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Political Survey #3
User comments [ARCHIVE II]
Who will be president in 1996 and why?
- Someone who will kill the beast of government and declare this nation again a Constitutional Republic
- A libertarian because we need the government impact on our lives to be dramatically reduced to it's ligitamate constitutional function.
- Harry Browne is only candidate who will reduce the size of government.
- Bill Clinton, he is good.
- Harry Browne. His policies will solve many current US problems
- Harry Brown
- Pat Buchanan because he upholds the Consitution/Bill of Rights. He is for less government intrusion in our lives. He is a populist. This is NOT a bad word. It means he is for the people, which the word is Latin for.
- Harry Browne: Eliminate personal income taxes, reduce federal government by 80%, increase personal freedom.
- steve forbes flat tax gets rid of IRS
- Clinton - has shown himself to be a real leader in all kinds of national, international, and personal crises.
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne
- Colin Powell, Only potential candidate with common sense
- Harry Browne, because the government costs way to much and is continuously expanding it's power. This continued expansion of power will eventually lead to tyrrany and the expansion must stop now.
- First time I won't be voting...I've always voted Democtratic, but Clinton's been deciding too many things on his own. Turning the Tobacco industry over to the FDA for regulation! Whatever happened to the American Free Market! And putting computers in all the schools, so the kids can get addicted and not learn how to socialize with others. Okay for learning problems, but not every day use. I never agreed he could spend my tax dollars to ruin the youth of America!
- Bill clinton or someone liberal minded enuf to accept minorities and make them feel comfortable in the country.
- anybody but who's running at the moment, We need a change from the direction we are going, a lot!
- Clinton - Moderate, Activist, will not cave in to political pressure on major issues.
- harry browne - less government and more freedom - USA FOREVER!
- A man who IS a Christian who will bring back Biblical Standards so the country will again be blessed by GOD!
- Ralph Nader - on ballot, not on survey.
- Harry Browne, his philisophical foundation is solid
- Keyes - Strong conservative with Christian beliefs
- Pat Buchanan- Conservative, Pro-Life, Against Affirmative Action, Against Illegal Immigration
- Bob Dole because he is EVERYTHING Clinton is not!
- He or she must be ethical, honest, spiritual, practical. Willing to slash completely the psychological and psychiatric and pharmacological influence from national and local government paid for education or social programs and the fda. No one now on the national scene has the balls to confront that and do it. And they could not do it without similarly endowed members of congress.
- The only hopeful that seems to have any spirit at all is Clinton. We are facing the 21st century. We need youth, vigor, and new ideas. Despite Clinton's drawbacks, I see him as the best bet for the next four years.
- Bill Clinton. Because he is the only candidate with the moral fortitude to do the job.
- Bill Clinton will be re-elected because the Democratic party is relatively united; whereas, the Republicans are too fragmented and the candidates are too extreme in their political positions. Whitewater scandals aside, Bill Clinton's record as president
- Harry Browne, Because he WILL cut government down to size.(period)
- Buchanan - He is vigorously prolife, he opposes corruption and self-dealing, and he has a strong vision for the future
- Anyone BUT Bill Clinton. I am originally from Arkansas and felt like Bill Clinton was the wrong choice the first time he ran. And as it stands, my feelings haven't changed for the worst president in our nation's history........
- Anyone but the politicians who will see their soul for 1 more campaign dollar to the highest bidder
- Pat Buchanan - pro-life and anti-illegal immigration
- Bob Dole, because I don't think Clinton is serious about reducing the national debt.
- Pat Buchanon, drastic measures for drastic times
- Pat Buchanan he is not a lawyer, insider, socialist, lier and believes in "America First" and stands on his beliefs.
- Harry Browne. Individual Freedom & economic prosperity.
- bill clinton becuse its more and more poor and more latino who iare poor
- Pat Buchanan, Care's about this country.
- Harry Browne is the best Libertarian.
- Clinton, He's young,and has the right ideas. He only need dole,gingrich and a few other republicans out of his way to make this country work.Oh and lets not forget the ever so sick RUSH !!
- Harry Browne He is pro-liberty and will get the federal government out of our lives.
- Pat Buchanan because he aims to truly uphold the Constitution. Billary and Bob have blown it already.
- Bill Bradley; let's have some 'personal intelligence'
- Pat Buchanan. I believe he would be good for the country.
- Bob Dole, as he'll sign some of the Contract for America legislation which Clinton has vetoed!
- Bob Dole
- Alan Keyes - for once a candidate with whom I am in total agreement. You don't find that much nowadays...
- Harry Browne, because economic freedom is an essential requisite for political freedom. By enabling people to cooperate with one another without coercion or central direction, it reduced the area over which political power is exercised.
- Bob Dole, I can't vote for Bill Clinton for to many reasons to mention.
- Harry Browne, a return to our libertarian roots will allow the people of this country to make it great again.
- A libertarian. Then we would see real change.
- bill clinton-he will keep America free!
- clinton is the only viable candidate with somewhat of a vision for the future. since the crumbling of communism the focus needs to shift from defense to global problems like the enviroment and defense conversion. the only major party candidate with a hint of an idea is clinton
- Clinton
- any fiscal conservative, devolving power from Feds type
- I'd rather see someone like Newt than Dole. Newt has ideas, and can get those concepts across to the people (with fair media, not the kind we have) but dole just seems an empty shell. But he's still preferable to a left leaning, second term/lame duck pres
- Bob Dole, best cadidate.
- Harry Brown-I think freedom is important.
- Harry Browne-He has the right ideas-and the ability and will accomplish them.
- Bill Clinton, I believe that his leadership has brought this country to a period where it recognizes its strength. He is also unafraid of changing his position if he feels it is in the country's best interest
- Dole, he will clean out old Democratic programs
- Harry Browne because he represents fundamental libertarian change.
- Harry Brown-he favors reducing the scope of govt. Will end national debt, and privatize Soc Security
- Harry Browne. The only choice for truly less government.
- Bob Dole--He's an honorable man. The clown in the whitehouse is totally dishonorable.
- Clinton - Need to block radical right agenda
- Alan Keyes best represents my views.
- Harry Browne because the government is simply causing trouble as it is now.
- Dole he's the lesser of two evils
- Someone who looks at financial problems rather than morals.
- A third party candidate because neither the Republicans nor the Democrats seem to be able to make any worthwhile changes for our country. We need someone in there who can role up their sleeves and get to work without having a political party to answer for
- Buchanan - the only honest candidate running. A true American Patriot and Constitutionalist!!!!!
- harry browne would systemically reduce size of federal government
- Harry Browne; he's the only candidate (since Forbes is gone) who has real ideas and a realistic plan for safely downsizing government.
- A woman, for a change. It is long overdue.
- Harry Browne because he's the only candidate committed to reducing the size and scope of Federal Government back to the levels prescribed by our constitution.
- Clinton, because he allows his opinions to change, keeps an open mind, and generally tries to do what the American people want, without sacrificing the rights of a minority(or the majority).
- Harry Browne because Clinton makes this Democrat sick to her stomach
- Ross Perot. I believe his participation would secure the presidency for the candidate I favor most.
- Bob Dole - he's experienced and a man of good character
- Alan Keyes -- He understands that the most important thing is where you are with respect to God.
- someone who has a sound mind... and not a flip flopper
- Harry Browne - Much less government, much lower taxes.
- libertarian
- Something new to America, middle of the road normalcy to everywhere else a real, but moderaite ture Social Democrat like Willy Brandt, Olaf Palme, or Francois Mitterand.
- Bill Clinton because he has shown an understanding of the ADA as a civil rights law for the disabled. He also recognizes the importance of IDEA as the only way for disabled children to receive an education in the least restrictive school setting. This represents a recognition that government is an inportant tool for controling tyranny of the majority for the protection of the socially and economically disenfranchised.
- Harry Browne, because I want the goverment out of our lives.
- Harry Browne
- Buchanan has a better chance than Chas E. I
- Harry Browne because he truly has ideas to fix our government.
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne because he truly has ideas to fix our government.
- Harry Browne: THe time is now to break to return to our American Heritage and Harry is the leader to guide us there.
- None of the current candidates, and I don't know who.
- Bob Dole.
- Harry Browne because he represents libertarian principles.
- Harry Browne is the ONLY candidate that believes in the Govt the founding fathers believed in. In the words of Thomas Jefferson, That government is best which governs least.
- Harry Browne is the only candidate for personal freedom
- Hopefully Harry Browne because we need a president who will actually do something to give the power back to the State governments..
- Bob Dole I feel he is the most qualified I feel that Clinton and Hillary Are a disgrace to this country!
- Harry Browne - less government / non-coercive society
- Anybody but Clinton!
- I would like to see Ross Perot if he would make up his mind and stick with his campaign.
- bob dole
- In 1996 I would like to see Alan Keyes for President because he stands for what he believes and doesn't ride the fence trying to please everyone. He is a good thinker and has good ideas.
- Powell, he is a strong man that has proven his ability to lead.
- Clinton, to see that his reforms are brought about by a new Congress
- I'm not sure who meets these criteria: A visionary LEADER who will make reasoned choices considering the real needs of PEOPLE, both for the present and for the future.
- Harry Browne, honest confrontation of the problems, real solutions
- Clinton has done a good job (roughly B-), the Whitewater Witchhunt proves he's the first honest president in more than a decade, and the Republicans cannot offer anyone better.
- Harry Browne - He will end the income tax in the first year and replace it with nothing!
- Pat Buchanon Only candidate who can turn the country around
- Harry Browne, cause victimless crime should be abolished
- Bill Clinton, I believe that continuity and stability are important for this nation right now. There some things that Clinton has done well and will continue to do well. These are things that he can improve upon and build something with. He cares for t
- Harry Browne because he is the only candidate who wants to trim government back to its contstitutional duties
- Harry Browne- Would promote the only party theory in the country that has a basic belief and principlel
- Bob Dole, need cooperation between branches of the governmen
- Harry Browne - Less gov't involvment
- Clinton - bulwark against far right
- bob dole because I respect his no nonsense attitude.
- Harry Browne. Less government, less taxes, more freedom. Restore constitutional restrictions on federal government (10th Amendment to the Constitution)
- Bill Clinton
- Harry Browne -Libertarian, He is the only candidate that would significantly cut back the size and scope of Government, and expand individual Freedom&Responsibilities.
- Harry Browne
- I would like to see President Clinton re-elected, mostly because he will probably be running against Bob Dole and I would rather see someone Bill Clinton's age in the White House than a person from Dole's generation.
- Bob Dole, it doesn't seem like we're going to get any better. Not very positive answer huh?
- HARRY BROWNE -- he is the best Libertarian candidate.
- Bill Clinton, because Bob Dole is too damned OLD!!
- Bill Clinton, because if the republicans are ousted from Congress, maybe some good can happen!
- Clinton
- I would like to see HARRY BROWNE as our next president because he truly believes that our government is too intrusive and that it needs to be put back into its proper role. He is a man of principle not political rhetoric.
