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Political Survey #2
User comments
Previous comment are archived below:
Part I
Part II
Part III
Who will be president in 1996 and why?
- clinton
- Harry Browne. Because he truely wants to reduce the size of government
- Clinton
- Alan Keyes, for the heart and soul of our country.
- Hagelin; high ideals, specific plan for implementing change
- Elizabeth Dole - Smarter than her husband - first woman prez
- Alan Keyes--the values and logic of the Bible are intertwined with the constitution; that is very critical to all aspects of this nation.
- Presidential Elections always come down to the evil of two lessers
- Rick Tompkins. After reading what he stands for and looking around at how bad things have gotten...what have we got to lose? We've already lost so many of our personal freedoms.
- The old Reagan, now he could do it
- Any Libertarian Candidiate, the existing system is useless.
- Alan Keyes because he has the correct views and everyone knows it!That's why he hasn't been invited to debate.
- Rick Tompkins -- he's libertarian and I like his platform more than other libertarian candidates'.
- Rick Tompkins for he's unabashed at returning our liberties
- a Libertarian
- I want more liberty and government only for life and property protection
- Bob Dole because he stands most closely for the values and beliefs that I have and wants to take this country in what I believe to be the right direction.
- Steve Forbes because I agree with his basic philosophy of less government involvement in the lives of Americans and his flat tax proposal.
- Any non-Republicrat
- Rick Tompkins- He stands for everything I beleive in
- A libertarian; right now I'm leaning toward Rick Tompkins. I'm sick of career politicians who can't or won't do the right thing even when they can decide what it is; whose platforms consist of the most palatable panderings; whose blundering is ensuring that I and my children will be indentured servants to their misguided detrimental social machinations. I believe that only the Libertarians offer any hope of excising the myriad cancerous growths on what was once a good government.
- Bill Clinton, he has continued to cut the deficit, lower un-employment. He believes that in helping the poor we are helping this country.
- Keyes - Rebuild the country the way it was meant to be
- Steve Forbes
- Harry Browne. Libertarian candidate and a true radical.
- Harry Browne - it is the only vote not for same old same old
- Anyone remotely libertarian who I can actually believe in.
- Clinton; No other good and popular candidates; the president will be both.
- phil graham,I think he would be the best candiate
- Steve Forbes, Fiscal responsibility, Tax & SS changes, Term Changes, nobody will own him & he can guide this national ship to the best interest of the American Majority.
- A president with a backbone that takes a stand on something no matter how many votes he may lose. In short a candidate that isn't out to win the presidency, but to serve the people.
- Steve Forbes will return freedom of choice to the people, which will make everyone happier, not just one side. If you can choose what's right for yourself, you'll gain more happiness than you would form forcing others to do what6 you think is right.
- Collin Powell- He can lead the nation out of battle
- Bob Dole, because he is the best choice, and he has served his nation very well in many ways.
- see above
- Bill Clinton. The Republican nominees are nothing but right-winged assholes! Their beliefs in what a lifestyle or ones life should be doesn't matter to me. I have the right to be happy. I don't want a Republican dick like Buchanan or Dole telling me their standards of what America should be, I live in it and I know what I want it to be!
- Bill Clinton - He has the experience - He has matured in
- Leadership, TRUTH, HONESTY, MORALS, experience
- Phil Gramm because he was the only true conservative all important issues fiscal & social
- Steve Forbes - He is conservative, but not out of control. He makes sense and I like his flat tax proposal.
- Clinton, he's moderate, smart and looks ahead for the country
- Bill Clinton. Of all the canidates hes the only one thats not way out there.
- Steve Forbes,he is an outsider and some thing fresh for a change
- someone who gives a damn
- Libertarian Harry Browne -- for more FREEDOM.
- Pat Buchanan
- Keyes - only one with integrety
- undecided
- Steve Forbes, because I believe the worst problem facing us is the national debt-- the cause of that being the failure of the government to be restricted in how much money it takes from individuals. With a flat tax restriction, the government would have a more difficult time attempting to take more money from it's citizens.
