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Political Survey #3
User comments [ARCHIVE VI]
Who will be president in 1996 and why?
- Clinton, I like him personaly and trust him.
- Things are going well, and Clinton is improving and acting more presidential daily. I'll stick with him rather than risking the country to mean-spirited Republicans.
- I would like to see Ross Perot...because this country needs a change and I think Ross is the change we have been waiting for....
- Bob Dole because this country need solid leadership, not a person who will bend with the wind and pander to whichever group to whom he currently speaking. We do not need a president who believes that he/she knows what is good for me and who wants to push their own agenda without the support of the American people.
- Browne for President!
- Harry Browne. What he says is what he means always, without exception. The only candidate serious about reducing the size of government.
- Harry Browne. Why? Read the 10th. amendment.
- Bill Clinton, because he has ideas on what to do about some of the problems we face. Whereas his opponent has done nothing but tear people down. I want a leader not a person who criticizes just to make the other guy look bad.
- Bob Dole should be the next President. We need a leader who is willing to take the steps necessary to balance the budget, cut spending, reduce government burocracy and unrealistic regulation, and in general, move the country away from the socialistic direction that the liberals have imposed on us for the last 40 years.
- Clinton. He's done a tremendous job so far. The economy is booming and he supports education, which is very important to me and my children.
- Bob Dole less goverment people can take care of themselves
- bill clinton. bob dole is too out of touch with society and the way it is today. it seems as if he wants this to go back to the way they were when he was young, which is not feasible in todays society. he is too out of touch with things and younger people today. clinton takes the time to talk to young voters, and seems to really care about the next generation to run this country, which is important to me. dole seems to focus only on the "adults" even though us young people pay the same taxes and hold j st as much weight in the polls as the older generation.
- Bob Dole. It is very important to have as the leader of the free world a person you can TRUST.
- Harry Browne. I never saw the point of voting before I heard of him. I am 30 years old and I just registered to vote for the first time a few weeks ago. He is the only Candidate who is different from all the rest without being totally wacky.
- I would like to see Bob Dole elected because he has so many years of experience with the way our national government works. He has seen the coming and going of several presidents and knows what works and what doesn't. I do not believe that Bill Clinton has proven that he can offer anything substantial for the gain of this country.
- bob dole i think he has a better plan then bill clinton
- Anyone but a Clinton Democrat
- Mario Cuomo appeals to me as an extremely intelligent and articulate individual whose policies I generally agree with.
- Bob Dole he would be more trustworthy and ethical of the two now running
- Bob Dole stands for the rights of the people and not for more government control and waste.
- Pat Buchanan because he says what he thinks, and I think he would be honest.
- Clinton. He's a bit too far to the right for my personal taste, but he's the best option available.
- Harry Browne.will remove gov't from daily lives.end income taxax. bring home our troops.
- clinton b/c he has the experience. dole is old and out of touch. perot should just be shot. buchanen should be held for psychological evaluation!!!!
- Bob Dole. Bill Clinton does not have the integrity or personal character necessary to continue to lead this country.
- Clinton is a lying sack of shit
- bob dole
- Perot. Dole has no chance, Clinton had his and blew it.
- Bill Clinton, because he is for the people, not just for the rich, he understands that it is hard for some people to make it in life
- Howard Phillips - Has the principles and experience and plans that this country needs for the present and the future.
- Bob Dole, he will work with a republican congress so to correct the problems created by a democratic congress that became out of control. Fiscal responsibility and less taxes!
- Harry Browne. He has the issues in mind, ie, flat tax, less government and more privatization. He believes in giving the government back to the people. And he believes that an education should be the responsibility of the individual.
- Bob Dole is the man for the job in 1996, he has the necessary experience, the morals and ethics for the job.
- I recommend Howard Phillips, for he aims to reduce the Federal government to its constitutional limits.
- I think the president should be Bill Clinton because he will help the U.S.A. to prosper .
- clinton is a low life, non pc, he's white trash
- Ralph Nader, because he will push strongly for direct democracy over representative oligarchy. When people have direct control over institutions, those institutions become better servants of public need.
- Bill Clinton---so the radical christian right is shut out!
- Truth, Honesty, Fairness, Morality, Justice...Bob Dole
- Harry Browne. It is time for a change in the current administration. Their views on how to run this country are, I believe, inherantly flawed. It is time we put an individual into office who is willing to give something different a chance, having seen that the current system is ineffective.
- Harry Browne -- because he'll reduce government, allow individual freedom and responsibility, make a better America for all
- bob dole, we need to retore integrity to the white house and we will never have the reforms we need until the congress has a president in the whtie house who will sign the bills.
- Ralph Nader, the only candidate who is willing to address the real problems with demorcy in the USA
- Harry Browne. The Republicans and Democrats have had their way with this country for a long time, and it seems that neither party can work anymore. I say we give the Libertarians a chance.
- I would want Harry Browne to win.
- Though not my perfect choice, Harry Browne might help all of us see things in a different way. 4 years with him is a better trial than the same things that haven't worked for decades.
- Bob Dole - seems to be the lesser evil.
- I believe Clinton is not qualified to be President. He has snowballed the American people to believe he is the better qualified candidate. In my opinion he is a professional campaigner and this is what he should do as a profession to earn his money.
- bob dole klinton is a murderer a lier acheat and he is against what america stands for
- I'm voting for Clinton as a counterweight to the GOP congress.
- Harry Browne -- we've got way too much government. Clinton, Dole and the Demopublicrats speak of a smaller government. Their idea is a farce. It's a smaller *increase* in government. Same story as usual, fool the voters to get elected and do what you and the party wants. It's time for a change.
- Harry Browne. He is dedicated to contitutional government; this means drastic reductions in governmental intrusion, taxes, governmental programs, with a proportionate increase in individual responsibility.
- Bob Dole - I feel I can trust him, I don't trust either Clinton
- The best of all the evils is Bill Clinton. It's the "devil I know" instead of some unknown, possibly worse choice.
- Harry Browne-change is good
- Harry Browne--the only candidate who promises less gov't.
- I believe our nation is facing a moral crisis. If our nation stood for traditional moral standards and principles, the rest would take care of itself. The vote in November says a lot more about the character of this nation, than the character of the President.
- goverment is too large
- DOLE. He has integrity, honesty, and good morals. He would bring back stability, integrity, and respect to the office of President.
- I want to see Harry Browne as President. He is the only candidate with integrity who has as his motive to reduce to size of government dramatically now!
- neither RepDem or DemRep who are too entrenched in the present system or being bought/paid for by big business interests who place their profiteering interests above those of the people and the environment in general. We need proportion representation rat
- Bob Dole - he has experience in gov & will limit the expansion of beurocracy.
- the president is a figurehead, nevertheless, someone who has a vision that most of the country can relate to, someone who will be honest about the endemic problems in the current electoral/campaign process and corruption in government, someone serious abo
- Harry Browne, Because he believe,s in less government
- Bill Clinton as he is the only realistic canidate who has moderate to liberal views on most social issues. Bob Dole is a good man, but the Christian Coalition owns the Republican Party.
- A team working, highly principled, pro america Bob Dole
- bob dole/jack kemp. they best represent the ideas and views of the majority of American people in this country today.
- Clinton should become president because he is not a stiff stubborn politician. He is willing to compromise for the rights of the majority. --All that means is that he isn't Bob Dole.
- The person I would most like to have as my president is Al Gore, with Ann Richards (former TX governor) as vice president. I like Gore much better than Clinton, and I think that his environmental awareness would be beneficial to our country. Ann Richard
- Someone who can understand and uphold the Constitution and who will tell the truth. Please note this is NOT Bill Clinton
- I want to see Harry Browne as President. It is time that we reduce government intrusion into our lives. There is overwhelming evidence that government isn't working. He will reduce government to a manageable size and return financial power to the individual.
- Harry Browne because he will decrease the size and cost of government and end the stupid and wastefully war on drugs
- I would like to see Bob Dole. I want to have respect for the President of this country. And I have No respect for Bill Clinton, not as a leader and not as a man.
- Harry Browne because he possesses those qualities I consider important in a leader and understands the U.S. Constitution and would protect individual liberty while promoting individual responsiblity.
- Harry Brown because I'm sick of the big boys (Republicans and Democrats) and want to see a refreshing change in Washington...the same issues pop up every year with the same stale, problem solving, promisers
- Not Clinton.
- dole, pro-life,christian,experieced,soldier
- Bob Dole, since Forbes or Kemp isn't running in the top spot; Clinton is a pathetic embaressment, probably corrupt, and had the gall to veto the partial birth abortion bill.
- A person who cares about all people. Actual concern, without dogmatic rhetoric. Not in the pocket of extremist organizations.
- Bob Dole is a good decent person with goverment experence
- Bob Dole. He IS a conservative. Clinton is a Euro Socialist/Statist wearing Conservative makeup so to speak.
- Given the political scandals coming from the whitehouse (i.e.fbi files, vince foster, whitewater) i cannot vote for a president whose presidency has been more corrupt than the Watergate staff. bob dole has an excellent record of leadership in congress. his economics plan is the best for this over-texed country. his running mate jack kemp also is superior to his counterpart al gore.(what if al gore became president?!) vote for Dole/Kemp in '96!
- Harry Browne. He believes the constitution is a literal document.
- Bill Clinton. I believe he's on the right track and of course because he pro-choice. He could do some things differently. For example I don't think the should have signed the welfare bill or the anti-same sex marriages bill.
- Harry Browne. The Constitution is the law.
- Harry Brown. Very sound and planed platform.
- President Clinton-Moderately liberal and has REAL concern for people who are not wealthy and work hard every day. Has holistic approach to crime, ecnomics, education. Cut the deficit, lowered taxes on working poor, and ending cycle of dependency. Excellent from the Bully Pulpit. Insipiring in many ways.
- bob dole, because i prefer his stance on immigration and
- Clinton - He has staked out middle ground - Will put right-wing nuts in place - hopefully the left-wing will be checked too!
- Given the choices, Bill Clinton would make the best President due to his social stands, his ability to help maintain a slowly-growing economy, and his ability to compromise. He really, really needs to work on his foreign policy, however.
- Bob Dole
- Lamm, as he is not afraid to tell people that things are seriously wrong, but as he is not running, then Perot (same party). Between Clinton and Dole I prefer Clinton as Dole is simply too old to make proper decisions and be in good health. If Dole were king, we would have to have a Regency right now.
- Harry Browne because Government does not work!
- Harry Brown would get US on the right track and our back.
- I'd like to see Harry Browne because he is the only candidate who stands for the non-interference of government, opposed to the establishment.
- Dole, his honesty and understanding of family values along with friends helping friends NOT government controlling people and lives.
- Dole, because Clinton is a liar.
- Harry Browne- "Government Doesn't Work!"
- Bob Dole. Clinton is trying to be a republican wanna-be and advocating bills that effect me.
- Bob Dole - The Man has morals, he never did drugs, he'll balence the federal debt. and he will be tough on crime!
- Bob Dole: He exhibits the type of basic values that most Americans count on as the foundation of the society in which they live. The Clinton experience shows us how low we can go as a people, and if it continues for another four years, watch out for a major conflict in the Middle East.
- ross perot the only one able to change our government
- Someone who will DRASTCALLY REDUCE the size and influence of the federal government back to its Constitutional limits.
- Jack Kemp
- Harry Browne. Government is the biggest destroyer of both justice and morality.
- Ralph Nader, he is one person who is actually talking about the need to reduce the strangle hold corporations have on all of us.
- Milton Friedman - Our most serious long-term problems are those involving govt "ponzi" schemes such as Social Security. Mr. Friedman has the necessary understanding of both the economics and politics to deal with these pending debacles.
- Less government
- Harry Browne, he stands by his principles
- within my self i do not feel that the republic parties have ever been for working people and with the working class suffer greater. i feel at this time of history clinton is the only choice, he maynot be the best, but he is the only chance we have.
- Harry Browne - he would reduce governement intrusion into peoples lives.
- Certainly no one who is running-maybe Perot-but I want someone who will improve my life. I am a college student hard working-$8,000 i cannot find a better job isn't that sad- I am not a mother Or pregant i am single, I am not dissable So basically what I am getting at is some one who will help se the person that is trying their damnedest to do everything right. Why do get punished for being good and poor. And you wonder why there is so much crime drug and alchol abuse etc. Where do poor people get i they are good? They get shit on!
- Ralph Nader; He's not bought, he's less of an ego nut than Perot, and he has a number of good ideas.
- I think it is important for the person in the Presidency to be at an age that can withstand the rigors of the office, to be a positive minded individual with ideas of how to make things better not always critical of everything.
- Harry Browne I believe given the freedom and chance Americans can become independent citzens. Our gov. is buying votes and making a country full of mindless peaple dependent on gov. to live.
- Harry Browne, I want to see more and more libertarians at every level of government. Basically I moved away from home when I became an adult and woudld like to be treated as such by my government. I grow weary of being told that some politician down the road or worse yet a thousand miles away knows whats best for me and mine. To make matters worse the two major parties are in colusion apparently with the MASS media to see that third parties are not heard from.