- Clinton - I fear the current Republican social & envromental agendas
- I had a hard time with this survey due to it's limited nature of selections for president, I don't know who I will vote for but it will probably not be anyone listed in your survey in Q3-5. The only way I would vote for Clinton is if the republicans put B
- Harry Browne
- Dole. He's the only one who can beat Clinton, and he is not a nut.
- clinton
- Bob Dole. He has morals that the U.S. needs to thrive for and character.
- You need to add "honest" and "integrity" to question 13, oops, but then they wouldn't be a politician.
- Bob Dole, he has good moral character.
- H. Browne because of his novel and interesting solutions to our problems
- anybody but clinton because he lies and we don't need that
- Bill Clinton because he hasn't done a bad job.
- Clinton: I voted Republican in 1984, but the republican party today 'scares' me. Especially Pat Bucannan!
- ross perot
- harry browne libertarian
- Bill Clinton - I think he is a good President despite negative press
- Harry Browne is the best man for job. He's honest, trust worthy, and stricked Constitutionalist
- Al Gore.Best mind with most progressive views.
- Bill Clinton, need someone to offset the radical right.
- Bill Clinton, because he seems to the candidate who will try to pass legislation that assists individuals who most need assistance i.e. the disabled population, also I agree with his views on improving our ecology, some individuals feel that Bill Clinton has made social mistakes but I think that his presidency cannot be judged on extra marital relations or whatever, but should be viewed from the perspective of the accomplishments of the Clinton administration.
- Harry Browne-We need to significantly reduce the Federal Government's, including many of its agencies, paternalistic control over the citizen's natural development, liberties and lives.
- Dole - best hope for improvement in govt operation
- A principaled, strong and moral statesman not bound by party limits - i.e. nobody presently running
- Clinton because he is doing his best with a lot of garbage from the republicans since day 1 and also Dole is a real loser--he could care less about his daughter from his 1st marriage and is being lead around by his nose by big business--they know they can use him, but Clinton will not be used. Clinton will hold tight on the beliefs of the people!!
- Frankly, I don't "want" to see any of the current candidates become president. I'll vote for Dole because I distrust him slightly less than I distrust Hillary Clinton, who *was* the president until she stuck her foot in it. She and the drug-addicted Mrs. Gore are all too involved in drugging our children with Ritalin and Prozac.
- Elect Harry Browne and end federal over-taxation
- Harry Browne for true change and principles.
- Bill Clinton, he will back the things that normal people need, like heath care, good wages, schooling, retirement, better roads, and he looks at the future of america and not just what Taxes a person has to pay. If we would do it right the medicare/social security would be taken out of the budget and made back into Social Insurance programs like our forfathers intended it to be.
- Bubba back in AR plucking & fucking chickens
- Harry Browne (Libertarian) - He promotes individual liberty and self responsibility.
- Harry Browne. He will free the economy and slash government regulation.
- Clinton best of the bunch
- None of the above...the system does not give us choices.
- Harry Browne - He has qualified for, but refuses to accept matching funds for his campaign. Both the Democrats and Republicans are using tax dollars to finance their campaigns.
- Someone who gives education and the environment priority
- a non-white, non-christian disabled woman, all the so called causes of the problems rolled into one person. This person would most likely have had to deal with and overcome REAL problems.
- Clinton..better than other choices
- Pat Buchanan. He has firm convictions and will not compromise them.
- Browne: End to growth of government
- Tax rerform and a real balanced budget, not 2002 heavy loaded balanced budget
- HArry Browne, so that government can be reduced to the absolute minimum.
- Bob Dole -- because he's NOT Bill Clinton
- Someone besides who is currently running!
- Harry Browne, The only candidate who is capable of making the Fedral Government constitutional.
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne, to get government OUT OF MY LIFE!
- I do not value the self-serving republican philosophies of government
- Harry Browne! Eliminate the income tax!
- Harry Browne-cut govt.
- Dole-he has leadership abilities and paid his dues-CAN DO IT
- Almost anyone other than who is running now.
- Pat Buchanan because of his for the Country beliefs
- Harry Browne, It's time for a Non Republican or Democrate in the Whitehouse.
- Harry Browne... he'll reduce the Federal government
- Harry Browne, He's the only president to ever run in the U.S. who is qualified!
- Harry Browne is the most honest human being on the planet!
- Harry Browne would leave me free to run my own life.
- Of the choices Bob Dole although I don't feel any are good
- Harry Browne. He seems to be offering concrete ideas that other candidates wouldn't even think of because it threatens their power.
- Ross Perot or Colin Powell
- What's with all these Libertarians? They almost had me psyched into joining them. They sure know how to say all the rights things. As it turns out, they are a bunch of conservative gun-toting, paranoid, closet homosexual, racist, uncaring, selfish "whities". They are no different than the Aryan Nation, Militist groups, etc. It really doesn't matter what your survey outcome is since it is so obvious that they have "stuffed the ballot box"!!!!
- Harry Browne; because he shares many of my beliefs, most candidates don't.
- Everyone who's running is telling us what morals to have, what we can't do on our private property and businesses, and generally interfering in our personal freedoms of choice. There is no "fair" person I can think of that I would vote for at this time. It will be the first time I'm not voting for the Democrat (I am 48). He's making too many decisions about my personal life without my permission.
- Harry Browne - the only candidate with a specific plan for less government, and specific solutions for most of the country's current woes.
- Harry Browne, Only candidate that respects the constitution and the individual.
- clinton..he's pro-choice and not a fascist
- Harry Browne
- Gen Colin Powell. Leadership, knowedge, un-corrupted
- Harry Browne
- Anyone who is not a Democrate or Republican, Because it's time for some real change
- I'm for Pat Buchanan because he is conservative and he is willing to fight for what is right.
- Harry Browne, I want government out of my life. I want the responsibilities and rights for running my own life back.
- harry browne
- Harry Browne Less Government; much less!!!!
- Harry Browne-government doesn't work! It doesn't deliver the mail on time; it can't win the war on drugs, keep our streets safe or solve the poverty problem. All government does is to get in the way of those of us who wish to help.
- Ross Perot-Because there isn't a dime's worth of difference between Clinton and Dole. Both the democratic and republican parties are bought and paid for by special interests.
- Alan Keyes... because he is the closest I've seen to someone who actually can answer a question in full sentences, he has the right ideas and he's black...I think it's about time we got someone other than some old, stuffy, white anglo-saxon stereotype idiot in the whitehouse.
- Harry Browne will reduce government
- Harry Browne because of freedom personality & huge tax cuts.
- Bill Clinton - He is for education and is for fairness for the low income who are trying to better their lives through education
- Harry Browne...because he has a plan that I like very much for getting govt our of my life. PERIOD
- Bob Dole, because he has integrity and holds most of my views.
- Harry Browne, Libertarian -- Mr. Browne is the only candidate committed to the preservation of liberty as the highest ideal in government.
- Harry Browne, he and I agree on almost everything but taxes.
- Bill Clinton - I'm afraid of the Republicans.
- browne
- Bob Dole, because of his vast experience.
- Harry Browne/ we need someone with new and different ideas.
- Steve Forbes
- Bill Clinton, because he appeared to be open mind compare to the candidate who running for office in 1996.
- Browne, Forbes, or William Simon. Financially-astute/non-beltway/
- Harry Browne gives more choice back to the people.
- Harry Browne--If freedom isn't free, then exactly what is it?
- Harry Browne. He would destroy the income tax which is a yoke around the neck of America that should be broken.
- Keyes, Like Buchanan, he says exactly what he means, but I agree more with Keyes viewpoints and from talking with him, he is sincere in his beliefs.
- Bill Clinton, he has done a good job and deserves to be re-elected
- clinton - he will protect the environment & create jobs.
- I'd like to see Bill Clinton re-elected. I believe that he has his heart and mind in the right place.
- A libertarian: the government is a tremendous threat
- clinton
- Harry Browne: He'll do what he says and I like what he says.
- Harry Browne would actually make a difference for individual liberty and, perhaps, save this country from the rack and ruin the Demo-publicans are leading us to.
- Harry Browne: the only candidate who stands uncompromisingly in favor of every individual's right to peacefully pursue their own vision of happiness; the only candidate who stands against the initiation of force as a moral principle to which government must not be exempt; the only candidate who would attempt to end this insane war on drugs, and act to rein in the whole catalog of egregious intrusions into individual lives that has been the nanny state run amok.
- Harry Browne, Most qualified, most honest, highest moral values, only hope to save America.
- Harry Browne, because he seeks a true Constitutional government, unlike both Democrats and Republicans.
- Harry Browne: Because Government Doesn't Work
- Buchanan, because he is for fair trade and says what the middle class would like to say
- Bob Dole
- Harry Browne -- Democrats and Republicans will never change the system they have worked so long and hard to create.
- Bob Dole
- Harry Browne - he would REDUCE the size and intrusiveness of government, dramatically.
- Gov. Jim Edgar running with Paul Simon
- Harry Browne. Republicand and Democrats are not the only choice. We should vote for our represenative, not a winner! We live in a Republic, and we should vote that way!
- Someone who will reduce government enforcemnt of morals
- Harry Browne (L) Should be our next president. He believes in getting the government out of peoples lives. We need to get out of all the petty little wars around the globe. We need to reduce the federal government to a size that can take care of the tasks stated in the constitution and no more. We need to end the war on drugs and free the prisons of non-violent criminals so that there is room to lock up those who really need to be locked up.
- Harry Bronwe = freedom and self responsibility
- Clinton, because he is the least facistic of those involoved.
- Forbes everyone else is a crook
- Harry Browne- He understands the proper role of Government and has genuine respect for the right and ability of individuals to make their own choices in their live
- colin powell I like him he is down to earth
- Bob Dole, the nation needs and experienced conservative leader.
- Harry Browne might make some mistakes - but at least they'll be honest mistakes and not politically motivated
- Dole, conservative, less govt. Clinton talks right acts left
- Bob Dole because he has won the republican nomination and electing a republican president and more importantly a conservative house and senate with a veto proof majority is the only way we will ever turn this country around !
- Harry Browne - I agreed with virtually everything in his book,"Why Goverment Doesn't Work"
- Bob Dole
- Dole
- At this point - Bob Dole. He's the only one with a chance to remove Clinton... I REALLY hate Clinton.
- Any candidate who will implement National Sales Tax
- HArry Browne to cut spending
- Anyone that would eliminate as many fed and local gov programs including income, property, and death taxes, turn job training back over to skilled workers in the busiess sector, education vochures, and STOP labeling socialists as liberal, Bill Clinton will never swallow the idels in the constitution or the bill of rights, nor will most of the poloticians in DC.
- Harry Browne... He stands for what I believe in.
- Harry Browne; there is no difference between Dole and Clinton, they merely argue over the details but basically agree
- clinton, he rules
- Harry Browne - He is the only man who has ever run for President who is qualified.
