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Political Survey #2
User comments [ARCHIVE II]
Who will be president in 1996 and why? Previous comments archived HERE
- Phil Gramm (he understands economics & values personal liberty)
- Any capable and deserving individual.
- Harry Browne - want true change and drastic reduction in federal governement
- I'd like to see Gramm get his shot to complete the good work started in Gramm-Rudman
- Pat Buchanan is the only candidate who has both the economic and cultural values I agree with.
- Gramm is from common roots and is for the common man. He will be good for business, especially small business, by dismantling lots of regulations, which burden small businesses more than they do big businesses.
- Phil Gramm is the most honest and conservative of the candidates. No regulations with him.
- Phil Gramm--we need an economist who understands free markets instead of a professional politician or demagogue.
- Alan Keyes for President- "We don't have money problems; we have moral problems!"
- I believe Alan Keyes has a proper perspective of the root cause of most of our current problems, and he would make this his top priority.
- Alan Keyes - He presents truth, not political double-talk.
- Gramm/Forbes '96!
- Phil Gramm because he will cut welfare and and taxes, and repeal the assault weapon ban and the Brady Bill.
- phil gramm, most conservative
- Colin Powell, or some other moderate (gotta turn down the volume on this wretched partisan rhetoric!)
- Gramm/Keyes 96
- Phil Gramm - you always know where he stands
- Phil Gramm. Truely motivated by patriotism. Ethical/good leader.
- Harry Browne. Everyone else is just business as usual, *especially* BOB DOLE (RINO extraordinaire).
- Phil Gramm, has best chance of beating Clinton
- Phil Gramm.
- jello biafra. the only reasonably coherent and politically aware person currently "in action" at this time. his "platform" is unique to say the least, yet functional.
- Gramm will save us from disasters like getting our own troops bogged down in Bosnia. war has always been one of the greatest excuses for statism.
- Phil Gramm will balance the budget by cutting spending and taxes. He will get rid of lots of government regulations. he's the only one who knows how.
- Let's get Gramm in there so he can dismantle the welfare state and all the goverment regulations so we can be free again.
- If only Phil Gramm were president, we could turn this country around and recreate the American Dream.
- Harry Browne - to make this a free country once more.
- Phil Gramm He is the only true principled conservative.
- Harry Browne. The fed. government needs to be drastically cut.
- phil gramm, most conservative
- I believe that Harry Browne would be a good choice because he would check the Republican congress. He would allow all bills dealing with smaller government but would halt Repub. intrusion into privacy etc. Because many repubs are leaning libertarian he
- Senator Gramm would be the best. He has the best ideas of any candidate in the race; he's the most consistent on the issues.
- I'd like to see Gramm become president. He's the only one who can complete the Reagan Revolution of less government and more freedom.
- Bill Clinton is far better than what is out there right now.
- Phil Gramm- He's the only consistently true conservative
- Rick Tompkins. He's the only real principle Libertarian running for president
- Gore -- he can campaign while Clinton governs
- Phil Gramm is the only decent one of the lot who can win. The only other half-way decent one is Forbes, and he can't win since he appeals only to a portion of the economic conservatives, and not at all to social conservatives. To win the nomination and the election, the candidate must appeal to both social conservatives and economic conservatives. Only Gramm does that.
- Someone who knows that we need to balance the budget, and temporarily increase taxes. Someone who wants to reform welfare so that it works but who doesn't want to shred the safety net. Someone who knows when to get involved in foreign policy negotiations,
- Senator Phil Gramm is the only truly libertarian candidate who can win in 1996.
- Keyes...Leadership and communication skills
- Phil Gramm, social & fiscal conservative
- Harry Browne
- Gramm has honesty, integrity, courage, and conservative convcition.
- The republican nominee so that Republican agenda can pass
- I like Gramm because he believes in a limited government. I also like Harry Browne, but I don't believe that he has a chance of being elected.
- If there's anyone in Washington who will say, "no!" it's Senator Gramm. He says no so fascist health care, not to gun control, no to Mexican bailouts, no to increased spending, no to sending troops to Bosnia. We need to elect him President so he can say NO to the entire welfare-regulatory state.
- Phil Gramm. Do you know that Steve Forbes used to write glowing praise of Gramm in Forbes magazine? Vote for Phil Gramm: the candidate endorsed by the old Steve Forbes.
- Phil Gramm, because of his econimic experience, fiscal conservatism, and how he stands on his principals.
- Phil Gramm; only he is truly committed to a limited government
- Phil Gramm because he has the best chance of shrinkin government.
- Phil Gramm / Phil is in touch with the American people and has consistently voted his convictions over the years. He has no hidden agenda and seems to be a statesman not a politician.
- Browne-reduce gov's intrusion into individual & states rights
- Phil Gramm is leading the opposition in the Senate to the Clinton-Dole deployment of US troops to Bosnia.
- It's amazing just how close we came to having Clinton socialize health care in this country. Dole and 22 Republican senators were on board for some version of a government take over of our health care. But when things looked darkest for our liberty, Phil Gramm was the one man who said, "Clinton's health care plan will pass over my cold, dead, political body." I knew right then I would be supporting him for president. Gramm almost single-handedly killed the socialist health care montser in America. Than
- Steve Forbes. He is the only true 'pro-growth' candidate.
- Phil Gramm because he was for free markets back when liberal Republicans like Nixon and Buchanan were imposing wage and price controls (remember Phase I and Phase II?!) on our liberty.
- Charles Collins. Best constitutional candidate.
- Pat Buchanan since he's not the waffler and liar Dole is!
- Phill Gramm- Will end affirmative action.
- Phil Gramm, he is a true conservative and stands by his word.
- Buchanan - he is saying things many of us are saying, and most politicians don't have the guts to say.
- Steve Forbes because he understands that capitalism engenders human progress, moral and economic.
- Gramm - Conservative, and he doesn't waffle on the issues
- gramm he is a good man and will do somthing about welfare
- Harry Brown, because he is coming from a constitutioanlly sound direction. We have been adding too many "frills and gagets" into government over the past two hundred years. These additions may have been started for exellent reasons, but they have gotten too bloated, and are not readdresssed for their present usefullness.
- Alan Keyes is the best conservative/libertarian candidate since Ronald Reagan.
- I'm sure Gramm's the best candidate for the job. He's right on taxes, spending and foreign policy. He's got the economics down cold.
- Phil Gramm, for his consistency of message and leadership.
- Only H browne and S Forbes "talk" the less government talk, I know HB would walk the walk.
- I would very much like to see Senator Phil Gramm of Texas be the next president. He has the Texas grit and horse-sense to get things done, and is and honorable conservative as well.
- Phil Gramm is on the cutting edge of conservatism. While the Contract With America promised to de-entitle only 5 welfare entitlements, Gramm proposed a bill which would de-entitle all 9 non-medical entitlements. While the other candidates make vague promises about cutting goverment, Gramm is already doing it. Just imagine how much more he'll be able to do as president!
- Phil Gramm would make an ideal president. He's of humble origins, yet has attained success through hard work and brain-power. And that's the best sort of conservative.
- Phil Gramm is just a plain, good conservative. How fancy rhetoric or foaming at the mouth. Just common sense and decency--what conservatism is all about.
- Phil Gramm- he holds traditional American values (work ethics, personal responsibility) in high regard, he tells you what he thinks & why and he doesn't back down...these are all qualities that the "alleged" front-runners, Bill Clinton and Bob Dole sorely lack (Powell also lacks these).
- Phil Gramm - he will do what needs to be done to balance the budget
- Harry Browne, because he is a man truly set in the ideals of our founding fathers
- I would like to see Phil Gramm as President in 1996 to help put this nation on a more sound financial and moral course, something few other candidates will be capable of doing.
- honesty, consistency and character
- Gramm isn't a single-issue candidate with other issues tacted on as an after-thought like Buchanan, Keyes, and Forbes. He is the only full-issue conservative candidate.
