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Who will be president in 1996 and why?
- I'd like to see Harry Browne because He has the most logical ideas about how to end gov't dominance of the average person, whether it's welfare or taxes, immigration or foreign aid.
- Dole - I can trust him.
- Man! I leave out my vital stats (like FAMILY INCOME!), and how I feel about the Whitewater Scandal (how the hell should I know?), and this cgi-bin says I picked too many "No Answer"s. Well, vote Harry Browne and then promote your own goals with your own money.
- Harry Browne. I'm in love with the "Great Offer".
- uncompromising faith that the people have the right and responsibility to govern themself in an equitable manner.
- Harry Browne because he is the only candidate who will fix the problem
- Harry Browne is the only candidate who consistently advocates reduction of government in keeping with the spirit of the constitution.
- Harry Browne - because he will bring back freedom to this country. Freedom allows for love, generosity and limitless achievement for all people - including the poor, the handicapped, and the less fortunate..
- Harry Browne Libertarian for President
- Bob Dole is the man. He has the character and ability to turn this country around. Bill and Hillary Clinton are two of the most corrupt, sleazy vermin to ever inhabit the White House. Even worse than LBJ. If Clinton is reelected we can look forward to losing more individual freedoms... right to own property will be taken away. We will lose our rights to own firearms and thusly lose our ability to stand up to a corrupt government.
- Harry Browne for President, he is right, government doesn't work, and has only served to make a mess of everything it has gotten its bureaucratic hands in. Elect Harry Browne!!!
- Vote for less gov't, not just less than Clinton wants! |||||||||||||||"Clinton wants to raise government spending by 20% over the next six years; I want to raise it 14%." -- Bob Dole |||||||||||||||
- Howard Phillips - Christian, anti-abortion, no government interference
- Harry Browne best person
- Clinton....Don't like the Christian Coalition, Pat Buchanan Ralph Reed, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell...
- Bob Dole because h has honest intentions to make america better and stop government intrusion and bureacracy.
- bob dole because he has morals and tell us the truth not just what he thinks we want to here.
- Bob Dole
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne>> get the government out of all facets of society.
- bob dole. the man clearly outlines the problems and he does not seem to be afraid to take positions which goes against the common political wisdom. clearly some drastic steps need to be taken in order to start a serious discussion on the major problems, like fed.budget, welfare reform, government reform, medicare/sss reforms. solutions to these problems require a person who has the "life experience".
- Harry Browne -- Legalize Freedom
- I want to see Bob Dole as president because I feel he has the proper views, morals, and ideas to help the people of this country receive what is best for them.
- Leonard Peikoff -- he is an objectivist and philosopher.
- I would like for Harry Browne to become President, because he believes governement should be smaller.
- Bob Dole is trustworthy and has the governmental experience needed to be a competent President of the USA at this time. He wants to downsize government , balance the budget, decrease the deficit, give more freedom to people who contribute to the wellbeing of our society, turn around socialistic trends, support our currently weakened military, and stop the flow of illegal drugs into our country. All of this will benefit not only the future of our country, it will benefit the entire globe.
- I will not vote for anyone unless I am FOR that person. I'm 46-years old, and have voted for the "lesser of two evils" for the last time. The only man I WANT for President is Harry Browne. No other, because he is the ONLY candidate that has a clear vision on how to actually reduce the federal government.
- Harry Browne. The man is honest, principled, and would dismantle the nonsense in Washington. Can you imagine how much better your life would be without the income tax AT ALL?
- Harry Browne is the only candidate who will follow the Constitution's restrictions on the central gov't. Reducing its size to those levels will eliminate the need for an income tax, thus protecting an individual's ability to keep what s/he earns, and truly build wealth.
- Bob Dole -- He is a man of high moral convictions. I am more likely to believe what he says about an issue or policy than what anyone in the Clinton administration says. Bob Dole has served well and sacrificed much for the glory of America. Unlike Mr. Clinton who found a way around fighting for the very principles which he now sends others to die for. I believe Mr. Dole has the fortitude to do what is right for the whole of America not just a select few who happen to fall into certain seperatist gro ps estabished by the DNC over the past 40 years.
- Harry Brown/Jo Jorgensen - less government, less goverment power, rights back to the people and states.
- Though not very possible, I would like to see Harry Browne elected because of his reduction of government ideas and drug policies
- Harry Browne..............I believe.
- Harry Browne should be President because Clinton, Dole and Perot don't have the courage to face him in national public forum, and because both Democrats and Republicans have promised to bounce checks off the U.S. citizens for the next 7 to 10 years!
- Harry Browne
- Dole. Dole is an honest man which is more than what can be said about our current president.
- Harry Browne. Leadership aned honesty are very important chareactreristics in a presidential candidate. But most important is a clear and well defined sense of direction - Mission! Harry will reduce government and the national debt. Harry is a "Leader."
- Bill Clinton is a better choice than Bob Dole.
- Bill Clinton. He is a voice of moderation.
- I wish to see a revolution in 1996 with the abolition of the U.S. government as now constituted.
- Browne - the only principled one, and the only one who can turn the train around
- Bob Dole. He's experienced, honest. The Republican Party is the true party of reform. Ordinary Americans are more in line with the conservative values. This fact is suppressed by the liberal media.
- Harry Browne. He believes in restricting government to those powers specified by a strict interpretation of the constitution. He will dramtically downsize government.
- Harry Browne, because he pledges to eliminate 90% of federal government and return us to a Constitutional Republic
- Harry Browne. His solutions are workable, his reasons for not electing the others is correct, He is totally consistant in everything he says and does.
- Harry Browne - massive cuts in gov't and taxes.
- Clinton. I think that Dole is too old to get the job done for 4 years and I also think that the issue of getting rid of a senile Pres. has not been addressed.
- Harry Browne needs to win to return our country to the state in which it was intended to exist. We cannot continue to allow government to dictate how we spend our own money, how we treat our own bodies, or what we can and cannot do, especially when it affects no one but OURSELVES
- Harry Browne, because Government programs don't work.
- Forbes, because has qualities and priorities that i support, and his knowledge of the peoples needs
- I want to see Bill Clinton, basically because he's pro-choice, he'll probably get to add new Supreme Court members, he's more environmentally aware than the Republicans, and I DON'T want both Congress and the President to be Republican.
- Anyone but Clinton. A president should be honest and have integrity.
- Harry Browne--He stands for freedom and has written down (unlike Clinton or Dole) that he would not sign any bill that raises taxes, increases spending, increases the debt, or is too long to read in 10 days.
- Bob Dole should be the next president of the United States. Dole and Kemp have ideas that will truly help all americans and put our country back on the right track. Bob Dole would also bring respect back to the office of President.
- Harry Browne--He stands for freedom and has written down (unlike Clinton or Dole) that he would not sign any bill that raises taxes, increases spending, increases the debt, or is too long to read in 10 days.
- Hrry Browne - I want my country back!
- harry browne -- he is the only candidate i can find that has any concept of truth. all of the others are only playing their political games at our expense.
- Government has increased it's influence in our daily lives far beyond what is mandated by the 9th and 10th amendments of the Constitution (remember those?). I see both the Republican and the Democratic parties as being for more government, differing only in degree. I will vote Libertarian, not in the belief that Mr.Browne will get elected, but in the hope that the "mainstream" parties will see how many people vote for LP candidates and finally pay something more than lip service to reducing the size of the government.
- H. Ross Perot. This man knows the answers to America's economic woes. Also, on issues that he has been dubbed "unqualified" I believe that like any intelligent businessman he would surround himself with only the best advisors, making govt. more effective.
- When Clinton turned his back on his country he forfeited his right to lead the country. His administration is a disgrace.
- i want to see a person who will honor and uphold the Constitution of the United States, as they swear to do.
- Bob Dole because he is honest, morally upright.
- Harry Browne. One word: FREEDOM
- the economy stupid!
- Bob Dole would make an excellent president in 1996. He does have good morals and character bothe essential to the position of president. I believe his experiences in life would only strengthen his ability as president
- Harry Browne- He can get the govt. back to what the "FOUNDING FATHERS" believed it should be.
- Harry Browne, he will reduce the size of government
- I would like to see Bob Dole win and lower taxes so my business can prosper, and my family can have extra money.
- Harry Browne will help free us from oppressive government
- Harry Browne is the only one with a principled philosophy
- bob dole because decency counts
- I want Dole because The Clintons have shown a tendency to abuse power when they appear to be free from checks and balances. Dole, on the other hand, is too old to last more than one term.
- Bob Dole, he convinced me thru the debate.
- Harry Browne, we need some one who will cut moronic government laws. We also need someone who is not concerned with regulating our morality.
- Browne - less government
- Libertarian Harry Browne is the only candidate that doesn't want to steal my money!
- Bob Dole simply because he is republican.
- I fear Clinton/Gore will succeed and am not sure it makes much difference who is if they have been involved in politics very much.
- Harry Browne will bring the government to the size intended.
- President Clinton should be re-relected. Although he has become less liberal, he still has better ideas than Dole regarding which way our country should be going. Dole's idea of a 15% tax cut across the boards scares me and is not realstic.
- Bob Dole. 4 more years of Clinton is unfathomable.
- Harry Browne should be president. Why, he will reduce the size of the government and work at protecting our country.
- Harry Browne. He is the only candidate that recognizes the importance of limiting the federal government's powers. We need to return America to the people, allow them to act as free people, and hold them responsible when they violate the rights of others. Harry Browne will return freedom and responsibility to the American people.
- Harry Browne - less debt, less chaos!
- A President who recognizes Government is inherently evil and causes more problems than it solves.
- Harry Browne : he's the only candidate with the guts to rip out the power and confiscatory abuse of the fed. government by uncompromising reducing it to its constitutionally mandated functions and no more
- Bob Dole. It is my opinion that he will guide the USA to a more profitable future for my daughter and my grandchildren. Clinton on the other hand seems to be a well polished puppet.
- Dole. He is not my first choice *but* Clinton (and her husband) are crooked. They make Watergate look like a picnic
- Harry Browne Neither of the federally suppoted candidates are really willing to make any changes. They both want to keep their self-inherited regime to themselves, as a part of the corporate sponsored government that they have helped to perpetuate.
- Bob Dole because of his integrity. You may not agree with what he says, but you can believe that he will not lie to you.
- Bill Clinton
- bob dole because of experience, leadership qualities and most importantly a large sense of ethics and moral standards such as truth and honesty.
- Harry Browne, because he supports my views, and dupport freedom
- Harry Browne....Libertarian is our only answer...
- Clinton because I simply do not trust Bob Dole running our country.
- Harry Browne: His belief in personal freedom, and non interference by government match my own. Our current practice of butting in all over the world is counterproductive, and I believe President Browne would move the country to a nuetral status worldwide, saving us money, and making fewer enemies.
- Harry Browne represents change. Bill Clinton and Bob Dole are both "same old same old"
- Howard Phillips ( because he's the only one that will uphold his oath to defend and uhold the Constitution
- Harry Browne. The Libertarian Party is THE party of the people. If you have 1/3 of a brain, you are libertarian.
- ross perot because im in love with that sexy man
- harry browne
- I want to see Bill Clinton as president in 1996. I think he is a moderate politician who can get things done by compromise/convincing others.
- Bob Dole/ He is not Liberal and wants less government! No Abortion and Supports the Death Penalty
- Harry Browne Becouse I want a change and anything is better than the other choices
- Bill Clinton because he is bright and capable. Until our nomination process allows a Staesman to be nominated, it is unlikely that wecan do better.
- Bill Clinton.
- Bill Clinton Should be re-elected.
- Bob Dole because he has more integrity than Clinton, who is the only other real candidate. I just can't trust Clinton
- Bob Dole because he has more integrity than Clinton, who is the only other real candidate. I just can't trust Clinton
- Harry Browne because he is the only candidate who will actually reduce government to it's constitutional restrictions.
- Pres. Clinton, he has a good record the last four years, the economy is better than 4 years ago, and we are too.
- Browne--the current system is not working and we need to try something else.
- Bob Dole, because of his range of life experiences.
- I personally wish James Earl Jones would run. At least he is a decent, moral upstanding citizen.
- Bill Clinton, because a Conservative Presidency means low wages, welfare for the rich, environmental degradation, and a retreat on civil rights.
- I would like to see anyone but Clinton in the White House. I feel that he has abused his power and had made a mockery of the position. My preference is Bob Dole now that the race had narrowed.
- Bill Clinton, he has done a good job despite the smear tactics of the Reps. He supports public education, health care, a balanced budget. The Republicans represent wealthy people,not me.
- Clinton because he is willing to do what is right for the country not right for his party. He matches my views far better than Dole; pro choice, pro environment, anti gun, pro education, pro working man, keep the rich from getting richer.
- Clinton is the best of the choices
- bill clinton
- Clinton, younger, ok will forneign policy
- Bob Dole. I believe what he says. And I like Jack Kemp.
- Alan Keyes would be #1, Pat Buchanan #2, Bob Dornan #3, I GUESS Bob Dole #4 & I will vote for him because he has a shot at it. Need to get back to God - He has been taken out of our country (which it was founded on) and the US will eventually go down the tubes. Kindof like we are doing now. Go read the Bible and read Revelation to see what happens.
- Paul Tsongas, Jack Kemp, Steve Forbes, Liddy Dole, I think they all come across as genuine, and I like their ideas.
- Bob Dole. One simple reason..he's more honest.
- Harry Browne is the only viable alternative to the bi-partisan monopoly of our government.
- Bob Dole, he is mature intelligent and favors less government
- Harry Browne - 80+ years of the federal government taking control of increasing elements of society has failed. Let's try what the country's founders had in mind for a change.
- I'd like to see Bill Clinton re-elected. I believe Dole is a warmed-over George Bush, with a grating voice and old, failed ideas.
- Howard Phillips. He is a man of integrity.
- I would like a president that will change the way government operates . . . a different paradigm
- Bob Dole - Your poll does not touch on the country's greatest problem - the need for moral, responsible leadership. None of the questions touch on the basic moral and cultural declilne afflicting the country.