- Colin Powell - He has minimal special interest ties, except for the military interests.
- Alan Keyes because he has his finger on the core problems of this nation.
- Harry Browne...we need less government
- Harry Browne, because we need to *cut* gov't
- Clinton, best of offered canidates, seems to have common sense and is willing to compromise when needed.
- Harry Browne/libertarian
- Alan Keyes for President '96!
- Any libertarian who will drastically reduce government spending, taxation and intrusion on personal liberties.
- my wife
- Harry Browne - No Government IS GOOD Government
- Bob Dole. Pro-choice, Christian, Military, Kansas boy
- Harry Browne. He is the only cnadidate I feel who will truly try to decrease government involvment in people's personal lives
- Sen. Tom Harkin of Iowa
- Pat Buchanan,
- Bob Dole, he is better than Clinton more sincere and honest. clinton only says what he thinks we want to hear has no convictions of his own.
- Steve Forbes. He is an independent, successful business man who has given great thought to the issues and has proferred some possible solutions.
- Colin Powell: he is the only truly moderate leader and could unite the nation
- Harry Brown, because he is the Libertarian candidate, and he stands for what I stand for on most issues.
- Bob Dole, so that there won't be gridlock between the Congress and the White House
- General Colin Powell
- Bill Clinton
- Bob Dole, because the only other apparent canidates are Pat Buchanan (Please give up and go away) and Bill Clinton, niether of whom hold the belief that "he should be given exactly as he earns"
- bob dole not clinton
- Clinton - he's moved to the middle, Dole should come out AGAINST Fascist Buchanan
- Bob Dole - Honest reputation and love in his home state. Seems more concerned with change whereas Bill Clinton seems lack the role model that I as american desire to see in my nations leader. I would like to see Bob Dole get Collin Powell as his VP.
- I want to see a president who considers the people before making a decision to please the powers that be
- As the GOP nominee, Dole. We need to restore honesty, integrity, common sense, stability and control to the Executive Branch, all of which have been lacking under Clinton. Dole isn't perfect -- he's not even my first or second choice in the GOP -- but the qualities he would bring to the office would be a significant improvement and return the nation to a steadier, more reliable course.
- Powell, because he can bring the counrty together and is a strong leader.
- Powell...he's a moderate with the most integrity.
- Clinton because all the others are unintelligent
- anyone but Bill Clnton...he is a liar and a big govt advocate
- Any conservation. The choices Or Dole and Clinton are virtually the same. Please give the answer of none of the above when listing Of the two or three for those of us who will not vote for either. It may open some eyes to see how many feel that way.
- Harry Browne(L) - he will eliminate govt intrusion
- Dole, because I hate Clinton
- Ross Perot
- Bill Clinton
- Bob Dole - continue the advances made by the republican party in the past few years
- Some one that will say what he stands for, with a plan for action to grow the country and economy. S. Forbes could have done this, but B. Dole is the only viable candidate at this time. Pat B would be a good alternative.
- Bill Clinton, the only reason things seem so bad with him in office is because the rich people are whining and hear a lot more about it.
- Harry Browne, he has consistent ideas on how to cut our government monstrosity
- Harry Browne - He is serious about reducing the size of Government.
- bill clinton - for lack of someone more qualified
- I don't like ANY of the choices/it should be a GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE
- Perot,, he has the vision to see us through
- Harry Browne, because he is the only anti-government candidate
- dole
- conviction on the issues, not just the way the wind blows
- Harry Browne, because the Reps & Demos have been screwing us long enough!
- Harry Browne - He has a detailed plan to make the government MUCH smaller
- Harry Browne - "Huge Tax Cuts Now! Huge Spending Cuts Now! A Balanced Budget Now!"
- Harry Browne, Only person who will do and spend what he says for the people, nothing.
- Jack Kemp or Warren Rudman
- Dole, Experienced and trustworthy
- Mary Cal Hollis (Socialist) Because people are more important than profits.
- I want Harry Browne...we need a viable third party so that we can break the existing power structure and have more discussion of issues rather than party loyalties.
- harry browne
- Bill Clinton
- Browne, because the Libertarian approach is the only consistently ethical one presented by any of our political parties.
- Bill Clinton
- Ralph Nader -- he is an intelligent, idealistic candidate
- Bill Clinton, he represents my ideals the best.
- Harry Browne - supports Constitution, stop the drug wars!
- Rick Tompkins because he would do everything a President can do
- Harry Browne. He is the only candidate who understands what is wrong with the country and how to fix it.
- Alan Keys - offers sane perspectives and correct priorities
- Bill Clinton because he has done a lot for the country after the two Republican Presidents have destroyed the economy of the country.
- All the good ones have dropped out. It will be a choice among the "lesser of evils"
- Patrick J. Buchanan-because he stands on high moral ground and is unswerving in his beliefs as to what is wrong with America and his very specific beliefs as to how to correct these wrongs. Moreover, he is beholden to NO special interest,although, causes that line up with his beliefs he supports viemently.
- Bill Clinton - man of insite and care
- Bradley. Clinton with Character
- Harry Browne-- I agree with everything he has to say.
- Buchanon. Trusts the public.
- bob dole, if that is only choice
- dole
- Pat Buchanan - intelligent, perceptive, honest, sticks by his ideals
- Harry Browne - He really wants to reduce the size of govt.
- bill clinton...he's the best choice for the future of the United States of America...
- I would love Pat Buchanan, but because of the ignorance out there, the media influence, and the special interest groups including gays & lesbians, it will probably go to Bob Dole or even worst Bill Clinton, (the man with the ability to lie like I've never seen before right to your faces!)
- Powell/Bradly re: leadership, integrety
- bob Dole, he's a realistic leader who won't preach liberalism like Clinton has
- I want to see Harry Browne's Great White Buns
- Harry Browne, Because he wants to restore the Constitution and the Bill of Rights
- Harry Browne: integrity; breaking the gridlock
- Harry Browne because he agrees with me
- Bill Clinton, He's alot beter than every one else.
- Colin Powell because I feel he can adequately represent all races equally
- Anyone except Clinton. He's a National Disgrace
- Bill, lesser of several evils
- Dole--A loyal, patriotic, conservative leader who sacrificed for his country
- Colin Powell, He is a great leader, and would build a great team of advisors. Afterall, the men and women behind the President are as important as the President.
- bill clinton
- Harry Browne, I am in full support of liberitarianism
- Bill Bradley
- PAT BUCHANAN The only true leader for the job !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Bill Clinton, he's had some good ideas regarding health & education.
- Bill Clinton. I think people have been way too hard on him. If a republican were to get the nomination I think this country would lose all the elements that make it great. For example free speech, the right to practice or not practice your own religion
- James "Kibo" Parry.
- Harry Browne, because I agree with his positions on the issues.
- Powell, he seems responsible and capable.
- Jesse Jackson
- Bill Clinton. I think the republicans will wreck the environment and the economy, an
- Harry Browne - a man dedicated to making America more free
- Harry Browne, because he has the right idea!
- Ralph Nader - he has a history of promoting people's interests over corporate interests. Please add him to the options in voting above.
- Harry Browne. Why? The U.S. Constitution.
- Harry Browne, hešs the only one who is running on principle.
- Alan Keyes says what he believes
- Harry Browne, for his small government beliefs. I want the $5000 + the government arbitrarily removes from my paycheck every day to stop.
- I want to see the Republican candidate, Bob Dole as President. With Dole as President, we can pass the GOP agenda (balancing the budget, and giving more power to individuals not government) which Clinton has been blocking
- Harry Browne/ But I think he should have kept his beard.
- Clinton--He seems to be intelligent and oepn minded, as well as reasonable. He knows when to stand his ground and when to compromise. An 'waffling' that he's supposedly done I think is exemplary of his passion for the subject and that he's probably misstated himself more than once (don't we all? or are Presidents required to be above Humanity?---some times I wonder)
- Harry Browne, because he wants to re-establish the Bill of Rights
- Pat Buchanan, he understands the U.S. Constitution
- Harry Browne/ He is the only one who will cut the size of govt.
- Bill Clinton -- not because I like him, but because he's not a Republican
- Ross Perot-At least he has enough brains to have made a fortune on his own withoput being a politician
- Probably Harry Browne - since the GOP has moved too far to the far right on social issues and libertarians are more tolerant.
- Harry Browne. We need a genuine change of the guard, new ideas.
- Clinton - He's "acceptable" to the majority.
- Harry Browne, I want a president that WILL reduce US government to its smallest denominator
- Sadly this is a "none of the above year". Better yet, throw a dart! There isn't three inches of difference between any of them.
- Elizabeth Dole - she's proven to be a leader and has class. We might be in for a major change, like electing a woman.
- Dole because most of the time I can understand the motives for his actions. I believe that Dole would actually have the national well-being as his primary objective, whereas Clinton would have his own well-being at the top of the list.
- I see no one that interests me enough to vote for them - the VP choice of the Republicans may make my mind up.
- Harry Browne, because he has a proper, pro-liberty vision and direction
- Harry Browne. Do you need a reason? He's Libertarian
- Harry Browne, because he is the only candidate that will cut the size of the Federal government
- Harry Browne--He's the only one who genuinely believes in freedom.
- Buchanan - reverse Goals 2000 strategy
- Restoration of Personal Freedom and Personal responsabilty
- Harry Browne. Support his goal of returning the Federal Govt. to its Constitutional role.
- Dole
- Bill Clinton - a solid record of achievements
- Harry Browne, because he knows "Why Government Doesn't Work"
- nobody
- Dole-honesty-charicter-toughness
- Harry Browne - Smaller Government!!!!!
- Bob Dole, because he has experience in government and knows how to compromise, and his views are mostly the same as mine.
- Jack Kemp
- someone who really cares about the U.S. (a dream!)
- Harry Browne - for all the Libertarian reasons
- Dole, lesser of two evils
- Bill Clinton. Regardless of Clinton's past performance, the republicans will problablly nominate a candidate who is so conservitive (ie pro-live, idealic families values, let people with problems fend for themselves) that I will be unable to vote for him.
- Steve Forbes because he has the best ideas
- Bob Dole--He's not Bill Clinton
- i would like to see the continuation of clinton's policies
- Dole- experience in govt. and to pass a budget
- Clinton - 'cos he's doing a good job
- Harry Browne, he will truly decrease the size of government, and end the futile "War on Drugs" for good
- Bob Dole Right now he seems to be the Republican Presidential Nominee, and I want to see Clinton out of office.
- Buchanan/ I really feel that he will bring the nation together. Rich and poor, corporates and blue collar.Through his leadership we will become a stronger nation, and will grow more than ever before.
- Bob Dole has the integrity and fortitude to lead our country into prosperity with conservative fiscal policy, and business incentives.
- Forbes. The United States needs a President who will approach the highest executive office from a business angle
- Harry Browne. We need someone that FIRMLY believes and is willing to stand behind a balanced budget and lessening the intrusion of government into our lives.