- I want Harry Browne, for a chance for us all to live our own lives.
- i want the most libertarian candidate possible. We need to drastically cut government spending and involvement in all areas, and the gop doesn't have the stomach for cutting corporate welfare and the military.
- I haven't been impressed yet.
- Pat Buchanan. He is conservative on social issues
- Buchanan because he understands Constitutional limitations on government power.
- dole, Because I feel he is a true leader,clinton is not
- Bill Clinton His concearns for the low income, people.
- Alan Keyes; addresses our critical moral problems in a unifying way.
- Pat Buchanan. Because he is a person who stands for what he believes and his values are in line with mine and I think that he would be a strong President which this country needs.
- Harry Browne. He is the LP frontrunner.
- Dole - Social and Economic Conservative - Reasonable, fair
- Harry Browne; Only long-term solution for recreating US as the "Land of the free".
- Alan Keyes: to bring moral, positive, unifying leadership
- Obey the US Constitution. IT THEIR JOB!!!!!!
- Bob Dole. He knows the system, he is a leader, and he was wounded in combat defending the country that he loves. He wasn't afraid to die for his liberty, or for the liberty of his family and friends.
- Buchanan, he is committed to his conservitive beliefs.
- Newt Gingrich because he tells it like it is and is conservative.
- Lamar Alexander, he is quite possibly the Republican Harry S. Truman, little known--but honest.
- Harry Browne - more freedom
- Colin Powell - leadership & vision
- Rick Tompkins
- Pat Buchanan
- Harry Browne, I just want the G.D. Government to leave me alone
- Alan Keyes knows the problem & solution for our country.
- Clinton, understands need for health reform and continued education and environmental programs
- Alan Keyes, He knows moral decay is the biggest problem in the US today.
- A human being with a mind and backbone.
- buchannan
- Of the candidates running, Bob Dole. Clinton continues to take both sides of every issue after he has discussed it with his pollster. If I had a choice of who should be president I would choose Jack Kemp.
- Tompkins. His Ethics.
- Rick Tompkins because I simply believe his ideas are best.
- I had a difficult time expressing many views with these one item choices. I am politically somewhere between a Republican and a Liberterian. I am 100% economically conserative making me in line with conservative Republicans and Libertains. For example, I support abolishing the federal income tax and eliminating federal regulations on private enterprise. I support the Libertain ideas to moderately legalize drugs; have freer immigration laws, and reduce miltary spending. Where I come down more in th Republican camp is that I am pro life on abortion and do not support legalizing prostitution. I will probably vote for Dole because he has a better chance of beating Clinton then does a libertarian candidate
- Alan Keyes. We NEED GOD! We Need a Spiritual Revival! We Need Alan Keyes!
- Pat Buchanan has a moral compass and can lead the country.
- Keyes. Cause he is the only one who has identified both problems in America.. Morality and the easy one, Clinton & Clinton
- Sonny Bono. He more represents America than the others.
- I'm still undecided about the Libertarian candidate that I want to vote for in the primary (Illinois). But I would love to see a Libertarian in the office of president because I feel it's time for change. not just the gong banging political rhetoric, but real change. I don't believe a Libertarian would be able to do all that he/she would like, but they sure would shake the hell out of the system.
- Buchanan, He is the only one with moral integrity.
- Im not sure yet
- Pat Buchanan because he stands on his views.
- Bob Dole
- Pat Buchannan, He believes in God. He also believes that if God and the Bible were put back into the school systems, problems would decrease, including the premarital sex and the horrible violence/hate crimes.
- lamar! I love that plaid
- Anyone who endorses individual rights.
- Harry Browne - Deserves it - Said he'd quit - great retirement plan.
- Harry Browne, I want complete freedom
- anyone but Bill Clinton
- My preference is for Alan Keyes, because his message and vision is exactly on target. I am in total agreement with his positions on all major issues. If, due to his lack of financial support and Liberal media's attempts to totally ignore his candidacy, he does not win the Republican nomination, then I will support the Republican nominee. In short, A.B.C. (ANYBODY BUT CLINTON!)
