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Political Survey #3
User comments [ARCHIVE III]
Who will be president in 1996 and why?
- Rick Tompkins. He's the only voice for true freedom.
- Clinton, Because for the most part, he has tried to please everyone he can, without hurting the majority at the same time
- Harry Browne because he is a value producer and is honest.
- Harry Browne - uncompromisingly pro-individualist, pro-liberty
- Phil Gramm, He is uncompromising on tuff issues, He's open to ideas also. He obviously has no apperent racial bias,
- Mary Cal Hollis; the only REAL progressive in the race
- Harry Browne - to get the USA back no track again
- Harry Browne - stop this stupid drug war!
- Harry Browne- I agree with with more of what he stands fro than any other candidate
- Anybody but a liberal
- Clinton. can't stand conservative right wing Republicans
- Harry Browne. I want the government out of my house, my pants, my wallet.
- Harry Browne, because libertarianism is the future.
- Bob Dole. Although I do not believe Dole is a perfect candidate, I feel very strongly that he is a better candidate than Clinton. Trying very hard not to make this too political or rhetorical, I see Clinton as merely and opportunist, who is not respectable at all. I am pretty conservative, but I would rather see Clinton stand for extreme liberal ideals all the time, than change is platform continuously to maintain his current high ratings. I believe Dole believes what he says. I believed Clinton b lieved it in 1992 and was not extremely upset when he got elected. Now, I do not believe anything Clinton says.
- Harry Browne - gov. is out of control
- Harry Browne
- anybody but Clinton. He lies, cheats, belives in the use of force to stay in power.
- bob dole, mr clinton is a totally ineffective leader whose only goal is to foster and grow big government
- Bill Clinton - He's leading Where the Nation should go.
- Harry Browne - He is the only individual qualified for the position.
- a reform party candidate but not perot
- Harry Browne because he would reduce govt and taxes.
- Harry Browne
- Senator John McCain of Arizona. He's a genuine hero, tough but generous, and very fair-minded. He's right on the debt, on missile defense, and on the economy. I hope Dole picks him for V.P., and Powell for Secretary of State. Powell would also be a great candidate, but he'd do better to wait until 2000.
- Harry Browne, because I like complete freedome from other peoples oppressive leanings.
- Hillary Clinton: Good Hirdo
- Dole, because it's time somenone knocked the "fence rider" off the fence.
- Harry Browne, because he's the most laisse-faire candidate
- Bob Dole, of course. He more closely represents my ideals of less government and more respopnsibility on the individual.
- Clinton is my pick since the alternative is Dole. Hope to encourage a larger variety of political parties at the local levels and eventually work up to a force in national policies. Libertatrian, Green, Pacific, whatever, just more choices!
- Thomas Jefferson but too bad he is dead.
- Lamar alexander
- Bring God back into American politics
- Harry Browne, because Government Ds6.
- Bill Clinton -- The masses are easily convinced.
- Browne. Government Doesn't Work
- Mr. Browne, because he proposes to reduce the size of the federal government by a factor of 15, eliminate the federal income tax, and privatize Social Security.
- Harry Browne, he just may save our republic.
- I wish Jerry Brown were running this year. All these Republican candidates are yapping about a flat tax when it is actually a very democratic idea. Jerry Brown was the one who came up with it in the first place. Bill Clinton is an idiot, but Bob Dole is an old, closed-minded preachy idiot, so Clinton wins!
- Harry Browne because he will reduce government
- Bill Clinton - he's proved he has learned a lot on the job.
- At this point, Bill Clinton. Dole, Buchanan and their ilk are not representative of the whole USA, their links with ultra conservatives who would move to deny due process, and equal treatment of citizens based on their gender, orientation, racial/ethnic background is "unconscionable". At least Clinton is trying to address everyones issues and their rights as citizens... where it seems the ultra conservative ilk only listen to the issues of one side.... Besides, Clintion isn't too bad.. he hasn't scr wed things up too badly.....
- Bill Clition because Bob Dole will croke.
- Bob Dole, the best of two fairly poor choices, and far more moderate than Clinton (consider the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban business...)
- Bill Clinton
- john hagelin
- A Third Party candidate because it would show how unbiased this country is.
- My mother, because she is sensable and caring. She has the sense to know that to increase revenue one must increase taxes AND lower spending....and she is caring enough that she would put the needs of PEOPLE well before the needs of CORPORATIONS
- Harry Browne The only candidate with consistent principles.
- Pat Buchanan
- Bob Dole-he'll do what he says and has distinguished character and service.
- Harry Browne because he is the ONLY candidate who will work to reduce government and he is also the ONLY candidate who has the BALLS to support ending the hopeless Drug War.
- Clinton because I like most of what he's done so far
- Bob Dole because he is superior to Clinton
- Gov. Brown - smart enough, and wise enough not to take the job.
- Browne or Forbes. Keep beltway busybodies OUT of our lives (and wallets).
- I think that both candidates we are stuck with don't If forced to vote, I'd vote for Dole, simply because I trust him a little more than Clinton. I would vote against Bill Clinton if my dog ran against him.
- Harry Browne. I believe he will bring America back to the great nation it once was through libery for all.
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne, outsider, will dismatle bloated government.
- Harry Browne, because all the other candidates will simply perpetuate the status quo
- Harry Browne-his philosophy and common sense.
- Harry Browne. It's past time that the status quo political system that we have
- Harry Browne: He intends to reestablish the proper role of the federal government.
- Harry Browne, because Gov't needs to be cut way back
- Harry Browne, Government is the root of all the evil in this country.
- I would like to see Bill Clinton, I think Bob Dole is too old and has been fighting in Congress too long. I am in favor of term limits and would like to see that passed. What really turned my stomach against the Republicans is the budget blackmail last October/November.
- Harry Brown to reduce the size and power of government.
- Harry Browne. Time for a change!!!
- Harry Browne who can PROVE Government Doesn't Work. Harry has a plan. A real plan not some BS
- Bob Dole... Why not the best ?
- I'd like to see Gen. Powell, but will go with Dole due to his conservative beliefs and to get Clinton out of the Whitehouse.
- steve forbes he's already rich
- Dole because he would reduce taxation and the scope of government.
- Harry Browne Government Doesn't Work
- Dole - Clinton stands for most everything WRONG with this country.
- Harry Browne, he supports hte removal of prohibition
- Harry Browne, because I'm convinced that only the Libertarians have it right. Harry Browne is perhaps not the purest embodiment of this philosophically based party, but he's articulate, polished, and blows the others into the weeds in every area of intellect, deportment, and principle.
- Harry Browne because he is the only candidate that stands for principles.
- Harry Browne, because less government is better.
- Bob Dole, he has honor and you can believe what he says.
- Bill Clinton - overall he has done a good job
- Dole, because I feel he is the best candidate to address the fiscal problems along with social problems we face.
- A person who will listen to the people not the media, lower the debt balance the budget!
- Bill Clinton for his experience, wisdom, and leadership
- Harry Browne because of his whole libertarian agenda
- Steve Martin, because he's a wild & crazy guy!!!
- Bob Dole because Bill Clinton is a disgrace to the office of President of the United States. With Dole in the driver's seat, Congress could pass legislation that is disparately needed in this country.
- Almost anyone but Clinton and Gore...or ANY Liberal!
- Dole
- Harry Brown is calling for a change and a change in the right direction.
- Bob Dole, He is aligned closer to my ideaology
- Bill Clinton..Most Americans are poorly informed, willing to be lied to and prefer to make their children and grandchildren pay for their extravagent government benefits.
- Forbes for the 10% tax.
- Bob Dole, the only pro-life candidate with a chance to win.
- harry browne: i'm tired of living in russia
- Harry Browne, because Libertarians are the only ones who believe adult Americans can run their own lives
- Rick Thompkins - we badly need less government intrusion
- Harry Browne for his libertarian stand on issues
- Bob Dole, He is qualified,he is honest,he has respectability
- Clinton, because the other candidates suck.
- Compared to Clinton Dole is a man of honor. Clinton has done nothing but disgrace the Office of the President of the United States.
The Democrats and Republicans are old news.
For real alternatives try 3rd Party Central.- harry browne-libertarian beliefs if implemented would fix our fiscal mess without compromising our personal liberttys!
- Bob Dole, because I firmly believe we are being hoodwinked by the media and the democrats into paying for all the programs implemented by the lunch box liberals. Those that have great giving ideas but no money to put them into effect and therefore will raise taxes.
- bob dole clintons are liars and are a danger tomthe security of the country
- Harry Browne--He stands for the principles I agree with.
- Bill Clinton, because I believe he is growing in the office.
- Bill Clinton; I think he's doing a good job.
- Harry Browne, because he would like to give each american the personal freedom to do whatever they want with themselves as long as it doesn't harm others.
- Harry Browne, support for Individual Liberties
- Browne, to reign in the imperial forces
- Harry Browne because he is open minded and seems to represent my views the most accurately
- Bob Dole because Clinton goes against everything I believe in morally.
- bill clinton because he is intelligent, caring and fair
- Harry Brown, because I would like to see the tenets of Libertarianism propagated and discussed at the national level for an extended length of time (say, four years or more... :-)
- Dole. Clinton is a liberal who failed to do what he said he would when he was running for President.
- jack kemp
- Harry Browne - The only candicate with realistic solutions
- Harry Browne -- because he isn't a career politician and because I believe he truly wants to be free as I do.
- DON CHERRY FOR PRIME MINISTER! (I'm in the wrong survey!)
- Harry Browne - not another useless politician interested in perpetuating the status quo.
- Harry Browne. He represents the principles with which I agree.
- Concern for the next generation, not the next election
- Harry Browne. The Rep. & Dem. have done a lousy job. Libertarians believe in less gov't, true freedom & personal responsibility.
- Harry Browne , I want the damn government out of my life.
- Bill Clinton He is a good president
- Bill Clinton, because he is already moving us in the right direction.
- Harry Browne,would legalize marijuana and other non addictive subtances so that a person can use them if they want
- Harry Browne - a man with ideas and commitment
- harry brown. It is the best man.
- Harry Browne, the only one that is even directly getting to solve the problems
- Harry Browne, because he is the most likely Libertarian candidate and if he can make an at least fair showing if not a win, then the Libertarian party will have the opportunity to open doors across the nation for other political positions. Obvioulsy, I think that it's time for a new major political party and the Libertarians are in demand, but people are not demanding them enough to go out and look for them. The mass media is liberal and they would as soon give 24 hours of coverage to Republicans as ive a minute spot to a Libertarian.
- clinton. He can do the job!!!!!
- Bill Clinton, for his excellenct skill of international diplomacy.
- The real answer is that I don't want Clinton, so I will select the Republican - wishing it could be Buchanan - realizing that choice will be not-so-ideal Dole.
- Harry Browne, The government is too big and Dole and Clinton aren't likely to change the direction of governmental growth.
- dole he is honest and capable of doing the job
- A Person who has convictions and does not say what everyone wants to hear. A doer, not a talker. Someone with LEADERSHIP.
- Al Gore. He has an awareness of environmental issues (which NO ONE is focusing on). The fact that he is not publically and "exiciting" person I find to be an asset. He seems more balanced anddisciplined than Bill Clinton, and may be less willing to compromise his personal values than either of the two candidates we are apparently already being given to choose from.
- Jerry Brown, but there is no chance
- bill clinton
- Pat Buchanan, he is the only one with courage to face Immigration problems along our borders. The South Americans are taking over this country like roaches.
- Harry Browne, Better Govt is Less Govt.....
- Clinton. I don't trust the Republicans.
- Jack Kemp would be my preference, but I'll take Bob Dole for fiscal responsibility.
- H. Browne (Dedicated to less government in my life)
- Bob Dole. He has the leadership and experience to lead us in to the next century.
- Dole, Clinton seems too fake
- Bob Dole, because he has the best Christan values and will do the most for this country.
- Harry Browne -- principled; wants to reduce gov't to bare minimum
- Clinton. trust him, and feel dole has lost touch. on to 2000 and some real issues and ideas i hope. The counrty has real needs and we are worried about blaim for the past. Let us move on left, right or center; but move on and solve our problems please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Jack Kemp - sound understanding of economics, reasonable balance on social issues
- A conservitive Republican who will cut Spending and regulations and taxes
- Bob Dole. I believe he really does have a positive vision for America.
- Pat Moynihan. He's the closest thing to an intellectual currently on the American political scene. He is honest, and naturally cannot possibly be elected for just that reason. Dole appears to have no chance of unseating Clinton.
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne, because he would scale the government down to what the U.S. Constitution authorizes
- Colin Powell--but unfortunately he's not available.