- Gramm has found the narrow road of sanity between the isolationist demagogues like Buchanan and the willy-nilly interventionists like Dole and Clinton. Bravo!
- Phil Gramm can be counted on to stand for liberty and against Big Government.
- Senator Gramm is the most impressive conservative on the block
- Harry Browne, because he is willing to seriously cut government back.
- Gramm is so good he's the only candidate who doesn't have to distort the record of his rivals.
- Bill Clinton--Noone else is worth a grain of thought.
- From avaliable choices, Bill Clinton because there seems to be too much hate and intolerance boing on in this country. Remember without tolerance we become Balkanized.
- Alan Keyes because of his moral convictions
- Bill Clinton
- Of all the choices, I think Clinton is the most likely. I can't see any of the Republicans becoming president, they would simply slash and burn without thinking.
- Alan Keyes
- Paul Tsongos, because he's honest & pratical
- Forbes -- best supply sider w/o Kemp running
- Harry Browne is the only candidate willing to save this country from economic disaster and really cut spending.
- Gramm is right on all the issues, and has the most pro-liberty record of any candidate running.
- I would like to see Phil Gramm become president in 1996. He is the only one who has pledged to balance the budget in one term or not run for reeclection. And he will do it while cutting tax rates too. He is already working to dismantle the Commerce Department and make sure the Senate keeps the promises in the Republican Contract With American.
- Harry Browne; I believe that the people in this country need to reduce their dependancy on large centralized government and become more self reliant, and Harry Browne stands for that.
- If Gramm were president we wouldn't be debating how much to slow down the growth rate of government and whether to have tiny tax cuts. We'd be debating just how much to CUT spending and taxes.
- I appreciate Gramm's integrity and conservatism
- Gramm is unparalleled for his honesty, integrity, and knowlege of economics. He would be the best by far of all the candidates.
- Gramm is a real optimist--in every speech he says, "The good news is that there's not a problem we face today we can't fix" yet is realistic enough to know and honest enough to admit that the solutions will cause some people some pain. He's not a pie-in-the-sky sort who thinks marginal tax cuts will fix everything.
- I find Phil Gramm so inspiring.
- I like Phil Gramm because he is brilliant yet the media elites hate him more than any other candidates. He's the best conservative, and they're terrified of him.
- Without Gramm, Dole and Domenici would have cut a deal with Clinton on the budget already. If Gramm is "Dr. No" I say yes to Gramm!
- Gramm isn't slick like Willie or most of the Republicans preachers and politicians running against him. He's an example of the American Dream--grew up poor but made good. And his wife's another example--her grandfather came over as an indetured servant from Korean to work in the sugar cane field of Hawaii. Her dad went to college and became an executive for the company that employed his father
. She because CFTC Chair, and deregulated the industry. THAT is the sort of American Dre m co - You always get more government than you voted for; therefore I support Harry Browne, Libertarian.
- Phil Gramm - Ibelieve that he will bring back the American Drean drea
- Bill Clinton: Has courage to see the long term issues
- Alan Keyes would make the best president, but
- Gramm isn't bamboozled by social engineering, whether it's Democrats telling us who we can hire, or Republicans tellingus from whom we can buy,
- We need a smart, tough conserative like Gramm.
- Phil Gramm. A true conservative.
- Gramm knows the most about free markets and individual liberty.
- Someone who is honest has integrity and will stand up for what is right.
- Gramm stand up to the whiners in the GOP--he can stand up to the liberal whiners too.
- Gramm has what it takes to complete the Reagan Revolution--the way it should be.
- Gramm killed the Clinton socialist health care plan. He was the only one with the guts to go on the national media and call it socialism.
- Harry Browne because he's the only one that is committed to reducing government the most.
- Gramm, he supports the Contract with America's goals
- Harry Browne -- He's Libertarian and libertarian.
- Gramm is a great, consistent leader. He knows how to talk to common folks as well as to intelletuals. He is a man for all seasons. He will be the greatest president of the 20th century.
- If Colin Poweel would run, I would vote for him simply because the man is a true independent and has no ties to either party. I am sick of the partisan posturing of both parties, and i honestly feel that both parties are moribund and have out-lived their usefulness.
- Bob Dole: Experience, Virtues
- Gramm. he is the most fiscally conservative candidate
- Bill Clinton, the only one looking out for the average guy.
- Gramm is the smartest and toughest conservative candidate around. He keeps his promises.
- Alan Keyes; He is telling the truth about our country. He speaks to my heart. He is logical in his arguments and believes what he says. We don't have money problems, we have moral problems.
- Clinton, the lesser of all evils.
- Harry Browne We need to stop politics as usual and REALLY cut government.
- Harry Browne, who would immediately pardon all nonviolent "criminals" (drugs, sex, mere gun possession), and dramtically reduce the size and intrusiveness of the Federal government.
- Me, Michael Burt, The KING OF CHAOS, because I'm willing to make the big cuts needed in government.
- Rick Tompkins, because he is the best of the Libertarian candidates, and the only one who truly understands and talks about the principles of being a Libertarian. He loves liberty, and wants everyone to have a chance at it.
- Forbes. He can be counted on to do the single best thing for the economy -- cut capital gains taxes.
- Rick Tompkins, because he most clearly represents my viewpoints. He has principles and integrity. Mr. Tompkins has the wisdom, the perseverance and the abilities to hold the office of president.
- Phil Gramm: He is the only candidate with a PLAN for solving Economic problems
- Alan Keyes - He is what the country needs an honest, conservative leader.
- I really don't know, because I feel that most people who have more than a snowball's chance in hell of winning lie, cheat, and are basically crooks.
- Bob Dole - Integrity and Honesty
- Charles Collins - I think he addresses the underlying issues, not the false front issues pushed by the press. He would realistically trim much of the government that we could do without. He'd reduce entitlements, but keep programs that help people get ahe
- Gramm is the MAN. The only one with both the common sense and the economics training and the courage to make the tough choices to turn around the goverment and restore our liberty.
- Rick Tompkins, Libertarian. But Harry Brown will do, and has a good chance. The Fed.Gov is far out of control, and needs to be vivisected back into its constitutional restraints.
- Gramm has an excellent record, not just excellent rhetoric like some candidates. A record of fighting to cut taxes and spending. Dole Lugar and Alexander have lousy records.Buchanan, Keyes, Browne, Forbes have no record, and can say anything they want. Powell isn't running; wake up Powell supporters! And of course, Clinton has an abyssmal record--so bad that he's been GREAT for the cause of liberty.
- Phil Gramm: Honest, brilliant, conservative, courageous
- Phil Gramm - Reduce size of Fed. Govt., Balance Budget, Lower Taxes, Eliminate Wasteful Spending, Reduce Govt. Regulations (EPA), Provide environment for positive Economic growth.
- Phill Gramm: Honest, brilliant, conservative, courageous
- I would prefer a libertarian president that agrees to adhere completely to the constitution.
- Harry Brown is the only candidate I have seen who realizes that Government doesn't work and must be drastically cut immediately
- Alan Keyes hit the nail on the head when he said the basis for Americas problems is the MORALITY factor.
- Alan Keyes - Positions on Abortion and Rhetorical and Leadership skill
- Phil Gramm, because I want to give a basically conservative governement (all three branches) a CHANCE to show what it can do. Liberal DEmocrats have already had this opportunity in the past.
- Phil Gramm - he has guts enough to make needed changes.
- Even now Gramm is battling to force Congress to: ‡1. pass the tax cuts; 2. stop the Bosnian deployment; pass reall welfare reform; 4. de-entitle school lunches. THAT is the sort of leadership we need in the White House!
- pat, hes the only one nearly conservitive enough for me I want revolution - its time to demolish DC
- Alan Keyes He is the one who puts the family as #1 priority.
- Pat Buchanan, because his views are closely inline with mine; and he is the most honest politician speaking out on the issues.
