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Political Survey #2
User comments [ARCHIVE III]
Who will be president in 1996 and why?
- Harry Browne, because he will drastically reduce Government
- Harry Browne, the only choice!
- Bill CLinton
- A woman.
- Harry Browne, with the hope that Libertarians gain respectability and government intrusion is seriously reduced.
- Harry Browne -- because he is the only candidate who knows how to fix things and fix them now.
- Alan Keyes because he stands for the moral fiber of this country and the basis that this country was founded!
- Pat Buchanan: He will restore integrity, credibility, bal. budget, quit over spending, restore our military to a strong national defense, bring our troops home from where we have no business, I could go on and on, and on about Pat.
- Clinton - The only candidate that has proven a leader
- Pat Buchanan. Honest,he will change the "government as usual" attitude. Restore integrity, honesty, get rid of corruption, lobbiests, etc. He will balance the budget & quit over spending, Strong defense.
- we don't need another voodoo econimist republican running the right wing newcommers in the congress.
- Bill Clinton, closest to liberal
- Alan Keyes Trust
- Harry Browne. He is the only candidate who will dramatically cut government.
- Steve Forbes, because he has business sence.
- Harry Browne. Break out of the old "two party" system
- Browne, cuz he's the only candidate honest enough to admit that government doesn't work.
- Harry Browne - The best Libertarian candidate.
- Someone not currently envolved in government. You don't know why?
- Bill Clinton. Dole is too old, and after the State of the Union rebuttal, too lame, Buchanan brings back the worst of the Nixon years, Grammm talks about family values and makes porno flicks, Forbes talks only about money, not foreign or domestic policy, Keyes is a lunatic, etc... Clintons not the best, but he backs the common man!
- Alan Keyes; because of his consistent, principled vision for this country rooted in a Godly ethic.
- Harry Browne(LP) - His is the ONLY candidate talking about reducing the size and scope of government, and expanding individual liberties.
- Steve Forbes - Flat Tax, and less govt. in social issues.
- Harry Browne, I have already seen what Bill Clinton and Bob Dole think is important; I believe that Harry Browne should be given a chance.
- Harry Browne--he stands for what I believe in, including laissez-faire capitalism
- Clinton, is working hard to hold the maniac rightwing tide!
- Harry Browne ... we need a change NOW
- Harry Browne - read his book :Why Government Doesn't Work."
- Harry Browne because he will seek to cut the federal government to 1/2 or less of its current size.
- Steve Forbes. He will bring economic reform and growth.
- Steve Forbes: relative political outsider
- Alan Keyes; his priorities focus on the nations true problems and offer the only real solutions.
- Steve Forbes, he is the only candidate with a clear message for where he wants to lead this country.
- Government is completely broken. Harry Browne is the only candidate I've seen so far that understands that and knows how to fix it!
- Powell
- Alan Keyes - he speaks to the issues of morality which undergird our social and economic woes
- Bob Dole Why? Because serious in balancing budget
- Clinton. He has done great things with the economy,and believes in education and the environment.
- Alan Keyes, because he represents true moral leadership
- Steve Forbes or Harry Browne. They're the only ones committed to large reductions in the size of the government.
- Steve Forbes, He has a very strong and postitive message. It's also about time that a non-politician holds the office.
- Alan Keyes, he has a vision of restoring America back to the basic Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and moral convictions of responsibility that made this country great. He is inspiring, positive, and causes us to think. His messages transcend across all ethnic, religious and racial boundaries.I think he will restore some morality, dignity, integrity and respect to the office of President.
- Harry Browne -- Best represents my views. I'm all done voting for the lesser of two evils.
- Pat Buchanan with Alan Keyes as VP . For a return to constitutional government and Traditional American Freedom!
- Alan Keyes, because he has his priorities straight.
- I would like to see Harry Browne as president because he is the only candidate who understands the evil nature of government and, at the same time, has a cogent and workable plan for getting rid of as much of it as possible, given present social conditions.
- Definately Steve Forbes. Dole is an old fool, and Clinton is a CRIMINAL
- Harry Brown. A voice with a clear governmental philosophy
- anyone who would reduce the scope of the federal government to comply with the constitution of the United States of America.
- Harry Browne -- Want to see LESS Federal Government
- Harry Browne to truly reduce the size of government
- Any Libertarian worth his/her salt!!!!!
- Rick Tompkins - the most principled defender of liberty.
- Steve Forbes as President, a Balance Budget, and welfare reform
- Pat Buchanan, because he is the only true conservative candidate
- Harry Brown, because he is a man of real principle.
- Browne would truly limit government.
- I would like to see Harry Browne in office to enable America to reclaim its former status as all around great place to live!
- Steve Forbes because his solutions will bring econ. grot
- Harry Browne - We must get government under control and return to the philosophical basis upon which this nation was founded.
- Bill Clinton, because he is the only major Presidential candidate running who even closely represents my views.
- phil gramm
- I belive America need a candidate with good character and the right beliefs that can lead us and I belive Harry Browne is the man.
- I'm undecided on a candidate at the moment -- I just would like to see a candidate that can present a vision for the future of the country.... that includes a balance budget.
- Pat Buchanan. Pat is not afraid to tell you what he thinks. He is proud to be Pro-Life. He wants stop illegal immigration.
- Harry Browne will not have the government take taxes
- Harry Browne - well-versed in historical effects of government intrusion and why it doesn't work.
- Alan Keyes - he has the moral fiber to turn this country around into a great nation again based upon sound moral principles!
- Someone committed to freedom.
- I,m not happy with either party right now. At this point in time I think that Bill Clinton will win another term. I'm not happy about it but Bob Dole doesn't have much of a chance.
- Steve Forbes
- ALAN KEYES--He is the only candidate that truly understands that of all the problems we face in America today, our moral crisis is indeed the most important and is at the root of all our other problems.
- Forbes because he will not be influenced by peoples money
- Keyes because he knows that we have moral problems, not economic ones
- Phil Gramm. I believe he offers the best leadership and ideas (of those running) for directing the future of our country.
- Bill Clinton because 4 years is not long enough to really accomplish anything meaningful.
- Harry Browne is the only "Libertarian" with principles.
- Steve Forbes, he represents almost all of the views I like to promote
- Alan Keyes, because he is a man of pricipal
- Alan Keyes, because he has identified the real issue -- we don't have money problems, we have moral problems
- Alan Keyes, The only candidate that recognizes "money" is not our number one problem.
- Harry Browne - He will try to actually reduce government influences in our lives.
- Harry Browne, the Libertarian Party consistently stands for individual freedom and responsibility
- Alan Keyes - the only candidate with backbone to speak the truth!
- Alan Keyes, the Abe Lincoln of our generation!
- Alan Keyes - To lead this nation back to righteous living.
- Alan Keyes - The number one problem is the disintigration of the family
- Harry Browne, is the only one running who's not after your life & Property
- I am voting for Harry Browne, because I want the government reduced to the role prescribed to it in the Constitution.
- I want Harry Browne because the federal govt (especially, but all govt) is too large and intrusive. He will do what is necessary to change the situation and restore Constitutional bounds on govt.
- Pat Buchanan: I disagree with GATT and NAFTA. We should limit immigration. The country's religious base is eroding. The government is too big. I believe that Pat is closest to my views on these closest
- harry browne. He is the only strong, true advocate of our founding fathers' intentions.
- Harry Browne. He would save the federal government from explosion, due to its hugeness.
- Keyes-because he will return this nation to its moral roots
- Integrity
- Bill Clinton has an idea of where he wants the country to go and should be given the opportunity to take it there. He has reduced the deficit more in three years than in the past 20.
- Forbes is a businessman. The government is now a business!
- Harry Browneso I can afford to educate my children with my familyıs values, rather than working half the year to pay off the tax collectors, and having no choice but to send my children to public schools.
- Alan Keyes because our problems are moral not monetary
- Clinton--has better policy on internet than Dole
- Harry Browne. The only one who will actually *cut* government.
- Harry Browne - the only real challenge to statism
- Phil Gramm most accurately represents my ideal candidate
- Alan Keyes because quite simply, he is the only canidate who understands the root problems in the country and how to fix them
- Harry Browne, to get REAL decreases in the size of Government! and not just cuts in the rate of increase.
- Phil Gramm because he is concervative and has strong convictions
- Alan Keyes - We have a moral crisis..not a $$$ crisis!!!!
- Jack Kemp - He is a brilliant, articulate and positive conservative like Reagan, Rush, and Newt
- Alan Keyes because he is the only person the underlying problem in America today - the moral decay that is encouraged by the government as it exists today.
- Jack Kemp, he is well qualified and ideologically in sync with what I believe
- Alan Keyes because he most clearly articulates the "conscience of America"!! His stand on family values and the abomination of abortion is RIGHT ON.
