohol which is legal. The real criminals here are the pushers. If drugs were readily available people like myself who use the drugs for enjoyment would not be made look like criminals when in effect we are ju t taking another drug such as alcohol or nicotine which are legal and readily available.
- I don't understand how people can use them or abuse them. We all know what bad stuff they do to our bodies.
- i think in one year the death penalty should go into effect for big time dealers. it's time we take our country back.
- I think drugs end up doing more harm when illegal; Legalized marijuana could make money for the government, keep people out of crowded prisons, reduce deaths in many circumstances, and respect personal freedoms.
- Drugs and alcohol cause too much damage to society-they should be illegal. Users, especially drunk drivers should do some SERIOUS time!!
- Drugs should not be legalized.
- Drugs have always been with us; the "drug problem" is, however, a creation of the government, because prohibition has created a highly profitable business, a dependent underclass, a corrupt law enforcement system, an obscene crime problem, abrogation of the Bill of Rights, and a class of cynical political beneficiaries. The phenomenon of a few individuals who addict themselves to something is insignificant in comparison to all this politically-created misery.
- The worst drug is tobacco. Why doesn't this survey address the horrendous, tragic effects of tobacco? Drugs and alcohol deaths combined do not kill as many people as cigarettes. Cigarette use by teens often leads to drug use.
- Maturity and Age are the key factor before using any drug!
- Just say no. Shoot lab owners. Jail dealers. Jail smugglers.
- I feel that certain drug use is bad. Personally, I believe that someone who uses on a daily basis, who has to fulfill an addiction, is definately bad. They have a big problem, and need to seek help, or have someone else seek help for them. Another main opinion I have about using drugs, is that if you are going to experiment when you are young to have a little fun, and try new things, have a blast. However, there comes a time, such as when a person has to GROW UP and be responsible for themselves as an ndependant and/or their family. I personally use marijuana when with friends at times, and consume alcohol when going to parties with friends. But once I enter my career and graduate from college, I will no longer use marijuana, although I may have a drink or two from time to time socially.
- I think drugs are nasty (hard drugs) and people shouldn't do drugs.
- Alcohol/drug education programs should begin very early in school,and should continue for as long as people are in school.
- Drugs are a way to mask are toubles,feelings and fears.It's amasing how much the problem is truely mis representedo or maybe its just denial. d
- Drugs shoud be managed by the goverment and given out like a perscription tobacco to lsd and manadge by medical personal
- Drugs are not good. However, the US Government isn't tour mommy. Whether or not you use drugs is your business, unless you endanger others through your behaivour.
- I think that certain drugs (such as marajuana) should be legalized and that taxation of these substances would both give money to the government, taking it away from the drug dealers, but I wonder if the regulation of marajuana (or other drugs) is very tight, wouldn't the black market just stay? I do however believe that, as drug trafficking is a business, the government needs to get into it - fight fire with fire!
- what is the purpose of this survey?
- Certain people in society have an inclination to be dependent on drugs or alcohol; it can be inherited; one's upbringing helps play a role in the use of drugs and alcohol
- Everyone, once they reach the adult stage, has the right to decide for THEIRSELVES, whether or not THEY want to get involved with drugs. That's fine. Encouraging others is shady. Encouraging minors is even more so. Dealing should be done with responsibility, but that will never happen. Education is one way to deal with it. Drug USE should not be a crime. DEALING should.
- people use it legalize the lesss damaging as marijuana..that way you keep it under control and is the step to hard drugs as cocaine a bigger one
- I think an educated distinction must be made between recreational use by mature, functioning members of society and sociological issues that drive addiction and inhibit full integration into our economy.
- Legalize and tax marijuana so that money raised can be used for education and drug treatment. People use drugs/alcohol to mask problems. It is time to face our problems.