- Phil Gramm will cut spending and cut tax rates.
- Phil Gramm: He has been consistent his entire term of public service; he will cut the debt; he will reduce government intrusion into private homes and businesses. He will maintain our world class status in business, manufacturing, and defense and help us
- Roy Romer, the governor of Colorado, because he knows how to
- Myself; The first item on my agenda would be to declare every day a government holiday.
- Colin Powell because we need a _real_ change.
- colin powell has integrity
- We need someone as tough as Phil Gramm to stand up to the Beltway establishment. Gramm is the only one tough enough.
- Phil Gramm. Not just another pretty face.
- I would have loved to have seen Gen. Powell and think he stood a good chance of winning. He was conservative enough to get along with the Republicans, but still open-minded and fair.
- Gramm - He is the best leader for our country.
- Someone who takes his oath of office seriously
- Alan Keyes because he is the only one who understands our nation's problems and how to fix them!
- Lamar Alexander, he is from outside Washington and he has a good record
- A candidate who understands the constitution and abides ther
- Barry Goldwater because he's the only honest man with political experience.
- Someone with an objective and open mind
- Harry Browne will eliminate income tax and Social Security and the drug war.
- Harry Browne To rein in over intrusive governmnt
- Phil Gramm He apppears to be saying the things that I believe are important for our country.
- Phil Gramm: he's consistantly conservative and Pro-Life
- phil gramm or alan keyes because they have the power to motivate and to get people to take action.
- Phil Gramm - he is willing to do what is right vs. what is expedient.
- Harry Browne .. Big government does NOT work.. Nor should the state dictate moral values..
- Browne--For freedom in all senses of the word
- Rick Tompkins, who is opposing Harry Browne for the Libertarian nomination. Rick is a principled advocate of liberty and will represent the true meaning of the Libertarian Party's philosophy of freedom.He stands unabashed for the principles of individual liberty on which this country was founded.
- Whoever gets the Republican nomination. Clinton must be defeated.
- Phil Gramm is the one hope to save the Republican Revolution from the moderates like Dole and Alexander on one side, and the demogogues like Buchanan and Keyes on the other.
- I like Phil Gramm by far the best. He has a long history of supporting free markets and cutting the federal government.
- Harry Browne because he is the only candidate that is serious about cutting the size of government.
- Gramm sticks to his guns, and they are conservative guns.
- Harry Browne is most likely to seriously slasch government.
- I would like to see HarryBrowne, since he is the most likely to cut government.
- Alan Keyes, for his moral stand
- Moderate Republican
- Gramm is great! Gramm is fun! Gramm's the man for everyone!
- Let's get serious. Phil Gramm is the only true conservative who can possibly win. We all need to unite behind him or Dole will get the GOP nomination.
- A libetarian (small l) with interest in regulatory approaches to environmental protection
- Phil Gramm, the only real candidate with integrity.
- Phil Gramm was the only one willing to filibuster to stop Clinton's gun grabs. He also threatened to filibuster the Clinton socialized medicine plan. Imagine what he can do with a VETO!
- Phil Gramm -- He knows what he stands for; he says what he stands for; AND he says the same thing EVERYTIME he says it. I think he would keep his campaign promises and deliver what is best for the country.
- Gramm: the only honest one in the bunch.
- Gramm. With the guts to stand up to the Iowa and New Hampshire party establishments, this man will be able to stand up to the liberal media in the Beltway.
- Phil Gramm, the only economist in the Senate. We need a real free market economist like Gramm in the White House.
- Phil Gramm stands for the principles of limited government and individual liberty.
- Bob Dple: He is experienced and the time is right.
- Spock & Data, the logical choice!
- Phil Gramm - because he takes firm positions rather than waffling like Clinton and Dole.
- Pat Buchanan, he seems to be the only one who can read (the Constitution that is) or else the others just lie through their teeth all the time.
- Alan Keyes--he's the only one so far who has taken a true moral stand for the good of America, not himself!
- Alan Keyes - he wants the government out of our life
- Harry Browne--restoration of Constitutional government
- Harry Browne, because the government is too large/powerful/intrusive
- Alan Keyes, his strong emphasis on removing intrusion & personal responsibility.
- Phil Gramm--offers our best opportunity to see lower taxes, a reduced deficit (leading to lower interest rates), sound economic reasoning, supportive of free enterprise
- Someone with fresh ideas and balls
- Alan Keyes because his priorities are straight and he centers his campaign on the distinction between right and wrong.
- Phil Gramm is a staunch conservative who also appeals to Reagan Democrats. He's the only one who can beat Clinton.
- Phil Gramm, a man of principle.
- Gramm. He doesn't lie like Buchanan, Keyes, Dole, and even Forbes.
- Harry Browne or another Libertarian. Only a libertarian can and will make the hard dicisions that must be made. Also, it woulf
- Bob Dole, grown up leadership, vision, and integrity.
- Harry Browne - The only candidate who will reduce government and restore freedom NOW!
- Harry Browne, Like me, He believes people can solve problems better than the government.
- Forbes, for tax and budget control
- Harry Browne - To beat back the leviathan
- Phil Gramm simply because I believe in everything he stands for, and I like his common sense, simple approach. I also feel he fits my traditional morals, and is more strict than the others
- Phil Gramm for president! The only true conservative who can win.
- Mr. Browne, He has very reasonable ideas,I feel I could support.
- Lamar Alexander. Believes that states should be allowed to solve their own problems, not the Fed. government.
- Phil Gramm - Leadership he has shown on taking a stand on controversal issues.
- Phil Gramm because he'll strengthen and continue the politcal revolution of 1994.
- Phill Gramm
- Gramm. He has integrity. He would downsize gov't
- Clinton- Balancing the Budget will create Urban Warfare
- Harry Browne would make the real cuts in spending and government power to return this nation to prosperity
- some one will cut cut cut cut cut and cut some more
- I wish Kemp ran!
- Gramm is a true conservative who sticks to principles of free markets. He doesn't pander to union leftists with protectionism like Buchanan. Gramm doesn't say such anti-liberty things as "you don't have the right to do what's wrong" like Keyes does. And Gramm will really cut goverment, not just cut tax rates to give us BIGGER government like Forbes proposes. Also, Gramm will keep us out of Bosnia, while Dole and Lugar lead us in. And Gramm can actually be elected, unlike Harry Browne.
- I like Phil Gramm because he will bring real change without being mean like Buchanan, but won't be waffling like Dole or Alexander.
- Gramm is the only one with the guts to turn the country around.
- Phil Gramm is the best!
- Phil Gramm - a true fiscal conservative
- Colin Powell because he is the most moderate and most reasonable "Canidate".
- harry browne my brothers have been slaves long enough
- Gramm, Gramm, he's our man! If he can't do it--no one can!
- Phill Gramm, we need a concervative who does not waver on the issues toget elected. Senator Gramm stands strong on conservative policies and the issues I believe in.
- Gramm is tough, dependable, and very libertarian for an electable candidate
- Opus and Bill
- Phil Gramm, he has the most consistent vision of limited government, low taxes, and more federalism.
- Clinton. He is the only one competent that is running.
- PHIL GRAMM said, "I want less government and more freedom"
- Alan Keyes because he has insight/courage to speak the truth.
- Someone who's convictions match those of our founding fathers, that's why ALAN KEYES ought to BE ON ALL YOUR LISTS!
- Harry Browne. He's tje only candidate with principles.
- Phil Gramm, the most libertarian Republican.
- Phil Gramm, he means what he says and says what he means. He is serious about addressing the problems we face. He is consistent and persistent.
- Phil Gramm. Bob Dole is really too old for the American people to reasonably accept. He's probbably up to the task, but in my opinion, he's not nearly conservative enough. I think we need to get the government out of people's faces, get spending under control and stop yammering about gun control and do something significant about criminals. Bill Clinton has what I think is the MOST scandal-ridden administration in my memory, and that includes Nixon. In addition, he's so wishy washy on virtually everyt ing but gun control, and he has no credibitlity. He talks out of both sides of his mouth and goes the way of the wind on just about everything. You just can pin him down. I guess that's why they call him "Slick Willy".