- Harry Browne is the only candidate that makes any sense. we need a change and the entrenched statist parties are only collapsing our society and the things that have made this country great. Freedom is the only answer left.
- Harry Browne, for a truly smaller, more efficient government, and to send the main parties a wake-up call.
- Bob Dole. I don't want to see Clinton re-elected
- Bob Dole, President Clinton is too liberal
- Harry Browne ; He will reduce the size of gov't.
- Bob Dole, Clinton is an unusually good liar, he needs to go.
- Harry Browne. To destroy illegitimate government programs such as Social Security, Medicare, NEA, Dept. of Ed., just keep filling in this sentence with whatever you can think of.
- Harry Browne
- ross perot
- bob dole - honesty & integrity is needed back in white hse
- Bob Dole - Because he is a true hard-working, decent, dedicated American. He is not someone who says whatever sounds good and then does whatever he feels like (i.e. he does not lie)
- dole -republican
- Harry Browne is the only candidate who will admit to knowledge of the problems facing the country. He doesn't lie.
- Harry Browne (Forbes ok, too) He will reduce the size of gov't.
- Harry Browne. Less government, more personal responsibility!
- bob dole, stability
- Dole The country needs a stabiling influence in the white house and basically because I believe that the Clintons are thieves and involved in large amounts of corruption to get to the house!!
- Dole, I don't trust Clinton at all!
- Harry Browne - He is the only qualified candidate to ever run for the presidency
- Steve
- Bill Gates: He knows how to run things.
- No Answer
- Bob Dole he has charactor and integraty, he does not lie andstands up for what he belives in. He gave up his career to try to become presient. He will make this a better country.
- Harry Browne, liberty
- dole, i'm sick of the clintons they haven't done anything for me
- Clinton. Stillhoping for some kind of National Health Care.
- Harry Browne - Libertarian Principles
- Harry Browne -- of those still running, he has the most integrity.
- Harry Browne - He is the candidate most willing to stick to his principles, and most willing to effect change in national government.
- bob dole
- Harry Browne - We need less govt intrustion in our lives and pocketbooks
- Harry Browne - We'll never reduce the size and scope of government if we don't stop voting in the very clowns who keep expanding it!
- bill clinton- one he has done as well as anyone could do, and dole is just do darn old
- Harry Browne, he'll do what he says and say what he does
- Harry Browne is the only one committed to reducing gov't intrusion
- Harry Browne because drastic changes are needed in reducing government and we need to someone who "says what he means and means what he says."
- Harry Browne Less government and abolish the IRS
- Harry Browne, because he's the only one taking the debt seriously enough.
- Lamar Alexander, because he is the brightest of all the candidates
- Clint Eastwood
- Harry Browne, to restore Constitutional government
- Dole
- What kind of a stupid question is this? And your answer choices for #14 and #15 are very restrictive and do NOT represent my opinions on these issues. Furthermore, your software requires me to give an answer to each question, but there are questions I do not wish to answer.
- Harry Browne, the only candidate who understands government *is* the problem.
- Harry Browne->He is the ONLY candidate who would cut back taxes & govt.
- Bill Clinton. All taken into account, he's the best candidate this time around.
- Bill Clinton, because there are no currently no other good candidates out there.....
- Harry Browne, because he's a strong advocate (and backs it up) of responsibility to oneself and, tangentially, to the community
- I support Harry Browne as an intelligent, rational individual who will return responsibility to individuals in contrast to others who tend to minimize our freedom to choose.
- There is no candidate in particular who I find to be acceptable. However, I will probably vote for Harry Browne (Libertarian).
- Harry Browne- Libertarianism is the only political philosophy that is moral and pragmatic.
- Harry Browne-"That gov't which gov'ns best gov'ns least" TJefferson
- I want a president that resembles Pat B. The president must safegaurd AMERICAN interests first, no some damn country elsewhere. We are not the police of the world. AMERICA FIRST!!!
- Harry Browne because the others cannot be trusted.
- Bill Clinton. He has spent the first term putting out brush fires set by the Republican party, and I would like to see what he could accomplish with less partisan interference.
- Harry Browne I am so sick of politics as usual. I really believed in the Republican Revolution until it dissolved into the same old thing. Government grows and my paycheck shrinks.
- Harry Browne - I believe he is the only candidate who operates from the presupposition that Govt is not the source of all that is good and that every perceived problem in society can be cured by some government involvement.
- Dole, everyone else is a bigger loser than him
- H. Browne. I don't believe there is a dime's difference between the Republican and Democratic approaches. We have tried big government, its time for new ideas.
- I'd Like to see Harry Browne as we need a good 3rd party candidate.
- I honestly see one of the two cut out candidates, either the CIA candidate Billy Boy or the George Bush look-a-like Bob dole. Unfortunantly, Americans do not think, and most of all hate work and change. Harry Browne is the only candidate that can offer hope of salvation from our worsening economic, social, and moral deterioration. The national debt is a runaway, medicaid, medicare, the socialist health care system, and social security are bust. The war on drugs is a disquised war on the lower class, an the highest office in the land is a political corruption the likes of which has never before existed in this country.
- Harry Browne. Shrink the federal government & return to Constitutionality.
- bob dole- that is providing that republicans maintain majority in both the house and senate(both houses) god help us if BC gets re-elected with a democratic(barf) house and senate
- Harry Browne , to get government out of our lives and out of our pockets.
- Harry Browne, who will get the govt. out of our pockets, off our backs, and out of our bedrooms.
- Bob Dole because he's moral and principled and consistant.
- Harry Browne, because he has integrity and sound philosophy
- Thomas Jefferson...only one with good sense!
- Harry Browne. The only way to stop government waste, and to get back what is mine, is to cut government.
- Harry Browne. He is a libertarian through and through, believes in what he says and will follow through on what he promises. It's time we put someone in office to trim the Federal government back, way back, to what the founders intended. I agree with Harr
- Harry Browne, because he positively stands for less federal Government...
- Harry Browne-the only candidate who will reduce government in any meaningful way
- Harry Browne: Less government, more freedom. Don't believe those in the corridors of power; people are perfectly capable of voluntarily interacting and running their own lives.
- Harry Browne, the only person running who has a philosophical base. The others are populists and/or dogmatists. No other candidate really wants to limit government. They only want to force their own agendas on other people.
- Harry Browne, I want less government in my life.
- Harry Browne: "Government doesn't work."
- Harry Browne who will reduce the size and scope of government.
- How can I do this justice in a line? Harry Browne, because I believe in personal liberty and individual responsibility.
- Bob Dole
- Bill Clinton. 1. Younger than other. 2. Best of bad choices. 3. USA won't benefit from a change in office now. Let experienced office holders of past 4 yrs. keep on trying.
- Harry Browne- Government doesn't work!!!!!!!!!!
- Harry Browne, he's a Libertarian. Nuff said.
- Harry Browne
- none of the above! because although I think Clinton is the best of a bad lot, I can't forgive him for selling out the lesbian and gay community!
- Harry Browne. He will take us back to the founding fathers concept of government
- Bill Clinton
- Bill Clinton, more progressive views
- Harry Browne, because the two major parties have lied to us long enough.
- I would like to see Harry Browne as president. It is my impression that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans consistently stand for the principles of freedom and liberty with limited government as embodied in the US Constitution. I believe in free markets, minimal taxation, and a government limited to the protecting people and property from theft and violence.
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne - He stands for PURE freedom and growth
- Any Libertarian. Government is too big and causes too many serious problems.
- Browne, because he follows the Constitution, unlike the others.
- War record and most of all his integrity
- Bob Dole. The man I voted for last time has proved himself to be a phoney and a liar. He fooled me once, but he'll not fool me twice.
- Browne: his priorities
- Harry Browne, to drastically reduce the scope, size and cost of government
- Harry Browne - Libertarian - He is the only person who has the will and guts to challenge the status quo and cut spending now, cut taxes now, and absolutely implement a balanced budget now! America must get this soon - or the entire gov't will shut down & markets will be destroyed on a scale we've never seen - even in the "Great Depression" of the 1930s.
- Harry Browne - the only sensible alternative
- Harry Browne, because He will do what he says he will do.
- President Clinton/people tend to vote for the person with the most personality
- Harry Browne -- Government doesn't work. Democrats and Republicans are two sides of the same dirty coin. It's time for someone different, different ideas.
- Harry Browne because I believe I should have 100% control over my body and property, and the government should control only that which I allow it to.
- Harry Browne, because America needs to return and is returning to its libertarian roots.
- Harry Browne. Huge tax cuts and balanced budget NOW
- Harry Browne, because government doesn't work.
- Harry Browne -- I pay too much taxes and there are too many governmental restrictions on my freedom.
- Harry Brown. He doesn't speak in empty platitudes. He has a vision.
- Harry Browne, to return our federal leadership to a responsible position of empowering citizens without buying their dignity.
- Harry Browne. Because Government Doesn't Work!
- republican, mostly associated to today's values and sense
- Bill Clinton. 'Nuf said.
- Harry Browne. I want government to restrict its activity to the use of retaliatory force against life/liberty/property violators and NOTHING more.
- Harry Browne. I want government to restrict its activity to the use of retaliatory force against a life/liberty/property violator and NOTHING more.
- Open debates among ALL candidates that are on the ballot in enough states to theoretically earn a majority of the electoral college.
- Harry Browne. End the criminal producing, law enforcement corrupting, money sucking, society degrading War on Some Drugs.
- Harry Browne - freedom
- Harry Browne means what he says about spending and govt.
- I want Harry Browne because I believe he'd made significant changes that need to be made.
- Browne, the only candidate with *real* reform ideas
- Pat Buchanan give america back to the working people
- Harry Browne -- Cut Government Waste and get off my back.
- Harry Browne, because he understands the fundamentals.
- Harry Browne since he's the only one who actually wants to reduce government to a large degree instead of just reducing the growth.
- Harry Browne: his message may be annoying ("vote for me, buy my book"), but I agree with more of his opinions on the issues than any other candidate, plus he is consistant.
- Harry Browne. He seems very intelligent and does not appear to owe any favors to big business or special interests. He truly as the best intentions of any presidential candidate I have seen.
- Harry Browne: Cut taxes, cut spending and cut govt. intrusion
- Harry Browne
- Browne - much smaller gov't spending, taxation
- Harry Browne. He's a libertarian.
- Harry Browne - Tired of the Some old thing!
- Alan Keyes - Fresh ideas, good values, down-to-earth
- Buchanan - we need to restore this country to the Constitutional Republic that it is supposed to be
- Rick Tompkins - He's the best candidate I know of.
- Bill Clinton because he is the closest candidate to my beliefs who has a chance of getting elected
- Bill Clinton because he needs more time to fix what the republicans broke!
- Colin Powell - a person of integrity
- Bob Dole's morals and depth of understanding of government's role is head and shoulders above Clinton.
- Bob Dole - Clinton can't stay on one side of any arguement
- libertaraian to downsize government
- Anyone except that amoral, pot smoker, drug dealing Slick Willey. Socialism must be stopped before its too late.
- Irwin Schiff, he will abolish "money". an "taxes"
- a quality leader who puts the American people first
- Harry Browne -- I would like to experience at least a little bit of true freedom in my lifetime instead of having religious fanatics dictate to me what is 'moral' and if something is considered 'immoral' it is banned. I would like to see people have more sovereignty over their own lives and quit yielding our country and our government to anyone who feels they have a 'good cause'.
- Bob Dole because he will work with Congress to make necessary change.
- Bob Dole I think he will head us in the right direction. (Less Government!)
- Mario Cuomo - Brilliant and Persuasive Man
- Harry Browne or other Libertarian -- we need MUCH LESS GOVERNMENT AND WE NEED IT NOW!
- At this stage, Bob Dole, but only because Clinton is a spineless used car salesman with less than minimal character! And as for your survey, in question #13, where are qualities such as "integrity", "honesty", "moral character".
- clinton.... republicans/dole too scary
- Bob Dole - he is the best man for the job! He has proven leadership and experience. His dedication to the country throughout his entire life shows the pride and leadership in the country.
- someone who will reduce taxation and government intrusion.
- Harry Browne - less government intervention in people's lives
- Pat Buchanan. Because he will stop illegal immigration.
- anyone other than Clinton
- Harry Browne: to get uncle sam out of my life
- I'd like to see a candidate who understands The Constitution.
- Dole - He has character - he is not an unmoral lying cheat as we have now.
- Harry Browne; return to limited Constitutional government.
- Bill Clinton--he is a democrat.
