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Political Survey #3
User comments [ARCHIVE I]
Who will be president in 1996 and why?
- Pat Buchanan...I could have written his platform!!!
- Bob Dole: Most committed to balence budget; Great Record; Hero
- Bob Dole just vomits integriy it oozes out of his pores.
- Alan Keyes. He is the most consistent and true conservative. He speaks to americas problems at the root cause and not simple bandaids.
- Buchanan - Only candidate who I'm confident will reduce the influence of government and return the US to a constitutional republic as it was intended.
- Someone notably more liberal than any person currently named in any party!
- Pat Buchanan. I believe Christian morals are the only thing that can turn this country around. NAFTA, and GAT are hurting many American workers'95 was largest deficit ever. We need a social and economic conservative as president.
- Harry Browne: stimulates ecconomy by paying off national debt (reduces interest rates), eliminate/greatly reduce taxes, same for government regulations/involvment in individuals' lives
- Alan Keyes
- Bob Dole; I feel that he has the leadership qualities that the President should have. He also has the morality and the integrity to become the President.
- Pat Buchanan - for the Constitution & the Bible, against New World Order
- Gen. Colin Powell seems to be the most practical and moderate. Too bad he's not running. If Clinton had been able to keep from caving in, I would have chosen him again. I may disagree with Dole on a lot of things, but at least he probably won't flipflop like Clinton has.
- Bill Clinton because he is pro-choice.
- Harry Truman
- Rush because he's smarter than anyone running
- Patrick J. Buchanan: Unlike Clinton&Clinton, he means, believes in and will do what he says.
- Pat Buchanan; strong conservative record.
- Either Bill Clinton or Bob Dole. Buchanan is nothing more than an asshole who is very clost to naziism. Clinton has done a lot of beneficial things for our country, including reducing the national debt and helping with education in America. Not to mention that the crime rate has decreased substancially in many major cities.
- Pat Buchanan. He doesn't waffle on issues. More conservative
- Bill Clinton because he supports most of the things that I believe are important to me and the country.
- Pat Buchanan with Al Keyes (V.P), more than econ and to fairer trade
- Colin Powell - because he could crack
- Forbes: business experience, integrity, vision, solid ideas for economic opportunity, not a Wash. pol who's been bought
- no one that is running, Bill Clinton is the most qualified
- I want to see the president AND congress put aside party politics and put the country first. I'm tired of party politics. They ALL disregard the counties needs for selfish and egotistical resaons.
- Harry Browne is the canidate closest to Neo-tech standerds
- Dan Quayle - He's honest and has a wife who would help, not hurt like our current queen.
- Pat Buchanan It's time to restore dignity to the office.
- Pat Buchanan - I agree with many of his positions and I feel that he is a leader with conviction. If some are concerned about extreme positions, I imagine Congress will force him to temper any which are too extreme for the public to accept.
- Clinton has done a good job.
- Pat Buchanan
- Someone who is pro-white male
- Bob Dole! He is a leader, Veteran, and a man of principle
- Clinton, or someone who can remember that nothing but self-interest is nothing but selfishness and greed. No one's interests are served.
- Buchanan is a cultural and moral conservative
- Quayle, becuase he's intelligent, Christian, moral, family-oriented man.
- Alan Keyes - He represents the answers to the root causes of the problems that we as a nation have experienced over the past 30 odd years, the dissolution of the family, the intrusion of federal government into private lives and the turning away of our country from the fact that our nation was established from Christian values
- Allen Keyes - Because he obviously knows & is not afraid to verbalize the deep, root causes of our countries problems.
- Pat Buchanan
- Bill Bradly because he is a very intelligent, rational, and thoughtfull man.
- Pat Buchanan
- Alan Keyes, he identifies the real problem with America, the loss of a "moral center"
- Steve Forbes
- Pat, because he has morals and at least a position on issues (versus changing positions with polls or the wind)
- Pat Buchanan, I know where he stands on the isues. I can trust him to do what he says he will do.
- Bill Clinton, Freshman Republicans are far too zealous to be allowed a free reign and no-one who wants to put religion into places it doesn't belong should run the country
- Pat Buchanan - conservative
- Clinton, because he is still the best of a pathetic bunch, most likely to protect social interests rather than pocketbooks
- Pat Buchanan because you know where he stands on the issues, you dont get some big drawn out answer to your questions. He speaks his mind.
- Anyone but Bill. (And why isn't honesty included in question # 13?)
- Harry Browne, because he is the only candidate who has published a concrete plan. The other candidates have only sound bites and vague promises; Harry Browne has put his plan in the public's hands for the voters to evaluate freely.
- Harry Browne: less restrictions on emigration/immigraration; freer trade; end of the "War On Drugs"; more reasonable tax structure; medical savings accounts; limiting the US international political involvment in order to expand the voice of other nations; opposition to censorship
- Pat Buchanan because he will get Americans working like never before and he is the most honest man ever to run for the office
- Pat Buchanan - He want's to return prayer to the schools.
- Steve Forbes - Primarily because he has met a payroll, Intellegent, and is not a politician
- Kemp, but since he's not an option, Forbes, because the flat tax would work
- Alan Keyes because he has not waffled in his views
- Harry Browne or Steve Forbes
- Harry Browne, Because his goals are the best ones.
- Steve Forbes, because he is not a politician.
- Steve Forbes because I want my taxes lowered, and his system will do it. Also, I want to see him abolish all non-essential gov't offices such as IRS, Welfare, DOT, DOE, HUD, etc...
- Pat Buchanan
- Pat Buchanan-He seems to be the voice for middle America. We need fair trade agreements that don't tie our hands behind our back. We absolutely must close our borders to all illegal aliens; and only allow legal aliens if they work and support themselves. Illegals are bleeding our entitlement programs dry. They are getting benefits our own citizens can't get. And even legal aliens are coming here and collecting Social Security. It has to stop. Its not and issue of race; its economics. The well i dry...there is no more money to support everyone who wants to come here for a free ride.
- Lamar Alexander; He is actually the most qualified for the position
- Steve Forbes because he is not beholdened to interests other than those that affect the country in general.
- President Clinton. Senator Dole is too tired, Steve Forbes hasn't a clue on how to govern, Lamar Alexander?--has he ever said anything that you can remember? Robert Dornan? He makes Pat Buchanan look like a liberal. Pat Buchanan needs to re-read the Constitution. His ideas of holding national referendums on unpopular Supreme Court decisions is not an option, nor is the manditory confirmation of the Supreme Court justices every eight years. He would have to change the Constitution to do that and som how I don't think it would fly.
- bill clinton
- Bill Clinton. He has done well this past year in spite of a congress that seems hell-bent on destruction.
- Bill Clinton, because more than any other candidate, he's sensitive to the concerns of all Americans, not just the wealthy, white, religiouss segment of the population.
- Steve Forbes - probably can't be bought.
- Stop all the hate, fear mongering and scapegoating, sure we have our problems but so has every society that has ever existed. This is a great country with a great future. I would like to see a leader with vision that will make this country that takes car
- Clinton is the best of those who have any chance.
- Bill Clinton. I feel he has done a good job so far, and I strongly dislike all of the Republican "hopefuls."
- Steve Forbes because he is the man.
- Pat Buchanan - Maybe the Liberals can meet in the middle with a conservative president.
- Bill Clinton,because he's had more experience than the others.
- Forbes, he's a self made man, who can control a buck.
- Anyone more honest & better leader than President Clinton.
- Steve Forbes - The ideas he presents are workable solutions to the problems facing America today: Welfare State, Obtrusive Federal Government, National Debt, Protection of Inalienable Rights, National Sovreinity
- Pat Buchanan - He is a leader with a vision and strong beliefs which will not be compromised.
- Harry Browne, his budget cuts would actually make the budget smaller instead of making it larger at a slower rate
- Harry Browne due to the fact that he wishes to decrease govenment intrusion, and is concentrating on that goal.
- Harry Browne because he knows we need to reduce govt.
- Harry Browne... less government now!
- harry browne..repubs and dems both committed to big govt
- Harry Browne - I believe that only the Libertarian party truly has a vision for bettering our country.
- Harry Browne, I can handle my own life witout huge govt.
- Harry Browne for a return to libertarian values
- Harry Browne, Libertarian, so he can reduce the size of government
- Harry Browne: smart man
- Ross Perot - taxes
- Lugar, I trust him
- Pat Buchanan...He believes what he stands for and has the guts to take on controversial issues. I, too, believe the U.S. needs to get out of the U.N. and quit playing big brother/cop to the world.
- Buchanan - we need U.S. jobs - fair trade agreements
- Harry Browne - We nee less government intrusion & more self responsibility
- Harry Browne, unlike the Republicans, proposes to reduce the size of the federal government significantly, not just slow its rate of growth. He proposes the best possible "flat tax" -- 0%, no income tax at all!
- Clinton.Buchanan will turn us into a 3rd world country
- Steve Forbes, because he is now the only electable alternative to Dole and Clinton. Both Dole and Clinton are deal makers while Forbes comes accross as uncomprising in principle.
- Clinton; because he is the only candidate willing to work to both reduce the size of government and the budget deficit, but keep a sense of compassion for the less fortunate members of our society.
- Bob Dole because he is the best of the choices. I would actually prefer another choice.
- Pat Buchanan - I like his foreign policy and his straight forwardness
- Steve Forbes! We need change in Washington!
- forbes...becouse hes the best man running.
- Dole, expericnce a, integrity, war hero and great morals
- President Bill Clinton. He understands the problems of middle class citizens and taxpayers. The performance of the Republican candidates does not demonstrate this awareness.
- Bill Clinton, who else is there?
- Dole's got the experience & organization and will go for the conservative agenda proposed by Congress. That's all we need right now: both branches of gov't.
- Jesse Jackson
- Jack Kemp, because he is a proven successful leader, has vision and conviction, and he is a family man (which is probably why he is not running at this time)
- Anyone but Clinton!
- Pat Buchanan, This candidate is uncomprising and knows the issues affecting the United States,
- Browne. To return power to the local level, esp. the people.
- Gen Powell
- Harry Browne, because enough is enough
- Harry Browne - He will help to decrease the Governments role in our lives and hopefully religious influence will decrease at the same time.
- Alan Keyes because of his integrity
- It dosen't seem possible now but I would like to see Richard Lugar as president. I like what he stands for and he sticks to what he says, he dosen't change his stand to accomodate others.