- all drugs including nicotine and alcohol should be illegal
- most substanced that are illegal now should stay that way
- Drugs should be available to anyone any age as with alcohol
- i only tried alcohol once, it was a sip of my parents' wine, but, YUCK!!!!!how disgusting i never ever want to do anything involving consumable alcohol again, how can any of you lunatics like it? it even smells disgusting(except rum, rum smells great but i expect it tastes horrible)
- what a complete and total waste of my time amd money, and i risked my live and the lives of others just for a good buzz. if i had to do over again i would not touch any of it!
- Quit supporting the drug pushers and legalize whatever people are going to use and tax the hell out of it .Use the money to balance the budget and education
- I think prescription drugs should be tightly regulated. I think doctors give pain pills and narcotics to freely. Drug abusers should be rehabilitated and if that does not work, lock them all up together with a few vials of crack and kill each other over it. Drug abusers are of no use to society.
- I don't think it's a major middle-class problem. To the extent that drug use is a problem among the poor, we should be addressing greater problems such as unemployment and lack of education.
- the present 'war on drugs' only excerbates our authority problems, disrespect for law, murder and theft rates, etc. the government should get out of the drugs question. businesses, however, should consider drug use with other job-pertinent characteristics of (potential) employees. the 'problem' comes from our reaction, not from the drugs. we need to relax and develop a more mature understanding than 'Just Say No'.
- i am a recovering addict...have been clean for 6 years....drugs are easy to get and easy to keep however if the govt. legalized certain drugs they would be very rich
- It's cool and it makes captin Kirk go up.
- It's a serious problem.
- Amsterdam seems to have the right idea.
- They're fine, if the individual can handle the psychological and social effects.
- Any legal drug such as caffeen, alcohol, tobacco, etc. should stay legal and let people have a designated driver with alcohol and let people smoke if they want but not in public. Let there be smoking restaurants and non-smoking restaurants. Let people have a free choice. Drunk Drivers caught driving drunk should be punished severly and make sure tobacco is only sold to people over 21 and strictly enforce this.
- Depends on what you consider drugs. I don't consider alcohol, caffine or nicitine a drug. But I feel all highly addictive drugs should be regulated
- I believe that people should be free to do with their own body whatever they like in private as long as it will not injure anyone else in any way. I also believe suicide should be legal (not done, but legal still).
- The above answer sums up best my thoughts on drug/alcohol use
- I think that usage should be completely ok if the use isn't abused. If people are responsible in their actions than it is their problem. If it gets out of hand than the abusers need to be helped.
- I've had several experiences with drugs and alcohol and even was addicted to it for some time about 4 years ago but I realised that this should not be a good way for me to get away from my problems and I don't want to become like my father's side of the family. Now, I will only drink maybe once a month but not for the "effects" anymore and I rarely smoke "marijuana" now.
- There are times I believe that legalizing drugs would stem the problem. At least it would get rid of the scum making money, and there would be standards established by the industry on quality.
- The government should control and regulate all drugs.
- Drugs is an artificial source of pleasure. They are used by people who are too stupid to find ways to have fun on their own. It is hard to convince users of the dangers of drugs, but if you look at the kind of people who are committing acts of violence
- Drugs in and of themselves are not a problem. Some people can develop problems, but this should be treated as a health/psychological problem not a criminal one. There are far too many people in jail now for drug-related crimes. Let's save jail for peop
- I have smoked marijuana on occasion and gotten delightfully stoned each time. However, I would never feel comfortable in any so-called drug subculture. I am interested in using herbs for medicinal and recreational purposes, but I am very uncomfortable wit
- Legalize, tax the heck out of it, state distribution (gives a quality guarantee), some jobs where other lives are at risk(pilot, etc) should not be used on the job, if so, stiff penalties !
- The War on (Some) Drugs creates more problems than it could possibly solve. All drugs should be relegalized, thus cutting the drug profiteers off at the knees. Law enforcement should focus on real criminals: murders, rapists and thieves. Realistic impairment testing would be far superior to any form of drug testing.