- "Free or drug free....America can't be both" (i know this has nothing to do with the topic)
- Bill Clinton, because he's the best that can win.
- harry browne -- he is the only one who recognises that the current federal goverment causes more problems then it solves
- Vladimir Lenin because he is a true revolutionary leader, which is what this country needs
- Harry Browne. Lower taxes, reduced Government.
- Ostrow, because his library rules!
- harry browne, because we need smaller government
- Nader because he represents working-class interests more than Clinton and because he has the support of a progressive third-party
- Colin Powell - Our national political leaders need to be more leaders, less political. I don't think we have true leadership now, and I don't see it coming from Washington in the future.
- Ralph Nader/ proven morals
- Dole--restore integrity and credibility to office
- Bill because everyone else scares the devil out of me. Bob has become Newts shadow and no one else has a chance.
- Ralph Nader because of his environmental platform.
- COlin Powell He is a good leader and seems in touch with the every day problems people have.
- Harry Browne, because he is one of the very few people who will turn this country around to what it should be.
- bill clinton-he still has a job to do and am hoping we can progress bi-partisian into lowering the deficit for our children, coming up with a national healthcare system, better education encentives, less crime and violence on our streets and media, more power back to states in alot of these issues would go a long way.....
- Bill Clinton. Incumbancy carries weight. Dole is responsible for Gov. Shutdown.
- Pat Buchanan, because he is a man who will stand by the Constitutional foundations of our Great Republic! He IS NOT the racist anti-semite that the media would like you to beleive he is. Instead he beleives in the freedom and liberty of OUR PATRIOT Founding Fathers! He is NOT a member of the Trilateral Commision or the Council of Foreign Relations. He would be the LEADER to keep America An Independent and Soverign nation, just as our founding fathers had invisioned!!! "IS LIFE SO DEAR OR PEACE SO SWEET AS TO BE PURCHASED AT THE PRICE OF CHAINS AND SLAVERY? FORBID ALMIGHTY GOD, I KNOW NOT WHAT COURSE OTHERS MAY TAKE, BUT AS FOR ME GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH" PATRICK HENRY(FOUNDING FATHER) Thank-you!
- Harry Browne. Clinton and Dole are too ingrained into the political system to represent anyone except themselves and the corporations that pay them off.
- someone honest, open,not a puppet, a true "leader"
- BOB DOLE because he is the republican can.
- Bob Dole. He has the maturity and experience to lead an American renewal. He is respected by people on all sides and is the only hope for working to break the logjam in American politics today.
- Harry Browne. Enough of being a tax slave and social slave to others who have the cohersive power of the government.
- Bill Clinton, because I think he could do the job if they would just get off his back!!!!
- Jack Kemp. He is a true Republican.
- not sure -- but she/he isn't running
- Dole, Clinton has not fulfilled ANY of his campaign promises. Clinton talks a good game, but he lacks substance!
- Harry Browne, because I want the government out of my life.
- Harry Browne will clean house
- Ralph Nader, because he is speaking about many of the issues that have been neglected by professional politicans and he isn't a tool of his party (he stated he'd run on his on stance and not that of the Green Party platform)
- clinton
- Forbes: He makes a lot of sense and seems to know what he wants
- I prefer to see a Libertarian, because they opposed the CDA, oppose the war on drugs, oppose killing doctors who perform abortions.
- Bill Clinton with a Republican Congress pulling slightly Right should be "Good for the Country combination"
- Pat Buchanan. He says he wants what everything that I know I want, with abortion being debatable.
- Clinton, done a good job, learned from mistakes
- Dennis Peron, the Grassroots Party's anti-prohibition candidate. Free the weed!
- Harry Browne, because of the Libertarian ideal of freedom.
- Harry Browne since I donot preceive him as aligned with mafia groups in this country and of course, his greatest contribution to reduce government in reality, not fantacy.
- clintn - the gop scares hell out of me
- Bob Dole will lower taxes and reduce the size of government.
- Bill Clinton because I believe he understands the plight of the average American. He came from humble beginnings, and hasn't forgotten what that is like. He knows all about working mothers and their needs and children from broken homes. I think he trul
- Bill Clinton. He is the only candidate who can balance the zealot agenda of the Religious "wrong"
- Bob Dole :)
- Perot. He seems to have new, insightful ideas.
- Bill Clinton. Because of Hillary
- Ralph Nader, he fights for working people
- Harry Browne because government is too damn big
- Harry Browne, his views mirror my views
- Bill Clinton - he truly cares about people/country.
- Someone other than the incumbent. We need honesty in our leadership.
- Dole - Clinton is the most corrupt President every to hold office
- Harry Browne. Most of the problems we face in this country are made worse by government, not better/
- I want to see a man who is not for Murdering Unborn Babies, and does not push immoral behavior homosexuals is an abominaton to the Lord! Someone who doesn't cheat on his wife, and LIE every step of the way, someone who did'nt protest the war 2 times , and is now running OUR country. Someone who's wife can keep HER PLACE, and keep her mouth shut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Browne because less government the better
- Bob Dole, simply because of his steadfast conservative views and carefulness in making decisions.
- Richard Lugar- Honest, Intelligent, Doesn't rely on appearance to sell himself. He has little charisma, which is why he didn't get a nomination, but that may be his greatest asset. He's open-minded, and wouldn't rely on image to get him towards his goal. I think he had great ideas on how to balance the wants and needs of both ends- conservative and liberal without alienating either side.
- Alan Keyes, because he has strong moral convictions.
- Bill Clinton. He truly CARES about the people/country.
- Bill Clinton is the best of the worst. Bob Dole is living in the past and can not provide leadership for the future.
- Bill Clinton is more in touch with the "real America. Bob Dole is a tired old man who has not had an original idea his entire life. He should learn how to inhale.
- Browne, because he would actually fight for a smaller government
- Allan Keys - Listen to him speak.He's the only one who makes any sence.A man of strong morals and values.It's what America Needs!!!!!
- Harry Browne - fresh new ideas, he really WILL reduce gov't
- dole
- Clinton
- So far I am not impressed with any of the current top contenders. Still anyone would be better than Clinton.
- Harry Browne -- The only candidate who is serious about restricting government to it's legitimate functions. Those functions are limited to protecting individuals from force and fraud.
- Clinton because he is the best candidate
- Jack Kemp; He would be the fairest, brightest, most energetic and responsible candidate
- Perot or Forbes. We must get the reins of government out of the hands of professional politicians. They do not posess the knowledge of how the country "works".
- anyone who can set an agenda and follow it
- Harry Browne It REALLY is time for a change in the USA
- Steve Forbes (even though he is allready out of the running) because he seems to feel the same way I do MOST of the time.
- Dole - Clinton is incompetant
- Harry Browne. He appears to come closest to what I believe about the role of government.
- Clinton - for stability.
- steve forbes he echoes my sentiments on most issues
- Pat Buchanan - Because it's VALUES stupid!
- Harry Brown -- The only candidate who wants spending cuts, tax cuts, and balanced budget NOW!
- Jack Kemp - socially responsible and economically sensible
- Conservative for states rights
- Bob Dole, he is a strong leader
- I think Clinton will win, at least I hope so!
- Bob Dole, because I voted for Clinton against Bush, but we've had enough of a very shallow devious man - perhaps a Democratic "Tricky Dick?"
- Clinton - because of all the dire predictions of what would happen if he were elected, NONE of them happened, in fact the country is doing better than when he took over. He has proved himself capable.
- Bob Dole-caracter
- Ralph Nader. He shares many of the same views that I do.
- Harry Browne Need less government, more freedom
- I'd like to see Browne in the White House. He's the only one of the presently running candidates who I think is likely to make a serious attempt to reduce the scope and scale of the government, and to return it to its proper function of protecting our in
- Rick Tompkins, a true libertarian
- Alan Keyes because he is moral, educated, true to his word, pro-life, for re-building of the family, cutting the federal government, God fearing, pro-educational choice, pro-free trade, pro-parental rights and the best choice because he can unite the different reaces in America without being for affirmative action.
- L Alexander
- Bob Dole. As of this date, May 11 1996, Bob Dole is assured the Republican Nomination and Bill Clinton thye Democratic nomination. These two men are the only cadidates who can realistically win this November's election. Bob Dole would work with a republican congress to cut Federal Government. Bill Clinton is currently abstructing The Congresses attempts to make such cuts. I believe that at this time the actions of the Federal Government do more harm to our society than good. The Federal Government t rough spending approximately 25% of our Gross National Product, and throug regulating the actions of Americans, American Businesses, and other institutions is controlling what is done in this country to an increasing extent, and is doing so on the basis of what politically powerful groups desire. This intrusion is eating away at freedom in this country and replacing it with rule from Washington.
- Harry Browne because government doesn't work.
- clinton
- Harry Browne, If we don't get someone with some sense of reality in soon, we're all gonna be going to hell in a handbasket!
- Bill Clinton
- pat buchanan: america first! FAIR trade.
- Colin Powell. He's a moderate conservative who I feel would make a good leader. We need some leadership in the White House.
- Bob Dole is the only candidate with integrity, courage, fortitude, and proven experience.
- Mr. Dole, To defeat the taxing-spending Democratic party.
- bob dole
- Justin White
- Buchanan He is the only candidate who gives a direct position and answer on any issue.
- Bob Dole, We need a man with strong convictions, and has a life that stands out. I also sinces that he respects and understands the Office of the Presidency
- Newt Gingrich, with John Perry-Barlowe as a running mate
- It's over, except for the formality of voting. Dole will never be an American president.
- Clinton because he's middle of the road
- Clinton. He's got a good track record as president so far, he's smart and he's young.
- I would like to see Bill Clinton again in the White House because I feel as if Bob Dole represents many of the values against which I believe, like prayer in schools, more money to the military, anti-abortion, doing nothing about the environment, and overall too conservativeness. I also like the plans which Bill Clinton says he has for the future, which I hope he will carry out.
- Clinton - Don't like Dole
- Harry Browne- Wants less government interference
- Pat Buchanan- The man is the only Patriot Republican canidate there is.He is electable and totally for the god given christian rights of our beloved people of The United States of American.
- Bob Dole because we need character and moral judgement in the Executive Branch of the Federal Government
- Ross Perot. I consider him a national hero. Without his involvement, we would still be clueless. I admire him for his courage in becoming the target for the special interests he is trying to dislodge. Before he tooke them on, he was one of the most admired men in our country. He hasn't changed, America.
- Harry Browne, i don't trust the Republicans or Democrats
- Ross Perot. I have been associated with Mr,Perot and his staff since 1992. I respect and admire his close associates. Mr. Perot epitomizes the leadership this country needs. He has the moral fiber, strength of conviction and leadership abilities to move us forward.
- Harry Browne because he stands for the fine principles of the Libertarian Party.
- Bill Clinton because he is the least of many evils.
- KEN GRIFFEY JR. - Good person. Great hitter!
- bill bradley, he has a vision for america
- Bill Clinton. I plainly do not trust the motives of the majority party.
- Someone with an education adgenda-education is the key!
- Pat Buchanan-knows there exists a right and wrong
- Presidet Clinton...because he was a person that reached out to everyone, not just out old people and stuff, but was actually a President that even people of younger ages could relate too.
- President Clinton, because he is trying to do the best for America.
- Bill Cinton. He has done a good job.
- Ralph Nader
- Since I have very limited choices it would have to be Bill Clinton.He has a faifly good track record.He could do better and this is something we need to make he understands.
- Harry Browne, because he is the only one who will really change what is done in Washington for the better.
- Bill Clinton, I believe he cares about education & social issues
- Colin Powell - He's strong in his leadership. Good history of foreign relations.
- Harry Browne, because he wants to reduce goverment to a Constitutional level. He wants to eliminate Federal Reserve and their collection agency the IRS. He believes in the Libertarian principle of Self-Governing.
- Forbes ... White/blue collar worker. Non-political experiences!!
- Pat Buchanan because he is the only principled conservative that I can trust to oppose the New World Order/internationalist agenda.
- Clinton, Status quo isn't that bad.
- Not Clinton or Dole
- Dole, because he will be the republican candidate
- Bill Clinton, Though he has trouble letting everyone know, I feel he has done an excellent job so far.
- Bill Clinton - best available choice of viable candidates
Keyes/Dornan '96!!!- Bob Dole Bob Dole would not be an embarrassment to this great nation. He is already respected as a world (leader) figure.