- Forbes or Buchanan because they have good issues
- Clinton-better than all the rest
- I am Canadian I would like to see the US have a president that is fair to the people. Like Rosvelte was, you guys need someone like him.
- Gen Colin Powell, He has integrity and exudes leadership qualities
- Bob Dole
- Harry Browne because his platform will bring US citizens their constitutional rights back.
- Alan Keyes - He is focused on the real problem in America. Not money but the moral climate
- Steve Forbes -- I will vote for Browne but he has no chance.
- New Party because the Demopublicans have no solutions, just more debt.
- Bob Dole - Good platform
- Harry Browne! Nat'l Retail Sales Tax (not a flat tax), Cut Government Dramatically!
- Browne; Less govenment
- I strongly want to see Pat Buchanan as President because he is very family,moral man who doesn't waiver under pressure.
- Steve Forbes - based on economic growth from flat taxex
- Harry Browne !
- Billie, because he`s the only Democrat.
- Harry Browne ,cut government ,more freedom
- Bill Clinton, because he is not afraid of congress
- Harry Browne - He understands why the gov doesn't work and understands the debt problem and the need to solve it.
- Harry Browne can end reckless over-taxation.
- integrity
- Bill Bradley. Progressive with intelligence and dignity
- HARRY BROWNE-We need to stop the government machine, not just change the people that are being paid for preying on the rest of us. Believe it or not, we were not created to be the slaves of the power brokers in government, although it always turns out that way, doesn't it. POWER CORRUPTS, so eliminate the power. Seems simple but We don't have the power. THEY DO!!!!
- Harry Browne because he is the only one that is dedicated to dramatically reducing it.
- Harry Browne, I believe he is the only candidate with a clear plan. I also believe that he is the only candidate who honestly wants to shrink governemnt.
- Browne is the only candidate that will actually reduce gov.
- Clinton- Has made good headway with many issues
- Forbes or Browne/ less regulation and taxes so as to empower the private sector, both family and business
- Harry Browne. He seems to be the frontrunner Libertarian candidate, and this is a real third party, one which will reduce government rather than give us more of the same.
- Harry Browne, only one I can stomach voting for.
- Keyes: He has the right ideals, ideas and energy
- Harry Browne, only candidate who wants to REDUCE gov't
- Harry Browne, so we can get the government out of our lives
- Harry Browne - to drastically reduce goverment and make our country prosperous again
- Harry Browne. Freedom.
- Harry Browne for REAL government change and REAL vision
- Harry Browne.... read his book :)
- Harry Browne; he reflects my beliefs in laissez-faire government and personal freedoms.
- Harry Browne--he'll get govt. out of our lives.
- Harry Browne because he is the only candidate that truly supports less government and personal freedom.
- Harry Browne because he will restore the Constitutional Republic of The United States of America
- Pat Buchanan, because he tells it straight.
- Harry Browne He is presenting real change, change of a free market based society which the hard working will prosper.
- Clinton's the best option.
- harry browne anti tax views
- Harry Brown
- Harry Browne. Need a change from rep/dems.
- Anybody else
- Pat Buchanan, because I believe he will look out for America First.
- Buchanan and Keyes are the only candidates with any conviction. Of the two, Buchanan has a better chance. P.S. "independEnt"; "prOportion"
- Clinton. He most closely approximates my beliefs, plus he's pro-choice.
- Harry Browne, because the libertarian party is the only one making sense anymore.
- Harry Browne; he is the only one who will reduce taxes, cut govt
- Phil Gramm - Honest representation
- Keyes - he will uphold the constitution, not corrupt it
- I want the ABC candidate to be president...Anybody But Clinton
- Harry Browne - Because Government Doesn't Work!
- Harry Browne
- Bill Clinton-the economy and quality of life has flourished with him at the helm.
- Bill Clinton. He has had quite a few unrecognized achievements that I believe will help to make America a better place. I want to see him complete as much of his agenda as possible. He has always acted in the best interests of the U.S. and has reinforced the role of the U.S. in international affairs.
- Harry Browne; he really WANTS a smaller government
- Harry Browne, because government doesn't work and he's the only one seriously proposing to SHRINK government rather than limit its rate of increase. And Browne would end the War On Some Drugs, which would definitely reduce crime and make our justice syste
- someone who is not 72 years old
- Steve Forbes I like the flat tax
- Forbes
- who cares, whoever wins will ruin us anyway
- a republican because we need someone to support the Congress in positive change
- Pat Buchanan. He is honest and straight forward. He believes in less federal governmant
- Harry Browne because he will stand firm to his commitments
- A upfront and honest president
- Despite my wishes I see Bill Clinton winning.
- Bill Clinton, He is the only one that cares what happens to Middle Class America.
- Alan Keyes
- Bill Clinton He's the only candidate who can bring people together.
- Buchanan Agree with his issues
- Bill Clinton. He is the best choice among all candidates.
- Bill Clinton. Will provide a check on the Republican congress.
- Harry Browne - his ideas to reduce the scope of the federal government appeal to me.
- Bill Clinton because he is the best candidate and has done a good job as president
- Me. I trust myself.
- Bill Clinton
- None of the current canidates.
- bill clinton he is openminded and will do whats good for all of us.
- Clinton; he's been a good president,deserves another term
- Bill Clinton. He is strong enough to stand on principle, but flexible enough to compromise when compromise is needed. After all, as someone once said "Politics is the art of the possible." You give a little, you take a little. Even Thomas Jefferson and John Adams had to compromise in order to see the Declaration of Independence accepted by the Continental Congress.
- jack kemp -to get america moving again.
- Harry Browne because government doesn't work!
- William Bennett best conservative to run the country
- Alan Keyes []
- Someone with more integrity then Clinton, wether it be Republican or Democrat. It depresses me that we have a president with such low moral values.
- still undecided, need to see what the GOP ends up with
- Harry Browne, because he is the only candidate with the courage of his convictions and with the courage of _my_ convictions.
- Ideally I'd like to see Mary Ruwart as President. She has the ability to communicate the idea of less government in a warm, compassionate, and crystal-clear manner. Moreover, she's a genuinely sweet, loving individual, which is why she is unfortunately not likely to get the job.
- The best man for the job
- Forbes. He's the closest candidate to my philosophy of a minimal government - one that protects individual rights, instead of committing theft and creating slave classes in the name of altruism.
- I want to see harry browne, cause I feel that he's one of the few candidates who's truely going to make changes for the public.
- Buchanan, bring manufacturing back to the USA
- Steve Forbes - has a vision of where he wants to take the country
- Pat Buchanan because he wants to keep all of the dirty, dirty spics out of this country
- I want to see a person truly concerned with the direction of not only americans, but with the direction of all people
- bill clinton, lesser of multiple evils
- Harry Browne. He's the only viable candidate who is willing to state the fact that the Emperor has no clothes!
- Pat Buchanan - I see him as honest and having character. We're not in agreement on all issues, but Mr Buchanan, I feel, is honest and above board, unlike this last group I gave my vote to.
- Pat Buchcanan,he will stop the new world order & save our country & our industrial base.
- Bucanan - He is stll saying the same things he did 4 yrs ago
- Harry Browne because he is soley focused on reducing government.
- Harry Browne, He rules!
- Pat Buchanan! He's a bit harsh on his pro-life stance (I'd like to see his list of acceptable reasons for abortion to include freedom of choice during the 1st trimester, then not allowed except for incest, rape, & endangerment of the life of the mother), but I totally agree with all of his beliefs on the issues of 2nd Amendment Rights, withdrawal from the World Trade Organization, & NOT subjugating our position as THE worlds defender of freedom to such entities as the UN.
- Harry Browne or Steve Forbes: becaue I agree with them, and they are for liberty.
- Alan Keyes: He speaks to the issues that matter.
- bernie sanders of vermont because he has not been totally bought off by monied interests.
- Harry Browne- values rights of the individual
- Harry Browne would put the Federal Government back within the framework established by the Constitution.
- Pat Buchanan. Simply his stands on immigration policy, getting the U.S. out of the UN, etc.
- Bill Clinton -- he has had a good presidency and stands up for our rights better than the other candidates would, I believe
- Clinton - less scary than others
- Alan Keyes. Morality is the problem, not money.
- Alan Keyes he supports a consumption tax, pro life, very conservative
- Colin Powell would heal a lot of wounds, bring honor to Office of President
- Steve Forbes, we need a change for america
- Harry Browne, he's got the best plan to strip government.
- Buchanan seems to excite both fervent opposition and devoted followings. Such a strong personality would be good to have for a while in the White House. I don't think any President has enough power by himself to "ruin" the country in four years so I do not fear for the republic like some seem to.
- Clinton
- Patrick Buchanan because he's the only nominee with any integrity. He speeks from the heart. He always maintains his stance,year after year. All of the others will tell you want you want to hear.
- Any outsider
- Paul Tsongas, because he actually had vision, and less importantly, was publicly more of gentlman than any of the candidates now running, which is important for a man who would seek to be not only head of government, but also head of State, & therefore th
- Bill Clinton because he ain't doing much, but he ain't rockin the boat. He's a good man for all the people-not just rich white people like the republican canidates.
- Bill Clinton; he's doing as well as anyone can.
- Steve Forbes. Smaller government, sensible tax system, economic growth, outsider
- none of the candidates are really that much better than the other, but I would either vote Bob Dole, or perot
- Bob Dole He has the moxie
- Keyes - murder (abortion) must stop.
- Harry Browne so we might see some real change!
- Alan Keyes: The only candidate with a real pro-life message, and no anti-foreigner bigotry
- Pat Buchanan, he has conviction, I don't belive in everything he is for, however a President does not get everything he wants, I never feel like Clinton can be trusted.
- Pat Buchanan - What you see is what you get. I like that.
- Alan Keyes. He is the only electable candidate. Dole doesn't excite enough people. Pat is to radical. Nobody knows what Lamarr stands for. Reagan Demococrats LOVE Keyes message of moral renewal in America. Anyone that hears his message loves the guy. He can unite the party if people will vote their concience.
- harry Browne, for a real change in government
- Harry Browne: The only way to save the country is to end Government intrusion into our lives.
- Pat B. I know exactly where he stands on the issues and those positions agree with my own.
- Alan Keyes - He recognizes the damage done to families by all the "help" from the Federal Government.
- Lamar Alexander... He wants to turn government back to the states as originally set up by the constitution.
- Lamar Alexander. I don't like the way that the country is going with Clinton. I don't agree with Pat Buchanon and I don't like Bob Dole at all.
