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What are your thoughts on drugs/drug usage?
- Some people can handle some of it. But those who have aproblem can not be identified and treated for addictions with the present attitude toward drug and alcohol use.
- you should be free to make the choice if not hurting anyone
- It's odd of you to put Prozac on your list - anti-depressants such as prozac have no effect on one not suffering from clinical depression. On alcohol - I drink wine because I enjoy it, and for the flavour, far more than its effects. Drinking to get drunk seems a waste of money to me.
- I don't know much about the effects of marijuana on men but I read in the Bacon Medical Journal for Physicians that excessive marijuana use in women causes a PERMINENT vaginal odor..
- If the problems with drugs were purely personal, free drug use would be o.k. with me. But, I think there are too many other consequences (financial and crime mostly) for society at large to allow drugs.
- Drugs are usually an escape route for underlying problems of all types. There are people hurting and killing themselves and others because nobody cares, and no one will pay attention. Only the strong survive; they pulled through all by themselves (what doesn't kill you makes you stronger). But, the weak person will only cont. to contribute to society's problems and those of their own. The key is to love others and teach others to love themselves-WITHOUT the use of the so called "Peace Pipe".
- I don't understand why people have any desire to lose control of themselves. The idea of getting stoned has never appealed to me in the least.
- Illicit drugs have become big business----illicit profits for sellers and illicit seizures for police----and for that reason will never be legalized.
- there are no drugs, just addicts
- Penalties must be enforced. Parents ought to be held responsible for their children
- what ah world
- It's odd that european nations w/out drinking age limitations & semi-legal drug consumption have less problems than maniacally legislative nations like the US ...
- Drug use is a choice. If you choose to use an illegal drug, you should be punished. When you choose to use, you choose to be punished.
- certain drugs are ok but the majority should not be leaglised. Too many people have *ucked up their lives because of drug abuse so "whatever measures" need to be put in place to resolve this problem
- I hate them
- Certain drugs should be strictly regulated because of their high potency and addiction rate (i.e. herion). Other drugs such as marijuana that have no extreme side effeccts should be legalized for medicinal and recreational purposes. The goverenment wastes billions of dollars on drug regulation every year. This could be eliminated by legalizing drugs. We could also place sin taxes on the legalized drugs.
- i used enough drugs for a whole live, so i stop it now (exept Tea, Coffee and Cigaretts)
- Sell freely maijuana and psychedelics - distribute under control "heavy" drugs
- Drugs are not good, but is a personal choice. Education and culture is the key.
- I think that marijuana should be legalized for medical use
- More harm has been done to society in general and individuals personal
- We need to let people have the freedom to damage themselves if the wish. Some legalization would also reduce crime and demand less precious govt resources better spent on schools, etc...
- Everyone should have the right to choose for themselfs if they want to use drugs of any sort. It is nobody elses bussiness if i want to get high ,it is an infringement on peoples freedoms.Drugs should be legalised with similar restrictions to alcohol
- Marijuana is a soft drug and should be legalized, the government should help the people and not punish them
- I think that the really hard shit, like heroin and crack, need to get put away forever, but I think marijuana and natural things, should beable to be used. I have used them for years, and people say that they hurt you, well I am a proven fact that it doesn't. I am an arcitect and am one of the best in my city... Thank you
- Substances which have harmful effects at any dosage should be banned. Where moderate usage of a substance poses no health risk to the user, usage should be tolerated. In these cases education on the use of the substance should be provided (parental example and education is best in this case). The key is harm to the individual and to those in the proximity of the individual. The rights of an indvidual, of course, end where the rights of another individual begin.
- Anyone in their right mind should stay away from drugs...
- Drug prohibition is a failed strategy. It makes criminals rich, encourages violence and crime, and it is a waste of time and money. It is better to treat drug abuse as a disease.
- Drugs unless adminstered by a physician should be illegal
- I am from the 60s, Everybody tried drugs. Today, drugs are more Hi-Teck. I personally believe that marijauna should be legal. We should have the right to grow it on our own property. The government needs to stay out of it,
- as long as our constitutional rights are still being protected, the government will not be able to get rid of drugs. the government should be the one making money off of drugs rather than organized crime and gangs.
- I have never used drugs but people I know use them and that is their own fault. I do not treat them differently.
- Let Darwin's Law sort 'em... It will anyway
- Sometimes they can help, other times they are addictive
- Several members of my family are addicted to alcohol. From what I've read, I would prefer marijuana be legalized and alcohol made illegal.
- It all depends. Each person is different and each drug is used for different reasons. I feel that only through experience and education will society find out the responsibility that goes with each drug.
- it's up to the individual, however, when it affects another there should be regulations
- Don't treat a drug addiction lightly. I am currently in a 12 step recovery program, but it took losing my job, spending time in jail, and the loss of my own self respect before I got there. I live in a small town, where everyone knows I am an addict. It's hard to face others - who have never been where I am - and be judged by them. If I could offer any words of advice, from one who has been there, quit while you're ahead. If you are an addict, you end up in one of three places: in jail, in recove y, or dead.
- legalize marijuana 100%
- When I refer to marijuana and other drugs being or staying legal, I am refering to prescription form only
- End the insane War on Drugs -- make users responsible for their actions
- Certain drugs should be legalized / other drugs are more related to social issues, no penalty will curb there use.
- the legalazation of hemp as a cash crop would greatly improve our economy and legalazation as a drug would greatly reduce crime
- drugs are the downfall of our society.
- I think marijuana, alcohol & tobacco should be age controlled (marijuana - age 21). I think that narcotics should be tightly controlled.
- If a person can keep in control of their use thats fine. Employer should not have the right to hire or fire at the rasults of a drug test, there are to many other counter drugs that show up weird things. And last of all if a person can function on his\hers job Why should an employer have the right to fire that employe ? it's know ones bussiness what you or I do after hours.
- I believe that persons who are known to have addictive behavior should stay away from drugs and alcohol. Also, if a person develops an addiction they should keep it to themselves.
- I find drugs including alchol can have negative effects, yet I've tried many things, and only stuck with the things that didn't hurt me or anyone else. It's a personal decision.
- Depending on the intenity of the effects of the drug, and the level of addiction that might result from its use all drugs perscription or other wise could have some beneficial attributes if they are used in an appropriate way. It is for this reason we must all become educated as to the consequenses of our drug use and the drug use of those around us.
- i think that if someone wants to mess their life up by doing drugs let them, they will just suffer their consequnces
- It is very personal.I have done a great deal of drugs some experiences I regret others not.I also believe that a clear distinction should be drawn between drugs of habit(cocaine,freebase)and social drugs associated largely with a "party" environment(ecstasy,LSD) .Depending how envolved you are you may be able to break the habit,maybe not.Why risk it?
- No Comment
- Certain drugs are dangerous, but others can be fun if they are understood. People should read as much as they can (on the Internet) before trying any sort of drug. I also think libraries should have more info about drugs - not just the shit they currently have they all drugs are BAD!!!
- Not less drugs, more drugs
- Drugs should be more regulated by their physical consequences and dependence levels. I think that the alcohol industry should not be allowed to advertise on television. I am a smoker, and I feel that I am less likely to kill someone while smoking and driving, than I would be if drinking and driving. Enough said.
- Governments should not treat all drugs the same. They have to concider the harm the drugs do to society and to the user and its benifits and then regulate apprppriately
- i love E
- Drugs are wonderful but abuse is too rife
- Cigarette smoking (tobacco) should be illegal. "Let's make smoking history."
- People should be allowed to make their own decisions as to what they would like to indulge in. Rather than trying to prevent drug use, educate people with the dangers and consequences and let them make an educated choice.
- Drugs and Alchol are mostly used as a way to rebel against the morale of society. People should be educated more about the effects of drugs and should be forced to see life through someone'ss eyes who have been hurt by the uses of drugs and alchol.
- I think that the same thing is true for anything, whether it be drugs and alcohol, food, television, whatever--anything can become a problem if used past moderation. Therefore, the least dangerous drugs (namely marijuana) should be legal.
- They are not good for you, but I believe in freedom if it does'nt hurt others
- With a responsible and educated mind drugs can be constructive instead of destructive
- Drug usage is ok so long as one is careful and sensible. eg XTC
- People have to learn to control the amount of drugs they use.
- Some drugs are 'friendly', many drugs are not. Education and safety are the key issues. 'Legal' drugs like caffeine and alcohol should be more tightly regulated, and nicotine should be made illegal. Personally, I love drugs, even though they are bad for me.
- There is a clear line between drug use and drug abuse, I feel that it is the individual own choice to do what they want with their life as long as they don't infringe on the rights of others. (What ever happened to FREEDOM OF CHOICE?) Why is it that alcohol, nicotene, caffeine and hundreds of other prescription drugs are legal yet recreational drugs are not? In my opinion it is all a matter of money and corruption. Governments make way to much many off taxing alcohol and cigarrete trade so there is no ay they would ban them now! The other issue is that most people consider Alcohol not to be a drug! It is! It is a substance which alters a persons state of conciousness and alcoholics should regard themselves as drug addicts! Information is the key: IF YOU DO DRUGS DON'T DRUGS DO YOU - RAVESAFE
- The Ravesafe team in South Africa say it all : "Say Know to drugs!"
- Like it or not, drugs are readily available in society at the moment. The major problems are directly caused by the fact that there is not nearly enough drug education available and Drugs' illegality keep their prices up so "junkies" have to resort to crime to keep going.
- I am a bartender, a highly stressed student cigarette smoker, and a comfirmed caffeine junkie-- if society oversimplifies this topic, I (and those like me) would be considered "drug dealers" and "drug abusers"... RIDICULOUS!!!
- People should be able to choose for themselves whether or not they wish to use drugs. The war on drugs is an attack on personal freedom and a waste of money. This money could be better spent on improving social conditions, education, etc, which would go a long way towards helping people who do have trouble with drugs.
