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Surveys, opinions, information & resources on social issues, personal interests, current events & entertainment.

Please participate in each survey ONCE.

If you have previously submitted a particular survey, feel free to view the latest results. Note that new surveys are being added and old surveys are being closed and re-opened.
Content and Control Survey (take the survey)
How do you feel about inappropriate content on television, online and in the media? How do we control access to this content for our children?
Stress & Honesty Survey (take the survey)
How stressed out are you? Are we afraid of honesty, and how honest are we these days?
Spam Survey (take the survey)
Everybody has an opinion on Unsolicited Commercial E-mail. Is it bothering you? What should we do about it?
Drug Survey (take the survey)
What experience have you had with drugs & alcohol? What are your thoughts on the issue?

Comedy Survey

(take the survey)
Vote for your favorite comedians; tell us what tv & movie actors you like and more!
Internet Religion Survey
(take the survey)
Tell us what you believe and see what others on the net have to say on the issue of religion.
SEX Survey #1
(take the survey)
Yes, it was just a matter of time before we hit upon this controversial subject. What experience have you had with sex on the net? What are you into? And what do you think should be done regarding censorship and offensive material? This poll has it all - action, adventure, graphics, controversy - don't visit if you're a prude!

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