- Pat Buchanan- He is the only one that will get us out of NAFTA, GATT, WTO, UN. He will slow immigration and return economic nationalism with touher trade laws
- clinton (fair to labor)
- I want to see Harry Browne elected president because he is the only candidate that I feel truly believes in a much smaller federal government. He has said he would veto every single piece of legislation that increased the size of government and I believe him. One of the reasons I believe him is because he is the first candidate to qualify for and refuse to take matching campaign funds from the Federal Election Commission. He feels the matching funds program is welfare for politicians and will have n part of it.
- Buchanan, Moral character, supports established rights, i.e. U.S. Constituition
- Clinton, Things are not that bad
- Bob Dole-adult
- Steve Forbes. better than Dole, and any one is better than clinton.
- I will vote for Bill Clinton. Bob Dole is Newts' puppet. I wish the choices were better.
- Harry Browne, because I believe he is the only one who can be counted on to reduce the federal government
- Clinton, the Republicans are out of touch
- Clinton, because he is the best man for the job.
- Bill Clinton, because he has good ideas, and I would like to see him accomplish some of his agenda.
- Someone who cares about the future of America after they have been elected to a second term.
- Gen. Colin Powell because he seems upfront and honest
- Dole-he all about helping the people that need help, and those who do not need as much help.
- Bill, because he is free of "holier-than-thou" rhetoric
- Newt Gingrich, because he has truly apolitical ideas
- ABCD-Anyone But Clinton or Dole -both are incapable of being real leaders, they practice political expediency.
- Ann Richards, because she was a great Texas governor
- Bob Dole because he is the best in the field.
- Bob Dole, of all the people running, he has the best chance of beating Clinton.
- Dole
- Harry Browne
- bob dole for his experience, integrity, international outlook. Bill Clinton is a unfocused people pleaser concerned more about his personal reputation than the direction of the country. I want less government and the Democratic party still represents big government!
- Harry Browne because he in the only one that I believe and he is saying what I want to hear for the most part.
- Dole. I don't trust or like President Clinton!
- Steve Forbes because he strikes me as honest and extremely intelligent
- Clinton, No better option
- Browne, supports the non-initiation of force principle
- I want Ross Perot because he makes more than empty campaign promises. That and he makes more sense that any other politician.
- Harry Browne -- to turn the country around.
- nader
- Harry Browne, Government should be held to Constitutional Power. Protect our rights and our borders. Get Government out of our lives and business!
- Bob Dloe because with a Republican majority of Congress one needs a Republican that can work with the congress rather than to fight the congress like Bill Clinton did with subjects like the budget, welfare, medicaid, and other related subjects.
- Leadership that will put America on track again. It isn't nece necessarily that I believe we must have a Chritian in the White House, but our nation has lost it's moral direction. Someone with moral direction needs to be our president.
- Bill Clinton
- Gen. Colin Powell, integrity, intelligence, knows what to take from both the Democratic and Republican points of view and find a healthy middle point
- Dole he is more honest than clinton
- Bill Clinton has shown more leadership than Bob Dole and is not a fascist like Pat Buchanan.
- Do we really want Clinton for another four years? Vote for real change, vote for Dole!
- Dole
- Harry Browne
- buchanan - represents my views and beliefs
The Democrats and Republicans are old news.
For real alternatives try 3rd Party Central.- Forbes struck me as the only open-minded and non-politically-involved candidate. But I detested his mud-slinging. "The man who throws no mud has clean hands"
- Browne so drugs are decriminalized and crime decreases.
- Harry Browne: Most freedom, smallest goverment, most prosparity, lowest taxes, best communicator
- Harry Browne. Because this country is founded upon individual liberty balanced with responsibility and we've gotten too far away from that. Harry Browne is the only candidate who can bring us back to it.
- Bill Clinton. To act as a balance against the republican congress.
- Bill Clinton - He isn't the best but he is the best we have!
- Bob Doke - I don't like Bill Clinton
- Bob Dole, he's the best choice
- Bill Clinton-he's done a good job and the only Democrat with a reasonable chance of being reelected
- Pat Buchanan-he's right
- Bill Clinton because he's doing a good job
- harry browne: people want to live their own lives.
- Harry Browne, because he has a viable plan for greatly reducing the size and scope of the federal government. (See his book, Why Gov't Doesn't Work)
- Harry Browne! End the income tax!
- Harry Browne - he stands for the least government and taxes
- He is more in line with mainstream America. The Republicans are becoming more and more extreme to the point that they cannot be trusted to run any country.
- Harry Browne. He is against governmnet intervention, against the unconstitutional IRS and against useless and ignorant laws and government programs.
- Steve Forbes, because we need a business person to make our budget balance.
- Browne, because of his economic approach and stance on personal freedom
- The democrats are spending us out of house and home.
- President Clinton - he's not in the pocket of extremists.
- Bill Clinton, he has dine a good job and IS able to compromise , he is bright and not HATEFUL like every republican I've heard.
- Bob Dole--we share similar government philosophy
- Mickey Mouse - no less of a fantasy candidate than the others
- Harry Browne, I have seen the platform he is running on and it is the platform to get this country back on the right track and put it directly back under the constitution.
- Colin Powell
- Ross Perot / someone who is business minded and can help get our welfare system and national debt in a decent perspective
- Clinton - because he's done a good job and will keep the right-wing in check.
- Clinton, because he's intelligent, compassionate, and can solve problems
- Harry Browne, He's the only one who would adhere to th eprinciples that made our country great.
- Not Bill Clinton
- Steve Forbes He is a realist, optimist, not a politician, and has shown hat he can get things done.
- Either Alan Keyes or Pat Buchanan because of their generally good ideas and their unwillingness to compromise with their principles.
- Harry Browne ... he is an uncompromising person whose political philosiphy most closely matches mine
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne, Because he will do what he says.
- Harry Browne. His philosophy opposes organized coercion.
- Bill Clinton because he is smarter than any of the other proposed candidates
- I prefer a candidate that supports deregulations, the gold
- Al Gore, bc he is levelheaded and rational, and not easily swayed by extremists
- Someone that will take care of America first!
- Pat Buchanan, for he is the only HONEST man running.
- I want a credible alternative to Clinton, who is a worse opportunist than most politicians. So I will vote for Dole.
- Clinton: to balance a republican majority
- Bob Dole. He has the experience and integrity.Bill Clinton does not........
- Bob or Bill (preferably Bill); I don't see much difference
- Bob Dole because clinton cannot be trusted. He is a liar.
- Harry Browne. He is the only candidate committed to getting the immoral monster called "the government" out of our lives -- the only candidate who believes taxing one group to give to another is theft, pure and simple.
- pat, downsize gov; curb illegal immigration; fair trade; wipe out terrorists....
- Harry Browne: will reduce gov't and end income tax
- Clinton: Despite flaws, does have a "liberal" mindset llll
- Harry Browne. His views parallel my own.
- Pat Buchanan because he has principals. Go Pat Go.
- I want tp see Perot because the DEBT is eating our lunch!
- Bob Dole. He's not my first choice, but between Dole and Clinton, Dole is far preferable. Clinton is a smooth liar. His wife is also a liar. Their primary goals in life are to (1) satisfy their ambitions for power and (2) maintain the appearance of moral superiority over anyone who does not agree with them. (Even though what their positions are varies from month to month, sometimes from hour to hour).
- Bob Dole because he would have signed the bills that congress sent to President Clinton and gotten government out of our everyday lives.
- Bill Clinton-best choice we have right now and a man that is doing the best job possible for the Congress he has to deal with.
- Bob Dole - He has integrity and he did not shirk his duty when his country called.
- To late for this answer
- I would like to see Alan Keyes voted in as president in 1996 because his platform is the Declaration of Independence which is applicable to all people in the U.S., he is a moral and charasmatic leader, and he is a minority who could bring needed balance t
- Bob Dole because he has integrity.
- Clinton. 8 years a needed and he is doing a decent job
- Bill Clinton because he stands for most of the things I believe in.
- i want to see clinton because everyone else stinks!!!!
- Alan Keyes He's the most moral and in touch one of the bunch!
- Dole,Clinton is worst president in my lifetime.
- Bob Dole. I don't want to see Clinton elected again..
- Harry Browne, Restore truely limited, consitutional government
- Any fair-minded, non-purchased Constitutional candidate
- Bob Dole--Generally share the same views on government
- Colin Powell. He has the character and is middle of the road.
The Democrats and Republicans are old news.
For real alternatives try 3rd Party Central- Ross Perot - Above "being bought"
- Dr. Alan Keyes. The moral fabric of our society is crumbling.
- Jack Kemp, Newt Gingrich. Both embody philosiphies and ideologies that would be beneficial for the nation.
- Dole for a sound fiscal and foreign policy.
- Bob Dole - A man with character
- Harry Browne to get "big brother" out of our bedroom and homes, off our private property and out of our businesses.
- bill clinton - he is doing a good job
- Mickey Mouse, because Mickey cares about the common people.
- Clinton - the lesser of the evils
- Ralph Nader -- Time for a straightforward and honest president - non political and focussed on the common citizen.
- Anyone but Clinton
- newt gingrich. because the man is brilliant. his vision for the future is on that we should all embrace. HIS VISION/ NOT THE MEDIA'S OR THE LIBERAL FALSE PRESENTATION OF HIS VISION.
- Dole - character
- Harry Browne! Government doesn't work. The Democrats and Republicans will continue to take money from the tax payers and spending it on "social causes." It's stupid. The only reason government subsidies are needed is because we are over-taxed. Noboby would need government assistance if the government didn't forcefully rip-off the citizens. Polititions are merely weeds in the garden of society. Please, don't pay attention to the idiots on t.v.. Use your common sense. VOTE THE INDIVIDUAL AND HI /HER PLATFORM, NOT THE PARTY! We are all being bred to be sheep! Let's stop this destructive cycle in november.
- Harry Browne--he's the only choice, in my opinion, to stop the insanity, and get back our property rights--I'm including our minds and bodies as property, by the way--a novel concept these days.
- Bill Clinton -- Economy is healthy; peace in various hots spots due to negitiation as major tool this administration's foreign policy; sane awareness that, "It's the ecology, studpid," (to coin one).
- Harry Browne - Shrink Federal Government
- Browne- Neither Clinton nor Dole has much incentive to change things
- Harry Browne. Freedom.
- Harry Browne, Read the U.S. Constitution, That's what the government should be involved in and NOTHING else. We've had promises before and now we're a country of poor that still try to solve all the worlds ills. STOP., Secondly, your question #3 is unfair for those that don't wish to vote for either as is your question #4. The only way to stop segregating the races is to STOP segregating the races, so question #7 should not be asked and finally if you know about Harry Browne, question #15 is irrelev nt. I answered them because it wouldn't let me submit them without. In the final tally, I don't want them answered.
- Harry Browne -- consistent; not a whore
- Harry Browne. 0% flat tax. Government based on the Constitution, not to support congress/president's outragous paychecks.
- Bob Dole, because he has excellent leadership and governing abilities, and seems honest.
- Pete Wilson, for he is practicle and honest with issues. DOLE
- clinton -- why not
- Someone who stands for common sense, no nonsense, and LEADS the country away from the current socialist trends.
- In a word "CHARACTOR"
- Harry Browne Less lGov Promised
- Nader -- We need to restore democracy.
- Colin Powell
- Someone with character. Because leadership is derived from character. Maybe (Alan Keys).
- Alan Keyes, he knows that today's problems stem from not having God as the center of our country. With God as the focal point everthing else would fall in place.
- Harry Browne - See above.
- harry browne new direction- old methods no longer work
- bill clinton for he has an incredibal record of achievment
- pat buchanan because he is pro life and anti-immigration
- Harry Browne because he makes sense
- Pat Buchanan - He is an uncompromising America-first conservative
- as above
- Harry Browne because he is the only candidate who really represents change. He calls for a reduction in taxes and government, not just a reduction in the rate of increase in government growth.
- Mario Cuomo because he makes a lot of sense.
- Harry Browne
- Browne - Libertarian - The only way out of this mess
- Harry Browne- he'll get government out of our lives!!!
- collin powell
- Who can you TRUST? Slick Willie? I don't think so... Bob Dole for 1996!
- pro-life, push for return to a 2 parent 1 income family centered life style in order to rebuild America.
- Harry Browne
- Anybody who (1) has integrity and (2) believes in liberty.
- Clinton. While he certainly has his weaknesses, Hatchetman Bob Dole has history of pandering to the most convenient groups that will givehim the vote. As my father so aptly put it, "If there's any postion on any subject, Bob Dole has had it."
- Harry Browne, because I'm pro-freedom!
- Steve Forbes...maybe he'll throw some money into the governments coffers
- Bob Dole because I do not think Bill Clinton qualifies to be president.
