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Political Survey #2
User comments [ARCHIVE I]
Who will be president in 1996 and why?
- Harry Browne, because he is the ONLY candidate with a consistent philosophy concerning the true nature of government. There really isn't that big of a difference between ANY of the other candidates, who are merely seeking to scale back or "reform" the mixed economy, welfare-state machine, as opposed to ELIMINATING it and returning to our constitutional roots.
- Phil Gramm: Of the 14 Representatives and Senators who have represented me in my life, he is the only one who has represented my views.
- Bill Clinton because he is willing to compromise rather than take an extreme position on an issue
- colin powell, we need a change
- I want to see Harry Browne as President, because Government doesn't work.
- keyes-most correctly defined the problem........
- Phil Gramm; he'll balance the budget
- Collin Powell becauxe he seem honest and in touch with moderate, majority of America.
- Rick Tompkins 'cause, like me, he believes in minimal govmint
- Harry Browne, he is for much less government. We need to eliminate as much government as possible.
- Bill Clinton - he's done a good job with the economy, now if he can just get the deficit in check...
- HARRY BROWNE We need solid philosophical principles that won't be undermined or compromised on in our leaders.
- Well, I had hoped to vote for Gen. Colin Powell, but unfortunately he has decided against a presidential run. Therefore, I will more than likely vote for President Clinton, if I decide that voting is the proper action to take. I do not believe that Bill Clinton has been an effective president. And there are many reasons -- vascilating -- being one of his most annoying qualities. But, because the Republican field of candidates appears and truly is lame (and I am being kind) then I will either not vo e or pull the donkey lever. Although I must add that if Lamar Alexander somehow received the GOP nomination, then I might actually decided not to vote for Clinton.
- Phil Gramm because he really does want to cut goverment spending a whole lot.
- I don't know yet
- Harry Browne is the only canidate actually wanting to reduce the role of govt in our lives
- Alan Keyes -- because America has almost lost the vision that once made Her great, and Ambassador Keyes as our leader can help us regain it.
- Harry Browne, because he promises cutting government and the national debt
- Harry Browne. Because he has pleged to abolish the IRS. Without the power to tax the government would be very limited.
- Anyone but a liberal democrat
- harry browne
- Harry Browne. He supports the Constitution. He is honest.
- A Godly person.
- Harry Browne because the Constitution is being ignored!
- Harry Browne. He'll help restore our freedom.
- Bill, I hate the Newt 'n' Bob club
- Harry Browne, I am a Libertarian and believe government is the source of most problems rather than the solution.
- Harry Browne- He's the only candidate really serious about reducing the size and intrusiveness of the federal government
- Steve Forbes FLAT TAX
- Harry Browne. I agree with his limited gov't policies.
- Colin Powell. Moderate conservative.
- The best candidate for the job
- Harry Browne because the government is WAY TOO LARGE!!
- Any Republican or other candidate who understands the effect of big government on personal freedom
- Phill Gramm, He knows how to make the big change, and will!
- Bill Clintono
- Rick Thomkins. I believe he is the only candidate dedicated to dismantling unconstituional goverment agencies and returning the federal goverment back to ONLY it's constitutional powers.
- I'd like to see just about anyone but Bill Clinton. I'll vote for Bob Dole, Phil Gramm, Colin Powell, Steve Forbes--almost anyone the Republicans nominate is preferable to Bill Clinton, who is arguably the worst president we have ever had. Let's send Bill and Hillary back to Arkansas, and let them practice their politics on the unfortunate residents of that state.
- Alan Keyes because he calls for America to get back to a moral base!
- Lamar Alexander, He is the candidate that most reflects my own views
- An honest person - and only dishonest crooks are running!
- Anyone who will reduce government and not restrict personal freedoms.
- Harry Browne - In the last 40 years I have watched the Freedoms our Constitution is supposed to guarantee be eroded. We must get government under control.
- Dole- He best suits my personal beliefs on government
- Harry Browne. The only candidate that has a plan to significantly reduce the size of government.
- Harry Browne -- he will work to REDUCE the size and cost of the federal government
- Harry Browne, because he will reduce the size of gov't
- mickey mouse, he has a good heart, and a wife to do the real work
- Harry Browne(L): Even the republicans admit that they're increasing the budget.
- Someone who will think before doing anything!
- Patrick Buchanan
- Harry Browne: Government doesn't work, he understands this
- HARRY BROWNE, Because I value mine and others' liberty.
- Clinton...He is the only one that still recognizes the poor and the middle class. All the others have been bought and paid for by the corporations and the wealthy....
- Bill Clinton. His is a moderate who best reflects the wishes of the American people.
- Bill Bradley
- No one who is qualified will run.
- Harry Browne. He is the only candidate who will reduce the government WITHOUT compromise.
- Bill Clinton - Has done a good job so far. He is moderate.
- Bill Clinton, because he has done a good job.
- It doesn't matter. The presidency is relatively meaningless, and the differences between any candidates are inconsequential.
- Most anyone other then Bill Clinton
- I'd register to vote if they added a "none of the above" option to the ballot; if no vote were counted as a vote for no one, we would have been sans government long ago.
- Harry Brown - He's the only one who realizes that government is the problem, not the solution!
- Harry Browne, because government doesn't work.
- Harry Browne, because he represents the principles that I believe in.
- A Libertarian - we need to restore rights, reduce governmen
- Harry Browne -- He wants to reduce the fed to 1/3 its present size. Government doesn't work! If you do not believe me answer this question: Who do trust more with your parcels? UPS, FedEx or the USPS?
- Harry Browne, to legalize freedom.
- Browne for less taxes
- Perot he is a rich man and knows how to balance big budgets
- Clinton, He has done a pretty good job and the Republicans scare the hell out of me''
- MArio Cuomo
- Bob Dole - I view him as a resonable conservative.
- Harry Browne to reduce government to increase the standard of living
- Harry Browne, Libertarian. A Libertarian candidate would at least attempt to get our budget under control. He would also attempt to give the government back to the people. How? I'm not certain. But I think it should be given a chance.
