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User Comments [ARCHIVE III]
What are your thoughts on drugs/drug usage?
- There's a big difference between use and abuse and everyone should know their limits.
- Hey-take what you can handle, don't do what you can't. I happen to have a very low tolerance for alcohol, but I know people who can knock down a few rounds and still drive home. Too bad for me, good for them. I know what my limitations are, and I proceed accordingly. Why can't we all do that?
- Drugs and alcohol are an important part of society, and create order in the place of chaos!
- It seems to be a natural mammalian drive to alter consciousness; there should be research into simple, safe highs; addiction to strong and dangerous drugs is a health issue. Drugs are inappropriate for developing children. I'm not taken with the few dru
- Teenagers need to be educated more about drugs. Including what they look like, how it feels, how to use certain drugs and so on to stop them from being so curious.
- Dumb survey!
- I know drugs (including alcohol) can be used in a responsible way, and with better education about the positives of drug use and experience is the key to a healthy, responsible, creative, understanding, and promising future.
- I think that soft drugs should be legalized, but that penalties for sale of hard drugs should be severe.
- There are numerous misspellings on this page
- Drugs should be decriminalized. The War On Drugs has failed!
- I think that drugs and alcohol can be extremely destructive, therefore they should only be consumed/used in moderation.
- Decriminalise, tax, licence, and regulate
- doesnt affect me .let the idiots kill them selves
- only an idiot does it
- I think that public focus is somewhat blurred on this issue. Too much time is spent depating the legailzation/illegalization of pot, cigatettes, and the like, but no one says anything about alcohol, which, in my opinion is just as dangerous, if not more so than some other drugs.
- I believe that if we really want to fight use of illegal substances in this country that we need to do it here -- on the demand side. Educational programs need to be enhanced, society needs to make it clear that use of illegal substances is unacceptable. Programs need to be made widely available to deal with addiction. After all that, penalties for use need to be increased substantially and penalties for dealing need to be harsher -- especially to minors.
- I think the cost of treatment should be reduced. I think mandatory participation in AA (a religious organization) as ordered by courts, should be banned.
- Drugs are not the problem its peoples abuse of them that is the problem. Although its a big sociological/legal question these days I think their influence on us is amazing.
- i thinck drugs like pot should be legal.alcohol should be illegal.pot dose not depress your sensese like alcohol .and it is non adictive
- people do drugs. we should do our best to help people with problems, but not by punishing them.
- Outlawing drugs results in more damage to society than the drugs themselves.
- restricting drug use only caters to the monopoly of drug lords and artificially inflates prices. All drugs should be legal, but we need freely available treatment centers where addicts can be helped.
- I think tighter and harsher punishment needs to be made on drug users and suppliers
- I don't use drugs, but I think that if you're stupid enough to kill your self, then that's one less person competing in my job market (just don't expect money from me)
- To put a person in prison whose only offense is that they smoked marijuana in the privacy of their own home is ludicrous. Our policing efforts should be directed towards crimes that have a victim(other than the self) and the freedom to make our own choices shouldn't be undermined 'for our own good'. It is difficult to comprehend why marijuana is illegal when every major study has concluded that is has significant medicinal value, has little or no side effects, causes no long-term harm and is non-addict ve.
- Natural drugs for lack of better words, have been proven over many centuries to be helpful for medicinal purposes and for social interaction as well, keep in mind that marajuana was only outlawed because big business found better less efficient ways to pollute and rape our land. Hemp is 30% more efficient that standard paper. LEGALIZE MARAJUANA
- People do what they want. Drug legalization would lower the crime rate significantly.
- drug dealers and organized drug groups should be severly punished
- n/a
- Like I picked I think that education is the key to dealing with the problems
- out of all drugs i think the one i hate most is marijuana. mainly because it soaccepted by so many. i believe that on can reach a trance like state without the aid of a drug. just don't sleep.
- use of any drug has a potential for danger,some more so than others.the most dangerous aspect is the unpredictability of each individual reaction i personally used pot regularly for 5 yrs. and never developed an addiction, with alcohol, however, the addiction was almost immediate and to this day i still cannot drink. thats the bitch about drugs you never know what you will become addicted to or to what degree.
- Drugs are a dangerous thing. There should be more education for children and maybe even more scare tacktics to keep them from ever trying drugs.
- Legalising marajuana would eliminate a lot of criminals income!
- Govt ought to get tough and impose stiffer penalties like death for peddlars. After all, drugs do kill eg drug war, ODs, crime to feed habit etc
- I don't approve of drugs use.
- I think drugs and alcohol are too easy to get. It seems like anyone can get crack, cocaine, and marijuana. Alcohol is also way too easy for minors to buy. Most people in my high school drink and they get beer easily.
- I think alcohol has done more damage to our society than all other drugs put together.
- Drug and alcohol abuse causes more pain to the user and his/her loved ones than is possible to describe. I know of NOONE who's life has been either enriched or ennobled by substance abuse.
- I believe that the misuse of some drugs has overshadowed the benefits of those same drugs, causing them to become more stringently regulated, and thus unavailable to those who would medically benefit from them.
- Most drugs are horrible, but such dugs that do have immeadiate drastic effects i.e. marajuana should not me condemed.
- I just lost my Aunt to a Drug Abuser and I think that the laws need to be tightened on the way we deal with all alchol and drug abusers. It is everybodys problem. Not just the victims and their families.
- I think it's actually a bad idea to use ANY drugs(including alcohol) frequently...however, I don't judge people who do, and I think SOMETIMES even Marijuana can have positive effects especially medicinally. I have no positive feelings towards heroine, cocaine, etc..there should be tougher penalties for those drugs. Mental health drugs are very important for sick people.