- certain drugs should be legalized, such as marijuana, but i like the way drugs are basically treated here. It makes it hard for people to overdo drugs, yet its easy to experiment
- I am only 11 years of age, but even I am more into what President Clinton is doing to lock the drug dealers
- There are many weak people in society who can't handle either drugs or alcohol. When these individuals consume these substances they have great potential to do harm to innocent members of society. If it were not for this potential to do harm to innocents, my opinion would be to allow these individuals to consume as much of whatever substance they want until they no longer present a danger to the innocent members of society. In other words, I would allow alcoholics or junkies to consume as much as th y want as long as enough fees are collected on the sale of these substances to dispose of their bodies when they have completely ruined them and died. I consider this the Darwinian/Kevorkian approach to drug control. The penalty for stupidity throughout history has been death. If the stupid want to kill themselves, who am I to stop them? But, I will not let their stupidity to kill or harm innocent others.
- The drug war should be ended.
- humans seem to be driven to alter their reality. there are no victims other than those created by the war on drugs.
- you have to control what you do not let it control you
- I recommend that all the parents out there with kids sit down and tell them, "Yes, I did drugs" and "Yes, they can be fun" and "I expect you to be responsible in your decisions about them." IN THAT ORDER
- I see no need for them in my life, so I don't understand why anyone else would. Alcohol taskes gross, so why drink it? Some drugs are medically neccessary and should be legalized only for that purpose. Harsher penalties for drug dealers, and a global crack-down of drug-producing countries should be put into effect to solve the problems.
- things like marijuana and lsd should be legalized for use in "trip bars" like the hash bars of amsterdam. Under controlled circumstances, these experiences can be very insiteful. Education is the key
- people can use but not too often
- Addicts commit crimes, but are not criminals! Reform the judicial process accordingly. No legalization until there are better support systems to educate and emotionally bolster our young people.
- The Healing of America from drug desastor, must start in the Heart of Man! It cannot be legislated, or ever controled, until mankind has a real Heart change! It must happen from the inside out!
- People need to learn how to manage stress, so they won't turn to drugs and alcohol.
- Need to examine the reasons why we seek escape, relaxation, etc. by artificial means
- Well, I like the idea of legalizing weed, but I dont like the idea of the government paying for the rehabilitation of drug users, I figure we should all be allowed to do whatever we want if it doesnt harm anyone else, but I also believe the government shouldnt be taking care of us, we should be taking care of our selves, if we are responsible enough to take care of our selves, then we are responsible enough to be allowed to have weed...
- The United states has more drug users in jail than any other country.Treatment is a better alternative to jail and should be used more often
- End the insane drug war NOW
- I'ts our real national shame, the conspiricy of silence, whats the body count from the drug war from our citys' streets? Probhition, Elliot Ness, Frank Nitty, Surplant Drugs instead of Illegal Booze, and you have exactly what you have today gangs (gangsters) organized crime, drive-by shootings, the slaughter of the innocents over the profiteering og the drug dealers; and or the posturiung of govt & its cronies who depend on the war monies for their livelyhood. Who is the good guys? you dont know an more
- Decriminalize the use of drugs. Take the high profits enjoyed by gangs and criminals in the distribution of drugs by permitting the sale of drugs through conventional wholesale and retail channels.
- It's a matter of inner culture whether drugs become a problem or not.
- Drug&alcohol usage is indicative of a collapsing social order. Personal responibility for a strong/safe community has been undermined by the corruption of the judicial,executive&legislative systems. In otherwords our government is corrupt. They are suppose to lead by example as are parents. When justice and honesty are lost so are the people of that society.
- Altered states are just that. Unatural and not needed. But we do it anyway.
- War on Drugs is a complete failure. Legalize drugs and end welfare, which subsudizes drug abuse, and you will see a decrease in drug use.
- More regulation.
- Alcohol and tobacco are the lifeline of rednecks and wife beaters. Both should be regulated by the FDA.
- Personal responsibility should be the only requirement for a persons actions, drugs/alcohol included
- They are "crutches" for the weak that turn into real disabilities.
- As Mark Twain once said--Moderation is the key to everything, including moderation
- i dont know, i just dont know
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