- We need more information and responsible research about drugs in our society. Drugs and other intoxicating substances have been with us since the dawn of humanity--there will always be some substance that some people find beneficial and others feel the need to regulate or eliminate. What many parents don't realise is that we as young people are being raised in a world ever more open to new ideas and new experiences--including drug experiences. I believe that, as with sex education, children should * ot* be sheltered from information about drugs--education is our greatest weapon against ignorance. From my own experience we are living in a *very* pill-friendly society: if you have a headache, take a pill; if you have menstrual pain, take a pill; if you want to reduce weight, take a pill; if you want to sleep, take a pill; if you want to wake up, take a pill; if you want to have sex, take a pill; if you want to have fun, take a pill; if you want to live, take a pill... There are many studies on older d ugs like alcohol and tobacco, but what of the newer ones like Ecstasy? Many of my friends and I take Ecstasy on a moderate to regular basis and as with all good things :) one needs to keep a sense of moderation. I happen to like Ecstasy very much and wouldn't want to see it regulated into oblivion--what I would like is to see more information about it as I feel that Ecstasy can be a *highly* beneficial drug for society. Slogans: If you do drugs, don't let drugs do you! Say *know* to drugs! PLUR! :)
- Kids need to be little more educated as well as adults!
- Everybody should be able to make their own choices. It is a fine line between use and abuse, but that's a decision we each (as adults) should be willing and able to make.
- I think it is a personal choice whether to use drugs or not. I don't think it is anyone else's business what you do with drugs unless you hurt someone other than yourself, for example pressuring someone to use drugs or giving drugs to kids that are too young to realize the consequences of their actions.
- Legalize marijuanna
- Prohibition of any kind has been demonstrated to cause far more problems than it solves. Legalize it, and tax the hell out of it.
- I think drugs are for losers
- It's a matter of personal choice. The war on drugs does more harm than good.
- My thoughts on the subject are avalable in this survey
- Using drugs of any kind to help your psychic deal with problems is dangerous. I enjoyed dope, but I saw where it was leading me and I quit. Enjoyed Scotch greatly, but, again, saw where it was leading me and I quit. Better to masturbate more than get stoned.
- The penalties should be strengthened 10 fold even for minors.
- Some people are capable and others are not. Is it fair to deny half the population what they want because the other half are incapable of control. Because something is not good for one side doesn't mean its fair to deny the other side from their form of enjoyable educational entertainment. Good people will do good and bad will get worse. People are afraid that if you do legalize drugs, the good people will try them and turn bad, i guess, but the bad will always have somewhere to go in the undergro nd and sleezily get their stash. We might as well legalize it to stop the drug trafficing and do put out a govt. control of the substance regulation.
- Alcohol use does not bother me, in a social setting. I feel that parents should be a bigger part of their children's D/A education, and unless you are going to fail one, drug tests shouln't bother you.
- drugs are a trap satan uses to ensnare people ! they are decieving.
- i think drugs are fun.
- The fact that I, someone who is not endangering anyones life, cannot smoke marijuana without the possibility of being arrested is bullshit. I thought I lived in a free country until I went to jail. The only difference between this country and Nazis Germany is that we are not killing the pot smokers.
- recreational drugs should be leagalized so that major drug companies would develop safe and non-addicting ones.
- Drugs can bring your life out of control, even soft drugs like alcohol - just look at my mum
- I think that drugs should be made harder to get. Too many teenagers are experimenting with drugs, and getting hooked. I think it's horrible!
- I know this may sound strange,but if they were to legalize marijuana they mey have less problems with it. I think maybe we should learn from other countries like Holland and Norway.
- a loving & nurturing family would eliminate most of the need to medicate & numb our painful feelings with substance abuse, but how can we mandate morality, or force couples to love & nurture their children ,which is where all drug education begins.
- My mom uses pot
- American's need to learn to be responsible. Parents need to set examples for their children.
- Certain people should not take any types of drugs at all. I believe i was lucky considering my experimentation. I think that all drugs and alcohol should be tightly regulated, but also believe marijuanna should be legalized. Alcohol seems a much more destructive drug.
- Used properly and under supervision I don't have a problem with either
- Substance abuse is a HUGE problem. Our youths today view it as a norm rather than something that is wrong, bad, and bad for them.
- I have a problem with addiction to prescription drugs. This problem is rarely addressed when talking about "addiction."
- As with anything else, drugs are not a problem, it's the person that abuses them that is a problem. My friends and I are all drug USERS (NOT ABUSERS) and lead full, productive lives and don't have any trouble with our use. The people in the U.S. government don't want drugs legal because of the: 1, loss of personal gain (money); and 2, resulting unemployment (which becomes a loss of personal gain). The government (as an entity) would have 4 times the National Deficite
in income if most drugs were egal. Imagine a fully paid for rehab on every corner paid entirely by users and abuseres! Nothing from the none-users. Lower prison cost (nearly 1/3rd of the system is drug cases). Lower crime rate (nearly 200%). Stiiffer penalties for those who commit crimes "because" of drugs ("the drug HELD a loaded gun to my head and MADE me do it"). The list goes on and on. Better legal and regulated than illegal and unregulated. - Drugs are readily available to anyone who wants them. The "war on drugs" has failed miserably, and we should throw in the towel. Legalize the stuff, regulate and tax it just like we currently do with cigarettes and alcohol, and then EDUCATE kids about why THEY should make it their personal CHOICE to either a) not partake at all, or b) partake in moderation when they reach legal age.
- Adults should be allowed to think for themselves on the issue...however, children should be educated to the fullest about possible risks.
- I believe drugs actually help people if used in moderation
- I was raised with a strong sense of purpose and with a humble, well adjusted dose of self esteem. I was parented in a way that made me question the need for illegal means of escaping daily stress. Also, poisioning your body to be cool with a peer group is something that millions of prople now regret and I'm proud that I didn't fall into the "social user" trap. In closing, I'm a 42 y' old non-judgemental person who feels that people should make their own choices.
- I believe that adults should have the freedom to do whatever they choose, as long as aren't hurting others, or affecting them negatively, etc... Well educated children grow to be responsible adults. The REAL problem with drugs is deep rooted and must be d
- 14. Drug testing is an infrigement on privacy. If you are going to test for drugs, test everybody!
- It's a world-wide problem that will only grow more in the future.
- People should be more concerned by their own attitude, behaviour and moral views than those of others.
- a willing form of slavery
- Drugs can be good or bad depending on the use you do of them. Most people are not prepared for his use so it coud be deduced the necesity of their prohibition but then we meet with the reason why this is not convenient: it's completely imposible, becouse there is a lot of money envolved.
- Drugs should be banned and drug dealers shot on sight
- this survey is done by a guest not the persons name thats on this computer!!!
- Drugs are highly addictive. I think that they should be banded unless authorized by a doctor.
- Informed and conscientious use of drugs is not overly harmful. Education should be geared towards preventing use that is damaging to society as a whole.
- I used some mild drugs in my 20's and found find the effects generally pleasing. Over time though, the consequences started to impress on me the seriousness of my actions: near accidents both while driving (have to get home from the bar somehow) or inside my own home, how longer the hangovers actually lasted, the money spent for which I had little or no recall of my 'good times', the effects on personal relationships due to actions while I was inebriated or the way I didn't reacted or overreacted d ring my 'recoveries'. Also it began to scare me in the way that I started to plan my life around times that I would be drinking or using marijuana. So now I rarely drink and no longer smoke.
- Socially, they can be a lot of fun, when used responsibly. Unfortunately, usage can turn into abuse quite quickly, leading to significant health and legal problems.
- need to teach kids it's not cool
- No comment except to say that I hope my children will avoid the stuff as I have when someone tries to pursuade them otherwise. I will continue to teach them that it is not necessary to be high to have fun. That is my job!
- Alcohol and cigarettes should remain legal. All other drugs should be legal for medical purposes only. Mama is #1!!!
- i rarely smoke pot maybe at a party but i dont want my kids doing it
- I think that people should be able to do what they want. They are only hurting themselves when they do drugs or drink
- We need more education for kids at kindergarten and up. Kids need to see examples of what happens to dealers who are caught, and users who are addicted.
- I believe that drugs such as alochol and marijuana should be legalized.
- I think drugs should not be used by anyone. The legal fight that is going on right now to totally legalize marijuana is insane. Pot is going to produce some unproductive individuals in society. Smonking pot on occasion is not so bad! But, if someone has a problem I encourage them to seek help and not to feel ashamed about one second you spend in trying to help yourself....
- Alcohol consumption is best dealt with by education, medicinal and painkilling drugs should be tightly regulated but available, and all illegal and abusive (to oneself and others) drugs should be banned and carry stiff panalties.
- I use alcohol, but I do not abuse it, and I think that's ok. but I do not think it's ok to use illegal drugs, there is a reason for them being illegal. So people should learn to follow the rules.
- They should not be allowed or tolerated. They effect the lives of all of us, our country and the world. Lets return to the life style of the fifties and live in harmony with all.
- The "War on Drugs" is a waste of resources. Drunk driving should have harsher penalties.
- It has become out of control, everyone and their mother uses some kind of drugs.
- I love the way it makes me feel. It helps me to get horny.
- against drugs
- Simplty certain perople should not be able to use drugs or achold, but you can't regulate it for only certain individuals. People have to make there own mistakes
- I think pretty much any drug used in moderation isn't a problem as long as it doesn't cause problems.
- It is ok up too a certin point but only pot is cool,ok.
- Drugs should be legalized. Because drug use is a victimless crime, government should not be concerned with the usage of them. Place such as Amsterdam have lower drug arrest rates because they have legalized heroin and marijuana.
- most drugs out there are very harmful and should remain illegal, but marijuana should be legalized as should acid and exctasy
- I think that if people had a healthy psych, then they wouldn't need or want them. However, we are a sick society ... relying heavily upon drugs.