- Harry Browne -- He's the only candidate who: a) wants to dramatically decrease the size and influence of the federal government, and b) has a specific plan to do so.
- Harry Browne - He has a platform of solid solutions
- Harry Browne, as he promises to vastly reduce the scope of the government.
- Steve Forbes I feel overtaxation is his main concern.
- Harry Browne-Rep's & Dem's are equally intrusive these days.
- ross perot.... he is not a polititian
- either Jesse Jackson or Jerry Brown--only two public figures who are seriously addressing serious issues and are closest to my own opinions
- Clinton: The economy has rebounded.
- a fresh, critical voice - perhaps forbes/clinton
- Dole -- because Clinton is too liberal
- Harry Browne, the government spends,regulates,and intrudes too much
- Harry Browne, because he wants to turn back the tide of government
- Harry Browne - The only PRO-FREEDOM candidate
- Newt Gingrich because he keeps his promises
- Bob Dole - Extremely realistic, fair minded and experienced.
- Alan Keyes: The man with the most comprehensive vision
- Clinton, He stands for the middle class, and has not sold out to the wealthy like Newt and the boys.
- Harry Browne, because he's the only one who will fix our problems NOW, as opposed to some undetermined time.
- Harry Browne - He seems to be the candidate. who most closely reflects my own political beliefs
- Bill Clinton - with a chance to actually make changes
- Harry Browne because he will do what he says he will do. He is a man of principle and compassion.
- Harry Browne--he'll return this government to the constitutional guarantees of individual liberty that made America the envy of the downtrodden everywhere.
- H Browne. We need some sort of change to get us out of the mess that we currently are in. So far we have given each of the two major parties a chance, and all that has happened is getting us in worse troubble. Let someone, anyone, that believes that the indivigual is responsible for their actions. The government DOES NOT have to take us by the hand every day of our lives. In times of great need, such as disasters, government should take charge as a central agent to clean up the mess. NOT make it orse with all the delays and red tape. I tried to be brief, honest.
- Harry Browne - the government which governs best is that which governs least
- Harry Browne, because we need to massively reduce the size of government. The Democrats like big government and the Republicans like it only slightly less.
- Harry Browne, or Steve Forbes-- we need someone who understands that reducing government is an *affirmative* program, not a way to punish some group of people we don't like/
- Harry Browne, for real change.
- Harry Browne will cut taxes and reduce government intrusion in the lives of US citizens.
- Harry Browne, so my kids can keep keep their money instead of pay an 84% tax rate
- ME
- bob Dole, deserves the job.
- Harry Browne, because he is the only one that understands that governemnt doesn't work.
- Pete Wilson cost cutting and less untrustworthy than Dole
- colin powell...a man of integrity who could unite the country from the two idiotic bickering democrats and republicans..too bad he said no
- Anyone with an ounce if honesty and integrity. Unfortunately, no one with these qualifications would submit to the indignities of running for public office.
- Buchanan put America First and respect for union workers
- Browne: Because government doesn't work and he's the only candidate who promises to REALLY reduce the size/scope/power/intrusion of government.
- Harry Browne. Reduction in the size and scope of goverment is critically important.
- Bill Clinton, Bob Dole & Newt Gingrich scare me!!!!!
- Lamar Alexander, he is honest!!!
- Alan Keyes, family values, black
- Any Republican - Government harmony is needed
- Harry Browne, because he's the only candidate who is serious about reducing the power of government.
- Clinton; he's the least of all evils
- Phil Gramm or Alan Keyes - they are honest, and a breath of fresh air;
- Harry Browne - He is the only candidate who wants to REDUCE the size of government. Everyone else is arguing over reducing the rate of growth of government.
- Harry Browne is the only person with the guts to cut the government. Everyone else is basicaly the same
- I want to see Harry Browne as President, because he will give me my money back, and keep the government off my back...
- Clinton. He's not the greatest, but the others all suck!
- Harry Browne, because he knows government does not work!
- Harry Browne, because he will reduce the size of government, not merely slow its rate of growth.
- Harry Browne, Libertarian, to drastically reduce fed. govt.
- Anyone who'll say, "Balance the budget THIS YEAR!"
- pat buchan
- Harry Browne: He will respect the Constitution.
- Alan Keyes. He boldly attacks the REAL problem with our society.
- Whoever the Libertarian candidate is, because that is the only chance there is fo having someone principled in the race.
- Bill Clinton, he has the best (of possible candidates) understanding f economics and he is also compasionate, something rarely found in Democrats or Republicans
- 1. Dan Quayle
- I don't like anybody that's running yet. It's just a matter of who I dislike less.
- Harry Browne--only candidate proposing radical reductions in the federal government
- Clinton.
- Bill Clinton- because I feel he has done a good job.
- I'd like to see a "new guard" Republican, i.e. under 50, though I don't know who that might be (Caroll Campbell, SC?)
- if possible someone honest & remember the people elected that person to work for us and our country's productivity, safety, and pride. Not to bend to political pressures or promises.
- Clinton. He is concerned with the pulic NOT the private (big business) sector.
- Newt Gingrich - He is a leader with balls.
- If I had my druthers it'd be Phil Gramm; unfortunately it looks like we're going to be stuck with Dole. Clinton is a lying, philandering, cowardly poltroon who would know morality if it came up and bit him on the ass.
- colin powell but it is a moot point
- Gen. Colin Powell, because, I feel, he is the best qualified person for the job. He is the only one of the three who doesn't have a hidden reward by winning
- I like Jack Kemp. As long as Hillary goes back to the kitchen. Her panties must be too tight!
- Colin Powell, but it's too late for that
- William Bennet, National Empowerment, effective and knowledgeable politician skilled in the art of compromise while retaining a core set of values.
- Dole, because he has the experience and skills of a commander-in-chief.
- Mr. Jello Biafra would make a great president. He can balance the budget by doing the one thing that Clinton or Newt would never do, Tax Religion. He would also leagalize drugs and end the drug war, get America off NAFTA, and use NASA to send the FBI, CIA
- Clinton--everyone else is quite frightening!