- Harry Browne
- Bill Clinton, He has been without exception, the most productive president we have ever had. He truely understands what the common people feel. No other president has been in closer touch with the masses.
- Bob Dole is more mature than Bill Clinton
- Since the BIG QUESTION today is the size and authority of the federal government, and since Dole, Clinton, and Perot are all big-governenment types, I feel that Harry Browne offers the best chance at actually rightsizing the federal government.
- Ralph Nader because he's a consumer corporate watchdog for the people
- Bob Dole, simply because he wants to bring back the Reagen ideals that made this country the most prosperous in its entire history. Dole also is much more respectable than Clinton. Dole's wife is also far more honest and respectable than Hillary Clinton. None of Clinton's schemes have worked thus far in the four years he has reided in the White House. We need a change. A conservative change. We appraoched that change in 1994 with a sweeping of Congress and we are going to do that this November!
- Dole
- Dole I feel the country has reached an all time low under bill clinton as far as respect for law enforcement the batf and fbi killed ciizens in waco and ruby ridge and were not brought to justice for MURDER
- Harry Browne should be the next President. He is the only candidate who realizes that government intrusion causes more problems than it solves (i.e.- war on drugs, etc.).
- Harry Browne because I'm sick and tired of politics as usual which has been developed by both the Republican and Democrat parties.
- Steve Forbes
- Pat Buchanan, we need a man who is not afraid to call a spade a spade and has some moral character
- Harry Browne--He is the only one that has a plan for eliminating the problems that government causes without introducing more government regulation.
- Howard Philips of the USTaxpayers Party. The only truly ProLife & ProConstitutional party.
- Bob Dole
- I want to see Bill Clinton as president. I think he is the best campaigner America has ever seen.
- We simply need LESS government.
- Pat Buchanan - He is the best choice
- More Socal Programs especially more programs for disabled education, higher education, programs that strongly encourage disabled employment and strong disibility rights
- Bob Dole / We need a President who has earned his stripes and represents all that is good about the American people. We really deserve that; don't you think.
- I want Bob dole a man of truth and integrity. One with real Foreign policy experienceand a hero who fought for his contry, NOT a draft dodging pot smoking adulterous coward like slick willy clinton!!!
- Harry Browne presents real choices for the American people. He takes no federal election money. He will downsize government immediately, not in ten years or twenty years. He realizes where the problems are and is not concerned with whether he'll get elected next time. He is the only true choice we have.
- Harry Browne. Agree with Libertarian priciples.
- Harry Browne. His fundamental premise, "government doesn't work," is dead-on correct.
- Dole, get the drug dealing criminal out
- more sensitive to the environment and to labor. More counter-balance to big business
- Ralph Nader: He is an intelligent man who has done more for this country than any politician.
- Brown or Forbes. Both have views that align w/mine. I am not a compromiser. Clinton, however will hasten revolution. The demise of his statist party.
- Bill Clinton's a dick. Bob Dole's gonna croak.
- Too much power by one party, especially a radically right party, is unamerican
- Harry Browne is the only candidate who will protect the Bill of Rights.
- I want to see Bob Dole become president because I don't trust Bill Clinton after his ruthless move with Utah.
- I would like to see Bill Clinton for a second term and remove the mean spirted congress.
- Harry Browne!!
- Bill Clinton. I believe he is the best choice by far because he has done a good job thus far and president's second term are usually better than their first because they don't have to worry about reelectoin. Plus I predict a Democratic Congress in the future so we need a Democratic president if we want to see things get accomplished.
- Clinton is a crook
- Ross Perot - Democracy means three political parties or more.
- Harry Browne. Because he would take government out of my life and set it back the way it was designed in the Constitution. In doing so, he would end the social security tax and income tax that deprive me of financial freedom. Let me keep the money I earn and I'll take care of myself and my family. I should not even notice the Federal government doing its job.
- Howard Phillips - He is a manager who knows how to do things right ... and a leader who will do the right things,
- Harry Browne. I agree quite strongly with the Libertarian principles.
- I would vote for someone who could restore integrity to our country and the white house. This will not be Bill Clinton, because he is the most disgraceful person that has ever set foot in the white house. I believe Bob Dole is a man of integrity even though I do not agree with all of the things he has done in the senate.
- I would vote for someone who could restore integrity to our country and the white house. This will not be Bill Clinton, because he is the most disgraceful person that has ever set foot in the white house. I believe Bob Dole is a man of integrity even though I do not agree with all of the things he has done in the senate.
- I want a president who respects the limitations that the Constitution places on the Federal Government. That candidate is Harry Browne and this is why I will vote for him.
- Bob Dole has a chance to win, and he is an honest man who won't make empty promises. Clinton needs to get kicked out of office, and Dole will be a great president as long as he survives his term. If he doesn't, Kemp would probably be a better president
- Of the few who will be on the November ballot, I hope Bob Dole will become the next President of the United States. I will vote for Bob Dole because he is pro-life, Christian, and best represents the conservative values I believe in.
- Bill Clinton. He has done a good job to date and I think he should have another 4 years to get his policies in place, up and to finish his
- Bob Dole; He has much more experience, and I like his ideas better.
- Harry Browne- He would try and reduce government interfence in our lives. Liberty for us and our children
- President Clinton. The "Help Wanted Ads" are packed full of GOOD jobs FINALLY. I want ALL americans represented in the White House. Not just the hugely wealthy. I have no faith that Bob Dole would be so resolute on behalf of the middle class. Thanks!
- Harry Browne 1-800-682-1776
- I would like to see Bob Dole become the next president. Clearly he too has his flaws but I believe he is a man who warrants respect, who would restore dignity and class to the highest office in the country, and is a positive example for the citizens of this country to emulate.
- Harry Browne. He and his party are the only ones interested in getting the government out of our lives FOREVER!!!
- harry browne
- Bill Clinton, I think he's more in touch with every day people. He has faults, to be sure, but he is not as mean spirited as I percieve Dole and the GOP/religious right to be.
- Someone with moral and ethical values.
- Anyone whos goal is NOT to be President
- Bob Dole - moral standards - true patriot
- Harry Browne is the sort of Person who can change the way things work. The others are for the Status Quo.
- Harry Browne is the only candidate that has a specific/outlined plan to reduce the size of government. It's in his book and makes more sence than the dem/rep empty promises year after year. I'm not being fooled anymore by the dems/reps, I've opened my eyes and can see the smokescreen of "politics as usual"
- Ross Perot ; The government is out of control and he would best clean up this mess we call political power.
- Bob Dole. Its hard to tell kids "just say no to drugs" when the President did and he is doing better than the parents.
- Harry Browne. We need government out of our lives, and wallets.
- Bob Dole because he has a strong sense of who he is and what he believes. We would know when he makes a promise that he really intends to keep it.
- Harry Browne seems to be the only candidate willing to discuss REAL issuses instead of resorting to name-calling. He identifies the problems of goverment and offers concrete ways of solving them.
- reduce government intrusion
- Harry Browne. Less government, flat taxes, business mind in government.
- Dole, because he is a morally sound person
- Harry Browne- The Libertarian Party is the only hope this country has to restore the freedom we have lost over the years.
- Ralph Nader--He is the only candidate running (although not recognized by your site...) that is anywhere near liberal enough for my tastes.
- Bill Clinton... Bob Dole does not know what he is doing nor does he properly know how to run a good government. I believe that Clinto is good for the job as he has already proved to us these past four years.
- Ralph Nader - the only honest candidate
- Howard Phillips of the US Taxpayers Party is the only candidate for President this year who respects and would enforce the Constitution. The rest of the candidates don't even think it important enough to talk about. The rest are continuing to ignore the fact that the Constitution has been treated as a door mat for the last 130 years.
- leadership
- Bob Dole
- Harry Browne! He is the only candidate with any morale principles. He is the oly one to address problems such as Medicare and Social Security. He has solutions, not just talk.
- Harry Browne, higher standard of living, better quality of life, honest government.
- BOB DOLE is the clear choice as next president of our country. It is amazing to me that at this point Mr. Clinton is even a contended, much less leads our distorted polls. If we were to look at only the records of the canidates it is a clear choice. While Bill Clinton continues to flip-flop on issues, Bob Dole is a man that is consistantly commended for being a man of his word (across the board with democrats and republican alike). Mr. Clinton comes from a state which ranks last or near last in eve y area of human achievement, and he is doing the same to our country. The unfortunate thing is that the majority of Americans do not care, and futhermore base their decisions primarily on what they obtian from the slanted media, without actually researching canidates and issues. I am losing faith in America, if Mr. Clinton is re-elected I don't know how much more I will have left.
- Bill Clinton--He's in touch with most Americans. He grew up in a middle class family and DID NOT have a silver spoon in his mouth. Also, he is of a younger generation than Bob Dole--therefore he's aware of the issues (education, taxes, affirmative actio
- Harry Browne, I want the Constitution to be the law of the land again.
- Bill Clinton - He has maintained some degree of dignity even though he has been accused of everything but there has been no proof of any of it.
- Clinton mainly because he is a moderate. He understands what it is like not to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth. I believe his idea about health care for all americans is right although he needs to put more direction to it
- Clinton, because we have to much to choose from
- Dole - He is moral, honest, honorable, trustworthy, respected, ethical and surrounds himself with others of the same character.
- Bob Dole so he & the Republican congress together can reform government & education.
- Bob Dole. He is the opnly candidate that has a moral bone in his body. He is also qualified to lead our country
- Harry Browne -- our best hope to avoid Big Brother
- Bob Dole because he's the best man for the job.
- Clinton, because Dole is older than George Washington.
- I would LIKE to see Bill Bradley, because I feel he is one of the most articulate, thoughtful, and dedicated public servants this country has ever had. That being said, I would like to see Bill Clinton, because he is the better candidate.
- I want to see Harry Browne as the next President of the United States because he is committed to reducing the size of the government, until it only does those things authorized in the Constitution. I think the government does many things which are morally wrong, such as involuntary taxation, the "War on Drugs", interfering with private business, and Harry Browne is committed to making REAL changes and stopping the criminal activity that is done by many government agencies.
- Harry Browne. First, I want to see someone besides a Democrat or Republican in the whitehouse. These two parties have enjoyed too much power for too long. I also believe in less government, and I don't believe Clinton or Dole will give us that.
- Bob Dole, because I'm tired of Bill, he has let me down on everything he promised, and is noot the military persons prefered choice.
- Bob Dole's great ideas!
- Bob Dole-He is a great man with great plans! With Clinton Medicaid will go bankrupt within 5 years!
- Harry Browne, because he wants to resrtict Congress to the powers enumerated in the Constitution
- Harry Browne, beacaus he'll reduce taxes and the intrusiveness of the government
- Harry Browne - He's the only candidate who understands the necessity of reigning in an overly powerful government and restoring both power and freedom to the people.
- Bill Clinton, he's proved himself in the past!
- I want Harry Browne for President. Clinton and Dole(and their ilk) are both responsible for the disgraceful way my generation's(generation "X" as we're so cutely called) future has been mortgaged to pay for the previous generations mistakes social and economic mistakes. Anti-terrorist bill? If the government stayed the hell out of peoples lives, they wouldn't have to worry about it at all. Bill Clinton is the cause(why is it the ATF is authorized to use deadly force against american citizens when in Bo nia our *SOLDIERS* weren't allowed to fire?). I don't remember seeing Bob Dole standing up against this crap either. If your not part of the solution, your part of the problem.
- Harry Browne. He wants all of us to succeed, not just certain classes of society.
- Harry Browne, Because he's the only one that has paided his dues, and still has something to say.
- Harry Browne
- Bob Dole He is for smaller government, and he wants to return our country back to our moral standards. He would like local government to take care of our problem, not Federal Government.
- Dole, I just think he is much more suited to be our nations leader.
- I want Bob Dole to be the new president. Clinton has lied to the country to some extent, he has taken clear Republican ideas and placed the credit on himself. There have been numerous scandals and there is little doubt that all of these scandals are fabricated. Dole's record is not perfect, but at least he's honest.
- I want Bob Dole to be elected because he has proven his character on the battlefield and in the halls of congress. He is a strong leader with good values
- Browne
- Bill Clinton
- Harry Browne - take us back to the original federalist form of government envisioned by the founding fathers
- Perot, he has no political favors, he is an open minded business man that tells things as they are and doesn't sugar coat them. If he follows through with his words, he would be a great president.
- Harry Browne; to end the intrusion of government into our private lives; We need a President who believes in the rights of the individual
- dole, he is honorable, trustworthy, expierienced,
- Clinton, because I believe education is the key to freedom for all, and that is really what the US stands for (FREEDOM). By trying to punish children for the sins of their parents, denying illegals' children an education. Also, by allowing low income and ghetto areas substandard facilities and funding is in my opinion a moral outrage. Vouchers is a cop out.
- Ralph Nader! The only candidate with truly interesting and viable ideas.
- I know who I'd rather not see and that's Bob Dole.
