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Political Survey #3
User comments [ARCHIVE V]
Who will be president in 1996 and why?
- Harry Browne...The Second Amendment!
- Browne - Get Big Brother out of our wallet and out of our bedroom.
- Pat Buchannan
- Bill Clinton
- Clinton
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne for more personal liberty.
- Harry Browne! The only way to ameliorate the gaps which divide people in this country is to get people turning toward each other and away from government.
- Harry Browne for more personal liberty.
- We need to end this infanticide or our nation and world are in big trouble. Oust Clinton!!
- Harry Browne: He wants to reduce the size of government and he has a valid plan on how to do it.
- Ralph Nader...he's honest
- Harry Browne. History proves that big government doesn't solve problems or make people's lives better. Browne understands this. He will vastly reduce government & taxes while restoring personal freedom & responsibility for one's actions.
- Harry Browne - he has pledged to work to drastically reduce the size of government
- Harry Browne - we need less government, not more
- Harry Browne - government doesn't work and he will reduce it
- Harry Browne - government doesn't work
- Bob Dole i could not in all good conscience vote for someone with as little character as Clinton He is the male version of Jane Fonda
- Harry Browne because there is too much government and the United States is no longer the "land of the free" thanks to our government.
- Harry Browne because he is the only candidate attempting to reduce the size of government
- Harry Browne, stands for something
- Harry Browne - Give me Liberty or Give me Death!
- Dole
- Richard Lamm; fresh
- Harry Browne. The two major parties are in collusion to peddle influence and protect their own privileges. Only an outsider even has a chance to break up the game and bring power home to the people.
- Harry Browne; Clinton/Dole-two sides of the same bad penny.
- Bill Bradley has the most consistent and fair-minded ideas I've seen so far.
- Harry Browne, because I think the Libertarians are right!
- Ralph Nader - serious about environmental protection
- Harry Browne- he is the only man who will really straighten out this country.
- Ralph Nader - Green Party candidate. Cares about the people of the country rather than big business.
- Harry Browne-belief in the Constitution & getting the gov't out of our lives
- Harry Brown because he will cut Federal Gov't to the constitutional minimum.
- BOB DOLE, because he is the only one running with the character and qualifications.
- Harry Browne, because he is the only candidate sponsored by an ongoing party structure who has anything interesting to say.
- Harry Browne Because Government Does Not Work
- Harry Browne-We need to brake to a full stop, put it in reverse, and back up to the founding fathers.
- Harry Browne because he has a real plan to reduce government.
- Harry Browne-We need to brake to a full stop, put it in reverse, and back up to the founding fathers.
- Clinton, Can't stand Dole
- Bill Clinton because I believe he is more in touch with the feelings of the average American. He seemes to have an open mind about controversial subjects and comes across as a much more caring person.
- Alan Keyes- He has the best understanding of the issues and the best solutions. The only thing that prevented him from being nominated is his race.
- Harry Browne - I'm tired of both parties pandering to the extremes
- Harry Browne Sound financial strategy for less government
- Harry Browne, major governmental downsizing is needed and I don't believe Clinton or Dole want to reduce the size or intrusiveness of government.
- Harry Browne - He's is willing to take a a real stand on reducing government, whereas no other candidate can truly claim to be infavor of reducing government.
- Bob Dole. Character,Character,Character!!!!!!
- Harry Browne. Less government = More liberty
- Clinton, because he is not a nazi like dole
- Harry Browne, because this country needs a radical change and I believe that he can deliver.
- Harry Browne. Because he is committed to upholding the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
- dole, anyone but clinton
- Bob Dole - He and the Republicans will finally get the chance to make real changes toward correcting the mistakes of the Democratic party over the last 40 years!
- Harry Browne - Dole and Clinton are the Problem, the can't solve the problem.
- Billl Clinton. He deserves reelection for the good job he has done over the past four years.
- Harry Browne for his innovative ideas
- Harry Browne, freedom
- I have a black & white screen-can't read most of these questions but I answered the one's I could read. I'm voting for Bill Clinton. That says it all!
- Harry Browne, because he is the only one who really wants less government
- Bill Clinton, because Bob Dole represents a bigoted, close minded, and greedy segemnt of our society.
- Bob Dole becouse he is proprosing tax cuts and becouse he is pro life
- Harry Browne - get government off of my back!
- Harry Browne, because I have a Libertarian ideology and he is the Libertarian candidate willing to execute Libertarian policy.
- Harry Browne, because Libertarians are the only party that will really reduce government interference in our lives and get the federal government back to its contitutional limits.
- Harry Browne. He is for getting government back into shape.
- Browne, because he's not trying to please every group he meets, but to do what has to be done
- Browne, because only he really believes in human rights
- Harry Browne: End this insane War on Some Drugs
- Lowell Weiker because he put his actions where his mouth is.
- Harry Browne - A change from a ONE PARTY SYSTEM!
- harry browne,reduced federal government and expanded personal liberties and responsibility
- Harry Browne. In question # 13, you left out Honesty, Integrity, & High Moral Values. Harry Browne has all three.
- Anybody but Hillary
- Harry Browne {libertarian nominee) ... Of all the candidates now availabel, Mr. Browne is most devoted to Liberty & Constitutionally constrained government. Failing the election of mr. Browne, I dearly hope our current Coward in Chief is retained in office. Bob Clinton will steal no more of our freedom than Bill Dole, he does have, however, so infuriate people that they will be watching & perhaps resist.
- harry browne will cut govt 2/3 & return our freedoms! no gvt
- Harry Browne -- I support the great majority of the LP platform
- Harry Browne for less government intrusion into private lives and for upholding the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
- Harry Browne for Libertarian goals.
- Clinton because he stands politically liberal-moderate. He stands for many of the same issues that I do: welfare reform, helping the disfortunate get back to a fresh start, pro-choice, etc.
- Harry Browne = Freedom!
- Bill Clinton because I think he is doing a good job and would like tp see him carry out some of his plans
- Clinton
- Clinton - his viewpoints are those with which I most agree.
- Bill Clinton because his record is impressive and he's the most liberal candidate for whom I can vote.
- No one, we should have small local governments
- a Jewish black woman, because we've had too much of the white Christian male perspective
- harry brown. because he supports taming the federal gov. and abolishing the I.R.S. in his first year.
- Harry Browne, 'cause he's not a career politician
- bob dole, we need a change,
- Harry Browne. The major parties have no new answers
- Harry Browne say "Government Does Not Work". Too Right.
- Harry Browne. Let's try something new for a change! He can't do any worse for our country than the two major parties already have!
- Pat Buchanan- no queers,abortionist,jews
- Bob Dole because he will follow through on tax cuts
- Dole; he's not afraid to be President and he knows how.
- Harry Browne, because I am pro-choice, because I support the right to keep and bear arms, because I think government is too powerful, and because I support open immigration and open borders.
- "Weird Al" Yankovic
- Clinton - better policies than Dole
- Harry Browne, I agree with him on every issue.
- Harry Browne-- The only person who realizes government makes more of a mess than it solves.
- Bill Clinto. I believe he has done a good job. I think he has a handle on the issues that are domestically important for this country, economic opportunities and reducing the national debt, creating a positive outlook toward the future.
- Harry Browne: Government doesn't work and cannot work because it is based on coercion.
- Harry Browne We need a better economy which Washington is not capable of giving us. We don't need the government in our private lives
- Clinton. He is not an ideologue. He at least understands the problems, although he has difficulty articulating the solutions. He understands that there is a need for a national government, unlike those who would eliminate the federal government.
- Clinton, because Bob Dole is too old.
- Harry Browne: Libertarian ideology works in real world.
- I would like to see Harry Browne win in November. He is the only candidate willing to dramatically change the government.
- Harry Browne, because as he says, "Gov't doesn't work." I want minimal gov't
- Bob Dole - Best candidate for the job
- Harry Browne - stands for less government
- If the choice is Clinton or Dole, I will choose Clinton, since he is more open minded and less set in his ways. However, I believe there are better people, such as Alan Keyes and Ralph Nader. Unfortunately, they have little chance of winning. If you want more, I have plenty of opinions.
- Harry Brown. Impresses me as principled, consistant, logical, well thought out. I have heard him questioned and he is all of the aforementioned and impressively so.
- harry browne-to introduce a legitimate third party into american politics.
- Browne, not politics as usual
- Bob Dole because he will do what is right for the country and not special interests.
- Harry Browne. He will get govt out of our lives.
- Harry Browne - We need a REDUCTION in government, not decrease in rate of growth.
- Harry Browne, he is not afraid to take a stand against big government.
- Clinton\Gore, the economy is good, the deficit is dropping, and inflation seems to be holding even with a fairly hot economy, unemployment is down, sounds like people are positive about spending for high ticket items. I believe a lot of economists are surprised.
- Harry Browne - Libertarians are the only party whose goals are true to the philosophies and concepts upon which this country was founded... INDIVIDUAL liberty, rights, and responsibilities. Government IS the problem... and always has been.
- Harry Browne
- bod do
- Harry Brown, because he is tho only one serious about limiting government.
- Bill Clinton - Bob Dole does not have any idea what the average American is dealing with. He has his congressional retirement, medical coverage, and more money than he knows what to do with. Bob Dole needs to be out of politics for a while and get back
- Harry Browne, to reduce the government burden and restore common sense to America.
- bob Dole
- Harry Browne. Because only he will cut government.
- Harry Browne, principled proponent of minimalist government
- Harry Browne. I agree that little as possible Government control is not only best for the country but the was the Constitution intended it to be.
- Nader! because he actually has his head screwed on and understand the importiance of the enviroment
- Bill Clinton
- Harry Browne... he understands what individual freedom means and has thorough understanding of property rights and the absolute importance of keeping our experiment in freedom going by getting politicians to adhere to the constraints of the Constitution.
- Clinton-- no better viable progressive alternative
- Bob Dole uor country needs moral leadership.
- Harry Browne. Only candidate that offers to significantly reduce government oppression.
- Harry Browne I want to see him included in the debates, but more inportantly I like what he has to say. He is a fine speaker who seems to say what he means and means what he says.
- I don't like any of the choices we are given. The system eliminates capable people by making certain that only people that owe obligations to the party can be candidates. These limitations begin when you first attempt to enter politics.
- Harry Browne because he is the only canditate who wants to shrink the federal government and give me back my freedom, money, and self responsibility. He is the oppisite of the socialist candidates Clinton\Dole.
- Bob Dole
- Richard Lamm because he supports the future generations (ie balanced budget, social security/medicare reform) by protecting us from all that debt we will inherit.
- Harry Browne clearly is best choice for President. He is honest,brilliant, understanding of what needs to be done, and has the will and ability to carry is through to make a free society basist on The Constitution and The Bill of Rights, to vote anyone is a wasted vote.