- MOST drugs should be legal. I am not a user but I believe the less deadly ones should be sold, and the government could make a profit like they do on ciggarettes.
- legalizing hard drugs would not significantly help the resulting societal problems. I would support the legalization of marijuana, but I would like to see tobacco made illegal, since it is so harmful to health.
- I have only tried alcohol (which is the most harmful drug I have taken) but have been offered marijuana and didn't take it. I believe that our society of today say it's okay to drink,smoke, do hard drugs(alcohol,marijuan,cocaine,crack,etc..) - that it won't hurt you but in reality it's addicting and will eventually kill you. Our leaders, role models, parents,etc.. have lost their morals too - the whole slogan of America is that we're 'free' and can do anything we want. It's too bad because things are g tting worse day by day and drugs (hard types) are taking us further down the road. Thanks for the surveys - this is pretty cool. By the way - I am 26, white male - if this helps.
- It's stupid, it ruwens youre whole life. It damages youre brains.
- Alcohol and nicotine are worse drugs than pot . I would rather have my young daughter smoke pot than smoke cigarettes
- Do what you want as long as you don't interfere with others. If you do intefere with others, there should be a strict punishment. This is the price of freedom.
- It's sad to see people completely demolished by hard drugs.
- Some should be legalized, but just put restraints on them; like alcohol
- same answer as #16
- Almost everyone in every culture uses drugs. There's nothing wrong with that. Drugs can lead to problems, but it's never only the drug but also social and psychic circumstances that determine whether the consumption of drugs becomes a problem.
- I think that smoking cigarrettes should be banned.
- none
- social cost of restricting the drug and the damage the drug could give should be considered in a more realistic manner
- The term Drugs has a wide variety of meanings, but for the sake of arguement, They should be legalized. If they are hindering your performance, so here is an example of social darwinism, good for me ,bad for you!
- When you combine alcohol, cigaretts, perscription drugs and other drugs in your survey you muddy the waters.
- some drugs should be legallized,the ones that aren't addicting like pot,
- I was very comfortable with marijuana and alcohol for years until it threatened my chances of success. With drugs and alcohol, I never focused on what is important in my life. I have a loving fiance now, a business ready to start soon, a new job full of oppurtunities, and I am living life, happier, healthier, and much fuller without the smoking and drinking. JUST SAY NO, I DID <--my message to all those who might read this. exactly.
- I think certain drugs should be legalized, but only if they are helpful in some sort of medicinal way
- moderation is the key
- If alcohol is legal marijuana should be also, especially for medicinal purposes. there are plenty of fatalities due to alcohol but not very many due to weed
- Drug and drug usage is practically impossible to regulate in a governmental way. Instead, it should be first and foremost dealt with in the home, and them school. In North America the alcohol laws are too strict and often only arise because drinking under age is "Bad" and "Rebellious" and "cool".
- it all depends on the person
- I feel that children and teens are unaware of the effects/harm drugs can(may) cause now and (or) in the future.
- Everything in moderation....if not, then don't do it.
- Drugs and alcohol are a waste of life.
- I think that drugs (not alcohol) should not be legalized in the U.S., for medical reasons it should be used, but not for recreation.
- Drugs are very good as long as they are not over used. All drugs should be legalized especially marijuana. Anyone who thinks that drugs are evil has had the governmant take over their mind.
- marijuana should be legal but nothing beyond that.
- They should not be legalized and heavy penalities for those who bring it across our borders.
- I don't use any drugs now, other than prescriptions. I am only a social drinker. Though I don't have any problems with these substances, I know many people do. I'm not sure what the "answer" to this societal problem is!!
- I believe we need to address peer pressure first, then people would be able to make up their own minds. The choices I make are my own.. I think everyone should be the same way.
- I generally do not PERSONALLY approve of the using of drugs stronger than, say, caffeine. But I am ADAMANTLY opposed to the idea that laws against drugs have any place in our society. Laws against drugs are the best way to make the problem explode, as has been shown by our experience. So I am opposed to drugs, but respect people's right to use them if they choose (including minors); but I am far MORE opposed to anti-drug LAWS.
- OUr society sends very mixed messages about alcohol use. I support drug legalization in order to take the profit motive from drug trade. Rehab services should be MUCH more freely available to any addicts who wish them.
- We should not regulate what people do to themselves unless they are a danger to others, but any laws on the books should be enforced.
- The U.S. should have much stricter and more consistent punishment for drug related crimes. No tolerance! While in Istanbul I talked to some men about drug problems in America. They think our government is stupid for remaining so tolerant. There your are either dead or wish you were within one week of being caught with the drugs.
- a nice road to self-destruction...
- All drugs should be legal and huge taxes put on them.
- The key is education, and harsher penalties for dealers.
- Drugs deteriorate human's minds; I know through experience. WHATEVER needs to be done to stop drug usage, should be done. I dont know what that would be, but...
- drug users are like alcoholics--they need a crutch
- "ills" has two els. The drug war is about the most useless thing for the common man. The government, however, is making itself into a major growth industry by using the farce of a drug war to justify its police powers.
- good stuff
- Legalization of drugs would alleviate many of the crime problems in America today. Drugs are a very serious problem, but incarceration is not the most effective way to deal with abusers. Just remember this: no Prohibition, no Al Capone.
- Drugs such as marijuana are ok in small amounts and would be ok to be legalized but other drugs are harmful and should be more strictly regulated.
- I don't like drugs or the usage of drugs. I have had many frineds die or become totally different from the use of drugs. It is sad and scary to watch and know thta you can only try to help them but htat thye have to want to get off...
- The HYPOCRACY stinks.How any substance GOD put on this earth can be made punishable by man is beyond understanding.( marijuana, coca leaf, mushrooms, peyote, popies, etc...)