- buchanan, stands for middle class
- Bill Clinton, experience, has been in office already
- Return the Federal Government to its Constutional Limits
- Pat Buchanan, beacause he can be trusted to do what he says and his policies are based on sound moral principles and ideas upon which our country was founded ie: respect for life, the sovereignity of GOD, and moral responsibility at home first and then abroad.
- Keyes because he is articulate, compassionate, intelligent, non-beligerent, moral, somewhat experienced, unifying rather than divisive, has integrity
- Harry Browne, no other candidate is philosophically acceptable.
- Harry Browne,He says it best,vote for lest!
- Buchanan, for his unwavering character!
- Steve Forbes, Flat Tax
- Buchanan because if the MEDIA hates him, then he must be good for America.
- Alan Keyes: brave(takes on media(abd suffers for it)and moral issues) and would seriously influence political "arena"
- ABC - Anybody BUT Clinton
- Less government
- Someone who will continue the space program. :)
- Harry Browne is the most intelligent person in the race, and is dedicated to freedom
- Bill Clinton - the best of REA
- Lamar Alexander is the only candidate with sane ideas AND the right kind of experience to lead the nation into the next century.
- Pat Buchanan, Honest,Firm,Good morals- Everything Clinton lacks!!!
- Buchanan:Because he has the gutts to address the tough stuff
- Anyone but Clinton!
- Pat Buchannon: character, fair trade, illegal immigration, welfare reform, abortion, stop stealing from hard-working americans to give it away in foreign aid
- I don't think we have many good choices, leaning to Buchanan as he is not the standard politician.
- the Libertarian nominee. To increase my own freedom.
- Lamar Alexander, he's down to earth and has been involved in politics before.
- Alexander...I just feel that he has the right ideas to lead the nation
- Clinton, with a dem house and senate, moderate approach, knows need to cap mecdical exspneses
- Pat Buchanan - He means what he says and has backbone.
- Bill Clinton: He is leading in approximately the direction I believe we need to go!
- NA
- Ralph Nader (he makes sense, is not owned by anyone)
- Bob Dole: He should surely understand the requirements of the position, his experience should serve him well. I feel he, of all candidates, is best equiped to deal with heads of other countries. He will return dignity and respect to the Presidency. Most importantly, he should have the full backing of a Republican Congress, and finally some changes will be made that should benefit the coutry.
- Buchanan, he is willing to express his conservitive beliefs honestly.
- Pat Buchanan because I know what he stands for and I agree with almost all of his ideas.
- I'm hoping someone else enters the race who actually has convictions.
- Buchanan because he is uncompromising and believes in the same things most Americans do.
- Harry Browne - Minimize gov't, maximize individual
- Lamar Alexander. A wide breadth of experience, has vision, firm believer in less gov't.
- If he hadn't retired, I'd vote for Bill Bradley. Clinton re-election will have to suffice.
- Harry Browne, because he is the most Libertarian of them all
- ABC= Anyone But Clinton because Liberalism is a hideous ideology!
- pat buchanan. he is a patriotic leader with character.
- Bill Clinton. By in large has does a satisfactory job. The republican party wants to replace someone with no one.
- Pat Buchanan. He cares about the working class.
- Harry Browne - honest, good ideas, much less government
- Buchanan. He puts America and Americans FIRST.
- leadership, vision
- Harry Browne--The only sincere candidate that will cut government, not simply slow its growth.
- Alexander - moderate Republican ideas
- Harry Browne, for real political change.
- Colin Powell, He owes no political favors, has leadership ability, and would be a refreshing change to the polhacks now running.
- Harry Browne: uncompromising, consistent, moral, fair
- In my view, the number one function of the presidential office is as a bully pulpit, both nationally and internationally. Thus, the country needs a president of firm convictions. That is why I support Pat Buchanan.
- Harry Browne, but since I know he won't win. Pat Buchanan becuase he talks about things he believes in and sticks to his convictions.
- Browne or Forbes to return power to the people and take it away from the fed
- Harry Browne is serious about getting govt out of the way and will not compromise. His book, "Why Government Doesn't Work" is very clear on how he plans to do it. Either we get libertarians in office or I eventually leave the country. I refuse to live under a third world dictatorship and that is exactly where we're headed under establishment rule. Restore the Constitution and Bill of Rights!
- Clinton
- Harry Browne; he promises to take steps that would cause a reconsideration of (1) the role of and (2) many citizens' dependence upon government
- Pat Buchanan - he is the most conservatice canadiate in the race
- Harry Browne is the ONLY candidate with a consistent set of principles.
- Harry Browne - I want less gov't, but I don't hate anyone.
- just cause you've got the power, that don't mean you've got the right
- Preferably a woman, but most importantly,
- Pat Buchanan - best ideas for returning america to americans!
- Clinton ‹ although not entirely effective, by far the least scary candidate; if his second term finally focuses on the issues of the 1992 campaign, then he will be excellent.
- Bill Clinton - He's the best man for the job.
- Harry Browne - he'll be a counter to the usual political, bureaucratic way of lawmaking.
- Pat Buchanan: He will restore our constitution & sovereignty
- Moderate Republican - Democratic way has failed us.
- Pat Buchanan: He is one of us!
- Pat Buchanan- He hates beltway bullshit as much as I do.
- Clinton - best president we've had in two decades
- Clinton because he has become a statesman and national leader
- Harry Browne for an end to government intrusion
- Bill Clinton--he has done a good job with the economy
- Harry Browne - the Libertarian platform is the only sensible one
- Harry Browne
- anybody but clinton; he is the worst criminal in the history of American government!!!
- buchanon,,forthright and honest and strong leader
- Patrick Buchanan. First, Clinton needs not to be re-elected and Buchanan is the only Republican who has a viable chance of beating him.
- Steve Forbes. Because he is the only candidate that realizes that the easiest thing a gov't official can do to raise income is to cut taxes. Also, he has a plan that can save Social Security. My wife and I have worked out the numbers on his flat tax and we save over $2,000 on tax on a combined income of less than $35,000!
- any moderate viable 3rd party candidate that cares about people more than the lobbyists
- Steve Forbes because I (as a "lower class" citizen) am tired of subsidizing a life style (house, children, retirement account) I cannot afford myself!
- Harry Browne is only one that could lead both parties in correct direction.
- Alan Keyes, He is the only one who is saying all the right things for all the right reasons.
- Snowy the Budgie, because he is a hard-core Constitutionalist. And I want him to pick the "clothespin" as his running mate.
- Bill Clinton, because he is loyal to the U.S.
- steve forbes the flat tax
- Buchanan--stands behind moral principles
- Buchanan because he is a very morale person.
- Current President Clinton is the lesser of all evils.
- Bill Clinton:pro-choice, keep the government out of people's lives, recognize that social programs (soc. sec/welfare) do need reform not ended, reality that not everyone s taxes are equitable. Has made mistakes but doesn't go out of his way to deny it, willing to learn
- lugar
- Steve Forbes, as the only credible reformer
- Harry Browne, the most respectable libertarian candidate.
- Bill Clinton. He has done a great job against stiff Republican opposition.
- Honestly, I'd rather see Paul Tsongas than anyone else in the race... at least he sounds intelligent.
- Pat Buchanan-he would restore our Constitutional liberties
- Bill Clinton because he seems to care for underprivileged
- Browne because our country has become far too conservative and our government has gotten far too big. We need more individual freedom.
- Dole or Buchanan - Will keep America strong and make the government smaller.
- Bill Bradley cause he can play ball.
- Buchanan - Need to put government under contorl of the people - need a leader with storn morals and Christian beliefs.
- Browne, as most "mainstream" libertarian
- Pat Buchanan because I think he is believable.
- Harry Browne, because he would dramatically cut the size of the federal government, and also our tax load.
- Bill Clinton because he has made some great choices and I want that to continue.
- Alan Keyes: He has moral convictions and I can trust what he says. He knows that fixing the problems in todays families is the most important problem to solve.
- Pat Buchanan, I believe that he represents the voice of American citizens vs. "World citizans"
- Steve Forbes has the best ideas to preserve the American dream for future generations
- Buchanan. Return to "old values" and moving away from increased liberalism and political correctness!
- Bob Dole (although Alexander would be fine too), because he is a strong and electable leader who knows what it takes to get things done in Washington. Bucanan's extremism and isolationist rhetoric frighten me.
- Pat Buchanan loves and believes in Godly principles.
- I want to see someone who is a leader first; someone who will have the guts to stand up to special interests and do what is right for the country. I believe Steve Forbes and Colin Powell are the only potential candidates that fall into this category.
- Bill Bradley
- Hillary Clinton
- I don't really like any of the candidates. I tend to vote Republican ... but of the Republicans who have a prayer of winning, only Alexander interests me at all. If he does not make it to the nomination, I will probably (ulp) vote for Clinton.
- Alan Keyes: He's about what's right for America! We need less govenment and more people taking responibility for themselves. People of faith should be applauded and looked up to as leaders, not mocked by those of little or no faith. Men and women of faith founded this great nation, and now it the time for people of faith to save it!!!
- Buchanan:he's strong, dedicated, has character, is not wishy-washy. He seems to know what America needs and wants. Unlike Clinton, he's loyal and somewhat honest. He may be a bit extreme, but anything is better than Bill Clinton!
- nobody that is out there right now. hopefully someone will pop up out of nowhere and i will like 'em
- Harry Browne, because the intrusion of government inot our lives is accelerating, and I do not want to live in a fascistic socialist society.
- An informed electorate that clearly understands the issues and what the Federal Government can do as outlined in the Constitution.
- Harry Browne. He is the only hope for this country. We are sinking, and we need help
- Clinton, because he is the best person for the job
- Pat Buchanan , he makes good sense
- Pat Buchanan;can an arguement be given that is not partisoned?
- Dole - Best man for the job.
- Pat Buchanan means what he says, and says what he means.
- Harry Browne - the only candidate for drasticly and immediatly reducing federal government and intrusion
- Buchanan, has a clear vision of future direction, is passionate about beliefs, evolved from a grass-roots effort
- Buchanan, because he's the only one who truly cares about young people and their economy.
- Harry Browne, the only candidate with real planned solutions
- bill clinton.he's done a lot for the economy
- Harry Browne (L) - Libertarian candidates are the only candidates who are serious about reducing the size, scope, cost, and intrusiveness of government.
- Harry Browne to shrink government significantly and quickly.