- Many people are addicted to drugs & alcohol. We must call a drug addiction what it is! The caffein and nicotine addicts are not shunned because these are legalized substances. Really though moreharm results from these addictions than the ripple harm from hard drugs (illegal substances ) and alcohol. Caffein addicts are dangerous around machines and a variety of home and work related situations. We (us: society) badmouth all those young people for their risk taking adventures: smoking up or getting liquored up... But we don't say that same about the older adults who drink daily, smoke frequently ...They're not BAD people but the younger generation isn't dumb.... Adults loose credibility by their intoleranc. If drugs are not good for us then
- the only way to effectively fight drugs is to understand
- every person should be allowed to make thier own choices. that is why we live in america.
- question no. 17's last statement adequately says it all.
- Whe must start dealing with drugs and drug users in a human fashion, stop police repression.
- Some drugs (ie, marijuana) should be legal for the sole fact that they are virtually harmless, and in some medical cases, very effective treatment. People need to learn to control themselves rather than having the government control everything for them. The more frequently we allow the governement to regulate our behavior, the more quickly we will have no rights left at all.
- Drugs, it doesn't matter what kind, can be useful to relax a little. If you use them in a recreational way, then there is no problem. If you abuse them and are adictive, then you have got a problem. I think taking drugs is okay as long as you have got control of your actions.
- All drugs (including alcohol, tobacco, and the rest) should only be used in a medicinal or spiritual/ritual context.
- Easy keys to the higher realms
- I would like all drugs to be illegal.
- I am a recovering addict who has little to no patience with people who still want to use. I see too many help programs ment to assist people in bettering thier lives used for continued drug consumtion. I have difficulty expressing my views on drug use diplomatically at this time in such limited space.
- I don't think people should be withheld from doing certain things which they like to do such as drink or smoke pot or tobacco but I do think it is important to educate people and let them know of the side effects. This is a free country and in a free country one can have certain pleasures in life. It is important to teach balance and a balance in life.
- The current knee-jerk politcal reaction to drug issues is lazy and hypocritical
- Drugs SHOULD be used only on certain types of patients who need that specific drug. On no circumstances otherwise!!!
- Okay, here I go again.So, I think drugs are a bad, bad thing. Itīs like how worse can everything be before someone does something... Why we are so sick, that we need drugs to escape the reality...I do not actually like the world we are living...But who could make it better?
- I think that as long as people know what they're doing, there is really nothing wrong with recreational drug use.
- I would have chosen two answers in #16--certain drugs should be legalized; and education is the key for dealing with drug and alcohol problems. It is not the responsibility of the government to decide what we will and will not use; it is the responsibility of parents to educate their children so that they will decide not to use them. If the Federal government wasn't spending millions of dollars on trying to bust people for growing marijuana, they might actually be able to afford some decent education l programs aimed at preventing youth from abusing drugs.
- Illegal drugs are illeagal for a reason. Because they are detremental to ones health.
- It is a personal and familial issue, and some regulations should be relaxed.
- I believe Hemp could help the world and there's a large body of evidence to support this. I smoke every day and I consider myself one of the smartest, healthiest people I've ever known. Moderation and Education is the key.
- I think that drugs and are a good way to fuck up your life and one should try to keep thair heads clear in this short life
- Alomst anything in moderation is not harmful, but anything including the safest of drugs can cause problems.
- All drugs should be legalized, it's not like the drug war works anyway.
- Cigars and cigarettes should be legalized everywhere and be sold to all age groups.
- People should have the right to use whatever chemicals they want on themselves. Education and experience with drugs should be free to every free person so they can decide for themselves what chemicals to put in themselves. Cutting off supply will never stop demand. And demand will always cause supply. Personal experience and eduaction can change demand. In short, the government should never have the right to regulate personal consumption of anything.
- Bud is cool but the junk shit sucks
- Adults set the tone for our children to follow - we can no longer live in a world full of hypocrites, our children don't buy the do as I say not as I do routine. We should live the lives we expect our childre to emulate.
- Drugs are used by people not comfortable with themselves, to try to impress others, to prove they are tough. Children from neglectful homes are the most at risk, but schools do not try to zero in on the psycological aspects of drug use, just the criminal aspects.
- As long as we have a president who jokes about it, how can we do anything about it? I also thing we are going about stoping it all wrong. If you stop the little guy, then the big guy will die. We always go after the big guy..
- The 'War on Drugs' is a PR gimmick. Drugs will ALWAYS exist. We may as well accept that and address the root causes of long term drug use.
- The fight against drugs is a losing battle. Dealers and growers are not to blame. They are simply answering popular demand. I believe that personal commitment and religious faith are the best weapons against drugs.
- in moderation, not much bad can happen
- The government has no right to tell me what I can put in my body. The government should only promote national security. Vote libertarian.
- Overall the goverment overeggagerates the dangers of drugs, especially marijuana.
- i don't agree with any form of drugs or drug use. the laws should be more strictly enforced to help prevent drug use.
- Alcohol is a major public health problem. So is nicotine. Marijuana is less harmful and probably should be legal for non-minors. LSD and Ecstacy are potentially useful medicines which should be available for supervised use and
- Be careful not to make a habit out of drug use; think moderation. Use drugs if you want to but have other alternatives for fun. Otherwise, be ready to face the consequences of your actions.
- Drugs are an easy way out. It's for quiters. Everyone who uses them do not and are not willing to take responsibility for their actions. These are peoeple who are ego centric and don't care about anyone else....
- I never tried illegal drugs and minimize alcohol because I was taught at an early age that these affect your judgement, I want to control and think for myself, not be clouded by chemical substances.
- if people are going to use drugs, they will. If we make it legal, like in europe, we can allocate funds toward other issues
- drug usage does no one any good-mentally,physically,emotionally,etc. they definitely should not legallize any type of drugs, as this will only contribute to the decline of our already declining society.
- It doesn't help anyone.
- The recent increase in drug usage/abuse reflects many disturbing trends in today's society.
- The steady rise of drug usage/abuse reflects other disturbing trends in our society.
- I think drugs can be beneficial to everyone's health at some point in life. However, like everything else, when abused they can only be detrimental. It is up to individuals to be responsible for their own actions and how they use drugs. Drugs have a good purpose until people find ways to abuse them.
- People should be allowed to make their own choices.
- I believe we should let those hard level drugs be legalized, and taxed, but should exclude ALL MEDICAL help for anyone under the influence.. You forgot to mention ICE on your survery, which a 24 to 48 hour stimulent.
- These very quickly become a substitute for dealing with the real problems in our lives
- I think it is a growing uncontrollable problem
- Marijuana should be legal. Alcohol is a much more destructive drug therefore, alcohol should be illegal and marijuana should be legal.
- All things in moderation.
- Drugs shoild be legalised
- It sucks, BIGTIME!!!
- my Adam H. Wolf and me and my girlfriend Robin love to do crack cocaine!!!!! Does anyone have any to sell call 1-540-232-6828 please!!!!!!
- My name is Seckman and drugs are good.
- experimentation (to a certain extent) builds character. Drugs like cocaine, herion, angel dust - all synthedics are dangerous. Body chemistries are different know what you are doing first. Marijuana is a great industrial crop, and less dangerous and addictive than alcohol.
- Both alcohol and Nicotine should be more tightly regulated. In fact, nicotine is a dug which I think is much more addictive than alcohol. I haven't had a drink in 14 years and gave it up easily, I wish I could say the same for cigarettes.
- I think that marijuana should be legalized. It is no worse than alcohol, easier to drive stoned than drunk, although I don't do that anymore.
- Heroin should be legal & regulated
- Alcohol sales should be regulated by licenses, which certain criminals or others who have had offenses (IE drunk driving) would not be permitted to have.
- There are certain people who will always abuse certain they are made legal, the 'life style' element will disappear and there will certainly be less abuse
- No hope, can't cope, don't mope, somke dope!
- If people take a deadly drug, they will die. If they ruin their lives, they will have to deal with it. If they can handle it, so be it. If you can't deal with that, move to a country that ISN'T supposed to be free.
- Drugs are part of what has lead to what we now know as goverment/political corruption.
- People caught with illegal drugs (especially dealers) need to be punished more severely. No one seems to believe anything will happen to them if they break the laws that we have, because the enforcement is not there.
- whatever ya wanna do
- I think any drug that is found naturally (not synthetic) should be legalized because it was put here for a reason.
- my thought is that this is a very dangerous area of man's experience. most of us are unaware of what substances we will be immediately addicted to. most substances cannot be dealt with in moderation and therein lies the trick of the substance. even marijuana and coffee can be abused and i realize these are substances i checked as having used. they have not, however, trapped me. i don't know why. cigarettes, on the other hand, i felt addicted to after my first experience and i had a devil of a time gett ng away from them. i feel extreme caution should be exercised when one considers trying any addictive substance and education is imperative.
- I don't do drugs, but I feel the "natural drugs" i.e. marijuana, mushrooms, peyote, ect. should be legal. The law has more important things to worry about than busting kids with dime bags!
- drugs should be illegal and tougher penalities given
- People often use drugs and alcohol as a means to escape somepart of their life. People should learn how to make the changes they need to happy with their life.
- Drugs are perfectly fine. It's the people who abuse them that give them a bad name. You can't draw the line between what should be legal and what shouldn't. It's all or none. Let the people who use the drugs decide how much they want to use.
- Legalize MDMA, keep Marijuana legal, fry balls in Amsterdam.
- Read Rosseau's theory of civilization!
- Drugs suk.
- if regulated but available we could bring drugs under control and lower crime
- people sould have FREEDOM to take any drug
- If we legalized drugs then people would not have to commit crimes to get the stuff.
- for medical purposes fine, not for recreational use
- Substances can only be completely legal or completely illegal; either way, my behavior will not change.