- Harry Browne, because, quite simply, government overstepped it's bounds decades ago. It's about time someone wants to put things right.
- Clinton because he s more in touch with America. Dole with a Republican Congress would only rape the American people!
- President Bill Clinton. I feel he is caring and greatly concerned about the children and those without a voice in our society. He wants to change the welfare system, but in a way that doesn't destroy the original purpose of the system. Reform yes destroy the system at the cost of the sick, hungry and the elderly no. The importance of public funds in the school system, not the voucher system for private schools. If the right wing of the republican party wants to brainwash their children fine, ke p mine out of it. The catholic parents send their children to parochial school to teach them their religious values, the right-wingers should have to do the same. I suppose they're not willing to put their money where their mouth is though.
- Browne, The goverment is to big. The other candidates do not talk about reducing the budget, but reducing the % increase in the budget.
- Bob Dole. Bill Clinton is a disgrace to the U.S. Clinton has been caught in so many lies, how can anybody ever belive him?
- Harry Browne is the only candidate who supports individual liberty, individual responsibilty and less government.
- Harry Browne stands for many things that the today's youth also stands for. We need to promote the idea that there are more than two political parties and that a vote for the Libertarian party is not a "wasted vote".
- Harry Browne. His ideas are correct and any federal program can be handled at the state level with better control.
- clinton-he is the lesser evil of the two canditates
- Harry Browne. The Libertarian Party Platform makes more sense than any of the others. If God wanted all of our thoughts and actions to be dictated by a higher authority, I think he would have done it himself.
- Bob Dole, because it is my belief that he would be a better leader that Mr. Clinton
- Pres. Clinton can work with moderates of both parties. He will protect us from extremists like Gingrich. His openess and fairness give small business a "growth with responsibility" atmosphere. He will protect the environment, work for family leave, fairness in the workplace. Dole has no plan except the Republican "leave it alone and big business and the rich will do fine" attitude.
- Harry Browne would be my choice. Although some of his platform is deemed radical, the country needs this type of thinking to get it back on track and not continue with the current trends. The people no longer have faith in our government. Therefore you have the makings of a anarchistic mentality. We need to restore our civil and constitutional rights as well as increase the educational levels and stop taxing us to death. The two major parties no longer represent the people. They seem to only represent hemselves. As many elected officials have previously stated,"My most important task as an elected official, is to get re-elected." What does that tell you? Let's change the way government does business and truly make it a what the people want and NOT what the bureaucrates want.
- Harry Browne, since he's the only one talking seriously about reducing the size of government
- dole-best candidate
- Dole, In my opinion i can trust him to do what he says and i like what he is saying. Government and taxes both need to shrink if this country is to move ahead in the next century.
- Ralph Nader, who was excluded from your survey even though he's included on most ballots! Someone who is less influenced by the bucks big business churns out every election cycle.
- Bob Dole: best man for job
- Harry Browne because he is the only one of the candidates that will reduce the size and intrusiveness of the Fed. government, the major problem in our country.
- Harry Browne. The Libertarian Party is our only chance to turn this thing around. Clinton has introduced a whole new level of slime and Dole is perfectly willing to wallow in it.
- dole
- Dole Look at the alternative
- Somebody other than Clinton/Dole
- Dole because he is honest.
- I feel that bill clinton should be our next president because what america doesn't need is a empty conservative like bob dole.
- Bill Clinton Dole is nasty and too OLD !!
- Bob Dole. We need someone with standars not charisma. Clinton can not be trusted. He is a waffle.
- Bob Dole-morals above reproach-man of his word-stands by his decisions without requiring polls-By the way, I voted for Clinton in 1992
- Bill Clinton, he's done a good job the last 4 years
- Harry Browne, because he is a solid Libertarian
- I would like to see a black woman as president!
- Harry Browne
- I believe that because he is honest, forthright, and decisive Bob Dole is clearly the better choice. He is pro-life, supports a balanced budget, and is against increasing govt. control across the board. Most important, Bob Dole does not waste his time on convoluted rhetoric in attempt to veil the problems of the country. The primary role of govt. is to protect the rights of the people, not to make them feel warm and fuzzy because of a proposed "bridge" to the future. I believe Bob Dole agrees with thes views.
- I feel that Harry Browne would be the the best choice for the United States simplely because we the people have our best intrests at heart, not our rulers who are able to gain the most by being corrupt. Indrustry will not let itself hurt its own workers. A return to the governing laws of our constitution is the best for a country "of the people, by the people, and for the people. Taxes are fairly new to the federal government, for years the federal government lived off the money collected by customs in an age with far less international trade. I feel that it is a shame that humans think that they need a master telling them what they need to give their money to, their morals to, and their freedom to.
- Harry Browne - Although there are a few things in the Libertarian platform that am not 100% in favor of, I can live with them. Everything else is what I believe we need to do.
- I think Clinton would be the best president for our country based on how we came through the past four years. Inflation has remained low and as a result our economy has been stable, with no significant disasters. Unemployment has become relatively low. And for a man that was supposed to have little exposure to foreign affairs, Clinton seems to have done a very commendable job on all fronts (Haiti, Bosnia, and the Middle East). He has had various difficulties with some of his cabinet positions, but h knows how to get the right people involved to resolve issues. I rest my case!
- Bob Dole has experience,is honest and will do everything in his power to do what he says.
- Bill Clinton
- clinton..he has tried hard and has made some progress in issues he cares about. i could not beleave dole said he signed his parents welfare checks, i'm puzzled about that, if he was in a position to be the signature on the check? that's the impression i got, i want a president who truly cares about family values.
- Bob Dole , stated aims and experience with system to change it, Clinton example health care mess
- Bob Dole because he will keep his word and not turn the WhiteHouse into election central
- Bob Dole; he will not veto balanced budget legislation passed by a Republican/conservative congress
- An honest person
- Harry Browne because he understands the proper role of government and the difference between charity and confiscation.
- Bob Dole- His vision for America is more long-term. His economic and social proposals benefit future generations,rather than the present.
- Bob Dole & republican congress
- Dole, I think he has good solutions to the problems of America and has military experience. He's seen a lot more than Clinton.
- Harry Browne, Less government is better.
- browne
- Harry Browne. America needs less government overall.
- Harry Browne. He will reduce the budget by half and let people use their resources unfettered by regulation to try to improve their lot.
- Bill Clinton - of this years choices, he's the least of the evils
- Harry Browne - We need a president who has the undergirding principles of individual freedom and responsibility, not one who dictates based on focus groups or the interest of PAC's.
- Clinton. Good ecologically
- Colin Powell or Howard Baker or George Bush or Richard Lugar or Rubin Askew
- Harry Browne; less government, more responsibility on us.
- A person that is not corrupt and not a draft dodger. Dole has experience and will be faithfull to America, not like the great salesman we have in office today.
- Harry Browne. He is the only candidate who consistently states that we need less gov't, period. No revamped programs, no additional programs, no shifting money from one pot to the other, 100% less gov't.
- Bob Dole because he is doing this for the country. I think he is one of the most honest Presidential Canidates in a long time.
- Harry Browne, because we need a candidate with MORALS, ETHICS, *AND* COMMON-SENSE.
- bob dole fair muture experenced
- Bob Dole: honest, straightforward veteran
- Bill Clinton is my choice for president in 1996. He is progressive on most issues and has proven to be intelligent and practical in his decisions. He has rightfully placed women in positions of responsibility and I hope he will continue this trend. He seems to be in favor of separation of church and state which I consider very important, even vital to the health of our nation. He has helped to maintain safeguards for our environment as well as adding new protected lands to our public domain. I hop he will return to a strong social agenda, which will include equal rights for women and gays/lesbians/bisexuals.
- Harry Browne... Less governmental buerocracy
- Harry Browne, Because He would win the debates if allowed in them. As he demonstrated in last night's 3-party debate on C-span.
- Anyone but Bill Clinton because Character is important and he has demonstrated a lack of same. Character matters in all other relationships/occupations why not the presidency? I will vote for Bob Dole. I respect him.
- I would like to see a candidate who is willing to listen to the people because most people don't feel they are heard and therefore do nothing to try and change anything they don't like. I feel that we need a president who is going to revive the moral standards of this country. I would like to see emphasis on the family and growth within the family. I feel that openmindedness has it's place, but this country is going downhill fast because there are no moral standards being taught to our children. I lso feel that marijuana use should be legalized and regulated in the same way that alcohol is. If there cannot be this type of legalization, i feel it should be legalized for the purpose of medicine. Therefore, the person i would like to see as president is Harry Browne.
- Harry Browne. End big government. End government corruption. Eliminate PACs & Special intrest financial contributions.
- Bob Dole. Clinton & his administration is too corrupt.
- Bob Dole. He has a good record in the
- Harry Browne is the man. I support him because he is THE candidate who supports real, major decrease in the authority, spending and influence of government in all areas.
- Harry Browne, because I feel that the government is much too big.
- Bill Clinton because he has the abiltity to work with all sides, not as political as dole, compromises when necessary, some as a result some good ideas get passed instead of tabled.
- harry browne. he is the only candidate who can return this country to its constitutional roots of freedom , among other things.
- bob dole. he is honest and trustworthy. he has had war experience and knows what he is asking when he commits troops. he belives in the american people. n
- Bob Dole should be president because he keeps his word.
- bob dole: I don't want to see Bill Clinton in the White House. He is incompetant and I feel he is leading this country in the wrong direction. His healthcare reforms will spell disaster, medicine will become socialized. Doctors will not be able to provide the high standard of care, leaving the American public as its victims.
- Bob Dole! I cannot see voting for a man who has dodged a draft and wants to send trops into battle!!!
- Elizabeth Dole And Hilary Clinton
- My ideology aligns most closely with the ideology of Harry Browne. I don't know that libertarianism is *the* answer, but I do know that the general principles it espouses -- those of individual liberty and personal responsibility -- are in line with my be
- Clinton has done a good job and has good ideas for the future.
- Bob Dole; He's a real man of honesty and integry and with great experience. Bill Clinton clearly won't last long as a result of Whitewater.
- Bill Clinton. He is not fanatical in either direction and this I believe is more representative of the American Population.
- jkljk
- I want Bob Dole as President as he is honest, direct, very experienced. His bridge "from" the past is the recognition that values and character do matter.
- Bob Dole you can trust him.
- Howard Phillips - He is the only 100% pro-life candidate on the ballots
- Pat Buchanan, because he shares more of my views than any other canidate
- While Bill Clinton is far from the ideal candidate he is far preferable to Bob Dole. While he may owe many special interest groups, at least, they don't include the Christian Coalition or any other right-wing religious groups.
- Bob Dole. He has a history of being very moderate. Bill Clinton actual actions reveal he is a raging liberal. I beleive we need to move slowly toward fewer nationally imposed solutions for local problems.
- Bob Dole- A man of his word,respected by Dem.and Rep. alike for his honesty. Unlike President who is unpredictable.
- ross perot due to his refreshing ideas on politics.
- Bob Dole. He is a man of character and integrity, which are currently lacking in the White House. I also agree with Bob Dole's view that lower taxes and smaller government are keys to economic growth.
- Howard Phillips-He wants to return gov. to its Constitutional role.
- Bill Clinton. Bob Dole's 15% cut is a joke. As long as a republican goes in the White House, the rich get richer! Take a look at Reagan's 8 years if you want some proof.
- Ross Perot - He is honest and will get the Job done - no pork
- Bill Clinton. Why? Because Ross Perot has no chance of winning and Bob Dole is too old. I think for all of the crisis' and scandal surrounding Clinton, he has done as good a job as anyone can accomplish in a four-year span.
- An Independent, Ross Perot or Henry Browne. Our existing main parties no longer serve the people, rather they serve domestic and foreign business interests. This is destroying our middle class.
- Based upon all the available information, I'd have to go with Harry Browne and the Libertarian platform. Clearly, the bi-partisan system isn't working anymore.
- Clinton is heading us right
- So far as I can tell, Harry Browne is the best candidate for the Presidency. Browne is the only candidate who has pledged strict and uncomprimising devotion to the terms of government laid out in the U.S. Constitution. Harry Browne's plan for federal government is the only proposed this century that matches those laid out by the framers of the Constitution.
- Bob Dole - Clinton has proven time and time again he can't be trusted or believed in.
- Bob Dole- He best represents the qualities of a President
- Bob Dole/Jack Kemp: I don't trust Bill Clinton. As a democrate I feel he is a liberal with too many social programs in mind. Dole as a republican wants less gov't.
- Bob Dole. Because Clinton is not honest,as they say he says whatever the people want him to say. How can he be a good example for our children.
- Ralph Nader. He is an intelligent, honorable man who has worked hard for improving this country.
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne is the only candidate who has ever READ the US Constitution.
- Harry Browne. We need to do something different.The present programs are not working.
- Harry Browne is the best of the current crop, but it would've been better to have Ron Paul (1988 Libertarian, 1996 TX congressional candidate).
- BOB DOLE. He's honest and trustworth, tried and true, and a solid conservative.
- I want Bob Dole as my next president because he like many other republicans understand, that what we need is moral values reinstalled in today's society. The lack of moral values is the root of all problems we are facing today.
- Bill Clinton, Because the country is in better shape now than 4 years ago and because i believe bob dole is in the pocket of the tobacco companies and the christian coalition
- Dole. He is honest, and our paychecks have to much taken out for supporting the federal goverment. Bob Dole will reduce goverment growth and increace our actual spendable income.
- Harry Browne because I believe in the basic Libertarian principle that power must be taken away from the government and given back to individuals to make their own choices and be responsible for the consequences of those choices.
- Harry Browne because he is for less government
- I wouls like to see Harry Browne elected President because the government is way too big. Browne is the only candidate that actually wants to cut the size of the government.
- Alan Keyes, because he understands the real problems with the solutions and he understands that the only possible way to help America is to return it to God.
- Harry Browne - Libertarian philosophy puts the most control to the individual.