- Colin Powel or Bill Clinton, balance, intelligence, reasonableness & ideology
- Pat Buchanan. He is the only candidate who CAN beat Bill Clinton. Buchanan will get the endorsement of United We Stand, the Perotista Reform Party, thereby eliminating the three-man race. In a three-man presidential election, Bill Clinton will win, to the detriment of all America. Pat Buchanan is also the most honest and forthright of all the candidates. You don't have to wonder where he stands, if he's waffling or if he'd change his message or demeanor to get votes. Bob Dole has and does. Lamar Alexander has and does. We need honesty in today's government, someone who will stand up to the Establishment and win America back for the people. It's not a Revolution, my friends, it's a Resotration of the American Republic and ending the Government Empire.
- Buchanan. With his trade policy, well see more of "Made in U.S.A." goods again.
- All these guys are too concerned with reelection, not the task at hand. I used to enjoy politics, but with the Washington insider DOLE,and criminal Clinton--I have no choice but to dismiss this election as another mistake for the USA.
- Harry Browne, because (a) his platform is sound and (b) none of the other candidates are worthwhile, in my opinion.
- Steve Forbes - Flat Tax idea is great. Moderate Not into religious fanatacism or fanatic influence
- Harry Browne becuase of his libertarian principles
- Clinton
- D. Patrick Moynihan, due to his experience and opinions, but he's not running. Failing a good candidate, Bill Clinton
- The more I see of the Republican candidates - Clinton looks best. I have voted for both Republicans and Democrats in the past am disappointed in the lack of true statesmen in our society.
- Harry Browne-most closely embodies my ideas on the role of national government
- pat buchanan, because he simply has the best ideas on how to lead the country
- forbes flat tax less goverment no morals
- harry browne
- Clinton.....he can continue down a fair and open minded path, that the Rep. are unable to ever hope to achieve.
- Bill Clinton, he has successfully lead this country the last 3.5 years and I see no need to change
- Pat Buchanan--He has character. He says what he means and he means what he says
- Colin Powell, would be a very good president
- Hillary Rodham
- Pat Buchanan, his positions on virtually all of the issues most closely resembles my own.
- Harry Browne because many of his views are what I consider to be in the best interest of my church
- colin powell seems straightforward
- someone who can unite diverse groups, who is in touch with the possibilities and the dangers of globilization of the economy
- Richard Lugar
- Lamar Alexander because he presents the best well-rounded platform of all the candidates, Republican or Democrat.
- Harry Browne. Americans need more opportunity to solve their problems thru voluntary means, without government coercion or pre-emption.
- Pat Buchanan, because he is only man who does not seem to be , other than by God, guided by outside forces (other nations, big business, special interest, etc.). He stands tall and firm whether I agree with every last detail of his positions or not.
- Lamar Alexander: He's not a radical and he's enough of an outsider to give Washingtonians a kick in the pants.
- Pat Buchanan-because he is against gun control and he will get
- Harry Browne - His positions will not change when elected.
- Pat Buchanan...Although I am still in the process of studying his stand on everything, what I have heard and seen so far are closer to what I beleive than the other candidates. Further, Pat Buchanan appears to me to be a very genuine man...this is something that I don't beleive can be said for the other Republican candidates or Bill Clinton. I am tired of lying politicians that are more concerned with their power base than the state of America.
- Lamar Alexander is better than Pat Buchanan, but both are better than Dole - enough with Big Government, enough with over-extending tomorrow for today, we need a return to rugged individualism!
- Clinton, because he (mostly) supports social programs such as welfare, medicare, and social security, and because he is pro-choice and for gun control, to name just a few reasons out of many.
- Forbes Want Clinton out Want non-insider for a change
- Pat Buchanan because he makes me feel good about being an American. He stands up for the working class.
- graham - open minded, non extremist
- Bill Bennett because of his moral character
- Harry Browne because he shares my convictions. Steve Forbes is second for the same reason, albeit with more exeptions.
- Bill Clinton; best of a bad bunch.
- Clinton. He has attempted to live up to his campaign promises, despite opposition.
- Clinton is far better than choosing between lesser evils.
- Harry Browne. He will not violate his oath of office.
- Clinton-last time the Republicans were in they raped the country -- Savings & Loan, Stick Market, Junk Bonds, Insurance, screwed up best phone system in the world, etc.
- A person who will honestly work toward the betterment of All Americans!
- Buchanan-He's for America and he tells it like it is!
- Harry Browne because he is the ONLY candidate talking about reducing government at ALL levels... in both economic and social issues!
- Buchanan or Dole, Because they stand for something and seem not to make decisions bases on poles!
- Buchanan-because he is the only man with strong morals in the race (except for Alan Keyes, who has less support).
- Pat Buchanan is a man of principles and conviction; I know where he stands even if I don't agree with everything.
- Pat Buchanan - We need a good fire-breather for a change
- Steve Forbes because I am tired of the IRS fiasco.
- none of the above
- Bill Clinton. Cares about society. Not a judgemental, moral dictator, like most of the Republicans. Cares about education (college loans), youth, (i.e. National Service Corps), environment, diversity, equality, among other issues important to me.
- Bill Clinton because he did nothing wrong the first time.
- Bob Dole. Most experience and honor
- I like F0rbes/but will vote for Clinton if Forbes don't win republican bid which he probably won't. I like the flat tax idea.But i won,t vote for Buchanon or Dole because i don't need them deciding for me what i can or cannot watch on tv.We should of got Jerry Brown back for another shot>We need jobs in the USA and we must close the boarders.The immigrants are killing the country.
- I need more Info.
- Dole honest
- Harry Browne.
- Any fool that will enable me to take home more money and cut welfare to lazy minority bums
- Harry Browne because government doesn't work!
- Harry Browne- No income tax! Internet free speech!
- Forbes
- Pat Buchannan because He stands for the things I feel are important in returning America back to her glorious roots.
- Harry Browne, because I agree with most of his ideas
- Lamar Alexander
- Pat Buchanan because he believes what he says and would never compromise his beliefs. He would be able to lead this country into the 21st century.
- Clinton - Doing a good job now and be free to do a better job in the future
- Pat Buchanan because he is the only candidate that speaks about the evils of mult-culturalism and open immigration.
- undecided still
- Alan Keyes - The Best Inspired Vision of what America is or can be again.
- Pat Buchanan
- Lamar Alexander - Smart and Straight
- Alan Keyes - Great Minority Canidate, conservative, educated, could help with race relations
- Anyone but Bill Clinton. Really.
- Dole because I like what he says
- Clinton, I don't like the all the ideas of all the other candidates
- Dole-best available choice out there right now
- Pat Buchanan because he stands for what America needs!!!
- Bill Clinton simply because I am a GAY REGISTERED VOTER and although his track record isn't perfect with the gay community, he has done more than any other President in history to help. He is not funded by the Christian Right and makes his own decisions.
- Clinton, rather reluctantly; the Republican candidates are disasters!
- Even though he is not running, Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich is the person I would have liked to have seen run for and be elected as president in 1996. He has the leadership skills needed to run this country in the way it will need to be run going into the next century. Despite his perceived tendency to be outspoken and uncompromising, those are strong qualities our country's leader needs to possess to be an example for all Americans.
- Bob Dole; I believe that he can bring the experience and somewhat political objectiveness to the Presidency to reduce taxes, budget deficiet and compromise with Demos.
- Pat Buchanon. He is the better of the Republicans. Bill's gotta go.
- Bill Clinton because he is better than the other canidates
- Steve Forbes. He has ideas that come from the people rather than made over ideas that come from government insiders
- browne because his view of government as it is is right on and his ideas to make meaningful changes are right on too!!
- Harry Browne: I believe he will reduce corruption by reducing governmental power.
- Pat Buchanan. He represents a stance toward maintaining a strong American system.
- bill clinton for lack of a better candidate
- Bill Clinton. No other candidates have proven they're capable of better leadership than Clinton.
- J.Kemp or C. Powell
- Bill Clinton, give his programs a chance to work
- bill bradley he has a brain and experience
- Lammar Alexander, because he wants to give the power back to the states.
- Dole
- Pat Buchanan
- Pat Buchana because he tells like it is and he is the most sincere and the least political.
- Lamar Alexander because he talks common sense on the issues.
- ALAN KEYES. He knows what is wrong in America and he knows how to unite the people to create a stronger, freer, and more compassionate country.
- Bob Dole; he has the necessary political experience and the maturity to know when to compromise for the gain of the entire country. He is honest and deserving. GO BOB!!!
- I would like to see Jesse Jackson because he advocates equal rights for all.
- Alan Keys makes more sense than anybody else. I just wish we knew more about him and he got more media coverage.
- Colin Powell - integrity!!!
- Harry Browne, cause it's about time.
- Harry Browne. Our political system needs shaken up, and Harry will bring some badly needed changes while doing it.
- Lamar Alexander, he is a moderate
- Steve Forbes - he makes sense
- Harry Browne: cut the federal government
- Pat Buchanan because he is the only candidate that supports the middle class in America and that can return us to the status of the best nation in the world in every respect!!
- I would like to see Bill Clinton win the election mostly to help Al Gore become our next President. I believe the issues of education and environment are going to be key issues in the future as does Al Gore.
- Bob Dole, he knows his way around government
- Harry Brown, so that government can be reduced.
- buchanon, moral reform
- Harry Browne - less government
- Clinton--because the Republican alternatives are so bad
- Buchanan because he wants to correct some serious problems that exist "in THIS country".
- Harry Brown Because he is the only candidate reconomending that the US government go back to being what it intended to be. A SMALL political body working for its people
- Harry Browne:freedom of the peaceful person to be left alone
- Harry Browne -- The Republican party has lost its identity; I want radical reduction in federal spending, and federal intrusion NOW.
- Any person who tells the truth, and sticks to it!
- I don't have enough
- Buchanan - Government reduction, fair trade, Government reduction.
- Bob Dole; He is more of a centrist than anyone else.
- Retired representative Bob Smith of Oregon
- Sen. Lugar, he is the best man.
- Pat Buchanan, most conservative
- buchanan
- Someone who is completely oppose Clinton on almost everything.
- Alan Keyes - He most accurately reflects my views.
- Bill Clinton (he is concerned about all Americans)
- Pat Buchanan, he seems to be the candidate with the least qualties that I don't like.
- alan keye,because he's talking about the issues
- Lamar Alexandar, a moderate and can beat Clinton
- Lamar Alexander. He is a leader. I like his stand on the issues. He won't turn 80 before his term is up.
- bob dole
- Any republican,the democratsfor the past 20 years have given us the greatest wellfare country on the face of the earth.