- Anybody BUT Bill Clinton
- Bill Clinton for balance of power.
- Bob dole democrats did bad
- Bob Dole with Colin Powell as VP
- Clinon because he is a reasonable man
- Walter Williams
- Colin Powell or Pete Wilson - they both have the integrity and are not too partisan to hinder negotiations with Congress
- Dole - Clinton was never & never will be truthful & good for our country!
- The DLC version of Bill Clinton
- Wanted Colin Powell but he is out - so I have no clue at this time.......
- I would like to see Ross Perot as President. It is unlikely he will run again however.
- Get Clinton out
- Bob Dole, Pres. Clinton had his 4 years and did nothing and is still doing nothing. He has not carried through on any of his promises. The Republicans deserve a chance at turning it around.
- Bob Dole, I agree with him more than disagreeing compared to the other candidates.
- I want to see someone with high moral character. I would like to see a candidate who will do what is right and best for the country, regardless of the popularity of the measure or it's ramifications towards reelection. (I would like to add the worst problem in our society is the destruction of the family, this should be added to the choices above).
- A candidate that will cut medicare waste and not give the rich tax breaks
- Bob Dole - he's the only one running who can lead us out of this mess
- Well qualified,serious change,no B.S.,no party wars, please!
- Colin Powell - Liberal Republican best of both worlds
- Miracle politician (Does s/he exist?): someone who'll address seriously issues of social justice, stand up to corporate bullying, refrain from sending the army in to massacre third world countries, provide intellectual, imaginative and honest leadership,
- powell or someone entirly new.....the repulicana and democrates just are not doing a very good job (and that is a total understatment)
- Gen. Powell His Character and Morals
- Bill Clinton, because he's both got a chance and isn't entirely evil
- It doesn't make any difference, unless we reduce government
- perot, he is about in the middle and wants to get this nation going strong again.
- Phil Ghram
- Bill Clinton-He is honest and in-touch with what the country needs
- Bill Clinton. Even though he has been a little "unorganized", I feel that he is the best person for the job and one who can lead this country into the 21st century.
- Keyes because he is right
- Clinton--just look at who the republicans offer
- Pat Buchanan. No GATT, No NAFT, No Mexican/Wallstreet bailout, No more gun control laws. No more errosion of American sovereignty. No socialist new world order and No more sell-out of the Amercan worker
- Ross Perot - he's cool
- Jack Kemp, because he proposes conservative solutions (which allow freedom and can work) to the problems of the poor, rather than middle-class only
- Bob Dole. Leadership. Experience. Moral Values/e.g., family values.
- clinton -- he is doing a great job
- Anyone reasonable who won't either mess up the economy or turn the US into some form of religious autocracy.
- Iwould like to see a republican because of the outfall in todays freelance society.
- Republicans are attempting to start a class war by taxing the under $30,000 wage earner, cutting social programs for the poor and elderly, while bailing out rich friends and corporations. They want to see a pre-1900 political landscape complete with robber-barons and destruction of the environment. Their ideology is to deny ethnic heritage, and ram an extreme political ideology down the throats of Americans. Newt Gingrich seems to be the Joe McCarthy of the '90ss.
- Steve Forbes-- Reduce taxes and unleash the economic sleeping giant that can benefit all Americans!
- David Letterman - because the last several presidents have made the office such a joke...
- Whoever will cut the crap and get the job done
- Phil Gramm, since Colin Powell won't run. Phil has an
- colin powell, because he fits into my political beliefs.
- Any woman at all!
- Powell, though he failed to enter, because i agree with his more libertarian than strict republican stance & he understands foriegn policy yet has good ideas for domestic policy.
- Carl Sagan, because he's the dude
- Buchanan, Re-establish a family, church and goverment
- Pat Buchannan, He is a true conservative
- The only two serious contenders seem to be Grahm and Forbes. They are the only ones who say it like it is, and will DO anything about it.
- I'd only vote for Clinton as the least of evils.
- I am hoping for a more middle of the road republican
- Colin Powell. He represents the views of mainstream Americans and he seems to be a leader.
- Charles Collins. He is running so why is he not on your list. He is the only Republican candidate worth a nickel.
- Alan Keyes, He doesn't beat around the issues and he is inspirational
- Bill Clinton-Let the president finish the job we hired him to do; he needs all of our support in helping him reach our goals. Give the congress back to the president in 1996.
- Bob Dole
- Bill Clinton
- General Colin Powell -- he has the ethics, values and leadership ability that our country so desperately needs at this time in history.....
- Phil Gramm, because he is for less government and more freedom.
- Bill Clinton, because he is more in touch with the general will. He seems dedicated to the Middle Class (by far the nation's largest group), yet does not ignore the poor or rich. He has done well with the economy, and he has overall been a successful lead
- Colin Powell--he knows what going on, and seems more honest than the others
- Powell - he's an efficient worker that gets the job done.
- Clinton, will provide good balance to the republican congress.
- Pat Buchanan, I'm no American citizen but i feel that this is a man who can lead you're country, anything better than that that rednosed billy
- pete wilson
- Alan Keyes, because he is 100% Pro-Life, Christian, and Morally upright.
- Clinton, because he, unfortunately, is the only possible person running who will prevent the far right crazies from gaining any more power in Congress than they already have.
- Henry Gonzalez - one of the very few American politicians who believes in social justice and equality
- Bill Clinton- He has done his job well depite the oposition of the Republican congress. None of the other candidates have convinced me that they could do any better.
- Bill Clinton; he's the best thing running at this point
- Bob Dornan- I strongly agree with his conservative values.
- Colin Powell, but he's not running, so Bill Clinton, he's not insane, most of the others might as well be.
- Colin Powell. Bring nation together. Accountability. Honesty.
- Clinton is the only Dem who can win and winning is what counts. Most important reason is that a Clinton victory helps take back the house - our only real goal!
- A conservative.
- Given those likely to run, Bill Clinton.