- clean and sober is cool
- Drug usage is a personal issue and Government regulation is an intrusion on our Inalienable Rights. Some people use drugs as an escape for their problems and addiction can become an additional problem, however Government prohibition only makes the problems worse.
- drugs should be decriminalized, thus getting the criminal elements out of the picture
- Due to a multitude of physical ailments, my pain levels are high (excuse the pun) and my ability to be a pleasent and productive person are severely limited. Alchohol offers no real relief and the side affects are to severe(i.e. addiction and desease).With no truthfull education available,to many people are left to experiment with drugs they know nothing about. With an unconcienable drug war going in, to many good and harmless people are turned into criminals and the people who are misled into hating t em are taxed into slavery. Putting the UNCONSTITUTIONAL drug war aside, the reality of the situation is that if drugs were legal, crime (i.e. shootings and robbery) would mostly disappear. If legel and taxed, drugs could be a valuable source of revenue for ANY treatment program that would be needed to help and educate any person who unfortunately gets into trouble with them. That is why I say," TAX MY BAG, NOT MY FREEDOM". PLEASE, from all of us in pain and overstressed, rethink your objections and try to elp. Thank you and remember,no pot smoker ever did the nasty crap drunks do ------- we're to mellow for anything involving violence. Thank you and God Bless.
- all drugs should be outllaed dearh pently for dealer and suppliers
- it's such a huge problem, and so prevalent throughout society that no one is willing to admit it and start dealing with the problem
- I think that as long as drugs are not abused, then it is fine for people to use them. It is a personal choice that everyone has to make.
- Drugs are one of the most deadly thing young people can try.
- There has always been and will always be drug usage - legal and illegal. America is repeating its mistakes "prohibition" is here again - only instead of alcohol it is "drug." We need to learn from our previous mistakes and "call off the war on drugs." We have created the criminals in this war, just as we created the criminals during prohibition. The American people and its government has to stop "beating a dead horse," what we are doing (in the name of saving our society) is destroying America. I p rsonally feel that the "war on drug" has been created by the "elite group" who wish to prey upon the poor and underprivileged in our society. It is a sad day in our society when we are building more jails than schools.
- In a capitolist society, nothing can be truly banned. We are in an age where prohibition is unsuccessfully being tried a second time. Drugs are a personal matter and should not be subjected to public scrutiny. The drug war produces artificially high prices and creates violence. The drug war itself is much worse than the drugs. Either we live in a free society or we don't, we can't have semi-freedom. I would rather that addicts have access to cheap drugs than have them steal my stuff or attack me o that they can the money to purchase drugs at prices that are out of hand. The key to a drug free society is education and experience, and not intervention.
- What americans would lose in freedom outweighs the definite value attained from stricter drug laws- similar to "for the children" arguments, the freedom of the government to sector off and legislate into oblivion the personal rights guaranteed by the constitution scares me beyond description
- Drugs are the scourge of the younger generation today. I blame the Boomers who felt free to try anything and now wonder why they can't control their kids. My daughter is a freshman at a state university and can't believe how big a part alcohol plays in the lives of her peers.
- People should be allowed the chance to legally use drugs responsibly. There is a huge difference between use and abuse, and those that abuse should be the ones penalized, not those using responsibly. I have smoked marijuana for 15 years and graduated college with a 3.4 GPA, own my home and hold a professional job.
- I will not use certain drugs (eg. illegal), however I don't mind drinking under age in extreme moderation. My choice not to use illegal drugs is because of their side effects.
- I think it is far too simple for young people to obtain addictive materials. I first tried tobacco when I was 13 and I have never really been able to kick the habit. Ostensibly we have laws which prohibit this but they clearly do not work. I think a combination of greater education for young people and more stringent penalties for those selling legal drugs to minors should exist. I also think that the substances which are currently illeagle in the US should stay that way and that penalties for user and dealers should be significantly more sever if we are to curb the effects these substances are having on our population.
- There is OBVIOUSLY a huge problem with the way the U.S. deals with drug problems... HELLO, it's time for a NEW plan now!!!!!
- People should try to deal with the problem more open, like they have with Alcohol, an efffort should be made to reduce the money that can be made, then something would happen to the drug problem.
- Drugs should be available and if people want to do them then that is there choice. The government should have control over them to get rid of the black market and make money off of it.
- I think that with a a lot education... people can learn the effects of drug and alcohol usage, and decide for themselves whether or not taking subtances is a good idea for them.
- For adults, the choice is simple with illegal drugs. You are aware they are illegal, so if you purchase and use them, you take your chances on being arrested, charged and convicted of criminal activities. Those drugs that are legal and are prescribed by a physician should be used only under the physician's supervision.
- Many drugs should be legalized, Smelly ones such as marijuana should not be used in public.they all should be highly regulated where and how they can be used. Penalties for abuser's (not User's) should be severe (to include death) for crimes committed while under thier influence.
- Addicts are addicts and will find a way to their addiction. Why regulate what can't be regulated.
- Whoa, I don't really need them, I'd hate to be dependent on somethin, ya know, I like control, nicotine & pot are cool, alkies kind suq. Stoners I like hanging with cause I'm a lot like them normally.
- Drug use, if done responsibly is fine. The danger is when use becomes abuse. Education, honesty about the effects of drugs, and programs to help individuals should they become dependent, are necessary. Not lies and propaganda. It's human nature to want to alter our conscious. Laws will not work!