- Yo' Momma
- Undecided
- Karl Marx.
- Clinton. He will provide at least a patial check on the republican party. Otherwise, business & the rich will have an advantage over the rest of us.
- I want a Clinton who is now independent of election concerns and can do the things he said he would in the 1992 campaign.
- Pat Buchanan(
- Powell
- Alan Keyes (He's the best choice for President)
- Harry Browne - All individuals win, instrusive government loses
- Harry Browne, his views on liberties and less government are consistant with mine
- Forbes, Need someone who is not a career politician
- Forbes: Most complete analysis of the 6 main issues (economics/flat tax, domestic policy/deregulation, foreign policy/world trade, healthcare, social security, & government must be run like a business)
- Bob Dole because it has the most integrity
- Keyes - abortion, tax policy, ability to use the "bully pulpit"
- Bill Clinton because he is more concered about the issues affecting the working middle class.
- Paul Krassner
- MC Ocampo she is the only person for the Job
- Jello Biafra
- Pat Buchannon because he ahs integrity and is for progress.
- Pat Buchanan - consistent convictions
- Harry Browne. He supports the reduction of government to a level mandated by the constitution. Hel also favors the elimination of income taxes.
- Bill Clinton.He is the best of the candidates so far.
- Harry Browne, because he is full of fresh ideas and truly believes in liberty for all
- Buchanan because he is is th
- Browne because he is the only candidate committed to individual liberty
- Bob Dornan - Someone the nation could easily rally around
- Bill Clinton, because he has the more views in commen with me than any other candidate.
- Harry Browne to shut it down!
- Pat Buchanan, has the right ideals for America
- dole-family values, & better economic solution
- Pat Buchanan. He's speaking sense while others are not.
- I really don't know. I would vote for Clinton, but how can I vote for anyone who just threw away the First Amendment?
- Pat Buchanon..fearless, free thinking, sticks to principles
- Newt Gingrich-He'll stand firm for what he believes the people want.
- Rick Tompkins
- Bill Clinton -- he's the only candidate who seems to care about *people* as well as government.
- Alexander, because he is not too conservative
- Pat Buchanan, we need somebody who will revive the AMERICAN economy
- Clinton, pro-choice and we now have the US with low unemployment and a growing economy.
- Clinton - The economy is in good shape, the budget is closer to being balanced.
- Steve Forbes
- Clinton, no real Republican candidate
- Bill Clinton, because he has done well, and so have I.
- Clinton or Gramm because they are the only -safe- candidates.
- Clinton Man of vision...can lead us into the 20th Century
- a Jack Kemp/Bill Bennett combination, but neither will run this campaign. We need real LEADERS who have a clear vision and direction for this country, not politicians.
- Pat Buchanan, because he is closest to the traditional ideas that made America the ideal for the world.
- Pat Buchanan : We need to give control of the government back to the people and I Think Pat Buchanan will do his best to achieve that goal
- I will vote for Harry Browne. Get government out of our lives! Reduce taxes! More freedom!
- ross perot
- Alan Keyes
- Any Libertarian--because s/he would do a better job than any statist/collectivist
- Browne - to reduce the size and scope of government.
- Harry Browne- Less government=Less government ineptitude
- Steve Forbes or Colin Powell--both have a lot to offer the country.
- Harry Browne, He's the best choice!!
- Someone who is willing to dismantle the federal government and restore it to its constitutional size
- Alan Keys because he is black
- HARRY BROWNE! Get gov't out of my wallet, out of my body!
- Gen. Powell but that wont happen so Forbes lets fix finances
- bill clinton
- Harry Browne! Only Libertarians will reduce the size of government.
- Bill Clinton, he's the best candidate out there!
- Harry Browne, Libertarian, socially liberal, economically conservative, less Federal government
- buchanan
- Lamar Alexander He is not a radical
- Richard Lugar.
- Sonny Bono most represents the typical American.
- buchanan
- Buchanan - He's the best candidate to protect & preserve jobs for this country
- Harry Browne. He is the only candidate with whom I agree on philosophy, public policy and economics.
- Alan Keyes- he stands for what's right
- Harry Browne - Most importanly, he's Libertarian, and besides that, holds many of the same beliefs I do.
- An honest, open-minded, non-biased, non-extremist, and normal human being. One with desire to do something about the country in the RIGHT way without imposing bullshit on everyone else. It's not that hard; they only have to be human.
- Alan Keys has the right answers to America's problems, the others are giving the same answers we've heard for years, there solution is more money, Alan's is more individual responsibility
- Clinton. Who else?
- Pat Buchanan - his social program ideas would be good for the country. His principles are the principles this country was founded and built upon
- Al Unser Jr. because I bet he could drive this country like a racecar.
- Come visit my Presidential Election homepage!
- Clinton - he's the most liberal of all the candidates
- Harry Browne, because he shares by libertarian ideals.
- Bill Clinton; the GOP isn't offering anything moderate enough for me this year
- Alan Keyes because he has his finger on the problem with our country, the family breakdown. He will do all he can to help this from continuing to deteriorate!
- Gen. Colin Powell or Gen. Shwartzkolf - Good leaders!
- Lamar Alexander-Honest, competent, common-sense person
- Clinton because he is the best on the issues that I care about
- Alan Keyes is the best candidate who will beat Clinton. He is an honest upright man. He puts the family as number one which is where it needs to be if our society is to last.
- bill clinton best man, good record
- Harry Browne - he is the best candidate that promotes a pro-freedom agenda.
- Harry Brown - freedom from oppression
- Alan Keyes - proper focus on core issues: breakdown of families, personal responsibility, character & initiative -- our visible problems are only symptoms of a weakened moral character.
- Lamar Alexander, because he has a positive vision for the future of America & he is tolerant/open-minded and the best ability to unify the American people (not alienate & polarize)
- Bob Dole because of his experience and he is a true statesman unlike so many in politics.
- I would like to see Lamar Alexander as Pres. because, I agree with the majority of his stands on the issues, and I think he can get the job done.
- GO PAT GO ,uncompromised belief in the american way
- Pat Buchanan I've meet him, trust him and he is America first. Pat will not bow to the Establishment.
- Harry Browne, HUGE federal government reduction...
- Harry Browne, to REALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE! and not just blow hot air at the American People!
- Al Gore
- harry browne
- Bob Dole, because of his experience and character
- Harry Browne. Only the Libertarians are serious about cutting both spending and taxes.
- Anyone who has a grain of sense and doesn't bow to the right wing!
- Clinton - brains and flexibility
- Harry Browne. He's not Republican. He's not a Democrat. He makes sense.
- Honesty
- Steve Forbes, the man has the right ideas.
- Anyone BUT a businessman, commentator, or Life long politician - oops!! I guess that leaves them all out - I guess the best choice would be me - fair - non-judgemental, non-prejudgical, and not rich!!
- Lamar Alexander
- Pat Buchanan - Has strong family values
- anyone opposed to abortion
- keys-I think he knows what is wrong with society today
- dole
- Harry Browe, The size and control of the federal government is destroying America, while bankrupting to boot.
- Definately somedody that will reduce crime, drug use, poverty and unnecessary military involvement and will increase educational standards to an acceptable level.
- lamar! he wears flannel
- Steve Forbes / The Flat Tax
- Harry Browne his ideas are closest to my beliefs
- Pat Buchanan. A man of conviction. Not afraid to say what he thinks.
- Harry Browne - the time has come for a Libertarian President
- Bob Dole. I think he's serious about deficit reduction and can get it done
- General Colin Powell.
- Buchanan will bring the corporations back to American soil.
- harry browne; for Liberty
- An intelligent, principled person. I think Alan Keyes most closely meets these criteria.
- Ross Perot-excellent leader with good vision
- Colin Powell because he's the right man for the job
- Buchanan because he sticks to guns and we get what we vote for for once!
- Would be happy with a Rockefeller Republican - that is a fiscal conservative and a social liberal - but they have all been banned by buchanan and his ilk
- Lamar Alexander. Where he stands on issues. Leadership qualities.
- Dole - He'll get the expensive Liberal Programs out!
- Harry Browne-Because government doesn't work.
- Bill Clinton: he's a known quantity and doing o.k.
- Harry Browne -less government
- Harry Browne. We need to cut back on Fed Govt
- Clinton
- Pat Buchanan, Understands what it takes to lead America back to what the founding fathers had in mind (and what made America Great)
- Harry Browne - of all the candidates, he is the only one that I agree 100% with
- Ralph Nader because he is a liberal who actually does activist things and isn't a slave to big business.
- Harry Browne He stands for freedom
- Forbes
- Alan Keyes : His position on the real issues, most matches mine.
- H. Browne, He will drastically cut govt. not full of hot air. Return us to our constitutional mandates.
- Anyone but Clinton! Bill Clinton is a disgrace to the greatest country in the world!
- Buchanan best person for job
- Anyone but Bill Clinton. I don't have any confidence in him.
- not Clinton -- I don't like him. I will not vote for someone if they're not Pro-Life.
- harry brown,libertarian party is the only sane choice
- clinton. great guy
- Harry Browne because he is the ONLY candidate completely committed to a reduction in the influence of the Federal Government over our lives
- Either Perot, Forbes, or Dole in that order. The Democrates want the "have nots" to have it all.. The Republicans want the "have nots" to remain that way but only if they don't want to work their way up. Rich business men that have made it think that anyone that wants to can also make it. But Dole will probably win over them all, which wouldn't be too bad in the long run.
- Harry Browne because he's the best of the lot!
- Harry Browne. His views most accurately represent my own.
- Bill Clinton: He has experience, economic knowledge, good judgement
- Harry Browne. He's the most reasonable, rational candidate, and he is the strongest proponent of freedom.
- Pat Buchanan - Consistent and Credible
- Patrick Leahy, Deadhead and generally intelligent person.
- Bill Clinton because I really do not see anybody better not that he is so good
- I would have liked to see either Colin Powell, Jack Kemp, or Dan Quale (yes, Dan Quayle) for president because all three impressed me as fairly honest, intelligent candidates who knew a thing or two about using common sense in making decisions. I was comfortable with their moderately conservative social and fiscal ideals. However, those candadates have since dropped out of the race. I am not very impressed or comfortable with any of the current candidates.
- pat buchanan
- Harry Browne- less government- more individual liberty
- steve forbes. i like his flat tax and is a wash. outsider
- Harry Browne-Because he is a capitalist
- Steve Forbes-I am tired of politics as usual
- Gen. Colin Powell, because I approve of his positions (mostly) and he has the least controversy associated with his name. Also white males have run this country for over 200 years and I think it's time a qualified candidate from a different perspective is given the opportunity to straighten up this mess of a country.