- bill clinton
- Alan Keyes firstly, but in realistic terms Pat B. for his stand on values/abortion
- A simple, honest person.
- Bill Clinton - best of the worst
- Jack Kemp
- A member of a third party, simply to see the reaction of our current over-influential partisan system.
- Colin Powell but I have been a proponent of flat-rate taxes for many years because it effectively controls lobbyist and is fair for all.
- A more principled libenral than Clinton, but I don't think that is a possibility this time
- Powell, I find his views cental, like mine
- I would sincerely like to vote for "None of the above" no matter who was running. Remember, elections do NOT solve anything unless there is a way to express your displeasure with the whole idea of voting.
- Bill Clinton
- Clinton. He's a competent politician being hampered by rightist idiots.
- Harry Browne. He will do what the Republicans said they were going to do and more.By the way, I turned down my Federal Grant (student) this year!
- A Libertarian. To focus attention on the Federal government's dramatic transgressions beyond its Constitutional bounds. Not that most people care, though.
- Bob Dole He seems to know what he is talking about
- president clinton for job he done for the present administration and situations.
- We need a President who understands the fight for Gay Rights, and one who will legalize same sex marriages.
- Colin Powell new leadership
- Colin Powell because he is the most trustworthy.
- Dukakis
- Bob Dole - About the only front runner that has a chance against Clinton.
- Pat Buchannan/country is too far left and in Debt.Government too big, People are taxed overall at 50 percent of income. Also entitlements will bankrupt country eventualy.
- Colin powell-it is about time that we give an african-american a chance in the white house
- Powell- he is available and I am alive.
- Harry Browne because no one else has the balls to cut the federal government
- Clinton...we could do worse...and with some of the candidates running we would!
- Al Gore - he sticks to what he believes in. It would be scary for Tipper to have that position, though.
- Any honest, intelligent, capabable, results-oriented person - the leader in these areas for me is Colin Powell.
- Alan Keyes! He alone among the candidates is solid on the issues, doesn't waffle in his beliefs based on polling data, and can remind the public of what made this country great in the first place.
- Lowell Weicker--honesty, good fiscsal management, old-style liberalism
- Any presidential candidate who is against affirmative action because I am sick of going to school and paying in full when there are minorities who may or may not be as intelligent going to school for free or getting a job that they do not deserve just because of their race. It disgusts me.
- A person that is up on "the" issues, proves so by hisher platforms, then actually does something about it. "Is accountable."
- Bob Dole, becuase he isn't a far left liberal and others moderate liberals might be more willing to vote for him then a far right conservative.
- Clinton...has both heart and mind. Americans sadly need both
- Alan Keyes for a return to morality
- Somebody who carries through with what they believe and espouse.
- Bill Clinton...I'm satisfied with his job thus far.
- Colin Powell if he runs as an independent or Ross Perot in order to break the stranglehold the two parties have on American politics and to get them to listen to new ideas.
- any libertarian candidate , or especially any objectivist.
- Colin Powell - a proven leader, motivator, and statesman
- Colin Powell - No strong political ties.
- Someone who cares more about the country than their reelection. There are half a dozen Republicans who seem to fit this requirement.
- A *consistently* pro-life candidate
- dole looks and thinks like a leader: he may even keep his word.
- Harry Browne, we need an ax-weilding libertarian to kill Big Brother.
- Bob Dole, Leadership you can count on!
- Senator Sam Nunn
- Clinton; I detest Republicans (and Perot)
- Alan Keyes; He is very conservative, against abortion. He takes stands and does not waiver from them. Even though he is black, he will be impartial. Race isn't that important to him. He appeals to all people.
- Anybody but Clinton, he is a disaster for this country.
- I'd like a president who will work aggressively to reduce the deficit without pushing a 'moral' agenda
- Powell - Doesn't seem to be stuck on one political platform
- Keyes, because he not only knows the causes of societal problems, but he knows their roots and how to destroy them.
- Alan Keyes, because he articulates, closer than any other, what I believe.
- Someone more liberal than Clinton. He is on the right wing of the Democratic Party.
- Bill Clinton because the Republican party represents everything that I don't beleive in
- Bill Clinton...he's a better choice than any of the others...
- Bill Clinton - To save this country from the conservative rightt and the rich.
- Bob Dole- Experienced, Not a draft dodger like Clinton
- Alan Keyes: principled leader with strong moral convictions
- Alan Keyes, because he has a clear understanding of America's real problems.
- Colin Powell as an independant to see a dramatic difference in politics without party affiliation
- I would like to See Dick Cheney run for President.
- Thomas Jefferson -- but he's not available. At this point, Colin Powell -- he's not the empty suit many people claim.
- Bob Dole
- I support Clinton because he is the closest to my liberal/left political perspective of the viable candidates. He may be vacilating, but he does enough good things to keep me from getting totally disgusted.
- Colin Powell because he seems to have solutions to many of our problems.
- Colin Powell, Seems like a man who has character and wont blow with the wind
- Alan Keyes - He is the only one address the root causes of our problems
- Johney Cochren, He has worked his magic before and anyway Bill Clinton made it so anythings possiable
- Steve Forbes, because he is pro-growth
- Anybody except Clinton. He has proven incapable.
- Brandy Phillips
- Clinton - to maintain balance of power with Republicans
- Bill Clinton, give hima chance to get real Healthcare reform through.
- Anyone but a democrat or rebulican, we've given them a chance and they CAN NOT handle it.
- Bill Clinton---while he has been somewhat wishy-washy on gay & lesbian issues, he's better than the intolerant rightwingers in the race
- Clinton - best man for the job
- Someone willing to cut federal spending significantly.
- Arlen Spector - fiscal conservative and social liberal
- someone with ethics and without any big money behind them
- Alan Keyes he has the solution to all of America's woes.
- Really and Rep. because the congress is in Rep. control. Mabye something will get done if they DEM & Rep wern't fighting tombeat each other so much!!!
- Alan Keyes is addressing the core problem in our society and it is spiritual. We no longer have commonly shared values, no shared perception of right and wrong. Alan addresses the "values issue" forthrightly. He will be a fine example and a strong leader.