- The drug war is insane, should be ended
- we need to stop the war on drugs and the violence it creates in our streets. make it legal, and educate people in its proper use
- I don't think drugs should be legalized only if they are used in Religious Ceremonies, like the Indians used it. I think that some drugs should be illegal unless, only if they don't have much of an effect. Sincerely , Rachel Reynolds
- prohibiton does not work, the government should not conduct a war against its own people and I don't want to pay taxes for the war. Legalize drugs so they can be distributed without violence and the government can make money on drug taxes instead of wasting money by fighting a war against non violent people. This will reduce our prison population so we can focus on rapist, robbers and murderers!
- Drugs are dumber than the idiots that use them.
- I'd rather be around a group of stoners than a group of drunks. Therefore, why should alcohol be legal when pot is not.
- I realize that tea/coffee contain "drugs" but find it difficult to include these in substance abuse. I do not approve of anyone smoking cigarettes due to 2nd hand smoke. People who abuse any drug should seek treatment before their lives are ruined.
- If I need drugs and/or alcohol to cope with my life, then I don't see myself as much of a person anyway.
- Use or non-use of ANY drug is a personal decision each individual must make, given the availability of all drugs. So is the responsibility for the consequences for ones own actions and decisions. I.E. don't blame others for your mistakes, claim "I didn't know", etc. etc.
- Never had them, never will!
- Legalize stuff!
- I think that drug usage is great
- My thoughts and drugs and their use is that any person that uses drugs knows what they are getting into. You should be smart enough to think for yourself, and if a person wants to use drugs, as long as they are not hurting any one else I think should be perfectly legal.
- Drugs are unhealthy but citizens have a right to choose to use them or not.
- I think that drug users and dealers should face penalties.
- Teens start taking drugs to escape. Remove the need to get away and you remove the need for drugs.
- i would like to see fewer young adults use the products
- I fucking love drugs and alcohol and everything they stand for.
- Everything is okay in MODERATION. The less harmful drugs such as marijuana i feel should be legalized because the plant can provide us with much more than a good high. The law needs to be more strict against those who deal the crap to the kids.
- All one has to do is read their local paper, and watch the evening news to see what the effect of drugs are on our country. If drug users and dealers were truly treated like criminals, we'd have less of a problem
- I think that when dealing with Drugs and Alcohol, we need to repeal many of the laws that have messed up society such as the 21 year old drinking age and numerous other blue laws.
- Your questions on the how marijuana, alcohol, cocaine affect persons were poorly constructed. Several of the answers could apply. I found it impossible to choose one answer for question 6. OVERALL NOTE: Question #5 is a very good one, because it focuses on the root of the legalization problem. A large plurality can agree on something like marijauna, alcohol, cigarettes, which a great many people have some knowledge of. The tough part is deciding the legal fate of the less popular drugs. Very quickly w find ourselves passing judgement on a drug we know nothing about. Unless you're a total legalization advocate, you believe some drugs are just plain poisons that should be kept in check. The problem is deciding which ones, and separating your personal prejudices from the decision-making process. That's a large reason why the approach to drug laws is so confused now. People don't know how dangerous these various drugs are or are not, so they sort of fall in line with the thinking: if it's not legal, don't ake it legal. It's a politically safe position based on ignorance, but I find it hard to blame people for not having enough knowledge to make an informed decision.
- My thoughts on drugs, well, I think that dope is fine to smoke, but the hard stuff is a waste of space on this earth. The more dealers put out of action the better.
- Users need to be dried up! Dealers would follow shortly.
- if you need it , your in trouble
- Depends on the drug's type. Generally I think that educational programs on drug and addictive substance should be given by experienced people (ex-toxicos for example) who have some credibility amongst adolescents. Since the major problems with the drugs i
- If it damages you or your family...don't do it.
- Responsible people act responsibly those that are not don't. The drug is not the issue as much as is the person who chooses to use it or not, and if they they choose , then how.
- All drugs should be legalized. Making drugs illegal doesn't stop anyone from doing them. Good job Clinton.
- It is scary to see how easy it is to get drugs and how many peoples lives are affected. We need better programs for drug users to raise their self esteem and get them back in society and the laws need to be tougher on the big dealers.
- Legalize EVERYTHING. Allow use in special drug centers where users are supervised until they "come down" from their high. Tax the hell out of all the new drugs, proportionately higher taxes for more harmful drugs, and pour all the proceeds until law enforcement and drug rehab/detox.
- there are by themselves ok in the hands of hummans they are evil but they must be leagalized becuase they are what funding greater evils,and futhermore....
- I think that there are certain drugs that have extremly devastating effects (heroine, cocaine) and that drugs that are highly addictive should not be legalized. Hasch and Pot are not highly addictive drugs and have very similar effects to alcohol. We need to take a close look at who's pumping in heroine and cocaine to kids, they're sick!
- It is a personal choice.
- The War on Drugs is a Joke. Prohibition has taught us that restricting drug/alcohol use does NOT reduce consumption. We shouuld forget abotu drugs/alcohol and worry about more serious problems in this country.
- mariguana should be legalized and taxed like smokes, drugs should also be legalized for medical uses.
- Amphetomines should never be legalized (except caffiene).
- Pot should be legalized, tobacco should be illegal!
- I think one should wait until mature enough to experience and not be jailed for life if drugs are used.
- There is no blanket answer or statement. All drugs, even caffein, interact differently with different people. The way to react to it is to look at psychology rather than legislation.
- education is important .
- No minimums - Non hyperactive substances should be legal
- The war on drugs is a sham
- I don't believe in drugs however, I do think that marijuana should be at least de-criminalized if not legalized. If it is legalized the government will be able to control and monitor the market. This way the drugs will be prepapred under strit measures which will be safer to the consumers.
- Fine by me.
- drugs are not the problem...parents are the problem.