- Either Harry Browne or Charles Collins.
- Most likely Bob Dole. I don't think that Clinton has done a good job. He keeps changing his position on everything. I want a president who will stick to his word and Dole might be that person.
- BOB DOLE is the best candidate for the United States presidency in 1996. Clinton cried for change and men followed him. Clinton has had his four years and things have certainly changed--unfortunately for the worse. Dole mixes open-mindedness(NOT libera
- Harry Browne is the only canidate who is willing to stand up for his uncompromising principles and he he represents the only effective means to reduce federal government intrusion into the life of every American
- Lamar Alexander because we need fresh realisic ideas
- Steve Forbes. Need someone who knows how to run a multi-million dollar institution and who can treat his people/workers fairly.
- Pres. Clinton because I truly believe he honestly wants to help everyone in the U.S.
- Harry Browne - He will honestly do everything in his power to get the federal government out of our pockets and out of our bedrooms.
- Captain Kirk - If he can save the planet he can save the country!
- Browne. The only one with a credible cut-government message.
- Dick
- Buchanan/Keyes -- return of integrity in the Whitehouse!
- Lamar Alexander - He can beat Clinton
- Harry Browne -LP Candidate "He is the only candidate that will truly reduce the size and scope of Government.
- Steve Forbe, because he has good ideas, and isn't involved in all that partisanship like the other candidates
- bob dole
- clinton because the republicans are only for the rich
- Bill Clinton, he has not been allowed to do his job, the Republicans have blocked him at every door
- Bill Clinton--the only candidate who doesn't espouse the hate typifying the Religious Right
- If I had my wish, I'd like to see a Mario Cuomo/Bill Bradley ticket in 1996. They're the most intelligent politicians in the US. I'd almost say they're statesmen, in fact. Cuomo's the most intelligent political mind in the country, Bradley champions acceptance and tolerance. Both are for rational thought in a secular government.
- Bill Clinton
- A pro-life democrat challenging Bill Clinton
- Harry Browne is the only candidate whose professes to have a consistant philosophy that favors individual liberty.
- Harry Browne - Libertarian Policies
- Bill Clinton because he is flexible. Listened to what the american people have to say...
- Colin Powell
- Harry Browne: Liberty and F
- Bob Dole. He has the most experience for the job.
- Bill Clinton, he's done a good job so far
- Harry Browne, due to his commitment to return control of our personal lives to us, the people of the U.S., and not the Government.
- Harry Browne, We need a third party
Less Government and more common sense Lower Taxes across the Board Harry Browne
- Harry Browne-He is our last best hope for proper government.
- Harry Browne - restore freedom,shrink government
- Bill Clinton's next four years should be ones in which he cares less about consensus and more about doing what he said he would.
- Don't know
- Forbes
- Steve Forbes- Successful bussiness leader already and a strong understanding of the economy with no "visible" ties that would influence decissions he must make. His ideas on the tax system and health care carry a great deal of the weight in my decision.
- Buchanan. The only candidate for working Americans.
- Bill Clinton: because it looks like he is the most viable candidate currently.
- Sen. Paul Wellstone
- Browne, as a start to reducing big govt. and taxes.
- Alan Keyes-I agree with his veiws on religion and the break down of families. ( I really want to see Powell, but that is not going to happen, and my second choice just dropped out of the race, Phil Gramm).
- Harry Browne because I want peace, prosperity and freedom.
- clinton
- Harry Browne - Liberty, Justice, and Abundance for ALL !!
- Onlt the Libertarians would restore both economic and personal freedoms, including the right to bear arms and an end to the drug war. Rick Tompkins sounds most hard-core and sincere.
- Bill Clinton--Overall, without regard to anything other than his performance as President, he has done a pretty good job. I think the country is better off today than before he was elected in as much as the issues over which he has some control. All candidates tend to promise everything to everybody which the smart voter should know is not truly possible. President Clinton has done a fine job and arguments against ham being re-elected never seem to have any substantive reasons why he shouldn't--only rhetoric.
- Buchanan - very strong moral leader
- Any republican, Because, Clinton has done nothing for this country, Goofy, from Disney, could do better than the Clinton's. Plus, I do not trust Al Gore.
- Harry Browne, because he is a Libertarian
- Bill Clinton - deserves to be reeelected
- Steve Forbes, Get the flat tax
- harry browne...we need to get this country back to its roots
- Pat Buchanan, No wishy washy political B.S.
- Harry Browne. Huge tax cuts now. Huge spending cuts now. A balanced budget now!
- Steve forbes, he's running on economic interests rather than social issues.
- Bill Clinton, because he is the only Democratic candidate.
- Harry Browne for a change.
- Forbes: Finacialy aware, PRO CHOICE and 17% tax will cut my takes almost in half.
- Someone who can bring this country back to basics, inspire a sound economy, and etc.
- Steve Forbes. This is based on his lack of experience in politics and his success in the business world.
- bill clinton, He's doing the best job any one could do. He's also the only individual running(with the possible exception of Allan Keyes with whom I don't agree) who has true leadership quality.
- Harry Browne - Putting a Libertarian in the Whitehouse would blow the "business as usual" polititians in congress out of the water.
- Clinton; least of all evils; Alexander, Powell, and the non-election year Dole are good alternatives
- Bill Clinton because he seems the best of a corrupt lot
- Forbes, Forbes, Forbes. Economic Optimism
- Harry Browne -- more freedom, less government
- Harry Browne, He's the best one.
- bill because dole will be the rep. candidate and he can't win
- lemar Alexander underdog
- Clinton. He's consistently improving his job performance. All of the Republican candidates with the exception of Alexander are frightening.
- Harry Browne. He has a plan on paper for everyone to see. No empty promises. He's stated what he wants to do and how he is going to do it.
- I would like to see Lamar Alexander, because he is a moderate conservative. Too many of the social programs that are bogging down the government are caused by liberal programs structured to help anyone that is less fortunate regardless of economic drive to better themselves. Bottom line is we need some more conservative spending practices than there have been in the past liberal administration. Now that the conservatives are in Congress, I see this change coming into focus finally. Now all we need s some one that is conservative in the White House. Only then will ther be any sweeping changes in balancing a budget, reforming welfare, reducing the federal governemnt and increaing the state government. One final note I would like to add, the overuse of social programs in society, and over reliance on such programs were one of the main reasons for the decline and fall of the roman empire. I don't want our great country to keep spiraling into economic and social decline.
- Lamar alexander for his sensible values and he has a good track record as governor of Tennessee
- Harry Browne, because only a Libertarian can begin to change things.
- Rick Tompkins is unquestionably the most capable of cutting back government.
- Harry Browne
- Bradley
- Harry Browne is MY man, because he understands the basic fact about our government-that is just isn't working! The Libertarian platform answers all of my needs as a freedom-loving, peace-loving American.
- Bradley
- Lamar Alexander He has done a great job in Tennessee, I agree with his moral standpoint, I think he would handle the presidency well.
- Colin Powell
- I have no clue.
- Either Rick Tompkins or Harry Browne: We MUST have leadership whose principal priority is protecting and restoring the individual liberty of ALL Americans.
- Pat Buchanan. Understands the problems that face the nation today.
- Pat Buchanon because he is clear and non wavering on the direction he wants to lead the country.
- ALAN KEYES- 5th in Iowa(amongst candidates still running), and full speed ahead to San Diego!!!
- Harry Browne or Rick Tompkins
- Pat Buchanan for his consistent stance on conservative social issues
- Bill Clinton. I admire him. Republicans are the whores.
- Bill Clinton. I admire him. Republicans are the whores.
- Bill Clinton, because he's the best chance this country has to move forward together
- pat buchanan because he is the only one with any convictions
- Libertarian - or anyone financed with real working peoples monies.
- Lamar Alexander-He has the record to prove he can stimulate the economy, and believes in the power of the individual.
- Clinton, he's got the right answers
- GO PAT GO!! consistant, honest, pro-life, christian conservative
- Harry Browne -- the perfect Libertarian candidate!
- Harry Browne, he's a laisse-faire capitalist & for reduced government.
- Bill Clinton. He's done an excellent job despite the obstruction of BOTH the Democratic (93-94) and Republican (95-96) Congresses.
- harry browne give someone with a brain a chance
- Harry Browne because he stands for the freedoms granted by the US Constitution.
- Phil Gramm Believes in hardworking values and a balanced budget
- Buchannan-solid conservative-Gramm's OK too
- Alan Keyes because he represents everything that is good about America and he wants us to return to running our government in the fashion established by our founding fathers. He also has the intelligence and wisdom to accomplish this vision.
- I honestly don't know. Even Clinton is too much of a "Republican" for me.
- Bill Clinton
- Anyone other than Clinton. Too many lies. Enough of the Arkansas way. I don't really like any republican candidate though. Lamar Alexander comes closes to being acceptable. There is just no appeal in anyone running other than maybe Keyes, but he's a long shot.
- a successful businessman he may just be able to turn the economics and debt of this country around
- Someone other than the current or commonly mentioned candidates. Existing Political parties, including the Libertarians, have become overly committed to the process of government and to business interests.
- clinton because he is for "all" americans.
- Buchanan because he is a man of strong convictions that understands the importance of family life and values
- Bill Clinton
- Bob Dole, CHARACTER & ability to work with present system as it does go through NECESSARY changes.
- ABC...Anybody But Clinton
- pat buchanan. won't compromise issues that got him in office
- Harry Browne - to significantly reduce the size of government
- Harry Browne - He is the only candidate whose rhetoric matches the party philosophy, i.e., its the individual who has competence in making decisions about his/her life.
- Bill Clinton, he has lowered Debt, unemployment down, inflation down. No real major screw ups
- Steve Forbes or Harry Browne
- I would like to see Bob Dole or Pat Buchanan for President because of their conservative ideals.
- A balanced budget, less welfare, lower taxes, lower interest rates
- Harry Browne, Freedom not Security
- a conservative republican, to return family values and lower taxes
- Harry Browne. I am a rational anarchist and prefer a candidate who will work to return the federal government to what it was orininally intended in the constitution.
- Harry Browne, we need a real change.
- BUCHANAN; America needs a "NEW" leader with an honest backbone and sound moral charchter.
- Lamar Alexander
- Harry Browne (L) would be a good start toward putting this great country back on track by drastically reducing taxes and other means of government intrusion into the lives of decent, honest, hardworking citizens.