- Alan Keyes. It's about time we had a man of convictions and integrity in office who understands how far America had strayed from her roots.
- A leader who recognizes that the root problem this country has is a loss of morality
- Alan Keyes, for the vision he has for America and Americans.
- bob dole , because he is presenty ahead in the polls and because of whitewater
- Alan Keyes - Best reflects my views and what I think the country needs
- Alan Keyes. Alan stands for what made this country the greatest country in the world.
- Alan Keyes: only man of true integrity, courage, vision available
- Harry Browne is the only one fighting for personal freedom
- Alan Keyes because he understands the moral breakdown of our society and how to remedy it.
- Alan Keyes because of his vision for restoring America to the Principles of the Declaration of Independence.
- I believe Alan Keyes is the best choice for President because of his clear vision of the moral decay that is the root of the country's problems today.
- Harry Browne
- clinton, because any republican vote is a vote for Gingrich
- Harry Browne. We have too much government.
- Alan Keyes: He is the only candidate to recognize the root cause of this country's economic and social problems.
- Browne. The best society is that in which people are free to solve their own problems in the way that they see fit, instead of relying on government to solve their problems for them.
- more honesty, more "for the People" benefits, less wasted monies given for perks and/or exorbitant expenditures for ridiculous items i.e. $400.00 hammers or $600.00 toilet seats, also wastful and extravagant allowances given to either individuals or office holders that border on resentful by the every day "average" citizen. Would like to see elected indivuals and office holders live as the average taxpaying person has to live..we have to live on what we are allowed to take freebies are availa le to us because we have a particular job..what would it be like if Washington had to live on their paychecks we do.
- Rick Tompkins
- phil gramm
- Harry Browne -- Live free or die!
- Lamar Alexander He has a proven record as Governor of Tennessee. I trust him.
- Pat Buchanaan, he is the only mainstream candidate who is a true conservative
- Forbes - He has fresh ideas, and has more of a backbone than anyone else there.
- Harry Browne--to cut govn't down to what is Constitutionally authorized & to return control of our lives to us!
- Harry Browne: Is the only one to abolish government that does not work and that I don't need.
- Colin Powell. Since he's not running, then Steve Forbes
- Harry Browne, the only candidate who will actually cut govt
- Harry
- Lamar Alexander- Bcse he has the most experience in running a large organization and appears to be truly committed to making things work better.
- Bill Clinton
- Alan Keyes
- I would like to see Harry Browne do well in 1996 because Browne is the only candidate is consistently against big, intrusive government. We need to put principles back into politics. Harry Browne would be a principled, honest leader who would stand by the libertarian principles this country was founded upon.
- Harry Browne or other viable Libertarian: to eliminate taxes on income& inheritance, reduce size & scope of govt., and promote personal liberty with personal respocibilty
- Harry Browne to restore the constitutional republic.
- Harry Browne - The Democrats and Republicans have collectively failed to fulfill the USA's potential over the past 100 years
- Pat Buchanan, he addresses the problems of foreigh trade deficit and keeping jobs in the US
- Pat Buchanan, he can make us proud to be Americans again.
- Harry Browne, return country to constitution based government.
- Harry Browne, because of his positions
- I would like to see Harry Browne elected to the office of president. The republicans and the democrats are all the same and it is time for a major change. I want the government out of our personal lives and pocketbooks.
- Bill Clinton - He cares about education, environment, economy.
- Harry Browne, to cut the size of Gov't
- We need somewhat who will stand up for the principles we believe in. Mr. Clinton
- Alan Keyes, because he is speaking the things this country needs to hear. He is right in his solutions to the problems this nation is facing.
- Either Harry Browne or Steve Forbes. Anyone else does politics as usual!!!
- Pat Buchanan - Every one of his ideas are the best for this country.
- Harry Browne - Cut the Government down to size.
- Harry Browne - Lessen Govt intrusion into individual's lives
- Harry Browne - Reduce Government Now!!
- Clinton I think he is very well spoken and I wouldn't want the position if you paid me.
- I want to see someone that keeps the government out of my life and lets me decide what and how I want to do something. If it doesn't effect someone else, why the hell should the government care!
- Harry Browne, because the two major parties will never really reverse the growth of government.
- Harry Browne; we need radically smaller government
- Harry Browne - Maximize freedom, minimize taxes
- Forbes - His appeal hits a common foe to all Americans ...the IRS
- phil gramm
- Steve Forbes. He is the only candidate talking about growth.
- Bill Clinton because I can't stand the right wing element of the Republican Party.
- I want a candidate who supports small, unintrusive government
- Jesse Jackson because he is more liberal than Clinton and better then the Republicans. We need a voice that cares for workers, students, the poor.
- Harry Browne - libertarians want LESS government
- Any Libertarian. Because I have sworn by my life and my love of it, that I will live my life for no other man, nor ask any man to live his life for me.
- Bob Dole, because he has integrity, character, and knows how to get things done.
- Harry Browne-we need redical change, we need freedom.
- clinton, moderate with a cogent and compassionate agenda.
- Bill. He is more concerned about our country's problems than about his own image. Examples: health care attempts, crime bill.
- harry browne. he has the integrity to keep his promise
- Harry Browne -- we need a radical change in the way government operates!!
- Harry Browne we need immediate change
- Anyone who ends the War on Drugs, which is destroying non-White communities.
- Clinton- has gotten stronger on all fronts through his term. Don't want to elect a republican president because I am truly frightened as to the course a Republican Congress and a Republican President would take.
- Steve Forbes Flat Tax and an outsider
- i would vote for a candidate who had strong moral values who would also defend America from her enemies
- Pat Buchanan - He stands for what America used to be, concerning freedom, rights, and morality.
- Steve Forbes: He's and Washington outsider taking about issues like FLAT TAX and supply-side ecomonics.
- clinton, i'm tired of seeing all of the ohter candidates just running their mouths about what clinton is not doing
- Browne - Break from 2 party monopoly
- Anyone that can get shit done and balance the budget!
- Rick Tompkins
- powell...integrity, honesty, courage
- Clinton because he is better than the rest that are running.
- phil gramm
- Least Political ties that can speak the truth about the budget and Big Brother.
- Harry Browne: No more using the military as a global renta-cop; no more income tax; no more War on Drugs; no more being the worlds leading arms merchant; no more Watergate's; no more S&L scandals; no more Iran-Contra's; no more Iraq-gate's; no more Waco's; no more Ruby Ridge's; no more October surprises; no more Warren Commissions; no more Vietnam's; no more Panama's; no more national debts; and no more censorship!
- Elect somebody who doesn't want the job, but is too honor-bound to let his/her responsibilities slide.
- Harry Browne. I do not trust government. I do not like big government. We need to cure ourselves of the governmental ills incurred the instant our country began to take care of those who can take care of themselves
- Charles Collins -- Wants to reduce size and scope of gov't
- Bob Dole, because he's a mature adult with sound judgement who won't base his decisions purely on political considerations.
- Buchanan or Browne return to judeao/christian values
- Harry Browne because a Libertarian would not play favorites.
- Bill Clinton. Despite the media derision, he's doing a good job.
- I want to see someone who will not forget that we have limited resources and too many problems and that the answer to those problems is to equally address them and not to punish an organization because of debt.
- Bill Clinton is the only one preventing the lunatic fringe Republicans from getting their way. Until they go the way of f Hoover, vote for any Democrat!
- Phil Grahmm because he is less likley to cave into liberals
- I will back the libertarian candidate. This I feel is the only chance we have of getting actual government cuts.
- Alan Keyes - He is the only one w/courage to address real problems in America
- clinton, because none of the other candidates have given me a reason to vote for them, they only seem concerned with trashing clinton, which is why i voted for him in 92, because that is all Bush did.
- Without turning this into a partisian/rhetorical argument? Who's arguing? I like Steve Forbes, Jack Kemp, and the pro-growth wing of the Republican party.
- Harry Browne - to return Fed. Gov. back to Constitutional constraints
- Harry Brown-He knows what needs to be done and is not afraid to do it.
- Alan Keyes; he's cool
- Dole. He seems to have a clear head. He has been in the military and if he had the soldiers go to war he would know how they feel and not send them on a whim.
- Bill Clinton is doing a good job despite what the media says.
- Bob Dole or other front-running conservative to carry out the conservative policies regarding taxes, welfare reform and the reduction of other entitlements.
- Harry Browne; he is serious about reducing the federal government.
- Harry Browne, he is the only candidate that represent REAL change, supporting the unalianable rights of free Americans
- Alan Keyes- He says that as important as issues like a balanced budget and otersuch things are, unless America stops its moral decline (abortion, acceptance of homosexual lifestyle, etc.) we're goners even if those other type of issues were satisfactorily fixed. I am in complete agreement with him about this. I also feel that if Dole gets the nomination, he would be wise to take keye as VP candidate. It would shore up conservative support and increase Black support.