- Barney Frank; He would be very influential in establishing a hate crime bill.
- solidity and backbone
- Actually I believe the President to be a figurehead/mouthpiece. You could put the donkey or elephant up there and mean the same thing. It is Congress who has the power and the strife.
- Colin Powell because he told Clinton to Fuck Off
- What's with Alan Keyes? A black conservative? This is the guy who's claiming allegience to a party that endorses publications like "The Bell Curve" which purpport to claim blacks are intellectually genetically-inferior to whites - well in his case, considering his party, maybe he's more evidence of this?
- i'd like to see the entire political structure of the US collapse and some less oppressive form of government rise to power.
- Steve Forbes-becaues he is the most technically quallified, and he is successful in business.
- Bill Clinton, because I feel he has done a good job so far and needs 4 more years to complete is goals.
- Alan Keyes -- Recognizes the source of America's problems and posits the only solution
- Forbes, we need a strong economic leader who is not bogged down in the set political parties. However without strong political ties (i.e. not in a major party) he may become a lame duck president.
- Phil Gramm, because, so far, he seems to take positions that I agree with on most positions of importance.
- Bill Bradley still shows some interest average americans and
- Harry Browne -- we need to try principled, libertarian govt.
- Dole in '96 because his agenda is to decrease federal spending and to place more athority in the hands of the states.
- Gramm. Good balance w/social & economic beliefs.
- It has to be Alan Keyes
- Colin Powel because he is a brother man
- I don't know about you but I'm for Alan Keyes-- my second choice would be Phil Graham and then Pat B. but I'll vote for Alan over any other
- Alan Keyes because he wants to fix the problem instead of addressing the symptons that ail us.
- Colin Powell, He would unite our country, and his views are not too extreme
- We need Bill Clinton to hold Congress in line. This Congress is in the lap of big business, the religious right and the NRA. And without Clinton, students, sick and elderly people, our nation's environment, and religious freedom would all suffer greatly.
- Bill Clinton, I believe that he has done a great job as president and is the best choice for 1996
- Hillary Clinton, a strong candidate, sexy to boot!
- Alan Keyes (who did better on Survey 1 than most of the 7 you list above) works from principles to goals, not vice versa.
- Alan Keyes - He focuses on the real problem in America: the breakdown of the family unit.
- colin powell
- Richard Lugar. Lugar is intelligent, honest, dignified, and honorable
- Alan Keyes--He is truly the most inspiring (black) person that attracts me because of his staunch moral convictions!!
- bob dole seems to be closest to my views
- Jackson
- Anyone who respects civil liberties and is willing to stand up to Congress to make the government justify every dollar it spends. No more pork-barrel politics, no more corporate tax breaks, no more failed drug-war spending.
- Colin Powell the Ultimate third candidate if he can run the defense of this nation he can have my vote. He's not to liberal but also not to conservative. Just be like IKE.
- Alan Keyes. He is the ONLY candidate I totally agree with.
- Alan Keyes. Most of our current problems can be traced to a lack of ethical standards.
- Alan Keyes - he is the only one courageous enough to adress the core of our problems - the moral decay that has resulted in the problems we see. Whether we care to face it or not, there are moral absolutes, the sooner we wake up to that fact, the better. We are doomed if we fail to do so. Simple as that. God bless.
- Alan Keyes--His talk never waffles and he speaks for me and what I believe
- Alan Keyes: He's addressing the core problems of this country, he's principled and honest, and his views are extremely coherent, consistent, and well-thought out.
- Keyes, He is the ONLY canidate who has the Family as the source of the American Greatness, and he is RIGHT!!!!!!!!!
- Dr. Alan Keyes - he is the only candidate with a clear, incisive vision of both our wounds as a people and the structure of the answer we need so desperately. As he has said, we do not have money problems, we have moral problems. As long as a people we turn away from God and despise His will, we will reap devastation until we change our minds and decide to do things His way. We have many different problems today, but they all have one root cause: SIN. Alan Keyes, I believe, can lead us to a nationa repentance and a moral awakening, so we do not destroy ourselves.
- Alan Keyes, because he is a moral libertarian, republican.
- Jello Biafra. He cares about people and he understands what goes on in society.
- Alan Keyes - clarity of thought and position; insight into real problems of the US.
- Colin Powell -- the Republicans need a MODERATE candidate for a change.
- Alan Keyes. His eloquent argument that the country will never fix its money problems unless we first reverse its moral decay, strikes a chord deep within my soul. KEYES in '96!
- Alan Keyes--he is the only candidate who has correctly identified the root cause of ALL the problems we face as being the decline of our moral values and lack of respect for God's authority.
- Alan Keyes - because he stands for righteousness and doiesn't seem to compromise
- I'd like to see Paul Tsongas, though the chances are slim; he seems to have the most concern of all the potential candidates (or has in the past, anyways)
- Alan Keyes - He is not a typical politician, he does have a backbone. He is not one of the good old boys, but a man of action and character.
- Bob Dornan, because although he isn't a DC outsider, he still is far enough out of the belt to be able to do negative things
- someone who is not beholden to corporate America
- Alan Keyes - He is the only one that knows hwy he stands for what he does.
- I am sick of Ronald Mc Reagan, George "benedict arnold" Bush, and Uncle Newt! We Need Jello! There is always room for Jello! VOTE FOR JELLO BIAFRA!!!!!!!
- Perot has the best ideas to reduce the national debt
- Phil Grahm, the ONLY candidate who's mentioned LIBERTY!
- Alan Keyes, because he has correctly identified moral/family breakdown as the ROOT of America's problems. The issue of money (MORE vs. LESS government spending) is only tangential.
- Alan Keyes, He has pin-pointed the nations problem
- None of the above
- Alan Keyes - He is the only candidate willing to address the underlying issues of our time; the complete disregard for morals.
- Ross Perot or Steve Forbes. They are the only ones who can run this country like a business, and thats what this country needs. If we can get our finances in line, everything else will follow.