- jerry brown he sees things the way they are 4 most americans
- Harry Browne, Give governing back to the people
- A total outsider, Harry Browne
- i'd like to see noone as president. personally.
- Govenor Bill Weld of Massachusetts with VP Christine Todd Whitman
- Better candidates and more coverage of 'other' ideas besides Democratic/Republican.
- Bill Clinton because he is the only one so far who stands for the same issues I support
- I'd prefer Lugar but since he is out of the running, Dole. Actually, anyone running against Clinton. I think he is the nation's shame.
- Although he is not running, I think Jack Kemp would make a fine President. He is straightforeward, honest, and has sound intellect. He also seems to have the guts to disagree with party dogma he sees as being outdated or just plain wrong.
- Actually what I'd like to see on the 1996 (and future) ballots is an option marked, "I have reviewed all the candidates and find none of them acceptable." This would allow voters to send a clear message in elections as oppossed to not voting at all. It would be interesting to see in the future elections what percentage of people find none of the candidates worthy of a vote. This would give the percentages a whole different look and a chance for voters to voice their dissatisfaction. In the current ace I'd bet this option would get lots of votes!
- Patrick Buchanan. He stands up for what he believes in. He will stop immigration with fences. He will only trade with worthy countries. He does all this and more.
- Harry Browne, because he would really reduce government size & cost.
- Marion Wright Edelman-her priorities are in order
- Bill Clinton because he cares about bettering life for all Americans.
- Bill Clinton. After a rough start, he has matured into a fair-minded leader. I believe he is just reaching his stride. He deserves another term. Also, values he has voiced are more aligned with mine than are the other candidates.
- dole
- Dole- His experience and values.
- Buchanan. The only one who sticks to his guns.
- Clinton, because Mr. Dole, while a fine majority leader, is too old to commence a presidency of (presumably) 8 years, and has a mean streak a mile wide. "Better the devil you know..." P.S. I voted for Bush in '92, and would do so again, given the choice.
- Harry Browne--less government control
- steve forbes- government needs to be run more like a business, forbes is a proven businessman
- I'm Hong Kong people
- Browne-to abolish govt.corruption & give individuals freedom
- Bob Dole
- Ross Perot or the Reform Party's choice because I believe he will do what he says and can get people to work together.
- do I NOT turn this into a "partisan/rhetorical argument???" I am supporting Harry Browne because he is the only candidate that is SERIOUS about reducing the size of govt. Although I supported Phil Gramm and Steve Forbes previously, Bob Dole is a totally unacceptable candidate. We now have a choice between two candidates who look to the latest polls for their own positions on the issues!
- Bill Clinton -- he is one of our greatest Presidents thus far, and we desperately need his statesmanship and integrity
- Dole...Clinton has screwed up everything so bad Dole can only do better
- Buchanan, he's got the vision
- Rick Tompkins or Harry Browne. Because the others are just a bunch of fascists.
- Harry Browne - He will reduce the size of Government, not argue over how fast it should grow
- Harry Browne, I want more personal freedom & personal responsibility
- An intelligent, moderate, socially responsible Republican - where are they?
- Harry Browne because he is the only candidate I have heard from that completely makes sense and whose ideas are backed by solid facts. I believe he will not comprimise any of his beliefs if elected Pres.
- Health care , honesty good relations with our nieghbors=Clinton
- Bob Dole
- BILL CLINTON...he stands for change...he's trying to change what the republican presidents didn't in the 80's...he's the only one who has a set of balls(still functioning) that will stand up against the republican congress...dole, on the other hand, will just bring back the good ol' reagan/bush years where we regressed a created our national debt on what? star wars etc...etc...dole, i mean the republican candidates have already proven that they can't agree on anything until one of them drops out of the race and then backs dole up when they were just criticizing him and what he stands for? hmmm, i really wonder what that is...dole seems to stand for all the other republicans who support him and his accomplishments...DOLE DOES NOT VOICE HIS OPINIONS, IDEAS, OR "VISION" unless you're as old as dole and soon to die, WE NEED A PRESIDENT WHO STILL HAS SOME BREATH IN HIM WHO CAN TAKE OUR COUNTRY INTO THE NEXT CENTURY BETTER THAN WHERE WE ARE NOW, BILL CLINTON IS THE ONLY PRESIDENT WHO IS CAPABLE OF DOING JUST T AT!
- Bill Clinton. Need to balance republican congress.
- bill clinton...dole's a people pleaser(republican's only)...clinton will work with/for everyone towards the future...
- Anybody but Clinton
- Clinton, do not want any republican as president.
- I would like to see someone who has the backbone to stand by what they believe in and not sling the same old rhetoric or tell voters what they want to hear. At the same time I would want the candidate to be open-minded. I feel that the current candidates take stands on issues only after guaging voter opinion or party support. The two-party system reduces every issue into an "us" and "them" mentality. As a result good ideas get shelved simply because neither party is willing to compromise or give cr dit to another party. Congressional proceedings have all the maturity of a third grade playground brawl. In short, I have no real idea who Bill Clinton or Bob Dole really are or what they believe. If forced to choose between the two of them I will probably end up voting for myself!
- me - i'm the best hope for america
- Harry Browne. Government is out of control and needs to be drastically trimmed.
- Dole.. Can't trust Bill and Hillary
- Robert LaFollette, but he's dead. We need a return to progressive government that returns power to the people that can best manage the peoples needs. We need money out of the political decision process. We need a safety net, but also opportunities for people to work at meaningful jobs. We don't need obsene wealth.
- patriot and has morals
- I have given up on the Republicans. The Libertarian Party is the only party with principles and foresight. I'm voting for Harry Browne.
- Anybody who will pull us out of the UN, GATT, and Nafta.
- Clinton. The republican party offers only worse choices.
- Bob Dole- Man of integrity
- Clinton, primarily because I think he'll do more to battle the growing disparity between the bottom third of Americans and the top 20%.
- DOLE, Because you cant believe a word Clinton says
- Bill Clinton, he is the only leader who can preserve the good things about our government and not bow down to the Republican Congress.
- bob dole. I truly feel bill clinton is a Liar.
- Pat Buchanan, He's the only noncompromising, honest candidate with morals who cares about the American people.
- Bob Dole, partially because he's the only ADULT candidate.
- Keyes - someone with consistent answers that does not change his speech depending on whom he's addressing.
- Harry Browne; the "ideas" of the others have been tried before and failed. If it hasn't worked in the past, why let it fail again? Harry Browne furthermore has the high moral ground without engaging in narrowmindedness as Clinton and Dole do.
- Harry Browne, he's the only candidate with something new to say. The others are for the most part, 'Part of the Problem'. I wouldn't have checked 'experimented with drugs in youth', except you had a 'didn't use drugs in youth' and I don't think it makes any diference, look at Pecabo Street, Tommy Moe, and Kerry Mullis.
- Harrb Browne, Libertarian, because he is the only candidate running that has a serious proposal for cutting (not slowing the growth of) the Federal Government.
- Harry Browne - less goverment = higher standard of living
- Harry Browne
- Thomas Jefferson. Shouldn't it be obvious?
- My top choices are all dead
- Clinton. I don't trust Dole.
- Dole Honest man Anyone but Klinton
- Pat Buchanan, He is Against Baby killing (abortion) and Will fight and likes to
- Powell
- Its clear now that the choice is Dole or Clinton. Dole is older than Reagan was when he ran, he has no vision, and has been around politics far too long. That said, he is a moderate (something the Reps. despirately need). Sad to say though, that electing Dole will give the lunatic Gingrich a free ride. We must elect Clinton.
- Harry Browne, Libertarian -- he's the candidate most committed to reducing government and strengthening personal liberty.
- Bill Clinton. He's not a Nazi Conservative!
- harry browne :FREEDOM NOW!!!!!
- Harry Browne as he is the only candidate who truly wishes to reduce government involvement in our lives.
- Patrick Buchanan because he is a christian
- Harry Browne (Libertarian) - He's the only one who has specifically outlined what he would do as president. His message is the same, regardless of the audience - unlike other candidates. At least he has integrity.
- ABC--Anybody But Clinton---the most crooked President in modern times; he makes Watergate look like an afternoonn tea party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Pat Browne: Individual Rights, not statism
- Bob Dole, he is a proven leader with experience and sound ideals and principles.
- Bill Clinton 'cause all the others scare the shit out of me....
- Harry Browne - To end prohibition of drugs so our streets will be safe.
- Harry Browne because he is very enthusiastic and has many innovative ideas
- Harry Browne, because he is the only candidate who stands solidly for removing the tyrrany of government.
- Myself, I can government spending and retire the national debt
- Harry Browne. He'll cut taxes and scale government back.
- Bob Dole because he is a man of entigrety
- pat buchanan takes a stand for what he believes and does not compromise on those beliefs. restores a sense of patriotism this country needs.
- gore - only one qualified
- pat buchanan takes a stand for what he believes and does not compromise on those beliefs. restores a sense of patriotism this country needs.
- Ross Perot: his economics are sound, he doesn't want to restrict anything.
- pat shroeder (sp?) she's smart, intelligent, ethical and a woman
- Ralph Nader
- Harry Browne, because he is the one who will make actual reductions in the size of government
- I hope the republicans can get into the white house and come up with a balanced budget that will work for all Americans, and help provide a better economy for all.
- Someone who will defend ALL of the Bill Of Rights, not just certain pieces.
- Bob Dole- Superior leadership skills/is for less government.
- Colin Powell other wise Dole, Clinton can't seem to make a decision.
- Jack Kemp, a kinder gentler eminently electable Republican
- Clinton. Good policies for economic growth.
- Colin Powell-Leadership/Moderate Republican like myself
- david duke (if he was running) B/c He's a RACIST
- [sorry-I'm answering #12 instead: attitude (reflected in decline of personal responsibility & increase in laziness & self-indulgence in every arena) is our society's biggest problem. It CANNOT be solved by government intervention.]
- Steve Forbes
- Harry Browne/His views are closest
- I would like to see someone with respect: for both himself and for the nation he/she will represent. I am tired of hearing about scandals and partisan squabbles. In its short-sighted and selfish way, D.C. has forgotten the real issue-- our nation's futu
- Bill Clinton - republicans represent only the super rich
- Bob Dole, who will, I think, change the direction of government in a more conservative sense, and get the economy flowing again.
- somebody other than the pathetic choices we have now!
- Pat Buchanan he has the guts to stand up for what is right!
- Browne -- I don't trust the government and neither does he!
- Harry Browne
- buchanan, he is the only candidate who says what he means and means what he says
- Bob Dole He has the experience to lead the country.
- Harry Browne, because he would actually trim government
- Phil Gramm , then Bob Dole and anyone but the Clintons.
- Browne - less government
- Harry Browne- His book sold me. He'll get my vote
- Bob Dole ,integrity,morals,and is not married to hillary
- Any Libertarian that will abolish the IRS, Federal Reserve and all government not literally specified by the Constitution, ie 90% of government.
- Pat Buchanan, I feel the same as he does on most issues.