- Bob Dole, Mr. Clinton is a digrace and should be impeached.
- Any person believing in practical Libertarian principles.
- Clinton, because things have been pretty quiet these past four years than they have been my entire life. The president can't control the stupidity of others; he can only control his own stupidity. And I believe he's doing fine.
- Harry Browne, He makes sense and seems honest. We need a change!
- Harry Browne - only candidate for liberty
- Harry Browne. He's the only candidate who will reduce the size of the government.
- Harry Browne, because he supprts freedom.
- Bill Clinton, He has the hang of the job now.
- Bob Dole decency integrity experience
- warren rudman: knowlegeble and experienced- domestic & foreign affairs, military, workings of congress, pro-choice, pro-gun control, straightforward, sensitive to difficult social issues, practical, honorable
- Clinton, He has a record of reducing the deficit, stimulating the economy, while concentrating on education and the environment
- Ralph Nadar
- Clinton. Good balance with Republican majority
- Harry Browne in hopes of ending government's image of a "servent" to the people because instead it has become a slave master for utilitarian goals.
- Bill Clinton, because of his policy this country has reduced the deficit and has eased many foreign tensions, albeit while antagonizing others.
- Ralph Nader he is a decent man
- Robert K. Dornan - One word...LEADERSHIP!
- Clinton
- Harry Browne - because he is a true libertarian
- Harry Browne. Browne is the only candidate who truly wants to dramatically reduce the size of government. Browne is also the only candidate concerned about protecting our civil liberties.
- Harry Browne is the only candidate for real change.
- Harry Browne...will free all non-violent drug war POWs and get govt. out of our lives for the most part. Stop the BATF from terrorizing. Stop all forfeiture laws. Anything is gravy!!! Visit my web site:
- Harry Browne - For freedom in personal _AND_ economic matters
- Harry Browne. He believes as I do.
- Harry Browne -- he's the only candidate in the race who promises to restore individual liberty.
- Harry Browne, He is the only one that is serious about cutting government. "Would you give up your favorate govnt. program if it ment you never had to income tax again."
- bill clinton and/or libby dole for vice--because they're there.
- Harry Browne... he wants to cut government, and put more rights in the hands of individuals like my family and friends
- Reduce impotance of position to level where nobody cares
- Harry Browne - America's only chance for personal liberty and econmic freedom.
- Bob Dole-he's honest,honorable,intelligent and a good leader
- clinton, to keep a balance of power at the federal level.
- Harry Browne. I don't agree with all his ideas, but I trust him. I don't trust Clinton or Dole.
- Harry Browne
- clinton energy,growth in job,resilience, sensible objectives
- Harry Browne, to bring back true constitutional government (according to the vision of our founding fathers).
- Harry Browne. He will honor his oath to follow/defend the Constitution.
- Bill Clinton - I can trust him!
- Bill Clinton. Understands average-American problems.
- Bob Dole -- Need a Republican controlled
- Robert Bills--Socialist Labor (workers' control of industry)
- The decision is not yet in.
- ralph nader
- Bob Dole- I believe that he would carry through on his promises.
- Bill Clinton, Dole would erode freedoms.
- Browne, because he is a radical departure from the status quo
- Anyone but a Democrat or Republican. They have gotten too powerful. Time for a change.
- Harry Browne - Common sense philosophy, dramatic ideas, paradigm shift
- Harry Browne "Government Doesn't Work!"
- Bob Dole because I believe that with a Republican Congress and President things would be changed for the better.
- Harry Browne, the only candidate who wants to reduce government spending NOW.
- Richard Lamm, because he is serious about reigning in out of control government spending.
- Harry Browne. Reduce government to the lowest possible level
- Harry Browne, No other candidate truly offers change
- Ralph Nader, I trust him
- Harry Browne, for all the Libertarian reasons
- Harry Browne because we need LESS government.
- Harry Browne. To shut down most of the Government
- I would LOVE to see Harry Browne elected as president. Browne is the ONLY candidate who has respect for the constitution. His offer to do away with income tax forever if we are willing to give up all government programs is the best offer around. Check out Brownes site at to find out why everyone is WILD ABOUT HARRY.
- Bob Dole, Powell isn't running
- Harry Browne, so he can give as his reason to refuse to sign bills that he believes them to be unconstitutional.
- Pat Buchanan - He has a anti-globalist platform that America needs right now to fend off the economic traitors that want to sell it to the highest bidder.
- Harry Browne. End the Income Tax. Abolish the IRS. Let my people go!
- The economy is good, I think President Clinton has made mistakes, but has learned and adjusted to the job. He is bright, and I feel confident he has the heart to make tough, but fair decisions. I feel President Clinton will continue to serve the country well.
- Colin Powell
- Harry Browne is the only candidate who believes in smaller govt.
- Al Gore : strongest environmental advocate of all
- Harry Browne--he makes sense!
- Clinton because I don't trust Dole
- Bill Clinton. He is the only candidate combining a respect for the leaders in our society with a respect for those who are less fortunate. In theory, I'm Libertarian, but I don't think American society is intelligent enough to prosper for all under Libertarian philosophies.
- Bill Clinton, I don't want to be living in a church state
- Harry Browne - He is our only hope of reducing government
- Clinton- best chance for working people
- Clinton...better off now than 4 yrs ago
- Harry Browne; he recognizes that government IS the problem
- Bill Clinton The only viable candidate that concerns himself with the people of the country.
- Harry Browne, because his ideas about dismantling govt. programs and turning money over to those dependent on Social Security sounds like a great idea. Those my age and below, (and probably quite a few older) will never see any of the money they "put into" Social Security.
- Harry Browne, because only Libertarians mean what they say.
- Harry Browne. For reasons see his book, "Why Government Doesn't Work." Also see his website address @http:/
- Colin Powell because we need a man of integrity who does not lie and can lead.
- Harry Browne is the only 50 state candidate who would really reduce government
- harry browne--he's a patriot and we need one
- Harry Browne. The only one that can turn this around!
- Harry Browne--Only candidate who has professed sincere intent to honor the constitution.
- I cannot waste my vote by voting against my conscience and beliefs. I cannot vote for anyone other than the Libertarian candidate, Harry Browne.
- Harry Browne, No other candidate truly represents change, they stand for the status quo which is socialism
- Bob Dole, because I think a re-elected Bill Clinton is a very dangerous idea!
- Harry Browne, in politics, as in genetics, (ie., cattle breeding) you must reach further than the goal to be able to achive it.
- Harry Browne. He is not a career political parasite like Clinton & Dole. Nor is he a part of the political establishment as the other 2 major candidates are.
- Bill Clinton, even though he is a moderate, and that is the mood of the majority of the electorate, he hasn't demonised the government and instead believes in fixing the problems (of which can be found in any human endeavor)
- Harry Browne, because he is the only candidate who is uncompromising in his proud support of the Bill of Rights
- Former Gov. Lamm of Colo. - has a better grasp of the national angst with a well developed agenda to solve the country problems. He's more on target than the Libertarians
- David Duke because he will help the White Race to survive
- Bill Clinton. His record is much better than Dole's form my view point
- Harry Browne - "Huge Tax cuts NOW! Huge Spending Cuts NOW! A Balanced Budget NOW!" Not seven years from now!
- Undecided
- Ross Perot. He's not my 1st choice, but I believe him to be more sincere and honest than Bill Clinton, and more capable and driven Bob Dole. For this, I can overlook his personality flaws.
- Harry Browne, because he is the only candidate who can bring prosperity back to America, and solve our moral crisis.
- Harry Browne. He respects the Constitution.
- Colin Powell: man of integrity, commitment to ideals and values, and open-minded.
- Harry Browne- We need a less intrusive government.
- bill clinton:he is more responsive to the middle class
- Browne, runaway government must be stopped
- Harry Browne
- Bill Clinton, because he has done a better job than what his opponents would have done.
- Clinton, I agree with him on the Environment, Education & Health Care. He is pro-choice and somewhat Libertarian.
- Harry Browne. Smaller government, less taxes, greater individual rights and freedoms consistent with the original framers of our Consitution, etc. etc. etc.
- Harry Browne. Someone has to be willing to begin reversing the "government has an answer for everything" syndrome.
- Harry Browne - Clinton & Dole are part of the problem and have no idea how to fix what's wrong with the country.
- Harry Browne - Reduce the size of the federal government
- Harry
- Harry Browne. His positions are most closely those I support.
- Bob Dole: Wouldn't have been my first choice, Conservatives should have help advance other candidates
- Harry Browne - to protect the indivudual (we all are individuals) from the power of the elite in the name of the majority.
- President Clinton. I feel that he has done a good job as president, and the nation is doing as well as can be expected with the current problems we are facing.
- Harry Browne; government is too large
- A return to strict adherance to the Constitution and Bill of Rights and rid this nation of the War Powers Act of 1933
- Bill Clinton will win re-election because the economy if fairly strong, the United Staes is at peace, and Bob Dole is a very week candidate.
- Bob Dole. He's a man of greatr experience and high moral standards
- harry browne, the only candidate who wants to get the government out of our lives and return freedom back to the American people.
- Harry Browne - I wish to see a Constitutional Government
- Harry Browne! He would reduce/eliminate taxes and government intrusion in our lives.
- Huge Tax Cuts Now, Huge Budget Cuts Now, A balanced Budget Now! Abolish the IRS Now, return to Constitutional limited Government that respects the Bill of Rights, Harry Browne is the Man
- Harry Browne - He is the only candidate who admits that government doesn't work, and promises to reduce it to it's constitutional limitations.
- Harry Browne--less government intrusion
- a person that looks out for the american people
- Bill Clinton
- moral, non-new world order candidate, not to be found yet.
- R. Reagan
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne (Libertarian) - He's the only one who has said exactly what he would do as President. The others change daily as the political winds shift.
- Harry Browne, He's cool! Huh huh
- Dole, experienced, conservative values, pro business
- Harry Brown...Less government
- Harry Brown to reduce the cost and intrusiveness of the Federal Government
- Ralph Nader - won't be bought by big business
- Bob Dole. He has experience and is a man of high moral standards
- Pat Buchanan we need a truly conservative leader
- Harry Browne, we need more than two choices for president and most people share most of the views of the Libertarian party. It is the only party with a chance of winning that has a central philosophy that is based on the Constitution.
- Harry Browne, because he understands the Constitutional limits placed on what govt is permitted to do.
- Harry Browne, Libertarian Party--Party of Principle and less government.
- Harry Browne; to free the economy and reduce the size of government
- Clinton is EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Steve Forbes -> A flat tax and the REAL return of power to the states
- Trustworthy, Truthful, downsize government, lower taxes
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne. Because he's right.
- Harry Browne - because he would reduce the size of government.
- Harry Browne, free minds = free markets
- Harry Browne - the only candidate who understands what the real problems are and their proper solution.