- Bill Clinton wants to grow government 20% in the next 6 years. Bob Dole wants it to "only" grow 14%. Ross Perot wants to study the problem (something he could have done for the past 4 years). Harry Browne wants to REDUCE government by 50% in one year. My vote is for Harry Browne.
- Harry browne. we've had the same 2 frames of mind in the white house for entirely too long. we need somebody with new ideas. unforunately, i fear that the majority of the VOTERS in this country aren't ready for new ideas.
- Clinton Ihave never been better off than the past four years
- Clinton. He has provided us with economic stability during his term as president.Although I'm still fairly young, never before have I seen economic reports that were almost entirely good.In addition I am scared by the opposition.
- Bob Dole, He has a proven track record of getting bi-partisan support on tough issues. He also has the respect of his senate peers both democrat and republican, something Bill Clinton doesn't have.
- Bill Clinton - he represents the notion that government can make a positive difference in our lives.
- Dr. John Hagelin because he and his party exhibit common sense and humanitarian values. In addition, Hagelin is extremely intelligent and believes highly in the power of education.
- Harry Browne is the only real choice if you want drastically smaller government. Even Hagelin, Phillips, and Nader want a larger government for their special programs. Their programs may seem more altruistic than Clinton or Dole, but they are still government solutions and GOVERNMENT DOESN'T WORK!!
- President Clinton is that much talked about but oximoronic neo liberal creation, a "New Democrat." There is no such thing. We need a clean sweep of the congress and the White House. Republicans, although highly flawed, can do what is good for the country. Democrats have outlived the New Deal and need to go. Thanks
- someone who cares about the country and who will force the correct issues
- I will vote for Clinton. He's done a good job, and has actually shaped the future of the Democratic Party as more centrist than at any time since it was radicalized during the 70s. Dole is rather a sorry figure, who has no new idea, and is merely serving up a failed tax policy.
- Bill Clinton. He needs the next four years to complete plans he has already begun. I just believe he's the best man, along with all of his advisers, to lead the country into the 21st Century.
- Clinton I feel that he really cares about all of us not just one party
- Bill Clinton due to his understandable and clear program for the future.
- President Clinton. The economy has improved during his administration, the budget deficit has been reduced. While he has not done everything he wished, he has attempted most all if not all. Whitewater: I believe if there was proof of President or Mrs. Clinton doing illigal acts the special prosecutor would act. The press and the Republicans are hounding them to death.
- Bob Dole because the nation cannot survive Clinton for 4 more years.
- Harry Browne; the best man for the job. And his coattails will elect more Libertarians to other offices, even though he himself won't win (but should!).
- a man whith good ethics
- Harry Browne. Government governs best which governs least. Power should rest in the hands of the individual.
- Bill Clinton. Republicans LIE. All they really want to do is CUT TAXES ON THE RICH. Otherwise, they do nothing. Clinton is the better choice by far.
- Harry Browne - IDEAS!
- I'm voting Libertarian this year for the first time. I want a smaller, less intrusive government. The only candidate who is promising me this is Harry Browne.
- Ralph Nader
- Bill Clinton. Primarily because the other candidates are terrible and couldn't lead a flock of sheep to the pasture much less the strongest nation in the world.
- I want to see Bill Clinton elected president to prevent the Republicans in the legislature from having carte blanche to dismantle programs that aid the needy. I don't really care how big or small the government is. We should insist on all the government that we need. I also hope that Clinton will get the chance to appoint Supreme Court judges to replace those who may retire during the next four years.
- Powell - character, leadership, consensus, background, moderation, faith in the U.S.
- Mr. Bob Dole, he is a man with honor, humility, humor, honesty, and he will be able to lead this nation with his head held high with no disgrace attach to him or those who serve with him. He will also be a stronger and more reliable world leader that other nations can respect. He will achieve economic growth and a fairer, flat tax code for the middle class who have carried the burden of our failed government socialist programs. He will also end the education mess that we have now where the school di tricts receive alot of money for each child in school but does not seem to reach the child and his need for a great education, there is much waste and administative costs that do not trickle down to our most precious resource- OUR CHILDREN!! He will also balance our budget and start to clean up the waste from our federal government. He will save Medicare before the government lets it go broke. He is the best man to be PRESIDENT!
- Bob Dole because as a man he is superior in every way to Bill Clinton.
- Bill Clinton because I feel that he has done a great job taking into consideration where the country was when he took office in 1992.
- I would love to see a man or woman who is willing to stand up for what they belive is right even if it is not the most popular stance at that given moment.
- I think
- Clinton is the best of a number of bad options.
- Pernicious the Musquodoboit Harbour Farm Cat, along with his amanuensis and general factotum Barnstead, is The Only Logical Choice in 1996.
- Bob Dole......Although I don't agree with everything he stands for, I do believe he is much more honest than Clinton. I don't think you can believe anything Clinton says in a campaign. I feel he has earned the name "Slick Willy". My opinion is that the na
- Clintons advancing their social issues to detriment of US.
- Harry Browne for less government control of our lives
- Clinton-effective; for education; a leader
- I would like to see Harry Browne for president, since he has the most consistent platform and the most credibility.
- i like clinton, he understands a common man problem
- A Libertarian
- i like clinton, he understands a common man problem
- Harry Brown - We need to make government as small as posible not grow it.
- ralph nader
- Clinton, because Dole just doesn't seem to "get it." In the debate last night he just talked rhetoric... let's move to the future please.
- Clinton, he is thoughtful and articulate and has shown that he has the best interests of the US at heart.
- Clinton, to continue moving in the appropriate direction.
- hillary clinton
- hillary clinton
- dole, he's trustworthy
- Any thrid party candidate; preferably Nader.
- Bob Dole. Because Clinton must go. I am also very embarrased to have voted for him in'92
- Browne. It has been far too long that the actual majority has been manipulated into the moral majority. There are so many people forced daily to break some morally biased law just to pursue their constitutional right to pursuit of happiness that confidence and pride are at an all time low.
- I feel the survey would be much better if it took the issue of the president more seriously. Of the questions asked my answers would be 11. gov. should not mandate high morals, but should definately set the example of high morals. 12. Our country does not have one major problem, but many problems that need to be addressed. 13. Qualities of president: RESPECABLE, strong character, no-nonsense attitude. And no - the president doesn't need to be pretty to look at. Of the choices available Bob Do e will get my vote.
- Harry Browne as president would blow away the cobwebs of sixty years of statist, I'm-from-the-government-and-I-know-what's-best-for-you Washington arrogance. It's high time for the people of this nation to take back what the career politicians and lobbyists have corrupted.
- Howard Phillips of the US Taxpayers Party, supports eliminating the IRS and abortion, as well as returning to the Constitution as basis for public policy.
- promises kept..taxes lowered..government to be downsized!!
- Harry Browne because he is only candidate offering a big change and not a rerun of previously ineffective policies.
- ABCDP - Anyone But Clinton, Dole, or Perot.
- I stand by Democratic social views, however I would vote for Bob Dole because I trust him more, that's the bottom line.
- Harry Browne. Only he will work for smaller government (rather than smaller rate of growth). The only income tax should be a 0% income tax. There are no substantial differences between Democrats and republicans so we need another choice.
- Bill Clinton because he has worked to achieve his campaign promises of the 1992 election. He supports measures that will help the family and improve education. Bob Dole is too old to understand the concerns of my generation (I am 20).
- Dole - He is trust worthy, the only man on the ticket who can lead the US into the next century with a vision that will not hurt the traditional family
- Clinton: Things are better now than before and Dole has been against everything that has made things better.
- I would like to see Bob Dole as our next President. He is a man of integrity, vision, and leadership. He is trustworthy and also have the ONLY good economic plan for the future of America.
- Dole. Best choice to restore morality, responsibility & integrity to the USA.
- Bob Dole because he believes in less taxes and less Government intervention.
- Harry Browne - It has become obvious over the years that the United States is quickly slipping down the slope of Socialism. The government has taken the position that it is acceptable to take away the rights and liberties of the American people in order to achieve a "more balanced" society - to take money and property from those who work hard for it and give it to those who don't.
- Clinton has been very weak as leader
- Bill Clinton - it's all about image
- Clinton. The country is stronger now than four years ago, lets stay on track.
- President Clinton should be re-elected because he has done a good job for Americans during his first term and I think his proposals for second term are good ideas for this nation. He is the only candidate who has a plan for the next four years for education, crime reduction, keeping the economy growing, and keeping America strong and free.
- Bill Clinton - The republicans want to help the rich get richer at the expense of the middle class. The republicans appear to be turning their backs on the poor and the elderly.
- President Clinton. He has the countrys best interest
- Bob Dole, because he will tell us the truth.
- Bill Clinton. Because the country is on the right track economically, emotionally, and politically in the world.
- Harry Browne is my ideal and will vote for him. I would vote for Bill Clinton to only provide a check and balance on a Republican Congress. Bill Clinton will win so there is no need for me to waste my vote on him.
- Ross Perot We need a third party to upset the control interest groups have over gov. second choice is Bob Dole it's time to get the Draftdodging Pot smoker out of office He should have never been allowed to be there in the first place.
- Dole is more trustworthy and serious contender who want less burden for the people.
- I want to see Browne for President, Because he's Pro Second Amendment, and is more realistic in his views
- After a shaky start Bill Clinton has decreased unemployment, reduced the deficit by over 50% and been a force for peace in the world. this is not the time to reverse course,
- Harry Browne, he is the only candidate who proproses true change and respect for the rights of the individual.
- Bob Dole/ Experience and Integrity
- Harry Browne. I was going to vote for Bob Dole, but I think Browne offers a choice who will get the federal government out of our lives in most areas that it has no business in.
- Bob Dole because he has character and that is the essence of the soul. He cares about the people and trusts God. He is a born leader! God bless him!
- Dole for president. Clinton talks from both sides of his mouth. He makes empty promises to whatever special interest he is addressing at the moment. We have known that in AR for a long time. He was elected governor of AR by our uneducated rural voters.
- Harry Browne. We need change in our society and he will bring it. He is the only candidate that I can agree with on at least 80% of the issues
- Howard Phillips-Us Taxpayer's Party. He has the makings of a true leader.
- Dole! He is a decent, honorable, honest, compassionate and intelligent man. He has REAL compassion for the American people. He beleives in freedom and self reliance. He shares all of my convictions and values. He understands basic economics and human nature. He also has a very good grasp of foriegn relations. He will restore the tarnished image of the White House and he will be a role model for our kids.
- Ralph Nader. He's unbeholden to any interests for campaign financing and he wants to see us ALL participate in government
- Bob Dole...He may not look or talk pretty, but he has integrity! I need a President I can trust, and you can trust Bob Dole to not only do what's right but act it also! GO BOB GO!
- Bob Dole...He may not look or talk pretty, but he has integrity! I need a President I can trust, and you can trust Bob Dole to not only do what's right but act it also! GO BOB GO!
- Bob Dole, I can trust the guy...I can't say the same for Mr. Clinton.
- I want less government. Government is non-productive, and does not produce a tangible product of worth or value. We need less government to spend less. What else is there.
- Bill Clinton and Al Gore will win hands-down. I am sick to death of hearing and (reading) remarks bashing the President for not fighting in a war that many Americans felt was unjust and immoral. MANY young men of his (and my) generation chose to be consiencious objectors. Bob Dole and his generation were responsible for sending men of MY generation to Vietnam in the first place!! And he has the NERVE to turn around and criticize Bill Clinton for not going!? As for Bill Clinton's marijuana 'use' -- ho has the right to criticize what a generation of people did over 20 years ago?! Sounds to me like the 'generation gap' is still alive and well!!
- I am really a libertarian conserative but that was not a choice, so I said I was somewhat conservative. I would like a president who is fiscally conservative and pro-life on abortion. It is preferrable that he/she be moderate to libertarian on immigation, military, and drug policy. I will support Dole in November.
- Bob Dole because I agree with the 15% tax cut and banning the drugs.
- Bob Dole: Better choice of the two. Clinton is an absolute liar who cannot be trusted.
- Harry's time.
- bob dole because he has integrity and experience and is a true american
- Ask the right questions! You're trying but you're still not there!
- Bob Dole. We feel Mr. Dole will keep his word and balance the budget, save Social Security, bring Ethics back into Government.
- Dole is the better man. I'm from Arkansas and I wouldn't trust Clinton for anything.
- Conservative candidate, whoever it is, we've had enough lies!
- Harry Browne is, as far as I can tell, the best qualified person for president. He understands that government does not work, and actually as answers to the problem of cutting it down to size!
- Bob Dole. Bob Dole has lived through many of the problems that the majority of Americans have been through, and this lets him relate more to the general public.
- Harry Browne - Libertarian: Less government, more freedom.
- Bob Dole. He tells the truth. He has the experience. Win,Bob!
- I would like to see Harry Browne as the next president because the Libertarian party stands for what I believe in and strongly supports our constitutional rights.
- Harry Browne. He says "Get government entirely out of Social Security. Sell Federal Assets and buy private annuities for senior citizens dependent on Social Security".
- Harry Browne: the other candidates (clinton&Dole) stand for more of the same
- Harry Browne. He is the only candidate that wants to reduce the role of government in our lives. He will follow the constitution. He will reduce taxes and cut spending.
- My choice is HARRY BROWNE: he understands the proper role of the Federal Government under the Constitution: protect lives and property from violence and coercion. I cannot vote for Dole or Clinton - they BOTH waffle on all major issues, and BOTH believe Government should control people, not the other way around!
- Ross Perot has some valuable qualities and experiences that are needed in the White House, but I believe that he would be a better Vice President. We need someone who has dealt with the political realm a little more. Bill Clinton is not the answer to our problems, but there is clearly no right choice in this election.
- Bob Dornan, He's the only man in office that would bleed red, white, and blue. He has never compromised his issues that I have seen him debate on C-span. He is prior military and a hard working blue collared american.
- Bob Dole
- Harry Browne - because he will put an end to the endless intrusion of government into our personal lives
- Clinton: Has an opinion mind and tries to do the right thing
- Harry Browne. He is the only candidate who is serious about cutting the government spending, taxes and government intrusion in our lives.