- Browne - Stands solidly on issues
- A Steve Forbes "type"> Someone who has a clear understanding of the economic issues (taxes, deficits, burdomsome regulations) that affect our country and is willing to do more than just pay lip service to them.
- Harry Browne is the only candidate that will give us less government.
- No names need to be given as long as a Republican wins.
- Bob Dole....I'm tired of government, taxes, and regulation. I also am tired of having a leader that had no principle and goes whichever way the wind blows.
- Harry Browne and Jo Jorgensen because they inject good, fresh ideas into the national debate.
- Bob Dole... Clinton is evil, not to be trusted should not be pres
- An Honest and Ethical individual with High Moral Standards, is critical to the future of America!
- I'd like to see Bill clinton in office because he's done a solid job the last four years and without concern for re-election, he can pursue problems worry-free.
- Ralph Nader Because he does not belong to a major political party and his issues are sound. He truely wants the people to call for him, and he does not call to the people with ads.
- Harry Browne, He's socially liberal and economically conservative
- Not dole... some 3rd party like Libetarian or anyone but dole
- dole,as he puts it,"i'd trust him with my children"
- Harry Browne. The Libertarians have great ideas.
- bob dole because he is honest and would lead this country in a dignified manner.
- The only candidate that I would vote for that ran this year is President Clinton. All the republicans make me want to barf
- Dole .... He makes Clinton look like a socialist , probably because he is!
- Browne: As far as I can tell, he is the only candidate who is serious about limiting the size of government.
- Harry Browne. He represents responsible government rather than the existing and proposed leviathan which penetrates every aspect of our lives. Clinton/Dole are authoritarian chameleons. Harry represents truly American principles (freedom, liberty, et. al.). How about some tolerance (for gays, the rich, the smokers, etc.) for a change
- Harry Browne: the only moral, ethical and honest candidate with real solutions to problems.
- Harry Browne - Shrinking the overall size of government is very important both economically and socially.
- Bill Clinton, I don't like Dole's stand on affirmative action and education
- Bob Dole. He wants to reduce the size of government and provide much needed tax relief.
- Perot; The government needs to be run like a business.
- I would like to see Ross Perot elected president to shake up the status quo and move us finally toward systemic approaches to solving our problems.
- Dole. His over all leadership ability!
- Bill Clinton-Superior to dole in every respect, i.e, temperment, intelligence, and has a geniune concern for the well-being of the US and all of its people.
- Bob Dole sould be the next president, he may have made some mistakes in the past, but he's a decent man. Bill Clinton is a pathological liar whose only goal is his own self-aggrandizement at the expense of EVERYONE else. Hillary is a criminal (fraud, per
- Harry Browne he is probably the best choice for president we have had in the last twenty years
- Bill Clinton. I think he did a great job as president in the past four years.
- I think Clinton is a better choice because he can take control, and he does not seemed uninterested or run-out from the past four years.
- Harry Browne - because Dole and Clinton are both unprincipled politicians unworthy of the office
- Harry Browne -- he a least sets a new direction for an America which cannot be lead by the Remocrats and the Depublicans
- Ralph Nader...actually cares about consumers and the environment
- not necessarily whom i want but what i like; a president who is a friend to israel
- Harry Browne because he will follow the constitution
- Bob Dole. Becasue their is substitute for character. And after 4 years of Clinton, we know that for a fact!
- Bob Dole, for one reason. He is the best choice for the president to replace that sexually assaulting, pot smoking president we have now.
- Harry Browne. Government is too large and out of control. A huge government cannot (and should not) effectively distribute the monies collected through taxes. Money should be put back into Americans' pockets for them to solve thier own problems.
- Newt Gingrich - although not popular with press, he has great historical understanding and has a well-founded vision for this country.
- Howard Stern, because he is Jewish. He is also funny.
- someone other than bill clinton, who has no character! I could not support a extreme liberal I see in the Democratic party. I will vote Republican because I am more closely related to their platform.
- Harry Browne. This country needs to drastically rethink the intent and effects of government, and while Browne's platform will not solve all of our problems, it will certainly change everything. I have absolute faith in Browne's integrity to the Constitution and it's amendments, and that is very important to me.
- Dole - a man to retore core values and character to the presidency
- Clinton - most progressive and thoughtful candidate, we need a progressive responsible government that guides the free market forces and does those things the free market cannot,
- Dole. Honesty is the best policy
- Harry Browne becuase he is pro-choice on everything and would end the hideous war on drugs
- Clinton, because he is our only hope against the pseudo Christian fascists that have taken over the Republicans.
- Harry Browne new Ideas new face new party need I say more?
- President Bill Clinton is the only logical choice in 1996. He supports the middle and working class. He and Vice President Al Gore have got our country back on track after the 12 years of failure by Reagan and Bush. He supports student loans and gun control. Bob Dole is building a bridge to the past and that won't work.
- Bill Clinton, because he has shown that he can lead this country and the fact that he is of the "baby boomer generation" so his generation is right to lead now and not the world war II geration because they are out of touch with my generation which is "genX"
- Harry Browne, because I'm tired of government getting bigger and bigger. It's got to stop sometime. I'm tired of single mothers paying a 13% payroll tax to 65 year old millionares. Seniors are living it up and leaving the debt to my infant daughter.
- Harry Browne, because he could lead our government to the next level and make our nation the great land of the free that it once was.
- I hope Clinton gets reelected because I feel Dole is looking in the wrong direction for answers. I truly believe that, despite his faults, Clinton has the best interests of the nation at heart and that he, more than any politician I am familiar with (at 28) believes in what he is doing and saying.
- Bob Dole, he has demonstrated his leadership and is an honorable man.
- harry brown let freedeom ring
- Bob Dole should be our next President. How can america re-elect an individual who is involved in scandals. He is a poor decision maker and consistently sways "left" to "right".
- I would like to see Harry Browne elected President of the U.S. He is the only candidate who is striving for drastically less Government rather than trying to "reform" and patch something that isn't working.
- Harry Browne, Libertarian. He is the only candidate who actually wants to turn America into a FREE country again.
- bob dole character counts
- Bob Dole WILL WIN!!!
- dole he seems like he's a good man
- Steve Forbes. He was the candidate that most closely represented my views.
- Dole- The moral fiber of our country is deteriorating...and it's time to be proud to be an American again.Let's vote out the liar in there now.
- Clinton is a disgrace to the office and Bob Dole is the only other viable candidate.
- Browne. Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans are acting from the basis of Rational Thought. At the heart of Libertarianism there is a core principle which aligns itself very closely with the apparent intent of our founding fathers.
- I want Bob Dole for President. In #13 above, you listed most of Mr. Clinton's attributes without mentioning character. Bob Dole HAS character and will restore some of the lost values the Clinton's have decimated.
- In a field of not so great candidates, I feel that Bob Dole may be the one to help America get off its ass and do something for change. Also in a time of constant war-readiness, it helps to have a man with military experience.
- Clinton-He shows the ability to compromise to the benefit of the country.
- Harry Browne, because he is the only one who I would trust to do what he says.
- I would like to see a more responsible president
- Harry Brown. Liberty. Nothing else matters in this world of dust.
- ANYONE who would swear to uphold the original intent of the whole Constitution under penalty of immediate resignation after the first violation of said oath, as determined by a non-partisan group of Constitutional authorities
- Clinton. He has good ideas to improve the country, especially for the middle class and lower. Cinton is dynamic, "presidential," and a "healer." Dole has no vision and can't articulate what someone tells him to say.
- Bob Dole! Because he actually has proven that he is dedicated to his country and is a true patriot with some moral values(i.e. He has never gone across seas and protested against it). He is a person whom I would feel comfortable with my children looking up to.
- Howard Philips, because we need to get back to our country's foundational roots. The Constitution needs to be interpreted in light of the 10th Amendment and the Federal Government needs to keep it's hands off the Bill of Rights, because they are restrictions on it's authority.
- Clinton--The Democratic Party platform this year is instilled with family values. Dole is too old.
- Bob Dole, because I can trust him at his word.
- I want to see a conservative (Dole is the only serious contender at this point), with a Republican Congress. We've tried the liberal methods for forty years and they have failed; it is time to try the conservative agenda.
- Jack Kemp - He has the best grasp on using the free market to help all classes of people.
- Clinton, I feel he did an okay job, He is not afraid of change or the people against that change.
- Harry Browne, because I love my country.
- Harry Browne. The federal government needs to be dismantled.
- Dole-simply a better person for the job!
- I would like to see Harry Browne for President. I think that he would be a welcome change for this country. It's time to give someone who's really an "outsider" a chance, someone with fresh ideas.
- Libertarian, Harry Browne has the most sensible platform. He will be receiving my and my domestic partner's votes in November.
- With all the problems he still gets the job done,
- Browne: the Democrats and Republicans are totally owned by big business and only interested in milking the country and the people for their own interests. Nothing good will happen with either one of the major candidates
- Harry Browne -- see my web page: Clinton/Dole compared to Harry Browne and Howard Phillips!!!
- Dole becaus he is older and wiser,
- Harry Browne: The only candidate who understands that government doesn't work and the only one with a workable plan to end governments involvment in areas that the constitution does not authorize.
- Bill Clinton. He is the best president we ever had.
- Harry Browne. He seems like a real person, interested in real issues.
- Bob Dole . Why? Bill &Hillary
- Dole. Clinton is sishonest, cannot be trusted, is immoral, Jerry Parks is dead, he was murderddw while inviestgating Clinton, his house burgled, his records stolen. Clinton is an extreme socialist. Dole is decent and a moderate. He is a patriot.DDo
- Dole....He has experience and is a good man....I am sure he would make a great president, I just wish he had more personality.
- Dole. I feel that Clinton is a socialist.
- Dole, he's trustworthy
- Harry Browne. I am ready for some *real* change and debate. The way we are currently headed (bigger govt, more intrusion) is NOT working!
- Dole, he's trustworthy
- Harry Browne- uncompromising
- BOB DOLE \ JACK KEMP '96!!!!!!!
- Browne because his views are closest to mine on the issues I view as most important.
- Bob Dole
- Harry Browne - No income tax, no Government intrusion
- Harry Browne: he has a principled way to both solve the problem of intrusive government, crime, deficits, breakdown of civil society, etc. His answer is to reduce the size of government back to within constitutional limits.
- Bill Clinton. Dole is from the past, for the past, and is over the hill.
- Harry Browne because he wants to dramatically reduce the size of the government.
- Bill Clinton. He's not perfect, but he's done a good job. He seems to understand the problems of the ordinary person more than Bob Dole. He truly represents all the people and not just a pampered few.
- Bob Dole He is pretty cool......
- Bob Dole is the choice for me. I am a white professional young woman.
- Clinton choice of CFR
- Harry Browne because he is the only cadidate who repects god-given rights of person and property and would onlu use government to defend those rights; nothing else.
- Bob Dole. He is honest, has inergrity and has proven himself a leader while in the Senate.Also, he is of high moral character
- Harry Browne; He is the only one truly dedicated to less national government.
- Bob Dole; We can do better than Clinton.
- Harry Browne.
- Clinton He has cut the deficte and cut spending where it needs to be cut
- i'd like to see harry browne mainly because he isn't a "career" politician.
- bob dole he is more stable and trustworthy
- Browne seems to be the least of the many evils, Dole is a whimp, Clinton is a sleazebag, and Perot is a nutcase.
- Bob Dole, He has the experience and moral fiber that this country desperately needs. Clinton is out for personal gain. Do not trust him. The democrats are wastefull taxers.
- I would like to see colin Powell.
- Harry Browne. I believe he is honest; you can trust his word. He has integrity.
- I'm voting for Nader and LaDuke - I'm tired of the Democratic Party taking for granted the support of labor, women, minorities, and gays/lesbians. I want to vote for candidates I really support and who will represent me, not the lesser of two evils.
- Bob Dole is my choice for president. Bill Clinton is socialistically inclined. I believe he will say anything to maintain power.
- Robert Dornan, great man, strong willed, does what is right
- Harry Browne stands for less government
- I would like to see Bill Clinton President because he is the lesser of the two evils and has proven to do a fairly good job.
- As a hard working educator I am sick of the bashing that occurs against our schools. Let's put Bob Dole in a classroom for a week and so he can see how "easy" it is. Let's throw some of the responsibility on families! Gun control is good. Balanced budget in 7 years, yeah right! I'll vote for Bill because he gives a damn about crime, guns and education.
- My choice would be Mr. Buchannan but since he is not running then I WILL vote for Dole.
- Harry Brown. Because he he will reduce the federal government to what is mandated by the constitution, cut taxes, and keep us not of other nations business.
- Harry Browne - Less government intrusion
- Harry Browne: He would end the Drug War, and drastically reduce the military. Drug War and military spending are WAY out of control right now.
- Harry Browne, to restore the Federal Government to the standards set in the US Constitution
- I would like to see Bob Dole elected for President of the United States because I feel in my heart that he is as honest as Presidential Cantididates come. Also he does not believe; like Clinton that the Government should control everything and that more and more policies will solve all of our problems. I do sit on the fence, though, when it comes to the issue of abortion,
- A commitment to lessen the role of federal government
- Harry Browne, because he is the ONLY candidate who believes in America's founding principles of no government interference in people's lives, personal freedom and personal responsibility. He should be included in the debates.