- Bill Clinton only because the alternative is Bob Dole
- Harry Browne It's time for a third party and someone willing to make the cuts in government spending.
- Harry Browne-He will abide by the Constitution when he swears to upon taking the oath of office. Do not reveal my E-mail address to anyone or anything!
- Anyone other than the Demo/Rep candidate. End two-party system deadlock.
- A person with vision and leadership, therfore a third party candidate (Harry Browne).
- Harry Browne Less Government
- Elizabeth Dole - well qualified
- Harry Browne - I am convinced he will stand by his convictions
- Ralph Nader--we need more democracy and less corporate welfare
- Bill Clinton He is the only person that cares for the lower class
- Harry Browne, or anyone else willing to get the government out of the morality business, out of my wallet, and out of my hair. All major parties and candidates insist on pursuing social agendae involving mandates and prohibitions based on personal and popular bias, and it's time for it to stop.
- Alan Keyes. He has the best grasp of the real issues affecting the country.
- Harry Browne. Return to the Constitution...
- Harry Browne; only candidate that will end the war on drugs.
- Dole-Man of experience,integrity & honor
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne--to achieve less government involvement in our lives.
- Steve Forbes because he isn't beholden to the special interests.
- Harry Browne - "would you give up your favorite federal programs if it ment you never had to pay income tx again?"
- Harry Browne Cut Govt.
- Bill Clinton because he
- Harry Browne, to restore *constitutional* government
- Ralph Nader. Clinton is Republican Lite.
- Harry Browne because people should be free and not slaves!
- Harry Browne is my choice for President because he is the only candidate who knows the role the federal government was supposed to have in our lives and is the only one willing to put it in its place.
- Harry Browne - He's honest, uncompromised, non-politicaly motivated, he has an honest love for the united States of America (Yes, small u) and he understands what this (once great) nation was founded upon... the Constitution - a document I miss, because it certainly doesn't exist in the U.S. anymore.
- Bill Bradley, who is experienced, thoughtful, and principled. But he isn't running. I'll probably vote for Clinton, because (1) there is no way I would ever vote for Dole and (2) Clinton would prevent the right-wing Congress from running amok.
- Harry Browne. Because, no other candidates advocate any concrete plan for changes, but rather business as usual in the already unresponsive and behemoth system.
- Harry Browne - He's the only one that's for reducing the size of the Federal government
- Harry Browne-- he's most likely to reduce the Federal Gov't
- browne, Less government, taxes, spending. Strict adherence to the bill of rights and the constitution.
- Harry Browne, because he is a Libertarian.
- Bill Clinton-- already dong a great job
- Harry Browne because he is the only candidate who believes in the freedom of the individual as long as one does not interfere with someone else's freedom.
- Harry Browne, because Bill and Bob are so similar it's become hard to tell the apart. Browne is the only man with an real agenda for change--namely, cutting government back down to size.
- Harry Brown. because he speaks the trurth
- Harry Browne -- I totally agree with the views of Harry Browne and the Libertarian Party.
- Harry Browne. He is the only candidate that will take this country back to what it was intended to be. A country where the government exists to protect the peoples right to life, to liberty, to the acquisition and possession of property, to security, and to the pursuit of happiness without interference from outside entities; not to provide these things (i.e. take from some to provide to others). The government was never intended to instill and insure an outcome based society, but to protect the right f individuals to pursue, or to not, there own goals, in their own way, by their own means. Government doesn't work and Harry Browne knows this and he will do what it takes to get the government to leave the people alone.
- Harry Browne- The man has some good ideas that I think will work.We are just a few steps from slavery now and if something doesen't change in the near future the great American experiance will be doomed.
- Bob Dole..because Clinton is a pot smoking, gay-loving, draft-dodging, womanizing bastard. Character DOES matter..and Dole has it.
- Bill Clinton because of the far right
- Harry Browne-downsize government, reduce taxes, get the gov't out of my life.
- Harry Browne, Because Government Doesn't Work!
- Harry Browne; only candidate who is for FREEDOM and personal responsibility.
- Bill Clinton, Dole is way to conservitive and is trying to force Christian viewpoints on the country as a whole.
- Ralph Nader, because I respect his opinions, and I despise the other candidates.
- Pat Buchanan-Tells it like it is.
- Browne. Change is needed, it's not going to come from Reps or Dems.
- Not Republican, not Democrat. To open the process
- Underlying the success of the American experiment in human liberty is the idea that all individuals have the right to be free from interference from any other person or group of persons so long as they respect the right of others to do the same. Harry Bro
- Harry Browne, to take the Federal government out of the problem-solving business and limit its functions to national defense and protection of individual liberties; to promote a general atmosphere of tolerance for others' preferences as long as they don't
- Clinton- The best choice.
- Harry Browne: for much less govt and taxes; for a better economy for all
- I would prefer a conservative other than Dole: however, I will vote for him rather than see Clinton re-elected. Dole is a patriot. He will insure the appointment of more conservative judges, and cabinet members. He would sign s lot of the legislation in "the contract with America". I believe he will lower taxes and try to cut off the long arms and deep pockets of the Federal government. This government of ours is a beast that has far reaching tenticles that are destroying this country and the ideal itterated in the Constitution. I am ashamed and embarassed by our present President. God help us, if he is re-elected.
- Forbes/Gingrich/Gramm or any candidate who wants to cut taxes and lessen the influence of government on people's lives.
- Pat Buchanan: He has the balls to put his cards on the table. He is standup.
- Harry Browne: I've read his book, and he has very well defined plans for reducing taxes and clearing up the mess that government seems to be today.
- Harry Browne is the only one who will return the Federal government to its Constitutionally granted powers and give us back our freedom.
- Harry Browne for president! People should have the right to choose how to live their own lives without government intrusion into their financial affairs. The free market is good, efficient, and should not be tampered with except with extreme care (perhaps on the environment.) Local governments give individuals political power in their communities. Government regulation (socialism) will be the ruin of us all!
- Harry Browne, because I want to see people's individual liberties and personal responsibilities restored to them.
- Hary Browne
- William Bennett - Best person that would have a chance at winning.
- Harry Browne - Will seriously persue ways to reduce gov't
- Harry Browne, because, if elected he would push for repeal of the IRS and the War on Drugs
- William Bennett
- Harry Browne/Less Government
- Bob Dole - he has the integrity, experience and strong moral character we need
- Robert Dole, ANYONE is better than Bill Clinton
- clinton best of worst choices
- Harry Browne, to restore respect for the principle of a voluntary society.
- Harry Browne because government as it exists today does not work!
- pat buchanan
- Clinton; he is better than Dole
- Harry Browne - reduce government
- Bob Dole
- Harry Browne - Gov't has gone beyond Constitutional authority. Libertarian policies restore legitimate power.
- Harry Browne - He'll reduce the power and size of the federal government
- Clinton....he is the only choice as the Republican Party has been taken over by the Christian Crazies. We need a third party which would split off the fundies into their own sick little group and let the rest of the Republicans get on with insuring the rights of the individual...regardless of their personal philosophy.
- John Hagelin of the Natural Law Party has some good ideas on really "reinventing government", and deserves more attention. Society should however do more independent of government, in which case this is a less important question.
- Harry Brown: government doesn't work.
- buchanan
- Harry Brown, Clinton=murderer, Dole=Old crank
- dole
- Brown, to bring an end to prohibitory laws (Drug War).
- Richard Lamm-Responsible Entitlemenmt Reform
- Browne is for less government
- Harry Browne
- bwowne-legalize drugs now
- more discussion on lowering payroll taxes on middle class.
- Clinton... he cares about education, health care, fairness
- Pat Buchanan because he is unwavering. I believe I know where he honestly stands. He believes in America first and not the UN. He believes in equal opportunity for those that will take it. All are created equal with the right to become unequal!
- Harry Browne, because he will stop the government from strangling the economy and violating our rights.
- Harry Browne, He believes the government does not work, He's right
- Browne - because the eroding of civil liberties is my primary concern
- Harry Browne, because he's prochoice in everything.
- I am having a difficult time with the decision, I do not favor Dole or Clinton. I do however prefer someone who supports less government involvement, who is pro-choice. Who will that be??? I will wait to see who runs a positive campaign not a negative one....
- Harry Browne, Make the federal gov smaller no fed income tax
- Harry Browne- best ideas for the future/would implement most real change.
- bill clinton he is doing a good job and should have four more years.
- Clinton, Dole is way too interested in the rich and big buisness.
- Harry Browne... I just want to be free...
- Harry Browne: Govt is causeing most of today's problems. He spells it all out in "Why Govt doesn't work".
- harry browne, shake things up
- Harry Browne. We need the sweeping changes he proposes.
- Bob Dole, The only viable alternative to someone who does not deserve to be president
- Harry Browne, (Today's) Government Doesn't Work! Altruism IS evil.
- Lower Taxes, Less Spending, Less Spending, Less Spending
- Bill Clinton The economy is good and he more nearly represents my views
- Mary Col Hollis of the Socialist Party
- Anyone but who's running
- Harry Browne!!! Help get him into the debates and you'll see why.
- Bill Clinton. He is more moderate.
- Harry Browne -- less government!
- Harry Browne because he represents a real change. Differences between the Republican and Democratic candidates are merely cosmetic.
- Harry Browne- He's the only one that really wants smaller government.
- Harry Browne because he is the only candidate who has not lied, cheated or stolen from me. He actually has read the U.S. Constitution and will actually abide by it rather than reinterpret it out of existence.
- Clinton--he's doing an outstanding job!
- Harry Browne has the potential to bring about drastic changes in government - sometimes too drastic, but as long as we have a Democrat/Republican congress to keep a leash on him, he'll take our government where it needs to head.
- Harry Browne - he stands on princples, not for political gain.
- Harry Browne - because hes stands for what our founding fathers stood for - FREEDOM!!!!!
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne - primarily because of fiscal and taxation policy, and also because his party advocates a liberalization of our societies draconian drug laws.
- The candidate who is most honestly working to better the country. The least selfish.
- Harry Browne would act on his convictions
- Someone who embodies the working man. Worked in a factory, works 9 - 5 at 4.25 an hour. He would do better the all the "professional" poltitions
- I'd like to see Harry Browne. Failing that, Richard Lamm.
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne, he is the only candidate who has truly interested in reducing the size of government.
- browne - his econ policies
- harry browne because he speaks the truth about government and is firm in his commitment commit
- Harry Browne - He is the first candidate who knows and actually says that Government does not work.I believe him when he says that he would slash the Fed.Gov. to constitutional levels.
- Harry Browne will fire the IRS and end the drug war idiocy!
- Clinton---he cares for the middle class and for the poor---his experience in avoiding the draft in Vietnam is admirable
- Ross Perot (because he has more of a chance than Harry browne)
- Harry Browne - because government doesn't work!