- Phil Gramm is my first choice! With Thomas Sowell for his running mate. If it comes down to Dole or Clinton it is not worth voting as they are both of the same ideology, just to a different degree.
- Phil Gramm, in order to protect our rights and liberty
- I would like to see Phil Gramm elected president because of his view of the role of government, his strong character, and moral integrity.
- Harry Browne to cut the size of government
- I would have liked to seen Colin Powell very much, because I think he's a fine citizen and American and while I don't agree with all of his views, I think overall, he would have done a good job.
- Harry Browne, or Ross Perot, since they won't charge me as much to decide how to spend my money...
- Harry Browne
- Phil Gramm because of his tough stands on crime, welfare and taxes. He is a man of conviction and principle, and that's who I want in the White House.
- Phil Gramm -- He is serious about reducing the size and scope of government. He offers tough, principled, and compassionate leadership as well as a clear, concise, and consistent message.
- Harry Browne. His policies, moderated by a Republican/Democrat dominated Congress, will move the United States back towards small, relatively unintrusive government.
- Sen. Bill Bradley or Lowell Weicker
- Gramm with Keyes as his running mate
- Phil Gramm. I rarely disagree with his positions. He's strong on issues that matter to me.
- Bob Dole, He is fight back for the people who pay the Bills
- Phil Gramm: he's the ONLY candidate who has REAL experience with economics (IMHO).
- First choice: Alan Keyes. Second choice: Phil Gramm. They are the only two who consistently represent my opinions and values.
- Phil Gramm, because he is a reliable conservative
- Alan Keyes--He's smart enough to know and not afraid to say what this country's real problem is.
- undecided between Jesse Jackson and Harry Browne. Neither one matches my ideals perfectly, but they're the closest.
- Phil Gramm, Best ideas for balancing budget, reforming welfare, getting tough on criminals, reducing big government.
- Alan Keyes, because he alone recognizes America's moral crisis.
- Alan Keyes, because he is focusing his campaign on the root cause of all the.
- Phil Gramm - hard to explain in just one line!
- Phil Gramm -- he's the last best hope to do something about the size and scope of government
- Phil Gramm less government
- Phil Gramm for his fiscal, cultural, & constitutional conservatism
- Rick Tompkins has the most libertarian vision for the country, but Browne has the best chances
- Alan Keyes has the best understanding of the root cause of our national problems.
- Almost anyone other than Bill Clinton...But I would prefer Gen. Schwartzkopf...who unfortunately has more sense than to get into politics. He has global savy, having served on several continents, management ability, having managed hundreds of thousands of men, and respect for and concern for his troops, which would translate to concern for the ordinary citizen. Also, he isn't a political animal, as are all those currently running for, and IN office. We could use the change.
- Somebody who will restore the Constitution to **LAW**
- Phill Gramm! We need a president that will do something about the national debt.
- Phil Gramm because he is the ONLY candidate that has stayed consistent on where he stands on issues!
- Phil Gramm, as he has consistently opposed government growth.
- Phil Gramm, Actually stands for his beliefs; most closely matches my beliefs
- Phil Gramm because his positions reflect mine and he is the only one that has a consistent story.
- Senator Gramm: we need a REAL conservative, not a faux one!
- Phil Gramm, because he has a vision and is focused.
- Alan Keyes - He is the only candidate who understands that the root of our national problems is moral
- Alan Keyes, he's the only one who seems to be aware of the problems and consequences in our society
- Gramm, because he's a strong conservative and he can articulate why very well.
- Phil Gramm, he actually says what he believes, IMAGIN THAT!!
- Phil Gramm - Government is too damn large - We can no longer afford such luxuries.
- Phill Gramm. He is the only candidate who has stated exactly what he stands for and has not waivered. He has a thourogh understanding of economics, giving him the ability to understand the economic impact his policies will have on the country without having to rely soley upon his advisors.
- Dole. He is honest.
- Phil Gramm: we NEED a solid fiscal conservative who WON'T compromise
- Phil Gramm, because he's excited about cutting gov't spending
- consistency of message. Just say something, and do it!
- Phil Gramm, because he's excited about cutting gov't spending
- Phil Gramm, because he will put the country back on track
- Gramm-Strong believer in the individual
- Phill Grahmm ‹ He truly represents a conservative perspective which I don't feel any other _viable_ Republican candidate possesses.
- Phil Gramm because he has been consistantly conservative.
- Gramm/Keyes for Pres/VP
- Phil Gramm, he understands the common people, and has solutions that will help this country.
- Since when are "tax deductions" a "government benefit???"
- Alan Keyes because of his focus on restoring morality.
- Phil Gramm - Because He Just Makes Sense
- Phil Gramm - the only candidate who doesn't vacillate in his beliefs, and who actually stands for something
- Phill Gramm consistent positve constructive message!
- Phil Gramm, a consistent fiscal conservative who will do the right thing.
- Alan Keyes as he speaks to the moral decay that is the root cause of our social and economic problems.
- Gramm; first viable libertarian candidate in over 100 years!
- Alan Keyes because he addresses the root of the problems in our country and not just the symptoms. Plus he is pro smaller government
- Steve Forbes; because of the numerous advantages of a flat tax.
- Phil Gramm -- because he knows who he is and why he's running.
- Lugar, honesty, uniform tax approach
- Gramm - he has been consistently for less government
- we need a president who stands for something and doesn't waffle
- Phil Gramm, best of the bunch.
- Of the candidates that want to cut size of goverment, Phill Gramm Has the best chance of winning.
- Phil Gramm: The only candidate who has promised to continue devolving power out of Washington and back to the people.
- Phil (Note: Only 1 L in Phil) for Freedom!!!!!!
- Alan Keyes, or Pat Buchanan (as a second choice), as he expresses most clearly the conservative proposition that our society (as other civilizations historically have demonstrated) cannot long survive in a climate of moral collapse. He also happens to vig
- Alan Keyes. He is very good at articulating the ROOT causes of this country's problems in a way that invites and sways everybody, even those who disagree with him, to help restore America's greatness.
- Phil Gramm - he's a strong right-wing candidate and supports the flat-tax.
- Alan Keyes; he best articulates the fundamental moral problems (and their solution) which are at the root of most of our societal problems
- Phil Gramm. His integrity, boldness, character, leadership and conservative approach.
- Phil Gramm - committed and principled man who will make significant changes in our government.
- Phil Gramm. Conservative philosophy of less government and fiscal responsibility. Proven track record in those areas.
- Alan Keyes. He has stated it well. We have a moral problem in this country not a money problem!!!
- Alan Keyes--he's not afraid to tell the truth.
- Phil Gramm or Steve Forbes, they are the only palatable candidates
- Phill Gramm- He wants to end affirmative action and special rights.
- Phil Gramm is an economics professor who understands the inefficiency and policy constraints generated by the 6 trillion dollar debt.
- I would like to see Jack Kemp as president, however, since he is not running, the person who most closely represents his economic views is Steve Forbes.
- Gramm - he is a viable candidate who is not an old school politician. Surprised he was not on your list of 7 back in question 5.
- Phil Gramm - Firm Stance, Leadership, Clear concise msg
- Steve Forbes, to alter the tax code in favor in a flat tax
- Gramm - closest candidate to a libertarian
- A libertarian - or anyone who knows what a budget cut really meansð
- Phil Gramm. Consistant Conservative
- Phil Gramm, he believes what he says and acts on it. He's truthful about what he is going to do.
- Phill Gramm - He is firm on his position and ideas and is truly trying to return America to the great country that it used to be.
- Gramm, because he has a consistent message to which he sticks regardless of the audience to which he is speaking. He has a solid base of conservative values that do not change over time.
- Alan Keyes because he is addressing the moral breakdown issues.