- Harry Browne. Education that would teach love of learning not memorization. A real flat tax...No deductions, no reductions, no loopholes. Government gets out of our private lives. Common sense government and judicial systems! and Finally a look at zero growth population implementation!
- Harry Browne - because government does not work
- Harry Browne, the best chance the American people have for LESS government.
- Alan Keyes He hits the problem. The breakdown of the Family
- Dole. Now that he ostensibly has the nomination, we need to UNITE to kick the Clinton's butts out of the White House! That means speak no evil of other republicans, Pat, and don't split the vote in November.
- Harry Browne, Libertarian. Less government, more states rights
- Only Harry Browne recognizes the sovereignty of the individual.
- Harry Browne - He stands for less federal government.
- ABC - Anybody but Clinton, because he changes his stand on the issues and the truth means nothing to him. My firt choice, if I could pick a president would be Phil Gramm, he has never changed his position on the issues and he means what he says.
- H A R R Y B R O W N E
- From the current candidates, Clinton is by far the best choice.
- clinton, because he seems most capable of the job
- Unless Colin Powell runs, I like Clinton because he seems to care about people.
- Bill Clinton, he is the only candidate with a rational approach.
- rick tompkins this government is out of control
- Bill Clinton - best president we've had for a long time
- Pat Buchanan-he is a man with values and knows what he stands for.
- anyone but a liberal
- Pat Buchanan
- Harry Browne as president. Get government out of our lives!
- Pat Buuchanan. For no other reason than that if you go back four,or five years, he was saying the same things, and in five years, I'm sure he will not have changed his message. That's his strength. He doesn't waffle on the issues. He says what he means, he does what he says.
- clinton
- Harry Browne. The revelation of Dole and Clinton's dirty pasts and questional ethics will create a vacume which will aid in Harry Browne's efforts.
- Clinton, because he cares about everyone
- Clinton, because he seems to be the most moderate.
- Clinton More open to responsible change
- Jack Kemp, He's an honest, thoughtful, intelligent man who thinks for himself!
- Rick Thomkins... The right candidate from the Party of Principle.
- Jesus Christ
- Ross Perot
- Bill Clinton, He has shown he can do a good job as President
- Forbes...maybe it's time we ran our government's business the same way we run our family's the black!
- Billy-Boy Clinton, because I believe that he will uphold what our nation is REALLY about: tolerance, peace, RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, and government involvement where necessary. In order for our world to step forward and progress into a full-scale GLOBAL VILLAGE, we need a president who will not try to establish US sovereignty, but who willinstead help other nations rise to our level, and help our nation improve so that everyone will be ready for a future in which we as a race of HUMAN BEINGS can expand our xistence into something more wonderful than anything you mere mortals could ever have dreamt of.
- Harry Brown, because his platform is based on logic and common sense and He's not a lame-ass polititon.
- Steve Forbes, he is presidential and honest
- Harry Browne. Because he's a rational man and not a politician.
- Some one who will cut the deficit, taxes, corporate lobbies, and grow the small businesses of American citizens instead of allowing forign companies to dump products made through environmental pollution and slave labor.
- Harold Brown. Other candidates want to eliminate freedom in America.
- Myself
- Buchanan -- pro-Constitution, pro-Bible, America First
- Harry Browne - Libertarian - I'm tired of government.
- Bob Dole, to restore integrity,dignity, respect to the position.
- keyes i think he is smart and cares.
- alan keyes or bill bennett: alan keyes is the only candidate that seesm to realize that liberal gov't policies of the last several decades are what has generated most of our problems today - the welfare state, crime, poor public education, etc. Bill Bennett would have been my choice had he run.
- Harry Browne - The libertarian platform needs to be implemented ASAP. The national sales tax is an execelent idea and much more workable than the so called "flat tax".
- Jack Kemp; He has an extremely sound economic & domestic policy
- Clinton - to avoid Republican critical mass
- Gen. Colin Powell, high integrity and leadership skill
- Bob Dole If Keyes or Buchanan won't be President then Dole is better than Clinton and he can get the Republican Revolution moving
- Bob Dole adopting lessons from Steve Forbes showing in primaries. Mandate is reject mainstream conservatism, find a way to reah people. Don't neglect the urban issues--criminal justice ystem is broken. That is nation's foremost issue.
- Jimmy Carter. He's been very effective in the last several years.
- Elizabeth Dole
- Buchanan, he has an old-fashioned toughness about him along with intellegence
- Powell
- Harry Browne. Less government now!
- Pte Wilson, big balls against morons that are stupid
- Buchanan - He is a leader who knows where he's going.
- Buchanan, because he will not put up with all the political corruption and big money men running our country into communism.
- Anyone other than a liberal
- Bill Clinton - four years is not long enough for anyone to have a fair shake in the whitehouse
- Harry Browne is our only hope! Repeal Federal Government!
- Steve Forbes wants to make positive changes that will allow Americans to take more control of theri lives to their ultimate benefit.
- Governor Weld,Mass.
- Rick Tompkins - principled defender of liberty
- I am sick to death of the status quo candidate...the whimpy democrats & the judgemental, closed minded, uncaring, environment destroying, holier than thou, extreme right-wingers. I also want a REAL flat tax. It is the only fair way to tax. EVERYBODY pays a certain % tax . That's it! No deductions or credits or deferals or paying an accountant to get you out of paying the tax on your yacht & Summer home. The United States needs to get off the road it is traveling. I am going to vote for Harry Brow e. He will kick the Government out of our PRIVATE lives. He will stop the rule of the business & religious-owned politicians. We need our government to run on common sense & fairness & responsibility to citizens and the environment. I mean, How many more people, shopping malls, apartment buildings, hamburgers, and toxic waste barrels do we need?! let's do something! How about Zero Growth Population?
- Dole(P)/Powell(VP)..socially moderate, fiscally conservative, stong foreign sector leadership and integrity
- Bob Dole - man of high honor and conservative politics
- I am sick to death of the status quo candidate. I am sick of the whimpy democrats & I am super sick of the judgemental, closed minded, uncaring, environment destroying, holier than thou, extreme "conservatives". I also want a REAL flat tax. It is the only fair way to tax. EVERYBODY pays a certain % tax . That's it! No deductions or credits or deferals or paying an accountant to get you out of paying the tax on your yacht & Summer home. The United States needs to get off the road it is traveling. I am going to vote for Harry Browne. He will not let Government interfere with our PRIVATE lives. He will stop the rule of the business/religious-bought-&-paid-for politicians. We need a government run on common sense & fairness & responsibility to citizens and for the environment. I mean, How many more shopping malls, apartment buildings, hamburgers, and toxic waste barrels do we need?! How many more PEOPLE does this WORLD need? let's do something!
- Harry Browne for President; Harry has character and principles (which Billary and Dull lack); Harry wants to decimate the debt and get Government out of our lives, allowing market forces to reign freely. These are the policies the US needs to ensure a ho
- Harry Browne. His ideas on reducing government and returning the country to the intent of the Constitution are brilliant.
- Harry Browne - He alone seems willing to try a new direction of reform. The others only rehash the same old thing.
- I am sick to death of the status quo candidate. I am sick of the whimpy democrats & I am super sick of the judgemental, closed minded, uncaring, environment destroying, holier than thou, extreme "conservatives". A REAL flat tax is the only fair way to tax. EVERYBODY pays a certain % tax . That's it! No deductions or credits or deferals for ANYONE! Especially the rich!!! The United States needs to stop & get off the road it is traveling. So, until I find someone better...or unless he does someth ng to change my mind...I am going to vote for Harry Browne.
- President Clinton, because he supports education and re-training instead of crying over industrial rev. textilie jobs.
- Harry Browne. He does not compromise libertarian principals, even 1%.
- Bill Clinton; other candidates are not viable options
- Alan Keyes. He would do the best job os dismantling the huge government programs that eat our tax dollars and destroy this country
- Phil Gramm, because he has a strong economic background and does not back down from his convictions. You can believe what he says--no double talk.
- Dole, because anyone would be etter than Clinton
- clinton, no better candidates
- B. Dole: Experience and will make the Congress effective
- Phil Graham; He is a man of character with the ideas to make the nation great as it was at it was when the founders first won our freedom.
- Clinton. Has accomplished much
- Bucanan- because he is the only one who could truly unite America and all of its' people and restore the 'America First' attitude. I don't agree with everything he says, but at least I know where he stands on every issue. His positions do not and will not change.
- Bob Dole He is Conservitive
- Bob Dole Because he has already proved that he is the man for the job even before the election has started he has far more experience than Clinton and is mor respectiful then him also
- Steve Forbes. He's new, fresh, & different. I'm for a flat tax.
- Pat Buchanan Bill of Rights
- No Answer
- Pat Buchanan - He is unwavering in his political view, he is a pro-life candidate, and he would enable the conservative congress to enact/repeal laws that matter to me.
- General Powell -- Because I don't feel I can trust any of the other candidates.
- Picking a President is, in Noam Chomsky's words, "about a tenth-rate decision."
- Pat Buchanan, Uncompromising
- Bill Clinton: I've seen what fools republicans can be (Newt and Dole)
- Harry Browne, because he's against censorship, and all the others aren't, and he's liberal.
- Harry Browne
- Bill Clinton because he is not republican
- Bod Dole,the economy,pro life,he's somewhat honest,Clinton is a lier and a pannderer.Republican might help with health care without giving the house away.
- Pat Buchanan: Because he is honest, moral, and a fighter.
- Harry Browne -- Increase Freedom, Decrease Taxes
- Dole/Powell, leadership/excellence (an ROTC motto)
- Buchannan, He has what this country needs. A moral Backbone.
- Alan keyes
- clinton he is the best, plays saxophone
- Alan Keyes, He has the ability to unite peopl unlike most others
- Bill Clinton, I think that he has does a good job in turning the economy around.
- Bill Clinton, because he is best of the group. My hands a tied.
- A president who will *DO* something and has new ideas.
- Browne - Because the other two parties are running the same old corrupt politicians who will continue running the government in the same old corrupt ways.
- Bob Dole - To work with a Republican Congress
- Clinton, becuase he has better potential than any of the candidates thus far, he is less dogmatic, less polemic, and ostensibly more concerned with the interests and well being of "we the people" of which I am one, than any of the other candidates.
- open-minded, hate censorship of anykind
- Harry Browne, has a clear plan to end the growth of government
- Vote for Harry Browne and put an end to reckless over-taxation.
- Clinton. The economy is recovering, unemployment is down, and he has done a good job overall.
- Harry Browne can stop govt corruption and spiraling taxation.
- Harry Browne - he is the only one that offers change
- Harry Browne, we need someone socially liberal & economically conservative.
- A person who cares about the enviroment
- Browne- We need to REVERSE the debt and fast...
- Bill Clinton. He's doing quite a good job now, and he's on the right track. I think Dole is dead (literally) and all the others are out. Clinton is the best.
- Buchannan, You KNOW where he stands.