- People who consume drugs because it's 'Cool' should get a life that doesn't involve following other people.
- Our society seems to fear itself. Drugs are just another facet of the life experience. The harm comes from fear an
- 18 year olds should be able to drink, legalize & tax marijuana
- If people have developed a problem let's have a syste, whereby drugs are avaiable free and legally so the ripple-effect crime is reduced
- I have no time for anyone who is a habitual user of drugs. Even though I tried it when I was younger, I no longer care for it nor do I care for people who use drugs.
- I think all drugs, alchohol, etcetera are completely stupid and I'll never do any of that ever again.
- People should be able to do anything to there body that they want to as long it as doesn't hurt anyone else.
- Tax them and sell them. Put the criminals who are profitting from the fact that drugs are illegal out of business, and give the government a new source of revenue.
- (Prov 20:1) "Wine is a mocker, Strong drink is a brawler, And whoever is led astray by it is not wise."
- Communist Plot.
- They are an attempt by users to dull the pain in their lives.
- Most drug-problems would vanish if 'soft drugs' were legalized
- I think legalizing marijuana for medicinal purposes where appropriate is fine. If it helps people through pain, I agree with it. It is not as bad as morphine and other drugs they may use instead.
- Everybody is master of his own
- in the us alcohol and nicotine should be aviliable at the age of 16; the younger people are the loger they have time to get used to alc and other drugs; hard drugs (h, crack, hashish, etc.) should not be legalised, because they are to dangerous anyhow
- I believe illicit drug dealing and use to be our society's biggest problem today.
- legalize it
- drugs can be used by responsible people only!!!!!!!!!!
- drugs other than alcohol is bad in our country
- Drugs have played a major role in my life. If I am not under the influence, I get angry. I really recommend marijuana to young children, because it makes people love you.
- I think drug use (marijuana included) is our society's biggest problem.
- It's a free country....or so I thought. LEGALIZE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- I think all drugs should be legal they have bettered my life and the lives of my friends .Also it improved my grades,despite the fact that ihave commited crimes such as raping animals andmurder.
- Total freedom
- education is the best war on drugs. parents should expose their children to drug enviroments so the children can learn first hand the destruction that drugs do.
- Keeping drugs illegal creates more problems than it solves. Especially considering that I've seen more dangerous things result from alcohol use than from any other drug.
- Society needs to talk more honestly with kids about them. Adults either pretend they never did them or turn a blind eye to what kids are up to.
- marijuana is the only drug that has no reason not to be legal. it is less harmful than alcohal and less dangerous. cigarettes should be taken off the market and marijuana on. when and if it is legal, it should be VERY closely regulated by the government. users would stop and so would a lot of crime
- More 'true and accurate' information.. less scare stories.. more research
- drugs are ok if regulated
- I believe that anything that comes from the earth, unaltered, should be legal for all. Who has the right to say which plants that the earth grows cannot be grown or used by the inhabitants? If someone has a problem with addiction to drugs, they could be addicted to anything. It only hurts those that can be hurt by other substances also. I, however, have been able to maintain a 3.9 gpa in college. No one can tell me that I have suffered because of smoking marijauna. I am articulate and intelligent I am socialable and goal oriented. Drugs are not the problem. It is the people who use them and it is th egovernment that allows such a poverty level that some have to turn to drugs as an income source.
- The urge to get high is natural, some people get carried away/addicted but treatment programs are more appropriate than making everything illeagal.
- what's wrong with drugs?
- More enforcement should be done to prevent youth access to drugs and alcohol. Currently, many adults and police blindly accept it.
- just like alchocol it should be tested. And used in moderation.
- Drugs this is not the correct word to use. unfortunately there are no relative alternatives yet. People need to be educated not mis informed . That is the prolem.
- I really have no thoughts on this, because I don't care that much. I just like em!
- It's a personal choice. Many try out of curiosity. But many people who are stressed use it to escape or for release.
- subject canot be summed up in 1-2 lines. legalize all, or make all illegal
- Drugs are the reason for the downfall of America! I was at one time an avid drug abuser and now I am suffering from my past tremendously!!
- It scares me just how readily available drugs are to anyone who wants it. Even though I have never tried any drug besides alcohol, I am still curious and would probably try them if I knew that they would, in no way, hurt me.
- People are told lies by the goverment and leaders.
- Non prescription mind altering drugs, including nicotine, should not be available.
- The crime that is the result of drugs being illegal is FAR worse than any effects we would feel if the same drugs were legalised.
- Drugs and their use have always and will always be with us. To attempt to legalize what is a personal choice is impossible. I believe that if all forms of drugs were made 'not-illegal' then a large percentage of our crime problems would be reduced. Education and medical treatment are the keys to drug awareness.
- I'm too old for that shit! I have better stuff to do.
- I think the alcohol drinking age should be lowered to 18. Marijuana should be available like alcohol, or at least legal to grow at home.
- Tobacco and Alcohol are FAR more dangerous and deadly then marijuana.
- Everyone should try it, before they decided to illealize it.
- distinction between soft- hard drugs
- Drugs are fun when I use them....But I do not recommend them to those with weak personal discipline
- every man for himself
- I think that marijuana should be legalized, at least for medicinal purposes.
- I don't use any... I think marijuanna is no worse than alcohol.. there should be legal limits ( like dwi) but not necc. banned completely
- Recreational drugs and alcholic beverages should be avoided
- drugs are bad
- I live in one of the most liberal areas of the country, Amherst Ma, where marijuana use is widley accepted. I feel that marijuana should be legalized for medicinal purposes.
- More education is needed. In order to control drug usage, certain key drugs should be legalised. The current state causes much more harm than good (bad drugs, oding etc.)
- Drugs and alcohol will not lead to happiness.
- My friend has a quote which bluntly states how I feel about drug use... "If you got yer shit together, it's all good."
- Make sales of alcohol and marijuana legal, all others illegal
- I feel that what determines whether a drug is legal or illegal has nothing to do with how bad the substance is for either the individual or for society. It appears that economics are a major determinant with regard to current (global) propaganda on what substances are morally acceptable or not. The issue should not so much be on what substances one uses, but what one's relation to a substance is - if one cannot walk away from things one should not use them. This is true for many things, not just dru s.
- I find it difficult to understand why anyone would enter into an experience which so clearly can be self-destructive. I believe in freedom of choice, but not where drugs are involved. We are apparently to weak to control ourselves.
- I'm a very devout Christian, and no longer use any drugs, but many of my friends do. I believe that they have a right to choose.
- tobacco should be prohibited. Register all users, and then do not allow any new.
- I think the stigmal against Marijuana sucks. People should be educated more about the plant. It's more than just a smoke. GROW GROW GROW Government can't kill all the plants.
- Drugs should be de-criminialised for users, and big dealers will go out of busines. Also CIA & others should NOT play dangerous drug dealing/war games the way it has been established they do.
- I think a lot of drugs take a lot of responsibility because of how addicting they are which makes them very dangerous.
- I now have kids and drugs scare me big time. Some people if they need them should have them, but, when they start trying to get kids into this I don't like it.
- I really think it's up to each individual and if the government didn't screw around drugs then there wouldn't be any legal problems. I mean it should be a choice you make. It's the government's responsibility to make sure we're educated about the dangers involved, and then to leave us alone and let us make our own choices.
- The drugs that are legal (nicotine, alcohol) are worse than many that are not legal (mushrooms, pot).
- Drug policy should be drug specific and reflect the needs and problems of users. Harsh criminalization of marijuana users and the punishment of addicts has not solved the nation's drug problems. Methadone maintenance clinics and needle exchange should be legitimate drug policy. Tobacco companies must be made accountable for tobacco related deaths.
- Marijuana use and distribution should be decriminalized. The other drugs should still be outlawed, because they cause much more harm and are more addictive than marijuana.
- Certain drugs are being withheld that are not necesarily bad and can actually be helpful to some people.
- You can try that once but I really feel sorry for them who are addicted on drugs
- I currently smoke pot daily. I am a productive member of society. I don't do any other drugs any more.
- I feel that drugs should not be legalized. I has seen what they do with my friends. They turn you life to shit. My parents taught me right from wrong and drugs are wrong!! Stiff penalties should be made to drug users and dealers. No mercy!!
- I think that marijuana shoul be legalized because it ist just as harmful or even less so than alcahol or smoking tobacco.
- none
- Leagalize POT...Catching a BUZZ is fun...Getting totaly stoned is for the difference between having a couple of brews and getting drunk.
- All things in moderation; I've never found any substance to be negative unless it was taken to extremes. Occasional useage can be very uplifting and even appropriate in some situations. People sometimes need something to open doorways to different modes of thinking and creating. It can be done without drugs, of course, but not as easily.
- As far as illegal drugs are concerned, they are dangerous and pointless. It's really as bad if not more so with those who are heavy drinkers. It makes people stupid (short term and long term) and in many cases becomes an excuses that amazingly works in th
- drugs have way to much ues in this country
- I think it's overrated as a social evil. I have seen much more mischief committed under the influence of alcohol that under the influence of illegal drugs.
- I believe that drugs should be used only for medical purposes
- I don't think small amounts of drug experimentation is that bad. My biggest concern is how far a person takes the "experimentation." Do they know their own limits?stopping
- I feel that drugs and alcohol are effecting the younger generations even more so now than in the sixties, children should be educated more in schools and parents should be forced to attend workshops to detect any substance abuse in minors. As for marijua
- As I grew older, I stopped consuming drugs and alcohol as much as I used to. However, I must admit I loved the way I felt when I was smoking marijuana and drinking vodka! smile.
- I donīt like the anti-drug, anti-tobacco hype which is going on right now, because banning those "light" drugs and creating a taboo will only make them more desirable. Besides that, everybody should have the free choice wether or not to use those substances and the key really is education and an awareness within society.