- Rick Tompkins. He's serious about getting government off our backs.
- At this point I wish someone great would come out of the woodwork.
- Colin Powell - He has a tremendous life story, and he has the command experience to make it work.
- that one cool guy because hes cool
- Pat Buchanan I like what he stands for
- Irwin Schiff, he is commited to abolishing the IRS completely which is the single most destructive form of goverment!!!!
- Any Libertarain, since I believe that individual liberty (in the classic sense), is the most important value.
- Rick Tompkins is the only candidate who is consistent in his support of individual rights and limiting government.
- someone who will cut spending and reduce size of government
- harry browne ; will restore constutional function of gov't
- Dole because I'm not satisfied with Clinton
- Bob Dole, he's more conservative and we need that.
- Colin Powell - bipartisan, reasoned, leadership
- Harry Browne because of his ideas to limit governnment
- I would love to vote for Harry Browne or anyone else with his idea. Unfortantly if I voted for him/you you would have no power with the congress or media
- Alan Keyes good sound conservative ideas for our nation
- Alan Keyes . bob dole is a squish and is like Klinton in 92 Klinton need we say more. Keyes is very Conservative and like his views
- i think you should know that by now
- I am very disalutioned with politics right now and cant seem to think of any one I would truly like to see as President
- Rick Tompkins, because he is a staunch libertarian.
- Forbes- He at least has some economic sense and several great ideas
- Bill Clinton-because I now like the way he is standing up against the nasty Republicans
- i think my dad would be great, but that's somewhat unrealistic as he's not running or even a politician. i like change to small government withough the hypocritical morals of dole et al ==> harry browne
- I believe we must do everything possible to oust Clinton. I don't believe abortion should be even involved in congressional matters. I would like to see someone get our financial affairs straighten out. Steve Forbes
- some one who will limit immigration and get rid of the welfare programs and not censor the internet
- Bob Dole
- Harry Browne-I want government to return to its function as described in the Constitution.
- Pat Buchanan because he wants to send the wetbacks back to Mexico where their dirty hides belong.
- Bill Clinton: sound judgement
- Harry Brown, because he is the only one that really want to reduce the power of the US government.
- Harry Browne - I'm tired of the high taxes I pay!
- Pat Buchanan. America first policies are the primary reason.
- Any liberarian candidate, because it's the truth
- Bill Clinton because he's supporting a federal gay rights law.
- Alan Keyes or Howard Phillips -- Christian, will do what is best for America.
- a candidate who will return the government to the foundation that our 'forefathers had set up ... going back to William Penn's days, particularly with a greater spiritual emphasis.thers'
- Harry Browne Because I belive he is one of the few politicians who would keep his word and not become preconumed with Washington. And free my children!
- Steve Forbes, his flat tax can more that double economy.
- Jerry Brown
- Harry Browne - I'm a Libertarian
- Harry Browne. Reduce government; don't just reduce its growth.
- Gen. Colin Powell - although he is not a true conservative, I feel he would do a fine job as president.
- I want a libertarian; To rein in government, and set us free.
- Anybody but a Republican or Democrat they've created the problems we have, it's time for new ideas
- Clinton for vision, dedication, understanding of the populace
- Clinton - we need someone to counterbalance the conservative GOP
- Phil Gramm Best of the current running people. Would prefer Jack KempP/Colin PowellVP
- I would like to elect a person who would have compasion for the country,( its people) an interest in seeing that all people could live well and be educated to the best of thier abilities. someone with whom the congress and the courst would cooperate. How about Barbara Jordan!
- ROSS PEROT. He seems to be against big government and beaurocy.He believes in letting the public vote on All issues.I am 38 yrs old. I dont vote. Im not registered to vote. Im not interested. I could be killed in a head-on car collison while driving to the voting polls. Not in this lifetime and not for a politition. DMC-B'ham AL ''RollTide''
- Rick Tompkins. He seems more honest than any of the others.
- Steve Forbes- I believe it's the only way to get the message thru that the average voter is totally disgusted with professional politicians and backroom deals and compromises.
- I believe President Clinton is doing an excellent job: he is young, understands politics and knows how to handle foreign policy. "I will vote for him again in '96."
- Colin Powell won't accept, so I'll just suffer under Clinton for 4 more fucking years!
- Bill Clinton - He's not insane.
- Browne.The Dems and Reps are basically the same party anymore. Too entrenched, and too beholden to every campaign contributor
- Alan Keyes
- Harry Browne because he wants to reduce the size and influence of the gov't.
- Harry Browne, because I believe he would take action to significantly reduce the size and scope of government, rather than just slow down its growth.
- Bill Bradley
- Bob Dole... because we cannot endure another four with Clintons
- I want Steve Forbes. He knows business, he is not a career politician
- A Republican
- I am really not that pleased with any candidates!
- None of the candidates really excite me. I was supporting Bob Dole, but some of his recent statements question his views. I currently am for Steve Forbes. I like his flat tax proposal and his ideas about using supply side economics. I also like the fact that he is not a "career polititian".
- Phil Gramm -- Best of the lot; Forbes next. Dole can't beat Clinton, IMHO.
- Anyone who believes in drastically cutting the size of the Federal Government.
- A radically liberal candidate, of which none are running!
- Harry Browne, the only candidate with a vision of Jeffersonian liberalism, aka Libertarianism
- ME!
- Alan Keyes Firm stand on moral issue as basis problems
- Harry Browne. Government is too powerful.
- Bill Clinton
- Harry Browne because he will truly work to reduce government
- Harry Brown sounds like he'd be the best but look at the odds.
- Alan Keyes. He has good moral views
- Abaent Colin Powell, Bob Dole because of his ideals and leadership abilities.
- Bob Dole. Republican all the way....we have got to get spending under control in this country. Democrats surely arent going to do that.
- Forbes - Flat Tax
- so far, Rick Tompkins, since he seems to actually be able to reign in government, and is not hung up on abortion like H. Browne
- Harry Browne; I agree w/ his ideals, & want non-Demo/non-Rep.
- Clinton. Look at the rest of you creeps.
- Phil Gramm;says most of the things I feel need to be done.
- Harry Browne. He is the only candidate who will actually cut government to the scope outlined by the constitution.
- Anyone who is not a politician. Can't hurt and will probably help a great deal.
- Whom ever is the best candidate
- Harry Browne - keep more of MY money that I EARNED and is currently used to by votes from government-slaves/sheep
- Anyone with a new and PRACTICAL approach!
- Anyone but Clinton.
- Rick Tompkins. Most consistent adherence to libertarian philosophy.
- Bob Dole, as a conservative is needed to make the tough decisions, but too many years of true conservatism have happened recently, and need to be tempered.
- Colin Powell
- Bill Clinton because the other possibilities are far worse
- I want a president who cares about all liberities and freedoms, such as pro-gun and a free trader.
- Rick Tompkins is the only candidate I can see that I could trust.
- H. Browne. He most closely reflects my views
- Harry Browne because he knows that government doesn't work!
- H. Browne to initiate a return to the beliefs and social responsibilities that were present throughout much of the country's history.
- Anyone who is a constitutional candidate
- I want to see him take the lead in ending party biasness by appointing both republicans and democrats to the executive branch, courts, commissions
- Forbes, because he'll work on the "business" problem of government.
- Harry Browne, he can make this a free country AGAIN!
- Gramm, but since he won't get the nomination, Dole will get my vote.
- Bill Clinton
- Alan Keyes for his moral convictions and strength of character. His ideas are innovative and bold.
- bill clinton, he is for the little people
- Alan Keyes
- Bill Clinton - at least he has 4 years experience - they are all the same. Other candidates not interesting.
- Phil Gramm - I believe he will balance the budget so that my children won't have to be taxed 85% of their income for paying the debt. I also believe we need more privatization and less government. I don't believe we should abolish government, but it is WAY TOO BIG!
- Alan Keyes - Family values
- Harry Browne.
- Anyone who will reduce taxes and make them fair.
- He's the most honest and seems to care about the little people. Also, I'll vote for Clinton just to piss Newt off!
- Harry Browne or Rick Tompkins - Libertarian PRINCIPLES!
- Harry Browe; we need someone intelligent in DC
- Daniel Patrick Monyahan he's way to smart to run
- Rick Tompkins, the Libertarian. He is the only candidate I know of who takes a principled stand, and doesn't change it with political winds.
- Gramm. I agree with him more than any other alternative.
- Pat Buchanan - he tells the truth
- Clinton - he will maintain the government programs we need.
- Bob Dole; he's an adult who can bring people together and get things done.
