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Political Survey #2

User comments [ARCHIVE II]

Who will be president in 1996 and why?

Previous comments archived HERE

  • If powell were running I would love to see him in office, that however will not happen. I also think that Clinton although critized is doing a fine job, and within time he will make good on all of his promises
  • Harry Browne We to completely restructure,reduce fed gov
  • Bill Clinton because he's done as much as he could despite the Fascists in Congress.
  • Phill Gramm, only man with convictions in the race
  • Harry Browne, he will reduce the size of goverment.
  • Clinton, because, although flawed, he seems like the only candidate who generally cares about the average citizen and not just the pocket books of the wealthy.
  • Harry Browne - to return us to a nation of individual responsibility, with a principled and consistent defense of individual rights, including the right to property.
  • Clinton because he works hard and deserves another term
  • Of anyone who has a chance at getting their party's nomination, I like Browne the best.
  • I want to see Clinton reelected for president in 1996 because he has done a great job so far.
  • Arlen Spector
  • Harry Browne, I feel that he can set the right example for politicians in that he has a political position (which reflects my own more than any other candidate) that does not change to fit public opinion in order for him to be elected. His stance on free
  • Alan Keyes - He's the only one who stands for what he believes because he believes it's right, rather than watching the poles.
  • Lowell Weicker-most independent, straight ahead guy in field
  • I would like to see President Clinton re-elected in the coming year. In his presidency this country has seen the deficit fall and the economy rise. The NYSE broke the 4000 and 5000 mark this year alone. Clinton has also made a legitimate attempt to repair this country's broken health care system.
  • Collin Powell: strong leadership qualities; can unify public
  • William f buckley. He is sincere, has character, and is knowledgeable enough for the job.
  • Harry Browne- He is not a politician. read his new book "Why Government Doesn't Work"!!
  • Someone Who Can Take Moral Leadership
  • Pat Buchanan
  • Keyes, because he articulates the ~real~ problems that we face in this country, and points to the best ways to change our current situation. And because he's black, our country, and our black citizens need someone other than OJ Simpson and Rodney King as standard bearers.
  • Harry Browne - apparently the only one who has read the US Constitution.
  • Alan Keyes - knows the REAL issues
  • Bob Dornan -- common sense values
  • Forbes because is a true outsider
  • Keyes, Because he stands for the truth and what I stand for.
  • Keyes speaks from his internal beliefs. He knows what he stands for and isn't trying to play to polls.
  • Any Libertarian, or like-minded individual. Why? Government needs to get out of the business of trying to be everything for everyone.
  • Alan Keyes; he speaks the truth and needs no notes to tell him what the truth is.
  • Steve Forbes, He will do the most for changing the attitude of america back to one of self reliance and being responsible. We shouldn't punish ambition and rewaqrd sloth!
  • Alan Keyes : Because were facing moral issues
  • Someone smarter in the money world that the plitical world
  • Dole-Intelligent,logical,good morales. Represents my views
  • Bill Clinton. He has made me believe in America and myself.
  • Phill Gramm or Harry Browne. Cut spending lower taxes balance the federal budget and retire the entire national debt.
  • Alan Keyes is the man best suited to lead the nation towards its individualist roots.
  • Alan Keyes. He is the only candidate basing his candidacy on moral conduct and the Declaration of Independence. These are the founding principles of this country. In addition his character is impeccable and he will honor his word. Something foreign to the current President.
  • Akan Keyes: he could unite the races, he is right about all the issues of concern to me; he's actually intelligent, not just a clever politician.
  • Alan Keyes, because he is a man of integrity and principles and understands the root causes of our nation's problems.
  • Alan Keyes--He stands for all the moral issues of the day, which our country was founded on.
  • Pat Buchanan because he is the ONLY one (besides Charles Collins) who stands against the New World Order & other global crap - & understands the Constitutional limitations upon government
  • He isn't running, but I'd like to see Newt as president because he has the most agressive approch to slashing the size of the Federal government. The feds take plenty from me and give little in return. The damn hippy generation baby boomers wrecked the county. They and there president try to cover for it by barrowing againt my now meager earnings. They retire with fat social security and welfare welfare lazy losers and I get nothing but a huge bill and a dim future.
  • Alan Keyes, for he addresses the moral problems at the root of our society's problems.