- Having tried some of the ones that people most want legalized, I must say that I don't see them as being good, and would be very uncomfortable in a society that allows drug use freely. I'd be scared to drive, worrying that someone legally stoned was on the roads with me.
- kids, beleive me, just say no
- it,s a persons own choice, their life not yours
- The drug war is only effective as an employment vessel for the government. It destroys lives and livlihoods as well as creates a stigma about drug use that drives many users into a dangerous subculture.
- The only illegal substance I have had is wine for the Sabath. But I am strongly oposed to all drug taking (eg. Cocaine). Making drugs illegal is pointless. If I realy wanted to take drugs I could. We might as well legalize drugs so the price of them will crash. Therefor ilegal trafficing of drugs would be a none-profit buisness.
- Used drugs and alcohol from ages 11 to 19. It was very destructive to my youth. It put me behind educational, morally and social for many years.
- Drugs and Alcohol Suck - Justin McCall - 15
- When I was a kid, we were experimenting with drugs and alcohol at the age of 16 and 17. Now I am an adult, have children of my own, and they are experimenting with this stuff at a much younger age. I don't know what is happening here, but it needs to stop, NOW! We need to educate our children more on the dangers of drugs and alcohol.
- I think that the most exuberating times that I have ever had in my odious life have been when I could escape from the constricting relms of the physical world and free my soul to interact with the planet in a more enriching way through the use of pot/
- Drugs are not that bad unless they over used. Marijuana is one drug that definately should be legalized. I has less effect on my body than alcohol. Alcohol is illegal, since I am a minor. But I am in college and it is more than avaible at any time.
- Drugs are bad. Drugs are wrong. Let's destroy existing bongs.
- Drugs really mess up your head. Go to College and be something, but remember have fun in College :)
- The war on drugs is a welfare program! The whole thing is insane.
- All drugs that are harmful should be banned, including tobacco.
- More education at earlier ages is needed but should NOT be left to regular classroom teachers; it should be a D & A professional giving out the info.
- drugs are ok as long as they do not dominate your life
- Many drugs are bad and can do harm, but nobody should interfere with another persons right to do them as long as nobody else gets hurt. If they hurt themselves it is their own fault. Everybody should be educated about the pitfalls of using drugs.
- As long as it is used recreationally and does not pose a health risk to the user, or others by his/her actions I have no problem with recreational drug use.
- I feel that a lot of the usage is by younger people just doing it because it is illegale or wrong. If it were legal I think that would stop some of the usage of those who are just being rebellios.
- I think alcohol is a more dangerous and potent drug than marijuana. Marijuana should probably be legalized for many reasons include its usefulness in many types of manufacturing and its relatively low effect on the senses.
- I could not survive as a responsible employee and mother without them.
- Done in the privacy of your own home and it dosen't harm anyboby (this does not include doing drugs in the presence of your kids) is ok and none of anybodys business
- I think the President is a crack baby
- I think people should look at the actual facts, rather than the socially accepted facts on drugs. Drugs such as marajuana have been catagorized as evil by the government and the media, but after looking at the stats and the facts people would see the truth. By studying drugs and learning all of the actual facts, people will be able to make more of an educated decision about drug use and not just go off of what the government tells them. I find it odd that there are more smokers now-a-days than non-s okers, and it is still illegal. LEGALIZE MARAJUANA!!!
- Like anything, making a law to solve a problem is silly. I tend to agree that education is the key to problems, but I have little sympathy for fools who want to kill themselves _and_ take me with them!
- Certain drugs should remain illegal, however, marijuana should be legal and drinking ages should be lowered
- Both drugs and alcohol are bad if not consumed responsibly. However it is the responsibility of individuals and parents to teach children responsibility twards such substances. The only thing government should do is enforce extreamly strict laws for people who aren't responsible users.
- The parents should be looking for their children to not take drugs
- By legalising many currently banned drugs their use could be made safer, as many of the ill effects of illict drugs are the result of poor quality drugs or drugs mixed with other harmful substances. If drugs could be tested to find their content before people took them their use would be much safer
- I think the harder drugs are gaining popularity among young people. Maryjuana use has definately gone up, but if used in moderation it is okay.
- Numerous clinical studies show that marijuana is significantly less dangerous than alcohol, yet it is still demonized. The information that is currently being distributed on drugs is biased by the legal issues rather than the real clinical issues and how to deal with drugs responsibly.
- Most everyone will experiment, but that does'nt mean it's alright, there is a price to pay sooner or later....
- Drug testing and demanding drug free employees should be an employers prerrogative but it should not, under any circumstances, be done by the government. The same applies to any control or regulation of intoxicating, harmfull substances. Each adult individual should have the right to go to Hades in whichever way better suits him or her. As for kids, they are their parents' responsibilities not the federales. Any parent who needs the government to help him/her raise his/her kids is a de-facto incomp tent and negligent parent.
- weed, alcohol, tobacco, peyote, or anything natural should be lagal
- At each individuals discretion.
- we seem to have learned nothing from the consequences of prohibition. no we have a government/criminal/foreign country cartel controling drug availability. certainly marijuana should be available for medical purposes (in pill form) and if alcohol and tobacco are legal i guess all forms of marijuana should be. people can legaly make beer and wine, let them grow their own pot under similar restrictions.
- The answer to stopping drug use isn't in criminalizing its use, but rather, educating the users. Get them out of the jails, and into the schools. A drug user doesn't learn to stop by being put in jail. More often, those incarcerated are exposed to stronger drugs, and pick up their more dangerous drug habits from within the penal system.
- I like to drink beer and chew tobacco but smoking makes me sick. I've had many chances to smoke marijuana but I never have because its not cool!!!
- This issue has really been taken advantage because now a lot of "people" are being able to get a hold of it, extremely fast.