- Bob Dole (although the possibility is remote), because the notion of four more years of Billary nauseates me.
- Harry Browne- I'm tired of Replicans & democrats
- clinton, strong on gun control
- Harry Browne
- Harry Brown, we need government to protect the environment, the elderly, and provide for a common defense. Not to slowly take our rights away and in the process make itself even more powerful.
- Harry Browne - Smaller Government, Lower Taxes, More Liberty
- Harry Browne, because of his statement that he would sign all bills that decrease the size and scope of gov. and veto all that would increase it until it was 1/10 the size it is now.
- Bill... to maintain a moderate supreme-court only...
- Of the candidates still running, Harry Browne. Bob Dole and Bill Clinton BOTH represent BIG GOVERNMENT and will support more of what is destroying the U.S. today.
- Harry Browne, to get Government off of our backs.
- Anybody who will get rid of stupid welfare, why shouls SOME people get FREE money without working while every else works hard?
- bob dole he has the experience to do the job and most importent dole tells the truth.....
- Harry Browne. He is the only candidate committed to making government smallers and less intrusive
- dole. a republivan president will achieve more than a democratic one would with the current republican dominated congress.
- Harry Browne, because he will reduce government intrusion
- Harry Brown -- only one willing to protect freedom, and who would eliminate the national debt
- Harry Browne, for his representation of a vast number of Americans who are tired of the criminally negligent and self-serving politicians responsible for the explosion of unneccesary legislation that gluts our society and has destroyed our freedom.
- Harry Browne, both parties have failed miserably and he is the only reAL alternative
- Harry Brown. Refer to his campaigne statements and his book; Government does not work!
- Clinton-- He is very good and he has demonstrated it, the country is in good shape and he has done what he said.
- Clinton--Under his administration the Federal payroll has shrunk, unemployment is down, inflation is under control. I firmly believe he cares more about the "little guy." And, lastly, Bob Dole is too old!
- Harry Browne, because Government doesn't work!
- Harry Browne - He will reduce the size of the federal government
- I want to see Bill Clinton re-elected, because he's getting things done, dispite personal attacts
- Harry Browne, reduce the tax burden, balance the budget, make our country more prosperous
- Harry Browne - libertarian principles
- Alan Keyes. He is a man of principle and character. He knows what he believes and is able to articulate it clearly in a persuasive way.
- Harry Browne: Federal Government is in serious violation of the US Constitution!
- Pat Buchanan. He is a Conservative and is not controlled by the "establishment".
- Pat Buchanan He's the only candidate I have seen that has convictions that stay the same nomatter what poll comes out
- Browne
- Browne, smaller government is better government
- Clinton. Although he isn't perfect, he's tried to make things better. ¡ like that.
- Harry Browne because he will end the war on drugs
- Harry Browne is the only candidate who really wants to reduce the size of the federal government
- Harry Browne because I feel that he would be a big help in taking the government back to its intended state.
- HHarry Browne
- Harry Browne - he understands that government's role is only to prevent the initiation of force and fraud and nothing else.
- Richard Lamm, eventhough he is not in your survey, I believe that he is the best candidate for the presidency because he has governmental executive experience as governor of Colorado and has some new ideas that are feasible.
- Harry Browne realizes that the US is not run constitutionally.
- Harry Browne. He is the only one with consistent principles aimed at reducing government and giving back the much needed civil liberties to the people. He is the *only* presidential candidate in history to qualify for and consequently *refuse* federal election matching funds! He believes that people are individuals and such have the right to do as they see fit for themselves, without hurting others. Weather that be putting drugs into their body or jumping off the Empire State Building. Freedom, tru freedom, of choice must be returned to the people.
- Harry Browne-because a small government is cheaper than a bad one.
- Harry Browne, because he is the only candidate who will really do something to reduce the size and intrusion of the federal government
- Ralph Nader because he has great ideas and stands by his principles.
- A principle center leader
- harry browne-he is the most libertarian candidate
- President Clinton The economy is so much better now than four years ago and he is more for low and middle class people than the rich.
- Since Buchanan & Forbes are out of the picture--I will vote for Harry Browne!
- Harry Browne is the only candidate committed to upholding the Bill of Rights
- Harry Browne - Less government, less government, less government!!! His uncompromising convictions!
- Bob Dole because he possesses that quality from which all others are derived - character
- Harry Browne, to return America to the Constitutional principles the country was founded on by Thomas Jefferson nearly 200 years ago.
- Harry Browne; smaller gov't
- Harry Browne. He is the only candidate who is committed to substantially reducing the size and power of the federal government. He also plans immediately balance the federal budget as well as take a huge chunk out of the national debt. I can't imagine anyone who I would rather see as predident, including Colin Powell and Ross Perot, as much as I would like Libertarian Harry Browne to be president.
- Harry Browne. I want the IRS abolished.
- pat buchanan because he is diggity dank
- Harry Browne, I have children, I want them to live freely in a stable, peaceful world.
- Bill Clinton would probably be my choice for president because he cares what happens to the people. He dosen't want to cut taxes so the government can do more for the people and I admire that. Besides, all the other candidates are too religiously involved or family values.
- Harry Browne is the only cand. who recognizes that government doesn't work.
- Clinton
- Harry Browne,he is for dismantling the big goverment money machine
- Colin Powell
- Harry Browne since he is the only candidate committed to the fundamental values outlined in the Constitution.
- Bill Clinton...appointment of federal judges and a check on Republican excesses
- I would like the Bob Dole as president, because Clinton can't stop lying.
- Harry Browne because he konws that Government doesn't work
- Honesty-Harry Browne
- I'm not sure but I do not like the current choices.
- Harry Browne.
- Harry Browne - Less Government Intrusion
- Harry Browne, he stands for less gov't. and personal liberty.
- Harry Browne. Can speak to the issues most Americans care to hear about in the presidential debates. He is running an honest campaign, 100% voluntary contributions. He refused matching funds, the first candidate to qualify,but refuse. Electing him president would have a significant positive impact on the lives of many Americans
- Harry Browne, because he would reduce government the most without playing favorites.
- Dole because he's not a draft dodging, wonanizing, pot smoking draft dodger like his opponent.
- Ross Perot, the defecit is the biggest problem we have
- Harry Browne: He's the most logical choice to anyone with a brain.
- Harry Browne, Because Government Doesn't Work And He Knows It!
- Harry Browne, because he stands for personal and economic liberty. All the other candidates want to run your life -- the hallmark of authoritarians, whether left or right. Libertarians simply believe you should be free to live as you choose so long as you don't hurt others. I think this is morally and pragmatically correct. Browne believes in this, he has integrity, and he will try to win liberty for all.
- Harry Browne would dismantle the federal government and return power where it belongs, with the people themseleves.
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne. He is the only candidate with a coherent policy to return the country to one the founding fathers would recognize.
- Harry Brown Continue current path & experiance revolution
- Harry Browne - less government!
- Harry Browne. To show people that they can live better lives with a smaller, less abusave goverment.
- Ralph Nader, to challenge the corporate control of government.
- Harry Browne, because he is running on the principals that our country was founded on.
- Harry Brown-End the War on Drugs!!Stop the black market w/ provides incentives that corrupts governments,police & criminalizes everyday people.
- Harry Browne - He is the only candidate who has any philosophic consistency.
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne - I'm tired of the Constitution being ignored.
- Bill Clinton. He seems human and in touch with the people
- A libertarian, because the government is our biggest enemy
- harry browne to make the govm't viable in the 21st century
- Harry Browne, read the Constitution.
- Clinton-- he's one of our greatest presidents!
- Bill Clinton
- Harry Browne - he will help to restore our constitution
- Pat Buchanan, Pro Life and puts America first
- Lamar Alexander ! He's pro-gun and he is pro states rights !
- Harry Browne to restore Constitutional governmnet
- Harry Browne...because I believe he will bring about much needed changes in America. Not so much a return to American values and ideals but a beginning of the expression of the true idea of American values.
- Harry Browne- End the War on Drugs, let business do business, no legislation of morality by the government.
- Harry Browne - the only candidate really wanting less government
- There is a definite need for Libertarian viewpoints in U.S. Government offices.
- David Duke because he will help the White Race survive
- Harry Browne because he is the only candidate who will actually reduce the size of government, drastically cut taxes, and revive American liberty.
- Harry Browne. We need less government and more individual responsibility.
- Harry Browne We need less government - less taxes!
- Colin Powell- leadership
- Charlton Heston, he seems to be the only canidate that knows the 2nd amendment is in the bill or rights.
- Harry Browne because he's the best person for the job!!!
- Harry Browne: He's the only viable candidate
- Harry Browne
- Anyone who will help dismantle a large segment of the US gov't without preference for lobbyists' concerns
- Harry Browne Because he believes Gov't is the Problem not the solution.
- Harry Browne. The dems & reps can't get it done.
- Bob Dole, because Bill Clinton is a liar and if we had a president who would work with Congress, then they could make some changes and get some things done.
- Harry Browne because the current status of government doesn't work!
- Jack Kemp because he is agood leader and has great ideas about the economy
- Harry Browne, because he would try to reduce the size of the Federal Government.
- Elizabeth Hanford Dole - Bob for First Gentleman! There's still time, let's change the dynamics a bit at the 1996 convention! I'm sure the party would support it - Bob Dole just needs to say he is out of energy or something, and he needs someone better to carry on the campaign, someone who still has the energy to lead America in the next four years - Dole (Elizabeth) for President in 1996; If not, then in 2000.
- Bob Dole His campaign doesn't have a body count
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne. Prosecute Criminal Elements against the Constitution!
- Bill Clinton
- Harry Browne. While I am not 100% libertarian, it is obvious to me that our government has gotten far too involved in far too many areas of our lives. The intent of the constitution was to prevent a large, uncontrollable government from ruling absolutely. What we currently have is part democracy, part fraud. The states should have authority in all things not spoken of in the original constitution; and the people if not the state. In other words, it has gotten to the point where we serve the gover ment, instead of the government serving us, and that must end.
- Harry Browne 'cause noone else will save America
- Nadar. I disagree with him on a lot of things, but I don't think he would try to appease me and people who disagree with me. I just want him to do what he thinks is right. When it is all boiled down, Most americans agree on fundamentals, like education and freedom. The nitpicky, though often necessary, should be put by the wayside for a while, and someone like Nadar could then organize. Clean the cobwebs, if you will. You can only patch a boat so long before you should buy a new one. Hopefully t e new one will look like the old one mostly
- Harry Browne....Less government. Period.
- Harry Browne, because he's the only candidate that faces the Issue that Government Doesn't Work!
- Government programs have things worse, not better
- Harry Browne - He will help limit the powers of government to those clearly defined in the constitution and Bill of Rights.
- Harry Browne. He makes the most sense.