- Phil Gramm, because he is the most likely to reduce government scope and keep taxes down
- Lamar Alexander - We need a president who will downsize the federal government. Most Senators and Representatives are too much a part of the problem to be able to fix it.
- Phil Gramm - He's the best candidate for what I want.
- Alan Keyes-he will use his position as a bully pulpit to right the moral deterioration of the US
- Phil Gramm. I have been a fan of Phil Gramm for over 20 years. He is intelligent, principled and he has a thoughtfull vision of what he wants for this country.
- Phil Gramm: He'll move the country in a conservative direction.
- Phil Gramm. He is about the only one that actually understands the economic realities in this country.
- Gramm--will be a strong, consistent leader that let's individuals make more of the choices that affect their lives
- Phil Gramm--Represents the conservative position I believe
- Harry Browne - govt assistance for one = govt theft from another.
- Alan Keyes -- strong stand on moral issues
- Phil Gramm, because he is the only candidate that can possibly win and will actually take steps to limit govermnet interference with our lives.
- Phil Gramm - He is a dedicated unwavering conservative
- Sen. Phil Gramm, who is the only one who seems to see the gravity of our problems, and the only one who is willing to risk being unpopular and stand on principal to solve our problems.
- Phil Gramm, because he stands on his principles and thinks the Federal govt is too big and costs too much
- Phil Gramm, who can be trusted to support more liberty and less goverment in most instances. By the way, you have his first name spelled wrong.
- a candidate who is committed to reducing the size of govt.
- I'd like to see Phil Gramm as president because he is the most libertarian of any candidate who can possibly win the nomination.He'd also be the most classical liberal president since Calvin Coolidge, and possibly since Grover Cleveland.He does what he says he's going to do, and doesn't pander even to the interest groups within his own party.
- Harry Browne, If at halftime your gameplan is not working you better make changes
- Bill is doing a great job. Big bussiness is leaving country, and downsizing, poor economic times, The Corporate WHITE BOYS are doing a number on all of us!!
- not a professional politician!
- Harry Browne - I want government to be smaller, not to grow slowly
- Bob Dole because he knows how to work with congress and he represents most of my views.
- dole happydays
- I would like to see Alan Keyes for president in 1996 because he is the only candidate who is willing to tell us what the true problem is in our society; that is that we have a moral problem!
- JESSE JACKSON, though he will NEVER will, righteous man that he is.
- Alan Keyes -- a leader with a vision. An honest man.
- Keyes- best represents my views
- Bill Clinton
- Alan Keyes because he takes a strong stand for moral values and he has experience in many areas. He is a very knowledgeable man and is the only candidate to say that abortion is taking of a human life and that our country can not exist when we say that murder is okay.
- Colin Powell would've been the best LEADER, but candidate? I'm not sure. I'll probably vote Libertarian to make a statement against the status quo.
- Alan Keyes, because we don't have money problems, we have moral problems!
- Clinton, unless the Republicans produce a moderate,youthful,visionary that does not serve the upper class
- The act of becoming a candidate ruins most candidates.
- Colin Powell: he would've been new blood (literally!!)
- Alan Keyes because he has a vision for uniting America and leading this country back to a moral foundation.
- Alan Keyes ... only candidate who sees the real problem in America ... immorality
- Harry Browne: To protect personal liberty
- Alan Keyes
- Harry Browne He's the only legitimate candidate that will REDUCE the amount of government intrusion into my life!
- Harry Browne He's the only legitimate candidate that will REDUCE the amount of government intrusion into my life!
- Harry Browne
- Alan Keyes- He gets to the heart of our nation's problems, with no beating around the bush.
- Dole, because he's intelligent, experienced, and is not a draft dodger
- Alan Keyes...he is an honest man with a positive plan for America.
- keyes - only man who has a clue what's important
- Harry Browne. He is honest and will do what he says he will do.
- Someone without strings attached--Browne- Forbes
- Alan Keyes, for a return to government as a moral force for good rather than evil.
Alan Keyes '96!
- I would have liked to have seen Tommy Thompson (R, Wisconsin) because he has done great things for the state of Wisconsin, and I would like the rest of the nation to see what a great man he really is.
- Charles Collins: His "back to the constitution" platform and I perceive him to be honest, unlike so many other candidates.
- Harry Browne--because he's the only one who's honest about the nature of government itself.
- No body else is perfect, but I'll stick with Clinton; Clinton can learn, others don't seem to have that capability
- Keyes I WANT, but I SEE Gramm or Dole. Keyes has a moral message, and that takes time to explain that is the true route that we must take to get rid of our problems, therefore he needs considerable resources to do so... he doesn't have them. We need some HARDCORE counter-media explosion!
- Bill Clinton / no better choices
- Bob Dole
- Bill Clinton because he is the only one that is working for the people's best interest
- Pat Buchanan- He opposes big gov't and big bus.-he is a cultural and economic nationalist
- me or general Colin Powell. Because career polititions too easily lose sight of that which is really important and the only true reason for becoming a "public servant"... serving the people of this nation and ballsy political reform.
- Harry Browne, because government dosen't work.
- Alan Keyes, because he recognizes that breakdown of family and moral decay is root of most of our problems today.
- Harry Browne. The policies he supports are more inline with my beliefs than any of the other candidates' are.
- Alan Keyes - Unafraid to take a stand for what is morally right. I believe a man like this is needed to lead our country out of the morally bankrupt dependency upon Government intervention to solve individuals' problems.
- Harry Browne; The only one that might turn this mess around
- Bill Clinton, he has proven he can do the job and I don't believe anyone else could do any better.
- Richard Lugar--I like his consumption tax idea
- Alan Keyes - He is a good person that could make a difference in our country!!!
- ALAN KEYES!!! He is the ONLY candidate who currently addresses convincingly the source of ALL the problems in this country-the moral breakdown. He is not a politics-as-usual candidate, but a true statesman we can all look up to.
- harry browne - I think the federal government has stepped way beyond its constitutional bounds
- none of the announced candidates, so far.
- Alan Keyes: Because he is coxcientous frank, persuasive, and right about the afflictions of the nation.
- Alan Keyes, he is an honest man, who is addressing major problems with viable solutions.
- Alan Keyes. His message is that of morality & family strengthening.
- Roger Waters (Pink Floyd)
- Get Bill Clinton out of office! Anyone who can send our millitary to war should have first served in it! We can send 2 billion dollars to russia but we have people that dont have a house. He voted down a ballanced budget. H is the worst president I have ever seen. I say this because he is. If he was a republican I would still say the same thing. He has no respect for the second amendment. The freedom to keep and bear arms. Hes passing laws that dont hurt anyone but law abiding citizens.
- Harry Browne -- time for REAL cuts in govt. and taxes
- Colin Powell
- Alan Keyes - He seems to be the most sincere of all candidates
- Phil Gramm as he espouses the choices that I clicked above.
- Alan Keyes: Clear commitment to the Declaration of Independence.
- Alan Keyes: Agrees with my beliefs AND priorities
- Alan Keyes...Conservative morally and fiscally
- Mario Cuomo--he could lead our country.. 2nd choice Clinton
- Alan Keyes - He has a moral position and lives by it.
- Alan Keyes--A man of ultimate integrity with the gumption to back it up is who we need to fix the MORALITY problem in America today.
- Just a little integrity would be nice.
- Steven Forbes, he has the business acumen and political insight to be different and truly make a difference in federal government.
- Someone who will actualy make some REAL change in the the way thing are done in this country.
- Harry Browne!!!
- colin powell- others are way too conservative
- Hary Browne. He reflects my beliefs.
- Clinton - Closest to main stream American values
- Harry Browne
- Bill Clinton, we still need to be able to breathe, be able to drink our water, to have a educated society, have some decent leadership, and all other positive liberal reforms, except tobacco regulation and gun control
- Bill Clinton; he can turn things around if Congress turns Democratic again...