- Bill Clinton-he has done a good job of being presidential
- Because he will restore the Constitution and Bill of Rights
- Harry Browne, because he understands that government does not work.
- Harry Browne. He is the only one who is serious about reducing government.
- Bob Dole, because he could provide America with a strong backbone with his experience.
- Harry Browne. Government is far too big.
- Harry Browne. Libertarian ideals are what this country needs. People need the rights to do as they please, and not have large amounts of their hard-earned money stolen for 'social programs'.
- Powell - He's a leader!
- Howard Stern
- Bill Clinton. He is open minded, concerned, and effective.
- Harry Browne he is the only person who will truely downsize gov and get rid of the hated income tax and allow us to be free once again.
- Harry Browne, because he will put the government in its place.
- Harry Browne
- Jefferson Davis, he was the best we ever had, I know he
- Dole--experience
- Someone who is willing to listen to America and will do a good job.
- Bill Clinton - He has the intellect,wisdom, experience,and most of all compassion that is neccessary to be an effective leader. George Bush proved he could fight a war. Bill Clinton proved he could prevent war, the most honorable thing any world leader can ever do!
- Someone who has the best interests of the people in mind, but there is no one running with that agenda.
- Bill Clinton - He has the intellect,wisdom, experience,and most of all compassion that is neccessary to be an effective leader. George Buxh proved he could fight a war. Bill Clinton jproved he could prevent war, the most honorable thing any world leader con ever do!
- I want to see Dole because he will work with Congress to cut government's level of influence and control on the citizens of the USA.
- Clinton, for his liberal aids.
- Bill Clinton would be OK if he would just BE THE PRESIDENT instead of always acting like he's running for office... Good GOD MAN< you've already got the power, USE IT!!!!!!!!
- Harry Browne, At present the only thing that can save us is Freedom
- Harry Browne. He is for smaller government, for gov. accountability and responsibilty, Pro-choice, values individual liberty and The Bill Of Rights and therefore honors the Constitution which is uniquely American.
- Bob Dole because he is a hero of a war of liberation and will not flinch in projecting our glorious national will.
- Bob Dole, We need new leadership
- Harry Browne because government doesn't work.
- bill clinton. because his social and economic stances are helpful to ALL americans and not preferentila to rich, white, straight males
- Bill Clinton - I feel the Clintons are much more in touch with the trials, tribulations and struggles of the average American. From the information I have gathered it seems that the Republican party is definitely a "rich mans" agenda, of which I am not privy to. Bill Clinton is only human and has made mistakes, however, overall I believe his philosophies and integrity are evident.
- Jack Kemp or John Kasich (They are both honest and know what needs to be done to fix the country and can get it done)
- Bob Dole Honesty and Character
- Someone who can tone down the government, put power in people's hands, Bob Dole
- Someone new.
- Harry Browne He means what he says
- No confidence
- Harry Browne - The government is a pain in the Ass
- Pat Buchanan
- Bob Dole, I want Clinton out and someone in who will forward conservative ideals.
- Dole-- Eliminate the current barrier to making positive progress in fixing some of the major problems facing the country
- Harry Browne/ He represents true freedom and real reform
- clinton because he most closely reflects my opinions
- Harr Browne: Let Freedom Reign on this 220th anniversary year of the Declaration of Independence!
- Clinton-he's the lesser of the evils.
- Clinton, because he sure looks better than any of the competition
- Ronald Reagan, but seeing that is impossible...Bob Dole because he is NOT Bill Clinton
- I would like to see Bill Clinton elected again because he is the only candidate who believes in seperating religeon and state. A president's job is not to define the MORAL codes for the country, as Bob Dole, Pat Buchanan and the rest of our conservative
- Harry Browne
- A Libertarian, everybody else compromises individual rights
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne, he stands for the same moral and philisophical code to which I belong
- Harry Browne. He's the only candidate who appears to have read the Constitution.
The Democrats and Republicans are old news.
For real alternatives try 3rd Party Central- Harry Browne. He's the only candidate who appears to have read the Constitution.
- Harry Browne. Because government doesn't work! The Federal govt. is a foreign power.
- Bob Dole is the lesser of two/three/four/five evils
- Harry Browne - He's smart, he recognizes where we've been, where we're headed, and why, and he knows how to solve the problems everyone complains about.
- Clinton, because he is a Democrat and better than any Republican.
- Clinton will win because Buchanan and religious nazis will puch Dole to the extreme right and frighten the living daylights out of the American public
- Harry Browne. He would gut the federal government but leave the state governments alone.
- Quit the bandstanding and get to work on what Clinton stated 4 years ago. Also tell Newt to back off and let him do his job.
- Pat Buchanan is the only canidate that is fit to be President because of his no-compromise moral and economic convictions.
- Harry Browne "Government Doesn't Work"
- Harry Browne will shrink the size, and the burden of government.
- Harry Browne A flat tax of 0%!!
- Harry Browne - He will Balance the budget, end the income tax, and cut spending NOW!! Not at some time far in the future.
- Harry Browne - America should be a free country again!!!
- Bo Griets (sp?)
- downsizing is proof busines doesnt care about people and no matter how much help it gets its not going to be the saving grace of society. big business and ceo's are bleeding the average person. republicans call this the American Way I call it rich people and politicians wanting more and not caring where the middle and low income end up as long as they get out of their way
- Collins, He apears to be the only HONEST alternitive. He is completly ignored by the biased media, & his political counterparts
The Democrats and Republicans have failed us.
The Democrats and Republicans have failed us.
For real alternatives try 3rd Party Central
For real alternatives try- Harry Browne, Americans are supposed to be "free"
- Harry Browne - because government doen't work
- Dole-get republicans back in the white house and to give the presidency the respect it should have--clinton is not someone who one can trust nor does he have what it takes to run our country.
- Ralph Nader; because he has good hair
- dole He's a good, decent, and honest person
- Harry Browne, Long live the American way, I do not want to see freedom die and believe me it is on its death bed right now...
- a Libertarian candidate
- Harry Browne-I am a capitalist and so is he!
- Ralph Nader because he has a proven record of fighting for the average guy and sticking to moral principle.
- clinton---calmness nationally and internationally steer the nation away from hate/meanness/fractioning meanness
- Ralph Nader, he is the only canidate willing to defend consumer,worker and environmental interests against corporate interests.
- Harry Browne - to reduce the power and influence of government in our lives, economic and personal.
- Leadership, experience and a record of solid victories for the middle class--Clinton/Gore in '96. We don't need to return to the failed policies twelve years of Republicanism brought about.
- Bob Dole, in studying his life found in different readings, he is very consistent in what he does. I like how he can make a somewhat moral decision for a politician and stick with it. He seems to have a foot hold on the values he wants to instill in America, a lot of past Presidents didn't have specific goals in mind or on how to accomplish them. I also like the fact he is a war veteran, he's not afraid to fight for his country and give his life for it. He doesn't run and hide.
- Pat Paulsen-a sense of humor, humility, and cndid bewilderment
- Browne - Government doesn't work.
- Harry Browne- Forced redistribution of income WILL stop!
- Harry Browne
- David Duke or Pat Buchanan. We have let the blacks in this country run lose for far too long. It is time to put some anglican self control on the marauding gang mentality in the black community.
- Sadly, Bill Clinton. The Republicans have a poor candidate.
- Nader; he's the most liberal
- Harry Browne I want to see a major reduction of government.
- Bob Dole because of his experience, he is pro-life, and it would get the Clintons out of office.
- Forbes--good personality, good person, very knowledgeable
- Harry Browne, because he says he will cut government spending, start to pay off the national debt, and reduce taxes.
- Lamarr Alexander because of his conservative viewpoint and his respect for life and traditional values. In addition he acts on his value system
- Bob Dole because we need a signature on the Contract with America
- Browne, Less government. I have paid taxes all my life and have gotten nothing for them.
- Harry Browne, because we NEED a Libertarian President
- bob dole, I would rather have him then bill clinton. I don't really like eather of them.
- Anyone who can get Congress to quit "out of control" spending.
- Dr. John Hagelin of the Natural Law Party, and why is he not listed here? He WILL be on the ballot! I would like to see him president since he will bring recognition to the party he represents, which has the most progressive ideas for positive change, in light of modern science. If he were not on the ballot, I would vote libertarian. Democrats and Republicans are old hat: nobody likes either party any more, and people vote for whichever one they hate the least, which is pathetic. I've switched bec use there are people out there are actually are worth voting for. (sorry for the length here).
- Clinton - He's the least abhorrent
- Experience, leadership, four years of
- Newt Gingrish
- Harry Browne: personal integrity, smaller government
- Harry Browne,"Government Doesn't Work": only Libertarians say what they mean and mean what they say and if elected will do everything in his power to carry out his message.
- Bob Dole because his vision is better for the country
- Bob Dole- Clinton has screwed things up enough its time for someone eles to try their hand. Like a republican!!!!!!!!
- a moderate - any moderate - fringe groups scare the pants off me
- Bill Clinton. He'll live through his term
- Harry Browne - Aflat tax of 0%
- Bob Dole because the economy is going down.
- Just about anyone instead of Clinton.
- Collin Powell...He is not a politician
- Bill Clinton. Republican Party tied too closely to Christian Coalition
- Forbes because he has corporate/business insight.
- Dole, he is not a liar or a disgrace.
- Harry Browne
- Bob Dole - he's honest, has integrety, he's a patriot and he's experienced. Bill Clinton is "NONE OF THE ABOVE"
- Harry Browne, because he wants to reduce government now, not down the road.
- bill clinton
The Democrats and Republicans have failed us.
For real alternatives try 3rd Party Central.
- Of all of the candidates, Clinton is the "lesser evil". Not a great reason to vote for him, but I could never vote for Bob Dole, and I don't know much about Ralph Nader's platform. I don't even have to expound about Ross Perot. ;-)
- Harry Browne - Less Government, Balanced Budget.
- Harry Browne -- I want to be able to be responsable for my own life.
- Dr.Alan Keyes - The most remarkable national candidate I have seen in my lifetime!
- Harry Browne because he is a Libertarian.
- dole - experience, solid, trustworthy, lower taxes and eliminate debt
- I do not think that Bill Clinton is an effective leader. I feel that he sways back and forth between what is popular rather than going with his convictions.
- Harry Browne. His beliefs come the closest to matching mine of all of the candidates I have seen.
- bob dole, experience and character
- Dan Quayle or Alan Keys or Pat Bucanan because they are the only true conservatives worthy of my vote.
- Harry Browne: the only candidate who will truly shrink government
- Bob dole- represents less government and more ind. responsibility.
- Harry Browne because he is the only candidate that talks about specific problems and solutions
- Harry Browne. He is the only candidate who is completely committed to reducing government to its Constitutional limits. His ideas have the visiom to make this nation free and prosperous once again.
- Bill Clinton because despite the criticism, he's done the job.
- anyone who wants to declare the party system unconstitutional
- Bill Clinton,because he deserves to be re-elected & he has a clue!
- Bob Dole; He has the proven ability, and moral character the job requires
- Bill Clinton- he is better than the other candidates
- Harry Browne: He's Constitutional and Principled!
- Buchanan No one world government,improve the military
- Rep. John R. Kasich: He is a freash face in polotics with new, modern, responsible ideas.
- Bob Dole, because I agree with the general principles of the Republican Party. Also, the Republican Congress has very little chance of making any effective reform while the Democrats control the White House.
- Bob Dole. Experience, both military and political, high moral character, and conservative.
- Clinton--has the vision and leadership we need
- a more integrated US where there is no class or race barriers
- Not Bill Clinton: I want a president who will do what he says, not one who says what is expedient and doesn't mean it.
- Bob Dole
- Harry Browne because the two major parties are theoretically flawed
- Harry Browne is the first Libertarian who has a chance to win and the fresh air that a limited government would bring to our country would be much welcomed by me.
- Bill Clinton
- Bob Dole, character, integrity
- Harry Browne is one running who truly wants to reduse Government, To cut taxes, and to live by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights
- Harry Browne. The other parties are missing the picture.
- Harry Browne. Government is way too big and he's the only one that will reduce it.
- Harry Browne will reduce the government to what's allowed by the Constitution.
- Harry Browne to restore the Constitution and strip the federal government down to it's Constitutionally mandated functions.