- Bob Dole because I believe in less government intrusion in our private lives and I believe he will work toward this.
- Browne though I'll vote for Clinton. I think both major parties belong to the big money which has purchased the system. But there me less chance of full left with the republicans than the demos.
- Clinton because he represents middle class vis a vis wealthy, is more inclusive in his approach instead of dividing people and groups
- Bil Clinton. He has gotten the deficit down is trying hard to balance the budget. If he is re-elected he can continue this trend.
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne, he is honest, NOT a politian, and will NEVER compromise his principals. He WILL do what he says he will.
- harry browne is the only candidate who is consistant, not a career politician, and has the backing of a nationwide party
- Harry Browne. He's the only cndidate commited to actually changing anything.
- Harry Browne, U.S. federal government should only be involved in military, forgien affairs, and interstate commerce.
- Dole, because he is the right man for America.
- Dole, because he is likely to sign off on a considerable portion of the legislation derived from the 'Contract With America'
- Harry Browne because he sees that government intervention is usually a failure.He will put an end to govt injustice by putting an end to the gluttonous evil govt. (Not to sound too melodramatic or anything:))
- Harry Browne - because we need drastically LESS government at all levels. While the motives may be good, the means and results of most governmental action is BAD.
- Bob Dole. Clinton is a liar, cheat, and outright criminal.
- Harry Browne because he supports reducing government across the board. I want the IRS out of my life! I want to live in peace and not have to worry about my childrens' future.
- Harry Browne. He is the only candidate I trust to do what he says he will, once he is in office and he is the only one who has given specific solutions to specific problems.
- Harry Browne! Government doesn't work, and it's very expensive.
- I preferred the platform of Andre Marrou in '92 to Harry Browne's, but I think both Browne and Clinton would do a fine job as president.
- Bill Clinton serves as the best possible choice in the election '96. His efforts in establishing his promises from his campaign four years ago have been noble and mostly effective. Four more years would provide this president with the opportunity to continue on this successful path and a successful campaign for the country.
- Harry Browne. Republicrats & Demopublicans will never get the gov't back to what it should be.
- Dole. We need someone who governs on principles, not by polls; Clinton has never stopped campaigning.
- Dole..Integrity,leadership,core beliefs
- Bill Clinton as the best available realistic choice. Least likely among the major candidate to bring along ideologues. Seems to have learned how to be a president.
- Bill Clinton
- Harry Browne. Why because he believes Government doesn't work! He believes we as poeple are being taxed to death. And much more!
- Jack Kemp and William Bennett. Jack is brilliant enough to run the country (fairly), and Bill has his finger on our societal problems.
- Harry Browne is the only candidate not offering us pie in the sky which the others plan to bake with our dough. When buying and selling are controlled by legislation the first things to be bought and sold will be legislators.
- I would like to see Ross Perot in the White house.There is not enough difference between the two major parties.
- The President should not be hate monger like Bob Dole
- Dole- Need Republican Congress and Whitehouse for a change
- Bob Dole--sets a higher moral tone for the country
- Bill Clinton: 10 million new jobs, low inflation, low interest rates, deficit reduced every year--even before the GOP Congress, preservation of right to choose, preservation of environment . . .
- Dole - We need a return to ethics in government. We have a White House populated by active or ex substance abusers, thieves and worst of all pathological liars.
- I believe
- Harry Browne, Libertarian, is my choice for President in '96 because he represents a consistency in principles that match my beliefs about the purpose of government. I believe he has the courage and conviction to act as he says - lots less government, no taxes, adherence to the constitution.
- Harry Browne, because he is committed to reducing the government and has a realistic plan to do so.
- Bill Clinton, He's slowly chipping away at the National Debt, the economy seems to be good. Bob Dole scares me because of his inconsistencies about tax cuts and his stand on abortion.
- Harry Browne is the only candidate who will truly change the way the government does business.
- Harry Browne
- Dole -- He never cheated on his wife, and he's never committed sexual harrassment.. He doesn't lie
- Dole- His belief on a blanced budget, less taxes and less govmt.
- I desire that no one be president, rather that we live collectively from each according to ability. However, the closest thing to that this year is Bill Clinton.
- Howard Phillips, the U.S. Taxpayers Party nominee. He has character and principles and is prepared to take the bold steps this country needs to make if it is going to survive. I'm very disappointed that he is not listed among the "potential" candidates. After all, the USTP is on the ballot in more states than all but maybe three of the other candidates, is one of five officially recognized national parties by the Federal Elections Commission, and therefore deserves to be among the choices for Presid nt in items 2 and six above.
- Harry Browne. Remember to Register and Vote in the Actual Election on November 5, 1996!!!
- Newt Gingrich He's a man if you sit and listen to makes a lot of common sence.
- Harry Browne--He is the only viable candidate and he believes in the American people rather than beaurocracy.
- Mr. Dole - Because I think we have reached a point in time where we as a country had better clean up are act. If we do not think character is important, if there is even any question about that, then we are in trouble. We are in trouble. I respect Bob
- Harry Browne, because He is honest and does not compromise his principals. Such as for example he refueses to take Gov. matching Funds.
- I want to see Harry Browne as president because he will drastically reduce government. We do not need such a huge government, and I think the private sector can do better the things that government does right now. We do not need more government, and both Republicans and Democrats have not signifcantly reduced government.
- Bill Clinton, even when far from perfect, is more sensitive to the needs of the average American
- Bob Dole, he has more experience in White House and expart team with him.
- Harry Browne. End the war on drugs. Remove the IRS. Return government to its' constitutional level.
- Bob Dole..more honorable, as a peron, and record in life.
- Bob Dole because Bill Clinton is too liberal. Also a sleazbag,liar,money grabbing,moron.
- Harry Browne because of the reasons outlined in his book 'Why Government Doesn't Work"
- Bob Dole We have a current liar cheat, and murderer that need osted.
- Colin Powell, foriegn affairs, military experience
- Harry Browne is the only candidate running who genuinely wants smaller government. The others are either lying to the public or to themselves.
- Colin Powell, foriegn affairs, military experience
- Bob Dole. He is a man of character--a man who is coming to understand the principles of limited government.
- Ralp Nader
- Someone who is not well known because they are running for President to help improve our country.
- Harry Browne,I believe people should be responcible for their own actions and have freedom of choice without having to be concerned with government regulations,to conclude I disagree with the IRS,since it is voluntary we shouldn't be forced to pay taxes,it should be our choice if we agree with the services it provides.I can say from experience it hasn't helped me one bit,it just robs me of my hard earned money.
- I'd like to see Bob Dole elected as the president of USA. First of all, Clinton is absolutely not competent in holding another term of presidency, looking at his numerous scandals, failures in improving basic education of the young generation, fighting crime, illegal drug use, underage drinking, teen pregnancy...etc. Second, Clinton was given a four-year opportunity to perform his duties but he has not carried out well to solve the most vital problems of our society. I don't see another 4 years for him would help in anyway. On the other hand, the situation of this country may even be worse! Thirdly, Bob Dole is a much more morale person (as seen by the public today), a man with dignity, responsibility and does what he says instead of talking aloud and acting out (as Clinton). He has seen and even gone through much more in life. He would know what are the better solutions for America. He is definitely a better example of a role model for the young people today as compared to Clinton! We need to give Bob D le a chance to help America. If we are educated persons, and if we have eyes and ears, we should know who is a "BETTER" choice!!
- Harry Browne - Get the Gov out of our lives and get the crooked Klintons out of the White House
- Harry Browne is by far the most honest and non-ego-oriented of the four qualifying candidates.
- Bob Dole, there are becoming far to many people who "want" from government and not enough left to give. A day will come when the Taxpayer can no longer afford to support the excuses and the demands of the greedy !
- Ralph Nader, not listed in your list of choices, and more responsible to "normal" folks
- Harry Browne. The Republican/Democratic rhetoric is not generated to provide an insight into the candidates" grasp of the issues and their programs to address these issues. Listen to the refreshing, cogent, and effective SOLUTIONS as proposed by Mr. Browne. Will we have the courage to embrace them, or will we settle into a comfortable inertia that assures a continuation of the same failed process that has brought us to where we are now? As HB says... "Are you willing to give up your favorite gove nment subsidy now in order to eliminate the IRS forever?" That's what I would like to see in the President for 1996.
- Harry Browne
- I'd like to see the Harry Brown/Jo Jorgenson ticket for 1996. I appreciate the honesty of the Libertarian party and want to give them a shot in doing what they say they would like to do.
- I feel that Clinton is a liar and is turning this country into a socialitic country.. I feel sorry for my children and grand-children...Clinton has passed the largest tax increase in the history of this country. He makes me ashamed to be an American...too bad he didn't stay out of this country when he was a coward and would not fight...Clinton and Hilary need to go back to Arkansas...they are the tools of everything that is evil...God Bless America..................
- Bill Clinton. I feel he has been very effective as president and he gives the impressions that he really cares for people; especially the "regular guy."
- Bob Dole bes valienh tteaei tor the real government
- Bob Dole, because we will then be able to reverse our crumbling economy due to social programs and extensive bureaucratic webs due to government inefficiency. If Clinton reigns in office, we we keep sinking into our pit, economy and our society will continue to degrade. People will continue to suffer by the reigns of welfare, nothing will be done to reverse the process.
- Bob Dole, Character does make a difference. Clinton has none!
- Dole. We need to move more to the right. We need to reduce taxes and regulation. We need to stop government discrimination because of class or group, even economic status.
- someone who has lived the pains of middle class life
- Bill Clinton should be President because he has a vision for the future in the very "techy" world we live in. He understands the needs of the baby boomers and can better relate to their needs than Senator Dole and his followers "the Christian Right."
- Ross Perot - I thing Ross Perot is the only candidate who can truly reform our government. Without government reform nothing will change. Pat Coate is a perfect VP candidate to effect change fairly. The only two candidates who will do what is good for America, they have no personal agenda other than that.
- Bob Dole, because he seems to have the family of America as his JOB ONE!
- I would like to see Bob Dole as president to restore dignity and honor back to the most important job in the world.
- Bob Dole, because he'll bring dignity, disclipline, integrity and honor back to the White House -- and he'll make a helluva President.
- Harry Browne, because government doesn
- Harry Browne: If you're reading this, then you are on the Internet, right? Clinton and Dole (and probably Perot) support censorship on the Net. Do you want the government telling you what information you can have access to? And people like Perot 'cause he's "not a politician"? Let's carry that further and get people to perform operations who aren't doctors, or people to work on our cars who aren't mechanics. Vote for the candidate who most closely identifies with the greatest president in history, T omas Jefferson. That candidate is Harry Browne.
- Dole - More trustworthy
- Dole. The alternatives are not very attractive to me.
- I want to see Bill Clinton win reelection because he has steadily improved as our president over the past four years. He has what it takes to conintue to lead our nation in a positive direction; namely, to improve the economy, strengthen foreign relations, and improve the United States overall. He is also an important counterbalance to the conservative Christian groups who are currently trying to force their agenda on the American public; government does not have the right to declare what is moral an what is not in regards to personal issues such as homosexuality or abortion.
- Harry Browne, because he wants to reduce the role of government
- Harry Browne: I'm sick of the government taking away our rights.
- Bob Dole should be president because there is some reason to believe what he says. Bill Clinton is an amoral liar who's word is worthless.
- Ross Perot. We need a real businessman at the helm; someone who is familiar with organizational efficiency. Our government, like any business, needs to be brought back to the way real world organizations operate, efficiently.
- Bob Dole, because of his ideas on less government intervention and the fact that he seems interested in surrounding himself by the most qualified personnel to get the job done. Also, I share several of the same ideas and values with him.
- Bob Dole. He has proven his leadership and is TRUSTWORTHY, unlike Slick Willie.
- Harry Browne, it is time for a different approach to government - one which emphasizes the responsibility of the individual.
- clinton
- Bob Dole. Because of his experience as a soldier, a leader. He has demonstrated his ability to lead this nation, as senate majority leader he has shown his experience with foreign policy as well as his desire to cut taxes and balance the budget, oh, by the way, he has character, unlike a certain president who'll remain nameless(Bill Clinton).
- I would vote for Ross Perot. I believe the Republican and Democratic parties have both been bought by both domestic and foreign special interests, and much of the legislation (for example, the trade deals- GATT, NAFTA, and MFN) have indeed turned out to be terrible for the United States. I believe Mr. Perot has the business sense, negotiating skills, committment and integrity that we need to avoid some of these stupid deals and shams, not to mention the willingness to use America's brightest and bes talent to create and test programs before implementation. To me, this makes sense.
- Harry Browne. He's the only one who sees gov. for what it is, and he is the only one who believes in principles
- Bill Clinton - I feel he has been one of the few real statesman we have seen in this century. His plans for the future are far reaching and will help future generations. He sees beyond his own life and that of his child.
- Harry Browne, because he is honest and has great ideas.