- A candidate who believes in a lesser, more efficient fed. gov't.
- Any 'true Libertarian'; I want my child to live in a free society, not socialism.
- Not Clinton! A Conservative with a good economic platform, and a backbone. That will minimize "big government."
- I'm not sure. Bob Dole is a man of character and integrity, something that the current President doesn't seem to possess.
- Rick Tompkins.
- Harry Browne, he may be the only non-corrupt politician in the world
- Harry Browne, He is what this country needs
- Forbes, because it's time to get someone in there with a business background. Someone that is also not affraid to commit to changing the IRS.
- Colin Powell seens to have some integrity.
- William Bennent - He knowledgable, and a good citizen. I like him. He seems to have a positive outlook that problems can be solved. He gives me hope about government, makes me feel good about my country, and allows me to dream about a good future.
- Phil Gramm, because he's the only viable conservative
- Alan Keyes
- Alan Keyes -- Strong moral position
- Alan Keyes because he understands our country's moral problems
- Harry Browne is the only person who will get the U.S. Federal government OUT OF MY LIFE!
- John Engler, he has proven that he will make the tough choices and will not waiver from his convictions. This is rare in a politician
- A libertarian; mildly prefer Browne because of the service he has done libertarian politics through his books.
- Harry Browne, Libertarian views are the logical choice
- Harry Browne, because he is on a sound platform, while the other candidates strike me as pure, 100% politicians.
- Anyone who will stop this idiotic "Drug War".
- Harry Browne- There is no difference between the rest
- Clinton, He has accomplish more than given credit for.
- Colin Powell, a fine decent man who was born a leader
- Phil Gramm-the true conservative
- Phil Gramm - and why don't you list him in the "best of seven"? He typically somes in among the top three.
- Alan Keyes - because he stands strongly for what I believe in. He is a strong leader and a wonderful speaker. As an embassador, he is strong in foreign relations also. He is the kind of leader America needs in the 21st century.
- Phil Gramm because I feel he has the experience and the vision to best lead this nation
- Leonard Peikoff (Associate of the late Ayn Rand)
- Jack Kemp
- Bob Dole or Ross Perot because they have common sense, Clinton does not.
- Anyone but Bill Clinton
- I'd really just like to see a female candidate- that would be REAL change
- Rick Tompkins - I now feel that the Democrats and the Republican parties are starting to read like stale bread. Most of the other third-parties are only single issue parties. The priciples of liberty and total freedom expressed by the Libertarian R.T. are the only way to rid the people of the gridlock in DC
- Anybody but Clinton. He is an idiot.
- Bob Dole; He has served his country in war and wounded for it. He has integrity and the ability of leadership that our country needs in this great time of transition in the World.
- Ross Perot--he doesn't have as many obligations to others
- Jack Kemp- He seems smarter than all the other candidates. Perhaps that is why he dropped out.
- Alan Keyes, he is the only one that's sincere.
- Clinton. So he can continue to undo the 80s if he gets a Democratic congress back.
- Pat Buchanan because he's not a globalyst
- Any intelligent,diplomatic,Christian,fairly conservative person
- Anyone with a libertarian viewpoint, Harry Brown or Steve Forbes
- Harry Browne- because he alone will do what the Republicans dream and talk of doing - save the country.
- A republican
- Anyone who favors legalization of marijuana
- Harry Browne insists that we citizens own our bodies.
- Alan Keyes-listen to him, it's obvious
- Colin Powell - he's too intelligent and honest for the job
- I would like to see ANY third party candidate elected, I feel that there isn't enough choice offered in the two party system and see no other way to undermine that system.
- Alan Keyes is the most articulate, far-seeing candidate. He also has the most solid foundation of principles.
- Browne because he will cut the government the most.
- Phil Gramm - he best represents my views on the issues, has a strong track record.
- Jello Biafra - he can sing better than all the above candidates
- Phil Gramm
- Harry Browne, to reverse the encroachment of government into our lives.
- Alan Keyes
- Alan Keyes; he speaks out about root causes of our problems.
- Rush Limbaugh
- Rick Tompkins - he reflects my ideals (or) he will reduce government
- Forbes because he seems to understand the direction the USA needs to go.
- Lamar Alexander, because he is the best exemplifies what I think the majority of the country believes in.
- Harry Browne! Because the federal government can and should be at least 10% smaller than it is now.
- Alan Keyes. He is the only candidate who is really speaking to the problems facing this country, as well as the solutions. Support for the two parent heterosexual based family.
- Harry Browne, Socialism doesn't work.
- Harry Browne because he is the only one that seems to really care about what the Constitution REALLY says.
- Pat Buchana because he tells it like it is and addresses this nations needs. He is consistant in his stances and he is not afraid to tell the truth. He has the charater and integrity needed for the office of President
- Anyone but Bill Clinton
- Harry Browne, because he will uphold the constitution.
- lamar alexander - return power to the STATES
- Bob Dole Best prepared
- Steve Forbes...............flat tax
- Steve Forbes his flat tax plan and pro-choice platform is a winner.
- Bill Clinton-He's a better president then everyone thinks, and he can do good things for this country as a whole.
- Harry Browne..Haven't even registered to vote for a number of years since the choices were so absurd!
- Bill Clinton or someone who is prochoice and also supports our right to bear arms. I don't think such a candidate exists at the present time. Bill Clinton appears to be the only prochoice candidate. Also, I want a candidate who DOES NOT FAVOR tax cuts for people with children, unless they are the working poor; i,e, a family of four with an income of 40K.
- Harry Browne; he will reduce government the most.
- Kemp - a true moderate; social liberal, economic conservative
- No spams from AOL--my address is support Phil Gramm because he's the most conservative candidate who has a chance of winning
- David Duke is the only true Republican
- Harry Browne because I want government reduced.
- Harry Browne: he has the same principles as I.
- Keyes. Loads of good sense.
- I honestly would love to see Rush Limbaugh because he is the real voice of conservative politics in this country.
- Harry Browne. Because he is the only candidate that would truly cut the size and cost of government.
- Harry Browne-We need to live in a FREE country
- Clinton. He's very adequate, and is a much more rational leader than any of the other current choices for President. I feel he is the best candidate for the job, especially including his views on educational spending and AmeriCorps.
- Steve Forbes: because he is best suited to improving economy
- Harry Browne. We need a lot less government.
- I would like to see President Clinton re-elected for another term and for the congress o get all of those crazy republican, Gingrich brainwashed freshman outso that the people of America can really have their needs met.
- Harry Browne
- Alan Keyes - He is the only guy who has it right, Gov't can't solve the problems. Give power and money back to individuals and let the family survive.
- Bill Clinton, because both parties need control
- Harry Browne because unlike all other candidates, he has the sense to realize that what is wrong with government is its sheer size. The unprecedented tape-worm like growth of the state this century is choking our freedom and our livelihood.
- any one but Clinton
- Browne, There are no other good choices!
- Harry Browne
- Bob Dole because I feel he is a proven leader who would take America in the right direction. I would like to personally see Lamar Alex. but I feel he doesn't have enough support to actually win.
- Hillery Clinton because she can bullshit bill an america
- Alan Keyes, because he bases his campaign on a return to what has made our society so successful -- the uplifting of the individual with their corporate responsibilities to each other under the supremacy of Almighty God.
- Alan Keyes- he names it: licentiousness, relativism
- Harry Browne: His political platform is firmly grounded and based on principle rather than politics.
- Harry Browne, because we need some Libertarian thoughts in government.
- a Libertarian (pick one)
- Steve Forbes because he's not sold to the religious right.
- Phil Gramm. He's the ONLY one who takes our liberty seriously!
- Rick Tompkins. Just look at his Web page! He's got it right.
- Bob Dole. stabilize the financial markets
- Phil Gramm - he sticks to his positions, not a waffler
- Alan Keyes-his moral agenda is what is best for the US
- Alan Keyes, he exactly identified the problems
- Colin Powell because he knows what it is like to live on a budget, but without Congress knowing it really doesn't matter who is president.
- ANY libertarian - no more big gov't
- Bob Dole, because of his experience
- Gramm represents my conservative beliefs in reducing government.
- I would like to see Harry Browne as president in 1996 because he understands that government doesn't work. He has the courage to shrink the federal government back to the size our founding fathers meant for it to be.
- Clinton because the alternatives are so dreadful
- Harry Browne -- I love this country, and I'm worried.
- Alan Keyes: He echoes much of what I feel is wrong with America and is an excellent man.
- Bill Clinton -- his heart is in the right place, even though he has some personal(ity) flaws
- Colin Powell, He is not politically motivated
- Browne & Forbes are the only ones who respect the people at all.