- people will fight their own demons the "best" way they see fit at a particular time. if the person who is getting high or drunk doesn't have someone there that really cares about him/her, they will most likely self-destruct (like kurt cobain did). there has to be someone there that genuinely cares for someone to give it up for good. been there, done that, don't want to go back.
- As an asthmatic I have had to take drugs all of my life. The side effects of most drugs negate much of perceived value. Recreational drugs are dangerous, and society must find answers to the wide distribution of them. The problem has become so politicized that no solution is remotely possible.
- I think that alcohol is regulated well, but I feel that hard drugs are unnecessary and should not be around.
- I think drugs are a good thing unless they are used unappropriatly or in hazordous situations.
- I think the problems we have with drug abuse in our society is very sad. People need to stay away from illegal drugs and use legal drugs in moderation.
- I think there should be stricter laws against all who use, sell, or produce drugs.
- drugs help me get through anything life throws at me. And they are a lot of fun!!!!!!!
- If it's organic don't panic
- We (AMERICA) are wasting way too much time, money, and invaluable resource fighting drugs..
- There is a time and place for everything
- Drug dealers and users deserve harsh punishment
- All drugs should be legal, but should be regulated by the government and the health profession. The use of recreational drugs in and of itself does not cause problems in our society. The problems stem from society's attitudes about drug use and the resu
- I think drug and alcohol use should be highly discouraged but also decriminalized for the user.
- Vote for Harry Browne for president. End the fedral income tax, end the failing "War On Drugs".
- Dope gets you through times with no money better than money gets you through times with no dope.
- drugs are a personal decision for everyone. The goverment should stop trying to regulate it and let people make their own decisions. The government should educate the population and let them make the decision.
- u dont have enough space or do u ? : all drugs r a problem, wether mull or powder , the idiots that push this shit need to be dealt with .DEATH , in certian cases powder and shit could be approriate, see i think mull (marijuana) screws up the brain , i use to smoke very large amounts , ie 3 of us smoke 1 once in 34 hours fun but at least i snaped out of it , dont know why or how but the people i grew up with wernt so lucky some r brain dead, the others are just dead(hanging , mostly) i put that down to paranoyia, see i cant spell but thats probly the teacher fault , if u have cookied me ask me more but pthewr wise dont fucking let kids get screwed up with all this freedom shit Andrew Park
- drugs can be fun but they do fuck with your mind
- should be used as necessary for medicinal reasons
- i dont like drugs i thaink anyone thats uses it should be shot.
- Legalize Marijuana
- I think things like cocaine is bad because it really can kill, but marijuana to me is fine as long as you don't sell to kids!!
- I feel the Higher Goverment (cia & covert) are allowing drugs to come into the states for their professional gains.
- Education and access to recreation are key to controlling drugs and alcohol, remove the desire
- People should be held responsible for their actions should they use drugs and alcohol. Stop blaming society and their past for their actions of today. Those that don't should be penalized either financially of professionally.
- If someone wants to take drugs, they should be prepared to accept the consequences of their actions. There is so much factual information floating around about the hazardous effects of drugs, only an imbecile would start or continue using drugs.
- Drugs are wrong. There should be more stringent policies against drug users and dealers.
- Some people will always experiment with alcohol/drugs.Education on changing peoples attitude about their usage needs to change.An alert mind and healthy body should be encouraged and mind altering and unhealthy life styles stressed as poor choices and not the accepted "thing to do."
- "Just Don't Do It"
- Legalizing drugs removes the money from the equation, no money means less crime, less crime means a better society with more funds for drug education and treatment. People and governments should mind their own business.
- Just as guns don't kill, people with guns kill; drugs don't kill people that ABUSE drugs kill---taken in responsible strides, drugs can be very enjoyable---people who abuse them give drugs a bad name and help to create the image that ALL PEOPLE AND ALL DR
- I think that drugs have the ability to create some major problems, I got lucky and it didn't for me, I still smoke, and drink occasionally, but I no longer use any drugs, just as a personal choice. That's what I believe the main thing is, is that the rig
- I think that all the interest in drug use is strictly political. I don't believe politicians really care about those who truly have a problem with drugs. I also believe that marijuana should be legal as it doesn't cause people who use it to commit crimes to get it. You've never seen ANY crimes commited by people who use this drug. It's been around for a long time and for some one like myself, it's used for medicinal reasons. I think this entire war on drugs is a complete waste of time. Especial y when they lock up the users not the sellers, and I don't mean small time local dealers. I think the laws for hardcore drugs like heroin, crack, etc should remain the same. Go after the big drug cartels (except the growers of pot) and not lock up some kid or adult who just wants to ease his or her pain.
- Shouldn't be illegal. It creates more problems.
- Drug distribution seems to be one of the root causes of drug-related violence. Legalization of marijuana, et al presents its own problems, but I think that drug-related violence would subside as a result. Naturally, we would need to concentrate thereafter on rehab for the addicted.
- All people should have a freedom of choice. That you choose to use a self destructive drug is your choice and your responsibility. As long as a person inflicts harm solely upon himself it is his sole business.
- Drugs and drug usage is a problem in the US society in that as a "new" nation in comparison to the Old World, "we" use it as a way of dealing with society and personal problems. Education is needed to stress other ways of social enjoyment as well as social/conflict resolution.
- dependence on anything that destroys your mind and body is a form of low self esteem and one should seek to get help from someone. everyone has problems, but it takes a strong person to not let the problems control them but they control the problems. it takes courage to overcome drugs and drugs usages. the first thing you have to do is admitt you have a problem.
- I believe that all individuals should be allowed to exercise the right to do what they wish with their own body so long as they harm no other person. Government should have no jurisdiction over the method an individual uses to alter their consciousness.