- Bill Clinton has done an acceptable job. I'm for giving him another four yearsl.
- Harry Browne '96 - because he supports a return to a limited national government constrained by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
- Harry Browne. Even if just a few of the Lib. planks are acted on, there will be an improvement in economic terms for our kids' future. Maybe it will be another "Shot heard around the world" in favor of personal responsibility, enterprise, and freedom, as opposed to socalism.
- Clinton, His record, he has attempted to do what he promised in 1992. Makes me feel I can believe him now.
- Bob Dole, has good values, experience in areas we need, a good knowlegable wife that will an aide not a henderince
- Harry Browne. Both Dole and Clinton have no persona convictions. Not only Does Browne (and a few others) have personal convictions, but they are similar to mine.
- Harry Browne because this country needs a strong tug back from the status quo of government intrusion into every aspect of our lives.
- Bob Dole, because Clinton is a pot-smoking, draft-dodging, womanizing, flag-burning, amoral, redneck with a wife who would sell her mother's soul to the devil for 10 bucks, GO BOB!!!!
- Bill Clinton because he might be making a few mistakes right now, but he'll get better at it. I just hope that he doesnt cut on education.
- Clinton is a crook Dole should win
- I want to see Bob Dole elected President because we have to restore integrity to the office and we need real leadership
- libertarian, because the republicans and democrats are both full of shit
- Harry Browne -- because he is the only candidate who has pledged to drastically shrink the size of government.
- President Clinton, & I'm sad to say, more as a lesser of two "not so goods". There is part of me that trusts Bob Dole's generation more than mine (I was born in 1948), but I worry about the influence of the religious right & the conservative COngressional Rebublicans. I was pleased with the selection of Kemp & might support him for the top spot, but he disappointed me by towing the Republican nativist line at the convention.
- I want to see Bill Clinton for president because I believe he has shown that he addresses the concerns of women and families by passage of such legislation as the Family and Medical Leave Act and an increase in the minimum wage. There has also been some much needed health care reform. He is also committed to seeing that our children receive a good education. In addition, I believe he will continue to make good appointments to the Federal Courts and Supreme Court.
- Dole. More political experience, wants balanced budget, high set of moral standards and ethical contuct, experience in foreign police
- harry browne.i think that he could be a good leader, and has good ideas that will make the real citizen able to live there lives as they see fit.
- Harry Browne - because he would really shake up the goverment and get it back to what it should be doing
- Bill Clinton, because I believe he has both the intellectual ability and the moral fiber to make a real difference for future generations. He has the ability to create change, at a grass roots level, which can reestablish for America the basic precepts of democratic ideology.
- Bill Clinton, because I believe he has both the intellectual ability and the moral fiber to make a real difference for future generations. He has the ability to create change, at a grass roots level, which can reestablish for America the basic precepts of democratic ideology.
- Harry Browne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Bill Clinton, because I believe he has both the intellectual ability and the moral fiber to make a real difference for future generations. He has the ability to create change, at a grass roots level, which can reestablish for America the basic precepts of democratic ideology.
- Browne-principles-morality-big gov't sucks
- The only candidate committed to reducing our bloated federal government is Harry Browne, Libertarian candidate. The Rep. and Dem. candidates only talk about slowing the growth of our out-of-control federal bureaucracy, but Harry Browne will reduce the government to it's rightful size -- giving it only those powers as set forth in the US Constitution.
- In the transition to a 3rd wave society we need much more freedom. I will vote Libertarian.
- Harry Browne, empirical evidence shows government exacerbates problems far more than it relieves them.
- Browne because he supports the constitution.
- dole, bacause we need less government which in turn would reduce the cost of governing. We need to revise all social programs to enforce more individual initive. I think that the republicans are the only ones honestly favoring this.
- Harry Browne, the only candidate that knows govmt doesn't work
- Howard Phillips of the USTaxpayers Party, the only nationwide truly conservative party...
- Harry Browne......We need MUCH LESS government intrusion
- Probably BILL CLINTON because dole is old and his views are a direct contradiction to mine. I like Forbes but he dropped. CLINTON has been pretty good and other than what the media has blown out of proportion, he is pretty good.
- Dole is my choice. Restore honor and integrity to the White House. The Clinton administration is a disgrace to our country.
- Harry Browne - We must restore the liberties that this country was founded upon
- Vote Libertarian to restore our Constitution
- Dole/Kemp because there is no other choice
- Focus on entitlement reform by either following the recommendations of the Concord Coalition, or by 1) moving more retiree's from Medicare to Managed Care and 2) changing Social Security from pay-as-you-go to a national pension and envestment system. Basically, I would really like experienced men in politics who have nothing to lose to be president: ie Paul Tsongas as an example.
- Bill Clinton deserves re-election; he's not perfect but his middle of the road approach and effective reducation of the operating deceift is very important.
- I want anyone but Clinton to be elected in 1996. The president is arrogant, self-righteous, dishonest, corrupt, disloyal, unreliable, cowardly and totally corrupt. And her husband is worse.
- Clinton. Why else? Dole should have presided in 1952, not 1996!
- Ralph Nader understands the problems facing Americans today. He is the only candidate so far that makes much sense.
- Bill Clinton is by far the person with the best understanding of the contemporary scene who has the desire and the abiity to search for solutions for bringing the United states into the 21st century.
- Bob Dole, because he has wisdom, common sense, morals, experience, good ideas, he cares, he has so much to offer, is stable, won over the greatest of hardships, is a good man, he makes me feel that I'll be safe with him in charge, he's presidential, qualified, a man of his word, funny, has a wonderful wife and because he's truly the better man and the man who will lead us as a wise father would his child, because the country needs him and I need him to bring back true integrity and dignity to the White House. He is strong and kind and has a good heart and I want more than I can say for him to be the next president.
- Dole, because I voted for Clinton last time and he lied to me!
- Bill Clinton, because he's actually smart, and Bob Dole is not.
- Harry Browne, the only candidate with new ideas and an honest belief in his own positions.
- Clinton.
- Dole, because he is a man of proven leadership and integrity
- Bill Clinton because he is more open-minded.
- Ralph Nader. He is a committed focused individual for the American Way. He really believes that democracy is the best system and that it can be made better. If we don't work with what we have our country will be consumed by anarchy--sooner or later.
- Bill Clinton. The alternative is too horrible to even consider.
- I would like to see Harry brown become president, because he, and the Libertarians are the only group of citizens who truly intend to reduce the size of federal government to a minimum, and end the legalized robbery known as income tax.
- Dole -- Democrats give too much to undeserving freeloaders
- Dole. Integrity. Experience. Decisionmaker. Truthful for the most part.
- Harry Browne. He is the only candidate who will actually reduce the size of government.
- Bill Clinton.
- Harry Browne, the only candidate I believe would actually reduce the size of government.
- clinton. the least worst among those running
- Harry Browne, to get the federal government out of interference which it has no Constitutional justification. Thomas Jefferson would be appalled at the mess today!
- Harry Browne because he is the ONLY one who will return government to its Constitutionally granted powers.
- Ralph Nadar. He agrees with the Green Party values of community-based economics and ecological wisdom. So do I.
- Perot, I believe he has the interest of American citizens in his heart, and mind, and he is a good manager!
- Bob Dole, because he has moral standards, unlike Bill CLinton who does not
- Dole because he is honest, trustworthy and a true leader with honor
- Bill Clinton: He is my only choice, since I am a openly gay man.
- Bill Clinton. He is more in touch with the America of 1996.
- Harry Browne. Because I think BOTH major parties have been in power too long and we need someone with NEW ideas and who owes no 'favors'. Clinton or Dole represent NO CHOICE as both are fundamentally the same.
- I'd like to see Harry Browne as President as I his positions are most closely allied with what I believe of all the candidates. I won't vote for someone whose beliefs or affiliations are largely contrary to mine. I want a President that shares many of my ideals and beliefs.
- Big goverment is too big. Get off my back. Let people make it on their own.
- Pat Buchanan - he's consistent, and has convictions; which cannot be said of the others.
- Harry Browne for president.No real difference between Dem's & Rep's.Under each,My taxes keep going up,Government keeps growing & my Constitutional rights keep shrinking
- I would like to see Al Gore or another centrist/progressive Democrat, who preserves the best of the New Deal/Great Society, but also has the ability to listen to fresh ideas and welcome constructive humane reforms.
- forbes has some new and innovative ideas and wants to tackle the defecit
- Harry Browne is the only candidate who will actually REDUCE government intrusions in both our moral and economic lives.
- jack kemp, because he is what thiscountry needs, a strong, independent, intellegint person with good morals
- Bob Dole/Jack Kemp. The left viewpoint has place us on the road to destruction. We cannot afford to keep spending more than we bring in, and taxes cannot and should not be raised to accomodate the hugh spending increases. We American people need our money back. We know how best to spend it. A tax cut is the only vaccine that can help heal our sick economy.
- Even though I am voting for Bill Clinton - which I feel is the lesser of the political evils, I would really like to see Ralph Nader or someone that really identifies with the average American overtaxed person.
- Harry Browne is the only candidate who will try to end the run-away growth of cradle-to-grave government "benefits", taxes, and regulations.
- bob dole, experience, dedicated and not a draft dodger!
- Howard Phillips - US Taxpayers Party less government, constitutional base, preservation of life, return to individual responsibility
- Harry Browne ... best chance at reducing government interference in the personal lives of every American.
- First off, I would like to have all new candidates. I would also like equal coverage for any and all parties involved. I feel that we need a business man to run this country and not someone who is looking to change everyones personal lives.
- Bob Dole- Most suitable and best qualified candidate
- Harry Browne, because no other candidate cares one bit about our freedoms.
- Harry Browne/a man of principles, his word is his bond.
- Harry Brown, because he is the only candidate who has realistic answers for our most pressing problems.
- Harry Browne - LESS GOVERNMENT. NOW!
- Harry Browne He believes in the constitution.
- John Kerry, because he is a moderate liberal with a clean skeleton-free record. This spotless record allows him to promote his issues without a permanent specter of scandal. He is also an effective speaker who can bear the mantle of leadership.
- Harry Browne. We need to redefine the role of the federal government from what it is today to what it is described as in the Constitution.
- Bill Clinton, it's better to deal with someone who has already had expierence so that we can present a more united face to the outside world.
- HARRY BROWNE - Because the two primary warring Parties have created a gridlock in our society that is hurting the economy, the environment, and in general: our LIFE, LIBERTY AND PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. Now, more than ever, we need to scale back the bureaucratic governmental mess that is draining our economy. There are many ways of restructuring the government to balance the budget and improve the morale of the U.S. citizenry. The Libertarians have presented the most viable solutions on the polical marketplace.
- Harry Browne is the only candidate that has the correct outlook to get the Federal Government back in Washington and out of our lives.
- Howard Phillips. U.S. Taxpayers Party. Return to constitutional goverment. Get the federal gov. out our lives. State and Local Government is more responsive to our needs.
- Personally I want to see Bob Dole as our next President because I feel that he is the best man for the job. He is a man of strong character who loves this country and will work for all its citizens so that everyone is able to obatin the American dream. He has given a lot to this country throughout his life and I feel that he has proven himself as an outstanding leader and American. He is without a doubt the best and most qualified man for the job.
- Bob Dole He'll return govt by the people for the people
- I support Harry Browne because he is the only one who recognizes that the federal government has outgrown any justifiable purpose and has caused great damage to society as well as all other political institutions.
- Browne because he believes that government doesn't work
- Harry Browne because he's right: Government doesn't work. We have given too much power away to bureaucrats and it is time for us to grow up and learn to be personally responsible.
- Harry Browne. He's the one for MUCH LESS government.
- I became sick of the world in general about 6 months ago for a couple of hours. I am no longer sick of the World, but I really don't like poliutics AT ALL anywhere. I think Bob Dole is the best of the offerings.
- dole. I agree more with his moral issues.
- Harry Browne. Government is too big and has too much control over my life!!
- I am voting for Bob Dole because I believe he is an honorable man that I can trust unlike the lying, immoral, spineless, dope-smoking, liberal Slick Willy.
- Clinton is a classic liberal pretending to be a moderate. The future of our society depends upon reining in government taxes and spending. If we can limit the amount of money government has, we can automatically limit its excesses of power. Government is to provide national security, freedom to be productive and creative, basic education, and little else.
- Bob Dole or Bill Clinton? Clinton is carrying too much baggage, whether preceived of real. Somelthing is wrong, and the truth will eventually come out. We don't need another Watergate.
- Dole. because among the two he is more honestand beleivable
- Bob Dole. Simply put: he embodies more of my beliefs than Bill Clinton. I think Perot is joke and certainly wouldn't want him as president.
- Harry Browne,because the libertarian platform most closely
- Bill Clinton
- Bob Dole - more upstanding and presidential than Clinton could ever be.
- Harry Browne... government doesn't work and Browne is the only one with the guts to say so.
- Bob Dole is my Hero
- Harry Browne
- Harry Brown
- Harry Browne - he's our last chance
- Harry Browne. Intellectal integrity. closest to my own beliefs.
- Howard Phillips is the only candidate who truly understands and would honor the intent of the U.S. Constitution
- Harry Browne. While others talk about an end to the era of big government, he's the only one who will actually work for a constitutionally limited government.
- Bill Clinton becasue I feel he has done well in the first four years and he has done some good things for our country as well as for other countries. I feel that if we give him another four years that he will continue to do the best job that he can and I think he will find a way to work more with the Republicans to accomplish more.
- Ross Perot, because he is a leader, not a cheater. The other two are crooks. I don't know why Clinton the obvious crook is still in there.
- Bob Dole because the direction President Clinton and his administration is taking us is totally off track. Too much government is the main reason our country is slipping downward in categories like healthcare, business, and education. We need to backtrack about twenty years and turn down a different road and I believe Bob Dole and the consertative thinking is the best way to get there.
- A person of integrity.
- Harry Browne. He believes in individual freedom, personal responsibility, and freedom from government interference in our lives. I believe in those things too.