- h. Brown: lees gov.
- Harry Browne because we need a more Libertarian government.
- Bill Clinton. He's not progressive enough for me, but he is a very intelligent, capable man. I can't help but be partisan, because the conservatives scare me to death, and I would be afraid to live in a country in which big business was given unconditional free rein in political and civic matters and in which the Christian Coalition controlled our culture.
- Bill Clinton, because he is for, Enviorment, Education, & Government reform
- bill clinton because he's pro-choice and pro-education and health care reform and pro-environment
- Lowell Weicker because he is non-partisan and speaks the truth even if it is politically unpopular
- Bill Clinton - Education, Research, Technology, and social issues are stressed in his campaign, and in my opinion that is the only path in a modern information based economic market without regression to industrial periods of exploitation of lower class/middle lower class individuals.
- I'm not sure. I'm disgusted with the current field of candidates, so I'm not sure who to vote for. I believe the American people are picking between "Dumb" (Bob Dole) and "Dumber" (Bill Clinton). Only if there was an honest man or woman who would be willing to run.....
- Bob Dole because he is the best candidate for the job.
- Bill Clinton he has not done too bad so far
- Pat Buchanan is the only candidate with genuine convictions remaining in the 1996 presidential campaign.
- Bill Clinton because With a republican majority in the House and Senate a republican president would wipe out medicare, school lunches, and the environment.
- Mahatma Ghandi
- Alan Keyes - He believes, as I do, that we need to take more personal responsibility and base our decisions on moral grounds instead of MONEY.
- Barbara Jordon...too bad she's dead
- Pat Buchanan -- strong, charismatic leader with sound character
- Steve Forbes, he seems to be honest,unlike the others.
- Harry Browne, because I believe only a Libertarian will be able to make a significant impact on our problems.
- Ross Perot - need 4 years of relief from corrupt govrnmt
- Alan Keyes is the only candidate addressing the issues that are truly affecting this nation!
- Anyone except Dole (we would need a large supply of Depends undergarments) or Clinton (we would need someone who actually CARED about things)! I would vote for Col. Powel because he is qualified NO MATTER THE RACE!
- Jack Kemp - broad appeal, experience, economic ideas
- Alan Keyes, because he is the most conservative candidate.
- Buchanan. America First, Baby
- Bob Dole
- Jack Kemp. He is a fiscal conservative but is a social moderate. Even though I agree on where the Republicans are trying to go, I do not agree with their approach. The system created many welfare dependant people who cannot just be dumped. I am also opposed to legislating morality (the Internet censorship is a good example).
- Jack Kemp , Inthusiastic about American Business, good ideas for solving the problems of the inner-city, Pragmatic.
- I see Sen. Maj. Leader Bob Dole for two reasons: 1) He is a good and almost no-contest choice for the Republican nomination and Pres. Clinton is one of the most dishonest men I've ever seen. Clinton lies, insults our intelligence, is in scandals, and DOES
- Harry Browne who will cut government spending in HALF.
- Harry Browne - Big Brother is not our friend
- Harry Browne--less government intrusion
- Pat Buchanan, because he knows what he stands for and is not afraid to say so.
- Pat Buchanan - I grow tired of waffling and candidates with principles that change to suit the popular tide.
- Clinton, because in spite of his faults, he has a more open mind than the other candidates.
- None of those currently running
- Alan Keyes: I believe he would do the most to dismantle huge government programs. He understands that a government without a moral foundation cannot effectively govern.
- Pat Buchanan. He's the only one who has'nt sold out.
- Buchanan, because of his strong true moral views
- Steve Forbes - Conserviative/Intelligent/Experience in economics
- Bill Clinton.Of the possibilties we can choose from he is the lesser of all evils , so to speak.
- Harry Browne is the only candidate that had detail plans to reduce the size and cost of government, thus increasing my freedom.
- Pat Buchannon
- Bob Dole, he has the experience
- Bill Clinton - has kept my priorities: peace, education, reducing deficit without damaging useful spending.
- Harry Browne
- Any candidate that will sign the Contract /America Bills
- Bill Clinton is the only reasonable man running.
- Bill Clinton, great sax!
- Newt - The smartest man in America
- Harry Browne- "Why Government Doesn't Work"
- Pat Buchannon I like the isolationist trade ideals
- Bill Clinton has done a good well-balanced job.
- harry browne; correct ideas
- Bob Dole, solid standard, not religiously zealous, doesn't belong to the moral mafia...
- Pat B. - He most represents my opinions.
- Bob Dole
- Harry Browne - he wants to make us responsible for ourselves again.
- Clinton: He understands that that its not all simple choices
- Harry Browne, because I want to love in a FREE country.
- Harry Browne - less government
- Pat Buchanan - He represents a return to a constitutional Republic and away from Global Socialism. He has also promised to pardon PFC Michael New.
- Dole-Clinton realy scrued up the White House
- Anyone who supports individual rights.
- Buchanan. He's the only honest one of the bunch.
- Pat Buchanan: I want him for president because he is a man who stands up for what he believes, and you know exactly where he stands. He also is what I feel the only hope we have in saving our country from liberalism and the moral decay prevelant in the United States under the Clinton administration.
- Harry Browne because he is a Libertarian
- Clinton--to help stem the overly conservative run on govt.
- Buchanan, he is honest
- Forbes, Flat Tax
- clinton
- Buchanan - He stands firm in the truth and wants the same as our forefathers did for this country.
- Pat Buchanan - Moral and honest leadership
- I would vote for anyone who would defeat Clinton
- Bill Clinton because I am afraid of the consequences if electing a right-wing extremist to the Presidency.
- Harry Browne. I've read "Why Government Doesn't Work" and realize that if someone doesn't take on the established political structure and turn things around, America and all of its inhabitants in the 21st century will find themselves living in an impoverished, totalitarian society
- Bill Clinton - He is the best overall choice
- any liberal, dump the conservatives
- Clinton, because he is pro-choice and liberal.
- I'm not happy with any of the choices. I'd like to see a female libertarian candidate who is a strong leader and can get things done (or undone, really).
- Pat Buchanan, he found the voice to speak to most of the people making up this nation. He is spiking for those who has no protectors in the government. The rest of the major candidates represent either big business or big government. Pat is what Rush Limbough should be if he did not sell out his soul to the big "global" business interest.
- i have no idea, probably clinton by default
- Harry Browne or Rick Tompkins because for the most part their views on the proper role of government fit mine.
- Buchanan -- Support for Americans, instead of Wall Street and International Corporations
- Bob Dole, because Clinton is a lying, redneck, ultra liberal!
- We need a man who will help make America not be the laughing stock of the world, and if we don't stop killing inocent babies, the entire world will suffer on account of thier inocent blood. PAT BUCHANAN!!
- Gen. Colin Powell. He is a true leader that can use a mix of political savvy and inspiration to enlist people in participating in his vision.
- Clinton because the US probably deserves someone like that.
- Bill Clinton - at least he's better than any of the republican candidates
- Anyone who is the Anti-Clinton"
- Only Browne has taken a stand against the CDA. Though I like some of the reforms Clinton attempted, he backed the Clipper chip.
- Pat Buchanan because he stands up for what he truly believes and agree with the majority of his ideas and way of thinking
- I will vote for Dole.
- Dr. Keyes--Moral rebirth, racial peace, return to the Constitution and Declaration as basis for Government.
- Patrick J. Buchanan sticks to his convictions even when they seem unpopular has the only real vision for America.
- Only a libertarian like Harry Browne would agree with George Washington that "Government, like fire, is a dangerous servant and a fearful master".
- bill clinton--Although his foreign policies are digraceful his awareness of the true domestic situaton is rquired in the oval offic at this time.
- Harry Browne. I think a Libertarian in the W.H. would be the best thing to happen to the US in 200 years. He will remind us of our roots, our special duty to ensure that Liberty emlightens the world.
- Pat Buchanan---America First
- Dole, it's time we get an adult back into the White House
- it really dosen't matter; does it.
- Dole because anyone is better than Clinton
- a republican the democratic welfare state is bankrupting us
- Bill Clinton because he's the greatest president of the 20th century
- Bill Clinton continues to do a good job giving the congress he is working with and the pressures exerted by strong business/po;litical groups.
- Pat Buchanan, he will return the power back to the PEOPLE! While restoring our CONSTITUTION! And eliminating the Emergency War powers Acts which directly puts the government at war with we the people!
- H A R R Y B R O W N E
- Steve Forbes, for putting in a low, flat tax and reforming medicare and medicade.
- Harry Browne; Liberty
- Bob Dole - He is electible, he is a statesman, and Bill Clinton is an immoral murderer who is corrupt to the CORE!
- Bill Clinton because he most closely represents the moderate fiscal and social views held by the majority of Americans.
- Harry Browne- He will get the government off our backs, out of our pockets, and away from our personal lives!
- Bill Clinton Doing the best job he can
- Harry Browne, We need someone that does not owe favors to those in the political estabilshment that can hold it over he/she(s) head
- Pat Buchanan. He stands up for what he believes in.
- Bill Clinton - Because he is a moderate
- Clinton - He's the only man for the job, who has experience and isn't half dead!
- Bill Clinton, because the other choices are less desirable.
- Bob Dole - Dole/Kemp, Put grownups back in the Whitehouse!
- Clinton ...The best of the worse
- Clinton-because he needs more than one term to accomplish his stated goals.
- Pat Buchanan because he's interested in America first.
- Alan Keyes. He's the candidate who understands what's wrong in society.
- ALAN KEYES is the only candidate who recognizes that the core problems of this country are moral and spiritual - not financial.
- harry browne, bc gov't doesn't work, restore our freedoms
- Bill Clinton, the Republican Party Platform will be bound by its' relationship with the religious right and will lose because of it
- steve forbes we need to get back to citizen gov instead of relection gov.
- Colin Powell - I know he's not running, but he seems to be less invested in the agenda of any one group.
- collin powell he's not a politician and is fair
- Bill Clinton-intelligent,liberal and dedicated
- Jerry Brown, because he talks straightforwardly about real issues.
- Strong Christian Leader to lead us back to the roots of our country to build us to greatness
- I would like to see Alan Keyes as president because he has experience, he is moral, he is a minority and has an interracial marriage, and he is a conservative who wants to take us back to the basics of the Constitution. I think we need a leader who is pa
- Bill Clinton, because he has not done a bad job as the current
- Colin Powell-Honesty & Integrity
- Any woman because woman are better decision makers and are often more open minded.
- Dole.. For Congressional and Political Stability
- Harry Browne - real solutions, return to constitutional ideals
- Hillary Clinton!
- Pat Buchanan - his desire to return to the foundational roots of our republic
- Bob Dole; leadership, integrity, character
- Pat Buchanan because he wants to give more power to the states, reduce the national government's responsibilities, protect the sovereignty of the United States, and get us out of all foreign entanglements (ie the UN and WTO).