- Ralph Nader
- Government Doesn't Work
- Bob Dole, He can help lead us in the direction we need to go
- Harry Browne, only candidate who promotes a free america
- Harry Browne. Abolish the Income Tax
- Bill Clinton is the only sane choice
- B. Dole - he's the only choice available to work with Congress
- Someone outside of the maistream of politic, because the ones that have been there are all crooks
- Harry Browne, enforce Constitutional limitations on the Fed
- Bob Dole. He has a proven record and I know where he stands. He has demonstrated his willingness to put his life on the line for his country. He is a compromisor, but he is not two faced. He states how he feels, not how he thinks his audience will feel. My only concern is that he has not yet articulated his vision for the country.
- Matt Small
- Bill Gates
- Harry Browne. There is no longer a difference between democrats and republicans. They both usurp are freedoms and rip us off.
- Clinton, because he has demonstrated his leadership
- Not Bill Clinton. He is a draft dodging liar
- Ralph Nader, he is not a corperate lackey.
- Clinton-- I don't see another choice. Was disappointed when Powell announced he would not run. would have voted for him in a heartbeat!
- Mr. Robert Dole, because he is by far the best man for the job. Its time for the republican Party to return to office. Clinton has done more destruction than good and has such a proplem of contradicting his beliefs. His short lived rein as president will soon be over.
- clinton, he's the best option
- Harry Browne
- Lamar Alexander because he has the Executive experience needed to hold the office.
- Nader The environment matters
- Bob Dole because I think he is most in touch with the moderate sentiments of most Americans
- Colin Powel, My impressions are that he is intent on seeing a more equitable society in which the American people can feel a greater hope for the future. He appears unwilling to play politics as usual. Unfortunately he is not willing to run in an atmosherer of political distrust and one that seems unwilling to let go of the past political vises!
- Harry Browne, I fully support Liberitarianism
- Harry Browne. It's time to begin disbanding the bad joke we call the "federal Government." The curent administration, without a doubt, is the most corrupt ever. For example, look at the minimum wage increase. Raising the minimum wage to five dollars sounds great, right? The problem is that the fed and state governments are the only ones that gain anything. Sure, wages are higher, but so are the taxes on that money. Business will be the big loser in this debacle. If a business has more overhead, jobs will be cut. It's all relative and crappy for everybody except our slimmy reality chalenged "President." I just thought I would try to illustrate a point to all the "bed-wetting liberals" out there. Wake-up. Vote for the man not the party.
- Harry Browne. He will bring this government back within the confines of the Constitution and restore freedom and democracy to the United States. The responsibility is ours. Please vote.
- Harry Browne-He is a capitalist and so am I
- Harry Browne - because he has announced support for 0% flat tax AND massive reduction of federal government. Freedom In Our Time!
- I'd like Buchanan but will settle for Dole. Morals & family
- bob dole because anybody is better than clinton
- Colin Powell -- He represents a new perspective in politics
- bob dole because he can help continue the Republican revolution and The Contract With America.
- Pat Buchanan becuase he has ideas that need to be implemented but most politicains aren't willing to risk being ostracized for them.
- Bill Clinton because Jessi Jackson is not running!
- Clinton, I cannot support any of the Republican candidates who have no sense of establishing equality for all.
- Bill Clinton. I feel that he has done a good job leading the country and trying to further the interests of the American people. I think that a great many people feel the same way and appreciate his attempt to improve many aspects of the government. I also feel that on the whole, he is more in touch with the goals and ambitions of the younger generation which is becoming the dominant politcal force in the country than his opponent (Bob Dole).
- H. Browne - No govt is good govt.
- Pat Buchanan, he'll put the fear of God back into this country
- Harry Browne, because he is the only candidate running on issues I agree with
- Clinton because of his intelligence and ability to create a check against the strongly Republican Congress no in place
- Bill Clinton because he has made changes, and has kept most of his promises since 1992. He is also willing to sit down and work with anybody to improve the U.S as a country. He has made changes and will continue to make changes as long as he remains presi
- Robert Dole because he is NOT Bill Clinton (the biggest disgrace to sit in the Oval Office since Andrew Johnson).
- bill clinton
- Harry Browne, We need to get back to the contries original ideals.
- Bob Dole
- Bill Clinton--he's too conservative, but he's the best thing going
- Harry Browne!
- Clinton because he is not influenced by the far-right
- Dole-honest,experience,less government,eliminate debt totally
- Ron Regan
- Pat Buchanan - integrity, sincerity, FOR THE PEOPLE
- less goverment intrusion. less taxes
- Dan Quayle because he is a very respectable man.
- Dole
- Pat Buchanan; He takes a definite stand on issues and he wants to make America and America's families the number one priority.
- Ross Perot - Down home common sense and business experience.
- Bob Dole - much, much better than Mr. Clinton
- Rush Limbaugh
- Harry Brown, The 2 big parties have no idea how to run the country, Browne at least appears to have a clue
- Rather than a flat tax, I prefer a national Sales Tax to replace the income tax. This way the IRS can go and saving will be encouraged. None of the candidates running is qualified to be President. I liked Perot until he dropped out -- bad game for him to play.
- Bill Clinton because Bob Dole will destroy himself.
- Harry Browne -- He is a responsible, ethical leader.
- Harry Browne -> We need change, not talk, and we need it now.
- Harry Browne - government spending has gone from 5% of GDP in 1910 to 22% today. All of the other candidates are too frightened to even mention dealing with ballooning entitlements and military spending.
- Dole because progress can be made with Republicans in control
- Harry Browne - Less Taxes, Less government, more freedom
- Steve Forbes or Ross Perot,If they can run a buisness in the private sector maybe they can run this country?????????
- Harry Browne - Because he recognizes the fact that "government doesn't work." If what your doing doesn't work, the dumbest thing you can do is continuing to do it. We've had over 100 yrs of government intervention - I do not see anyone who is happy with the results.
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne (or any other Libertarian candidate) because only the Libertarians have the balls to institute REAL changes in the way government operates!
- Clinton: Economy has improved. No recession. handling of foreign affairs is good
- Bill Clinton because I believe he remembers what it's like to be a middle income average American.
- Browne: freedom is morally right AND it works
- Dole. Clinton is unprincipled, shallow, and a liar.
- Rick Thomkins because he opposes theft
- Richard Lugar, he's honest, ethical, and has foreign policy experience
- see above
- Bob Dole, as the election gets closer people will begin to focuse more on the candidates then now. The differences between Bob Doles work ethic and Bill Clintons Demagogery will direct the swing votes in Dole's favor.
- Clinton. Least of the evils.
- Clinton He's doing as a good as he can while battleing Cong.
- Clinton because Dole is bad
- Bob Dole, in short, Bob Dole has integrity, the current occupant of the White House does not.
- I have no Idea
- Harry Browne, because his platform is based on reducing government intrusion and returning to the Constitution
- Any Libertarian is better than a democrat or republican; who are both basically the same. I want to see drastically less government, and not just talk of such.
- Bill clinton, he's done a great job and should be relected
- Alan Keyes-is articulate on critical issues
- Clinton, to balance the republican Congress
- Ralph Nader. Defends workers, consumers, and the envinronment.
- Harry Browne: I want a freer society
- Pat # 1, Not Dole under any circumstances.
- Shoot you television. Burn your newspaper. I't time to say no to the Democans and Republicrats.
- Any libertarian because we need to dramatically reduce the role of government and no other group will do this.
- clinton
- Harry Browne -- because government doesn't work
- Bill Clinton, because he's the only candidate whose views I'm comfortable with.
- Forbes
- Dole He's a man of integrity and leadership
- Harry Browne, Because he believes in individual rights over those in power...
- Steven Forbes because he was the only major candidate (with all due apologies to my Libertarian friends) who actually talked about privatiziing Social Security and Medicare.
- Steve Forbes - Conservative/Intgellegen/Has a workable plan
- Bob Dole Character
- Bill Clinton
- Newt Gingrich - good character, good elbows, acceptable balance of conservativism and libertarianism
- Coling Powell would have been an ideal choice, but Clinton will have to do.
- Colin Powell. Because I believe he is experienced and would be concerned about the common good. He would not base all his decisions on getting re-elcted. I think he is honest, family man, and doesn't have the baggage the other candidates have. He would be a Harry Truman type president.
- Bill Clinton because he is the best man for the job. I would rather live in Cuba then have Dole as president sad enough to say.
- Bob Dole / He has experience,courage,consistency and honesty.
- Harry Browne Reduce the Federal Gov't
- Bill Clinton because he is the best man for the job. I would rather live in Cuba then have Dole as president sad enough to say.
- dole
- Harry Browne because he espouses personal liberty while others would like to have more control of indiviuals.
- Harry Browne
- Bob Dole, Because he doesn`t change his mind hourly.
- Alan Keyes--Because he is the only candidate addressing all the issues in ways which I would support.
- Harry Browne because government does need to shrink...
- Clinton (who else is there?)
- Harry Browne -- Revolutionary ideas for changes in Governments
- Ralph Nader
- Harry Browne because he will reign in the federal goverment.
- harry browne - we have to reduce goc. before it's to big to touch!
- Clinton has performed well enough to deserve another term. He has grown over the past three and a half years and has certainly shown increasing political adroitness. His views are generally enlightened and progressive. The alternatives--persumbly Dole and Perot--are extraordinarily unattractive, both personally and on the issues.
- Harry Browne, he's the best candidate by far
- Harry Browne, I feel the fundamental area of concern in current American society is a lack of personal responsibility - I see personal responsibility as lying at the heart of Libertarian thought
- harry browne would significantly reduce the size of the federal government
- someone who will reduce the power and scope of the federal got
- Pat Buchanan. He stands for what he believes in. A patriotic American!
- Bob Dole
- Steve Forbes. Flat tax, abortion stand, common sense
- Bill Clinton
- Clinton, all the others suck.
- Dole - Promoting a stronger economic climate for the future generations
- Ross Perot because he cannot be bought by special interest and PAC's which are one of the largest cancers on the federal government today. The US Government should not be for sale to the highest bidder.
- Clinton because I can't trust a person with a perfect record
- Bill Clinton; he's a normal person and a good president
- Harry Browne. End the War on Drugs. Slash spending. Leave us alone.
- Buchanan because you know what you are getting
- Bill Clinton. He hasn't been perfect, but he has helped this nation considerably from four year ago.
- colin powell
- Bob Dole - I believe he is stable and has experience and will lessen our national debt along with the help of senate and congress. We need to lessen welfare and allow the working man and business owner to keep more money to use for their own lives instead of supporting people who do not work. It has to end - the "free" handouts. We need someone who is unreasonable about holding the line and who can say "No".
- dole. He's electable, and Clinton is unacceptable
- Harry Browne, not tainted by politics
- At this point, Bob Dole. Ibelieve he will sign the GOOD legislation brought fourth by the more conservative Congress instead of the constant VETO of President Clinton!
- Ralph Nader -- he seems sensible and is not interested in more big business
- Harry Browne -- he's a fantastic speaker! Get a chance to hear him!
- Harry Browne and FREE MARKET and REAL FREEDOM
- Bill Clinton - because he'll do the least damage.... the Republicans are too influenced by lobbyists.... the N.R.A., religious extremists, etc.
- Dole=ABC
- Browne: Get govt out of our private lives; less govt regulation; eliminate confiscatory laws; eliminate the IRS; seriously consider fed sales tax or VAT; overhaul basic economic policies
- Bill Clinton. He has been a fair president, and cares for people. He knows what is best for the country, not Bob Dole!
- Bill Clinton - He is doing a reasonable good job.
- Bill Clinton will prevent the Congress from cutting those services and programs that are effective and make a real difference in people's lives. Clinton has also provided leadership on deficit reduction, job growth, and managing the economy. He has provided moderation and sensible action on foreign policy. Bob Dole would basically pass whatever Newt Gingrich sent up and this would be a serious mistake for the country and hurt the middle class, working poor, and benefit big business and millionaires.
- Alan Keyes - he is the only candidate who seems completely convinced of his principles
- Harry Browne. Say NO to the Republicrats and the Demogins. We can no longer afford their empty promises--fiscal or social.
- Harry Browne, because he's the only one currently proposing anything other than business as usual.
- Bob Dole...he is the only candidate that is qualified for the office.
- Bill Clinton, obviously
- If you can't think for yourself, you aren't a libertarian.
- Harry Browne because I believe the federal government has over-stepped the bounds of the Constitution.
- I would like to see someone open-minded (maybe T. Ahearne)
- Bob Dole, America can't withstand 4 more years of Clinton
- Bob Dole - Because this he will work best with the republican congress
- harry browne. we want freedom!
- Anyone who truly recognizes that gov't is the problem, not the solution.
- Bill Clinton because he works hard and he get laid a lot (I think)
- Harry Browne, he is the only one who wants to reduce gov't
- is the only major candidate who understands liberty.