- cuomo
- Harry Browne - Eliminate taxes, get the govt out of the bedroom & boardroom
- Harry Browne, because government doesn't work, and he is the only candidate I see who MEANS what he says when he desires to reduce the gov't back to its minimal size.
- I'd like to see Harry Browne elected President in '96, because I think it would send a message to both ruling parties that "The era of Big Government is over" is more than just a slogan.
- THE G.O.P. is Moral?...J. Edgar Hoover, Joe McCarthey, Richard Nixon, Spiro Agnew, Rat F***ing of Ed Musky, Olie North, Ed Meese, Iran-Contra, S&L Scandal, Willie Horton, Ronny Forgot, Read George`s Lips, Just Say No. JUST SAY NO to the Grand OLD Party!!!!
- Harry Browne! Cut the federal government way down... it is presently too pervasively powerful, and showing no signs of slowing down or scaling back any time soon. Only Harry Browne intends to make that happen!
- Bill Clinton-I think he is doing a good job!
- Bob Dole, Because He stands for strong moral beliefs and is not involved in scandals like the man in office is now. he is trust worthy and has more experience than Clintons whole staff.
- President Clinton. He cares about issues that the super-rich don`t even know (or care) exist. 4 more years!
- A non-liar who will reduce taxes and get goverment out of my life...
- I want more employment and opportunities to get housing and education
- I like the fiscal ideas proposed by Steve Forbes and believe that they would result in the reduction of the budget and subsequently the deficit/debt.
- Harry Browne because he is the only one who will give us less government.
- Harry Browne - not just a libertarian but a sharp cookie
- Harry Browne, He has good ideas and a plan to carry them out.
- Harry Browne, he will reduce government which we need to do and he will shake up congress and the senate.
- Harry Browne is the only way to send Washington DC a message
- Somebody who really believes in the Consitution
- bright,energetic, committed, tolerant and balanced.
- Harry Browne - the only candidate supporting individual freedom
- Harry Browne- he knows that govt doesnt work
- Harry Browne, for less government, balance the budget now!, less tax, less gun control, get government out of our personal lives and out of heath care.
- Bill Clinton. He has a vision for the future and he is in tune with the average American.
- Harry Browne -- the only candidate I trust to work for a reduction in government involvement in every aspect of our lives.
- Bob Dole - Clinton and his socialist democrat allies are determined to convert the country to socialism. The conservative Republicans will prevent this from happening.
- I want Harry Browne to be president because he is the only candidate that will actually reduce the size of Government.
- Browne will let the free market be free
- (sung a la Ethel Merman) "There's NO government, like no government, like no government I know. Everything they do should be repealing, cause we know that government does not work. Politicians everywhere who are stealing, leave you that feeling, that you've been took ...."
- Harry Browne. Socialism has failed. The poor are still poor, the rich still rich, and the middle class still stupid. Let's return to a market ecomomy and a government that governs best governs least.
- Ross Perot, I think we need to get rid of the extremely corrupt Republicans and Democrats and dump NAFTA and GATT
- Harry Browne because the Constitution must be restored.
- Harry Browne. The libertarian party reflects the founding fathers vision and the intent of the constitution. Both major parties have abdicated their trust responsibility to the American public by taking the easier softer way and winning votes by fostering greed, fear and irresponsibility to win votes.
- Harry Browne is the only candidate that seems to understand the U.S. Constitution.
- Bill Clinton, because Bob Dole would spell disaster for pro-choice, affirmative action and those persons who have been unable to lift themselves out of poverty. The Republican Party would essentially leave all Americans to fend for themselves,even when they are ill-prepared to do so.
- ANYONE but Clinton
- Harry Browne: The Federal Government MUST be cut back to Constitutional size or our kids will live under a Stalinism with a teddy-bear face.
- Harry Browne, as he represents a movement to reduce goverment to the constitutional limits. I am sick of government as usual, and that is what we will get with Clinton or Dole.
- Fred Thompson and/or John McCain -- Both well-respected in Washington, both pushing campaign finance reform despite opposition from the fat cats like D'Amato, both winners in "character" issue.
- The American people need a choice of political can't be just the two-party system anymore! Get the Federal Government out of our lives -- Harry Browne, Libertarian for President!!
- Ross Perot, We need someone who doesn't owe too many political parties.
- Clinton...he has done a good job these past four years and will keep us progressing. With Dole we would slip back to the Middle Ages. iddle ages.
- Harry Browne for his complete honesty
- Harry Browne, he is the only one out of all who are running who is serious about limited government and personal freedom
- Browne - we need our freedom back.
- Harry Browne to reduce size and influence of government
- Harry Browne because he is the only candidate who wants to make MAJOR reductions in the size of government.
- Less Government, Less Taxes and Traditional Family Values.
- Harry Browne, for a return to Constitutional governing
- Harry Browne, to get my & my children's life back from the government.
- Harry Browne - We have to start to get the government back into the hands of the people rather than on our backs.
- Do not know of anyone I really like; I don't like politicians/politics in general. Might vote for Clinton so that a Republican would not get in. Politics is pretty boring and way too conservative!
- harry brown fiscal resposibility, and protecion of freedoms guarenteed in the bill of rights
- Harry Browne, would push for serious government reform and budget cutting not just a slow in the increase.
- Harry Browne - a man who stands on the constitutional, ethical, and philosophical principles of the founders and whose sense of history is large enough to see past the periphery.the
- Harry Browne is my choice for President because our country needs to reduce government intrusion into our lives (i.e., stop the totalitarians).
- Harry Browne, because he is the only one who really will downsize government.
- Harry Brown, because the federal gov't is too big.
- Browne;You want to see an anti-government document? Read the Declaration of Independence, the U S Constitution, the Federalist papers and other founders papers. They viewed government as a necessary evil. Less is better.
- Howard Phillips. He will uphold the constitution and enforce individual liberties over an intrusive government.
- Harry Browne: I feel that the increased influx of government in our
- Haryy Browne is the only real hope this country has. This nation was founded by men of principle, the greatest of which being that government needed to be kept in the hands of the people. Not only are the people no longer in charge of the government, but it has run completely amok, stepping all over the rights guaranteed to us by the constitution. Harry Browne is not a politician. He is a man of principle that wants to see the country the way it was intended by the founding fathers.
- Harry Browne, because government is spending too much money, taking too much out of the economy in taxes, and placing too much of a burden on small businesses through regulation.
- Harry Browne...reduce government to constitutional limits.
- Harry Browne...reduce government to constitutional limits.
- Harry Browne - We need to reduce the size of government - NOW!
- Harry Browne-Principaled, a feasable plan to re-vitalize America.
- I wish that Gen. Colin Powell had run - this country needs him.
- Harry Browne. We MUST get our Federal Government back under citizen control.
- Harry Browne...because of my concern for constitutional integrity
- Steve Forbes man. He's not got any total dickweed ideas, (I'm probably sounding like one here) but he's got good ideas for _making money_ man. Which is what the US government needs to do.
- Harry Browne. His book "Why Government Doesn't Work" details HOW he would implement the changes needed to save our children from enslavement to the present tax system.
- Harry Browne. He has the courage, conviction, and honesty to do what needs to be done.
- Harry Browne - Because he is the ONLY candidate that will dramatically cut the federal government, plain & simple
- Harry Brown. He provides a practical vision of America that would be free, prosperous, and tolerent for all.
- Harry Browne, to reduce the government by 2/3 and restore the constitution
- If they arn't libertarian, they arn't American.
- Howard Phillips, Please include him since he is a candidate
- Harry Browne.
- Dole, he will make us proud Americans again
- Harry Browne. I want to see less Government overall.
- A Conservative Republican candidate who understands the moral bankruptcy of the country and has non-governmental intervention ideas. More pro-family.
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne because he knows that government doesn't work.
- Harry Browne will pledge to uphold and support the Constitution without crossing his fingers behind his back.
- Howard Phillips (US Taxpayers Party) should be president. He alone stands on a platform to limit the federal government by the Constitutional bounds and return American jurisprudence to its Biblical foundation
- Howard Phillips-He believes in Constitution and he has character.
- Harry Browne. He pushes for more freedom, less government.
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne because not only do I agree with his political philosophy but he's not afraid to tell the truth however ugly it may be,
- Harry Browne because he is asking the tough questions and willing to make the best decisions for America, not decisions to get him re-elected. He is a man of principle who is not a hipocrite like Bob "Tax and Spend" Dole or Bill "I rather risk other young people's lives but not my own' Clinton.
- Browne will slash the government down to constitutional size.
- HARRY BROWNE:because he would get us back to what the forefathers intended,more than any other canidate running.
- Someone who strongly believes in the Constitutional and against One World Government
- Harry Browne....we need less government not more
- Harry Browne because he would prevent the government from continuing to bleed our economy and degrade our culture into whining and demanding dependents istead of self responsible adults.
- Harry Browne. Government is too rediculously big, and it's time it got out of our pockets. And, I've had it with legislation of morality! My standards are well reasoned and objective, and I don't need to be told what I can and can't do with my person and belongings! Thanks...
- Howard Phillips--He is a man of principle and character, and he understands what needs to be done to bring our country back to its constitutional roots. He believes in individual freedom, and in preserving the lives of the unborn.
- Howard Phillips--He is a man of principle and character, and he understands what needs to be done to bring our country back to its constitutional roots. He believes in individual freedom, and in preserving the lives of the unborn.
- Harry Browne. Less government, it doesn't work.
- clinton-because of abortion policys
- Harry Browne for President Our money is our private property
- Harry Browne - the only one out there with new ideas for a breaking country!
- Harry Brown
- Harry Browne is the smartest, most honest candidate and would give me back my freedom.
- Harry Browne would make a great president. He has fresh ideas and isn't afraid to propose them.
- An honest, trustworthy president who will not cater to the wishes of only the people who gives him money, but will listen to the will of the people and follows the dictates of the Constitution of the U.S. The president is not above the law and should not treat his office as if it were a kingship. Harry Browne can bring the presidency back to what it is supposed to be.
- Harry Browne. Stop taking away individual rights in an attempt to cure government caused problems.
- Harry Browne, because he is the only candidate who would actually reduce the federal government's functions to those few authorized by the Constitution, guarantee personal liberty and economic freedom.
- There is only one real choice, Bob Dole, Clinton is not at worthy of the trust of the american people.
- Harry Browne, Its time to get a three party system
- Harry Browne This country needs a change to reengineer our government. Remember the Boston Tea Party.
- Harry Browne is the only candidate calling for America to re-evaluate the contract between individual and government. He is serving to remind us that we are the rulers of this country and that we created the government to serve our limited mutual needs. He reminds us as well that free people and a free market unencumbered by pressures generated from political (government) sources are the best source for fair solutions for all.
- Bob Dole The best man.
- Howard Phillips of U.S. Taxpayers Party
- Harry Browne, because he is the only candidate that won't govern by poll, he has ideas and solutions not just rhetoric
- Harry Browne, because I firmly believe that the best thing for our nation is the Libertarian Party
- Harry Browne - will reduce government, end income tax
- Harry Browne. He can begin to reverse many of the wrongs of our current Government. This includes the powers that the States should have. Dismantling the welfare state, changing Social Security into a private investment system, and if not dismantlingthe IRS at least greatly simplifying the tax system. And there are other changes which should be made.
- Harry Browne, the Libertarian candidate. He has the best answers to solve the problems of this country.
- Bob Dole, CLinton is a liar and a cheat. Not to mention a Crook! Him and his wife are socialist's.
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne. Dems and Repubs are equally corrupt, responsible for problems, and incapable of fixing them. Time for a radical change.
- Bob's too old, Bill will say what you want to hear yet he won't repeal Abortion rights.
- Clinton, because my personal interests are enhanced by his leadership
- Who is John Galt?
- Harry Brown: Less government = more freedom+less crime. The two largest property crimes are government extortrion (taxation and asset seizure) and crimes inspired by drug prohibition. The largest losses of freedom are political crimes (e.g., use or sale of prohibited intoxicants) and regulatory intrustion into commerce.
- Harry Browne: he is the only candidate who has real, defined plan for reducing the size of the Federal Government, ending governmental intrusion in the personal lives of citizens, solving the Social Security crisis, and reducing the national debt. The other major candidates seem to simply want to continue growing the gov't; their "solution" is to grow the economy at a faster rate than the gov't, thus shrinking the share of GNP that gov't consumes, which just continues to propagate the growth of gov't
- Harry Browne, Reduce govt to constitutional limits
- Bob Dole, because he is a man of integrity and honor. Bill Clinton has proven himself to be less than trustworthy and honest.
- VOTE HARRY BROWNE!! Don't waste your vote on the same old Demo-publicans. Send a message his November. Vote Libertarian! Vote Harry Browne!
- Clinton because he's actually done a pretty good job, and Dole scares the crap outta me!
- Bill Clinton. He's performed well in the office. He believes that government can be a force for good, and he seems to want to use it to help those at the bottom of the economic order.
- Harry Browne--he's the only candidate who stands for what I believe in
- Harry Browne. Man of uncompromising principles and values based in REASON, not in fear or emotional buzzwords (like the Clinton/Dole "bipartisan party" tactics).
- Bob Dole. Bill Clinton has about ruined what is left good in this country. He is a disgrace to the White House, and to the American People. He should be shot except we'd then have his wife and Al Gore. Lying bastards like himself should be ashamed.
- Harry Browne. End the political system of one party with two names; deal with America's critical issues before the country becomes a dead great power.
- Harry Browne has real solutions to real problems.
- Harry Browne-will eliminate fed gov
- Harry Browne, becuase I want to run my own life.
- Harry Browne - I want a no-compromise, constitutional advocate to reduce the size and power and control that the federal government has over its citizens. One that will begin to limit the federal government to ONLY the functions which are allowed constitutionally.
- Harry Browne. Libertarians are the only party with a well defined philosophy and can be trusted to keep their word.
- Harry Browne, because Government doesn't work. It only promises to deliver, while mortgaging the present to the future,
- Harry Browne will create a new prosperity by ending big gov
- I wold like to see Clinton because He has good I geas for the future
- Harry Browne, because he holds a firm belief in the US Constitution. Anything that's not in the Constitution is no business of the Federal Government.
