Use of Information Terms
Survey-Net is a public service to the Internet Community. We hope you will encourage people
to participate and share the information accumulated.
We encourage third parties, individuals, media and other groups to re-publish the information
produced via this system. All we ask is that we be given credit if you use the information:
- If you re-publish the information in any form, please keep it within the context of what it
is proposed; this is a rather ambiguous term I understand and probably will not be
stringently enforced, but we're not interested in
having this information statistically-manipulated to be used in some politically-motivated
promotion - which is a radical departure from our goal of sharing information for benovelent
and educational purposes within the community.
- If you re-publish the information in any form, in whole or part, please credit the source
of the information as: "Inter Commerce Corporation", "SURVEY.NET", or "Mike Perry/SURVEY.NET".
If at all possible, we would appreciate a listing of our WWW home page URL (
as well, so we can encourage as many people to participate as possible.
- If you re-publish information on another site in the WWW, please add a link to our home
page at:
- Our definition of re-publish applies to any presentation of information based on
any of our surveys, that is transmitted in any form to other parties. This includes, but is not
limited to putting information in newspapers, magazines, newsletters, online WWW or other
internet sites, broadcasting or recording in whole or part.
- We would also appreciate that any publications that contain references to our data, be
sent to us (primarily for our amusement); either e-mailed to Survey.Net, or mailed
to: PCS, PO Box 7638, Metairie, LA 70010-7638, USA
That's basically it - we simply want to be acknowledged, encourage others to participate, and
be aware of the variety in which our demographics are being used.
We are also entertaining the possibility of licensing the engine to other parties (our engine is
developed in ANSI C and can probably run on a wide variety of platforms). If you would
like information, contact Inter Commerce Corporation.