- Harry Browne because he knowledge and skills to lead this country to true freedom
- Dole. I see him as a moderate conservative. I believe the Republican Party is more apt to reduce spending in areas that have completely gotten out of control.
- Bill Clinton-He's done a good job but CAN do better
- Forbes--may bring fiscal sanity
- Barry Goldwater because he's the last American.
- Harry Browne, because he wants to make the government small.
- I would like to see Rev. Jesse Jackson in the 1996-2000 presidency because he has been the only candidate in the last 15 years to deal with the real issues of the everyday people in America. The farmer, the security guard, the student and the labor worke
- I want to see a president who can lead, not follow. That is a president's duty. To me, true executive leadership has been lost to politics and bargaining. If a president cannot lead his congress, regardless of party affiliations, then he is not a leader.
- Harry Browne, we need dramatic changes, not incremental changess. He is the only candidate willing to address the major issues with real impactt. Real change.
- Sam Nunn, Al Gore
- Harry Browne; Individual Freedom and Constitution supporter
- I'd like to see Mario Cuomo. No ideas are articulated well.
- I don't know who I want for President. I like the Libertarian views but I don't know enough about you or the party. I will read on.
- Bob Dole is electable and would restore the integrity in the white house that's been lost since 92
- It's as simple as ABC (Anybody But Clinton)
- Probably Bubba, 'cause there just ain't anybody else that'll do the job who is running in '96
- I want to see someone in no party who only wants the job for four years.
- harry browne we need the change
- Bill Clinton. The priorities of Bill Clinton are more rational and humane than those of the republicans.
- Harry Browne, because he doesn't believe our problems are best solved by the government.
- Although he has said he wouldn't run, I'd like to see Colin Powell in the White House. Unfortunately, the President is only a small part of the problem.
- Lowell Weicker
- Harry Browne
- Pat Buchanan, only one that even slightly represents interests of the South and its people.
- someone who will leave me alone
- Buchanan! We meed a President that will work for the Nation not to establish a socielsit State OR ONE THAT IS WORKING FOR GLOBAL CORPORATIONS OR THEIR OWN POCKET BOOKS.
- Bob Dole, I think he is best ofr the job and not Clinton
- Bill Clinton, because he listens and do the will of the people. Unlike republicans who tell you what you want.
- An individualist LEADER who will ignore these surveys and follow his own vision for America. Hmmm. I'm assuming, of course, that his vision does not include dictatorship or a military regime.
- Colin Powell
- Harry Browne, for a free country!
- Harry Browne - he is the most responsible, well-spoken candidate. He will reduce governmentNOW!
- Bill Clinton has demonstrated himself to be a peacemaker. Granted, he has stumbled and waffled at times, but I feel he has been an effective advocate for the average American.
- Harry Browne- screw the GOP/Democrat fascist pigs
- Clinton.. he's the only one not way off in his own world
- Pat Buchanan Integrity
- Harry
- Harry Browne - he'll give us control of our lives back!
- Harry Browne, he'd radically reduce gov't & return this to a free country.
- Steve Forbes I think. Having a hard time finding just where he stands on abortion, gun control, and other smaller issues.
- Harry Browne--only credible Libertarian. Also, Republicans and Democrats are not serious about reducing government interference.
- Bill Bennett he is intelligent and decent (but he wont' run)
- Bill Clinton, mainly because I can not in good consious vote for Dole. All the other candidates seem even more conservative and I can not vote for that. Clinton has done a decent job and I am not dissatified with the work he has done.
- Harry Browne
- Republicans and Democrats aren't serious about reducing government power; only Libertarian Harry Browne is.
- Harry Browne, because socialism and paternalism sucks
- Lowell Weicker
- Bill Clinton
- harry browne: no income taxes=more federal revenue!
- Powell, we need a leader with good moral values.
- Bill Clinton: he is more qualified than Browne.
- Harry Browne... only American choice
- Bill Clinton. Because the radical right must be stopped!!!
- Even though he's not running, Colin Powell. Why not?
- Clinton - He's least likely to cowtow to the radical "religious" right.
- Steve Forbes Bring in an outsider and tax reform
- harry browne-wants to end the War on Drugs
- Alan Keyes, because he is a man of high integrity and character who is not afraid to take a stand for what is right
- It would be nice to see a politician in power who would actually keep their promises, bring back the death penalty for child molestors, rapists, murderers, and drug dealers, someone who would bring religion back into the schools, someone who would stop all the bloody illegal immigrants from coming in, someone who actually CARED about doing good, instead of being on a continual power trip---but seeing as there is no one who will do any of this, I guess we'll have to wait for the Second Coming.
- Harry, we need to get away from the two party system and get back to what's best for the United States.
- Harry Browne/ Too much government
- Someone who is more interested in fixing things than staying in office.
- Harry Browne/ Less Government
- Harry Browne: Redudce government, its debt, iterferance, & size.
- Dole + republican congress will get things in order....
- Harry Browne- He is not going to try to fix government, he is going to cut it drstically. Government doesn,t work!
- Harry Browne -- we need to reform (reduce) government now
- Harry Browne because he actually thinks before he speaks.
- Harry Browne. Government is much, much too large.
- The ex HUD director, Kemp,,, he's a moderate, and he's able to work with both sides of the isle in both houses of congress
- Harry Browne---a libertarian with a backbone to do what it right and obey the Constitution.
- I would like to see Harry Browne for president: the less intrusive the gov't, the better
- Harry Browne- he is the only candidate who WILL return power to States and the US to the Constitution
- Colin Powell, because I agree with most of his issues, and Dole and Clinton are a bunch of jokers!
- Graham He will balance the budget and reduce government.
- Alan Keyes. Rejection of God & Constitution is root evil
- Harry Browne to CUT government.
- Someone who will reverse the trend toward bigger government.
- Question invalidates a meaningful answer
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne. He (mostly) agrees with what I think.
- Harry Browne, nether traditional party is able to inact change for the good of the country. We need someone who is not in the political mainstream who wishes to reduce government and not just remain elected.
- Bill Clinton because he is better than Bob Dole
- Anybody but Harry Browne! He sucks!
- Harry Browne. As a Libertarian, he believes in TRUE freedom.
- Harry Browne - To reduce the size and scope of gov't
- Harry Browne. As a Libertarian, he believes in TRUE freedom.
- Harry Browne because government at all levels is WAY TOO BIG!
- Harry Browne, because I want government out of my personal life and I hate paying so much in taxes! I believe a REVOLUTION is coming if drastic changes are not made immediately.
- Lowell Weicker Only true independent out there
- Unsure. No one reflects my views closely enough.
- Alan Keyes. He is the only moral one in the bunch.
- Harry Browne (Libertarian Party) -- the ONLY candidate who is truly committed to reducing the size of government and returning to us the personal and economic freedoms that an increasingly intrusive and wasteful government has taken away.
- Phil Gramm. He reflects my view closer than any other candidate.
- Gramm. Most true to his convictions and capible of winning
- Harry Browne: No-nonsense budget control
- Harry Browne, to get government out of our lives
- Steve Forbes--I think the country needs a shrewd Business Man to get their fiscal house in order, and their nose out of everyone's affairs.
- Although I can't say I have been thrilled with his performance, I would have to say Bill Clinton. It is a measure of how crazy, hateful and exclusive the Republican Party has become that Clinton would be preferable to any of their candidates.
- Harry Browne, reason: The Constitution
- Avoid righteous righters
- Harry Browne because of his positions on the size of government and personal liberty.
- Perot, he's the man
- Would really like to see a PRO-CHOICE Republican; otherwise anybody but Bill!!
- Harry Browne because he's the only candidate that will cut government the most and fastest.
- Harry Browne - There is no point in as much government as we have now!
- Harry Browne; because he will reduce the size of government
- Harry Browne - he will actually reduce the size of gov't.
- Harry Browne - Someone has to change the course of our Government before it kills us and I strongly feel Mr. Browne is the ONLY person who can do it!!