- If someone wants to use them in their own home, on their own time, in a situation that does not affect others, they should be free to do so.
- Drugs are not accepted by society, because users of drugs (mostly hallucinogens) often realize the less finer points of society. While deviant attitudes often arise out of drug use, it is important to note that society would never evolve if the dynamic aspect of deviance did not exist.
- It is very easy to cross over the line into addiction, people don't realize this, that is why we need more prevention and education combined.
- I don't feel that drugs should be as readily available and hope that more measures are taken in the future to stop drug use. I think drugs are an escape route for people and there should be other avenues that they can take.
- Drugs should be leaglized,taxed and controlled.Prohibition does not work it just gets more people killed and hurt!
- jhasruyewbvn!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
- The main cause of crime in our country is drug laws. All drugs should be legal for adults - the so-called crime is victimless.
- I am most concerned with innocent victims of drugs, such as children and families of alcoholic, and the crack babies whom I teach. I am also concerned about crimes which occur because of or related to drug use.
- Drug use (including alcohol) is a personal decision. Let's end this insane drug war and allow people to once again exercise their rights as free individuals.
- i passed one and i was stoned
- Kids should research, and accept responsibility for what
- too many people killed directly and indirectly from drug and alcohol
- America's hypocrisy towards drugs and alcohol are the cause of the growing epidemic. Two of the most addictive drugs are legal whereas less addictive drugs remain illegal. Alcohol and Tabacco claim more lives each year in the form of heart diease, cancer, and drunk driving than all illegal drugs combined; why then are they legal? The answer is money. The revenue created by both those indusrties makes American officials sacrifice their morals for the gained profits. Since that is the case, money is more valued than morals, why not go for broke and make some big cash and legalize it all!
- If they (illegal drugs) were decriminalized and regulated, if people would realize that, yes, there are a lot of kids who are smoking up and doings drugs, not to mention adults, maybe, there could be some education. "Just say No" doesn't work.
- There is no reason that people should be destroying their bodies. It is stupid.
- I think there should be controlled regulation of drugs because of the crime problem
- Drug abuse is despicable. Dealers especially should be given harsher punishments.
- I think that people my age (16) get into drugs and alcohol because of peer pressure, I can say that I have not been influenced by peer pressure in any way.
- I believe it should not be legal to the under 18 age group but by the time you are an adult you should be allowed to make a choice.
- I think that drugs are not stupid but nor do i think that drugs a good. Drugs that most everyone do should be legalized because, no matter if they are legal or not people are still going to use them.
- Drugs should be totally abolished, but if Marajuana is good for cancer patients than I THink it should be legalized, so it can help those who suffer!!
- Illicit drugs, as a whole, are not good for you. But, I do believe that it is a personal choice. Also, I believe that if alcohol is legal, then so should marijuana. Or both should be illegal. The effects are the same, in my opinion.
- If you want to use any drug, stay at home
- I do drink Alcohol and I realize alcohol is a drug. Drugs are causing a major meltdown of values in america as are the large lack of morals that seem to make monmey for people. Society is crumbling. Holocaust is near. It's the end of the world as we know it!. All that from an Atheist?
- Don't use them except for beer.
- It is an individuals choice and responsibility. Abuse may be criminal. Use, by itself should not be.
- pot is the only drug that anyone should use cigs are wores then pot
- Good survey. My thoughts is that I see people starting to use drugs at a very early age. Such as in High School. I have never found the need for any abusiveness of drugs. I think I say this because my family feels the same way. I hope this was usefu
- Basically, it's like this, use is NOT abuse
- The US government is wasting billions on a failed drug war. Legalization would allow money to be allocated for education and rehabilitation. Let people decide on their own. Plus, legalization will eliminate drug related crime.
- I think that light drugs, such as pot, should be as freely available as cigarettes and alcohol, and that other drugs should be available for recreational use with some sort of background check or doctor's consent.
- I think they should be all legally available to destroy organised crime
- Police should be concerned with arresting criminals, not drug users.
- It's not the governments job to regulate drugs, it's the individual's.
- Nobody never died by marjiuana
- If someone sold drugs to my kids I would make sure those people were put away for ever!! I think that drugs are used as away to escape and I think the people that use drugs are going to wake up one year and say "What happened?" that will be after 20 years of abuse..What a waste of a life!!
- I love to do drugs only because I love the way they feel. Some people things kids my age get sucked into doing it because they're pressured or they have a bad background life, but I did it out of curiousity and don't ever believe I'll quit.
- I feel that drugs and alcohol should be legalized and taxed by the govenment. This will serve to put dealers out of business and help get our country out of debt. After that, an extensive marketing campaign should be run to make drug use a stigmata. I think that eventually drug use would decline to a negligable level.
- To each his own, not good for me as I have proven but I will not object to anyone elses using unless it leads them into harming someone other than theirself
- Govt. has prevented science from studying is the LEAST of the drugs! Researchers need to feel they can publish freely, come "out of the closet," to support such research. Costs to society of minor drug persecution outweighs potential benefits to society...possession of marijuana is a victimless crime! "leagalize," then TAX the pot...take away profit incentives to pushers...raise revenues! User tax..why not?
- kids under 21 should not use them
- mary jane good . cocaine bad smoking up is good for you
- Most drugs should be legalized.. People should be punished only for acts that violate another person or their property.
- i don't like them we don't need them,we coukd do without
- I think that hard drugs(coke, LSD, herion ect) should stay illegal but as for pot I think it will benifit alot of people and should be made legal. I don't think pot is as bad for you as booze or cigarettes!
- Personal responsiblity. If you drink, fine, just don't drive or if caught, you should be arrested. Drugs are ok until they interfere with the safety of others.
- We must take the enormous profits away from drug dealers. Legalize, regulate and tax drugs. Prohibition does not work. The War On Drugs wastes billions of tax dollars every year, not to mention putting our brave law officers in harms way daily.
- no thank you
- drug usage/experimentation in america begins at far too early an age which is what causes it to be characterized as a 'problem', which I believe it is currently but does not have to be
- need to find info on hashish for report in health class
- i need more morphine.
- I personally have tried very few drugs, but have seen their effects on friends and family. Some people become dependent on some drugs more easily than others do. I *do not* like most of the effects of most of the 'street' drugs on my friends. Incarceratin
- I think drugs should stay illegal, I also think the authorities should have more stringent laws against the more dangerous drugs.
- I am proactive in AA. BUT, with early preteen education, 90% of the population could benefit from educated use and the GOV. would go away
- take care
- I use it every day and hate not being in control, to say this is to much.
- Sober up BEFORE you drive or go to work; otherwise it's nobody's business but your own.
- There is too much drug usage.
- I see prohibition as creating the very problems it is supposed to solve. By creating a scarcity market and driving prices up, it creates a huge financial base for organised crime. Further, there is no possibility of quality control - death due to adulterated drugs becomes commonplace. Finally, it really is a metter of individual liberty.
- Legalize Marijuana. Alcohol is no less dangerous than pot--I drive better high than drunk, for example. Other drugs, though, we need to try something else--the War On Drugs has been a failure but not because the war itself is unwillable--we just have incompetent fools running the ship.
- I wouldn't take that shit, but hey if there is no harm done, what is the problem.
- It is nobody's business other than our own to decide what we will and will not put into our bodies. As long as someone is not harming anyone else in an immediate sense, it is their own business.
- Kill ALL drug dealers!!
- Prohibition fails to meet the needs of drug abuse in our society and should end. Whether regulation, legalization, decriminalization, or whatever, replaces it, that's still to be decided. But we have to stop putting people in jail for drug use.
- They can lead to worse things.
- Education starting around second or third grade, along with tough penalties and catching troublemakers before they become violent and into drug dealing and other major felanies is the only way to effectively lower drug use to where it was in the eighties.
- It is certainly a problem in this country and seems to be more prevalent in the lower social-economic areas of this country.
- Drugs and alcohol are the root of all evil and stronger penalties should be used to deal with people who deal or do drugs. Alcohol is too easily accessible also, that should be regulated more.
- There is a difference between use and abuse. It should be an individual choice whether or not to use drugs, and penalties should be assessed only in situations where abuse occurs.
- Legalize but tax quite hard and campaign against use
- Drugs that cause social degradation by causing individual degradation should be controlled while drugs such as ecstasy which motivate people and make people feel better about themselves should be more readily available.
- Bin there, done that. I don't recomend it.
- I don't know about A majority of the drugs mentioned here but I don't see any harm in legalization of the ones that don't affect people besides the user. People dont choose not to do drugs because they're illegal anyway. They don't do it because they don't want to. It shouldn't be up to anyone else what you do to yourself.
- Drugs and drug usage can be very harmful when in excess and when involving the more mind altering types. Whatever the drug, our main problem is dealing with addictions that are so strong that simply making a law or enforcing existing laws is not going to help people get off drugs.s
- Drugs are a choice a user makes. He or she is not harming anyone else.
- To each his own
- I do not support the use of drugs but I do support its legalization. No government has the right to make personal decisions for a person and it is clear that widespread regulation of drugs has promoted its existance in society, if anything.
- I think that many of the natural drugs such as tobacco, alcohol, caffine, marijuana, and hemp should either be legalized or remain legal. The effects of marijuana so closely resemble the effects of alcohol that I personally do not see why one one is legal and the other not. Too me the intoxicating effects of both these drugs can produce both positive and negative consequences when used. I personally have turned to marijuana over alcohol because of the lack of physical addiction to marijuana. I also refuse to use marijuana to relax me or ease stress, as this is the easiest way to become mentally addicted. I have yet to understand why in our society people feel that it is better to become physically addicted to nicotine and alcohol, with the blessing of the government, then allow the use of marijuana which is less expensive. The hipocracy of many of the lawmakers and close mindedness of many citizens amazes me!!! How can they pronouce marijuana as wrong and a 'gateway drug' without ever experiencing it themselves.