- If it doesn't hurt anyone, legalize it.
- Self control
- It is very cool at the time, but than reality hits and it hits hard!
- Some drugs used on an occasional basis are o.k., but heavy drugs that put you at a great risk of an overdose or make you loose your ability to process thoughts should be done away with.
- Its a complex issue with the question comes to my mind, when and what drug may be used for recreation in a safe manor and how much as to not become dependant on it? Drugs have been around as long as mankind, there must be a need by the human body to want relief from pressure and stress.
- Government has no "Constitutional" right to control or legislate drug useage.
- Balance is everything. I tried a few things, but they all seem like escape; life is too fascinating to get overinvolved in drugs and escape it.
- Some drugs can really help you cope with stress, but others are just pointless, brain-damaging, stupidifying substances that should've been wiped off the face of the earth centuries ago.
- Drugs of any type should be legalized. Get out of the drug war which can't be won, and devote resources to education and real crime.
- If the world didn't have drugs shit would be seriously fucked up. Teenagers rely on drugs to help them out day to day. I know I wouldnt be able to cope without drugs in my life!Legalize pot people!"Whats everybody waiting for a miracle lets get to it.
- i lik dem
- realizing that drugs are very addictive I was not capable of judging true reality until I allowed God to rule over my life. Peopl should strive to find other means for relief. The Bible is my only defense for the addictive behaviors.
- I look back now on the drugs and alcohol I used when I was a teenager and think how stupid I was. I wasted a lot of time drunk or stoned when I could have been doing something worthwhile with my life. At this point in my life I believe all illegal drugs should stay illegal and alcohol and nicotine should become illegal.
- Drugs are to be administered only under strict medical and Psychological requirements
- Alcohol and drugs are used in a social setting. Unfortunatly, many people take it too far and become to involved in their use of those products. For that reason, drugs should not be legalized except for the accepted drugs like alcohol, but people must be educated about the effects of use.
- Real problem for society. I sincerely believe drugs could be the downfall of the US
- Marijuana never makes anyone do commit crimes or unthought things.
- Hard drugs are a very real problems for society.
- None
- Just Say No Falied!
- Abuse(including social use) are a severe detriment to our society
- I'm for free information, free alcohol & drugs, free religion. Its your life. Make of it what YOU want, as long as you are not a burden for other people.
- I think that certain drugs used with caution and moderate amounts (such as perscription) should be legalized.
- I think everyone has used it at least once in their day, even the President of the United States, I think it is how you deal with it as to what affects it will have on you.
- Where drugs impair mentally, I'm against them, but the government should not be involved.
- Drugs are the stupidest thing a person can do to themselves, it's basically committing suicide.
- The drug issue is central to escalating government intrusion in our lives.
- it's o.k. if your always in control
- If used correctly drugs can be good for your mind
- We will never eradicate drug/alcohol use, so we must educate people on the dangers of both. I don't think its anyone's business if an adult chooses to mess around with drugs/alcohol as long as they do are not endagering anyone else or influencing underage use. No drinking/drugging & driving! Stay home, stay safe.
- drug dealers should all be heavily penalized not just crack dealers
- I've tried both drugs and alcohol and feel that both are relaxing, however, i was fortunate nenough not to have a problem and decide to quit before i did and eurge everyone else to do the same
- Marijuana should be legal, and taken in only in moderation
- I frankly do not give a shit what people choose to put in their body as long as they are responsible in not letting it control their lives.
- Drug usage is a major tool of satan. Drug addiction is underestimated problem in this country. Bill Clinton uses drugs on a regular basis.
- Drugs are very destructive in every way.Why do them/
- people are going to do what they want, why persecute them for living their own way? We're all on this planet for our own purposes...end the tyrrany
- Drugs Suck
- Alcoholism and drug abuse is a sickness that is slowly killing this country.
- I think it is too easy to say drugs should be legalised. It affects people in different ways. I thinnk that tobacco and alchohol are just as dangerous and addictive as cocaine and herion. Education , not legislation, will sufficently make people aware of what they are goiung in to, as well as decent job prospects and a future for the young who are hooked in a BAD way.
- Most should be legalized, and we could deal with abuse through education
- Drugs are ruining today's teens, who will be running this country in the future!
- Everyone is free to use them
- If a person can handle whatever drugs they want to take and they aren't hurting anyone else, fine by me. Unfortunately most people can't handle most drugs responsibly so some regulation and education is clearly needed.
- Drugs and alcohol are usually the main cause of crime, spousal abuse, child abuse, murder, rape and so on. You can probably link many or all crimes to drugs or alcohol use.
- Marijuana is harmless; therefore needs to be legalized immediately. I'm not a criminal, I just smoke the chronic..
- Teach our childeren to stop using drugs
- Drug use should not be a criminal offense; more research needs to be done regarding illegal drug use as self-medicating for psychological disorders.
- I have considered strongly the possibility of legalizing all drugs to take away
- I have had a lot of experiences with most of the drugs in your survey. I wish that part of my life never happened. I am so far behind in life compared to my friends that didnt take that road. I wouldnt wish the drug and alcohol life on my worst enemy!
- Education is important. Not "This is bad, period, no explanation." or a categorical "evil, evil, evil". Education should educate. (really) What is the physiology of any given substance? Legalize, educate, and let individuals make choices. It's true, we do
- Drug usage is a personal issue. The government cannot erradicate drugs from our society, they should consider new methods of dealing with drugs and their users.
- Should be banned at all , drug dealer to be killed
- Dealers are only giving consumers what they want. Adults should be able to purchase any substance (especially plants) for their own use. I would like to see all drugs either freely available or regulated similar to alcohol and tobacco.