- Alan Keyes -- moral leadership
- Bernard Sanders of Vermont, the only Socialist in Congress. I think that's fairly self-explanatory.
- Bill Clinton--He won't cave in to the religious right, who I don't feel are in touch with the majority of Americans.
- Jack Kemp. He wants to help country, not himself
- Alan Keyes Because he focuses on the moral problems which cause most of are money related problems
- Browne - I believe in self-government.
- Bill Clinton, to protect our way of life & invest in our children
- Colin Powell - exemplifies positive American values
- Steve Forbes is moderately conservative-libertarian
- Harry Browne -- he respects people as individuals, as a matter of principle.
- buchanan- has conviction!!!
- Pat Buchanan or an anti-NAFTA candidate.
- Colin Powell because he would force racism to either die or come out into the open in our political climate.
- Harry Browne -- To strengthen our personal and economic freedoms.
- Clinton, although I would consider another DEM or liberal
- Pat Buchanan because he represents moral leadership as well as working class values
- Clinton represents everything I detest. Even though I voted for the Tisch party in 92, I will vote for the Republican candidate, regardless as to who it may be. Why? I am against gun control, tax & spend liberals, and big brother government.
- If Clinton wasn't running, Bill Bradley, if they were both running then there would be a split like in Bush/Perot.
- Pat Buchanan; His stand on trade issues, immigration and Christian values
- Noam Chomsky- because he is the only public figure with vision
- Harry Browne - We need to vastly reduce the government
- Alan Keyes, because he identifies and proposes viable solutions for the problems of our society.
- I would like to see Pat Buchanan President because he and I agree on almost every if not all issues.
- Browne - For Liberty!
- Libertarian Harry Browne, because "Government Does Not Work" and never will.
- Bob Dole, because his ideas are the best
- Harry Browne. I don't trust any Rep. or Dem. to tell the truth or live up to a promise. I like Browne's positions and believe him.
- Bill Clinton- I do not like or agree with the other presidential candidates ideas or personalities
- I want to vote for a candidate who is capable of leading this country away from the "Big Brother" tactics so many Americans in their ignorance and apathy accept without question. Without question, that is, until it strikes at them.
- Harry Browne; only one that will cut government
- Harry Brownne to cut waste,waste waste
- Buchanan- He stands up for "We the People".
- Harry Browne, because he is the only contender that has a realistic plan to reduce the government NOW.
- Pat Buchanan because I feel that the country needs to have someone in office who has not necessarily been involved politically before, but who still has been involved with politics from the outside in the media. I feel that no matter who gets elected to the office, he/she will be at the mercy of Congress who tends to corrupt the integrity of what our founding fathers began. I hope we will have someone strong enough to not give in to the typical political polls and do what the country needs and not wh t is popular.
- Collin Powell - He is a man with integrity. He has a sharp mind and would do what he thought was right for America. I am disappointed with all of the current candidates.
- Alan Keyes: because we have moral problems not money problems.
- Jack Kemp or Bob Dole - conservative ideas, Supreme Court appointments
- Pat Buchanan
- Alan Keyes - Focused on correct issues
- Clinton, because he is the only candidate with any flexibility.
- Buchanan -- says what he thinks & MEANS it
- Pat Buchanan, because he has a just and moral stance and he has integrity! No one else does...
- Harry Browne; has the right ideas about what's wrong with government.
- Pat Buchanan,NAFTA is going to kill us.
- Harry Browne
- Alan Keyes. He says what he stands for. No holds barred
- Clinton Know what to expect/good ideas
- what a mess this country is in! Who can do the job and be decent about? I just don't know. It's so hard to believe the candidate's hype.
- I would like to see Jack Kemp because he stresses ideas in a positive, inclusive manner and doesn't other people or their ideas.
- Alan-Keyes wants to get back to Declaration of Independence thru healing process.
- Harry Browne. I've found that a vast majority of people are Libertarian. They just don't know it.
- Forbes - I'm rich, so what?
- Steve Forbes because of the flat tax and strong business experience. I want a leader that believes in what he believes, not in what the public wants at that moment, ie. Bill Clinton
- Pat Buchanan because he has the highest moral standards and America needs him to get us out of this cultural decay that we're experiencing today
- clinton, he needs 4 more years to keep this country moving the way that it has
- Alan Keyes. He is the only candidate who is truly qualified for the office of president, and the only one who understands the moral crisis that this nation faces.
- Alan Keyes: He is the only one who stands for the TRUTH.
- Alan Keyes - He has a high standard and sticks to it.
- Alan Keyes - The only candidate who's clearly and unambiguously articulating the ROOT cause of our problems, the breakdown of morals in the current society today.
- Alan Keyes, to give moral leadership and elevate the importance of the familhy
- B. Clinton. In order to continue the progress on personal freedoms and to check the right wings attempts to dismantle the programs that benefit, educate, and improve the environment of we the people.
- A minority--I think that it is time.
- Alan Keyes - He is a solid conservative with great ideas and leadership.
- Harry Browne -- Less Governement is the only way to get this country back on its feet
- Bill Clinton, because the potential republican candidates (especially Pat Buchannon) are a littlebit too conservative for my taste.
- Dr. Alan Keyes "We don't have money problems. We have moral problems."
- Harry Browne, he is the best man for the job.
- Jack Kemp. Best person for economic "empowerment" of the poor.
- Howard Stern
- alan keyes, because he is the only candidate who is addressing the real cause of our country's problems, the morality and integrity of our people and our leaders.
- essentially I simply do not want Bill Clinton in office another four years. Anyone else will do, though I personally lean towards Dole because of his experience.
- If the choice is Clinton vs. Dole, I choose Dole. Clinton does a great job of pretending that he wants a balanced budget, but Dole will deliver.
- Forbes, for growth in the economy and values in the home
- Harry Browne; He has many views I share.
- Alan Keyes - he is a man of principle - a man worthy of the job
- Harry Browne - He would actually cut government (by 50%+) and replace the income tax with *nothing*.
- Dod Dole. Belives in the same thing I do.
- Steve Forbes, for the simple reason that the flat tax WOULD WORK, and be fair to all.
- Browne, because he represents less government and freedom.
- Keyes-argues passionately from Declaration principles for a return to foundational morality which would strenghthen and honor the family. Educated.Brilliant speaker/debater. Speaks, not pragmatically, but from principles outward.
- Bill Clinton - I feel he is the only candidate who will not be influenced by big business interests.
- Dole! Any republican but Buchanan!
- Steve Forbes
- Pete Wilson, socially open minded and economically conservative: a real 18th Century Liberal
- Bob Dole, the Democratic party needs to be humbled
- Pat Buchanan, b/c i like his issues and he stands firm on them.
- Bill Clinton - He has more vision and sincerity than recent past presidents. He wants to balance the budget and has done something about doing so. He is not opposed to raising taxes in order to balance the budget.
- Clinton--experinece in white house; a but slimy but at least he's awkward about his weakness.
- Dick Lugar: He's got the attributes--except for popularity. He's bright, articulate, and thoughtful. But people are afraid to elect Hoosiers after Dan Quayle.
- Buchanan - Foreign policy, economy, uncompromising nature
- Bill Clinton as the better between him and Sen. Dole
- Clinton- he's a democrat and not on the conservative right
- Steve Forbes He will make a difference to everybody and help get things back like they should be
- harry browne real change
- Bill Clinton; America will never be satisfied with any president. I believe that Clinton is human and he has tried his best. Buchannan and Dole are extremely prejudice. Even thouch I believe that the majority of presidents have been racist, I believe t
- Lamar Alexander due to broad appeal & increased local power
- I'm fed up with D's and R's ... I'm voting for Harry Browne
- Alan Keyes. He is the only candidate running that has correctly isolated the REAL problems facing our society today; the complete lack of standards, moral or otherwise, he is honest and the most intellectual among the bunch.
- Alan Keys. I whole-heartedly agree with his message of morality and personal responsibility.
- mario cuomo
- Alan Keyes. He seems to be the only candidate in my opinion who recognizes the root problem of America.
- Clinton - he's done an OK job; he'll be hard to beat.
- Frankly, I'm not in love with any Republican, but I can't stand Clinton and I think he's the worst thing to ever happen to America.
- Dole, He is the man of the hour
- Elizabeth Dole - President Dole (Liddy) - Why is it that the smart, appealing, rational, experienced, and most honest of potential canidates never run? If Bob does not get it in 1996, look for Liddy Dole in '00!
- Jack Kemp because it seems that he could bring together Americans from whatever party they may be associated.
- Jerry Brown
- bill clinton- he has the views i agree with
- Clinton, he has done a good job so far, why not let him continue.
- Pat Buchanan
- Steve Forbes because he is the Bomb!
- me...I am cool\
- Bob Dole
- Kristi Ewing
- Steve Forbes
- not sure
- Bill Clinton
- Kristi Ewing
- Pat Buchannan
- Bill Clinton because he is pro-choice
- Bob Dole He's a cool guy
- Pat Buchanan
- Bill Clinton- he hasnt done badly & who else is there?
- Harry Browne can stop govt corruption and spiraling taxation.
- Bob Dole, because he seems more honest than Clinton and less reactionary than Buchanan.
- Jonathan Russell (KKK)
- Bob Dole
- Bill Clinton,because instead of crying over Industrial Revolution textile workers,he supports education to train us for new, better opportunities.
- Alan Keyes: He best captures the conservative message, and would lead our country into spiritual and economic prosperity.
- Harry Browne, Libertarianism is the only way to turn our country around.
- Clinton, He's fair, not an extreamist, portrays a good image for America, genuinely concerned about America's welfare and world peace
- Pat Buchanon, because he is more about substance than fluff.
- Bob Dole, because Clinton has done nothing and he has the experience to be a good leader
- Richard Lugar- seems to have a sane foreign policy (w
- Rick Tompkins, Libertarian
- Dole .. ethical, stable, experienced
- Harry Browne because of his platform!
- General Colin Powell
- Bob Dole - He is an honest and morale man.
- Gen. Colin Powell because he is not a corrupt politician, and would have a more honest term
- My dream president, so to speak, would be Colin Powel, because I think he's got a tremendous amount of integrity and ledership.
- Powell
- forbes, tax reform get rid of irs and free educational choice of parents to send children to any school
- Steve Forbes Working class needs tax breakssssss
- Harry Browne -- Stop the lunar trajectory of fed gov growth
- I want to see Pat Buchanan, I think he is an honest (I use that term lightly for a politition) candidate and a good American and I think he has more ideas that the other candidates instead of empty promises>
- Alan Keyes: He is the only one that realizes that money problems are not the cause of high crime, falling test scores, children raping and killing each other, etc. He has recognized that it is the moral breakdown of this country and our priority needs to be the restoration of the marriage-based two parent family.
- Harry Brown, Because he is the most honest person running
- Pat Buchanan
- Bob Dole. He has plenty government experience and he is not too conservative.
- Pat Buchanan - he'll bring back wholesomeness.
- me, I don't trust the "mainstream" politicans
- Harry Browne, because Government Doesn't Work!