- Allow "classical" drugs like alcohol and tobacco. Ban the rest
- It's a stupid idea to do drugs and for them to be allowed, well, as long as it's not medicine you need that's not abused.
- I think that drugs are cool. All drugs should be mandatory for use by everyone. Especially Rock cocaine.
- I have never tried any drugs (except caffeine, which is not that bad) and I think that we should abolish these mind-altering substances.
- I am 14, love chemicals. People should be able to do what they want without the government stopping them. I love marijuana and alcholhol and lsd. Less government spending to outlaw drugs. MAKE IT LEGAL! please. I beg of the government.
- Decriminialize marijuana and tax it as a way of reducing debt. However, politeness guidelines would have to be set up so that you don't have rude assholes smoking it everywhere.
- As the parent of a teenager, I find myself much more wary of the things I consume (alcohol) because I do not want him to think that it's OK for him or his friends. I have never consumed much alcohol as an adult and haven't tried pot or cigarettes in many
- Whatever someone wants to do is okay until it affects others. If you can use drugs in the privacy of your own home and it doesn't affect the safety of another person..more power to you.
- I think that drugs should be legalized becauseit would cut down the crime rate, could provide the governments with badly needed tax money, and the drugs would not be as likely to contain things such as strycnine or other lethal chemicals found in street drugs.
- marijuana should be legal and taxed like alcohol,age set at 21 and dui penalty for dumb drivers.
- Used in moderation i think its ok. Too many abuse drugs and alcohol and that leads to violence very often domestic. It can destroy lives.
- It is an indicator of the state of society, street drugs are no accident, an effort to drug society is occurring
- I think that drugs are stupid, and there needs to be stricter penilties to drug related crimes.
- Substant abuse has this country in Chains of self abuse, self hatred and a loss of respect for ourself and it'S HAS DESTROYED COUNTLESS LIVES!
- I think that we need to solve the cigertte problem first. This is a legal substance, that is highly addictive and will kill you.
- drugs and usage should be monopolized by the government, with strict regulation at low cost. This will remove the criminal incentive for stealing etc...
- marijuana isn't as bad as the other stronger drugs. it isn't hurting anyone. i think marijuana should be legalized
- Drug usage is a natural phenominon found, to some degree, in nearly every species. To seak an altered state of mind and spirit is the basis of many religions and philosophies. To wage a drug war on one's own people is a crime against the very freedoms our country is founded to uphold. The prosicution of one man for getting high, by another man who goes home to his alcohol and/or pills is hipocritical and unjust. This country needs to stop protecting it's citizens from themselves and allow us the fr edom guarenteed by our constitution.
- I do not care much for drinking anymore. I will have a few beers monthly but do not feel the need or urge to drink to get drunk anymore. I am strictly anti-pot now & strongly believe marijuana is addictive in the long run & should never be legalized. Kids already can get ahold of it somehow, it doesn't need to be made any easier for them.
- They should legalize some drugs. And they should lower the age limit for alcohol.
- I use to be a heavy user of drugs and alcohol, until I got saved ,(born again) in July 1985 at the age of 24. I believe that is the only answer to the problem in America!
- as above
- They are all dumb and have adverse affects. It is best to say away from them.
- I enjoy recreational drug use and still lead a productive life. Counselling should be made readily available for everyone who can't cope with problems in their life, be it drugs, alcohol, or whatever may be causing them grief.
- The Government should be tougher on repeat drug offenders
- Any addictive drug (with the exception of alcohol which I do not believe to be addictive if used in moderation) should be illegal, including tobacco.
- The drugs business today is the same as alcohol during prohibition. It is a sleazy and dangeruous underworld. Drugs have been found to fuel crime among users, such as theft, prostitution and assult. It also fuels more serious crime among dealsers and distributors. Clearly, legalizing certain drugs will go a long way to control their use as proven in trials with heroin in places such as Geneva and Amsterdam.
- hey, if you like it.......
- Drugs should be legalized and regulated in order to eliminate the crime associated with drug smuggling, and dealing.
- Drugs cause most of society's problems today
- I am very against drug usuage. It is harmful to society in a lot of ways.
- Drugs overall are harmful, but the law enforcement where I live is more harmful!!!Especially siince they indulge too.
- Depends on the person.If you can handle it do if you cant stay away.
- Legalize all psychedelics, at least. I wish marijuana t and It's so stupid that marijuana is not yet legalized for all! I can no longer afford it but I miss it and still like it! It is especially great for listening to music! Ecstasy is kind of a ripoff -
- There is no simple solution, but all solutions should be attempted, and if they have validity, adopted, even if the value is limited.
- crime is up because of the legalities-legalize them!
- Ques.#3 doesn't allow for those of us who may have beer OR wine with a meal depending on the meal
- permisive cultures don't seem to have less problems then nanny cultures
- Anything in excess is bad for you, Regaurdless the substance. Use moderation and you will go far.
- Life is fun enough without altering your conciousness - deal with it!
- Use of intoxicants are the result of a deeper social problem rooted in a desire to escape the reality of suffering forced upon many by a growing gap between rich and poor, the devastation of the environment from our backyards to the rain forests, an economic system that rewards greed and punishes humility, and our own internal struggle between our natural desire to find happiness and the unhealthy ways in which western industrial societies often teach us how to "succeed".
- Everything depends on the person who chooses to indulge. What I mean is this. You take someone who is very mentally unhealthy, put them into ANY situation where the results are not in black and white, thenyou have a problem. Its like the old saying, gu
- any illigal drugs should stay illigal. alcohol is good if you don't abuse it.
- I think that the mexican border should be more watched for drug dealers and drug dealers get the death penelty
- The drug war is a war on people. It is dealt with stupidly by authorities. If the government doesn't want drugs in the country, they should stop producing them, selling them to our people, taking them back, and selling them again.
- We should concetrate on users not dealers (no demand no offer)
- Education is neede to deglamorize the drug world. Some illegal drugs do have positive uses and these should be examined.
- Tobacco should be slowly ilegalised
- Drug are good for you so use them daily. Just kidding.
- Drugs and other such elements are fine if used in a correct fashion.
- I was raised by a domineering religious fanatic so I like to
- Drug usage should be regulated by society, not government.
- Misuse of drugs and alcohol cause crime and heartbreak.
- People will always abuse we are excessive by nature we only learn to moderate.Like the commercial says when we are born all we know is stop and go-full throtle.Addicts will infect and they will die.Alcholics will infect and die.Both leave behind a bitter,broken legacy of pain,torment,confusion,self doubt and intolerably low self image.There is no way out but to want to get out.To the end the educated and literate,the strong of heart,mind,body and soul will prevail.The weak will rot,infect and infest be ore their own eyes.The strong control their own destiny, the weak follow the destiny others cast upon them.
- As the former spouse and former girlfriend of men who have abused both alcohol and drugs, I have seen, firsthand, the adverse affects it has on family and friends. Somehow I seem to attract people who use, even though I no longer use myself.
- Hard drugs should be forever outlawe.
- I don't like to use it any,ore
- I personally feel that our society would be better if drugs were legalized in the US
- The effects of drugs are powerful and highly personal, varying greatly with the individual and the situation. I would like to see marijuana legalized for individual growing and gifting, but I would hate to see it legalized for commercial distribution or taxed. Education is essential to encourage people to use drugs responsibly.
- Drugs are a serious problem in society. People need to realize that it is due to the break-up of the core of family values.
- Re-instate Prohibition!!!!
- A problem because people are spit on whether it should be treated with seriousness or not. Those who do crap are agiainst reglations, those who stay away aer in favor of regulations.
- they are things that really screw up your life
- I experimented with drugs a great deal in my youth. I am now a responsible adult and a valuable asset to my community. As a youth I greatly resented my goverment for making me a criminal with there drug laws. Now that I have children I worry more over the possiblity my children could be involved with the law then I do over the possibility they might smoke some pot. A goverment that makes criminals of such a high presentage of it's youth is not a ligitiment goverment in my eyes.
- harder drugs are mentally and physically harmful, however, "soft" drugs like marijuana have not been proven to be harmful. Legalizing it would be fine by me. Drugs are a social and psycho problem.
- Most illegal drugs should be legalized and taxed. Reduce crime and increase tax revenue!
- There are benifits to the drug problem in America because there is a lot less competition in schools and the workplace due to the loss of so many brain cells
- I live in a small area, so we don't have too many problems here.
- Intoxicants have always been with us. If all current drugs, including alcohol and caffeine were criminalized, humans would find some new way of getting high - snorting dandelions perhaps.
- drugs are what you make of them as long as you are in controll have fun and experiment
- I used them a lot for a few years, and speaking from MUCH experience, I think, in general, they are evil
- Marijuana is great because you can't overdose on it. Drugs such as cocaine and PCP are very dangerous and should be sold only in very small amounts for special occasions. Tobacco and Alcohol are okay, but stronger penalties should be placed on drunk drivers.
- Very few people are able to handle drug usage responsibily, including those in the medical field
- individual & responsible choice
- I believe choices for drug/alcohol use should be left to the individual UNLESS or UNTIL their behavior infringes on the rights of others.
- The drug problem does exist, but has been blown so out of proportion by government, church, parents--society in general.
- We waste far too much time and money prosecuting drug offenders while violent criminals go free. America, wake up. If an adult wants to take drugs and they're not hurting anyone else it is their decision. Let's concentrate our efforts on real criminals!
- Well, if it's done with in reason it's fine with me. But if it's taken out of porportion it could be hazardous to your sel and others.
- moderation education tolerance
- The movies they showed us warning us about drugs made me want to try them. Especially when I found out that smoking pot did NOT make you hallucinate and run in front of cars, I figured everything else must be lies as well. There should be more truth. Drugs never hurt my life, and although I don't do them now (too hard to find, really, I should go back to high school!! ;-)
- People should be responsible for their actions when abusing drugs or alcohol. We as a society want the benefits of freedom but not the responsibility that comes with freedom.