- a very complicated matter.
- I think that illegal drugs are illegal for a reason, they harm the user because they can be targeted as deadly.
- i think the ones that are illegal should stay illegal
- Marajuana is easily accepted by the younger generation X. It is almost considered like going out for a drink - I do not think of it as right though. The problem is that people do it when there is nothing else to do. They do drugs because of bordom.
- Let the people be personally responsible for their own actions
- Beer is beer, drugs are just got to deal with them..
- Everything in moderation
- The fucking goverment currently is so worried about people obtaining and using drugs, the hell with these people if they want to ruin their lives hand out the poison.
- Though I think all drugs should be legal I do not think that all drugs should be available. I am against the concept of the government determining what people may or may not comsume. I think that some drugs such as LSD have the potential for opening doors of perception which may not be as easily accessible under other conditions. For many people these doors of perception open up to worlds of discovery and personal insight. I think that drugs such as LSD should be legal and readily accessible. Unli e many other drugs, drugs such as LSD do not generally have a tendency to amplify feelings of aggression and hostility which are frequently translated into acts of violence and destruction.
- I've seen many family members' lives destroyed by drugs and alcohol. I believe the US should use its resources (armed forces, etc.) to find the ones who bring drugs into this country & bring big punishment upon the LARGE dezlers instaed of the corner dealers.
- In moderation, both are fine. If too much disposible income is being directed towards their usage, they become problematic.
- Rather than spending billions of $ on fighting a ridiculous drug war, we should open the question to the free market to economically decide. In a truly capitalist society, the free market, with minimal societal (note I didn't say governmental) controls will lead to the ultimate rational conclusions.
- Drugs are great if someone can regulate the amount and how often they do CERTAIN drug, such as lsd.
- doing drugs can lead to so many happy places! if everyone smoked pot, or sniffed blow there wouln't be as many assholes on this earth!!
- I favor the use of drugs for medical and health purposes and support some control and regulation. This would help stemm he flow of illigal drugs in the inner cities and minority communities which are responsible for much of the crime experienced in those sectors of most of our major cities and suburbs.
- If you could guarantee that drug use wouldn't affect anyone but the user, that would be one thing, but, people smoking marajuana near me, force ME to breath it and people who take drugs and try to drive or do their jobs, force the results of that use on ME. That's not right, especially when you're talking about driving, flying, doctors, judgement. Not to mention the fact that the most popular drugs are far more addictive than alcohol to most. THAT locks you into a need that others can manipulate. That eans you no longer have a free choice to make decisions. To have a lawmaker, a judge, a doctor, a person of responsibility manipulated by someone else ( and that's not to say there aren't OTHER ways people are manipulated, too), it isn't right.
- they don't appeal to me. no one in my family uses them, except nicotine,and we're going to sue over that. when i did whatever for the last time, that was it. i never looked back. nicotine, however, has been impossible to kick. and, i started when the tobacco companies were trlling people that it was good for them. and, they knew better.
- I don't use drugs but I don't have anything against those that do, unless they interfere with my life. It's hypocritical to have alcohol and tobacco legal but not marijuana. I say legalize all the drugs (or most of them) but confine the users to a designa
- The encient indians used to use different kinds of drugs to connect with their gods,now we use druggs as an escape from reality .I think that if there was a system(educational) that can give the chance to young people to try druggs in controled amaunt it
- I feel it is a personal decision and I can't give up control of my mind and body. I feel that most people take drugs as a result of social effects, wether it is pear pressure or to escape problems that they have encoutered in their lives. Once they obtain some control in their lives then they can live a drug/alchole free life!!!!
- Too much use in our society.Causes moral and social decay
- I have no real problem with making a few illigal drugs legal if they can serve a medical purpose such as hemp. I also think that just being harder on dealers of illigal substances won't do the trick, we must be firm with users also.
- It is up to PARENTS to tell their children about the dangers of using alcohol, tobacco and drugs to excess. Certain drugs, such as morphine, are used by hospitals to alleviate pain after surgery, but should NOT be used by individuals at home without medic
- drugs are fuckin rad
- There is something wrong with a person if they need artificial means to entertain (or escape) themself. It is also partly the fault of that person's family.
- We can not solve these problems with laws. We first need to work on fixing ourselves. Our main goal in life in the USA is material we are chasing after worldly tinsels then pay interest(usery)to aquire them then worry about losing them and purchase insurance for them. Think about it! Why not trust Him Who has created us and follow His laws? Makes sense does it not the only book of God that has not been changed is the Holy Quran for more information check out the truth about Islam at www.daar-ul-ehsaan. rg
- YOu can't blame anyone except the user for the drug problem in this country. I sometimes think that drugs or at least some drugs should be legalized and then heavily regulized to get the drugs away from the mobs and the gangs. That's probably wishful thin
- Question 16 is bogus, since the attitudes it lists are not mutually exclusive, yet we get only one choice. Drugs should be freely available because criminalization is not the answer, education is. Recreational drug use is basically stupid, but people have a right to be stupid with their own bodies and minds if they want.
- Drugs are a personal thing. You may start for a wide range of reasons, but exterior force can make one stop.
- Drugs suck
- There is entirely too much emphasis and monies placed on the "Drug War" which in turn becomes an expensive and time consuming burden on the legal and penal system. These systems should be used for the dispensation of justice for violent crimes.
- Drug, alcohol and tobacco use amoung kids is out of control. At my school, many people smoke, and brag about how many times they've been drunk. These are eigth-graders. As kids get off the bus, you'll see them light a cigarette. I've never smoked or taken any drugs except for medication and the only time I've consumed alcohol is a glass of wine at Christmas. However, several kids in my class cannot say as much.
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