- At this time, Bob Dole is the only hope for America.
- Bob Dole, cause he has the strength, integrity, and leadership abilities to lead the nation.
- already answered above
- Dole- less government
- Alan Keyes. Because he has enough gov't experience to be competant (a neccesary, yet under-rated prerequisite); and he also has the character neccesary to provide the kind of "guidance-type" leadership that this country needs.
- Harry Browne. Government does not work. It is now an anti-American, majoritarian monopoly. As a 15 year-old I will be left with the bill for the party government has had for the last 80 years, a bill totaling over $5 trillion dollars. Harry Browne will en
- Kemp, but at least he,s second in line
- Bob Dole , Because he knows how to get things done in washington, He is not a congenital liar, I believe he will do what is right and not be driven by the polls
- Browne..............Change
- Browne, because his is the only party that truly supports individual freedom.
- I would like to see Bob Dole, but without any Christian Coalition convictions
- I would love to see a Libertarian candidate. Some complain that Clinton has not done enough in office. I say that's a good thing. Action and growth are not always positive.
- dole/conservitive,non-draft-dodging war hero/christian
- Bob Dole, because he has integrity, he is honest and trustworthy
- One who will bring our government back to constitutional levels
- Bob Dole because character does matter!
- I want Harry Browne because I can`t win in the governments war against the citizens
- Honest open debates with at least 4-5 candidates discussing issues, not personalities or scandals
- bill has attempted to keep most of his '92 promises 4 more years will allow him to continue the good fight for america dole is old and with out vision
- Browne- I believe in the constitution and individual liberty!
- Harry Browne. The Government has gotten out of control, and nobody wants to stop it. 200 years ago, we fought a war to overthrow such intrusive government. I want to stop the madness before we have to fight another one. Peaceful revolution - Vote Browne '96!!!
- Bill Clinton becasue of his idea of making middle class stronger. I do not like Dole trying to make rules about the morals of families. That is something that should be left up to the family
- Jack Kempt
- I would really like to see Bob Dole as our next President. I think Bill Clinton has brought disgrace into the White House and I don't believe he deserves it anymore.
- Dole/Kemp. The current occupants of the White House appear to be completely devoid of any of the standards of behavior that the president of the United States should have. A president must lead by example first and foremost.
- Ralph Nader, the only candidate addressing the true desires of the people to break up the two-party duopoly. The only campaign truly of, for and by the people against the influence of PACs and soft money.
- HArry Browne; What this country needs is to go back to the concept that this a govenment FOR the people. America is founded on principles and ideas of people who didn't want BIG Brother interfering in any matter of their lives. We don't need a baby-sitter. We need Freedom to be responsible for our own actions and trust in one another that we can make it work without policy telling us what to do.
- I support Harry Browne. He is the only candidate who has a clearly layed out campaign, and knows what he's talking about. He has not yet proven himself a liar or a hypocrit...unlike the other three.
- It is a good race, but the media should give more of what the candidates are saying and not such short sound bites.
- Bill Clinton re elected as president.
- Dump the status for Ross Perot.
- Bill Clinton b/c our taxes have gone down. The crime rate has also gone down. He also made a dream come true when he passed the Brady Bill.
- bob dole. integrity. growth agenda.
- Harry Browne for president because government doesn't work!
- Harry Browne. I'd like to see the government go back to operating as the Constitution dictated, before "compelling need" and the Commerce Clause crap. The tenth amendment hasn't yet been cancelled - or has it?
- Harry Browne: We need to restore Constitutional Government.
- Harry Browne, because he doesn't want to fix government, he wants to shrink it, because Governemnt Doesn't Work!
- Howard Phillips - He is the only one who sees the PROBLEM with our government and country.
- HARRY BROWNE FOR PRESIDENT!!!I do not want to live in a socialist society which the Democrats are leading us to. Nor do I consider a fascist theocracy, which the Republicans strive for, preferable. I want America to return to being a free country which re
- bob dole, the lesser of two evils - actually i don't feel there is currently a party that represents me....less government, less taxes, but xtian right scares me!!
- Bob Dole-honest,works well with both parties
- Harry Browne. Government does't work. The Reps. and Dems. have loaded the political 'game' for their cronies, and left the rest of US holding the bag. Clinton and Dole are two sides of the same coin - and the coin is counterfeit! Let's get back to the Constitution for all Americans; not just the cronies of the moneyed interests.
- Bill Clinton. I feel that he wants a better America for all Americans; not just the white, rich protestants.
- Harry Browne: It's time to try something new.
- Harry Browne, since he will rid us of these confiscatory taxes PERMANENTLY which translates into more prosperity and free time for me and my family!
- I will vote for Browne because the Libertarians have a comprehensive and consistent platform that will empower Americans to take control of their own lives.
- Harry Browne. We have too much government control over business and are provate lives. Government has no business whatsoever in moral control. Law must not be dictated by ANY religion. We need the Bill of Rights restored.
- Harry Browne - Would bring the United States of America back to the Constitutionally limited Republic our Founding Fathers intended.
- Someone who will mandate use of a spell-checker by all pollsters. :)
- A person who cares about this country and where we are going, someone who understands economics and how we became a debtor nation, and has the will to change that status.
- Harry Browne for president. Democrats and Republicans are basically all the same.
- bob dole: character matters, integrity is key, he best emulates my political beliefs
- H. Browne. I believe we need to return to a literal intepretation of the Constitution of The U.S.
- Harry Browne, the only candidate who wants to restore America to its constitutional design.
- Harry Browne, I am not a socialist
- Bob Dole. Anybody but Clinton
- Howard Phillips of US Taxpayers party ( stands for what the country's founders stood for. He is a man of principle and will do what he says.
- I want Bill Clinton to be re-elected because he's the right person for the job at this time, and the Republicans are just too mean-spirited (or at least they seem that way to me).
- Bob Dole, The economy stupid,under Bush it grew 2.7%, under Clinton 2.6% Clinton promised tax cuts, we got a tax increase, HE LIES!!!
- Ross Perot - someone who is a good manager, efficient, and knows big business, which is what the government is.
- Bob Dole. He is a principled man who has the requisite experience and knowledge to be president.
- Bob Dole, the country should not be lead by someone that has lied to the people (clinton promised a tax cut and we got a tax hike) Also we elected Bill not Hilary, they should keep her in a closet !
- Though there are no really promising candidates , the lesser of two evils seems to be Clintono
- Bob Dole
- Bill Clinton because I feel similar in outlook and background to him.
- Anyone not connected with the religious/conservative right .
- Bobe Dole because he is the lesser of the two evils!
- I want to see Dole win so I can watch the pundits and the liberal media squirm.
- Bob Dole, He is honest, moral, and dedicated to his country.
- Dole/Kemp because Clinton said he would lower my taxes and reduce government. He raised my taxes, downsized the military and hired more beaurcrats. Maybe Dole will keep his promises if not vote him out in 2000.
- Bob Dole, because character counts!!!
- Dole. He does not compromise his opinions to try and please everyone and he doesn't shmooze with celebrities and dodge the draft.
- Bob Dole. Strength in leadership and political experience
- Harry Brown
- Harry Browne, because intrusive government makes all problems worse
- Not Clinton or Dole because they are DIPSHITS
- Bill Clinton might not be the best President ever but he's far and away the best of the lot. I feel that he has "grown" into the Presidency and things overall are going well in this country.
- Bill Clinton
- Harry Browne for president! He has the only real alternative. He is the only real candidate that is willing to "reduce" government not just slow its growth.
- Bob Dole. He is for less government intrusion into our lives. He is for a capital gains tax reduction. He is an honorable man, which Clinton is not. We could again be proud of the man in the White House.
- Bill Clinton. He has done a great job and manage to fufill most of his promises despite a hostile and very partisan congress that has constantly tried to defame him
- Bob Dole- He is a great man and a great leader!
- Harry Browne
- bill clinton, because i believe he has proven he can do an effective job.
- I want to see Harry Browne of the Libertarian Party win the election for president in 1996 because he has a definite plan to balance the budget and get rid of the national debt NOW!
- Harry Browne - no other option is left
- Harry Browne says that government does not work. I believe that Harry Browne can make government for the people like it once did.
- ralph nader. He is not bought out and he will not abandine his constichuincy
- Bill Clinton. He is the best of what is out there now.
- Freedom works best: Harry Browne
- Bob Dole. Becuase he keeps his pants on, doesn't inhale, and he surrounds himself with decent people who can pass a FBI security clearance.
- Bill Clinton
- Harry Browne...We need a BIG change in Washington D.C.
- Ralph Nader. He's probably the only presidential candidate, aside from someone in the ACP or socialist parties who knows what a consumer co-op is, let alone dare to actually support them.
- Browne; Principled-moral character-agree fed gov't doesn
- Harry Browne-- the only candidate who even remotely represents me, a man of fine principles and intelligence
- Harry Browne, the ONLY candidate 100% for Freedom on Speech on the Internet and restoring Constitutional government, eliminating the IRS, setting you FREE from forms and Social Security slavery. I would gladly give up all future federal benefits and progr
- Harry Browne, because he will reduce the federal government back to it's proper (small,non-intrusive) size as mandated by the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights
- Harry Browne, because I believe we are in need of a total overhaul of our existing governmental structure. We as a country need to strongly reaffirm the Tenth Ammendment to the Constitution, not aid in it's castration.
- Clinton - it would be a perfect set up for a Gore ticket in 2000.
- Bob Dole because character does matter, and Clinton has none. Once the two most important things a man had was his honesty and courage. Bill Clinton falls short on both.
- Bill Clinton; he has shown good leadership in the past and represents (mostly) those ideals which I find most important--e.g. pro-choice, progressive taxation, religious and social freedom, etc.
- bob dole because of his experience in government and dedication.
- Bill Clinton - vision for the future. Bob DULL is too old
- dole-believes in articles 2 and 10 of constitution is experienced
- Harry Browne: We want america back! The People used to be the Government!!!
- Dole. We need less gov't & lower taxes and someone we can trust.
- I think it is important for the President to command respect and be a strong leader, neither of these qualities Clinton possesses.Therefore, I would like to see Bob Dole as President.
- Harry Browne. We can't reform governement.
- Bob Dole, he's the most pragmatic, and thus the best candidate.
- Bob Dole: Mainly because of his character and his belief that the people know best! We do not need the gov't to act as our daddy to solve our problems. Also he will sign legislation to balance the budget, school choice, TAX CUTS, conservative judges, TAX CUTS and more TAX CUTS, thank you!!
- Bob Dole is my choice for President, as he is a man who has proven his capability for the job, always retained his dignity and genuinely loves to serve the U.S.A.
- Bob Dole, because he is honest, the person in the White House now is anything but.
- Harry Browne, because he is the only one who is talking about reducing federal spending, paying off the debt, and he isn't trying to buy my vote with a tax cut.
- Dole-You can trust him,he will try to bring back morals to this country. Will give hard working peaple a tax cut.
- Bob Dole because he is a man of integrity and honor. I fear for the fate of this country if we vote in a man with the lack of morals and ethics that Bill Clinton has.
- I will vote for Harry Browne because what where I live many utilities have government mandated monopolies.
- Harry Browne; we need less government.
- Bill Clinton
- Harry Browne of the the libertarian Party. He is the only person and party that has a concrete platform and solutions on dealing with the major problems facing the country today. The primary problem is we have a government that has far too much power and involvement in our lives. To this power base has come the big money special interests who are able to buy political favors. The democrats and the republicans stand for nothing other than "give some money and I'll see what I can do for you." They offer nly a bigger, more mismanaged, expensive and unworkable governemnt. Neither believ in a government that our founding fathers had envisioned !
- Ralph Nader. He is the canidate who is not bought out. He is FOR the enviroment. And he is a third party canidate
- Harry Browne - completely agree that govt is too involved
- Bob Dole as he will do as he says (not like Clinton)!
- Harry Browne - The only candidate who will uncompromisingly return the federal government to the constitution.
- Harry Browne should be our next president because he believes that people should run their lives, not the government.
- An upright man of good moral character.
- I want to see Javez Wills for president
- Harry Browne...if we keep voting for the other two we might as well hand ourselves over to a dictatorship.
- I want to see Bob Dole as president as the united states because of his optimistic, pro-growth economic vision for the future of this country that will form a sound and strong and safe basis as we enter the 21st century.
- Ralph Nader. Somebody who's open-minded, pro-environment, doesn't lick up to rich people, has great experience.
- The Libertarian for a new change
- Libertarian Harry Browne, because he is not a career politician, he is honest, and he would work to reduce government interference in people's lives.
- Dole because he is more conservative and believes in smaller government.
- Although I do not agree with the entire Republican platform, I would like to see Bob Dole in the White House. I feel we HAVE to remove the Clintons ( and yes, I use the "S" on purpose) from office. They are a disgrace to the office. They are morally bankrupt. They have probably committed criminal acts, whether consiously or inadvertantly. they have surrounded themselves with corrupt people who are being allowed to run our country. They do not care whether you or I will have our rights or will have a co ntry tomorrow, they only care about their personal power today.