The Democrats and Republicans have failed us.
For real alternatives try:3rd Party Central
- Bill Clinton, feel he's done a better job than given credit for.
- Harry Browne, because I value Liberty over Security. There are no sure things in life.
- Bob Dole because Bill Clinton cannot be trusted. He says what he thinks the public wants to hear & rewards special interest groups. He is basically a dangerous dishonest selfish man. Hilliary is even more dangerous.
- The Democrats and Republicans have failed us over and over again.
- Bob Dole because Clinton is a terrible president and no one else has a chance of beating him!!!
- General Colin Powell because he isn't a politician
- Harry Browne - To restore individual liberty
- Harry Browne. We need a principled, moral leader.
- Clinton, no better available choice... Actually Gore would be better.
- Neither democrat or republican will make good on promises, last term I voted for Perot (I know, gasp!), this term, it's Browne. Someone has to make good, otherwise there WILL be anarchy!
- Pat Buchanan
- Harry Browne- he wants to cut taxes, spending, and regulation of my life.
- Pat Buchanan - He is not part of the SYSTEM
- bob dole because he is a man of good character
- Colin Powell - Leader, Strategist, Foreign Relations
- Clinton - The GOP must be returned to its conservative (not radical principals.
- It's funny reading the postings fron the uninformed, clueless, pro-Billery socialist goobers. You losers. Change your diapers and don't expect the government and others to wipe your noses and control your lives. Try to use your brains and logic this time. Vote for individual freedom and independence this time. But, of course, I don't expect miralces, you'll probably just vote for who the politically correct, scum bage, liberal talking head on t.v. tell you to vote for. Baa, baa, baa. Socialist li erals suck!
- As long as it's not Clinton or Dole, anyone. This country'
- Any conservative. Liberalism has failed.
- Harry Browne.
- Jack Kemp; fits libertarian mold better than other candidates
- Harry Browne is the only consistent believer in Human Freedom.
- President Clinton would be the best choice in the present times. He offers a direction for navigating our country and its citizens into the 21st Century. The world is a more dynamic environment than ever before, but offers the promise of great possibilities in trade, education, and cooperation. President Clinton has attempted to reduce the federal deficit without removing programs unless they are unneeded, or have a more economical alternative or interim program for transition. President Clinton has empathy for business, the religious, workers, students, law enforcement, the poor, and the disadvantaged. His ability to make decisions based on what is best(this may be best only in the short term i.e. vetoing legislation crafted to be unacceptable, or longterm i.e. GATT and NAFTA) rather than take a rigid approach to each issue which doesn't serve the interest of the nation.
- Forbes - I'd like to see someone with business experience instill a business sense into the federal bureaucracy.
- Ralph Nader, because he has an understanding of the proper role of government, i.e., to protect the populace from power-mad world-destroyers.
- Ideally...any non-Republican or non-Democrat candidate, so that we could begin to move away from a two-party system which prevents any real progress. Though the parties contend that they are considerably different, they truly don't offer the American public clear and DIFFERENT platforms.
- Colin Powell - He has ideas and integrity and he stands up for what he believes
- Bob Dole Character
- Pat Buchanan, He's moral, uncompromising, strong.
- Bill Clinton...lesser of the current evils
- Harry Browne, because Amerca needs to start going back in the direction that it was when it was founded. Pride needs to be resrored to America and Harry Browne in a man that can lead us into this revolution!
- Harry Browne - See above
- Hillary Clinton - She's got the brains, heart and guts to lead this country into the next century.
- Bob Dole with John Engler as VP because I think that it is time we did what is necessary to lower the national debt and I think that we need to focus more on the family and morals.
- Bill Clinton. His administration have brought fincacial stability, through low inflation, minimum govt corruption, world wide stability.
- Harry Browne! Individual liberty is important, dammit!!!
- Harry Browne for several reasons:1)I'm sick of government intrusion, and he will reverse this growing trend...and 2)He is fiscally responsible, and has outlined some brilliant ideas in his publications. No other candidate comes close to him in terms of standing their ground on real issues.
- Harry Browne. Because I share his libertarian views.
- christine whitman governor of NJ she gets things done
- Bob Dole, because he is better than Clinton! Your pole is partisan to left.
- Jack Kemp because he has new ideas that both business and working people would benefit from.
- Bill Clinton: skill bringing divergent interests to the table
- Ned McWeataor, he did wonders for tennessee
- Ralph Browne. All the other choices are "fake" choices. The "Demopublicans" all support basically the same policies and approaches. They and the media play up the minor differences between their rhetoric but both parties are nearly identical from where I stand. I only which my fellow citizens could overcome their childish obsession with voting for a "winner" long enough to effect some real change.
- Bob Dole
- PAT BUCHANAN == *NOT* business as usual!
- Bill Clinton, because he has proven himself to be a capable national and world leader.
- Harry Browne: Libertarianism must suceed or this country is through.
- Alan Keyes
- Bob Dole, he would stick to consertive ideals.
- No Answer
- Bill Clinton
- pat buchanin
- Ross Perot, Bill & Bob are bought and paid for.
- Harry Browne is dedicated to ending the "drug war". That's enough to get my vote.
- Buchanan, only candidate not member of Council on Foreign Relations
- Bill Clinton has done a good job and deserves to complete his programs with a Dem. House and Senate.
- Bill Clinton. I think he is a great statesman and I like his stand on many issues.
- Bob Dole. I want someone who is ethical and says what he means and means what he says.
- Bill Clinton...He's done a good job
- If you like our socialistic federal government taking your money and controling your life, vote Billery. If you like the aforesaid and are pro-life, vote Dole. If you look forward to April 15th and enjoy being ripped off, vote for either one of these parasites. If you want to discontinue keep the government out of your life. If you want to take control of your life. Vote for Harry Browne. If you just don't want to make the effort and are affraid of change, don't worry loves to make decisions for you (baa, Baa, baa.
- Hillary Clinton. She is incredibly qualified $ brilliant. As a second choice, I'll take Bill. There are others who might be better, but the way our political system is set up nobody but the top two have a chance.
- someone who can make decisions based on the interests of the largest number of people while considering goal of total equality and tolerance
- Forbes -- flat tax
- Rick Tompkins, because he doesn't change his positions or his principles with political winds.
- Jack Kemp - He's a proven leader who has proven he can get things done. He has new ideas and isn't afraid to try them. He cares about more than his own political future, power etc..
- Bill Clinton - he's the best one running
- Bill Clinton, because i do not want to see a president who will compromise on the legality of abortion or who will kowtow to the gun lobbyists!
- Harry Browne--Only one we can trust to defend all our liberties
- Bob Dole.Because he thinks like most like Americans do.
- Harry Browne because the government is too big. I hate religions.
- Tsongas, has the best and most honest ideas for addressing real issues facing our governement and has the ability to form multi-partisan coalitions
- Bob Dole
- dole he is honest
- Clinton-he is going in the direction that I agree with most
- Colin Powell would be a good compromise candidate. He has solid judgment, which Clinton lack. He's not a seasoned politician and party hack like Dole. He understands the role of business, but is not is champion like Dole. He understands the problems of race but is not an advocate per se.
- Bob Dole, because of his lengthy experience in government
- Bill Clinton: Don't trust Religious Right
- ralp nader , so that corporate influence on our political process can be stopped
- Jello Biafra. It would be the closest thing to anarchy possible
- Harry Browne: the only candidate taking a principled stand.
- No more parasites need apply. WAKE UP EVERYBODY! Vote for Harry Browne in '96.
- Clinton should be reelected because of his experience and to continue his agenda.
- Harry Browne - America, freedom was the whole idea!
- Bill Clinton: He's people person. He looks out for all. He tries to accomodate as many people as he can despite their status in society. He's not out for one specific class, like the upper class. He's done a great job these past four yrs and I would like
- Bob Dole. He.s for smaller government and lower taxes.
- Harry Browne - the only candidate who will cut government.
- Harry Browne--to end government tyranny
- Clinton - He is balancing economic imperatives with human needs.
- Harry Browne reduce the size and intrusion of government NOW!
- Ralph Nader because he wishes to increase participatory democracy.
- Harry Browne, because the democratic and republican parties are both opposed to individual liberty.
- Harry Browne had Principles and that's what we need!
- Well, the man that I did want to see in the White House is outta there. I guess that leaves Mr.Dole because I would not vote for Bill Clinton (and I'm from Arkansas) if he were the last person on earth. He is a out & out liar!!!!!
- The Democrats and Republicans don't deserve our support.
Try 3rd Party Central for real alternatives.- Harry Browne because his ideas will spur the economy.
- The dominant parties play games with our money and treat us like children.
I'm voting forHarry Browne
.- Some one to get this country back to moral standards
- Harry Browne, He's the best choice for any principled Libertarian.
- am not enthused with republican nominee but he's the only one available
- Bill Clinton. I think he's done very well so far, and would do even better with four years as president already under his belt. He also seems to realize that America's future does NOT lie in a futile attempt to return to an earlier time in its history, bu
- Harry Brown Will REALLY balance the budget and Cut the Government Octupus down to size.
- Any one but Bill Clinton. Clinton LIES. He lies to his left wing suporters, he lies to his right wing opposition, and he lies to every one in between. If America wants a liberal president elect an honest liberal, if America wants a conservitive president, elect an honest conservitive, just DON'T VOTE FOR BILL CLINTON,, because he LIES.
- Ralph Nader: I don't always agree with him, but he cannot be bought. He genuinely believes citizens -- not money -- should dictate the laws of the land.
- Harry Browne: the answer is in his book
- An intellectual free-thinker who doesn't have contempt for the Constitution.
- Newt Gingrich, he's the only one with true vision...also the most intelligent!
- Harry Browne is the only candidate who would reduce government, giving people greater control over their own personal and economic choices.
- Ralph Nader
- Pat Paulsen
- I'd like to see and talk with Bob Dole, to get to know him a little better. He is a good man, by all accounts, but does not translate well via TV.
- Colin Powell, he isn't a politician
- Browne - he's the only one who'd dismantle the federal govt
- Bob Dole - Because he DOES what he SAYS!
- HARRY BROWNE!!! Vote for real substance over style!
- Harry Browne because his platform is the most
- Clinton, because he's proven he can do the job effectively.
- Harry Browne, to reduce to size of government,and stop spending my money on things the government has no business spending it on.Return to the original founding fathers belief in individual freedom based on personal responsibility. Remind the American people that we were not founded by Men who where christens, but Deists. Franklin,Jefferson,Adams. Long live freedom
- Alan Keyes or Bob Dole - both have good moral character
- Don't vote for the Democrats or Republicans! -- They don't listen any more. Try 3rd Party Central for real alternatives.
- Ralph Nader. He stands against those entities which wrestle control from people over their own lives, such as huge businesses which attempt to squeeze as much as they can from people while offering as little compensation as possible and sectors of government which go along with the business elite as they strip liberties away from the people.
- Dole or Clinton will be pretty much the same.
- Clinton because I hate Dole
- Pat Buchanan.
- Harry Browne-The two party system is broken. Government is no longer "for the People"
- Bill Clinton, because there is not anyone else I could trust totally.
- Ralph Nader because he's a genuine populist.
- Bob Dole appears to be the lesser of two evils.
- Harry Browne for freedom from fear of a government run amuck!
- Jack Kemp & Bill Bennett - substance & virtues!
- Harry Browne - end government intrusion into our lives
- Harry Browne - Because he is the only person who has a proven record of integrity!!!
- Bob Dole
- Clinton , because he is doing as much as any man can do in his position
- Clinton, because the republican platform is divisive and devoid of substance. Clinton is not perfect but he is willing to compromise and will represent the nation better than a right-wing, self-serving demagogue like Dole or Buchanan.
- Browne, I most agree with his consistent ideology
- Bob Dole - he doesn't lie, he has a consertive economic philolophy and doesn't change with the wind.
- I haven't been around long enough to be able to answer this question with any real expertise, but I honestly believe that Clinton is trying to do what he feels and thinks is right for the people of this country. He may not have all of the right answers - maybe no answers at all - but I'd rather have him for another four years than some one new because being president of the United States of America is not a job that you can prepare for. Haveing some one start from scratch will just keep us running in place. Clinton already has four years experience at the toughest job in the world and that alone makes him a better choice than the others. He is not an evil man. More importantly he is more of an everyday American than Bob Dole, Steve Forbes, Ross Perot, etc.
- dole, because he can handle congress and compromise
- Harry Browne -- Government sucks
- Bob Dole, principled, honest, experienced
- I would prefer to see Bill Clinton re-elected. I'm reasonably happy with the job he has done, and I feel that a republican would pander too much to the religious right.