- A person who understands that he answerable to a Power greater than the media & opinion polls.
- Harry Browne (L) would be a good start toward putting this great country back on track by drastically reducing taxes and other means of government intrusion into the lives of decent, honest, hardworking citizens.
- Lamar Alexander, has the vision to lead the country into the next century. A conservative repubublican with the experience that is neccesary to lead the Republican revolution.
- Jackson - we need a liberal who's willing to bully
- I see little to choose from among those currently active
- Browne, because he knows why "Government Doesn't Work"
- Fobes, he know what says, and has no motive, except for the U.S. , he doensn't need to be president, He just wants to make a difference. I think this is evident through his fund rasing and self sufficiency.
- No Comment
- Any Republican or Libertarian with the hopes of reduced government, taxes and intrusion
- Anyone willing to defend constitutional freedoms, bar none.
- Lamar Alexander--Seems more down to earth and people oriented.
- any candidate but clinton---we need somone with business experience that is not afraid to shut down illegal immigration and welfare for able bodied persons
- Anyone but Bill, We must control spending!!!!!
- I fear continued Republican rule
- Pat Buchanan. He scientifically and religiously understands the right to life of the unborn.
- Bill Clinton - Forbes is simply trying to help rich, wanting to return to supply-side economics. Buchanan is the most dangerous man in America. Dole's longevity is attributable to his amorphous politic views. He is the consummate "party man", changing his views to be mainstream Republican. This is why he is still in politics and finally at the top of the list of Republican candidates. He simply outlived the rest. He's a follower, not a leader. If he was a leader, the Republican party would have an him a long time ago.
- Bill Clinton ... because he's done a good job so far and none of his opponents are nearly as good.
- A person like Ronald Regan. He was fairly consistent in his views and he gave direction to the country.
- Bill Clinton. He is the only candidate responsive to the problems of the poor and disenfranchised.
- Alan Keyes - to persuade the nation on moral restoration
- Steve Forbes. The only one who will slash government.
- preferably any Libertarian would be better than the usual choices
- Harry Browne (any libertarian) - Adults need to start behaving like "big boys and girls" and take responsiblity for their own lives and choice.
- I am torn between Steve Forbes and Harry Browne.
- Gramm -- We need a man of integrity in the White House, NOT A LIAR like BILLY CLINTON!
- Harold Brown because America is too close to totalitarian governmment. I am a moderate but I think we need a Libertarian President to take us back from our dubious compromise between FFascism and Socialism.
- Pat Buchanan, I support Buchanan for a number of reasons. The fact that he does not support NAFTA, which has caused American jobs to be lost to other countries is a factor.
- Pat Buchanan, he's the only choice!
- Alan Keyes, because he is the only candidate that understands that the REAL issue is our neglect of the civic values this nation was founded upon, and is the only candidate with the conviction to bring those values once again to the forefront of the national conscience.
- Dick Lugar, Social Security Reform,
- Harry Browne: He is truly for small government
- Alan Keyes is Pro-Life, Pro-Immigration, and has a mature perspective.
- Buchanon: We need a leader of high moral character to give this nation a sense of direction and allow our country to once again be considered GREAT!!
- Harry Browne will reduce the size of government.
- Keyes-Pro-Life and Moral Issues Emphasis
- Harry Browne: his ideas can fix what's wrong with the U.S. and secure our future
- Clinton: Pro-choice is still the veiw by the majority,,,,thankfully!
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne-Libertarian, smaller gov't-less taxation.
- Harry Browne
- Rick Tompkins. He doesn't compromise.
- Rick Tompkins, because we need a man of integrity for a change.
- Alan Keyes
- Bill Clinton will be reelected unless something goes terribly wrong. But, had Jack Kemp, William Weld, Christine Todd-Whitman or Bill Bennett run, the story might be different.
- Anybody that supports Free Speech on the Internet!
- Pat Schroeder - she knows whats happening in Washington but she won't forget the common people.
- Clinton - because the Contract with America is voidable at will
- Harry Browne because he favors less government
- Harry Browne, because he is the only candidate who will significantly reduce the size of the federal government.
- Dole, everyone hates Clinton
- Mr. Forbes will be a refreshing change. He's got integrity. He's not a Washington insider. He approaches our problems from a standpoint which focuses on change which can make a difference, not what a particular policy will bring in contributions.
- Harry Browne, because gov't doesn't work.
- Alan Keyes, for all the reasons above.
- A Clinton-Forbes race in order to provide Americans with two distinctly different choices!
- Jack Snow, guest host of Rush Limbaugh, McClauglin Group, et al.
- Harry Browne, because we desperately need a vastly smaller Federal government NOW.
- Harry Browne - real ideas, real ideology, proven solutions
- I would prefer to see the Libertarian Harry Browne as president this coming year. The only real problem I have with him, as with all libertarians, is that he comes off too extreme. Most libertarians understand that we need to reduce government, but any president who did it in the first 100 days would send this nation into turmoil. If he starts stressing that the solution will not happen overnight, I think he might come off as a more viable candidate for the rest of the population.
- Pat Buchannan
- Of the candidates who have a chance of winning, Steve Forbes is the best. Harry Browne is even better, but he can't win.
- Steve Forbes- Flat tax is something that this country has needed for a long time
- Browne; we need a principled President to reduce govt.
- Steve Forbes- Flat tax is something that this country has needed for a long time
- Alan Keyes-So Republicans will not be labeled racists
- PHil Gramm because of his basic principles and longtime fight to curb federal spending and balance the budget.
- Alan Keyes: Is the only candidate who has had the courage to address the primary problem in America today - Moral bankruptcy; The dissolution of the Family; Fatherlessness. The primary source of child abuse in America today is Divorce.
- Forbes, he's for the common man(oops, must stay politically correct, person)!!
- Alan Keyes: Sound moral and spiritual values, and he's a Christian with uncompromising stance on his beliefs.
- Alan Keyes. He seeks to change the moral problems in this country, not just the money problems!
- Someone who respects the Constitution
- A liberal Republican or Conservative Democrat...
- Harry Browne, because he wants to cut the goverment much more than any other candidate.
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne--Less government.
- Forbes: he is not a professional politician!!
- Bob Dole - understands importance of foreign policy
- Alan Keyes, an elctrifying candidate -- why is he being ignored by the "mainstream media"
- Harry Browne- sensible goverment reduction
- Irwin Schiff-only one telling the WHOLE truth
- Alan Keyes, I like his stand on gov't, taxes, & family
- Steve Forbes, because he's rational enough not to be the lackey of the religious right.
- Keyes -- political outsider with family values adn economic experience and focus to correct government direction
- Phil Gramm; i trust in him that he would do what he says - - and i like what he says
- Harry Browne--because he wants to get government out of things that are simply not it's function.
- Harry Browne...because I believe in limited government and for all their rhetoric, the Republicans don't. They want government out of the boardroom and into the bedroom.
- Buchanan, a man of conviction, values, and vision, for all seasons.
- Harry Browne, to reverse the growth of gov. & loss of freed.
- Pat Buchanan.Stands up for what he believes & hasn't waffled
- Harry Browne - a libertarian government will increase personal and economic freedom for everyone, in the long run
- Browne, because he will follow the Constitution
- Harry Browne -- he's the only candidate who would cut the federal government back to only those functions specified in the Constitution.
- Harry Browne - From a party that WILL cut government, not just talk about it every 4 years.
- Bob Dole- C-Span coverage of the senate reveals him to be a charismatic leader with a practical nature and the moral bearing that would serve the bully pulpit well. Long term balance (fiscal and social) could be achieved with a conservative government.
- h. browne because he will reduce the size of government and reduce taxes
- An honest man - Eisenhower warned about the 'military industrial complex' he didn't see the social welfare state coming!!
- Colin Powell, new and not tainted by government involvement
- Harry Browne, if I thought he'd win I'd vote for him - for GOP I like Forbes -
- Pat Buchanan - Passionate, moral, outsider, honest. blunt.
- Browne is the only sane choice.
- Ross Perot, or Steve Forbes. Somebody needs to try something different with money!
- I would like to see Harry Browne or Rick Tompkins for president. This country was the most prosperous nation on the planet. Our standard of living doubled ever 20 years. That meant that my father could expect to live as well at the age of twenty as my grandfather lived at fourty. I on the other hand can only expect to live 2.5% better than my father at any particular age. This drop in the standard of living increase can only be attributed to the increase of the welfare state in the 50s and 60s. Unfortu ately, it is too late for my generation because I will probably spend the rest of my live paying off the debt accrued by the previous two generations. It is still in my interest to see this socialist regime end.
- H. Browne; big governments bog things down
- Harry Browne: lower taxes, less government
- Harry Browne, because he is a Libertarian
- Harry Browne...I believe in libertarian principles
- Forbes. Because he is not a politian, and runs a large empire.
- Harry Browne for principled real change.
- I see Bob Dole, because everyone is sick of Clinton, and I am not sure that Forbes will actually pull in all the votes he needs. How is one to know if he will stand with the republicans in the white house. he may as well independently run. Bob Dole is a safer canidate to vote for.
- Harry Browne He respects people and the choices they make for themselves.
- Harry Browne - He will reinstitute strict Constitutional Government
- Eugene Debbs - RED is a nice colour
- Harry Browne: It is time to have a president that believes in unobstructed small business in America. We all know that the small business is the backbon of America and is what makes this country run. We need less government interference so commerce can operate as intended. The republicans are on the right track, but they just want sau it. We need a complete Laizzere Faire Capitalist society and that's what tehy want but they think it scares people. This country is a trade oriented society and we must h ve free & open trade is we are to survive. We only need national government for the few items our great and thoughtful forefathres knew we needed. Let's get back to the basic and get the national debt down. This country should never have had and it should never have a "national debt". Independent business people can not run their businesses for very long in debt and the country should not either. The only way to eliminate the national debt is to stay withing the budget. We know how much we have coming in e ery year, so spend only that. It seems pretty damn simple to me. I have to do it in my business, and I expect the government to do the same.
- Harry Browne, because he's the only one who will really reduce government.
- Harry Browne, to reduce the size and power of government
- John F. Kennedy Jr.
- Harry Browne, he knows our government sucks dick
- Forbes. He is not a politician.