- I believe Bill Clinton, although not perfect, is the best choice that I can make in the 1996 election. President Clinton has been open minded on a variety of issues and is willing to make compromises to get the best possible outcome for the American people. Although many people call this waffling, was it not Jefferson who believed that compromise was an asset to the man who is willing to use it in good faith? Given our political structure, we can never have a perfect candidate or a perfect President Nor would I ever want one. With a "perfect" President, there is never room for improvement. Who wants stagnation. Furthere, we often learn more from mistakes than we do from getting right the first time. I will suppport Clinton because I believe that he is the best alternative that we have.
- Harry Browne - he's the only candidate who would end the drug war.
- Harry Browne because government that governs least governs best
- Clinton--best person at this time.
- Ralph Nader. Because he stands for the common-sense ideals of the green party.
- Harry Browne because he seems to represent what I believe the president should represent and because he seems to agree with me on most political/governmental issues.
- Dole - he is far more reliable than Clinton
- Bill Clinton, because we are better off than four years ago, and the republican party is FULL of criminals.
- Harry Browne - The Libertarian Party is the party of the future!
- General Schwartkoff (spelling?) because he has proven his ability to lead and has a vast knowledge of the middle east.
- Bill Clinton, because he is the only president elected that stood up for gay and lesbian equality.
- The country is better off than I was four years ago...
- I think that Clinton has done a fairly good job and should serve another term.
- Dole _ He`s Honest and truthful
- Harry Browne, without a doubt. He's the only one who understands that our government no longer works as it was designed, and he knows how to correct it!
- Harry Browne because the others are corrupt
- Harry Browne: The ONLY candidate that is honest, has the right ideas, and can be trusted to do what he says he'll do.
- Christ Jesus for President: he is the only man who is man enough to run this country! Dole and Clinton are both weinies! How could anyone vote for dull Dole and silly Willy?!
- Harry Browne, since he is the only candidate who without a doubt, reduce gov't in all areas.
- Bill Clinton because he has done a good job during the past 4 years and I do not want to chance giving any control to the radical christian right wing fanatics.
- Bob Dole!! He is an honest and proven leader. I would find it hard to believe that he would have anything but the country's best interests in mind. Bill Clinton seems more interested in status than doing what is right!!!
- Clinton/Gore 4 years More!
- Bob Dole, because he is a proven leader with a moral background. I believe he has the countries best interests in mind; not personal gain.
- BOb Dole because he is honist and trustworthy and i think bill clenton is the worst president in the last 50 yr....
- Harry Browne, because he (like all Libertarians) is true to the guiding principles of his party and of our Nation, and refuses to compromise those for short-term political profit.
- Harry Browne is the only Constitutional Candidate. The Big Brother
- Harry Browne for prez. He takes the right stands on the issues
- Harry Browne, because this bi-partisan system is clearly NOT workings, and I want to see a change. My opionions and wishes are by FAR best represented by the Libertarians!
- Harry Browne the only logical choice
- Clinton because the economy has flourished under the president.
- I will vote for Dole because he would have signed the bills that Clinton vetoed. He also will fight for less government in people's lives and lower taxes.
- Ralph Nader. he is an outsider with a great track record.
- Ross Perot, the only candidate capable of making the needed changes.
- Bob Dole and Jack Kemp. Character and trust.
- Ronald Reagan because he united the people and led us with enthusiasm. He additionally bipassed the media when he wanted to "talk" with us.
- Bob Dole, because he's better than Clinton and is honest and moral. Also, he will attempt to lower my taxes!!! Yeah!!!
- Harry Browne, because he is the only candidate that really believes in liberty fo all Americans, and the Federal Government is of secondary omportance to that liberty.
- Ralph Nader. He is the candidate who is truly unique and has responsible party leadership behind him.
- strong economy
- Of the remaining candidates I would prefer to see Clinton in office for another term. I am moderate but lean to the liberal side and I think Clinton is the same in many respects. I believe he has some good ideas and needs a chance to try to accomplish the
- Harry Browne. Because I truly beleive that he is the only candidate capable of putting aside the temptation of power and reducing the size of our government.
- Harry Brown because he is the only canidate with a plan to address the impending problems in Medicare, SNN, and the economy in general.
- Bill
- harry browne, he would help the economy grow and reduce government regulation
- Harry Browne is the only candidate who supports shrinking the national government extensively.
- I'd like to see someone with the guts to reduce the size and impact of government at all levels. I won't hold my breath!
- Bob Dole, simply because I think that Clinton is one of the worst Presidents we have ever had. He is weak on crime, and on the economy. Bob Dole could do a much better job without a doubt. He has a great record, and he knows more than Billy Clinton.
- Harry Browne (as if the remainder of the survey hadn't borne it out) should be president. Clinton can't be trusted, Dole is past his prime. We need someone in office who understands what's wrong with the government and who isn't afraid to fix it.
- Government is not the solution; it is the problem. Vote Harry Browne.
- i want to see someone who respects life and personal digintiy. i feel that citizens must choose between the candidate who respects life (bob dole) and the candidate who respects personal dignity (BILL CLINTON)
- Bob Dole - character is an issue and trust is important. The office of the president needs to be returned to someone we (US citizens) can be proud of, not embarrassed by.
- Bill Clinton, under whom the economy is doing well, and
- Bob Dole, for his itegrity.
- Jerry Brown, He's the only sane political pundit.
- Howard Phillips...Character,Integrity,Honesty,Small government
- Harry Browne. Let's get the government out of out lives and let the people govern themselves
- After seeing them at the Republican Convention, I became more comfortable in my support of the Dole/Kemp ticket. I hope President Dole appoints Alan Keyes and Steve Forbes to prominent roles in the Dole Administration.
- Ann Richards! The ideals, the accent, the hair!! The Harley
- The Dole/Kemp ticket. Ut could be a continuation of what Reagan wanted to do in the 80's, only this tiime the democrats won't be around not to give the spending cuts they promised and didn't come through on.
- Harry Browne, To give me my rights back.
- I would like to see Bob Dole as president because he more closely agrees with me and he lives his life according to correct principles. He has character, knows what he believes in, and will make decisions based on a conservative perspective of what is best for the country. He believes in the traditional family consisting of a mother and father raising a family together. Most importantly, he believes that less federal government is better government.
- Harry Browne because he will reduce the role and cost of government.
- I feel President Clinton has done a fine job over the past four years and is the right choice to lead us into the year 2000.
- Harry Browne - end the unconstitutional income tax.
- Ralph Nader- He is not indebted to serve the interests of big corporations as Bill Clinton and Bob Dole are, and will thus be free to serve the real interests of the American people.
- Harry Browne.I believe he is the only one that is believable
- Clinto has made all the right moves
- Pete Wilson
- Clinton, because he has done a very good job for the past 4 years, and he will do an excellent job the next 4 years.ll
- Harry Browne. The United States of America needs to return to the attitude in which a person is responsible for themselves and the government is merely an entity for the prevention of chaos.
- Bob Dole because of his principles, experience in government, integrity (character) , desire for less govt. regulation, and commitment to a strong military. I don't like Clinton because of his "tax and spend" useless programs. I'm also afraid of socialized medicine in the guise of "national health care".
- As a World War veteran (Wave--Link Trainer Instructor--who enl ist in
- Browne
- Clinton, because he offers a more moderate agenda, concentrating on general areas which affect us all, and properly ignoring what happens in the privacy of our homes, and believing as well in the separation of church and state.
- Harry Browne, the only fresh ideas in the election. The two major parties have nothing to offer.
- Harry Browne. He'll reduce government bulk and waste, and we can trust him. Trust is very important to me. Honesty is important, as is consistency. I believe Harry Browne will make things much better in our beloved country.
- I would like to see retired general Powell as president, because I believe that he is one of the few political figures that can motivate and inspire the American people. I also think that with that race relations have become so polarized and divisive, that only a minority president can turn the tide.
- I would like to see Bob Dole win the Presidency because I can trust him.
- Harry Browne! Let's get economically responsible without creating a Police State. If they're not hurting anyone, let people do what they like. You can't legislate morality.
- Harry Browne,Libertarian-He stands for constitutional govt.
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne. He is the only one that gives real answers to todays problems! It's time to show the Republicans and Demacrats that we will not tolerate their meddlesome socialistic power play anymore!
- Harry Browne,Libertarian-He stands for constitutional govt.
- Bill Clinton. It's the economy, stupid.
- Harry Browne. I want to live in a responsible society where every one pays there own bills, and charity comes from the heart, and not from government looting and plundering its citizens.
- Bill Clinton, why go back to the "Good Old Days", they were not that great. Besides, the only thing the Bob Dole has offered is a 15% tax cut, this will never happen,if he wanted the voters to follow him, them maybe a sign contract with the working people of the U.S. that he will follow through with this 15% tax cut and not just say it.
- media not be biased towards against change in governmemt
- Bob Dole needs to be elected President to restore respectability to the office. The current administration is corrupt and are true socialists.
- Bill Clinton due to the progress he has made in the last four years
- Harry Browne, the only candidate of principle, who's willing to read and practice the Constitution of the United States of America, and limit the federal government to the tasks specified therein. Harry Browne will not treat citizens as children (unless they are!), but will require that they be responsible for their actions, but free to choose them.
- Harry Browne; I don't agree with all his positions, but the Libertarians have the most respect for the individual, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Crucial issues right now are medical freedom (the current lack of which causes inflated health care costs; freedom from unconstitutional search and seizure (i.e., asset forfeiture); and the insane, racist War on Drugs (resulting in the highest rate of incarceration of all the developed countries). And oh yes, freedom of speech in cyberspace!
- Harry Browne! Harry Browne! Harry Browne! This country has GOT to get back to the principles which made it great. These are the principles of individual rights and limited government; the principles of the founding fathers, the Constitution, and the Libertarian Party.
- I support Harry Browne because his agenda is pro-liberty while the other candidates are excessively pro-government.
- Bill Clinton. He is a strong, presidential leader.
- Harry Browne. Government is way to huge. Democrats believe that government should solve every single problem with money (and taxes), the Republicans preach about smaller government, but pushing for laws to be passed prohibiting what an individual can do to his or her own body, what they can watch, and what kind of a person they are to have sex with is not smaller government. That is borderline Communism!
- Harry Browne -- No other canidate is willing to protects the rights of the people.
- If we reelect Slick Willie, we will end up with Al Gore, (scares the hell out of me.) I predict that Bill will have to resign just as did Tricky Dick when the proverbial shit finally really hits the fan.
- Ralph Nader-He is the only viable candidate who is not controlled by any special interests, has a realistic viewpoint on solving the nations ills and would be responsive to the will of the majority.
- Harry Browne -- because he advocates less government intrusion into private and business affairs.
- Bob Dole he's the best man for the job of the two that are running
- Frankly, I am not enthusiastic about either major-party candidate, but I will vote for Dole because of the Republican party's pro-life position, and I think Dole would be more fiscally responsible than Clinton has been.
- Browne - less government is just what we need.
- I would like to see Libertarian Harry Browne elected President. This would be a clear mandate for his proposal to cut government to its Constitutional limits, repeal the income tax, and replace it with nothing.
- Harry Browne-Jo Jorgenson.They have a Great platform.
- Harry Browne - back to constitutional government
- Harry Browne - no other candidate or party truly stands for freedom
- Harry Browne because he is the only one I believe would make a stand against federal ersosion of personal freedom.
- Bill Clinton - He seems to be the least conservative and most willing canadate to attempt to solve some of the major social problems.
- I would like to see Harry Browne as President because he stands for what I most believe in: less government, less taxes, less regulation and, most importantly, more freedom to the individual.
- Harry Browne. He would actually be able to solve some of the problems that the other candidates will not even discuss logically. He will end the drug war.
- I want a president that is not a professional polititan, one that
- Harry Browne, because he's the only candidate committed to reducing the size of the government and gov't expenditures
- Tom Snyder of the Late, Late Show on CBS. He has wonderful ideas and I believe he would actually try and implement them.
- Of the two evils, I prefer Bob Dole. I think the younger generation, the Clintons, haven't come to grips with what has essentially become a me-me attitude. I don't trust President Clinton. I don't like the moral attitude our country has taken, and to me,
- Harry Browne. Our current state of governmental affairs is appalling and must be overhauled.
- Bob Dole. I am constantly amazed that the majority of those polled do not seem to care about the moral character of Bill Clinton. I simply do not trust him and think he discraces my country.
- Bob Dole- Clinton's have turned the White House into a farce
- BOB DOLE - in a 2-way race, Clinton is simply a non-choice. Flowers, Jones, Foster, Hillary's investments, Dick Morris, Whitewater, FBI files, Elders, Espy, Oleary, travel office, etc. - excuse me, but just how many scandals and improprieties (at least) do we need to realize that we are dealing with arguably THE most unethical, immoral and unprincipled leader in American history?
- Harry Browne, since the current federal government is too complicated and corrupt to be reformed.
- Browne. He wants to eliminate Social Security. This is essential to the future financial stability of our nation, and he is the only candidate willing to say this basic truth.