- Harry Browne.The only candidate with NEW ideas.It is unconscionable that the public will not hear him on the Presidential Debates.
- Harry Browne -- He believes that personal responsibility, a free-market society, and severe penalties for abusing these rights will prevail over a punitive society.
- Harry Browne
- Browne Government is the enemy!
- I want to see Harry Browne win, against all odds, to prove that this country is still capable of electing a President who is not beholden to either big business or big labor, but who understands that government is itself the problem for most working Americans. Only Harry Browne will give us a 100% tax cut, eliminate the IRS and put the federal government back into the box that Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution defined for it. The Founders knew first-hand the dangers of an all-powerful cen ral government, but nearly all current office-holders deny the problem exists.
- Browne. Our country is racing towards bankruptcy and neither of the two parties seem to want to do anything about it. They promise a balanced budget five, seven, ten years in the future while maintaining 100 billion dollar deficits in the meantime. We need to get our fiscal house in order, the sooner the better.
- harry browne to roll back the damage done by govt past 35 years. we must end the wars on crime drugs poverty and get the feds out of local affairs
- Harry Browne - he's the only one who has the courage to give us massive tax cuts, massive budget cuts, & a balanced budget now - not some vague point in the future. Read his book "Why Gov't Doesn't Work" and you'll see his plan is compassionate, clearcut, and very doable.
- Harry Browne. His views most closely mirror mine than any other candidate currently running.
- Currently I am torn between Perot and Browne
- Harry Browne is the only candidate that Thomas Jefferson would vote for. Enough said!!
- Harry Browne
- harry browne because of the solutions the libertarian party brings to the table
- Browne - Reduce government intrusion and increase individual responsibility.
- I think Harrby Brown may be able to pull the Fed. government. out of its rut.
- I would like to see Harry Browne be president. The federal governmant has grown well beyond its constitutionally mandated powers and needs to be cut back severely. Only the Libertarian Party has been able to see this and they have the integrity to see it through. With a little self-responsibility put back on the American people, we would see a lot of our social and economic problems start to get straightened out.
- I favor Harry Browne for president. Yes, government provides many essential services but only at great cost and at the expense of liberty and privacy. Why must I reveal to the government intimate details of my personal finances, medical condition, and the charities I favor simply to maximize the return of wages I've already earned? Mr. Browne is the only major candidate who can be believed when he says he will dismantle the federal government.
- Harry Browne, get government out of our life and return responsibility to the individual. --- Worst problem in our society was not listed - the tax system.
- Harry Browne - He's the only one willing to fight hard for much less government.
- Harry Browne - respects constitutional authority
- Steve Forbes, because he has many libertarian leanings.
- Harry Browne for President: cut taxation 50%; kill IRS; stop drug war; separate government and education; free market economy; gold/silver standard.
- Harry Browne because he's the only candidate who understands that there are moral constraints on the activities of governments as well as bad consequences for real human beings when governments ignore those constraints.
- Harry Browne is the only one who represents my views. Bob Clinton, Bill Dole and the Republicrats are a big-government lovefest.
- Harry Browne. I want my children to someday live in a free country.
- Harry Browne because we need less government
- Harry Browne will pardon all federal drug war victims, veto all unbalanced budgets, conduct neutralist foreign policy.
- Harry Browne for President, because "Government Doesn't Work". I want to see power returned to the people, where it belongs; not in the hands of disconnected Washington bureaucrats.
- Harry Browne because he will reduce government intrusion.
- Harry Browne, because he is the only one who realizes that government does not work.
- Either Harry Browne or NOTA. Americans lack personal responsibility, and any other candidate would continue to have government take more of that from individuals.
- Harry Browne -- because I believe that government needs to be smaller and less intrusive.
- I want to see someone elected president, I don't care if its a minority, a women, a martian, I don't care, just as long as they learn how to read english, so they can READ the Constitution of the United States of America!
- Harry Browne - he want's to close down the IRS permanently and roll govenrmnet back to constitutional levels.
- Go Harry Browne & Jo Jorgensen!!! They are the logical choice in illogical times. BGK100396
- Harry Browne. I agree with him that government should be drastically reduced.
- Bob Dole - I feel he is a leader and can bring back moral standards to the U.S. I feel he will be more sufficent when it comes to dealing with other countries. I feel he will do more to get rid of big goverment.
- Harry Browne. He is the only candidate who stands for personal responsibility and the end to government intrusion. He is also the only candidate who acknowledges that the current federal government is operating outside of constitutional authority.
- Harry Browne. He advocates individual responsibility and getting government off our backs.
- Harry Browne. He will give us a smaller government than anyone else.
- Harry Browne. America is ready for a large rollback in federal power. The federal government is too large and out of control.
- I now consider myself a former Republican. Neither of the two leading
- Browne. The end of the drug war and crime subsidy. A female (or male if one can be found) with a new outlook on the population. A flat tax.
- Real change.
- Harry Browne will reduce the size of the federal govt and restore the fed. govt to the size/role defined in Constitution
- Harry Browne! I want less Goverment
- Harry Browne.
- Browne: will reduce government intrusion in economic and personal lives
- Bob Dole -- Clinton would maintain the status quo of Big Government & High Taxes
- Harry Browne -- because I agree that for the most part, the federal govt is simply a leech on the working people in this country. And a *serious* threat to serious liberties.
- I will vote for Harry Browne because he is the only candidate dedicated to reducing the size, cost and intrusiveness of government and saving or restoring our civil liberties.
- Harry Browne. I want to see this insane "War on Drugs" stopped and get government out of our personal lives. Once a government tries to leglislate morality it has lost it's collective mind.
- clinton vs. dole = socialism vs. capitalism. copitalizm works because it mirrors the natural law of survival of the fittest, which is best for the species survival in the long term. likewise, the survival of our country is dependent upon competition.
- Harry Brown is the only candidate that has a coherent, ideals based plan. The other major candidates are slaves of opinion polls.
- Harry Browne, because he's the only candidate that will REDUCE government.
- Harry Browne, he will obey the Constitution
- Harry Browne. His platform is for a limited Constitutional Government. The Federal Government is trampling all over the Constitution at present and is becoming way too powerful. This is dangerous. It must stop.
- Green Party. Alcohol needs AA, ACOA, Allinon, Alliteen, etc to pick up the pieces of all the distroyed lives it causes, yet its legal. Why? Maybe because of something called THE CONSTITUTION? Yet Marijuana carries a criminal penalty inspite the FACT that it is far less distructive than the previously mentioned booze. I think I need a genius to help rationalize this one. Anyone? ... LET ADULTS MAKE THEIR OWN DISICIONS!!!
- Harry Browne. We need government out of our lives, and our pocketbooks. A person is responsable for there actions. No person, organization, or government can decide morality.
- Harry Browne for less government in general.
- Bob Dole because of Clinton's character
- Bill Clinton, he needs four more years to do the job he set out to do.
- Bob Dole, Because 4 more years of Bill is more than anyone can take
- Bill Clinton; because he's the best available candidate and I generally agree withhis actions and policies.
- Well ideally I would like to see George Bush. I can't believe we turned our backs on him in 92. He was one of our greatest Presidents. He didn't take crap from anyone!!! But I would settle for Bob Dole. I hate Clinton
- Ross Perot
- bob dole
- Clinton is not a leader. Dole is.
- The republican, to be able to act with the rep congress and get things done.
- The republican, to be able to act with the rep congress and get things done.
- Harry Browne
- bob dole-honest man
- Ross Perot-We need to Reform the Republicrats,they seem to be great manipulators.
- I'd like to see Jack Kemp as president. He is a man of principles and fights for what he believes in.
- Bob Dole. To bring ethics and integrity back to the white hous.
- Harry Browne. Both Democrats and Republicans have proven themselves unreliable and incapable of solving the problems that they generated by thier actions in the past. Affirmative action is only one example. It started out as a good idea then became a whip to browbeat people with.
- Bill Clinton because he is a good person who actually believes in this country's potential.
- Bill Clinton because he's a ladies man.
- Harry Browne. Because he seems to know what does not work (Gov't) and should be greatly reduced; and who should be empowered (the people).
- Ross Perot will address the problems facing this nation in an objective, systematic way that will yield real results. He is a candidate that cannot be corrupted by the influence of the status quo.
- Bob Dole because Clinton is and the democrates are jeopardizing our freedom and the Clintons have been involved in to many scandals to be called good leaders. Any other presidential candidate who has been involved in as much as the Clintons would have been more so effected.
- Harry Browne; Government is the problem, not the solution. Thomas Jefferson had it right, the government that rules least rules best. Return to belief in self responsibility and private organizations and businesses solving problems. The U.S. became the strongest country in the world but socialism and government regulation are now the stronest forces preventing future growth.
- Bill Clinton. He has done a good job so far
- Harry Browne! The ONLY choice for a free America and Free Americans!
- Bob Dole - Less government, lower taxes
- I would like to see Ralph Nader as president, because he is the only candidate who is willing to talk about our country's biggest problem: the destruction of our democracy by unaccountable corporate power.
- John Kasich (sp?). Kasich is passionate about balancing the budget and
- Bill Clinton because he is the only guy to have a non-conservative view of American society. The Social Conservatism isn't an pertinent answer to solve the problems now
- Harry Browne -- Best chance for a free society
- Harry Browne, because he's a Libertarian
- Clinton: Education Top Priority, Weighted Environment Reform, Honest Welfare Reform, Steady Deficit Reduction, Strong Foreign Policy, Not afraid to share credit, Not afraid to admit mistakes and move on, Most Leadership Qualities, Good sense of fairness and judgement and practices the teachings of Christ.
- Harry Browne, he knows what the Constitution means.
- I hope to see Bill Clinton reelected in '96. Although I do not agree with everything that Clinton has done, I do feel that I share far more common ideas with him than with Dole (the only other candidate with any chance of winnning). From the statistics that I have seen, things are somewhat better in the U.S. now than they were 4 years ago. Clinton's way leads to a potentially better future, where Dole's leads only into memories of a distant past.
- Very strong moral pricinciples, belongs to a trational family, committed christian, Alan Keyes would be my choice
- Harry Browne, merely because we share the same views
- Harry Browne. The only rational choice for limited government and individual rights.
- Ralph Nader, because I believe he'd be a much better choice tha the either Clinton or Dole and because he deals with issues that concern me like the environment.
- WE NEED SOMEONE WHO WILL STOP THE FISCAL CHILD ABUSE. IT IS IMMORAL TO MAKE THE NEXT GENERATION FOOT THE BILL FOR OUR SOCIAL PROGRAMS. I don't care if it's Ronald McDonald, I want someone to increase taxes, decrease spending, and pay off the debt.
- Bob Dole: He will decentralize government.
- RALPH NADAR: He is a consumer advocate who is the only real candidate who truly wants reform.
- clinton because of the extremism of Newt gingrich and other so-called conservatives
- I will vote for Harry Browne just as I have voted for the Libertarian candidate in each election since 1980. I will do so because I believe the Libertarian philosophy of individual responsibility and minimalist government is the only hope for the survival of individual freedom in the 21st Century. The only -- not the best, but the ONLY -- answer to the drug situation is full and complete legalization. The only answer to controlling government intrusion is the wholesale elimination of government departm nts. Jefferson, the genious who gave us these United States of America, rightly said that "That government governs best which governs least." Washington, whose perseverance secured our liberty, rightly said "avoid entangling alliances." Franklin, whose diplomatic genious secured our constitution, said "Those who would exchange liberty for security deserve neither liberty NOR security." They were right then; they are right now.
- Harry Browne, because he is the only candidate who running who believes in personal responsibility, not more government programs.
- I want to see Bill Clinton be reelected because I feel he cares more about the middle and lower classes than Bob Dole does.
- For once I would like a President that truly honors the Constitution as intended by the Founding Fathers. That's why I support Harry Browne, Libertarian for President.
- Bob Dole. I don't think that Bill Clinton is trustworthy or intelligent enough to be a national leader.
- Clinton, our generation can point this country in the right direction for us,Doles has brought us to this far,we can make it better for all.
- Bill Clinton is a puppet of the wealthy! Of course he sends out tons of propaganda (aka lies) intended to deceive people into believing he is one of us "I feel your pain." Clinton has never felt any pain, he ran from Vietnam. Clinton is a big member of the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations. They want a 1 world government because that suits the needs of the wealthy. Send Clinton home to Arkansas!
- I would like to see Bill Clinton as President. He posseses a combination of ideals(deficit reduction, student loans,increase of our manufacturing base)which appeal to me as a voter. Thank you
- Dole because Klinton is a crooked scumbag
- bob dole
- Bill Clinton. He is a middle aged, healthy, and a strong man with acceptable political agenda
- Harry Browne.
- I would like to see Harry Brown elected in 1996 because we need a third party. The Rep and Dem are so similar. I don't want morality legislated either
- Bill Clinton He has the brains, the experience and cares about the average American.
- Anyone who will end the Drug War!
- Bill clinton because he sincerely care for the problem of ordinary people and middle class. I also support his decision on the welfare issue. I believe it is time to revamp the welfare issue. I don't it is fare for any hard working tax payer to pay for somebody else who is especially capable of work.But i don't support the republican idea of solving the problems.
- NO DOLE!!! ...In the face of the deficit issue, He wants to cut taxes on the rich. Man, the rich have it tough in this country! Now they`re all pissed off at Bill Clinton because he evened the playing field on taxation. Trickle-Down was G.O.P. imperialism at its worst! And the ECONOMY went down the tubes. Clinton has had to undure rediculous lies just because YOU RICH FAT CATS aren`t willing to shoulder your fair tax burden. We middle class are sick of carrying you slugs! You had your fun the 80`s (rem mber the recession?), now its our turn (Gee, unemployement and interest rates are down now). NOW THAT`S CHANGE FOR THE BETTER!
- Harry Browne should become the President. We need a leader to dismantle the too large too expensive too intrusive Government. He is the only candidate that will do this
- Harry Browne would restore government to its proper functions.