  • LAMAR ALEXANER! He has the energy and knowledge to lead this country. He has executive experience.
  • Alan Keyes because of his position on abortion and other issues
  • Alan Keyes - Pro Life, Pro Defense, Christian, Wants turn around of the obvious moral decay.
  • Alan Keyes - articulate and persuasive of moral dimension
  • Alan Keyes - he stands most firmly for the morality we need.
  • Alan Keyes! He is the most honest and moral candidate. A great leader!
  • At the moment, there is no viable option.
  • Alan Keyes. He endorses Christian and pro-family values.
  • Alan Keyes - He is speaking to the moral issues in our nation
  • I am reminded of the movie "Brewster's Millions...Vote None of the Above!
  • Harry Browne ! Reduce government now !
  • Alan Keyes: Because he best represents my values
  • DR. ALAN KEYES--He is the only candidate who is willing to take a stand on the moral problems of our great country, all of which lead to the "practical" problems (welfare, education, crime, etc.) There is no sense in trying to fix these matters unless the root cause of them is fixed as well. Dr. Keyes is the ONLY candidate with incredible foreign policy experience (ambassador) and a great deal of fiscal experience as president of Citizens Against Government Waste. Not to mention his fine oratory skills
  • Alan Keyes because he is the only candidate who understands and expresses this nation's real needs
  • Jerry Brown, flat tax rate, 'nuff said.
  • Allan Keyes because he is the only candidate that sees that the moral issues are the cause of the social and economic problems facing the USA.
  • Alan Keyes, because he stands for everything I believe in!
  • Alan Keyes, because he fears God
  • Alan Keyes: Keyes is a man of principle (that I agree with); his positions come from and are consistent with his principles.
  • Alan Keyes - strong moral leader
  • Alan Keyes, He is a man with a backbone
  • Alan Keyes--He sees what the real problem is.
  • Harry Browne. He's the only one that's serious about reducing the size of governement and restoring liberty to,the people of this country.
  • Alan Keyes Only person I totally agree with!
  • Alan Keyes reflects my deepest feelings and concerns
  • Any of the Republicans, because when they move their lips there is no indication of lying.
  • someone who stands for himself, not a party
  • Alan Keyes -- I identify most closely with his ideology. He understands economics, foreign policy (fmr ambassador) and has values matching my own
  • Keyes in 96. although many don't want to admit it, he's the most libertarian candidate in the 2 major parties.
  • Alan Keyes because his message focuses on the root cause of many of our societal ills, the breakdown of the family and the attempt to rid the US of any religious influence.
  • Alan Keyes as he most accurately articulates my beliefs
  • Alan Keyes - He has the most moral integrity and can be a great leader.
  • Alan Keyes, or Pat Buchanan, as they represent (and can articulate) conservative values most clearly and consistently.
  • Alan Keyes - because he is the only one running that represents me
  • Alan Keyes; he is the only candidate with sufficient conviction.
  • Alan Keyes, only candidate understanding that ours is a moral problem not a fiscal problem.
  • Alan Keyes; Character matters
  • Alan Keyes. He is, IMHO, the ONLY candidate with the courage of his convictions, a commitment to the family as the centeral governing unit in society, and yet posessing the skill to govern the nation.
  • Alan Keyes. Because he's right.
  • keyes, because he emphasizes morality
  • Alan Keyes- Because his vision for changing America is based on restoring the moral values of US citizens, if moral values are right then all other issues come in line.
  • keyes because we need an outsider
  • Colin Powell - Moderate in his programs and direction.
  • No current candidates seem good to me... could we get some volunteers from Israel, maybe? I want a president who can speak English.
  • Harry Browne. He will make the country truly "free".
  • Christina Todd Whitman She's tough, she's fair, she's more moderate
  • Harry Browne. Finally a leader who would follow through on what he says and return the country to its Constitutional limits.
  • Colin Powell-he has a lot of the same viewpoints as me.
  • So far I would like to see Bill Clinton re-elected as president. Although fiscally I am conservative, I think that a Republican Congress will make up for a Democratic President. Also, I think that Clinton will be less likely to legislate personal religious values. I tend to think along a libertarian bent, but the Libertarian party is too lax on some issues that I feel require legislation, such as protecting the environment.
  • Harry browne, because he will give us less government--and I want a hell of alot less government.
  • John Engler (Mich. governor); he is only politician currently in office who has actually eliminated an entire type of taxation (property taxes)
  • nj
  • Clinton has done a good job pleasing a majority of the people and only the closed-minded refuse to see the positive effect Clinton has made on this country