- Ross Perot has almost no chance but is the candidate who would make the most needed changes is the least time. much is needed now and is not forthcoming from the leading candidates.dole is certainly a backward step.
- Bob Dole because it's NOT their money !!
- either Powell, or George Bush, Sr. I think both men have America's best interests at heart. Contrary to liberal beliefs, character DOES matter in making the decisions affecting one of the world's best and most powerful countries.
- Harry Browne, as I feel he will do more for the American Public in the way of MAJOR federal governmental change than any other candidate.
- Harry Browne to receive 5% of the vote
- Bob Dole. I'm digusted with the game-show-host lack of character exhibited by the Clintons.
- harry browne - to reduce government to its barest minimum constitutional functions and eliminate as much taxation as possible.
- Harry Browne, so as to retire the entire National Debt in four(4) years, rather than some fantasy of merely pretending to balance the budget in seven(7) years!
- Harry Browne, the end...
- Harry Browne-He is the only one with a serious desire and a plan to cut down government and spending.
- Bob Dole - We need to see an end of the liberal agenda which Bill Clinton supports. If we want to see an end of a push towards collectivism we need to elect someone who supports basic freedoms. Bob Dole is that person.
- Bob Dole because of his character and experience.
- Clinton, why because Dole scares the crap out of me! I don't believe Dole is in touch with the American people.
- Bill Clinton- he's willing to take a stand on welfare. Perhaps he'll get rid of it for good. He's open-minded, not afraid to do some actions some call "Republican". I think it's a good man who can stand up to the sneers of other politicians without losing his cool. He's also a very family-oriented man.
- None of the above. All of the candidates are subpar, with spotty records and no real commitment to the issues.
- I want to see Harry Browne in '96. Although I don't agree with all of his positions, I feel that only a candidate committed to reducing today's overwhelming government intrusion can return America to greatness.
- Bob Dole, Because we haven't had a president in the white house in four years.
- Dole, because he represents the choice we made in '94
- government is way too large, intrusive and expensive. Restore it to it's Constitutional bounds!
- Harry Brown, because he could do more to free Americans from their government than any other candiate.
- I want to see Bob Dole in 96 because I believe it is the best thing for families and for the economy. He is a good honest man which a president should be and clinton is not!
- I will vote for Clinton out of default. Dole is dull and out of touch will reality
- Bob Dole is THE man!! He is plain spoken and you know where he stands.
- Bob Dole. I think he would restore confidence and help improve America's institutions.
- Harry Browne, I am tired of the same "goverment as usual". The government we have is not working.
- Dole. Clinton cannot be trusted to tell the truth.
- Alan Keys or Harry Browne, or Both (P&VP) -- They gots real issues and answers! Not rhetorical BS!
- Dole; We already Know that Clinton lied on Taxes and Government spending. It's time to give the Republican's achance to act. We allowed them that chance in 94 and they acted, they didn't just talk.
- Harry Brown. I agree completely with the LIbertarian party this year, I've voted Democrate for 9 years and I nolonger can stomach the continuing increase in the Govenments size and control of the American People. In addition to the waste of my money for Income Tax and Social Security tax, both of which are Unconstitutional.
- Bill Clinton. Of the candidates running, his issue record is the closest in ideology to mine.
- Harry Brown or LP great Richard Boddie
- Ralph Nader
- Dole - he is morally the better choice
- bill clinton
- Harry Browne! Democrats and Republicans are shades of the same color. We need less taxes, no gov't intrusion into personal lives. We need a gov't mindful of the Constitution!
- Bill Clinton ... unless Jimmy Carter would like to run again.
- Bob Dole I feel that he is the best fit
- Harry Browne
- Dole, he has what Clinton lacks, character and morals.
- Different as they are, I'd prefer Ralph Nader (Greens) or Harry Browne (Libertarian) to either Clinton or Dole!
- Bob Dole because he along with Jack Kemp will turn our country around and give back more of our own money that we have earned. He wants to reduce government not inflate it as Clinton wants. Dole believes individuals can solve their problems better than the Federal Government. He is the best choice and I urge everyone, for our future, to vote Dole/Kemp on November 5!
- Ralph Nader! Nearly all of the political, social, and environmental problems in the US are directly or indirectly caused by the enormous influence of corporate power. This is especially true now that GATT and NAFTA have the power to undermine national governments. Ralph Nader has the courage to expose and confront national and global corporate power - something the mainstream media nor our current political leaders are capable of doing. Ralph Nader will enable the people to regain control of our de ocracy.
- i would like to see bob dole for president. i think clinton is a communist wanna be
- Harry Browne because less government is better government
- I would like to see Harry Browne in office because he believes that government doesn't work and will take action to reduce government to appropriate size.
- Harr Browne - I believe that our nation, to even begin to make positive gains, must rediscover the concept of liberty our forefathers held to be so sacred. Until we have such a common belief and common value to rally our spirits we will continue to wander aimlessly without direction or purpose constantly teetering on the brink of social, ecconomic, and political crisis.
- Harry Browne. The Repubs and the Dems believe that one of the fucntions of government is to regulate moral and/or economic behavior. Inasmuch as I do not beleive in this as a function of government, I support the Libertarian Party candidate.
- Bob Dole. In answering #12 above, I indicated "other" because a poll cannot be accurate in my mind if a person picks only one problem with the country. I would hope a Republican President with a Republican Congress, after all these years, would be able
- BILL CLINTON because he has been a good president so far.
- Harry Browne. Government programs are getting out of control and costing entirely too much. Also, government is turning into a "moral police department", catering to close-mindedness and intolerance.
- Bill Clinton because I believe he has a vision for America and the world which includes empathy, charity, and a feeling for the middle person
- Harry Browne because he'll address the key issues of taxation, social security, defense, and the plethora of other problem areas bequeath to us by 150 years of democrat/republican rule. He'll address these problems and correct them.
- Harry Browne appears HONEST and TRUSTWORTHY and BELIEVABLE.
- Harry Browne would begin the process of restoring freedom to America. All other major candidates would keep the status quo, which will simply delay the time and increase the pain when payment comes due.
- Harry Browne, He is the only one who really means to reduce the federal goverments size and intrusions into the private sector.
- bob dole
- Harry Browne, because he is the only one who has realistic answers to the problems faced by society today. He is the only one that even remotely understands the basis of our constitutional republic, viz. personal, individual self-government (not fascism or socialism).
- Harry Browne/Less Government Period.
- Howard Philips should be our next President because he is the only man who will restore this country to proper constitutionally limited federal government. All the rest will just give us more of the same tax and spend government and they will also spend every waking hour seeking ways to increase our bonds of slavery to unjust, unconstitutional taxation and money creation.
- I will vote for Clinton. The anti-government attitude ignores the reasons why government became involved in areas that were ignored by the market economy, or because of the worst effects of the market economy. One must always ask "what is the alternative," and the alternatives offered by conservatives take this country in a direction that will be very costly to us.
- Ross Perot, Not a Big government advocate.
- Harry Browne, because he's for really small government
- Bob Dole; because of his military experience and the fact that he has for the most part an uncompromised reputation.
- Harry Browne - the only candidate who believes in Liberty, i.e., individual freedom and personal responsibility.
- Bob Dole for President! He is a person who we can trust to tell the truth and he will cut taxes and appoint more conservative judges. Let's restore trust and integrity back to the office of the President of the United States.
- Ralph Nader is the only honest, selfless candidate. Why don't you list him? His candidacy is doing GREAT!
- Harry Browne -- He's the only candidate who doesn't want to put his hands in my pockets and all over my persnal life.
- Bill Clinton is more in tune with my views. Bob Dole is too conservative and too Republican for me
- I want to see Bill Clinton elected. I feel that he at least offers hope for some sort of social change. I am afraid that a Dole administration would be little more than a rubber stamp for Newt and the rest of the ultra conservatives.
- Harry Browne because he wants to rduce government and taxes. Also, legalixzing drugs will make them much cheaper therefore reducing theft and robberies.
- Harry Brown who has new fresh ideas about less government and he is not a politician
- Bob Dole because you cannot trust anything Bill Clinton says. He'll say and do anything for anyone to get re-elected. he stands for nothing by standing for everything.
- Bob Dole because most people in the U.S. believe that character matters. Bill Clinton has no respect with our allies. His administration has been plaged with scandals. The only reason he is even viable is that the media is unduly biased. If he (Clinton) was a Republican, he would be impeached already. Most people believe that even if Clinton was elected, he will most certainly be impeached. Our country needs and must have a change in leadership in the Whitehouse. I am fearful for our country and the freedom we have if Clinton has another chance without having to worry about reelection, that is if he will even be able to serve with all the scandals in his administration already.
- Harry Browne-Get excessive government controls out of our lives. Help return control of the government back to the people.
- I would like to see a liberal third party (Green) canadite take the White House, but realistically Bill Clinton/Al Gore would be my choice because of thier stance on enviornmental issues, pro-choice, and defense of the arts. I would like to see some reform in mandatory minimum sentencing for non-violent drug offenders and the decriminalization of marijuanna and "soft" drugs along with rehab programs for users instead of prison.
- I would like to see Bill Clinton elected in 1996. I believe that he is open-minded and truly cares about working class Americans. Bob Dole seems to support any cause which he thinks will get him elected. He is an angry man. Combine that with his alliance with Newt Gingrich, and I see nothing but trouble ahead for my family and my 5 year old daughter -- specifically, a raging national debt.
- He is for reducing government. His stands on the issues will bring more freedom to the american people. I want a President who will not tak away the freedom that so many have died for.
- Bob Dole to return dignity to the White House.
- dole
- Harry Browne I think his ideas are not only fresh but the best. I feel he is honest and will do what he says. In short, I trust him.
- DOLE Background and moral standards
- Harry Browne, because I want dramatically less government, not just less government growth, or more efficient government.
- I would like to see Harry Browne for president as I believe it is time to restore a constitutional government which limits the power of politicians and the big business interests and allows every individual the freedom to choose their own course through life.
- harry brown. he is the only one of the four who can do the job
- Harry Browne would help make the country freer.
- Dole.. need a more conserative approach; more maturity; return dignity to the highest office in the land (or world); we have to bite the bullet and head back to more moral values and practices...the pendulum has swung far enough.
- Ralph Nader; because he has proved himself a true leader for average people's interests, because of his great integrity, and because his citizen-driven campaign is true democracy, whereas the Republicans & Democrats mock democracy with big money and manip
- Dole.. need a more conserative approach; more maturity; return dignity to the highest office in the land (or world); we have to bite the bullet and head back to more moral values and practices...the pendulum has swung far enough.
- Bill Clinton because he is open-minded
- I would like to see Harry Browne as president in 1996 because he is the only canidate that I feel will put our country on the right track. Any other canidate will only increase government and continue leading our country into debt.
- Bob Dole because he is an honest man with strong convictions.
- Howard Philips. He is the only candidate that I can plainly see is going to bring our country back to it's original greatness by cutting down government to the constitutional size.
- Bob Dole because he is the best of the worst!
- Harry Browne will reduce the Federal Government to what is allowed by the Constitution.
- Harry Browne is the only candidate proposing workable solutions to incredibly large problems.
- Harry Browne is the only person who can make a clear case for a better America and expose how shallow Clinton and Dole's supposed plans for the future really are. If he gets into the debates, he'll make them look like two kids caught smoking in the boys room. HARRY BROWNE '96!
- Harry Browne, because he stands for freedom!
- Pat Buchannan- Pro-life, against Affirmative Action, wants to fight Illegal Immigration
- I want to see Harry Browne because he believes in enforcing the limits that the Constitution plainly places on the federal government. The Constitution needs to be followed if this country is going to be free.
- Bob Dole morals back in the White House.
- Harry Browne. Our government has gotten way too big, and it will take someone like Harry Browne to shrink it back down to something small enough to manage.
- Harry Browne. End to Fed. taxation less government
- Dole. At least he has a program. Clinton is a disaster.
- Harry Browne because I believe government should only follow the dictates of the constitution.
- Bob Dole. He has been in the gov't for a long time. He will cut down taxes. He'll meet people's needs which Clinton won't. No more years for Clinton.
- The size of the Federal Government must be reduced substantially, NOW! The only candidate who will do this is Harry Browne.
- Bob Dole. I'm too afraid of the damage an unencumbered Clinton would inflict on the country. Just think of the hard-left judges he would appoint if he didn't have to worry about running for office again. I could go on, but I think you get the drift.
- Ross Perot Rules!!!
- Dole because clinton is a disgrace to this country and to the office
- Harry Browne is our only hope to really reduce the power and influence of a government which is WAY too big. Government doesn't Work!
- bhallajfj ajflasj;lajf
- Bill Clinton -- I believe keeping the legislative and executive branches split between the two parties prevents the government from making any drastic, foolish decisions. I doubt Congress will be Democratic contolled after this election, that is why Clinton needs to be reelected.
- Bob Dole-He believes in what he says. His Image needs to be revamped. Most of the sheeple see hip as some kind of frumpy, old wart of a man more intrested in returning America to it's 1950s glory. That's fine but attention to tahe America of today with an eye on the future might give hime a more eaisly perceived vision. Oh yeah, lighten up.