- Bill Clinton, because he is problem the only Democrat that has a good chance of beating Dole and that a Republican in the White House would olny mean too much to the Republicans. I think they are going to far with their plans.
- Alan Keyes, because he has the same VALUES AND MORALS that I do.
- Harry Browne - - only candidate who supports a clear and meaningful program to return to our Constitutional basis.
- Alan Keyes because he understands the root problems of our society
- I would like to see Bob Dole, or Newt. Definatley not Clinton.
- Bill Clinton is all that stands before us and Newt's warped view of America.
- Bill Gates, because he already own the country.
- Steve Forbes, he is the most pro-economic candidat so fare.
- Clinton
- Browne-to return this country to being the republic it was meant to be, rather than the fascist empire it has become today. To reestablish the liberty of its citizens as the only concern of government. To restrict government to the function of only protecting life and property from violent violation and fraud.
- Harry Browne, Only serious choice for freedom
- Gramm - He won't make deals with the liberals like Dole will
- Alan Keyes sees the issues clearly from a firm base of correct principles. He demonstates an understanding of the political/moral principles that made this nation great. He is courageous in espousing those principles.
- someone other than a demo-publican, we need change.
- My first choice is Harry Browne, second is Steve Forbes. Both seem committed to a reduction in the size and cost of government, and in the intrusiveness of the government in people's lives.
- Alan Keyes. He is one of the few candidates who has an actual stand on the issues. I tend toward Libertarian, but their stand on abortion is wrong. Alan Keyes is the pro-life, pro-family, Libertarian, in my eyes. He has the guts to say and stick to what he believes, and he has core beliefs which guide his decision-making, he doesn't put a finger to the wind.
- Harry Browne - return to smaller, constitutional government
- Harry Browne because he will really cut government accross the board.
- Anyone who trusts and empowers individuals, rather thatn attacking us. Clintons need not apply.
- Bill Clinton. He says what I want to hear.
- Ross Perot - someone with
fiscal responsibility & good business management skills - Dole, he is the best of the candidates, not necessarily a great candidate, just the cream of a not so impressive crop
- Lamar Alexander
- Bill Clinton, because he at least mouths support for the envirionment, education, and vital social programs, while still advocating welfare reform and strong foriegn policy.
- Steve Forbes. He's a businessman. We are a capitalist country--lets make a profit!
- Bill Clinton because he's partial.
- Clinton, For the most part, I agree with his actions so far.
- ????
- Bill Clinton. He's done the job.
- Harry Browne, because he would dramatically reduce government.
- BOB DORNAN:He stands for the rights of the individual.
- Clinton deserves another term - he's been very unfairly treated by the big-business dominated media.
- Newt Gingrich because he would keep the net from censorship
- Powell
- Harry Browne-He has character and believes in no government
- HArry Browne. Less Government
- Bob Dole because he is not Bill Clinton
- Anyone who presents a realistic (i.e. Perot doesn't count) alternative to the major parties
- Bill Clinton, because he's for health care.
- Alan Keyes - he is the only candidate to knows what the problem is, never mind the answer
Harry Browne
- If powell were running I would love to see him in office, that however will not happen. I also think that Clinton although critized is doing a fine job, and within time he will make good on all of his promises
- Harry Browne We to completely restructure,reduce fed gov
- Bill Clinton because he's done as much as he could despite the Fascists in Congress.
- Phill Gramm, only man with convictions in the race
- Harry Browne, he will reduce the size of goverment.
- Clinton, because, although flawed, he seems like the only candidate who generally cares about the average citizen and not just the pocket books of the wealthy.
- Harry Browne - to return us to a nation of individual responsibility, with a principled and consistent defense of individual rights, including the right to property.
- Clinton because he works hard and deserves another term
- Of anyone who has a chance at getting their party's nomination, I like Browne the best.
- I want to see Clinton reelected for president in 1996 because he has done a great job so far.
- Arlen Spector
- Harry Browne, I feel that he can set the right example for politicians in that he has a political position (which reflects my own more than any other candidate) that does not change to fit public opinion in order for him to be elected. His stance on free
- Alan Keyes - He's the only one who stands for what he believes because he believes it's right, rather than watching the poles.
- Lowell Weicker-most independent, straight ahead guy in field
- I would like to see President Clinton re-elected in the coming year. In his presidency this country has seen the deficit fall and the economy rise. The NYSE broke the 4000 and 5000 mark this year alone. Clinton has also made a legitimate attempt to repair this country's broken health care system.
- Collin Powell: strong leadership qualities; can unify public
- William f buckley. He is sincere, has character, and is knowledgeable enough for the job.
- Harry Browne- He is not a politician. read his new book "Why Government Doesn't Work"!!
- Someone Who Can Take Moral Leadership
- Pat Buchanan
- Keyes, because he articulates the ~real~ problems that we face in this country, and points to the best ways to change our current situation. And because he's black, our country, and our black citizens need someone other than OJ Simpson and Rodney King as standard bearers.
- Harry Browne - apparently the only one who has read the US Constitution.
- Alan Keyes - knows the REAL issues
- Bob Dornan -- common sense values
- Forbes because is a true outsider
- Keyes, Because he stands for the truth and what I stand for.
- Keyes speaks from his internal beliefs. He knows what he stands for and isn't trying to play to polls.
- Any Libertarian, or like-minded individual. Why? Government needs to get out of the business of trying to be everything for everyone.
- Alan Keyes; he speaks the truth and needs no notes to tell him what the truth is.
- Steve Forbes, He will do the most for changing the attitude of america back to one of self reliance and being responsible. We shouldn't punish ambition and rewaqrd sloth!
- Alan Keyes : Because were facing moral issues
- Someone smarter in the money world that the plitical world
- Dole-Intelligent,logical,good morales. Represents my views
- Bill Clinton. He has made me believe in America and myself.
- Phill Gramm or Harry Browne. Cut spending lower taxes balance the federal budget and retire the entire national debt.
- Alan Keyes is the man best suited to lead the nation towards its individualist roots.
- Alan Keyes. He is the only candidate basing his candidacy on moral conduct and the Declaration of Independence. These are the founding principles of this country. In addition his character is impeccable and he will honor his word. Something foreign to the current President.
- Akan Keyes: he could unite the races, he is right about all the issues of concern to me; he's actually intelligent, not just a clever politician.
- Alan Keyes, because he is a man of integrity and principles and understands the root causes of our nation's problems.
- Alan Keyes--He stands for all the moral issues of the day, which our country was founded on.
- Pat Buchanan because he is the ONLY one (besides Charles Collins) who stands against the New World Order & other global crap - & understands the Constitutional limitations upon government
- He isn't running, but I'd like to see Newt as president because he has the most agressive approch to slashing the size of the Federal government. The feds take plenty from me and give little in return. The damn hippy generation baby boomers wrecked the county. They and there president try to cover for it by barrowing againt my now meager earnings. They retire with fat social security and welfare welfare lazy losers and I get nothing but a huge bill and a dim future.
- Alan Keyes, for he addresses the moral problems at the root of our society's problems.
- LAMAR ALEXANER! He has the energy and knowledge to lead this country. He has executive experience.
- Alan Keyes because of his position on abortion and other issues
- Alan Keyes - Pro Life, Pro Defense, Christian, Wants turn around of the obvious moral decay.
- Alan Keyes - articulate and persuasive of moral dimension
- Alan Keyes - he stands most firmly for the morality we need.
- Alan Keyes! He is the most honest and moral candidate. A great leader!
- At the moment, there is no viable option.
- Alan Keyes. He endorses Christian and pro-family values.
- Alan Keyes - He is speaking to the moral issues in our nation
- I am reminded of the movie "Brewster's Millions...Vote None of the Above!
- Harry Browne ! Reduce government now !