- Browne, So I may raise my family and run my business and life the way I want to. Not by the assinine standards of the Gov or the current fadish mores of the media. Thank you
- Clinton
- Dole he is a better leader. And he gets things done.
- harry browne will end income tax, reduce crime, abolish ATF, FBI, and other federal thugs
- Harry Browne because I support his campaign statements and an end to the War on Drugs.
- Harry Browne, best chance of a 3rd party candidate to win and interesting ideas
- anyone who is concerned with the good of the country
- Harry Browne. He understands that government doesn't work. Everything it touches it screws up in a very expensive way. For-profits and non-profits can handle all of our needs if only we could keep our own money to donate and spend it as we see fit. Government regulations benefit the politically well-connected at the expense of consumers and smaller competitors. Republicans betray free markets and Democrats betray individual liberty.
- Harry Browne. He makes his decisions based on the principles on which this country was founded. He has a legitimate workable answer to all questions raised about the operation of this government, nationally and internationally, which also protects the freedoms that are secured by the U.S. Constitution.
- Harry Browne, He is the candidate most in favor of liberty
- Harry Browne - Less Government
- Harry Browne for the biggest change in U.S. Government history
- Of the 3 candidates, Dole. No surprise huh?
- While I'm not a Clinton apologist by any means - he's rubbed me the wrong way more than once - I prefer him to almost any candidate that could get the Republican nomination. The Republican Party has been taken over by rightwing religious zealots who want to impose their beliefs on everyone and rich or wannabe rich people who care about little besides creating more wealth for themselves. The Democratic Party has itsown problems, but at least they haven't adopted a party platform based on control and gre d.
- Harry Browne- He's the only one I trust :)
- Harry Browne - because government doesn't work.
- harry browne libertarian ideals
- Harry Browne should be the nest President because he is the only candidate willing to drastically reduse the size of our government and revert to Constitutional and Bill of Rights morals.
- Harry Browne - Reduce the government NOW.
- Browne-gov't reduction; elimination of IRS; etc.
- Pat Buchanan
- Dole - Anybody But Clintoon
- Jack Kemp
- 1. Harry Brown 2. Most accurately reflects my philosophy
- Ralph Nader, we need an independent left politics in the US
- Harry Browne, he says what he means, not what he thinks people want to hear. He knows what it's like to work for a living, and the fact that government doesn't work
- Harry Browne. I believe it is time to move away from large govenment control and into personal responsibility.
- Bill Clinton... He is the best man for the office. He has youth.
- Ralph Nader. He is the only candidate not owned by MNC's!
- Harry Browne - we need to eliminate 90% of the federal govt.
- Harry Browne - We need someone to attempt to stop the republicrats.
- Harry Browne, he seems to stick to his convictions and he has a genuine plan to eliminate the national debt.
- Harry Browne to end the income tax and stop the war on drugs!
- dole seems to be a pawn of the tobacco industry
- Harry Browne-Ihave read his issues and believe that he is the best person to lead this country
- Harry Browne - all other candidates promise "more of the same" which clearly has not worked!
- Ralph Nader -- most honest, caring, compassionate, unwavering candidate available
- Harry Browne - Less government, more personal responsibility
- Harry Browne; He wants to return the federal government to constitutional levels.
- Harry Browne because Government doesn't work
- Harry Browne Because I read his book.
- harry browne. Because he wants goverment out of peoples lives.
- Harry Browne, he'll get govt off my back and out of my wallet.
- Harry Browne because he would slash government.
- harry brown to abo;ish irs!!!!!!
- Harry Browne because he neither sells out to the "haves" nor patronizes the "have nots."
- clinton because he is fair and open minded, a man of all the people
- clinton
- Harry Browne - To dramatically reduce size of government
- Harry Browne because he is the only candidate that really wants to reduce the size of the government.
- Dole More positive media, less scandal, security minded more than freedom minded voters
- Bob Dole , You can't trust clinton to tell the truth
- Dick Lamm because he understands the need to reduce both legal and illegal immigration.
- Bill Clinton. Although I think little of the President, I believe Republicans are too indebted to the so-called "religious right"(their focus is on a Christian world, and I am not a "christian"), the wealthy and corporate America. Republican Congress members, particularly those most recently elected but also people like Thurmond, Helms, Dornan, et al, stand for the worst elements of America. Bob Dole is not the answer.Even if I thought he was a better candidate than the President, I would not vote for im because his party is too dangerous.
- Bob Dole, To continue reducing goverment, Eliminating Abortion
- Browne...we need real change..go back to constitution
- Pat Schroder. One Bitch'n Babe. Is a go to gal and can cry to get things done!
- Harry Browne, he's the only one I can support!
- Harry Browne. The Libertarian nominee is the only presidential candidate with a bold plan to roll back the Federal government AND the apparent will and convictions to finally take the fight to the two-winged "Federal Party" in Washington, D.C.
- Clinton - If he doesn't win, Dole will, and with a Repub. Congress, that'd be real nasty.
- Harry Browne, to restore our freedom.
- Bob Dole
- Harry Browne because he has an actual plan to rid our lives of the government
- Harry Browne (the candidate most likely to reduce the size/power of the federal government)
- harry brown, because he is rational in his thoughts and actions and books, and he has a wider integrated perspective of the world. plus he will set free businesses to produce for freedoms for individuals, so that they can take back control for there lives to be more productive.
- Browne, libertarian idealogy, personal freedom=personal responsibility
- Ross Perrot
- Pat Buchanan on the U.S. Taxpayers Party ticket!
- Harry Browne. He is the only major candidate who would shrink government.
- Bob Dole - Anyone is better than Clinton
- Harry Browne: He represents a return to the Constitution
- I am torn on this issue. I grew up republican, but Dole says nothing that has any value, he avoids controversial issues and has latch onto a tired and unsuccessful economic plank. Clinton on the other hand, has turned out to be an excellent leader, but his alleged weakness of character and initial liberal tendancies make me a bit nervous about voting for him.
- Harry Browne! We need less government, not more!
- Clinton. He is closer to the people's viewpoint.
- Clinton - I fear the alternative
- Harry Browne - Quit spending so much of my damn money irresponsibly and get the feds the hell out of my life.
- Pat buchanan because he says what he means and means what he says!
- Harry Browne. He is the only one saying we need to cut government a lot -- and means it!
- Browne,less goverment
- Harry Browne (the candidate most likely to reduce the size/power of government)
- Harry Browne, I believe that government exists solely to protect man's rights.
- bob dole
- Harry Browne - has a view of the federal government's role which is more consistent with its Constitutional design.
- Browne- in order to stop the cancerous growth of the federal gov
- browne-because Dole & Clinton are not trustworthy
- Clinton-Of all the non-Republicans,he can be elected. A Republican congress AND Republican president would be the WORST.
- Harry Browne, because government doesn't work
- Clinton-He's for the common person,not the rich
- Harry Browne, he will give people their lives and freedom back where they belong; in their own hands.
- Harry Browne. I'm sick of waffling policiticians like.....
- clinton needs another shot at it
- Clinton - the alternative is unacceptable
- Harry Browne, Like me I am convinced Government does not work. I would like to see Mr. Browne on the Presidental Debates.
- Harry Browne will take the debt off my kid's back and give them a future
- Harry Browne: Less government, Less tax, More freedom
- Harry Browne, because he is the only candidate who would abide by the Constitution
- Harry Browne, so that the DEA's war on the American people will finally end.
- Ralph Nader
- Ralph Nader
- Harry Browne: eliminate big government
- Harry Browne - the size and scope of gov't must be reduced.
- Harry Browne because the Libertarian Party represents my beliefs the best.
- Harry Browne - we need him
- Harry Browne because Big Government has had it's it's time for small government.
- harry Browne
- Libertarian Harry Browne to dramatically reduce the Federal government down to its constitutionally mandated size.
- Browne - He can win, and he will dismantle the entire unconstitutional federal system which has been in place since
- Pat Buchanan because he understands the "The Insiders/Bilderbergers/CFR/Trilateral/Globalist/New Age conspiracy, his conservatism(he is really normal only present society makes him a conservative, and his stand on the Constitution.
- Pat Buchanan - not afraid to confront difficult issues.
- someone libertarian, we need a stronger third party
- Harry Browne, less government
- Harry Browne. Get the government off my back.
- Truthfully I do not like Dole or Clinton for president; I am mad because the republicans did not keep all thieir promises. I would vote for Ralph Nader if I really thought he could win. The country has become an oligarchy run by captains of industry who infuse more money into lobbying congress than it takes to run the damm thing
- Bob Dole--let's get serious about this nation and where we're headed as we approach the next millenium
- I would like to see Bob Dole pick up Harry Browne as his running mate. Harry could really bring teeth tho Bob's campaign.
- Harry Browne - what a breath of fresh air...
- Harry Browne because he represents ME.
- Bill Clinton
- Harry Browne, Only candidate who is seriously about reducing the size and scope of government.
- Someone smart and careful who is not much interested in the personal exercise of power.
- Pat Buchanan
- Harry Browne. He's the only candidate who brings something new to the table that makes sense based on my own beliefs and perspective.
- Harry Browne because, he, and most Libertarians, invision _true freedom_, which is that people SHOULD BE ABLE TO do whatever they want, be it drugs, sex, you name it, as long as it doesn't harm anyone else.
- bob dole, he's honest, has integrety, can trust him
- bill clinton, because he is the best man of the men running for the job!
- Harry Browne. The only candidate who will truly reduce the intrusion of government into our lives.
- Harry Browne, Libertarian - because he has the right ideas!
- Harry Browne, because of his desire to reduce taxes and increase personal freedom, including ending the "war on drugs".
- Harry Browne; REAL reduction in government
- Harry Browne: He has a firm belief in the Constitution
- Harry Browne because the Democrats and Republicans are only interested in maintaining their political power.
- Bob Dole , He is not bill clintion
- Harry Browne -- time for a Libertarian
- Harry Browne: Eliminate IRS, Balance Budget, REDUCE government
- Ralph Nader. He is the only candidate not owned by big business.
- Harry Browne because government that governs least governs best.
- Harry Browne - Because Government Doesn't Work!
- Harry Browne: Government is a protection racket with pretty uniforms and we need less of it
- Ross Perot to break the two party corruption control of governemnt and to leave a new permanant Political Party for average people.
- Harry Browne. The two older parties are hopelessly corrupt and need to be swept away!
- Bill Clinton. He is not a puppet of the religious ultra-right faction.
- Harry Browne. He will fight the nanny state mentality.
- Bill Clinton. He is not a puppet of the religious ultra-right faction.
- Harry Browne, because I don't like Clinton or Dole at all
- Harry Browne - Democrats & Republicans have become too similar in nature.
- Harry Browne, He wants less government and so do I!
- Harry Browne ... because government, today, simply doesn't work. The Federal government should focus on a few things (in line with its Constitutional responsibilities) and do those things well; it tries too hard to do too many things.