- Bob Dole. He's a man of character & integrity. You can trust him. He speaks for what he believes in, not what he thinks you want to hear.
- Bob Dole represents integrity which the office of the Presidency has lost. Furthermore, we need a strong foriegn policey which we now lack. Our domestic economy will be fine reguardless of the man in office as long as the deficit is kept in check.
- Politically, I lie somewhere between Republican and Libertarian. I'd like to see Harry Brown, mainly because it seems the harder I work, the less money I have, while people are constantly rewarwed for NOT making an effort. He seems to my best chance of
- Harry Browne: the only candidate with a plan for a better America.
- Harry Browne, to reduce government and keep it from becoming so powerful that they regulate our everyday lives!
- Harry Browne. He most closely exemplifies and represents the change in leadership required to fundamentally address and resolve the significant issues facing us today; namely, ineffective and inappropriate goverment intrusion into business and society, funded by excessive taxation, leading to a declining economy and declining interest and participation in the civic fabric on the part of Americans.
- Bill Clinton. I think that his handling of both the economy and reducing the deficit should be praised.
- Bob Dole ... I am sick and tired of paying the astronomical taxes that the Clinton administration has imposed upon me. I hate the entire Welfare system and believe the country as a whole would do better off without it. Prior to the introduction of Welfa
- Only Harry Browne stands for BOTH personal AND economic freedom. Vote for Harry
- Harry Brown, He will reduce government.
- Bob Dole, or any candidate that exudes trust & integrity
- I want a candidate who is honest and that person is Bob Dole. Jack Kemp was excellent choice as VP and I can't wait to get Clinton and his thugs out of the Whitehouse!
- Clinton. He may not be the best person in the country for the job, but with him, we know what we're going to get. He's committed to balancing the budget and strengthening education standards.
- Bob Dole - honest individual, you can believe his word
- Bob Dole; I like his 15% tax cut proposal. I like the fact that he's pro-life. I'm sure I'd prefer his judicial nominees. I'm sure I'd prefer his executive branch appointees (e.g. Sect. of State Colin Powell).
- Bob Dole. It's time for an adult in the White House.
- Bob Dole - because I feel he is the most honest and I believe the country needs a tax cut and a cut in government spending.
- I would like for Clinton to win. He's done a good job so far and I'm scarced that the other presidential candidates will just set the country back. He's done better that Reagan and Bush did and we don't need another Republican in office.
- Harry Browne - while not my "perfect" candidate, he at least recognizes that there is a "Bill of Rights". All other candidates appear to be trying to ignore them.
- President Clinton: Clinton has moderate instincts and the Democrats in Congress have been chastened by the 1994 congressional elections as well as Clinton's moderate message. The Republican party is controlled by the religious right-wing which is interested in using government to impose their own brand of morality on the rest of us. I believe Dole is an honorable man with moderate instincts as well, but I don't think he has as much control over the Republican party as Clinton has over the Democratic party. American needs a moderate path in these tumultuous times and President Clinton is the best choice to pursue that path.
- Clinton. My own Republican party has become too conservative and has sold out to the religious right. I will not vote for any candidate not committed to women's rights for reproductive choice.
- Harry Browne, because he supports freedom.
- Jack Kemp because he is on target both socially and economically and he has character, conviction, and leadership qualities plus adequate experience in government.
- Bob Dole, He is trustworthy and Honest, something a leader must have to lead
- Bill Clinton: His agenda is for all Americans not just the wealthy.
- Bob Dole! He is more trustworthy. Character, Stupid!
- Harry Browne. He is the only canidate that wants to limit government to the powers that are granted it in the Constitution.
- Harry Browne: we need to put government on a diet.
- Browne, because of his TRUE look at problems and solutions without dividing USA citizens against races, economic classes, and ethnic "causes" of our condition. We are to blame for allowing our constitution rights/government to erode and for media manipulation to lead the flock around without the majority even VOTING for a system that WORKS. Thank H. Browne for his latest book spelling out his views/plan. (watch how the 2 main parties will start to SOUND like Browne as the race heats up! 9/9/96 KAJ)
- Harry Browne: Represents a party of principle, agree with ideas on fiscal responsibility, want drugs legalized, tired of two party politics (need an outsider to change Washington).
- Harry Browne because he offers a program that goes to the root of the problems that are destroying this country.
- I would like to see Harry Browne for president because he has many of the same views that I have and this is the kind of canidate I think shold be in the white house
- Clinton is the only choice I have at this time, maybe not the best ever, but the best choice in 1996
- Between Clinton and Dole, I will vote for Dole. Not because I agree with Dole completely, but becuase I am voting against Clinton. President Clinton's morals and standards, cheapen human existance on this planet.
- Bob Dole. He is the wise choice of the available candidates. If there were someone else better, I'd vote for him or her.
- Harry Browne: we need to return to the Constitution, no one else will do that.
- Clinton - I do fear ultra heavy influence on the GOP from large business and lobby groups.
- Harry Browne - To restore liberty.
- Bob Dole - I believe he is a sincere man, one to look up to and believe. I can no longer trust or believe anything Clinton says. It seems that he has no true agenda - and his decisions change to whatever is more convenient at the moment.
- Harry Browne has the right idea. Government doesn't work.
- Harry Browne, he is the only canadate that would reduce the size and power of the federal goverment
- harry browne. i believe our country is headed for collapse and civil war the signs are very clear. This country used to be a nice place to live but now it's like a dmz. if things doen't change sone I'm outta here,
- Harry Browne. He stands for what this country needs. Change.
- The polls show Clinton ahead, I can not figure out Americans
- Harry Browne... Probably in the end will be just as bad as the demopublicans and the NWO, but at least its getting there...
- Browne, because personnal freedom is the way to go. Drugs should be legalized.
- Libertarian - reduce government meddling/intervention
- Harry Browne -in order to truly reform the central government
- Harry Browne Speaks honestly not double talk. Would be a statesman which we have few of now days
- Harry Browne, Libertarian. He will reduce the federal government to its constitutional dimensions.
- I would like to see Bob Dole as president because of his belief's on tax cuts.
- Harry Browne is the only person running who respects me as a person as a truley free being
- I'm leaning towards Harry Browne, but for the most part am undecided. My fear is that anyone we elect will cease to work for us once they've secured their position.
- Libertarian Harry Browne, because he is the only presidential candidate dedicated to significantly reducing the size & cost of government. Also because I totally agree with the Libertarian/Jeffersonian philosophy of individual freedom as opposed to government coercion.
- Dole/Kemp Give something back to the people
- Harry Browne is the only candidate with the correct answer to our society's problems. Government DOES NOT WORK and must be drastically CUT! Taxes must be abolished.
- General Colin Powell, charismatic, honesty, integrity, values.
- Harry Browne is the only candidate whose campaign is based on the Declarartion of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. He knows "Government doesn't work" so he would reduce the Central Govt. to its originally intended size and purpose and help restore America to its true nature and form of government.
- Mr. Dole. I think he has the moral leadership much needed today. We need to return respect to the office of the President.
- I want Harry Browne for President...because freedom is more important. The failed policies of big government have hurt us enough, it is time to reduce the federal government to it's Constitutionally defined functions.
- Clinton Best qualified at moment
- Harry Browne, because a democracy can only endure in an environment of limited government. The more power the government wields(sp?), the more distorted the democratic process becomes. The concentration of power is exactly what our constitution was designed to prevent. Only Libertarians seem interested in returning to a constituional form of governance. They will at least bring the issue up to public discussion.
- Dole, because he is honest and keeps his word, that means when says that he will give us a tax cut, he will do it.
- Re-elect President Clinton. He has some good ideas, even if he can't always sell them.
- Libertarian candidate Harry Browne -- the most credible candidate who would dramatically reduce the amount of government intrusion in all our lives.
- Howard Phillips
- I'd like to see Browne take the seat. However, if Clinton does anything (else) stupid enough to jeopardise his lead, I'll vote Democrat to help ensure that the Christian Reich doesn't win, returning us to theocracy and the Dark Ages.
- bill clinton for pres because he is marginally better choice than bob dole
- Harry Browne. He forces people to look at the underlying causes of issues. The "war-on-drugs" has not and will not work but has caused loss of respect for local and federal enforcement agencies due to the consistent violations of Amendment II rights they consider necessary to succeed. Browne believes that less taxation means a stronger economy. As a Libertarian Browne believes we must take personal responsibility for our own lives and actions and not enforce our beliefs on others.
- Bill Clinton because I am satisfied with what he is trying to acomplish. He cares for the working middle class family not just the rich.
- Bob Dole because Clinton is a disgrace to our country
- Bob Dole, he stands for less government, lower taxes, pro-family,etc.. all the the things I believe in.
- Bill Clinton -- he's an intelligent man and he's done a decent job, besides, there's Bob Dole is too damn old for the job.
- Harry Browne, who is the only candidate to vote FOR.
- Harry Browne, the most important Presidential candidate in the last five decades.
- Harry Browne.. Government Doesn't Work!
- I'm voting for Harry Browne. Clinton and Dole are crooks, and Perot is an egomaniac.
- Clinton should be reelected. Dole's mind seems to be failing--he has trouble making whole sentences or completing thoughts that he seems to have, and he even has trouble articulating common words. (Ironically, "president" is one of them!) Perot and Nader are pretty much off the wall. Clinton has worked to keep his campaign promises harder than any president since FDR, and he's done a remarkably good job of it given the Congresses he's had to work with. His budget cuts and deficit reduction, combin d with the excellent improvement in the economy since 1992, are reasons enough to vote for Clinton.
- Harry Browne will kill Big Gooberment
- Dole. More ethical and wisdom.
- Harry Browne Libertarian candidate for President his new book WHY BOVERNMENT DOESN'T WORK says it all. He is the only one running who is morally, intellectually, responsible, and devoted to our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
- Harry Browne - I think The elimination of the income tax would go a long way towards Americans becoming self-governing again
- Harry Browne so that we can return to the U.S. Constitution
- Bob Dole -- Highly regarded by both Democrats & Republicans as honest and trustworthy -- a man of his word -- a man of convictions -- a man who realizes that the government spends my money not theirs.
- Howard Phillips of the United States Taxpayers Party
- Bill Clinton
- I would like to see a Libertarian president. The reason is that Government Doesn't Work!!! Only the Libertarians believe this.
- Bob Dole-Honesty
- Bill Clinton
- Ralph Nader. Least corporate influence.
- We cannot have Bill Clinton in the house any longer, doing so could further destroy the well being and goodness of the United States.
- I would like to see Harry Browne elected president in 1996 because I essentially agree with his political philosophy. No other candidate is seriously interested in reducing the federal government's power to interfere with our lives.
- Bob Dole is my man. He's intelligent, and has a mind set on goals for the citizens and not the government.
- harry brown freedom
- Harry Browne he is the only one who represents my view. He is honest, and does not pander to anyone
- Harry Browne,the only candidate for less government.
- Harry Browne, because he would reduce government size and intrusion
- Clinton--The country is moving in a positive direction. The economy has improved. Women and minorities are being better represented. Gun control has become a reality.
- I would like to see Bob Dole as President. Bill Clinton, despite his election year changes in policy, represents and would advance in a second term failed liberal ideas.
- Howard Phillips (U.S. Taxpayers Party) -- A perusal of their platform (see shows that this party not only has correctly identified what's wrong, but how to go about fixing the problem (and what they can and can't fix).
- Bob Dole, Clinton has associates of questionable values.
- Nader - he will challenge both the 2-party system and big business.
- I am voting for Harry Browne because I want the government out of my wallet and out of my life.
- bob dole - I'm still a bit concerned about the democrats wanting more control over our private lives than the republicans want. I agree we need to help those in need in our society but I feel that help should come more from the churches and local communities than the government. I don't see as many democrats that believe that way as I do republicans and I watch a lot of C-span!
- Harry Browne, because he is the only one who does not wish to dictate how citizens plan for retirement, obtain medical care, decide the conditions under which they will work, and generally make the many choices that mark the life of a free person.
- Harry Browne for repeal of the unconstitutional income tax laws and serous reduction in government overall.
- Bob Dole - a man of character and integrity and morals to help restore the American Dream. A better man for a better America.
- I would like to see Harry Browne as president because he is the only candidate that is for less governments and is the only candidate that would actually defend the Constitution of the United States as the president must pledge in his oath of office.
- Harry Browne because the LP is the only party advocating gov't adherence to the Bill of Rights.
- Mary Cal Holllis, SPUSA or Ralph Nader, we need to start the political dialogue again in this country inregards to corporate dominace over our elections, our tax laws, our gov't priorities. The democratization of corporations is not even on the table and
- Harry Browne
- A person who will lead this country to a bright future. No union ties. Stop NAFTA. To Hell with the UN. By all means do something about the drug problem.
- Harry Browne, though I may not agree with everthing the Libertarian Party stands for at least they feel the govement should be small in size and in the scope in which it affects our lives.
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