- david duke
- BOB DOLE He can be trusted to do what he says he'll do.
- Bob Dole, Because he will sign the conservative legislation that Clinton vetoed.
- Honesty and integrity, willingness to take a stand and give straight answers.
- Dole-The better man!
- Harry Browne, because he believes in the constitution. I want someone who will get the government out of everything except what they are suppose to handle per the constitution.
- Howard Phillips * There will be no peace until the King of Peace is on the throne. God alone is sovereign and the nation who fears Him and obeys His Law, happy and prosperous will be that nation!The farther a nation moves away from His Law the more corruption and distruction that nation will experience.
- Harry Browne - He is the only candidate that actually knows what the Constitution says and agrees to uphold it. The federal government has too much power!!
- Despite personal short commings, Cliton has done a good job. He can stay another term and keep the status quo.
- Harry Browne - he is the only candidate with a well thought out plan for drastically downsizing federal government to bring it back to its Constitutional limits.
- bob dole. liberalism and socialism don`t make it. that says it all!
- Harry Browne:Although I disagree with several of the LP platform statements, I do believe that he would do more good for the USA than anyone else running. There isn't much difference between the D's & the R's. Neither want to restore constitutional government.
- Clinton, cares about the little person
- Colin Powell
- Jimmy Hoffa
- Bill Clinton. Bob Dole is pandering to the ultra-conservative element, and never supported supply-side before.
- Dole to bring honor back to the White House
- Clinton, in-touch, compationate sinsere in goals
- I feel that Bill Clinton has done an excellent job of running this country despite opposition from a Republican congress. I would like to see him as President again, perhaps with a bit more support from new legislators.
- Harry Browne. I'm a Democrat, and don't agree with everything he says. But he's much closer to the original spirit of the party founded by Jefferson: the Democratic Party.
- Bill Clinton he's pro-choice
- Harry Browne. He says it succintly: GOVERNMENT DOESN"T WORK. The less the better.
- Dole. The group in the White House now have Socialist tendencies.I believe they are interested totaly in their own agendas and have little real interest in ALL of the American people.
- Dole.
- Bob Dole
- The Clintons are liars, manipulative, dishonest, facades in general.
- Harry Browne- less government; more individual freedom.
- I would not automatically like to see Harry Browne elected, i just want him to be able to be allowed in the debates!!!!!!!!!
- Bob Dole. His traditional values he has lived with consistancy. His ability to lead with conviction far surpasses Pres. Clinton's flip flops. Morally Clinton is an afront to God.
- Bob Dole- Harry Brown doesn't have a change - yet
- Harry Browne
- Bill Clinton, because he has improved the economy. As a small business owner, I can honestly say that business has been great during Clinton's term.
- Bob Dole! I feel it is important to elect a man with morals, integrity, and trustworthyness. The Clinton Administration has been filled with corruption and scandel to the point I am embrassed to be an American.
- clinton -------- if its not broke ,dont fix it
- Harry Browne. government does not work
- Harry Browne, for all the things he said he would do if elected. For what those things are see his acceptance speech on C-Span, or read his book WHY GOVERMENT DOESN'T WORK.
- Bob Dole, because I believe he has more ability to chose good people to surround his presidency. People need to realize that when they elect a man to the office of president that they are also electing the his supporting cast.
- Harry Browne: I believe we need less federal government and also to break the two-party system. We should have four major parties to accurately represent political ideologies.
- I would like to see Bill Clinton as president. My reason is backed by the old saying that states that one should go with the less of the two evils.
- Harry Browne, for finally enforcing the constitution. Life, Liberty, and the persuit of happiness.
- Ross Paroe because he recognizes the problems that need fixing
- Harry Browne-- he's the only candidate who understands the importance of freedom!
- Harry Browne should be elected President in 1996 because he is the only candidate who advocates complete return to constitutional government.
- dole because the president should stand by his true belief right or wrong.our president should be held to a higher standard.
- Bob Dole...More Trust worthy... I respect more
- I would like to see more coverage of the whitewater scandal and Vince foster.
- Although I do not agree with all of President Clinton's political views, I do think he will make a better president than Bob Dole would.
- Bill Clinton because he won't die during his term because of old age and his ears don't make him look like DUMBO!
- Bob Dole, A man of integrity, compassion, and love of country.
- Harry Browne;the only candidate that will make us free again
- Howard Philipps, or Harry Browne. Decimate Union government. Give us our money back.
- We need a candidate who is the kind whom voters can say "This is who I will vote for". Someone with a clear, uncompromising sence of direction. We do not currently have such a candidate.
- Sen. Dole--ethics, morality, ethisc....
- Harry Browne - He is the only candidate who has a realistic view of what government is supposed to do. - Protect the citizenry and be limited by the Constitution
- Harry Hagelin, Natural Law Party, has ideas that maintain and reclaim civil liberties, but are not as radical as libertarian.
- Bill Clinton. He has shown the capacity to learn in office and is pragmatic and and flexible. While greater commitment certain positions would at times be good, I have been looking a long time for a pragmatic Democrat who sees a role for government but who acknowledges there are better ways for government to do things.
- Bill Clinton - for americas futures
- Bob Dole - the only other candidate who could win - anyone rather than Clinton
- Bob DULL is too damn old!!!!!!!!!
- Bill Clinton because he is not afraid to move to the center. Things get done this way.
- Bill Clinton, young, vision, moderate: not an extremist nor a liberal
- I want to see Harry Browne for President because he will place the peple in control once again. I feel that the Constitution should be the supreme law, just as he does.
- I would rather see Bill Clinton than Bob Dole
- Clinton -- because Clinton and Dole are the only viable choice, and Dole's economic package simply isn't feasible.
- Dole
- Harry Browne because he is the only candidate that really represents a force for dramatic reduction in government interference in our lives and in civil society.
- Harry Browne because he already knows Government does not work!
- A.B.C. "Anybody But Clinton. The past four years represent one of the most dammaging times to individual liberty, freedom and business in our history. Dole may represent less of an immediate threat and he and the Congress and Senate that follow him may be "educatable" by the people to be less intrusive.
- Clinton, because the country has moved ahead. For all hios faults, he is capable.
- Anyone with moral courage, strong convictions, discernment, and determination who can fulfill the duties and inspire the public to reach for higher standards.
- Ross Perot, he is a better alternative to those who are running.
- Neither; considering the candidates, I have to vote for the one I can tolerate: Dole
- Dole, we need a man of integrity.
- Harry Browne -- He combines the best sides of the Republicans and Democrats into one
- Bob Dole. He has a record of doing what he says he will do. The few things that Bill Clinton has accomplished have been primarily a watered down version of the Republican efforts and the items he promised to do when he was elected havn't happened.
- Harry Browne. The other major candidates are part of the problem of government which is too big.I believe Browne is the one most likely to get the monkey off our backs.
- Bob Dole, Because i believe character matters
- Dole, because he seems to ben an honorable person, & the Didocrats have screwed things up long enough.
- Anyone who supports individual rights and reciprocal responsibility.
- Harry Browne, to cut off Leviathan's tentacles
- Bill Clinton is a fine president with excellent values very close to my own. He sees the value of free enterprise but values care for unfortunates, children and elderly more. He is for gun control, environmental protection, better access to education for all, better PUBLIC schools. I agree with most of his values, so of course, I'll vote for him.
- Harry Browne -- I'm tired of government legislating moral standards on the people of this country.
- Bob Dole. He's got a good plan to make our lives easier again--cutting our taxes and balancing the budget. He's an honest man who will do what he says because he comes from a time when a man's word was his bond. Clinton on the other hand, has done NOTHING in the last two years. He is no better than he was when he tried his gays-in-the-military, Lani Guinier shenanigans. He is incompentent and doesn't know how to be President. By God, we need some adult leadership in the White House.
- Harry Browne, because he makes sense.
- Harry Browne - Clinton & Dole are just doing the same old thing in the same old way
- I would like to see Harry Browne be our next President. Even though I am not old enough to vote, I am old enough to know what exactly has been going on this country for the seventeen years I've been living in it, and partisan politics has turned our government into a money grubbing hog house. We need someone new, who knows what the people want and what the people need, and isn't going to *tell* the people what they want and need.
- Harry Browne. He's the only one that makes any sense.
- Bill Clinton. Moderate policies that majoirty of Americans will benefit and agree with
- Bob Dole. Bill Clinton scares me. I really do not trust him especially in a second term when he will have no one to answer to in the next election. We should be wary of those who want to take our individual rights away from us.
- don't care
- someone with enough to moral values to make changes in govt
- Bill Clinton, he has experience. Dole does not
- harry browne because he wants smaller government
- Gen.Colin Powell.He is a working man not a political snob,and is anti-racial.
- Gen.Colin Powell.He is a working man not a political snob,and is anti-racial.
- I would like to see Bob Dole as president because he is much more of a responsible person and I believe he will guide this country along a much better path than Clinton.
- dole; clinton with a democratic congress is worrisome
- Bob Dole - pro-life and against late term abortions - clinton is for them
- Bill Clinton. I do not like anything about the other candidates
- Harry Browne, because his answers on all issues are the ones most in line with common sense.
- Harry Browne He is what freedom is all about and the way our country was at one time (The constitution people a lot of people died for it)
- Harry Browne - because he will end the insane war on drugs and allow us to take back the freedoms guaranteed us by the constitution.
- Bill Clinton is the smartest, kindest, most well informed candidate in the race. He will definately get my vote.
- Bill Clinton. I'm better off than I was 4 years ago!
- bob dole
- Harry Browne, He seems to be the only canidate I can agree with most of the time on most issues
- Downsizing of government, cleaning up the trash in Washington. More emphasis to the home front, IE lets get a grip on making our own homes working too. That means getting control of your own nasty little children.
- Bob Dole, will help reduce size of gov't, balance budget, cut wasteful gov't programs, prefers free enterprise answers instead of Hillary's socialized medicine.
- Harry Browne. He's the only one who is willing to bring government under control.
- Howard Phillips, the TRUE Conservative Candidate.
- I want to see Harry Browne because he has some ideas, as opposed to the other candicates who between them haven't got a single one.
- From the little I have heard about Howard Phillips he is the one I would WANT for President. However, I think I will probally vote for Bob Dole because he is electable. Howard Phillips seems to have some good ideas. Bob Dole is a good man too. I can't vote for Bill Clinton because I don't trust him.
- Bob Dole. I believe that he possesses the courage, character, and fortitude, that it will take to forge on into the new century. He is aligned with my ideals in smaller government and less taxes. He has a level head and an open mind, but he is not unwi
- Bill Clinton. There is no other viable candidate.
- Harry Browne, he's the only candidate who recognizes the truth--that neither "more" government or "better" government is the solution. A *TINY* government is the solution.
- Harry Browne - Government (especially the two-party system) is not working!
- Buchanan, has a better feel for us "little people".
- Harry Browne represents integrity and responsibility.
- Bob Dole - He is experienced; honest and will reduce taxes which in turn will stimulate the economy.
- Harry Browne, because he is a Washington outsider and a
- Since I see the continual erosion of American personal liberties, and continual government intrusion in our private and public lives, I will quit voting Republican (like I have all my life), and vote Libertarian. I will also help the Libertarian Party gain momentum in this, and future elections. I also believe that cannibis should be re-legalized, or at least changed to a Schedule II or III substance, and that relevant, concise, and honest debate about legalizing certain other illegal substances shou l take place.
- There are no "winners" in the field. One is a lame duck, the other is a dying duck...
- one with high moral standards and does the right thing for the people of this country. Keeps his word.
- an honest men or women.
- colin powell-if he were elected as pres., then the Civil ar would REALLY be over
- Bill
- Browne. He would make our country free again, like our founders intended. The government we have now is the classic "tyranny of the majority" that the founders warned against.
- Browne or Perot; they would not countenance 'business as usual' with the same old blinders on.
- Bill Clinton, I like the way he has run the country (as much as one person is able to.)
- Harry Browne -- lower taxes now, less spending now: personal liberty!
- bill clinton
- I would like to see Harry Browne become the president because he has the only honest and workable solutions to the problems in our society and our economy.
- I truly hope Bob Dole is our next President because he understands what is really important to families who are trying to so the right thing. I also believe that Bill Clinton is for some reason ashamed of being an American. We need to be proud of ourselves again.
- Harry Browne, the country is running away from the constitution and Dole and Clinton are chasing it.
- Harry Browne
- I want to see Harry Browne for president in 1996. I believe in minimal government; minimal taxes, minimal spending. I know that more economic freedom means more economic prosperity. In addition, I believe that the government has no business trying to teach us morals. Finally, the Democrats and Republicans have only INCREASED taxes and INCREASED spending at least since World War Two. Government doesn't work.
- Harry Browne, I no longer believe that we can reform government, we need to get back to the basics in terms of government.
- Clinton - I think Dole is so desparate to win that he will "get in bed" with whatever group he has to to win. He seems to compromise his standards, like the pro-choice issue.
- Harry Browne, because I personally support much of his position and believe that the Dems and the Rubs have become corrupt in the desire to maintain power.
- Clinton -- why change. Trend looks great. Alternative is unacceptable.
- Clinton has a solid economic record behind him during his administration. He also is the true education president, more so than any Republican in recent history. When you look at the numbers, Clinton is the overwhelmingly best choice for the average middle class american.
- Harry Browne, because he is the only candidate calling for actual reduction of government across the board, at the level we need (ie, drastic cuts, not 15%).
- Perot
- Browne, Small Government,: #15 needs one more option no tax!!
- Bob Dole - We need someone who is honest, supports our military and wants to to better the lives of ALL Americans.
- Bob Dole
- I want to see Ross Perot because he is not part of the same old Washington crowd. He is an outsider and is unassailable to outside special interest groups, as his wealth insulates him from corruption. He is a proven success, and is an honorable man based upon his past deeds.
- Harry Browne. He's the only candidate who supports the Constitution, would trim back the federal government to something approaching it's Constitutional limits, and he's the only candidate with any integrity (for example, he's the only candidate who qualified for and refused federal matching funds).