- Alan Keyes is the strongest candidate for our moral downslide (including abortion) and also supports limiting government involvement
- clinton - he best represents the majority of the people
- Colin Powell. He is a very good person with great ideas and I totally agree with his views
- A. Specter, Bill Weld or Pete Wilson. I am looking for a moderate to liberal Republican!
- Harry Browne for *real* cuts in spending and government programs
- Harry Browne-for a society that condemns force and coercion, whether initiated by the government or private citizens
- Bill Clinton. I feel he has done an excellent job, and would like to see him continue to do so.
- Harry Browne - complete revamping of attitude toward goverment
- Bill Clinton because of his vision and compassion
- Alan Keyes--The only candidate with a moral compass
- None of the ones you listed, I don't like any of them!
- Bill Clinton has done what we can call a medium job but he has good ideas and we should let him try again
- Bill Clinton. Iım afraid of the new Republicans. Clinton will slow them down.
- Harry Browne - Time to overturn the farce that is the Status Quo
- Bill Clinton: His interests go beyond only helping the rich
- Put the country back into the hands of the people and away from goverment especially the Federal goverment. We need to return to our heritage and fundamental beliefs that made our country great: a Judo-Christian ethic, hard work, individual freedoms, schools that are more concern about basic education than putting a wedge between children and their parents, aid to only those folks who cannot work because of a real problem and not because they become nervous when they sweep a floor.
- Colllin Powel: The Messiah!
- Bill Bradley -- fresh insights
- Harry Browne - give us the freedom we should have
- Harry Browne (The Republicrats have been reaming our butts for too many years already)
- Clinton. I feel that the Rep. party has sold out to the religious right and is much too comfy with the big business sector.
- H. Brown; Need the right change of leadership.
- A conservative Republican who will get this country back to honorable values and self responsibility.
- Harry Browne He offers the best opportunity to reduce
- Bill Clinton - Smart and has good ideas
- Rick Tompkins. He will seriously cut government.
- It ain't happpening this century, but Harry Browne
- Virtually anyone with a true sense of social responsibility and an understanding of why our government needs to shrink.
- Phil Gramm not Clinton, Clinton-Lite, Clintonette etc.
- A Libertarian (HB) because the only difference between the Republicans and Democrats is how they spell their party names.
- Harry Browne - He has actually READ the Bill of Rights
- Anyone but Clinton. We need someone who's going to do something other than sitting on his ass!
- Libertarian Harry Browne - To End The Drug War - Legalizing Marijuana is my #1 Issue, Social Liberty is my priority, Including gay equal rights, anti-censorship, anti-gun control, Fully Informed Jury Amendment; Civil Liberties and the Bill of Rights. I would also like to see the Minimum Wage raised; in 1965, the minimum wage had double the buying power it has now - but there's no minimum wage in jail, so I'm voting for Libertarian Harry Browne in 1996!
- Considering the available candidates running, I would like to see Bill Clinton continue to be the President. I think that the approach he is taking is the right one. He just needs to regain the support of Congress, hopefully that will happen with a change in who is in Congress.
- Harry Browne. He'll defend the Constitution.
- colin powell because he has good ideas and experience
- Harry Brown; He will turn your country upright again
- Pat Buchannon to put America First!
- Alan Keyes - Because he has the right message
- Dick Army-I believe he is an honest politician and a trustworthy public servant
- I could tell you who I don't want...any of the people that are running at this time. I would hve liked to vote for Pete Wilson, but now I'm leaning towards "none of the above".
- Phil Gramm
- Browne, the only candidate who truly wants to reduce the size and scope of the federal government.
- alan keyes.Why?It's the breakup of the family,stupid!
- Rush Limbaugh SHOULD BE PRESIDENT, he doesn't have his head in his fat ass like certain fag loving, flag burning , pot smoking, lying, enviormental tree hugging, anti-gun, criminal sympithizing, draft dodging, stalin wanna be, LIBERAL COCK---SUCKING PUSSY HATING GAY LITTLE FAG BOYS that run our so called government now!
- phil gramm
- Harry Browne, change the system for real.
- everyone says they will reduce government only a libertarian (Harry Browne) has the guts to really slash it.
- Libertarian Harry Browne. Because if the National Debt isn't brought under control, we'll have an economic collapse.
- alan keys I like his views
- Bob Dole, I believe he unites and is able to get the jobs done whether it be through compromise or otherwise
- Bill Clinton He is doing as good as anyone else could have considering the mess he has to deal with
- CLINTON, I can tolerate democrats more than republicans.
- Harry Browne. I just read his book and I agree with the Libertarian platform whole-heartedly.
- Harry Browne: Because I believe in his philosophy of "government doesn't work". Action needs to be taken immediately and I believe that he would do what he says and that these immediate actions would have an immediate affect on the populace. The media would begin to take notice just as the Republicans have of his opinions. Things would begin to improve from the first day.
- Alan Keyes - To address moral problems with our nation
- Harry Browne, we need to return to the American Dream
- a fair and honest american
- Bob Dole.We do not need an extremist neither right nor left.
- social lib/ fiscal conserv. because if we control spending then tax can be lowered in the future.
- Pat Buchanan because you know where he stands on the issues
- Rick Tompkins because he believes in freedom; believes taxation is slavery, opposes gun control; wants to drastically cut government; refuses to compromise principles of freedom
- I wish that Dan Quayle was still running for president because I think he was the most sensible conservative vying for the position. I think he could have turned his campaign to change his national image into a full-force blitz all over the country that would have united the Republican party and forced Bill Clinton to fight harder than he ever had to any time before. Oh well, I'm looking at either Dole, Alexander, or Forbes now.
- Noam Chomsky - who else makes better sense?
- Harry Browne because he has best chance of reducing the size of government and can point out the danger of the reification of abstractions such as 'the economy' and 'the society'.
- Bob Dole because Clinton has not demonstrated an ability to carry out the duties of President of the United States effectively.
- Harry Browne because we need less government.
- Clinton - only democrat who can do it - he already learned a lot and will hopefully be able to apply it.
- Harry Browne - He will reduce government to the size it was when the country started (about 1/10th its present size)
- Harry Browne. Government keeps growing and becoming more expensive, yet it has made us no happier, healthier, richer, or safer. No other candidate is really willing to prune government.
- Alan Keyes because he believes and follows God.
- The l ibertarian candiddate or Steve Forbes, they understand that the income tax system must be replaced.
- Harry Browne - To get a better life for me & my kids.
- phil gramm
- Harry Browne-I believe the libertarian approach to governing is appropriate for the federal government.
- Alan Keyes: He is committed idealogically to conservative beliefs
- Forbes
- the abolision of all parties
- tomkins or brown, too much government already
- Patrick J. Buchanan - We need to return to a constitutional government!
- Phil Gramm because he seems to be most serious about question #13 of this survey, and the will to do what is needed to get Goverment under control.
- Alan Keyes seems to be the only candidate who realizes that the problem of the US is not financial - but spiritual and moral decline
- Bill Clinton
- Harry Browne; it's time for new blood in the white house -- somebody who will reduce the size of government across the board.
- powell; pro-choice
- Phil Gramm. He was DYNAMITE in the SC debate tonight!
- I want to see any candidate who can rise above party limitations.
- Dole--for a change
- Harry Browne because he is the only one serious about cutting gov't spending.
- Lamar Alexander, He is smart and knows how to run gov.
- Rush Limbaugh - he has a no-nonsense political approach.
- Rick Tompkins - a man of great integrity and commitment to liberty
- Rick Tompkins - a man of great integrity and commitment to liberty
- Rick Tompkins. He is unquestionably the best candidate.
- Mental paitents, domestic livestock, or Aliens before another term of Clinton and her husband!
- Richard Lugar - experience, national sales tax!!!!
- Richard Lugar - experience, national sales tax!!!!
- Harry Browne, because no one else has the nerve to really cut government.
- COLIN POWELL COLIN POWELL COLIN POWELL--because I've never voted. I've been able to for the last 2 elections and didn't want to waste my vote. I want to be PROUD of the person I stand behind. Colin Powell is honest and decent--hard working and really cares--no lip service from him. I would be honored to be able to cast a vote for him.
- Colin Powel. I trust him (I worked for him).
- I haven't made up my mind on which Libertarian candidate is best yet. Any of them would be infinitely better than anyone put up by the Republicans or the Democrats. I am very upset about the massive encroachment of our rights and very angry over the disasterous interference by the Federal government in the free market.
- Dr. Keyes. He is the only candidate who clearly speaks from his heart.
- Phil Gramm because we need a REAL conservative President who stands by his statements and principles, and will continue the conservative changes that are needed.
- A libertarian. Harry Browne will do but any libertarian is fine. We need to dramatically reduce government and do it NOW!