- Rick because I know him to be a man of principle and honesty or Colin Powell inspite of what I disagree with him about because I belive him to be the same
- Bob Dole- He will certainly do a much better job than Clinton!!
- bob dole.
- Forbes-I believe he will clean up DC, and make life better for me and my family.
- Steve Forbes. Need an outsider who has few partisan ties and who knows how to run a multi-million dollar business that is successful and makes money.
- Rick Thompkins. I support his platform
- This is difficult because I would prefer a stronger, more liberal candidate than Clinton, but I find the possibility of any of the current republican hopes winning the presidency terrifying and would do ANYTHING possible to keep that from happening.
- Bill Clinton. I believe he is doing a marvelously adequate job as President, and do not wish to replace him with the available alternatives.
- Someone who can make America "Land of opportunity" again.
- Forbes, because his platform is one of economics and optimism, he isn't out preaching about legislating morality
- Buchanan/Keyes,Buchanan is smart, Keyes is greatest man of 20th centuryy
- Anybody but Bill and Hillary--Why? Because they represent what is wrong with politicians--they lie about everything.
- Rick Tompkins, he understands what is wrong with our country, and has the moral courage to face it.
- Buchanan, not part of political establishment, cares about the American people first
- Colin Powell because he is of the highest character and has views in line with the vast majority of America.
- Harry Browne -- the ONLY candidate with the common sense and guts to cut the government back to what it is supposed to be and eliminate unnecessary spending. Not to mention federal taxes. :)
- Rick Tompkins;just to scare the hell out of the statists!!
- Browne
- Alan Keyes -- he's not a phony, arrogant politician
- Bob Dole is a moderate conservative who will be good for America
- Bob Dole, He is experienced in the art of politics and he is not a bussiness man
- Pat Buchanan-- He is the only conservative amoung the Republicans
- Bill Clinton because he defends what I believe in.
- Rick Tompkins, the most principled Libertarian running.
- Alan Keyes. He focuses on morals and not just money
- Colin Powell--because he is the best man for the job(if only he were running)
- Tompkins, constitutional ideals, vein of Jefferson/Washington
- Steve Forbes, he is very intelligent, has excellent agenda and is a business person with sound business ideas. The single rate tax would be fair to all. Very interested in the tax limitations of single rate.
- Bob Dole, but Clinton wil win.
- Howard Stern - at least he's honest.
- Alan Keyes, because he's right!
- Still looking, unhappy with democrats and republicans. Does another party have a chance?
- Tompkins, he sounds legitimate, and he is not tainted by Washington politics.
- Bill Clinton - No other candidate has the education he does
- Goerge Bush because hes the best president except for Goerge Washington
- Clinton, he is the best man.
- Rick Tompkins; HE supports all of the Bill of Rights and the ENTIRE Libertarian Party Platform!!
- Phil Gramm, if he would get on board with the flat tax proposal. Gramm has demonstrated in the past he understands the need to REDUCE the wasteful spending of our money.
- Ideally, Harry Browne; he's the only candidate with the philosophy and the plan to substantially reduce the Federal Government. Among the two "entrenched" parties, Steve Forbes; he's the only candidate among them that's for reducing government economically and socially.
- Bob B-1 Dornin...No holds bard politian..tells it like it is...strong military influance...
- Harry Browne for reduced government
- Myself
- Bill Clinton because someone needs to stop Newt
- I have yet to find a worthy candidate.
- Bill Clinton, because he has not forgotten the poor and the elderly!!!
- Keyes because he will face the morality problem in our country
- Lamar Alexander: best brain in the bunch
- More than two major candidates.
- Rick Tompkins-He seems to have strong, guiding principles.
- Pat Buchanan. He has firm political opinions and the will to act upon them.
- Rick Tompkins -- the only voice for uncompromising principle and liberty in the campaign.