- Alan Keyes: Because he best represents my values
- DR. ALAN KEYES--He is the only candidate who is willing to take a stand on the moral problems of our great country, all of which lead to the "practical" problems (welfare, education, crime, etc.) There is no sense in trying to fix these matters unless the root cause of them is fixed as well. Dr. Keyes is the ONLY candidate with incredible foreign policy experience (ambassador) and a great deal of fiscal experience as president of Citizens Against Government Waste. Not to mention his fine oratory skills
- Alan Keyes because he is the only candidate who understands and expresses this nation's real needs
- Jerry Brown, flat tax rate, 'nuff said.
- Allan Keyes because he is the only candidate that sees that the moral issues are the cause of the social and economic problems facing the USA.
- Alan Keyes, because he stands for everything I believe in!
- Alan Keyes, because he fears God
- Alan Keyes: Keyes is a man of principle (that I agree with); his positions come from and are consistent with his principles.
- Alan Keyes - strong moral leader
- Alan Keyes, He is a man with a backbone
- Alan Keyes--He sees what the real problem is.
- Harry Browne. He's the only one that's serious about reducing the size of governement and restoring liberty to,the people of this country.
- Alan Keyes Only person I totally agree with!
- Alan Keyes reflects my deepest feelings and concerns
- Any of the Republicans, because when they move their lips there is no indication of lying.
- someone who stands for himself, not a party
- Alan Keyes -- I identify most closely with his ideology. He understands economics, foreign policy (fmr ambassador) and has values matching my own
- Keyes in 96. although many don't want to admit it, he's the most libertarian candidate in the 2 major parties.
- Alan Keyes because his message focuses on the root cause of many of our societal ills, the breakdown of the family and the attempt to rid the US of any religious influence.
- Alan Keyes as he most accurately articulates my beliefs
- Alan Keyes - He has the most moral integrity and can be a great leader.
- Alan Keyes, or Pat Buchanan, as they represent (and can articulate) conservative values most clearly and consistently.
- Alan Keyes - because he is the only one running that represents me
- Alan Keyes; he is the only candidate with sufficient conviction.
- Alan Keyes, only candidate understanding that ours is a moral problem not a fiscal problem.
- Alan Keyes; Character matters
- Alan Keyes. He is, IMHO, the ONLY candidate with the courage of his convictions, a commitment to the family as the centeral governing unit in society, and yet posessing the skill to govern the nation.
- Alan Keyes. Because he's right.
- keyes, because he emphasizes morality
- Alan Keyes- Because his vision for changing America is based on restoring the moral values of US citizens, if moral values are right then all other issues come in line.
- keyes because we need an outsider
- Colin Powell - Moderate in his programs and direction.
- No current candidates seem good to me... could we get some volunteers from Israel, maybe? I want a president who can speak English.
- Harry Browne. He will make the country truly "free".
- Christina Todd Whitman She's tough, she's fair, she's more moderate
- Harry Browne. Finally a leader who would follow through on what he says and return the country to its Constitutional limits.
- Colin Powell-he has a lot of the same viewpoints as me.
- So far I would like to see Bill Clinton re-elected as president. Although fiscally I am conservative, I think that a Republican Congress will make up for a Democratic President. Also, I think that Clinton will be less likely to legislate personal religious values. I tend to think along a libertarian bent, but the Libertarian party is too lax on some issues that I feel require legislation, such as protecting the environment.
- Harry browne, because he will give us less government--and I want a hell of alot less government.
- John Engler (Mich. governor); he is only politician currently in office who has actually eliminated an entire type of taxation (property taxes)
- nj
- Clinton has done a good job pleasing a majority of the people and only the closed-minded refuse to see the positive effect Clinton has made on this country
- Pat Buchanan, only blue-collar American running
- Jack Kemp
- Colin Powell. How the hell should I know?
- Bob Dole - To bring a sense of unity to the Federal Gov't.
- Harry Browne is the only choice if we want to restore freedom to this country. We NEED a balanced budget, spending cuts, and downsizing/privatizing of government in order to survive as a country. Harry Browne is the only logical choice.
- Dan Quayle: He deserves it more than Clinton
- Harry Browne, because Government is the embodiment of evil
- Harry Browne - He stands for maximum individual freedom and limited constitutional government
- Harry Browne, because he's the only honest man running.
- I wish all the damn colonists would go home. There is no room for us natives anymore... Go home whitey...
- Bill Clinton to offset the right leaning Republican Congress
- Bob Dole, experience, military service, not a draft dodger, good relations with congress
- Harry Browne. He's the only credible candidate who will actually reduce government.
- Bill Clinton,to continue the work he has started.
- Browne: Government needs to be trimmed if it is to be healthy.
- someone who's honest, and has firm beliefs
- Harry Browne. No one else will reduce government size enough.
- Bob Dornan I feel that he can provide the leadership that Clinton has so badly lacked.
- Harry Browne, because he is the only one advocating a dramatic reduction in government.
- My father. He's uncorruptable and won't listen to special interest groups (which is why he'd never be president).
- Browne. Because he is the best shot at reducing government.
- Pat Robertson - This country needs more religous influence
- Harry Browne is the only candidate with an actual political philosophy. The main two parties are more concerned with contradicting the other and have few underlying principles.
- Mario Cuomo, because he is able to articulate his ideas well and has the right experience to lead.
- Any who will cut cut cut cut cut everwhere and everthing
- Harry Browne - because govt needs to be reduced dramatically
- James Baker or Richard Cheney - Honest, Capable, Experienced
- Clinton; he's actually a middle of the roader, thus better able to represent the majority
- bill clinton. his perspective on issues closely resembles mine.
- Powell, but without him around, Clinton because he is intelligent, moderate and hard-working.
- Somebody competent, says what they mean, not a vague PR-driven candidate.
- Colin Powell - No extreme views - It's a gray world, not black and white
- Harry Browne; Because he can be trusted to do what he says he will do.
- Anybody to keep the Newt in check
- Bill Clinton- he has good ideas and is open to change even though he waffles to much; besides he is the lesser of all evils.
- Harry Browne, because government doesn't work
- Harry Browne--end immoral government force
- anyone but Bill Clinton
- Bill Clinton--I am not happy with the other candidates!
- Harry Browne - only honest one of them!
- Harry Browne - supporter of individul freedom & property rghts
- Harry Browne; he is the only candidate who can articlulate "Why Government Doesn't Work."
- Newt or Dole or Buchanan. Just once- I'd like to see a republican president and congress! Let's just try it! It can't get worse!!
- Harry Browne or another Libertarian to get back to our roots
- harry browne--wants to end the "war on drugs"
- Bill Clinton - Because he's the best choice we have. At best he'll do something to limit the influence of big business in America and at worst he won't be a far right conservative preaching supply side economics
- Harry Browne. It's time to send the Dems and Reps home.
- Steve Forbes looks like the best candidate who has a chance to make it on the ballot in 96. Harry Browne is a Conservative whacko in Libertarian clothing.
- I'm totally undecided as of yet
- Harry Browne. He is the only person that has the courage and the will to drastically downsize our runaway federal steamroller.
- clinton-his proposed policies are more intune with the public than any republican agenda-especially regarding healthcare, welfare, and defense spending.
- Harry Browne- only candidate with a rational long-term focus
- Clinton -- despite all the "news" to the contrary -- is doing a good job under very difficult circumstances.
- Harry Browne. Browne has proposed specific policies for cutting government that are practical and workable and not just rhetorical.
- Alan Keyes, his priorities match my own (restore the family!)
- Harry Browne - the only man who truly wants to reduce government
- Dole
- Anybody but clinton
- Pat Buchanan
- Harry Browne -- Reduce the size of the federal governemnt
- My dog
- Phil Gramm. He best exemplifies integrity, leadership, and fiscal conservatism.
- Bill C, the only democrat with a chance to stand up against the republicans.
- Harry Browne is the only candidate who can deliver freedom for all citizens.
- Harry Browne -- only one who really wants to cut government
- Jerry Brown
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