- I think a little bit of marijuana can't hurt someone. You have to know your limit though.
- marijauna should be legal, all powder drugs remain illegal
- I'm High
- Drugs are evil and need to be destroyed!
- Certain drugs, marijuana in particular, should be legalized. This country spends far too much on "The Drug War."
- Personally I think that drugs that have no adverse affects on the body and aren't addictave should be freely available.
- Marijuana is less harmful in my eyes compared to alcohol, and therefore, should be legalized!
- Without suppliers there will not be users.
- No one has the right to tell me what I ingest into my body. That is my choice. Therefore all substances should be legal and the damm government should get of our backs.
- I love drugs mann.!!! THEy mak me feeel bettter..,.
- The only way to fully regulate and control the quality and distribution of hard drugs is to make them legal and therefore regulated by government standards of safety. This would also force the issue into the light and make education a necessity. This is
- mary jay should be decriminalized
- If you're stupid enough to regularly abuse illicit drugs then you deserve what happens to you.
- The use and distribution of drugs in lower class areas is quite different than that of poorer areas. Through increased income of the poor, the use of drugs would be more for entertainment than escape.
- I do not personally use drugs, but I don't see why others shouldn't be able to.
- I think drugs should be legal and have laws that prevent a horrible backlash of problems due to legalization - I think legalization would cut down crime enormously and it would get a lot of addicts help because they no longer feel that they have to hide their habit - if it was legal after while people will look at addicts as people who have no self control because then there would be no shame in using just abusing!!
- It's a personal decision and free exchanges of information should be easier ... too many people know too little about drugs.
- i think that marijuana should be legalized. I don't feel this way because i'm an addict either. I also feel that the answer to the drug issu eis more education, such as showing bad results besides ending up in jail.
- i think that drugs should stay illegal and educating our children is the best way to ensure that they don't try drugs.
- it's gotten more attenyion in the ;ast ten years, but requires more funding to stop it's abuse, especially among younger people.
- Drugs should not be legalized.
- our culture is very consumed with the use of drugs and alchol. They are not fun, glamerous, or cute. Some people can drink on a social level and for them it's fine, for others it's not fine. And drugs ruin lives.
- It really is up to the end user. We can't always blame society for an individuals habits, though we should try and assist them.
- usecaution
- peoples in general should not be so paranoid about druguse!!!!
- Drugs need to be limited to those prescribed by a physician, not including any minor drugs like aspirin or cough suppressants. We need more stringint enforcing of present drug laws.
- no comment
- Drug use is a personal choice, that I feel the government has no place in, other than controlling availability to minors.
- Adults should be able to decide if they want to use drugs or not. Alcohol, a legal drug causes more hurt than any other.
- People should be made aware at a young age the effects of drugs on their physical & mental health. There would be no dealers if there weren't any users. Education & peer pressure are the keys.
- Most drugs are OK in moderation. Any drug, any thing in fact can become addictive if you make a habit of it, and an addiction of any kind is a bad thing.
- Can't take away the only fun people have.
- They should not legalize. It is destroying the moral fabric of our country.
- i feel certain drugs should be legalized for medical treatment purposes only. other drugs that are being abused should be tightly regulated. those caught abusing those drugs should be punished and counciled so it would be very unlikely for the abuse to happen again.
- the war on drugs is a useless and frivoulous one, the world has always had a facination with drugs and it could never be suppressed , I think that lenient approaches such as those of the Netherlands are the only plans with any chance of success. I laudit their policies and suggest that the U.S. follow in their footsteps!!
- Take drugs till it kills you than take drugs until it kills you again. Drugs should be free , so the world can live in peace and anarchy . If more people would use drugs than we could give them a better chance of killing themselves than people could get high on life . its all the same so take drugs and take them again the world needs more people like that so something can be done . hahaha!!
- In Britain the rules concerning drugs are too strict
- Drug use is a matter of personal responsibility. Most substances should be available to the public, but individuals should be held accountable for the choices that they make. This is an issue of self-control more than legal control. Unfortunately, some
- Drugs can be a good thing as long as they ae not abused.
- I'd like to see more severe punishment for drug dealers. We need to stop illegal drugs coming into this country.
- Drugs are a stupid of a persons life!
- Tobacco is more harmful than pot, it should be decriminalized
- Certain drigs should be legalised to reduce crime by pushers etc. Special treatment centres should be set up to freely administer certain drugs to victims to get them off, without resorting to crime.
- used in moderation, soft drugs and alcohol help people relax
- i think that marijuana should be legalized, but only available to 18+. my expirience with marijuana has always been positive. i, nor any of my friends, have ever committed a crime while under the influence of marijuana.
- Moderation is the key.
- People should have a more rational approach to the drug "problem"; focus on the serious issues rather than worrying about "drugs" such as cannabis that does much less harm than alcohol.
- All drugs should be legal, regulated and taxed. All efforts to control abuse should be educational. Cars kill/injure far more people, but where's the furor over vehicles?
- It's difficult to freely explain my views, I'm under-age(17) in a society that doesn't openly except the freedom of choosing your own route to enjoy life..yes, I'm high--Get over it,I have--To each his own MANY HAPPY DAZE TO COME FOR MEEEE!
- Anything which becomes legal will be used to excess and we will have even more fatalities.
- Alcohol should be leagalized for all people. There should be stricter laws dealing with the indirect effects of alcohol such as drunk driving and addiction.
- Alcohol as well as tobacco laws need to be stricter. Underage minors have way too much access to these. Stricter regulatory laws and misuse penalties are needed.
- Press and Govt. overreact against drug use/misuse as an easy excuse for crime, poverty, unemploynment and to stimatise whatever section of society they find convenient.
- Theyre not for everyone, some will abuse and ruin it for everybody else
- I think that the Western world's attitudes to drugs actually makes it more attractive to a lot of people. Legalisation of even the "hard" drugs may not actually increase the number of users and then the situation could be far more easily contraolled.
- I think there is a downside to any drug consumed,I think the laws are too strict to the people caught, and people need to be more educated on all of it.
- I'm curious as to why marijuana and alcohol each had listed as a choice "It makes me uncomfortable and/or paranoid" and cocaine did not. Cocaine _only_ makes me uncomfortable and paranoid. My personal drug and alcohol use has been from social to escapist. I have quit most everything I used to do except alcohol and though I
- Forbidding anything increases its use, and such laws cause people to lose respect for all laws.
- I don't use illigal drugs, but I know how difficult it was to stop smoking if you seriously want to discontinue using drugs you can, after all it's your body that you are destroying and it's your friends that you are loosing.
- I think many people use drugs as teenagers for the sole reason that it is illegal. Legalizing drugs may increase use at first but, then it would decline. HOwever, the people that are already addicts would have no chance at recovering.
- I think people should learn to live more naturally. Sure, I drink coffee, and drink a couple times a year, but could definately do without. I don't know why people have to take themselves to another mental state to be happy.....I don't understand it, an
- It is a shame that people are ranting and raving about drugs. Everyone has an opinion, almost none are educated opinions. How many people out there know how opium came to the "New World"? How many people out there know why they were criminalized - (one
- The current laws are insane, and costing too much money for enforcement and incarceration.
- They are poor substitutes for learning to accept and deal with ourselves and our problems. Drinking doesn't wash away problems instead it irigates and makes them grow.
- If you want to, go ahead, just don't get caught
- I think there should be mandatory detox treatment for people arressted for serious, harmful drug use. Let's crowd the prisons with the dealers instead of the users.
- Pragmatism and medical informaton as the basis of any and all decisions on drug policy.
- it's a shame that people have to resort to drugs
- most of our problems would be eased if the majority of illegal drugs were legalized.
- I would MUCH rather have my child use marijuana rather than alcohol. There are things that are much worse for us, that are legal!
- I am a firm believer in INTERNAL FREEDOM. The problem with the U.S. is tha we are so interested in what everyone else is doing to their own bodies. Face it some humans will never help themselves...I think it's time to legalize all and live for ourselves . Let the junkie die. Experiment, but keep a strong mind and no one gets hurt...
- drugs are bad for me but pot seems to take the place of my doc. and his downers
- Chances are extremely great that they will cause you to be non-functional in other areas of your life. There will be no balance.
- drug use is not a crime problem; it is a public health problem.
- If people are actually smart they will eventually quit, however everyone needs to experiment a little .. If they get themselves addicted or to hardcore drugs, it is their own damn fault and they should just be ignored from society entirely.
- I think it is wrong for me to use drugs, since their are illegal.
- both can become a hardship to one that indulges in it, but we must remember there are hardships in most vices and most people seem not to realize that.
- stupid people do drugs
- I intend to never again use illegal drugs, alcohol or nicotine. Prescription drugs, used as prescribed, and caffiene are okay. 14 years of my life were wasted in the drug/alcohol scene while I was trying unsuccessfully to numb an emptiness and pain that only the Lord could (and HAS) healed.
- My religion teaches against the use of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. I, of course, make my own decisions, but this guidance has kept me out of a lot of trouble. I don't know if just education is the answer. There will always be adicted people and people wanting to make money that will be selling and doing drugs. I wish there were an easy answer.
- The problem with drugs is not the drug itself, but that the drug is illegal. When there is a demand, for anything, someone will supply it. Make it legal and you eliminate the criminal element.
- Many people I know smoke mArAjuAnA.. they think everyone should smoke it
- I use alcohol and tobacco. I do not use drugs, but feel if people want to ruin thier lives with drugs--let them have them and stop making drugs a criminal activity. Perhaps this will stop the increases in dealers
- Marijuana is O.K. Cocaine and other drugs blow your life all to hell. Peer pressure got me to use drugs. But I decided my grades and real friends are more important.