  • Pat Buchanan, only blue-collar American running
  • Jack Kemp
  • Colin Powell. How the hell should I know?
  • Bob Dole - To bring a sense of unity to the Federal Gov't.
  • Harry Browne is the only choice if we want to restore freedom to this country. We NEED a balanced budget, spending cuts, and downsizing/privatizing of government in order to survive as a country. Harry Browne is the only logical choice.
  • Dan Quayle: He deserves it more than Clinton
  • Harry Browne, because Government is the embodiment of evil
  • Harry Browne - He stands for maximum individual freedom and limited constitutional government
  • Harry Browne, because he's the only honest man running.
  • I wish all the damn colonists would go home. There is no room for us natives anymore... Go home whitey...
  • Bill Clinton to offset the right leaning Republican Congress
  • Bob Dole, experience, military service, not a draft dodger, good relations with congress
  • Harry Browne. He's the only credible candidate who will actually reduce government.
  • Bill Clinton,to continue the work he has started.
  • Browne: Government needs to be trimmed if it is to be healthy.
  • someone who's honest, and has firm beliefs
  • Harry Browne. No one else will reduce government size enough.
  • Bob Dornan I feel that he can provide the leadership that Clinton has so badly lacked.
  • Harry Browne, because he is the only one advocating a dramatic reduction in government.
  • My father. He's uncorruptable and won't listen to special interest groups (which is why he'd never be president).
  • Browne. Because he is the best shot at reducing government.
  • Pat Robertson - This country needs more religous influence
  • Harry Browne is the only candidate with an actual political philosophy. The main two parties are more concerned with contradicting the other and have few underlying principles.
  • Mario Cuomo, because he is able to articulate his ideas well and has the right experience to lead.
  • Any who will cut cut cut cut cut everwhere and everthing
  • Harry Browne - because govt needs to be reduced dramatically
  • James Baker or Richard Cheney - Honest, Capable, Experienced
  • Clinton; he's actually a middle of the roader, thus better able to represent the majority
  • bill clinton. his perspective on issues closely resembles mine.
  • Powell, but without him around, Clinton because he is intelligent, moderate and hard-working.
  • Somebody competent, says what they mean, not a vague PR-driven candidate.
  • Colin Powell - No extreme views - It's a gray world, not black and white
  • Harry Browne; Because he can be trusted to do what he says he will do.
  • Anybody to keep the Newt in check
  • Bill Clinton- he has good ideas and is open to change even though he waffles to much; besides he is the lesser of all evils.
  • Harry Browne, because government doesn't work
  • Harry Browne--end immoral government force
  • anyone but Bill Clinton
  • Bill Clinton--I am not happy with the other candidates!
  • Harry Browne - only honest one of them!
  • Harry Browne - supporter of individul freedom & property rghts
  • Harry Browne; he is the only candidate who can articlulate "Why Government Doesn't Work."
  • Newt or Dole or Buchanan. Just once- I'd like to see a republican president and congress! Let's just try it! It can't get worse!!
  • Harry Browne or another Libertarian to get back to our roots
  • harry browne--wants to end the "war on drugs"
  • Bill Clinton - Because he's the best choice we have. At best he'll do something to limit the influence of big business in America and at worst he won't be a far right conservative preaching supply side economics
  • Harry Browne. It's time to send the Dems and Reps home.
  • Steve Forbes looks like the best candidate who has a chance to make it on the ballot in 96. Harry Browne is a Conservative whacko in Libertarian clothing.
  • I'm totally undecided as of yet
  • Harry Browne. He is the only person that has the courage and the will to drastically downsize our runaway federal steamroller.
  • clinton-his proposed policies are more intune with the public than any republican agenda-especially regarding healthcare, welfare, and defense spending.
  • Harry Browne- only candidate with a rational long-term focus
  • Clinton -- despite all the "news" to the contrary -- is doing a good job under very difficult circumstances.
  • Harry Browne. Browne has proposed specific policies for cutting government that are practical and workable and not just rhetorical.
  • Alan Keyes, his priorities match my own (restore the family!)
  • Harry Browne - the only man who truly wants to reduce government
  • Dole
  • Anybody but clinton
  • Pat Buchanan
  • Harry Browne -- Reduce the size of the federal governemnt
  • My dog
  • Phil Gramm. He best exemplifies integrity, leadership, and fiscal conservatism.
  • Bill C, the only democrat with a chance to stand up against the republicans.
  • Harry Browne is the only candidate who can deliver freedom for all citizens.
  • Harry Browne -- only one who really wants to cut government
  • Jerry Brown

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