- Pat Buchanan, because he stands up for what he believes in.
- Dole-This country needs to stress more individual responisibility and less governmental reliability. This country's lawmakers must collectively engage in the devolution of big government. Eliminate superfluous federal government expenditures, social progr
- Harry Browne. A candidate who will stand by the principles this country was founded upon. He is the only candidate who will cut government, end this insane drug war, and restore liberty and responsibility. The others are all for a big intrusive government on one issue or the other. What attracted me to Harry Browne and the Libertarians in the first place is this is the only party with the BALLS to stand up for legalizing industrial hemp which can resolve many problems here in the northwest. The Liberta ian Party is the only party which is consistent and principled. Others waffle the momnent they are elected. These are but a few reasons to refrain from voting with the major parties. Harry Browne is the clear choice for me.
- I woulde like to see a President touting the values of inclusion and open-mindeness necessary to carry this nation forth into its fourth century.
- Clinton, supports true working clas economic concerns, has made decent progress in international affairs, and has gov't experience
- Realistically, who I want to see for President in "96" is a sad case indeed, but if we don't elect a woman President in the next 12 years, we will have to continue to live with all our worse problems. I'd like to see Nancy Kassebaum run in 2,000
- Buchanan
- Buchanan - Best running!
- Pat Buchanan--He is clearly the true conservative in the race.
- President Clinton, to keep scales balanced with th radical right!
- Buchanan, because he is not controlled by the plutocracy
- Harry Browne. The non-Libertarians all want to increase government, albeit in different ways.
- Browne - in E. Europe best results came from cutting gov. fast. Too many special interests for incremental change.
- Rick Tompkins, Libertarian. Tompkins seems to understand that the "initiation of force as a means of achieving political or social goals" is wrong.
- clinton for the reason that he has made some mistakes and has learned
- Ideally, Harry Browne, but I'd settle for Forbes or maybe even Alexander. Basically, anyone but Buchanan.
- Bill Clinton, because he seems to have done a good job so far. He has done almost everything that he said he would do; although I feel he should be more unwavering on issues that he supposedly feels strongly about.
- Pat Buchanan he's the only one with the guts to say what he feels.
- Pat Buchanon because he stands for the things that made this country great and allow maximum individual freedom
- An outsider which new ideas, Harry Browne
- Harry Browne to reduce the Federal govt.
- Harry Browne. Because he is the only candidate that advocates rights
- Harry Browne. We need fresh ideas.
- I would like to see a Forbes\Buchanan ticket because Forbes has good ideas about how the government should be run and he rarely brings government control over moral and religious issues to the table. His only problem is that he dwells way too much on the idea of taxes and should spend some time battling other issues. Buchanan has some good ideas too, but he is a little radical and I think he needs to be in check with any policy ideas. I think building that wall is a fantastic idea.
- Patrick Buchanan, He means what he says
- Harry Browne. He is the only candidate who will really change the federal government.
- Pat Buchanan
- Pat Buchanan
- Harry Browne for Libertarian principles
- ABC=Dole
- Anyone who's for significantly reducing government spending, who is aware of the "takings" clause in the fifth amendment, and intends to abide by the intent of that provision when spending public funds.
- Ross Perot, I believe he would "shake up" the Congress and we just might finally get some of them to work for a change.
- Pat Buchanan--He is the true conservative in the race.
- Harry Browne
- A republican who can turn around the welfare program, eliminate affirmative action, and not cut military spending. Preferably Buchanan or Dole
- Pat Buchanan
- Buchanan. To bring Amerian jobs back to America.
- Harry Browne: presents a real alternative to the status quo
- bill clinton
- Harry Browne, because he's the best man
- Some with a philosophical depth of thought and an intuitive ability to communicate those thoughts, someone like Aristotle...
- A Libertarian to reposition the government where it belongs.
- Jack Kemp; Good ideas & good politics
- Bob Dole - Good Values
- Buchanan or Perot....will vote the trade issue
- Harry Browne because he is the only one who will reduce the government
- Gen. Powell
- FORBES new ideas and hes not a politician & good bye IRS
- Anybody but Bukkkanan or Clinton
- Harry Browne - the Libertarians are the only ones I've found who consistently support freedom.
- Steve Forbes a quiet Reagan
- Harry Browne, because he wants less gov't. involvement.
- I want to see Alan Keyes for president in 1996. I believe he has the plan to help our nation get on the right track. He believes in self government, taking more responsibility for our actions, believes in rights which are stated in the Declaration of Independence. He's also for abolishing income tax and wasteful government spending.
- Bob Dole - Strong leadership and character.
- Harry Browne - The Clinton or a GOP nominee will only keep the government juggernaut running.
- Clinton... The govt. is overly conservative. We need Clinton to continue to keep things in check. I'm proud to have him as my President and admire him (and Hilary) a great deal.
- Buchanan! He's the only major candidate that is not afraid of addressing the real issues, and, when elected, will have the same passion to fight for what is right.
- Clinton, because none of the Republican candidates can get the job done and Clinton will be the lesser of all evils.
- Pat Buchanan because of his aim to enforce the tenth amendment and because of his position on moral issues.
- Lamar Alexander becuase I think that he represents what I'm loooking for in a candidate and although he is far from ideal, he is better than some of the others running
- Pat Buchanan: He doesn't compromise.
- I would prefer to see a person who supports free speech, is Libertarian and is Pro Choice.
- A libertarian. Rick Tompkins, right now. Because I believe they're the only party who will reduce government across the board until it serves only the purposes for which it was intended.
- Pat Buchanan, because he will look out for American Interests
- Harry Browne maybe he could reign in big government
- Bill Clinton, experienced, successful. Already doing good job.
- Bill Clinton. We have to stop the Republicans before it's too late!
- Forbes. An outsider espousing self-reliance and personal responsibility is my candidate, as opposed to those political hacks claiming the government is there to do FOR them.
- Since Al Gore can't become president in 1996, Bill Clinton is as good as anyone and certainly better than the frightenly conservative options.
- Harry Brown, Freedom, Liberty, No regulation:)
- Bill Clinton/Bob Dole will have difficulty defeating him
- Bob Dole. I trust him!
- Howard Stern on the LP ticket
- buchanan(pres)/keyes(vp)-due to their unshakable conviction
- Buchanan, Just Because.
- Anyone who believes in less government. Buchanan, Dole, Gramm
- I wish Patricia Schroeder was running. I agree with nearly all her positions. She is fair and intelligent.
- Pat Buchanan - We need someone outside the establishment
- Of the candidates I feel that President Clinston will point the country in the best direction.
- Pat Buchanan - His passion for change
- O. J. Simpson
- Harry Browne to slash the size of Govt.
- Lamar Alexander because he seems honest
- Buchanan - Second Amendment Support
- Steve Forbes Great ideas. Man of integrity. Free of political alliances and debts. A patriot who wouldn't have to subject himselff to this if he didn't love his country.
- Bill Clinton-lowered taxes on the lower middle class, lower unemployment
- Me, because I have no dogmatic agenda
- Pat Buchanan - He supports the causes of Native Americans like myself
- Harry Browne - he has a realistic plan to cure government
- Pat Buchanan-knows what he wants to do and will keep his word
- Pat Buchanan because he is a Washington outsider and the only GOPer who can beat Clinton
- Harry Browne - Principled
- Clinton I think he means well and if given enough time he will get the job done
- Harry Browne cuts out the cancer rather than applying a bandaid.
- Clinton has done a good job-- no need for a change.
- Harry Brown-he's the only one with a written plan (see his book)
- Patrick J. Buchanan A man of solid beliefs.
- Harry Browne best understands relationship of people to govt
- Alan Keyes, he wants to put the family back together with minimal government
- Pat Buchanan. Because he's Pro-life and against gays.
- Harry Browne--we need far less government controls
- Bill Clinton. He's pro-choice and seems to be fairly open-minded.
- ??????
- A Canidate that is Intelligent. You know, At Least Halfway smart. :()
- Bill Clinton, he appears to the the candidate who is closer to my personal positions.
- Harry Browne - I'm for freedom and against slavery
- Alen Keyes because he is a committed Christian and, frankly, is the best of several BAD options
- Harry Browne, to take a weed-whacker to gov't growth
- Irwin Schiff, Libertarian, only one with guts to tell the truth. It's time to destroy the IRS and the Federal Reserve and restore the Constitution.
- Harry Browne for President. Why? Huge Tax Cuts Now! Huge Budget Cuts Now! A Balanced Budget Now!
- Bill Clinton hasn't done anything to deserve being dumped.
- Buchanan, He is far enough right to get the attention of the Federal Government. The Washington establishment is well strong enough to prevent any of Pat's more extreme ideas from hurting anyone. In the mean time his presents sends a clear message to both parties that the American people are wanting change.
- Buchanan, He is far enough right to get the attention of the Federal Government. The Washington establishment is well strong enough to prevent any of Pat's more extreme ideas from hurting anyone. In the mean time his presents sends a clear message to both parties that the American people are wanting change.
- Pat Buchanan, because he is the man with the best ideas and beliefs.
- Someone w/ fresh ideas ready to deal w/ the "New Republic", which none of the current "politico's" are!
- Dole, experience, favors returning power to states
- Pat Buchanan, because he believes in what he says, and he is not part of the insiders.
- Harry Browne-Libertarian is the only choice to get America Back on Track
- Pat Buchanan. He approaches closest to my political agenda
- Harry Browne, Because he is the only candidate that understands that coercive government does not work. He will resore our freedom and bring us an unprecedented economic revival.
- Bill Clinton - He represents the spirit of the american people (he's fat)
- Pat Buchanan - He puts America 1st!
- None of the above - I prefer King Log
- Patrick Buchanan- Because stands behind what he believes in !
- Pat Buchanan restoring property rights
- Bill Clinton: considerably better than the alternatives
- Bill Clinton because the alternatives are racist, silly, or dead - take your pick
- Bob Dole-fairly moderate, experienced, willing to solve problems, high moral standards, stands up for convictions
- Bill Clinton - Least of the evils. Most harmless.
- Harry Browne He will shrink Federal Govt.
- howard stern-he could get this country on the right track
- Pat Buchanan - Listen to what he is really saying, not what the press or the establishment tell you he is saying.
- pat buchanan
- Steve Forbes - He has a vision for the future (flat tax, soc. sec. reform, medical savings accts, etc.)
- Bill Clinton, because he's better than any republican I know!
- Buchanan - only serious candidate with integrity
- Pat Buchanan; he is the only true conservative and doesn't speak out of both sides of his mouth. He can be trusted to do what he says he will do. He is not a coward like all the others (Democrats and Republicans).
- Pat Buchanon - Patriot, constitutionalist
- Pat Buchanan - He has shown that morality is an issue today, and he has ideas for which he is willing to fight.
- Harry Browne. To put an end to the government bondage we've had for over 50yrs.
- Alan Keyes because America needs to return to the values that made us great.
- Pat
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