- Harry Browne for freedom, self-determination, justice
- Harry Browne, he presents the only alternative to politict as usual
- Harry Browne. It's time for a real change; the two current parties are useless.
- A candidate with moral, social, and religious values. One who will not compromise on his/her principles and basic beliefs. A candidate that put America and the people ahead of Party interests.
- Harry Brown: He is the only canidate the will reduce the federal government.
- Harry Browne -- we need LESS government
- Harry Browne: Get the Federal Government out of our way!
- Harry Browne because he wants to end the drug war
- Bob Dole: he is a good man, and is ideas are good. He is not too far right, so i think he can serve all of America well
- Harry Browne, he will do more to end crime in America, and restore our Bill of Rights, than anyone just by ending this Insane War on Drugs.
- Harry Browne, because he's in favor of the people and their Constitutional rights.
- Harry Browne, for a smaller, less intrusive and *less expensive* government.
- Harry Browne, as I am an instinctive libertarian. Also, I feel sick when I consider voting for the 'normal' candidates.
- Bill Clinton. Cuz he's better than Dole.
- Browne only candidate serious about paying off national debt and making government much less intrusive.
- Harry Browne, Libertarian philosophy of government
- Bob Dole -- Four more years of Clinton, his lying, and liberalism will destroy America.
- Harry Browne will get us back on the Constitutional track.
- Harry Browne. We have gargantuan problems in our society and the two major parties are not willing to use reason in coming up with new approaches to solve them. A third party candidate will not be fettered by political expedients and will not be afraid of not getting elected next term (in part because he will probably support term limits). All these reasons and hundreds more lead me to my conclusion to support Browne.
- Harry Browne for Liberty
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne - He is the only candidate who will adhere to the Constitution and give back the freedoms the government has taken from us.
- Harry Browne, because both primary parties are lazy and corrupt.
- Harry Browne, reason:for less federal government
- Ross Perot-A brilliant business man to improve the US's bottom line
- Browne-> He is the ONLY one for less govt!
- Bob Dole--anyone but Clinton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- bob dole
- Harry Browne because he will help me realize my greatest value: my personal freedom.
- Clinton...Others are meanspirited and lack compassion... anything is o.K. with them to get relected
- Harry Browne. He is a libertarian.
- Perot - He would run the government like a business.
- Harry Browne, because government doesn't work!
- Harry Browne - for his clear and consistent defense of individual rights, including the right to property. Browne is the only candidate who is willing to act on principle.
- Browne - if he adheres to Libertarian principles
- Harry Browne is the only credible pro-liberty candidate.
- Harry Browne would be great if he can get elected.
- Bob Dole. Great man, great leader, great record. And, look at the other choices, Clinton and Perot. Scary.
- I want Harry Browne to be the president. I believe that he will put freedom first, and that is what I want.
- Dole. We need to elect someone to reverse the current direction the government is taking toward more intrusive control.
- Harry Browne; it's time for radically smaller government!
- H. Browne - He is the only candidate I have heard who sticks to his beliefs during interviews.
- less goverment across the board on all levels
- Harry Browne. Only candidate that generally agrees with my own political positions.
- Harry Browne-There is an alternative to the republicrats
- Harry Browne, because Government frightens me to death.
- Dick Lamm, cause he's our man!
- Dick Lamm because we need an honest, hard working, hard choices President who can get things done!
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne:The Federal government must return to its constitutional limits and return power to citizens so that may exercise maximal individual liberty and personal responsibilty.
- Harry Browne; he has the most honesty and integrity of them all
- Harry Browne - the only candidate who believes in freedom and understands the intended role of the federal government.
- a president with high moral standards, the decline of this nation is due to a lack of morality by leaders, parents and others in authority
- Some who has morals & values (not necessarily Christian - this is where your poll is biased - ) Because I cannot honor and believe in someone who is not. I woould not go to a physician who smokes, drinks & is overweight -- why should I trust my future to someone who lies?
- Harry Browne: He's the only candidate on the ticket who stands for real change--a change back to the form of government envisions by our founding fathers.
- Harry Browne, for his support of individual freedoms
- Harry Browne. Huge tax cuts and spending cuts now
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne because he knows that government should be used as a last resort for any problem
- Harry Browne: He's the only candidate on the ticket who stands for real change--a change back to the form of government envisions by our founding fathers.
- Sam Nunn would make a great fiscally conservative pro-military candidate, but he won't run.
- Based on the current candidates, I would like to see Dole elected because his views more closely line up with mine than Clinton's.
- Dole because he'll make America a better place to live in
- Harry Browne: Less government, corruption, The people do not have a voice in government affairs and I believe Harry Browne is the most effective "voice" for the citizens of the U.S.A.
- Harry Brown....because Government Doesn't Work, stupid!
- Harry Browne The best chance of reducing the federal gov. and returning to the Constitutional government intended.
- Jack Kemp, I believe he is the most qualified man in America to lead us into the 21st century.
- Harry Browne: Fed infractructure is unhealthy.
- Ross Perot- he might actually CHANGE things- REP's and DEM's have been given a chance and have only made it worse; let the Reform party have a turn- it certainly can't get much worse!
- Harry Browne -Best candidate in the field by far
- Harry Browne. He seems to be more intune with the reality of the government's situation
- Pat Buchanan- I trust him. He has integrity. He knows what's wrong and needs to be fixed.
- Harry Browne is the only candidate who knows the constitution of the US. The federal government was never intended to do more than military protection and judicial-contract law. Government cannot dictate morals or help the "poor". Federal income tax is unconstitutional.
- Harry Browne, because GOVERNMENT DOESN'T WORK!
- harry browne; for goverment reform
- Browne -- he's a change, and represents ideas that many americans would agree with, if they were aware of those ideas.
- Harry Browne-He's the only one who REALLY wants smaller Gov't
- ??? Has a dream, does not suck up to be liked, kids are our future and not ment to pay our bills
- Harry Browne, the other parties have sold us out for too long, I want to see some changes before we no longer have any choice!
- Harry Browne. He'll abolish the IRS
- Harry Browne, less federal governing, no income tax, more self-determination by states.
- Harry Browne -he'll abolish the IRS
- harry browne-government is out of control, and republicrats can't control it. STATES RIGHTS!
- Harry Brown: Zero Income Tax
- Harry Browne, he is the only candidate who promises to uphold the constitution with no apology!
- Harry Browne because he is the only candidate that represents radical change. Maybe what
- Harry Browne; Will put abortion issue in hands of states
- Browne--believes he can clean-up a system which is a mess.
- Bill Clinton-because if a Republican is elected with a Republican Congress, this country will be racked with a budget-slashing conservatism that will hit the poor and middle the hardest and benefit the rich and big business the most.
- Rush Limbaugh because he is the only one that had good views
- We need a president with integrity and one that the people know where he stands on issues.
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne because I can't stand seeing a third of my income being spent on useless things that don't work, like the drug war.
- Harry Browne - Becuase he's the only one talking about the MAJOR changes that need to be made in government
- Harry Browne-he will eliminte the IRS
- If only Alan Keyes, a man of integrity and Constitional & common sense, could be president...
- bob dole
- Harry Browne, Has good ideas, is honest. Not a pol pro.
- Alan Keyes- strong opponenet of abortion
- jack kemp, best suited for the job- lots of experience as a politician
- Harry Browne, because he is a Libertarian.
- Steve Forbes: has a philosophy the nation needs
- Harry Browne... The only candidate I have heard who swears to follow the Bill of Rights and Constitution literally.
- Bill Clinton, because he is a tolerant Christian who knows how to do government and has high moral values which translate into good policy.
- Senator Hatfield of Oregon. He comes up with very practical solutions.
- harry browne,because the gov't is too damn big!
- Bill Clinton
- Gene Taylor, a true conservative democrat (dixiecrat)
- Harry Browne, because there is no alternative.
- Bob Dole, because at least he's a Republican and we might gets some bills sighned into law.
- Harry Browne--He's not an authoritarian or a socialist, he's Libertarian and I share his views.
- Harry Browne: because government doesn't work.
- Dick Lamm. He wants to build the country for the future instead of trying to please everyone right now
- Harry Brown or Steve Forbes, because they would help remove gov't from our lives
- Harry Browne, to get some new ideas into the ring
- Harry Brown or Se
- Harry Browne-- Because the other two are Hacks !
- Dick Lamm. He wants to build the country for the future instead of trying to please everyone right now
- Richard Lamm; New party, good ideas
- Pat Buchanan
- Harry Browne - He'll REALLY make good changes in the country!
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne(L), because he'd challenge the statist status quo.
- Harry Browne
- harry browne
- Bob Dole
- Harry Browne, I like what the libertarian party has to say for the most part.
- Bill Clinton, appears to be looking after the interest of the Senior Citizens and the working class people.
- Harry Browne. We need freedom now, no more death, and destruction by government, or government-created environments.
- Clinton. Why fix what ain't broke.
- Clinton--A Republican will be obligated to its riht wing constituancy to load the courts witth the likes of Clarence Thomas and ditto for the Cabinet officers, public prosicuters, etc. etc. etc.
- Pat Buchanan, the man has never said something that I disagree with.
- Jack Kemp His ideas on invigorating everyones competative nature.
- Anybody But Clinton
- Harry Browne, because people would rather decide where to spend their money
- Harry Browne, everyone is tired of Republican/Democrat bs
- I feel like the government has far overstepped the boundaries laid out for it in the constitution. To prevent further intrusions into Americans' personal affairs, I would elect Harry Browne.
- Harry Browne because I'm tired of the corrupt power junkies!
- Browne, because the Fed. gov. is just too darned big.
- BOB DOLE--TOUGH AND SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Pat Buchanan because he will live up to the obligations he assumes in his oath of office to "protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America from all enemies foriegn and domestic".
- Harry Browne he would restore the constitution
- Harry Browne - We need a change.
- Ralph Nader
- Harry Browne, because I belive a lot of our problems stem from wating our money on non-problems like drugs, tax-evasion, etc.
- Harry Browne: Because he seems to have "common sence", unlike the other candidates.
- Harry Browne: Yes, I would like to never pay income taxes again if it meant losing my favorite government program! Let's have a President who believes in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution!
- Harry Browne Looks at real issues not the blame game
- Ralph Nader. Because he suports the best most egalitarian economic structures and social programs. He is the only candidate who is outspokenly anti-racist, feminist, pro-queer, and ant--classist. It is ridiculous that the creaters of this poll list the Green Party as a party affiliation, but do not list the Green party candidate as a choice amongt a lot of less viable and less well known candidates. Ralph Nader is the only candidate that supports a platform that can maximize freedom for everyone throu h maximizing equality.