- Ralph Nader. He isn't owned by big business.
- Colin Powell, I believe he is an excellent leader with the country's best interests in mind.
- Clinton - He's smart,
- Colin Powell
- someone who will completely reject interest group money!
- Bob Dole experience and character respects the office of president
- Bob Dole. He has experience enough to know what direction the country should go and the integrity to do what it takes to get there.
- Bill Clinton comes closest to my own political philosophy. On the Republican side, Colin Powell would have been the most acceptable candidate. Personally, I would like to see Bill Moyer (PBS) take a stab at it.
- I would like to see that guy Joel from MST3K be president because I think then the state of the union address would be much more fun to watch. Crow and Tom Servo. Wow.
- Harry Browne: Only the libertarians stand consistently for something.
- Ross Perot, so the 2 clone parties don't get a monopoly
- ANYONE who is socially libral and fiscally conservative!
- president clinton- c
- Harry Browne, Balanced budget NOW! Less Government NOW!
- Harry Browne, he is the only candidate that has a plan to shrink the federal government back to constitutional levels
- Dole, Clinten is too liberal, dishonest and still inexperienced
- Dole. He generally represents my views and he is a proven leader.
- Ralph Nader go after the corporations
- DuckMan ... makes the most sense ....
- Clinton - he is not a puppet of the christian right
- Bob Dole - Well supported conservative with experience
- Bill Clinton
- anyone but Clinton
- Ralph Nader--integrity, critique of Big Biz,democracy advocate
- Harry Browne! He's the only candidate that will abide by the constitution and dramatically change the status quo!
- harry browne I want less government intrusion, lower taxes
- Harry Browne. Democrat=Republic=same old crooked buggers
- Bill Clinton. He's doing a great job.
- Harry Browne, he believes that "the people" are not stupid and have minds of their own. I think if Clinton is re-elected there is going to be irreplacable damage! Pamela Helms
- Clinton isn't perfect, but he's running against the most awesome collection of flakes and weirdos... so he's my man.
- Harry Browne. The only candidate who seriously wants to reduce gov't (Tompkins will not get the LP nomination)
- Someone who actually will make returning the federal government to it's Constitutional limits their Number One priority.
- Dole will fit into the political line-up with the republicans controlling Congress.
- I'm not real happy with my choices, but I think one term of Bob Dole would get everything back on track.
- Bill Clinton - He's not a conswervative
- Bob Dole; Need a person who will govern through a vision not through daily opinion polls.
- Clinton, because he open minded and moderate.
- Dole. His leadership skills, Clean record, Dignity and class that he wuld bring back to the White House.
- Harry Browne, If people get it through their heads that we are responsible for the consequences of our actions and must behave like adults, then the least intrusive social paradigm should prevail
- Ralph Nader. He's honest.
- Dole-to turn the tide of taxing working people to pay for non working people. More accountability placed on individuals who will not work, have children and want tax dollars to provide for them and people who break the laws and then spend tax dollars finding excuses,
- Phil Gramm because he the only true social and fiscal conservative
- Bill Clinton... at least he is not going to die of old age while in office (like dole)
- DOLE, clinton lies too much,he campains one way,governs opp
- Don't Know : There seems such a limited field
- Bob Dole. His views are closest to mine, plus he has a chance to win. There is no sense in voting for a third party that can not possibley win. I vote one of the two major candadates I agree with. I can't vote for someone I always agree with, because I am not running.
- Harry Browne- The constitution is a great document, freedom is a precious thing.
- Any Libertarian because they are the only ones saying what I want to hear and I believe they really mean it.
- Pat Buchanan
- Harry Browne for more peace, prosperity, and freedom
- Fidel Castro
- Ralph Nader -- he's honest, intelligent and really seems to care about the planet
- President Clinton - has done a fairly decent job and has learned from his prior mistakes since being in office. I feel he is a moderate and in this day and time I feel that there needs to be more moderate and less conserative and liberals. We need more people with pllain common sense and less political affil ation.
- BOB DOLE RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Bob Dole, To get rid of Bill
- Harry Browne. He will give us back our freedom and help create tremendous prosperity by letting the free market really work.
- Harry Brown - less government, less intrusion, pro-life
- my mom. She's fair and she tough and she's just. She can put the politicians in their places.
- Ralph Nader - He cares about our future and is not owned by outside interests.
- Harry Browne - The idea of personal responsibility and a VERY limited government appeal to me.
- Bill Clinton, record since becoming president
- Alan Keyes because he represents my positions in an uncompromising way
- Harry Browne; return to liberty and small government.
- Bob Dole, because Republicans believe in peoples rights
- Forbes because he doesn't stand firmly for anything I disagree with
- Anybody BUT Hillary & Bill
- Harry Browne-we need to reduce the size of government
- Harry Browne- He is the only man or woman running who has integrity!!! Non -Political!!
- Bob Dole is on the right track, and will sign Republican Congressional legislation.
- Harry Browne. The difference between Democratic and Republican budget requests is whether to spend this many more trillion than we take in or this many trillion more than we take in. Harry is the only one with a plan to cut spending in half, cut the size and power of the government, and restore the nation to the Constitution that it has been led away from.
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne will reduce the size of the federal Gov't. Dole & Clinton will increase it. I want less, I want Harry.
- Dole, get rid of Clinton
- Democrats are socialists and republicans are now what democrats used to be. It's all a sham. It's time for the people to use their brains and logic: Harry Browne '96
- Harry Browne Libertarian because he would definately shrink government and eliminate the I.R.S and eliminate the National Debt and get the Gov off our backs.
- Preident Clifford cause he do a fine job.
- Harry Browne, the leading Libertarian candidate. His new book clearly shows that he has given a great deal of thought to the critical issues of our time. He also does not pander to the worst in people, as do most of the major party candidates. He has a positive, optimistic vision for the United States, balanced by realism... a good combination.
- Harry Browne because the rest of the candidates are greedy, unprincipled morons.
- Who I want to see, and who I get are two different answers. However, among the candidates that I will have to vote on, I would like to see Clinton - at least I know what he's like - the ones the republicans are running (and I am a republican) are either crazy or senile!
- Harry Browne (LP) - He is the only candidate that would truly cut back the size and scope of government & expand individual freedom !!!!
- Bob Dole, he has the best experience, and a chang eofr Washington
- Buchanan-- seems to have good moral standards
- Pat Buchanan, his hard stance
- Harry Browne -- the only candidate who could possibly make a positive change and bring America back to the ideals on which it was founded -- human dignity and freedom.
- no Because you American are very stupid peoples
- clinton best choice--things aren't so bad and he's not bigotted as are others
- ross perot
- Ross Perot because I liked his idea about government by the people through the town house medium(s).
- Harry Browne, cut taxes, cut spending, reduce federal govt
- William Bennet- Great principles, great communicator, openminded conservitive
- Anyone advocating the end of the drug war since it is failing at a great loss of freedom.
- Clinton, because Dole is the Anti-Christ
- more concentration on the little guy
- A President That is Against Abortion
- Bill Clinton. He is extrememly intelligent, well read, and not afraid to change his mind if given new information. His speeches are long on content and short on "party slogans".
- Bill Clinton He emulates President Nixon on foreign affairs and he has done a great job on the domestic level as well. I believe the GOP is kind of jealous to the point of begging General Powell. No more smoke and mirrors.
- Pat Buchanan; He is solid in his core values, a great leader for the Pro Life movement, and our only possible means to have GATT and NAFTA reversed.
- Although they don't have the proverbial snowball's chance, I'd like to see either of the main LP candidates (Browne or Tompkins). Only Libertarians will have a federal government dedicated to protecting citizens' rights as laid out in the Constitution, end the stupid War on (some) Drugs, significantly lower taxes, cut military spending and bring the deficit down to an amount analogous to a typical credit card debt.
- Harry Browne because he would not fall to the general policics of Washington. I think that he would stand tall with honesty and bring America back to the country that it used to be. And Free Our Children!
- Harry Browne. We need new ideas.
- Bill Clinton - so he will receive all the blame due him for the largest tax increase in history and what will surely happen to the economy because of it.
- Bob Dole, the better of two not so hot choices
- Harry Browne-best platform&integrity
- Harry Browne, the only candidate who is talking about eliminating large chunks of our bloated, intrusive government
- The Democrats and Republicans are taxing us all into bankruptcy. Harry Browne is the only one who can fix the mess.
- We need to get back to common sense. We don't need to elect another established political parasite spewing empty rhetoric. It's time for people to take charge of there own lives and to stop expecting and trusting our government to act as supreme sheep herder. It't time for REAL a change. It's time for Harry Browne.
- Dole, can win, should be much less left wing than Clinton
- Bob Dole,--Anybody BUT Clinton
- Ralph Nader - He has integrity
- Harry Browne, because he knows that Government Doesn't Work!
- Bob Dole, Media is misleading people with inaccurate polls.
- Ross Perot - I like the stands he takes on the issues, and I think his ideas are workable and not clouded by too much political rhetoric
- Browne. I want a governent contained by the Constitution.
- Bob Dole because he is not a coward
- I think Bill Clinton should be re-elected President in 1996 because he has made some important improvements to this country over the past four years.
- A mature person with military and international experiance
- Harry Browne. Restore individual freedom.
- Pat Buchanan - Pro self defense, (Has good chance to win) or Harry Browne (Platform most consistant to mine)
- Harry Browne; Because he stands for less government.
- Bob Dole, we need a president with integrity
- Paul Tsongas, but I'll settle for Bill Clinton
- I will vote for Bob Dole, not so much because I am crazy about him but because I don't want an ultra-liberal in the White House.
- Harry Browne - less government - more personal freedom
- Person I can respect, has learrned the hard wya,knos history
- Clinton- He's getting stronger and has learned from his mistakes. He REALLY wants to do a good job because he loves our country. He'll continue to try and will continue to improve.
- Bob Dole- At least he's not Clinton
- BOB Dole
- Harry Browne. Basically to get big government out of the lives of the citizens.
- Clinton may actually get stuff done without having to deal with re-election in this second term. I like Nader's Green aspect, and Browne's libertarian bent, but it may be more practical to vote for Clinton.
- Browne. He's a libertarian. 'nuff said!
- Bill Clinton, because he has proved his mettle in standing up to an extremists laden right wing that tried to overthrow the duly elected leadership of this country and lead from the congress, while continuing the ruinous policies of the Reagsn era.
- There are two to choose from; I will choose Dole. The Clintons represents everything I disdain and abhor. Bill Clinton has not been a president; he has been a demagogue of the worst kind. Dole is not my ideal choice because he is a legislator, but he h
- Bob Dole
- Bill Clinton - He is doing a good job!
- It doesn't really matter. All of the candidates represent vested interests, so nothing will really change. True change will have to come from within our country, by the citizens themselves.
- I want to see a president who will work with the Republican Congress in its effort to downsize the federal government and balance the budget. To my mind, this would have to be Bob Dole. Clinton stands for nothing. At least Bob Dole stood with Gingrich in demanding a balanced budget and other parts of the Contract with America.
- Harry Browne: Only principled candidate who would really try to increase individual sovereignty.
- Harry Browne, stands for Liberty and Individual Freedoms!
- Jack Kemp- I think he would do the best job.
- Bob Dole. He will work towords a reduction of Federal Government.
- Because he will resore our constitution and bill of rights
- Harry Browne to eliminate most of the government and taxes
- Harry Browne, for less government, less taxes, more liberty
- Dole--The best of the worst !
- Harry Browne, This is the only candidate who has spelled his entire plan out in a book. The other candidates dont spell out anything, they rely on sound bytes made to sound Libertarian so they can cruise into office on the popularity of Libertarian ideas and name recognition. They then do the same old thing that has made the Democrats/Republicans so rich. That thing is writing legislation to please special interests with a piece of the tax paid pie. We need someone with integrity in all public offi es. Harry Browne is the man for our highest office.
- Mary Cal Hollis (Socialist) Because I think people are more important than profits.
- I want to see Clinton reelected because the Democrats are generally for the middle class while the Republicans represent a colition of religious right wingers, gun nuts, and big business
- Clinton--he doesn't have a perverse interest in my private life
- Harry Browne Government doesn,t work.
- Bob Dole. Conservativism is right.Our nation has grown too lax. Like Rome and othergreat nations, the US is not invencible and is crumbling within for lack of morals which liberal attitudes have destroyed.
- Harry Browne. Government that governs least governs best.
- Browne: to stop the fast erosion of civil liberties on all fronts.
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