- I think we need to teach our youth that there is nothing good about taking alcohol or drugs in any amount.
- There are times when durgs need to be used. Learning what drugs you can use and when to use them is hard. Most poeple do not understand how chemicals react in people and what makes the same drug react diffrently in diffrent poeple.
- The drug war is a failure, and it is misdirected
- People should have a right to fry their brains, but not to drive with fried brains.
- I feel very little pity for people with illegal drug habits, they are illegal to begin with so they shouldn't have started. Alcohol is OK in moderation like most things.
- Uhh... since my use is extremely limited, I gues sI don't have an opinion... I hate to be around people who are ona substance when I am not though... makes them seem so stupid!
- I feel that it is the choice of the individual. Personally I feel that it is a bad choice.
- They're a shame and a reality. We must continue to educate about the horrible effects of usage and address how to help families who seem to be predisposed to have problems. Great if we could kill the addictive gene in people.
- Extremely complex issues.
- It's safe to say that all drugs are harmful to your health. In my oppinion, people should have access to nicotine, alchohol, marijuana but should always be controlled.
- My thoughts are that if you want to do it on your own time, go ahead, but not when it will impact on your job, and if I catch you selling to my kids, put your head between your legs and kiss your ass good-bye.
- any drugs for terminal patients to relieve pain
- There should be better laws for drug use.
- I have only one friend: my marijuana. Without it's ability to relieve my stress, I would be nothing but a pile of bones in a wooden box 6 ft. under.
- i think it depends on the person taking the drug and how well they can handle it. some people are just not able to handle them, therefore creating problems, such as addiction. i do not, however, think it should be so easily accessible, especially to the
- I think that the personal cultivation and use of Marijuana should be de-criminalized nation-wide for adults. Exchange of small amount between adults should be legal as well. I agree with laws that restrict the operation of motorized vehicles under the influence and use/sale by minors. I think this is a good first step short of whole-scale legalization.
- As a casual/sometimes MJ user, I see a lot of people around me who can't handle it. This is why it ought to stay illegal.
- I believe everyone encounters drugs and alcohol in their lives, and I find nothing wrong with occasional use. I believe that drug and alcohol experimentation is almost a necessity in order to mature. It is when that use becomes abuse that drugs become a problem, and people need to know where to go to get help. Then it becomes a psychological problem rather than a sociological one.
- Drugs should be legal, but business should be allowed to hire/fire persons based on usage.
- I think consistency is the key. MArihuana is singled out, while alcohol and tobacco, because of teh BIG MONEY backing them is completely legal. When is the last time someone smoked MArijuana and then killed someone? Who has ever died from Marijuana usage. There is a double standard that should not stand.
- I enjoy them on a daily basis. I enjoy the 'high' from them also. I've noticed that a lot more people are doing it.
- It is a bad habit and there should be harder penalties for illegal users and dealers.
- I think people are using and abusing to much, try to find a way to get thru life a little bit easier.
- I think that drug usage in moderation can be quite harmless. I also think it is absurd that alcohol is legal and marijuana is not. Who was the genius that came up with this scheme? Probably someone with a drinking problem! Marijuana seems so much less harmful than alcohol and other drugs. I've never met a violent or beligerant stoner!
- they are fun if used in moderation
- know what you are getting into
- I do not consider wine or beer a drug and I resent it being included with crack and LSD
- Drug testing is bad because you should have a right to do whatever you want on you're time off. Drug use depends on the person because we all react in many different ways than the guy next to us to many different drugs.
- drugs are dangerous, not healthy, and people who are adicted to drugs are never in there right state of mind and need to seek help and relize how great lfe can be without drugs.
- Drugs arent worth the time and the losses.
- The war on drugs is the source of many problems in our country, and if it was stopped, there wouldn't be the problems we have with crime and gangs.
- Control of drugs is more effective and allows socity to supply help when needed. While the converse forces the problem user to hide and not seek help.
- WHen used responsibly, drugs and alcohol are not a problem. Unfortunately, there are VERY FEW people who know how to handle them responsibly.
- Drugs are a form of escapism. People that use them don't have anything better to do with their time. Nevertheless, it's a personal choice, and if somebody wants to get messed up, it's their perogative. If they want to smoke crack, let them die. It's their fault.
- I think that the key to life in general is, All good things in all good time. All things in moderation. If you get to caught up in using any drug, or eating too much food you are liable to get yourself into trouble
- I'm not interested in drugs, but I don't recognize govt authority to regulate
- Education on drugs is skewed. I agree that things like crack are dangerous, should be illegal, and that people should be warned about the dangers of using them. However, pot, lsd, etc., in my experience, are not particularly dangerous, nor are they immoral or a threat to society. Government education programs which put across the idea that all drugs are equally dangerous do not make any sense, and I think that people tend to disregard warnings about the more serious drugs (ie. crack, heroin) because they realize that the warnings about drugs like pot are completely over the top.
- I feel the drug use is a result of poor self esteem as a result of the decay of the family and its values.
- I drank alcohol and used marijuana in my youth and early adulthood. I think it's ridiculous that marijuana is illegal. Alcohol is much worse.
- hard drugs such as herion and smack shouldn't be so readily available; pot makes you high (sure it is also addictive) but not one person has died directly as a result of smoking it. I don't care whether they legalise it or people want to smoke it...THEY WILL! :-)
- About 4/6 of the people I know at school actively do drugs and about half of that come to class under the influence.
- Having used many drugs in the past I feel some should be legal
- I don't believe drugs should be legalized because they are very addicting. Alcohol is not addicting unless you have a disease. I do believe that we should be informed on the effects of alcohol, to keep it illegal to drink and drive, but alcohol as a whole should be legal. It is as safe as an over the counter drug.
- some should be legalised for people with stress problem.
- moderation!
- Drugs should lie completely under the control of the taker. It is not the place of government or the medics to prohibit people from taking things which they enjoy. The only cases I can see in which limits should be placed on the taking of drugs would be for passenger-jet pilots or other professionals responsible for the safety of others. I am very stoned at the moment and I do not feel that it has been detrimental to my mind or body in any way, except that I can't get enough grass and I have to smoke a hash-tobacco mixture.
- The weak of mind can not cope, thus it probably should remain as it is.
- The "war on drugs" has been a counterproductive, hypocritical exercise in futility.
- Society is sick if drugs use is required for survival.
- Should all be inforced as illegal!
- Drugs have adverse physical and emotional effects, and should be avoided entirely.
- Drugs ARE dangerous to both mental and physical health. I dont think that legalizing or permitting drug usage is the way it should be controlled. Im not even sure, that it can be controllable. Legalizing those so called 'soft drugs' (hash, marijuana, etc.) is definiately dangerous. As the surveys show: todays 'hard drug' users all started with soft stuff, and then they went further and further. Nobody starts with sticking pins to their arms, but most of the previous marijuana users are becoming seriou drug(and i mean the hard stuff) addicts later. i think its because people learn that they can control their mood with various substances(starts with alcohol, probably?), and as time passes, using drugs becomes more and more common and natural to the person. Second: i dont think, that drug users should be punished for what they do - people drink, people take sedatives, others smoke - and these are socialy accepted. The ones this questionaire is about are not, but some of them do not really differ from thes ones. Besides people are seeking and taking psychoactive substances from teh very-very beginning. Even animals do. So once again - im not sure if it is a controllable situation. What could have been done: general mental health propaganda and education (and i mean not just about drugs! dealing with stress, relationships, etc. could be much more usefull. There are reasons why people reach for drugs - beside the pleasure. What else... Oh yes. Prozac is a legal drug, as far as i know. I think it has to stay t at way - it is an effective medicine, not a happy pill.
- Drugs (including alcohol) have become waaaaay to commonplace in our society.
- making drugs freely available will decrease their "glamour" as people sometimes do them just to break the law
- drugs are good
- We should stop this war on smoking and worry about real problems with drugs that are killing this country!!
- the war on drugs is a waste of time, money, and civil rights; this survey has serious problems
- Making them legal will end gang violence. Everyone is responsible for themselves.
- Education on the the effects on the body should be made available to the individual.\
- Pot should be legal. Nicotine Illegal.
- I think drugs are o.k if they are not abused. It is alright to use them if they do not become your whole life, and if you don,t "need" them to get by.
- The major problem we are encountering now is not drug abuse bu the drug war itself. People, innocent of drug related crimes or not, are harmed every year by over zealous drug enforcement agents. Drugs are not a victimless crime; they hurt the individual and they hurt society when a frequent user turns to crime to obtain his fix. Te answer to these problems however is not 'three strikes, you're out' policies, but rather the availability of all drugs to their abusers and treatment freely available for th se same users. Education, which involves the treating of drug abusers as sick people, not criminals, is what is needed.
- I beleive it all boils down to how a person was raised and self esteem issues. If parents would do a better job rasing kids today, then future generations might not see as big of problem with drugs.
- Marijuana is probably the only drug that should be legalized. I have never seen or heard of anyone who was stoned kill somebody because of the drug.
- I HATE heroin. It killed Jonathan Melvoin and destroyed to many peoples lives! I am young enough to not have tried anything and now I never will. Remember July 12, 1996 forever...
- As political power shifts generationally, the scapegoating will decrease
- Marijuana should be legalized for medicinal uses only.
- devastating
- a little bit of anything isnt going to cause a problem but a lot af any drug is.
- some drugs in moderation can actually be better for you mentaly and physically than none at all
- Do what you want to do in your own home or where it is legal to partake.
- some drugs should be legalized. moderation is the key. legal drugs should have appropriate dosages on labels. people should attempt to use only recreationally.
- Its more along the lines of personal choice. Adults seem to know what up, with proper education.
- Drugs have been around for a long time. It should be up to the individual to decide.
- Lighter drugs (alcohol, marjuana) should be legalized for adults with sanctions only administered *IF* social or civil order is disturbed by its use.
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