- Harry Browne. His appraoach to limited fedral government is the most sensible approach to solving the problems that the federal government inflicts on people
- Harry Browne he's the only honest one running
- Harry Browne; Dems + Reps = Big(ger) Govt. & more socialism
- Harry Browne. Get Big Brother off my back. I'm a big boy now!
- Harry Brown or Mrs Dowle
- I would like to see Steve Forbes as president because, I feel that his "outsider" status and personal fortune would insulate him from the "business as usual" that infest national politics
- harry browne - he believes in what he says
- Harry Browne - The Libertarians are the only party that wants to bring real change to the government.
- Harry Browne, Principled, Would cut government to constitutional size
- Harry Browne, because he is a constitutionalist and belives in a constitutional republic. He shares the ideas of our founding fathers, and I believe he is correct in doing so.
- Harry Browne - He'll revive the principles as spelled out in the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights.
- harry brown message is the best i have heard in years
- Richard Lamm, because he's unafraid to speak unpopular truths.
- President Clinton has grown on the job
- Ralph Narder - the one party system is not working!
- Harry Browne, we need less government with lower taxes. The democrats and republicans have destroyed the country of our forefathers and I want it back according to the constitution.
- Harry Browne - Good sense, solid values, has'nt been "bought out"
- Harry Brown or Pat B.
- Out of the two remaining candidates, Bob Dole. I believe he is a very sincere man who loves his country. He has shown he knows how to run on the national level and noone deserves the job more than him.
- Harry Browne, to restore the Constitution.
- Richard Lamm
- Harry Browne, the salvation of this great country relies on a reduction in government.
- Harry Browne because he says, understands and MEANS that government doesn't work.
- Paul Wellstone, because he has the balls to tell the truth and isn't in bed with moneyed interests
- Harry Browne--knows what makes for a moral government and knows how to begin the move toward that moral government.
- Jack Kemp or Bill Bradley: honorable men, neither of whom is running. We need campaign finance reform!!!!!!!!
- Pres. Clinton is my choice. He is a good, kind, humane person who, while making mistakes and straddling on the fence, best represents my own views. He is a decent man and wants to do what's right. His wife is intelligent and an asset to this country. He is not perfect, nor is his wife, but given the choices we have, Bill Clinton is the best President we have had since JFK. The only person who would have been a great president, had he been given the opportunity, was Hubert Humphrey.
- Harry Browne, because he matches more closely, but not completely, what I believe in
- Clinton, because the public is stupid.
- Browne, becuase neither Clinton nor Dole are acceptable
- Ralph Nader
- bob dole, honesty, honor, character, does not lie and lie like current president and staff
- Harry Browne. A non-politician with guts & brains.
- Harry Browne- The only one who will reduce the size of government.
- Ross Perot, the only one who can get us out of this mess
- There is no politician that I really want to see as president. It is a choice of the lesser of two evils.
- Harry Browne
- Bob Dole - Because Clinton is untruthful.
- Harry Browne - He will help the economy by making the free market 'free' again. He will also ensure that the citizens of this country enjoy the freedom that they are guaranteed by the US Constitution.
- Get rid of Federal Government intrusion, and spending. Give rights bacck to the states.
- Harry Browne.He wants to end the "Insane Drug War"
- In a race between Dole & Clinton, Dole, since Clinton has completely failed to make any of the changes he set out to, and due to his lackof ability to hold to a stand on any issue.
- RALPH NADER-he is honest & ethical and has proven it for 30 years. He is the only candidate we can trust and who has the intelligence, the attorney and Capitol Hill background to be "savvy" enough to handle the shysters and specail interest leaches...and all others who have sold out to greed and power. He is alert to the huge and ever growing threat to us all from the corporations.
- Harry Browne, Agree with all Libertarian Party Policies and with what Harry Browne would implement in particular.
- Anyone who is not affiliated with either the Democrats or Republicans
- Bob Dole. Bill Clinton is too far to the left.
- Harry Browne. His views are closest to my own.
- Harry Browne since he is a Libertarian
- Ronald Reagan- Why not the best!
- Ross Perot We need someone who will balance the buget and be a strong negotiator
- It doesn't matter
- Harry Browne. Goverment doesn't work!
- Dole, He is an honorable man. Clinton is less than honorable, his track record reflects this.
- Less government and repeal laws restrictive to individual freedoms
- Pat Buchanan: He has the best policies on abortion, trade, immigration, taxation, education, and morality.
- Harry Browne, reduce government,manage expenses,restore freedom,
- Forbes or Gingrich; Stop/shrink government; stop socialism; balance budget & eliminate national debt; get the government out of life and my wallet.
- Charles E. Collins--He is the only president who would eliminate the federal reserve
- Bob Dole. Honesty and Leadership abilities are far superior.
- clinton - he may suffer from the same corrupt tendencies as others in positions of political power BUT at least he has values and wants to accomplisg something besides lining his own pocket and wielding his own influence over others.
- Hillary Clinton
- Forbes or Powell, need decisive individual as president
- Harry Browne; the only candidate who truly believes in returning liberty to the people.
- Harry Browne!
- Buchanan - Return control of the country to it's citizens
- HARRY BROWNE the ONLY CHOICE!!! Campaign over.
- Someone who will truly act on getting to less government intrusion into the private citizens life and support the return to instituting the much trampled upon rights outlined in the Constitution.
- Harry Browne. The only candidate who is committed to smaller government, a balanced budget, and lower/no income tax.
- General Colin Powell. He's the on;y one I've seen that I feel I can trust.
- Gerald Horne, because he would fight for working class people
- I cannot find argument with the platform of Harry Brown, but I find it difficult to empathize with the platform of Republicrats or repeat the mistake of wasting my vote on Mr. Perot.
- Bill Clinton Above Dole..Dole is less trustworthy
- Harry Browne - Time to try something new since the Two Party system isn't working.
- I would like to see Harry Browne or 2nd choice- Jack Kemp
- Dole, because his life is an example of what this country is about.
- Clinton, because he'll be best for ALL people, not just the rich.
- More gun control
- Ralph Nader
- Robert Dole. excellent Character, years of experience,
- Bill Bradely - a solid moderate.
- Harry Browne. More Freedom. Less Government Taxation/Regulation.
- Harry Browne -- The only candidate willing to REDUCE federal government!
- Bob Dole - He is an honest-up-standing person who doesn't lie
- Browne - Agree completely with his platform
- Bill Clinton - it's simple, Clinton's the best man for the job
- We need a return to Constitutional government!
- Harry Browne because he will reduce the size and power of the federal government drastically! Harry Browne for President
- Bob Dole, because he is the only one who can beat Clinton now
- Harry Browne - Only one left who respects our Constitution.
- We need a president who be unwaivering in his/her representation of the US. Someone who will stand their ground w/out compromising the integrity of the White House. Bob Dole has the ability, over Clinton, to do this.
- Harry Browne because I believe he is the only candidate that will truly reduce government and taxation.
- Dole the only man running that can win and is not a crook.
- Harry Browne
- Colin Powell - He appears to be honest, sincere and not a hard liner.
- perot
- Harry Browne is the only candidate who has presented a coherent set of ideas, coherent because it is based on strict adherence to the Constitution.
- Bob Dole
- Bob Dole..because character DOES matter!
- bob dole. because bill clinton SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Harry Browne - The only candidate who advocates restoring the Federal system of government as defined in the Constitution.
- Ross Perot. He is dedicated to political reform and is open to new ideas.
- Harry Browne, because I feel the Libertarian platform offers the best hope for America's future.
- Jack Kemp - Sincere interest in responsible governemt and knows how to do it.
- Bob Dole...He's conservative
- Harry Browne. Because we are selling out our children.
- Bob Dole, Mr. Clinton is morally bankrupt.
- Harry Browne. I believe in the principles of the Libertarian Party.
- Anyone but Bill Clinton, We need an honest president!
- Browne - our county would benifit from a libertarian influence
- Harry Browne because I would like to see his Libertarian plan of action given a chance to work.
- Harry Browne - Time to start over with original constitutional limits
- Dick Lamm: a candidate to tie the overlapping political loose ends together.
- Harry Browne. The most important issue for me is to reduce the size of government
- Dole-Leader, military experience, honest and trustworthy
- Harry Browne because I think it is the best chance to reduce the size of government!
- Harry Browne, because he is the only candidate that believes in the individuals ability to take of themselves.
- Harry Browne, Dole and Clinton are not talking issues and there seems to be little difference between the 2.
- Harry Browne, Balance the budget now, not in 7,5 or 20 years,
- Bob Dole, because he is more trustworthy
- harry browne. the us gov. cannot and cannot be expected to provide for the needs of the people. the people provide there own needs. we need the government out of our lives, as much as possible, in order to do so. therefore the washington beaurocracy needs to be dismantled and Browne is the only candidate who is likely to do that.
- George Bush; he is the greatest president ever!
- Mr. Browne. Get Gov. out of our lives.
- Bill Clinton is the best person for the job.
- BOB DOLE. Of the candidates running, he offers the best chance of implementing pro-growth policies and reforming the government
- Harry Browne. His ideals match my political beliefs almost exactly. He would pull the US military out of other countries, and drastically reduce the national debt and tax burdens. He also believes in eliminating victimless crimes.
- The best canditate. Preferably one who has no preordained political agenda.
- Bill Clinton has been a good president and deserves a second term.
- Harry Browne
- Bill Clinton-- after rocky start w/ appointments+health care, I feel he's done a pretty good job. Economy is a +, Somalia+, Bosnia+, N. Ireland+, Middle East+, Family Leave Act+, NAFTA+... if, however, he has deep involvement in filegate (the only 'scandal' with any substance), he should step down.
- Ralph Reed He's the man!
- Bill Clinton-- after rocky start w/ appointments+health care, I feel he's done a pretty good job. Economy is a +, Somalia+, Bosnia+, N. Ireland+, Middle East+, Family Leave Act+, NAFTA+...
- Bob Dole - This country needs to get back to real leadership.
- Pat Buchanan
- Richard Lamm--He's not Clinton or Dole and is well qualified. Let's shake up the entrenched political system.
- Dwight David Eisenhower....8 years of low taxes, amazing prosperity, world peace, a REAL leader
- Clinton knows about the FBI files! A 'snafu'? Yeah right!
- Bob Dole - he will bring back some dignity and honesty to the White House and the country.
- Bob Dole, because Buchanan wont get the nomination and he isnt Clinton..
- Ralph Nader because he's for the average person
- Harry Browne because he would actually try to reduce the size and role of governmentby both eliminating programs and taxes AT THE SAME TIME
- Harry Browne, because he's the only candidate that understands that Government Doesn't Work! He won't try to fix it. He'll try to shrink it!
- Harry Browne because I agree with every single point on his platform
- Browne. The government IS the problem.
- Harry Browne - Only candidate who will reduce government
- Bob Dole, because he is the best man for the job.