- Harry Browne - or any Libertarian, to really return to a Constitutional government.
- Alan Keyes
- Powell, he is well respected
- Alan Keyes, because he is the best man across the spectrum of issues.
- George Bush, We need his integrity, experience & leadership
- A guy who is willing to make tough decisions on the budget, foreign policy and crime. One who is honest and whose word you can trustt
- Harry Browne - To reduce government and eliminate the IRS.
- Alan Keyes understands the essential problems we face today -- he bases his position on issues by philosophy, while other candidates' philosophy is to follow the issues...
- Clinton, the best of a sorry array of choices.
- Bob Dole best man for the job
- Bill Clinton. The debt has come down under his admin.
- Jerry Brown
- Clinton again -- right wing conservatism on the radio has seriously damaged any chance Clinton has had of becoming a popular/effective president. The right-rhetoric has made this administration almost impotent in its efforts and FUBAR to most (misinformed) Americans. Clinton should be given a second chance without all of the right-wing hype and paranoia mongering -- he's a good man with good intentions.
- Browne - True Libertarianism can save my country
- Harry Browne because he stands for more individual freedom and personal responsibility and less government.
- Bill Clinton--shame on those who follow parties at the cost of our human rights and protection!!! I have never seen such childish acting adults--all for the sake of their parties and election. A perfect example of this is when republicans built a show around bigmouth Limbaugh to make a mockery of our new president and our country!!! Many people support my views and think w we are digracing our countriy and its value--how can our children be proud if this continues???
- Harry Browne
- Pat Buchanan is the only candidate who will preserve the U.S. Constitution and the sovereignty of the United States.
- Ideally: Harry Browne because we need some drastic changes
- Bill Clinton
- Phil Gramm
- Phil Gramm's taking on the whole damned Washinton establishment, almost single-handedly, and he's only a Senator. As president, he'll whip those statism-addicts into shape!
- Alan Keyes - He is the best man for the job.
- Rick Thompkins, because he is a true Libertarian, and only Libertarians are true Americans. (If you don't support ALL Bill of Rights, you are not supporting the highest American law)
- Harry Browne, just as a slap in the face to wake up the Demopublicans.
- Phil Gramm, the only one with the guts to say we should fire all the furloughed workers since they're non-essential.
- personally, i think all politicians stink. i would only vote for a few people...that being god, pee wee herman, alain jourgansen, or myself. i woul ddestroy the government, if i could.
- None off the current choices. Perhaps myself. We need someone to leed.
- Gramm- I like his stand on issues
- Bill Bradley -- honest, smart. hopeful
- Bill Clinton, to act as a check on a GOP congress
- Rick Tompkins, he knows what needs to be done.
- Paul Tsongas but since he is not in the race -- Bill Clinton.
- lamar alexander best ideas, executive experience
- Rick-he doesn't compromise his principles.
- Phil Gramm, who will cut government.
- I will most likely vote for Rick Tompkins, and I would like
- Anybody but the clown that's there now
- Harry Browne
- Bill Clinton - I admire the way he upholds his ideals and stands up to the rotten money-grubbing repulsive Republicans out to help only their rich friends and themselves.
- Forbes: right ideas, right direction, seems to be competent
- Harry Browne, dramatic government cuts, honest guy
- Harry Browne - get rid of wasteful government
- Powell: he's a moderate, Excellent role model for inner-city kids, unites blacks and whites
- bill! because he has done a fine job up to now, and he is the only canditate who thinks of the not so forrtunate in society
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne--less government and taxes
- Bill Clinton -- Only if he stops bending over for the radical right-wing who inflame issues of little significance. C'mon -- wasn't it Reagan who sent the deficit skyrocketing? And since the military industrial complex gets one-half of the budget, why don't we leave welfare (who get, including food stamps, 3% of the budget) alone??? Really, people are starving and killing each other -- let's help them!!!
- HEY! We need a VEGETARIAN to run for President!!!
- Buchanan, sick and tired of the other parties candidates
- Clinton...he's better than any of the republicans!
- Christie Todd Whitman Itıs time to give a woman a chance!
- Harry Browne: Huge tax cuts NOW Reduce Gov't NOW
- Dole because he's a patriot, not a draft dodger. He,s experienced.
- Harry Browne: Shake things up a bit!
- Alan Keyes. He's a conservative Christian (prefer him over Buchanan).
- lugar he is the best man for the job
- Phil Gramm.
- Harry Browne, A third party needs to be involved in national politics.
- Steve Forbes because he understands free enterprise
- Gramm is the only member of the Senate who is still defending the tax cuts and fighting Dole's efforts to cut another Big Goverment deal with Clinton.
- A political revolution takes two elections. The last time, it was 1930 for Congress and 1932 for Senate. This time we must elect Phil Gramm in 1996 to complete the revolution started with the 1994 election.
- Gramm. He's the toughest budget negotiator we've got, and we need that in the White House to actually CUT spending for a change.
- Phil Gramm has integrity and a limited government ideology.
- Harry Browne; send wrecking ball through gov't.
- Dole. Need Republican in White House to allow the changes proposed by Congress to go through, unity.
- Rick Tompkins because he would substantially reduce government.
- Alan Keyes most closely (so far) represents my views on the nuclear family.
- Richard Lugar's proposal to scrap the income tax in favor of a national sales tax will promote saving, providing our economy with needed capital, while removing the penalty on earnings. He offers a serious and mature foreign policy. He is also strongly
- Harry Browne He is a promoter of freedom
- Rick Tompkins, because his main opponent keeps changing his positions on important issues.
- Phil Gramm,because he wants to eliminate large government
- Currently, Harry Browne, because Powell isn't running.
- Harry Browne, because I very much agree with his assessment on what ails our nation.
- Phil Gramm is even now holding out against the Doles and Lugars who want to compromise with Clinton to do away with taxes cuts and spending restraints.
- Phil Gramm. The only one who knows how to work the system without being part of the system--so the only one who can cut goverment in the real world.
- Harry Browne is a much more credible and honest fiscal conservative than any republican and the only supporter of the Bill of Rights in the field.
- harry browne abolish taxes
- Harry Browne- (The Republicrats have already done enough.)
- Phil Gramm, an honest economist, not a sleazy politician, media head, or rich boy.
- Harry Browne represents REAL change! He is the only candidate who stands for returning responsibility to the individual.
- Ross Perot. He will control Congress, not vice-versa.
- Colin Powell. I feel that he is able to relate to all races
- steve forbes more electable than Browne and probably able to do more since he would be a member of the (probable) majority party controlling the Congress
- Dan Quayle; He best represents the conservative and moral values I am in agreement with.
- Dole, he has the experience!
- Phil Gramm. Consistent, conservative and courageous.
- Anybody who'll leave me alone.
- Harry Browne He seems to be the only one that isn't a member of the CFR, Trilateral Commission, or the Bilderbergers
- Phil Gramm reflects my beliefs in liberty and morality.
- phil gramm
- Phil Gramm
- Harry Browne to reduce government.
- Frank Sinatra
- Harry Browne because he is good at business and close to freedom.
- Harry Browne. He is the only one who will cut government; not just slow the rate of increase.
- Phil Gramm. He is consistent, understands the common man, will return a healthy economy, will restore family values
- me! i'm the ultimate outsider.
- ross perot
- I want to see Gramm. He'll deregulate, replace the current mess with a flat tax, and balance the budget.
- Phil Gramm. He's the most honest conservative, and will REALLY cut government as president, not merely reduce the increases like Reagan did.
- Alan Keyes. Because he is talking about the root cause of our problems.
- Phil Gramm.
- Steven Forbes...only one with any direction or common sense
- Bill Clinton; he has achieved a lot more than he's gotten credit for in a very antagonistic climate.
- We need a candidate to return America to its roots - liberty, small government, seperation of church and state.
- Bill Clinton. He has represented my views well.
- Bill Clinton. We need the difference that Clinton makes with the Republican control congress. I am very angry and concerned about the control of the "relgious right". It is very interesting that they want government out of their lives, but on the other hand they want to control how you have sex, abortion, and whether you belong to a "christian org" or are "born again". The fear that the American people should have is that they are trying to control us and place on us their "so-called family values" which is filled with nothing but hate for anyone who is different from them.
- A 3rd party unknown---too much "business as usual" in DC
- probably Clinton, because he is fairly liberal and familiar
- Somebody who can a will stand up to the 'Big Boys'
- Harry Browne -- Because "Government doesn't work!"
- Alan Keyes - Raise morality, self-help and heal racial tension
- Bob Dole. I feel that he will be more cooperative with congress on important issues such as balancing the budget.budget
- Harry Browne, to illiminate all government not authorized by the Constitution
- dole
- Bob Dole, We tried "change" and that didn't work
- Gramm will cut big business subsidies too.