- Bill Clinton because he represents my views
- Colin Powell - Integrity, balanced views, good arbiter between conservative and liberal viewpoints
- A candidate who really supports personal freedom & limited government.
- William F. Buckley
- I'd like to see Rick Timkins because he is the candidate who most exemplifies my position on the government.
- Pat Buchanan: He has consistantly articulated my feelings.
- Randy Weaver
- Rick Tompkins He is the exception to every rule!!!
- Rick Thompkins because he's an honest, libertarian candidate
- legalize drugs, a president that gets us on the right track
- Pat Buchanan. He'll shake things up.
- Harry Browne - He is the only cndidate that realizes that Government Doesn't Work!
- Alan Keyes is the only one out there whos heart is in the campaign
- Harry Browne is the ONLY candidate who will CUT government!
- Uncertain. It appears as though my views are a hybrid of several agendas. I like what Forbes says, however, much of his appeal is emotional and without substance outside of economic policy. Ideally, I am in agreement with the Libertarian social agenda,
- Bob Dole: because he is not Bill Clinton
- my choices-in order- Steve Forbes, Harry Brown, Pat Buchannon
- Jack Kemp (remotely libertarian, and could form wide support)
- Rick Thompson-I like his platform and his ideas.
- Harry Browne because he is simply the most qualified for the job at this time. Others are too tied to their party affiliation as we have seen over the past two years to champion the cause of constitutional rights and freedom of american citizens in their
- Undecided but definitely against Clinton. Have trouble voting for Mr. Browne, since I want my vote to "count" against Clinton; I voted Perot last time in protest, sort of a "none of the above". Intrigued by Forbes now, learning more about Browne.
- Harry Browne repubs & dems both want big gov't
- Ralph Nader - we need an alternative to the left of Clinton
- I wish to see Bill Clinton re-elected because I do not see anyone else with enough experience or common sense...I know Clinton...I don't know what would happen with the others.
- H Browne, will keep natl budget at $500 billion (defense only)
- Forbes, he is up beat and dosn't preach
- Steve Forbes - new ideas, pro growth, lower taxes
- Any libertarian type candidate with a chance to win.
- Harry Browne. He is the only candidate committed to drastically reducing the size and power of the federal government.
- Bill Clinton - he will appoint better Supreme Ct justices
- See Bill Clinton get the fuck out of the White House
- H. Browne...I still believe in freedome
- Forbes - We need someone who knows how to run a business.
- Rick Tompkins, because he has integrety and stands for what I've believed in for 25 years
- I hope Bob Dole will be the next president of our great nation. He knows our nations problems and will take the neccecary steps to put us on the right track.
- Someone from outside the two party system. I have heard Harry Browne speak and I like what he stands for.
- Harry Browne -- Less government coercion, more individual freedom
- Alan Keyes he's right about the issues
- Harry Browne; to reduce gov't size and intrusion
- harry browne; for Liberty
- Harry Browne
- harry browne because he will cut government and taxes
- Phil Gramm - The most consistently conservative candidate
- Alan Keyes - He understands the problems we REALLY face and isn't afraid to speak to them. He isn't a politician given to whim and he speaks with TRUE conviction and knows what is right and wrong REGARDLESS of popular or politically correct opinion.
- Harry Browne or Rick Tompkins -- the only ones dealing with fundamentals of how government size and intrusiveness are destroying opportunity
- Your "test" is very influated by USAs rightwing politics!
- H Browne, hopefully to reduce federal gov and put the power where it can be effective(state/local).
- Harry Browne,he is the only hope for our country.
- Harry Browne -- because he advocates a decrease in the role government plays in our lives and espouses liberty as an ideal.
- Tompkins because he reflects the best means for dismantling the nonfunctioning apparati of our government
- Alan Keyes. His arguments are moral and speak to my heart.
- phil gramm
- Harry Browne, because I like that wacky concept 'Freedom'.
- An outsider who isn't part of the establishment system.
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