- powell...i think he'd be a good president
- Alen Keyes-He is pointing out the real cause of America's Problems
- somebody truly different outside the dominant poloitcal sphere entirly
- Keyes is the only 'clean' candidate who has the courage of his convictions.
- Keyes...Integrity, leadership, honesty, motivation!
- Alan Keyes. Honesty, integrity and a grip on what issues really matter to the future of this country.
- I'd like to see Newt run because almost everything I hear from him echo's the kind of changes the county needs to get back on track. Realistically though, I believe the hippy generation succeded in destroying the "establishment" that made this country great, and my generation (20 something) will only see further decline in our lifetime.
- Colin Powell because of his leadership skills and not being a political insider
- steve forbes
- Phill Gramm. He is one of the few candidates that has stated his position and not deviated from it often. He does not make a habit of compromising what he believes in.
- Alan Keyes - He's the only candidate who has identified the real problem in this country.
- Graham - Like his views (most)
- Alan Keyes: He is the only candidate who knows that America has moral problems not money problems.
- Alan Keyes; The basic problems this nation faces can only be solved by a moral revolution. Morality must come from inside. Government should not promote immorality, as I believe it is doing. Lack morality is not just negative, the presence of morality is very positive. Think about it. How many problems would go away if people were just honest, didn't lie, and did not wrongly desire what others have. I believe Alan Keyes holds and promotes articulatly these views.
- Bill Clinton Here's on he's way
- colin powell because he is a military man who will rule from principle not from politics
- Alan Keyes, he would *move* this country in the *right* direction by establishing moral values and republican policies.
- Ross is the only person that can restore sanity to this country. The liberials have forced a welfare state that has been suched dry by the ones that least deserve it. The honor system days are over in this country, illegals, blacks and the like have spit on the foundations of this our country.
- Gramm because he's got experience, he's conservative, and I believe he's honest.
- Clinton He is a least drawbacks of those running
- Colin Powel has displayed the courage to resist the political games of Washington insiders.
- Someone who will give minorities a better chance
- Although the economy is becoming stronger, there is no confidence in our current leader. Clinton must go. Phill Gramm or Colin Powell could restore the confidence we need.
- Newt Gingrich! He is the only person in Washington who seems to have a grasp of most of what is going on. Unlike what the media would want you to believe, this is a person who cares about this county. VOTE GINGRICH! VOTE GINGRICH!
- bob dornan because he stands on his princples,which is alot more than i can say about our current pres.,he is for strong defense and a flat tax and limeted fedral gov. and the flat tax, which in itself would curtale governments power.
- Colin Powell - he's not a "career" politician
- Dole Pres Powell vp Expr.& values are my concerns
- Bill Clinton, he at least initiates change and puts the issues on the "floor"
- Adolf Hitler. We need National Socialism to solve immigration problem
- Alan Keyes, only honest person in the race. His problem is that he tells the truth which hurts his coverage.
- Bill Clinton. He's human, realistic, sympathetic, passionate, not sleazy, smart, and isn't an extremist.
- powell,we need a leader not another politician.
- Alan Keyes, for his belief that moral problems are number 1.
- Bill Clinton - If you really look at his record, it's an entirely different story than what is portrayed on television and by the GOP; 99% of Clinton's opponents cite what I consider to be irrelevent issues such as sexual liasons (something that probably every president in the history of our nation has engaged in, and it never seemed to have much of an affect on their ability to lead), and other trivial, stupid rhetorical arguments that have to base of rationality. The election in 1996 will be about wh ther or not the public can be manipulated by partisian rhetoric; whether the American people will fall for the idea that jobs, "morality", concern for fellow man and environmental awareness are mutually exclusive ideals - I don't think so, and if anyone is really a moderate on these important issues - it's Clinton. The far right wants to make such concern a 4-letter word; the very idea that the US shouldn't participate in the UN is also absurd. There are too many extremist views out there. The bottom lin is that Clinton's agenda is more in line with what's best for America - the Motor Voter bill (the fraud claims are NOT valid - investigate yourself and you'll see), the Brady Bill (originally GOP based) is simply legislation to FINALLY enforce existing laws, the Assault Weapon Ban - much needed and much supported despite what the PACs are saying, and much of the banned rifles are manufacturerd in Communist China - why doesn't the NRA tell you this?? Clinton's policies are sound. There's no telling what D le or Keys or Buchanan would do in office, but I'd bet my life that it would be the worst thing to happen to this country in a century - religion should not dictate public and foreign policy. How would Buchanan or Keys handle an Athiest leader of a major country or the Arabs? What's he going to do? Try to convert them? The 21st century will be about becoming a WORLD COMMUNITY - to have some religious wacko representing our government would be a step back 50-200 years!
- Alan Keyes. The basis for most of the country's problems is the decay of our moral foundation. Only Keyes, among the presidential candidates, has the moral convictions and message to shore up that foundation and give us a base from which to repair the rest of our structure.
- Although I like Dole, he just doesn,t have the spark. Powell will win if he runs, but I would perfer him to be Doel's VP, then in 2000 run for president.
- Ann Landers
- Alan Keyes - He's a great "statesman" (not just a politician), he understands the moral issues and how they tie in with everything else
- Alan Keyes. Family is problem & he has nailed it on the head!
- Phil Gramm. Because he is a strong conservative. His past record backs this.
- Keyes, the moral crisis must be adresses first!!!
- Alan Keyes, he's the next Reagan/Lincoln
- Someone honest and practical who will work to keep government out of peoples lives.
- Alan Keyes - because he stands behind his principles.
- Bill Bradley - an honest politician who's as fed up with the 'system' as the rest of us. He's also brilliant mind who knows how the system works and will get the right people into the right jobs.
- Bill Clinton
- Phill Gramm - A man of character, integrity, and principle
- Colin Powell - We need a new type of leadership that I believe he can provide
- Alan Keyes - He recognizes the real problems with the country
- Alan Keyes - We need a totally different power structure and we must address the race issue before it is to late.