- Gramm. The best advocate of limited government and individual liberty.
- Phil Gram- a disciplined intellectual who understands the harm that the extensive federal bueracracy has inflicted on the US economy.
- Harry Browne would get gov
- Colin Powell he is an outsider
- If Harry Browne is as bad as Tompkins says, Tompkins. Otherwise, any principles Libertarian.
- Harry Browne--clear libertarian views
- bill clinton has done a lot for this country that no one knows about, simply because the media emphasizes only what is going wrong with his presidency i would vote for him mainly because he is opposed to cutting social programs that are important to me an
- Harry Browne, as the libertarian philosophy is the only ethical platform for government
- Harry Browne-less government
- Phil Gramm. Honest, conservative, tough, smart.
- Bill Clinton -- I have been pleased with most of his decisions
- Keyes so far, I'm still learning about Brown-I do not vote straight Party
- No one is running I would like to see as president.
- Ross Perot, he is a good business man, he would do wonders for this country!
- Clinton. He needs time to get us out of the mess the Republicans got us in to.
- someone who will be a true statesman and servant of truth
- Charles Collins -- the best hope for a return to the Constitution
- bill clinton the republicans are putting the social fabric at allout strain
- Harry Browne. A Republican congress would keep defence up, and harry browne + repubs would abolish alot of other things. He is no politician (careerwise at least).
- Bill Clinton to continue compassionate care for all citizens
- Phil Gramm--the only candidate who filibustered both the Brady Bill and the ban on so-called "assault weapons."
- Bob Dole
- Phil Gramm. The only candidate who can balance the budget, get a flat-tax passed, and protect our property rights.
- Alan Keyes because he has been consitantly against abortion
- Harry Browne because my political views are closer to those of Mr. Browne than any other promiment American public figure of whom I am aware.
- Steve Forbes because his running issue is a 17% flat tax rate. FAmilies making under $36k would pay no taxes. This idea would jump start the economy unlike anyone has ever seen.
- Harry Browne, reduce government
- Bob Dole, because you can't get much worse than Billy Boy Clinton
- Ross Perot, because he,d run the country like a business.Hire Lee Iacoca as Secretary of Finance, etc. He is rich enough that he doesn't need to worry about who he pisses off.
- Gramm is the only one tough enough to cut government while not being so shrill that he turns off half the members of his own party.
- Clinton- Economy strong and he is not an idealogue
- Gramm Clinton/Dole will continue big government
- Phil Gramm is the only candidate who can get elected and come very close to representing all my views in favor of limited government.
- A Libertarian - Only party serious about reducing govnt.
- Any one who is pro choice on everything because I like to think for myself.
- Phil Gramm - he's the only one who is consistent about what he stands for.
- Alan Keyes, because all our major problems are ultimately moral. We need to take responsibility for ourselves, rather than have the government always come in to "fix things"
- Clinton...clean up congress, he could do a helluva job
- Gramm - consistency, honesty, openness
- Phil Gramm--our only hope of completing the Republican Revolution.
- Phil Gramm/You know where he stands.
- phil gramm
- Any Libertarian. Failing that, Steve Forbes. Less govt!!!
- agree with more of his views than others
- Bill Clinton as he seems to be the only candidate not running in support of the wealthy.
- Bill Clinton because he tends to support my views while others don't
- Bill Clinton, because he's done a good job so far, but the work needs more than four years to complete.
- Alan Keyes -- Strong moral position on issues
- Colin Powell, as I feel he as this time the only individual who is able to heal America's deep racial wounds and he is a bonafide leader who would lead persons from all parts of society in creating a new and better country and world.
- Bob Dole, since he has the most experience and the best repututation.
- A black woman who wants the government to keep out of my hair and help its constituency.
- Clinton, because he stands for what is right much more than the Republican contenders.
- Harry Browne. He's Libertarian. He can win.
- Phil Gramm - He is THE canidate that is firm in his convictions and will committ to doing what he believe is right for America.
- Why don't you list Phil Gramm in your "Pick 3" or "Pick 7" lists? He is clearly the only conservative candidate with a chance of winning!
- Rick Tompkins is the only candidate I know of who would not compromise his insistence, on principle, that government be pared back to the limited functions envisioned by the Founders. That would mean an end, at the very least, to all forms of the income t
- Alan Keyes-Strong moral character,integrity
- Phil Gramm won't cut deals with Clinton like the GOP establishment is aobut to do on the budget.
- Anybody other than Bill Clinton.
- Alan Keyes, because he is the only genuine candidate
- anyone but Clinton !!!!!!!!
- Gramm because he is a fiscal conservative and I believe the he along with the Republican congress can balance the National budget and stop robbing our children
- I would like to see someone who sticks by his/her campaign promises. Someone who really believes in what he says and does not compromise his position or beliefs.
- Bob Dole - protest vote.
- Alan Keyes
- Howard Phillips of the U.S. Taxpayers Party - the only one who supports the same Biblical and Constitutional principles of our Founders
- Alan Keyes because of his position on the moral problems w/country
- Phil Gramm because he's a conservative Republican
- Pat Buchanan
- Harry Browne-Local, State, and Federal governments consume about 50% of our GDP with absolutely no reguard for our Constitution.
- Phill Gramm - moral integrety, financial responsibility
- government redeuction demands
- Bill Clinton. He may not be our best or brightest, but unlike all of the Republican potentials, he IS NOT in the pocket of the NRA, the rich, or corporate America. He is seeking to defend the values of the working class and is fighting the Republican efforts to pay off the huge drfecits created by and for the wealthy under the Reagan/Bush years by the poor and elderly today.
- gramm - most electable libertarian leaning candidate
- Harry Browne. He's the only candidate who truly wants to eliminate a large portion of the Federal Government.
- Harry Browne - Personal responsibility/choice; free markets; minimal govt.
- Rick Tompkins (Libertarian). He will end the war on drugs and the war on all our freedoms. He is the only candidate who knows that it is necessary to convince people that they have to give up their dependence on government, and the idea that they can get something for nothing.
- Alan Keyes ... honest, forthright and *correct*
- Gramm; His view are the most reasonable.
- Phil Gramm - He's the only true conservative running
- Not Clinton, Not Dole - Clinton: the Great Waffler, Dole:Conservative only when election rolls around
- Phil Gramm, the smartest advocate of free markets and limited government.
- Gramm does what he says he's going to do--that means less government.
- Gramm. Conservative, consistent, courageous.
- Phil Gramm Supports My Beliefs
- Phil Gramm
- Phil Gramm- principled, steadfast, non-conformist, non-compromising
- Phil Gramm
- Phil Gramm. Head and shoulders above the rest in terms of limited government ideology, knowledge of issues, and courage to carry out the libertarian resurgence.
- Colin Powell - We need someone who is not on the inside of the Washington political structure.
- Phil Gramm. He always stands firm on conservative principles and doesn't waffle or pander.
- Phil Gramm, the most libertarian conservative.
- Gramm. He's the only one who understands the economic consquences of Big Government.
- Harry Browne: the country was founded on libertarian principles, and our current problems reflect our distancing ourselves from these principles. Only the libertarian party has consistently emphasized these principles in formulating solutions to our current problems.
- Steve Forbes is the only mainstream candidate who honestly wants to reduce taxation and government and who is not tied to special interests
- any civil libertarian, preferably one who is fiscally responsible.
- Bill Clinton; all the Republicunt candidates are jokes, and Bill deserves 4 more years to finish destroying the Democratic party
- nobody - for a change
- Phil Gramm has the most consistent conservative message.
- Phil Gramm--the candidate most hated by the liberal media.
- Bob Dole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Phil Gramm: read his three books.
- Any libertarian candidate is better than the other parties.
- phil gramm
- I would prefer to see a libertarian candidate take office, however if one is not available, I would vote for Pat Buchannan since I only disagree on the social issues and free trade
- Rick Topmpkins (Lib) - understands Libertarian principles
- Phil Gramm - He most closely represents what I believe, and sticks to his position
- Lamar Alexander, We need to decentralize our fed.govt.
- Phil Gramm: he's devoted to the rights to life, liberty and property, and he can win.
- Phil Gramm. Tough, capable, brilliant.
- Harry Browne - demonstrate the I am serious about need for major change in Government
- Harry Browne. Read his book.
- Bob Dole so congrss can agree on some direction even if it is wrong. We can sort it out in the next election if we are wrong.
- Gramm will protect all our constitutional rights.
- Ross Perot - Change
- Gramm. the only candidate committed to protecting private property rights.
- I'd like to see Phil Gramm. He's the most consistent supporter for liberty.
- Phil Gramm--the only candidate who has what it takes to really cut goverment.