- I would like to see Ralph Nader for President. For over twenty years he has been a stauch consumer advocate who speaks for people, not politics.
- Ralph Nader because he is a Green!
- Pat Buchannan, only real pro-life candidate
- Bob Dole because he has Military Experience and is has Morals and a wife who would make a very gracious First Lady
- Colin Powell because the two main candidates - Clinton and Dole - are mired down in a campaign that is an insult to voters. I believe Powell is well qualified and would adhere to policies, issues, planning for America instead of feeling "entitled" by his party to win at any cost
- Bill Clinton - We need someone who will at least to some degree, stand-up for the middle to lower classes, and will not allow religious nuts legislate how we live, and also, to keep corporations from destroying the Earth.
- Harry Browne. The Rebublicans and Democrats are merely two different heads on the same statist body. We need less government, less taxes, and more individual freedom. We also need a government free from the influence of those who would have us live according to their particular religious tenets. A Libertarian government is the only way to achieve this.
- Rick Thompkins, The Right To Arms issue defines the candidate who trusts the people.
- Steve Forbes on most issues (taxes, abortion, business), Pat Buchannan on emotional energy and nationalism. The bottom line: we conservatives haven't a slick willy this time around!
- Bob Dole- He's moderate, as are, in my opinion, most Americans. I belive he would be a president for all Americans.
- Harry Browne. He will severely curtail the whole government bureaucracy, get the government out of our private lives, and promote the Libertarian ideas.
- Bill Clinton. Record of achievements speaks for itself. Don't believe GOP election-year sleezemongering.
- Bill Clinton, Because I feel he is more genuinally interested in improving conditions for all Americans not just the wealthy and privlaged, I also fear the social conservatism prevalent within the Republican party.
- Bob Dole, lesser of 2 evils, the most likely to win on the republican ticket. Clinton's whitehouse has had to many problems due to lack of experience, lack of deciseveness, lack of moral leadership and standards.
- Dole He has the experience and the ability to lead
- N. Gingrich.
- Rush Limbaugh because we need someone with a set of goals and priorities that can be identified and counted on, someone who has beliefs and principles.
- Bob Dole - He has the experience, integrity, and values this country needs - and he is not a dishonest, sleazy, liar lik Bill Clinton!
- Dole, because I cannot trust Clinton with the future of this country!
- Dole. Leadership..someone who will work with congress.
- Bob Dole because we need a leader with conservative values, experience in Government, and one with CHARACTER!!!
- Harry Browne who will REALLY reduce the size and intrusion of government.
- Bill Clinton, because I believe that he is more pragmatic than Dole.
- Ronald Reagan - reasons: 1983-1987, in the USA.
- Ralph Nader, because he has a proven record of advocating for "we, the people".
- Ralph Nader/eliminate pac's, campaign reform, take care of the planet, reform healthcare...dems & reps won't do it, they serve each other & follow party bosses like sheep.
- Bob Dole because the Clintons are a joke !
- rush limbagh
- Bob Dole because of his positions on lovcal vs national govt, balamced budget and I have no trust that I can believe anything Clinton says!!!
- Bob Dole; honest,, cares more about the country than himself
- Pat Buchanan, because I am Pro-Life and believe in America First!
- IMPEACH CLINTON IN '96!!!!!!!!!!
- Harry Browne -- the ONLY one who truly will REDUCE govt
- Dole, Clinton is a Socialist
- The country must have a man with integrity; Bob Dole has it; Clinton, a con-man and a liar, does not. I will vote for Dole in 1996.
- Bill Clinton, because he is pro-choice and I understand his stand in the issues.
- president clinton he works hard
- Pat Buchanan. I believe he
- Ralph Nader, because he's the only candidate with any integrity.
- Ralph Nader. Bill Bradley if he were running.
- Ralph Nader - would help return the power to the people rathar than corporate America
- Harry Browne - He would significantly downsize the federal government.
- Bill Clinton- The lesser evil (by far)
- Bob Dole because the current president is an embarrasment to our country with all his lies and cover ups.
- Bill Clinton's victory. Bob Dole is out of touch
- Buchanan-for moral,eonomic,social and national security reasons
- Clinton -- he won't screw up too badly.
- Bob Dole, because he has character. And, with a Republican held congress, he can get out the conservative ideas, without interference and lies put out by liberal democrats, so that people can actually see what the Republicans stand for, AMERICA!!!!!!! Less government, balanced budget, and more individual responsibility. Bob Dole is an all-around good man, and will make an excellent president in '96. President Bob Dole!!!!
- Harry Browne to reduce size & intrusion of government
- Harry Browne. He would restore the government to the role outlined in the Constitution.
- I believe Bill Bradley would make an excellent president. He is intelligent and respected by the US People. He could be the only choice able to unify the two parties. President Clinton and his wife, guilty or not , right or wrong have made Washington ineffective and more like a children's SHOUTING MATCH. !!!
- Harry Browne because government coersion is still coersion and should never infringe upon anyone who is not harming others.
- *Whom* I want is just about any libertarian or or libertarian-Republican, rather than a collectivist (Democrat, Socialist, etc.)
- Bill Clinton He is our hope for the moderate view in the national government.
- Harry Browne -- More Freedom Less Taxes
- Steve Forbes
- dole, because clinton reminds me of a used car salesman
- dole, because clinton reminds me of a used car salesman
- I would like to see an individual who will come out and say: "Look people, this country is 4trillion in debt, education sucks and we need to fix it. Someone has to suck it up and make it better for those who follow after."
- Harry Browne is the only candidate calling for the end to the "war on durgs" and assett fofeiture.
- Bob Dole- Conservative
- Bob Dole - He has dignity and experience in government.
- harry browne because government is out of control!
- B.Clinton...He has put the economy back on the rite track
- Bob Dole. I think he would return some class to the white house that the Clintons have destroyed.
- David Duke, because he will stop the destruction of the White Race
- Harry Browne. I trust neither Clinton nor Dole to say what they mean and do what they say--they're too busy trying to appeal to everyone to do what's best for the nation as a whole.
- Harry Browne, because he's the only one who truely respects the bill of rights.
- browne less government intrusion, no IRS!!!
- Buchanan. He puts America, it's workers, it's military ahead of foreign interests. He seems more honest and forthright than most other candidates. I would expect him to DO as he SAYS, not say one thing and do another.
- Drugs Legalized
- Bob Dole I feel he displays more of the qualities I find essintial in a president
- Harry Browne, because he represents a philosophy desperately needed by this country.
- Charles Collins. The only candidate who respects the Constitution,will repeal the Federal reserve act and get us out of the UN.
- Dan Quayle. Who is a strong leader with good moral sense.
- Bob Dole because he has the honesty and character that I would like to see in my President.
- Bill Clinton because he is the lesser of all evils
- clinton
- Harry Browne or Ralph Nader, because the two-party system is pathalogic
- Dole-he's honest and sincere. He might do what he says he'll do.
- Harry Browne: We MUST take the power back from the elitist oligarchy inside the Beltway and return it to individual Americans.
- bob dole - best available choice
- Right now, the best choice is Dole. However, you left the most important issue to me out of question 13. I want someone who is HONEST. That is the most important quality that I would look for in a President.
- A third party canidate winning would break the monoply and corruption from both the Democrates and Republicans. New visions are need to lead the country at its most troubled times. We don't need poll watching leadership (Clinton and Dole).
- dole
- Clinton. He's done a very good job so far
- Harry Browne - That government governs best which governs least
- Jack Kemp because he supports a flat tax and he is a social conservative.
- Harry Browne. Why? Read his book!
- Harry Browne, because the demopublicans are pro big govt, no matter what they claim
- Bob Dole, because you can trust him.
- Harry Browne. I want government out of my life.
- I believe that the Republican and Democratic parties have exercised an oligopoly over political thinking for too long. If this country is to be saved, it will be by neither of these parties, but be a third. I like Browne, I like his ideas, he has no chance, I'll vote for him anyway.
- Bob Dole - he's the best of the two....
- Harry Browne, B/C He seems to be the candidate with views closest to mine.
- Harry Browne or Rick Tompkins. I want a Libertarian.
- Richard Lamm
- A non-politition
- Harry Brown - The problem is the System. Need Minimal System.
- Harry Browne. We need to get the federal government out of our businesses and out of our bedrooms
- Bill Clinton been in office to long to give up now.
- Browne, only one with a plan to drastically reduce the size of the federal government
- Someone I feel I can trust who has demonstrated his/her dedication to the future of this country.
- Bob Dole , he is trustworthy, experienced, and good for us.
- Clinton. He has his eye on the future more than almost any other politician I have seen. His personal life is his own business, if Hillary is satisfied, that is all that matters. His strengths are also his weaknesses. His ability to weigh options and seek compromise is good. He can be forceful and strong when necessary. The hardest folks for him to be strong with are his own constituency who are often too reluctant to compromise.
- Bob Dole! He's fair and would provide much a needed values injection into the White House.
- Harry Brownwe, because he stands for radically less government intrusion in the economic and personal lives of the citizens of this country.
- Clinton, Because the Republician party is against black and other minorities
- bob dole-honest, experienced-decent human being
- Clinton, he has kept many of his promises despite what you hear from Newt and his friends
- Bill Clinton. 1- We know how he reacts. 2- No preferable choice.
- the best--and we do not have the best choices
- Harry Browne
- uh, i guess clinton is the more, aah, how to put this, YOUTHFUL of the two, but really, both suk.
- Bob Dole He has basic moral character and understands that ultimately God decides what is right and what is wrong.
- Harry Browne. Constitution, taxation, end this stupid war on drugs.
- Harry Browne, because he believes in reducing Government. Government doesn't work.
- ALAN kEYES moral and honest
- Lowell Weicker, former gov. of my home state and a tough, no nonsense leader with broad political experience and a moderate outlook
- Forbes/Engler vs Powell/Kemp real candidates, real issues! real choices!!! NO BOZOs!!
- Bob Dole - Honesty, integrity, experience, would support republican agenda
- Pat Buchanan-- two words -- CHRISTIAN COALITION
- Harry Browne, to return gov't back to minimal intrusion upon its citizens.
- Harold Brown because he could stop Democratic efforts to rule your finances and Republican bills that would rule your private lives.
- Ross Perot, because our country is not so much a government as it is a big business, and Ross Perot understands business, as opposed to economic theory; he understands what is ruining this country, and his approach is absolutely on track - I came to these conclusions BEFORE I ever heard of Ross Perot.
- Clinton - Clinton has the interest of the people at heart. Dole is a professional politician with too many strings attached.
- Ted Gunderson, former head of FBI in LA he is knowledgeable about many skeletons that show how corrupt the system has become.
- Harry Browne because he will uncompromising in support of freedom, liberty, and smaller government.
- any republican- the further to the right the better. Dole is the only choice right now.
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