- Alan Keyes....he is the only one who knows the problems
- Buchanan: pro-life w/no exceptions, opposed to GATT & NAFTA
- No Inspirating Individual has surfaced so far.
- Powell - A fresh figure in politics; seems to have integrity
- Alan Keyes because I believe he is the best spiritually, morally and intellectually qualified individual for the job.
- Anyone other than Bill Clinton,lier,warmonger,draftdoger
- Alan Keyes. Not only does he understand that our problems are moral and not just economic, but he understands the danger of giving away American sovereignty to international organizations.
- Alan Keyes or Phil Gramm because they are crusading conservatives; or Colin Powell because he is up to the job.
- Alan Keyes - this country is in serious need of an enema, and he's the only candidate with enough strength, conviction, and heart to give it to us.
- Colin Powell because he seems to be less politically oreintated.
- Alan Keyes. He alone of the crop of candidates articulates a moral vision based on the principles of the Declaration of Independence, that "all mena are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." This will bring all Americans together and hopefully return our nation to its bearings laid down in the beginning.
- Alan Keyes, since he is the only Statesman who really faces the cause of our problems instead of trying to put a band-aid on them
- Alan Keyes; Dr Keyes shows leadership and conviction that no other candidate shows. He is the statesman we need to move into the 21st Century!
- Alan Keyes - He is the only one looking at root causes of our problems
- Alan Keyes because he seems to have beliefs and hopes which are closest to my own ane articulates them extremely well!
- Alan Keyes is my choice among those running. I thought for quite awhile about who I thought would make the best president of the current candidates, and I decided Keyes for these reasons. Most of the others are polticians. Alan Keyes is a statesman. What's the difference? A statesman puts principle over pragmatism. In public policy, you have to make concessions and compromises to get anything done, but you go in with your principles held high and you make the neccessary practical concessions, not the o her way around. Clinton has no backbone. He is blown around by the political winds. Dole is not much better, and Colin Powell (who I believe in the end will decide not to run) has been way too vague but when actually stating his opinion sounds like he's just reading poll numbers. Alan Keyes will make history as our first black President and our most principled, effective leader since Abraham Lincoln. Don't say he can't win! Anyone can win if enough people decide to challenge the status quo and actually be eard
- Colin Powell
- Alan Keyes -- he is the most morally and fiscally conservative. Our country needs a higher level of morality.
- Bill Clinton because other people suck.
- Alan Keyes. Principle. Intelligent. Dynamic. Identifies the moral problems and how to sove them. A great leader for out times.
- Alan Keyes - insight and courage in his convictions!
- keyes - a man of real moral conviction and character
- Alan Keyes - because he has best identified the sources of our problems and has the ability and willingness to take the needed action.
- Alan Keyes is the only man with uncompromising principles
- Alan Keyes!! He clearly articulated what most Republicans leave unsaid: Crime, unemployment, and lack of opportunity are all related to the breakdown of the traditional family.
- Alan Keyes, Honest, great speaker, has a vision, doesn't blame racism for all of the worlds problems.
- Powell - appears honest; has integrity
- Alan Keyes. No one else comes close in character, dignity, and solutions to out country's problems. No one. Not Newt, Dole, Kemp, Powell, Perot, Gramm, Alexander, no one, no one, no one.
- Alan Keyes - "We don't have money problems, we have moral problems!".
- Dr. Alan Keyes because the country is dying of immorality.
- Clinton, because he seems that he is trying to clean up the mess that Nixon, Regan & Ford left.
- Alan Keyes: he's the only one addressing the real issues
- Alan Keyes because he wants to correct the cause of the U.S. problems not treat the symptoms
- BILL BENNETT, Good common sense, virtuous, can be trusted
- Someone with some backbone; who'll do what they promise and standup for something!!! INTEGRITY! Statesmanship not politics!
- Alan Keyes - He is the only candidate with any answers
- Allen Keyes has the integrity, courage, vision and world view to do the job right
- Alan Keyes, He understands the issues and has real solutions not political BS.
- Keyes-"We don't have money problems, we have moral problems!"
- Alan Keyes Because he's the most pro-life pro-family candidate
- Alan Keyes. He stands for the moral issues our country needs.
- Alan keyes - He is the only candidate addressing the root cause of our problems which I believe to be the breakdown of the family/family_values.
- Alan Keyes - Christian and conservative.
- Clinton, like Bush, has failed to deal with the most pressing problems facing our country: the national debt, and a campaign finance system that allows special interest groups and lobbyists to thwart all serious efforts to balance the budget and reform government spending and procedures. However, the leading GOP candidates (those with a chance of winning the nomination) are too closely aligned with the Christian Coalition and/or have shown little interest in serious campaign finance and lobbyist refo m. While Powell has yet to spell out his ideology in detail, he is my choice already for four important reasons: he is fiscally consdervative but not beholden to the Christian Coalition on social issues, he would broaden the base of the Republican Party by attracting non-Christian Coalition types to vote in Republican primaries, he is an inspirational leader who would restore some faith in government, and he is uniquely positioned to at least partially soothe race relations.
- Alan Keyes: He understands the original meaning of the Constitution!
- Alan Keyes because he understands that most of the country's problems stem from underlying moral vacuum. He has the intelligence and eloquence to persuade & truly lead.
- Alan Keyes - he's the clear leader in the morality category!
- Alan Keyes - because he is calling America back to its heritage and promise.
- Keyes. Our money problems are caused by our moral problems.
- Alan Keyes...he's the only one articulating the fact that almost every problem facing America is a result of the moral crisis.
- Alan keyes - he is the only candidate that understands the root of our problems in the US and has a plan to correct this problem
- Alan Keyes - He is the most articulate spearker I have yet to hear. His strength of character goes beyond all others.
- Alan Keyes: he's the only candidate who understands the root problems and knows what to do about them
- Phil Gramm, because he WILL balance the budget, reform welfare, and return power to the states.
- Alan Keyes tells the truth that people need to hear
- Alan Keyes, for his moral and political positions
- Alan Keyes because he is the only candidate talking about the root causes of the problems in society.