- Phil Gramm. It's about time we had an honest economist like Gramm, instead of slick lawyers and media-types.
- Phil Gramm has the courage to stand up to the moderate Republican establishment and the liberal media.
- Bill Clinton-He has helped my party become powerfull.
- If you take the good attributes of Forbes, Buchanan, and Keyes, and remove their defects, you have Phil Gramm--the only choice.
- Gramm is the only candidate who supports both free markets and morality.
- Phil Gramm is the only one really committed to cutting government and restoring out liberty.
- Harry Brown or Steve Forbes--A change from the politics as usual
- Harry Browne, Someone who can try to make dramatic changes without concern about re-election of party.
- Bill Clinton, Why Newt, Bob, Armey, Kasick, Dementedici, The Freshman clsss of Congress!
- Harry Browne.I believe he will return this Country to the Constitution, and eliminate the corrputness in our Government, Politics, and Laws, and return to the letter of the Constitution - on which this country was founded - and return it to be the Great Object which our forefathers formed.
- Pat Buchanan: The number one and two issues are bringing jobs back to America and reducing the size of government. The nation needs a STRONG defense, witness the Indians and their lower war fighting abilities and what happened to them here.
- Barry Goldwater--He is the last American from politics.
- 1. Harry Browne, 2. Steve Forbes
- Harry Browne, because he is the only canidate that wants to reduce all of the federal government.
- Steve Forbes....
- Harry Browne (L) - He is the only candidate who will actually cut government
- Harry Brown- I like your ideas
- Harry Browne, because he will end the "war on drugs"
- I would like to see Steve Forbes, because he is an outsider, if not he, then Bob Dole
- I'm still undecided-The Federal budget needs to be balanced. Programs will not exist in the future if efforts are not taken today. The issue is greater than balancing the budget. Trillions of dollars in debt need to be paid. We are in for a long, hard, economic future. The greatest issue facing our nation is immorality of all kinds. We have lost our solid foundation to build on. We believe that we can build on shifting moral sand, but we can't. Unless we change in our hearts, it's not a matter of regai ing our prosperity, it's a matter of how long we can forestall disaster.
- someone with the vision to lead, not another politican
- Jack Kemp
- Harry Browne. This country needs a radical change in the political landscape that reflects the actual American Citizen's desires and needs.
- Rick Tompkins, because he is the only candidate we can trust to keep his promises.
- Bill Clinton, he is the best of a weak field
- Harry Browne because he WILL reduce spending
- Phil Gramm - we need a REAL conservative to continue to reforms currently underway. Bob Dole is a moderate pretending to be conservative now to get elected.
- Rick Tompkins
- Gramm is the only one who has the right position on immigration--crack down on illegals while maintaining the right of harding workers to come here and WORK--but NOT to receive welfare.
- Gramm, consistent, intelligent, conservative
- Billy C. to counter Reps.
- Keyes: No one else is talking about the moral collapse of America
- someone Diogenes would have liked
- phil gramm
- Harry Browne; he is the only one who will actually reduce the size of governemnt
- Harry Browne for real cuts not just slower government growth!
- It really doesn't matter, they're all just professional politicians (read crooks)
- Haven't seen any "Great" choices, but Dole is OK
- Non of the above
- James Baker = he is honest
- Of the current political field, I think Bill Clinton is the most palpatable choice.
- Non of the above
- Rick Tompkins. He is the most honest Libertarian.
- Steve Forbes or Pat Buchannon; they say what they mean and mean what they say
- Gen Colin Powell - To run this country less politically!
- I only want an American that is, and HAS ALWAYS been willing to serve his country. I can't figure out how the hell we managed to elect a draft-dodging Motherfucker and put him in charge of sending our children to fight for him. We need to get that SOB out of office. ANY OFFICE!!!!
- Harry Browne. Because he is the best chance I see for true cuts in government unlike Dole's lip service to the topic.
- Rick Thompkins, he can ge the public to accept less government
- Phil Gramm. He will slash goverment.
- I'd like to see Gramm, the best conservative.
- Rick Thompkins, He is a principled libertarian
- Phil Gramm will drastically downsize the government; he's the only one who knows how and has the guts to do it.
- Phil Gramm would be the best because he's always fought for lower taxes and spending.
- Bill Clinton-to this non-American he seems a fair minded example of what the USA ideally stands for.
- Gramm always does what he says--and that will be to relimit government.
- Phil Gramm: committed to balancing the budget by cutting spending; committed to deregulation.
- Phil Gramm because he is a consistent conservative who keeps his word.
- Gramm: anti-tax, anti-spend, pro-freedom.
- Harder crime laws/punishment, cut welfare, immigration restrictions.
- A Powell-type moderate NOT from the Military ranks
- Phil Gramm is the only one both libertarian and moral.
- Phil Gramm, defender of liberty.
- Dole. We need conservatives and only he can win (with Powell
- phil gramm
- Phil Gramm--the only advocate of limited government who can win in 1996.
- Robert Dole or Lugar
- Phil Gramm is a great American.
- Bill Clinton because he's trying to do something for America
- Alan Keyes addresses lack of morality in country
- Harry Browne-The only candidate, other than Gramm, who understands that big government is the problem. The other candidates feel government can be reformed to become more benign, or even helpful. And Clinton, of course, has never seen a problem that can't be cured by bigger government.
- Dole, I think he has good Idea's like Newt....
- He's the only candidate who has the will to actually abolish or cut back government programs, government intrusion and taxes, especially the income tax (he would abolish it); and balance the budget. He's the only one who really understands what the problems are, what's causing them (the government is), and what it's going to take to solve them. He is not afraid to stand up and say "Government doesn't work."
- phil gramm
- Somebody besides who's going to win--the main problem in politics is and has always been that the Rich make the government, then the laws, then more money, etc. Nothing against the wealthy, but everything against those who use it to further their own ends at the expense of others. Politics is corrupt because it was intended to be. I'd like to see someone elected from outside the current Old Boys system who doesn't happen to have the nasty side effect of being a fascist. I'd like to see a female preside t and predominantly female supreme court (I'm a male)--we need a new, more humane perspective--a quality that sadly many males, especially those long in power seem to be lacking.
- Jack Kemp
- Phil Gramm. I believe he is the only one for smaller government.
- "The Hemp Lady" --- I forget her name.
- Phil Gramm is conservative on all the issues.
- Harry Browne, He is the candidate with political views closest to my own.
- The Libertarian Party should run a candidate who is marketed as a "mainstream" candidate if only to circumvent the ridiculous system that exists; once elected, then implement monumental change
- Alan Keyes - he is one of the few who truly believes what he says.
- Phil Gramm needs the power of the presidency to balance the budget, cut taxes, and cut spending.
- Phil Gramm because he is the only candidate who is serious about balancing t
- Phil Gramm
- Phil Gramm: wise, principled, tough conservative leadership.
- Bill Clinton - the best man for the job
- Harry Browne to make the USA free again and all that it implies.
- Even now Phil Gramm stumps for a balanced budget while Dole waffles and puts the Revolution on hold.
- Harry Browne - best articulates the argument for reduced taxes, lower spending, and less government intrusion
- Forbes, because he will cut loose the american economy
- Phil Gramm. He's the most principled conservative.
- Jesse Jackson...his views are real and although I am not black I believe he can make change.
- phil gramm
- Rick Tompkins or Harry Browne, to cut government
- Gramm. He's smart enough and determined enough to keep his promise to do his best to reduce the size of government by a third.
- Harry Browne is a trustworthy man who WILL reduce government.
- A liberal Democrat willing to stand up for his beliefs
- Phil Gramm - the candidate closest to my views who appears to be electable
- Harry Browne - stands up for what he believes is right - not just politically expedient
- Alan Keys because morality is the central issue and the cause for discontent and instability in the US
- Phil Gramm is an outstanding leader and principled conservative.
- Phil Gramm. he got the Reagan spending restraints through Congress, and slowed spending to the slowest rate with Gramm-Rudman.
- I like Phil Gramm. He knows the difference between the family and the government, unlike all the liberals and the preachy Republicans who all want to be our families.
- President Gramm will never send U.S. troops to die as useless "peacekeeper," or to engage in "national building," or serve under UN command.
- Phil Gramm is the only Republican who appeals to the working stiff. He started out poor, not like Buchanan the elite media guy with a masters degree in journalism or Keyes the preacher. Joe six pack has nothing in common with those two, only Gramm.
- phil gramm
- Gramm saved real welfare reform in the Senate.
- Gramm is so serious about scaling back government that he was willing to end the Reagan rearmament in order to get Congress to exercise some restraint of federal social spending. Count that social spending as dead meat if we elect Gramm.
- Colin Powell - an honest man, approve of many of his stands on issues
- Phil Gramm.
- phil gramm
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