- Rick Tompkins,because of his uncompromising stand on the Bill of Rights
- Bob Dole - Republican leader with at least some sense of morality
- Harry Browne- Only one for economic and social liberty
- Bill Clinton, because the Contract With America is voidable at will
- Harry Browne - drastic reduction in government and its interventions
- I want to see a president that has nothing to hide about their past, is honest and non-corruptible. It would be nice if they enjoy nude recreation (skinnydipping), for my trust in them would go up several notches.
- Harry Browne - Freedom was the whole idea.
- see above
- Harry Browne, because he has a fresh perspective, and is the only candidate who seriously wants to end the national debt.
- Harry Browne because he gives straight answers and not political double talk "crap". He feels government should keep their noses out of education and he protests Internet censorship. I just hope he practices what he preaches.
- Harry Browne -- He has promised to get government out of more aspects of our economic and personal lives.
- I'd like to see Harry Browne as President. He is tho only caididate who really knows how to correct the problems the country is facing and he is totally honest.
- Harry Browne because Government doesn't work
- Alan Keyes; he is the only candidate who argues from FIRST PRINCIPLES, i. e., natural law, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution.
- Harry Browne; Because Welfare sucks.
- Good Ideas and the will to implement them
- Since I am running but unelectable then Steve Forbes. He is running on his idea(s) not on being all things to all people.
- Harry Browne, he is the only one who has based his campaign on principles and WILL stick to them.
- Clinton, for all of his floundering, is the least hazardous for this country.
- Harry Browne--To reduce government.
- I support Pat B. But I am realistic in knowing that he will not be elected. I go with the person who holds most of my ideas and has the best chance of being elected.
- Harry Browne-very small USG, no IRS, 5% fed sales tax at worst!
- I'm currently supporting Harry Browne because he is committed on principal to reducing the power of the Federal Government to the levels specified in the Constitution.
- Harry Browne, he understands our biggest problem is too much force (government) and not enough voluntary cooperation via the marketplace
- Lamar Alexander because he is a states rights conservative
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne --- We need a great leap into liberty!
- Harry Browne - To return the country to Constitutional Government.
- Harry Browne, the only candidate who advocates the large tax and spending cuts we need.
- Browne is the only candidate with a hint of a clue
- Harry Browne will limit government intrusion into our personal and financial lives
- Harry Browne. How the Feds take taxes from us is not the problem; how MUCH they take is. HB is the only candidate talking of REDUCING federal spending!
- Harry Browne. Return to Freedom for Individuals.
- Harry Browne, because he is the only candidate I have found who believes in the constitution.
- Libertarian Harry Browne, because the Libertarian party is the only choice for real change and Harry is the most reasonable and electable of the Libertarian candidates.
- Forbes has the best ideas for unleashing the great Americal potential
- Harry Browne - to seriously reduce the size of government
- Vote Browne to shut it down!!!
- Harry Browne. It's the government, stupid!
- The executive branch should try running the government like a business. The legislature should stop voting THEIR opinions and give us what they PROMISED when we elected them.
- Harry Browne, he understands the proper role of government.
- Try running the government like a business for once.
- Harry Browne or other viable Libertarian: to reduce size & scope of govt., reduce and/or eliminate income tax & spending, promote personal liberty with personal responcibility
- Harry Browne. He knows that government doesn't work, and that freedom does. In his book "Why Government Doesn't Work" he lays out a sound plan to balance the budget now, slash taxes now, privatize Social Security and other programs in ways that will work, etc.
- Anyone who will downsize Washington.
- Bill Clinton, would you rather have Bob Dole?
- liberty
- Steve Forbes, Would continue the revolution-New Ideas
- Buchanan-Solid stance on issues & honesty
- Harry Browne - Jeffersonian Ideals are needed badly
- Harry Browne, because only Libertarians believe in Limited Constitutional Government as the Founders of America intended.
- Harry Browne--much less government
- Harry Brown - non-interventionist
- Harry Browne because government policies have created every problem that comes to mind!
- Harry Browne -- Has the right answers.
- Harry Browne: He will reduce the size and ccost of government.
- Harry Browne. He is firm in his political philosophy, and that philosophy mirrors my own. Personal freedom and personal responsibility.
- Harry Browne Reduce government and slash taxes
- Harry Browne, and a return to Constitutional Principles
- Harry Brown - "Less Govenment, More Liberty"
- Harry Browne. If you seek a reason, look around you.
- Somebody who will balance the budget THIS year, and cut gov't in half, each year, until 2000! The Republicans and Democrats STILL want to overspend for the next 7 years!!! Federal government should be restricted to the small number of things specified in the Constitution (Read Article 8, Section 1) AND NO OTHER ACTIVITES SHOULD EVER BE FUNDED. Abolish all other departments and agencies and sell all their assets to get rid of the previous DEBT and future interest. Also, repeal the XVI amendment. (T en, maybe privatize the Post Office, too. :-)
- Not sure yet
- Harry Browne because his beliefs and expectations most closely match mine.
- Harry Browne. I want the freedoms and responsibilities for my own life back. Mind my own business and do my own thing.
- Browne, Forbes, or anyone else who genuinely wants to reduce
- Harry Browne; the only one worth a damn.
- Steve Forbes is the only Republican (viz. candidate with a chance) who understands that economic liberty fosters morality.
- Harry Browne - Wants to restrict Gov power to that defined in the Constitution.
- Pat Buchanan - his strong stance on issues, his moral position, his honesty
- Harry Browne: sharply cut spending, end drug war
- Dan Quayle. He is an intelligent man who has been espousing the same views and ideas that Bill Clinton put forward in his last State of the Union speech.
- Phil Gramm
- I wanted to see Bill Clinton before he signed this Internet Bill. Decisions made in ignorance are unforgivable. This is the WORLD Wide Web; our restrictions mean nothing.
- Pat Buchanan. I think he has the conviction to turn this country around and stands for the right issues.
- Jake Garn Because he has an honest interest in the country.
- Harry Browne. We need to reduce the size of the federal government drastically, and neither the Democrats nor the Republicans want to do that.
- Bill Clinton, because I'd rather be taxed into poverty than live in a theocracy
- Harry Browne, simply, we need less gov't, less gov't spending, and more community.
- Harry Browne - Time for change from the old standard mess
- Harry Browne. Essay Questions suck!
- Steve Forbes is the best candidate to represent all who believe government is to big and taxes too much. He can beat Bubba.
- Harry Browne. He sincerely wants to see government reduced.
- anybody honest, educated, and moral
- A president who not only promises less government, but delivers
- Harry Browne, because he will reduce the intolerable amount of government intrusion into our lives.
- Phil Gramm... because he is the only candidate I've seen who is rationally trying to solve our country's problems
- Jerry Brown
- Lamar Alexander = qualified
- Bill Clinton - Forbes is to uni-lateral, Dole seems static
- Harry Browne: I favor a return to "Liberty" (that funny word on coins)
- Harry Browne, because he's the only one who understands that Government Doesn't Work!
- Harry Browne, Libertarian Party, the Party of principle--that's reason enough!
- harry browne because the federal govt must be stopped NOW!
- I would like to see Harry Browne for president in 1996, because he is truly for reducing the government
- Harry Browne -- a candidate with uncompromising libertarian views
- Someone who will eliminate all unneccesary govt functions.
- Colin Powell -- most experienced; contribute to reconciliation between the races
Harry Browne
- Harry BRowne cause he is hype as hell
- Pat Buchanan - Family values,federal welfare system, and the federal deficit are the important issues today. We are at a turning point in U.S. history will we turn toward the values this country was founded on or toward decay and the failure of our civilization.
- ANY moderate not affiliated with religious fanatics.
- Someone who can turn this country around. Return freedom to the country of the free.
- my dad, i know i can trust him. honestly. i'm discouraged by all i see.
- A TRUE Libertarian--principles of individual freedom and less government intrusion!
- Steve Forbes is basing his campaign on a few principal planks, and stands steadfast by these planks. Other issues and ideas, from what I have seen, he is willing to compromise on. In this respect, he separates himself from the other contenders; he is clear, concise, and uncompromising on his main themes, but willing to give on "lesser" issues.
- Harry Browne is the only candidate who truly understands the probelem of government.
- Lamar Alexander, because he is the least offensive of the current candidates.
- Alan Keyes
- Harry Browne, because "Government Doesn't Work"
- Harry Browne, we need a new persepctive, philosiphers, not governors!
- Harry Browne because he favors more personal rights for citizens
- Clinton -- he's the lesser of the evils
- Harry Browne; For liberty, freedom and smaller government!
- Clinton. I am glad to see a president who will defend the elderly and students.
- Harry Browne, to drastically cut the size and scope of government
- Harry Browne to save the future of America
- Harry Browne. He's honest, decent and will respect the U.S. Constitution.
- Howard Stern and Baba Booie as vice
- Harry Browne - The Federal government has to be radically reduced and I don't believe any other candidate has the conviction to do it.
- Harry Browne. The Republicans and Democrats have proven themselves incapable of governing well. A libertarian approach to government would, in the long run benefit each one of us.
- Harry Browne, still the only consistent pro-liberty candidate
- harry browne no comprise on solc, lib
- Bill Clinton because he has started a number of valuable programs and I feel that he should continue them to completion.
- Alan Keyes. I think that he alone knows what needs to be done about welfare and the people involved in welfare, (recipients).
- Browne the Libertarian -- there is too damn much govt interference in our lives!!!
- Forbes, The current tax system is unfair and way too complicated
- Steve Forbes- Obviously, big gov't heads haven't accomplished much, let's see what a business man can do.
- SF - I think the flat tax idea is a step in the right direcrtion and I don't want to see another politician elected as Presedent
- anyone but bill clinton who has moral fiber
- Harry Brown: he will introduce many people to the ideas and economics of freedom and individual responsibility, and maybe even succeed in doing what seems impossible--removing pre-existing damaging laws and government institutions which are a threat to our social and economic freedoms.
- Harry Browne. I'm tired of big government. Only a libertarian will consistently act to reduce the size of government.
- In short, "anyone" but Clinton and Clinton.
- Harry Browne because we need to reclaim our freedoms.
- Gramm because of his honesty and his position on the issues
- Harry Browne.
- Pat Buchanan
- Bob Dole
- Phill Gram
- a woman - better late than never
- A Pro-choice Republican who hasn't sold out to the Christian Coalition and the like.
- I would love to see harry browne since I think we need someone who will fight for our freedoms before we slide completely into oppression
- Harry Browne- We need to go in a different direction, towards less government!
- Harry Browne to reduce or eliminate the federal government
- anyone intelligent and honest
- Bill Clinton - You can never underestimate the stupidity of the American electorate.
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