- Alan Keyes is a visionary statesman who has a solid grasp of understanding related to the root problems of our society. He also is a passionate and courageous leader who has a plan, not just to restore America, but to propel her to undreamed of success i
- I believe that Alan Keyes is the ONLY candidate who is really addressing the actual problems this country is facing as we prepare to move into the next century, and consequently is the ONLY candidate who, by way of his proposals and principles, can pull this country together. We cannot stand another "stick-the-finger-in-the-wind" politician, like Bill Clinton, as the head of the greatest nation in the world!
- Alan Keyes -- He understands the real problems in the country.
- Alan Keyes. He is the only candidate who understands the moral underpinnings of all of our problems and what needs to be done (and not done) about it.
- Alan Keyes-only candidate who address true problems of our nation, it's moral bankruptcy.
- Alan Keyes, Recognition of moral basis of problems in US
- Alan Keyes because we have moral problems, not money problems!
- Alan Keyes - only honest man in the race - moral issues
- Alan Keyes - Only candidate addressing foundations of freedom
- Alan Keyes
- Allan Keys, because he the best man for the job.
- Someone??? who has the ability to unify the country
- Spock and Data in '96! The logical choice.
- Alan Keyes, because this country NEEDS a leader who knows the source of our problems, and will be able to help us fix them. All of the programs in the world will not help our economic situation if we are only treating the symptoms of the problem and not the problem itself. We all know that the real cause of our problems is the breakdown of the moral fiber of the nation (whether we are willing to admit it or not).
- Phil Gramm because he is the most conservative candidate. Conservative defined as against large government, social welfare and entitlements
- I don't care, really. I would prefer to see a benevolent dictator take charge for a few years in order to get things back in order. I realize that that statement is vague, but I dont have the time to write a ANOTHER dissertation.
- Noboby - This country has turned into the same old/same old. The same jerks with new ways of listing the same old ideas that don't work.
- I want to see Bill Clinton President, or any other Democrat candidate. Not because I particularly like him or what he does but becuase the Republicans have moved way to far right in the past year, taking on an almost dangerous nature.
- Colin Powell -- this country needs a leader
- Alan Keyes because he best expresses the fact that the underlying problem of American society is a corrupt definition of freedom. A freedom that does not respect law and personal responsibility. The best example of which is abortion, which is tearing apar
- I will vote for the most intelligent and humanitarian candidate.
- Bill Clinton, he's been fair so far
- Doesn't make a lot of difference. No one in the political arena has the guts to *ELIMINATE ALL* entitlement programs. They all say "you can't throw the baby out with the bath water". I say you can if it's a welfare baby! Then slamm the door behind it! If they can't make it on their own, let them find another way besides stealing from working Americans, or let them die.
- a liberal to counteract the radical right!
- I wish Colin Powell would run as a 3rd party candidate; since that's not likely, I'll vote for Clinton before I'll vote for ANY Republican
- Pat Buchanan because he is a *principled* conservative who understands that the Constitution prescribes a *limited role* for the federal government.
- colin powell, he seems very up front and honest, doesn't candy coat his viewpoint, knows a little bit about international situations
- Bill Clinton because he supports gays.
- Ross Perot or Colin Powell. I think they have the guts to do what it takes to get this country back on it's feet.
- Newt Gingrich--he cant articulate why government needs to be downsized.
- Barbara Jordan - she has been the most intelligent and inspiring person in public office of her generation
- bill clinton. given the shape of the country when elected he is doing a fine job.
- bill clinton-i feel that he's on the right path.
- Bill Clinton - He at least has had the guts to try and address some of the major problems facing this country. We need to help each other and not shirk our responsibilities but simply saying each man/woman for themself.
- Alan Keyes, because he is the only one in the race with intelligent ideas about American values
- Return to old standards
- Ross Perot/salary and perks are not the draw for him
- I'd like to see someone like Jerry Brown as president, as we need someone who is willing to stand up to the world domination exercised by major multinational corporations, as they rape and plunder from the poorest 95% of the population. Brown may at least be able to do something about corporations stealing most of the value produced by our labor, and then leaving the country to find a cheaper labor market to exploit. Also, I believe that he would probably help in attempts to establish media outlets n t controlled by the 5 or 6 media companies which own about 90% of it.
- Clinton - better the devil you know...
- Fidel Castro for the Communist Party, and Cuban cigars.
- Colin Powell, since he is not a "professional" politician
- Gen. Colin Powell
- I'm amazed at how popular Colin Powell is, even though we don't know SQUAT about what he really stands for; the republicans jockying for nomination remind me of a bunch of hungry dogs getting at a single food dish. The time is over for us to consider a military man to be an appropriate leader - the idea of the military is highly contrary to our Constitutional and democratic values - the military is a very strict caste system where individuality and democracy is taboo, where one is trained to accomplish an objective and NEVER question the morality of such an objective. Are these really the kind of characteristics the American people want in a leader?
- Harry Brown. Read his book.
- Pat Buchanan:A leader with great integrity and strength.
- A true "common man"independant
- Newt or Colin Powell, though I fear that certain groups would suffer (gays)
- Richard Lugar: Supports tax reform (national sales tax) and has deep insight on foreign policy.
- strong leadership & party identification, because I do not believe that this tendency toward third parties will work for the US. We are a two-party country.
- Colin Powell..He is a moderate republican that can appeal to members of all parties without the radicalism of Gingrich or Perot,.
- Alan Keyes. He addressed the problems of morals, he is against abortion, he *appears* to be a moral person. However, he doesn't go far enough in supporting the constitution.
- Colin Powell, because he appears to be tuned in with the majority of Americans.
- Alan Keyes - His has the moral character to lead.
- Collin Powell - healing of race relations, his recognition off need for greater sense of community
- Alan Keyes, His positions are absolutely clear and he does not alter them for the current audience.
- Jessie Jackson - He WILL adress the bigotry in America!
- Colin Powell - He seems to be a man of conviction.
- Alan Keyes-- Understands the core problem with our Country.
- If Dole becomes president, we're all in trouble!
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