- Browne. I'd love to see how much government we could do away with
- Harry Browne.....I believe he truley knows that Govement doesn't keep it small and out of my life
- Harry Browne - Let's get back to the constitution
- Bob Dole. His stance on many of the issues is close to what I believe in. Yet, there are a few things that I think in the issues that will be his downfall in the debates and inevitabely the Presidential election.
- Clinton, because he is a pragmatic moderate and will set the stage for Gore who will be the 'technology" president.
- Harry Browne: the only candidate who believes that we are not the property of the state.
- Harry Browne - I want the federal government to work for me- not vise/versa.
- Bill Clinton, even though he has made some mistakes with environmental issues, he and Gore are our best hope
- Mr. Browne because I hate government involvment in my day to day life, IRS, and troops overseas (12yrs Mil svc)
- I would like to see Pat Buchanan mostly because he is the most likely pro-life canidate.
- I am hurt by the stand against students of illegal migrant workers. Where do I turn in my diploma is that the next step to void deplomas of former illegals. The current policy will discriminate against students with strong latino features how is this policy going to be executed and by whom? Why is the latino being hunted? I do support legal imigration, but why are you targeting the hard workers that contribute possitivly to our economy many of these students turn into productive citizens.
- Clinton will win on his age and good looks. His political rhetoric which blames the Republicans for all the worlds's ill is selling pretty good. Dole has not come off well in the media who always play up the age factor.
- A Republican. That is my party
- Harry Browne is the only candidate with a solid campaign platform who doesn't resort to name calling, and actually states his views on issues.
- Harry Browne-because govt is way too big & powerful & he is the only candidate who seriously wants to do something about it.
- Less government, Harry Browne! I'm sick of "knee-jerk" government regulation and the increased public tax burden that goes along with it.
- Bob Dole! He has higher moral standards, wants less government, and I trust him much more than Bill Clinton. I think that this country can only get better by raising moral standards. Bob Dole has a better record of these standings and I think he will put them into practice. I think that Bill Clinton covers up quite aa bit and I do not think that I can trust him. Despite the winner, I do pray that America returns to God so this can continue being the greatest country in the world!
- Browne: He'll end the war on drugs - The WOD is wasily the most destructive governmental policy in effect right now, eroding civil liberties on all fronts, as well as turning our cities into battlegrounds.
- Dole, as he demonstrates leadership for all, not for a few.
- Bill Clinton. The baby boom generation is now in control.
- Beats me. There's no one to want to vote for.
- Bill Clinton. Economy has been better thelast few years then in the early '90's.
- Bob Dole Because of his 15% tax cut and Jack Kemp.
- Clinton, because he is more liberal than Dole, is likely to be better on the environment, gay rigths, human rights, police brutality. But I'm voting for Nader to express my opinion that Nader's issues need to be heard.
- Bob Dole: He's got the experience. He's got the integrity. He's got the ideas. I like it.
- What a choice? I have Bob Dole -- a career politician and butt kisser (how soon some forget) and I have Bill Clinton -- Socialist, Lying Scumbag, and probably second degree murderer -- There is only ONE truly "presidential" candidate (and yes, I have met all three in addition to Mr. Perot) that candidate is Mr. Harry Browne. He is the only candidate that wants to act in the interests of ALL AMERICANS -- not corporations, not black women, not foreign interests, just AMERICANS. Furthermore, any woman tha votes for Mr. Clinton (assuming that she is not subsidised by one of his many "programs" ) is casting a vote against all women as this man clearly has no respect for women in general.
- Harry Browne - he's the only candidate that offers a choice between what we have and what we would like to have; the only candidate with a published plan of action, not random empty promises; the only candidate with a philosophy
- Harry Browne because he will work to reduce government intrusion into our lives,government spending, and taxes.
- I see President Clinton retaining the presidency. He has demonstrated that he is a moderate who will comprimise on sensible issues. He has protected the nation against the radical proposals of the Republican right wing and has made some of the liberal programs that were not working all that well more efficient.
- Bill Clinton because he has experience.
- Clinton because he's pro-choice in abortion and he's a good leader.
- Harry Browne. I'm tired of having "Big Brother" over my shoulder.
- Bill Clinton, he's cool!
- Harry Browne, because I think we need major reductions in taxes and government power.
- Liddy Dole because she's smarter than all of the males who are running, including her husband.
- Harry Browne is the only candidate with coherent, principled positions on the role of government in our society: Government Doesn't Work.
- Bob Dole, He is the only Republican Candidate. He must be supported,Clinton defeated,and lets get this conservitive show on the road.
- I want Bill CLinton for President in 1996 because he is the best candidate adn he cares the most.
- Bob Dole He is a better man and of truer charactor
- I'd like to see Harry Browne because He has the most logical ideas about how to end gov't dominance of the average person, whether it's welfare or taxes, immigration or foreign aid.
- Harry Browne
- government is too large and intrusive..radically reduce its size
- Harry Browne is the only candidate with realistic solutions
- Harry Browne. He is the only man of principle running. He is the only candidate suggesting a 'literal' constitutional government.
- Harry Browne- Get government out of our lives !
- fBob Dole simply on the basis of moral character, integrity, and his wife!
- Harry Browne will fulfill the destiny of America because he will dismantle the Federal government.
- Bob Dole because Bill Clinton represeents the worst in politics, no firm guiding philosophy with am extreme ability to mislead and the charisma to accomplish it.
- Harrry Browne. We need to totally reform the government in its current state to bring about any serious, positive change.
- Bill Clinton, because the old men in the GOP control too much already
- I want to see the next president ban afirmative action. I also want him to legalize drugs, so there prices will crash so drug raqchetearing will become a none profitable buisness. When prohibition was reapeled the price of liquer hit the floor, and the mob stoped there bootleging.
- Harry Browne. I sick and tired of having the government confiscate my money to give to people who will not work.
- Bill Clinton. If the "working man" has any chance to regain some lost ground, Clinton is better equipped to respond.
- Clinton - the economy is better
- Neither Republicans nor Democrats speak for scaling back federal government. That's why I have switched to Libertarian.
- Harry Browne - You can vote for what you've always had, or vote for what you've always wanted...
- not bob dole time to migrate if he wins
- Browne. Because he is the only candidate interested in a smaller Frederal Government.
- Harry Browne consistently presents valid, logical arguments for his platform. Most major problems in this country can be traced to government intrusion into individual rights and coercion of the will of the many on the few.
- Bob Dole, He has a better record of sticking to his ideals, and compromising when the necessary.
- Bob Dole, I share his views and the views of the Republican party, But I do see some points with the Democratic party.
- Harry Browne: Govt is meant as an extension of self-defense, not as Big Brother
- Harry Browne - the federal government needs to get out of people's lives and concentrate only on those things they do well. Let state and local governments take care of all issues which they are capable of handling (most of them).
- Harry Browne. He is the only person with a realistic plan and desire to reduce the federal government.
- any third party candidate, to open up the poltical arena
- Harry Browne. He is not a professional politician.
- Wants liberty both economically and personally
- I would like to see Bill Clinton re-elected for President. Why? Because I truly believe he is for the hard-working families of America, and He would like to make our lives just a little bit better and the world a better place to live in.
- Harry Browne - Govt needs to be cut back now and he's the only one who will do it
- Harry Browne. Government doesn't work. As long as government depends upon coersion to accomplish it's objectives, it will never work.
- Honor and charactor are essential qualities of a President of the United States. Bill Clinton and his wife are a disgrace to our country and an insult to the men and women who have given their lives preserving our great nation.
- Bob Dole will lead our country into the appropriate direction. He has a strong character and sound moral judgment. He is trustworthy, and has a deep faith in the ability of every american. When Clinton first entered the White House, we had a democratic president and a democratic congress. Not much was accomplished. The economy has grown healthier and stronger only recently. Much of its success can be attributed to the republicans in congress. Clinton and the democrats take all the glory. Also, contrary to popular belief, Dole is not a mean-spirited old man who only cares for the white, rich, male. He wants everyone to succeed, and not to be dependent upon social programs. As a hispanic college student, I know I didn't get where I am today because of affirmative action. I got where I am because I worked hard, and for someone to tell me I wouldn't be here if it weren't for affirmative aciton is, in my mind, insulting. Women and minorities must not allow ourselves to depend on affirmative action for success We must depend on ourselves, our own abilities and determination.
- Bob Dole will lead our country into the appropriate direction. He has a strong character and sound moral judgment. He is trustworthy, and has a deep faith in the ability of every american.
- Harry Browne, to reduce amount of my property confiscated in the form of taxes. Also, to end the "War on Drugs".
- bob dole,because we need to complete the agenda set by the republicans and mandated by the voters in 1994.
- I feel as though I've lost some of my liberty with the debate mess. I want to choose. I do not want someone else to make my mind up and jam it down my throat. We need others with new ideas. I have not made my mind up yet. I do not want anger to get in the way.
- Bill Clinton because he believes in opportunity for all.
- Harry Browne - Government just doesn't work! Harry will give back the country and lives to we the people.
- Ralph Nader. He is intelligent, logical and represents what is right for all people
- Harry Browne for President. I believe that the Federal Government has overreached it's original powers over our daily lives to the point of being ridiculous. The Constitution says that the states should have the power, and I believe that it'll take a Libertarian President to bring that power back to the states.
- Harry Browne. He wants to take the country away from the gov't and give it back to the people.
- Harry Browne, The most important issue for the future is that we stop, and start to turn back government's overwhelming involvment in America's Economy and Morality.
- Bob Dole never forgot where he came from, knows where he's going and not ashamed at being where he is today. He is a good man ...via my daughter a 13 year old with good common sense...dito my 8 year old, 13 year old a spouse.
- Bob Dole...As a former Combat Engineer, I cannot see how our military personnel can take Bill Clinton seriously as their "leader", given his character and lack of sound, moral judgement. I believe Bob Dole to be a MUCH greater man for the job. (Character matters greatly).
- Harry Browne. He would return us to Constitutional government and individual freedom.
- Harry Browne is the only trult great candidate running for the office of President of the United States in 1996.
- Harry Browne: Give America back to the people and the States!
- Ralph Nader; we need someone from OUTSIDE the typical political sphere, someone who will stick to his guns!
- I was planning on voting for Bob Dole, mainly to make sure that Clinton doesn't get re-elected. But I have become convinced that I must vote my conscience, therefore I am supporting Harry Browne and the Libertarians in November. We need to restore the Constitution.
- I would like to see President Clinton re-elected because I believe that in a second term he would be free to tackle issues such as entitlement reform which could not be touched by a candidate who was seeking another term.
- Harry Brown - While Dole & Clinton only disagree on how much additional government control is acceptable, Browne actually intends to REDUCE GOVERNMENT.
- Clinton because he has performed.
- Dick Lamm - The Reform party has the best agenda for America, but a psychotic as a candidate. The Reform Party needs to distance itself from Ross Perot. I just wish Perot had realized the same before flushing any chance of the Reform Party's ascendance
- Browne, We wouldn't need a flat tax if elected and government would be reduced to where we could afford it.
- Bob Dole should be president. He is honost and a true American. He is not a lying, snivelling, immoral pig that sits in the White House today.
- Harry Browne! Of the candidates, he is the only one who can be trusted to do what he says. He says what he means and means what he says whether you agree with him or not. He IS honest and sincere. You know where he stands.
- Harry Browne - because Libertarian ideas are the only ones that make real sense.
- not bill clinton
- Bob Dole, because he has integrity, honesty, conservative views regaring government, and concern for all Americans, not just special interest groups.
- Bob Dole--integrity does MATTER! Clinton has remained vigilant to the special interests which got him there. He fooled us once and I'm not sure I can afford another "middle class tax cut." By the way, where is that cure for AIDS promised in 1992?
- Dole, I feel that he would be the best choice for the job.
- Harry Browne. He has read, understood, and agrees with the concepts of the original documents our countries founders wrote and agreed to.
- Harry Browne. We need to drasitically reduce government spending and intervention in our lives, and return our hard earned money to the people who have earned it, so we can determine how we want to spend our money. Governemt does a horribly ineffective job at everything it tries to do, from the War on Drugs, to Welfare "reform", to immigration policy, to education. Politics has become the game of behind-the-scenes special interest, and we never really know the motives of our public officials.
- Harry Browne, a smaller Federal government will be a better government.
- Harry Browne--Get government's hands out of my pockets and their nose out of my business.
- Harry Browne because things would get done.
- Browne is the only candidate I can take even REMOTELY seriously. The republicans want to mandate their skewed version of morality. The democrats want to force you to give to "charitable" cause they select, and they give mere lipservice to protection of social freedoms. The libertarians seem to be the only party interested in protecting the individual's rights. I'm a registered Democrat still, but I'll be voting Libertarian - I'll be voting for Browne and Jorgensen.
- Harry Browne: time for a change. Tired of the same old Democrat/Republican go nowhere crap
- A president who really believes in the constitution and is willing to take an oath never to sign any bill into law that violates individual rights and freedoms.
- Bob Dole, although he's been in government far too long, he represents more closely my values morally, politically, and ethically.
- bob dole,less government,less taxes
- harry browne, no one else will take an axe to the monster
- Bill Clinton
- bob dole - we need a true stateman in the white house, not some yuppie baby boomer draft dodger adulterer and lie thru the teeth
- We need Harry Browne now, before civil liberties are taken away not after.
- Clinton, Democratic government is the best for the most
- Harry Browne . He is uncompromising in his conviction to return the U.S. to a true constitutional government as our founding fathers intended.
- Harry Browne
- Bob Dole, He's the man for the Job!!!
- Bill Clinton, because at least the economy is doing better, and he at least has made some stands for "non-intrusive" government policies.
- Bill Clinton I do not want to see either party control the house,senate,and the white house.
- Harry Browne
- Want integrety to return to the White House---Dole!
- Bob Dole, of thousands of reasons, one would be because we shouldn't let a guy who ran away from military duty be a commender of most fierce army in the world.
- Bill Clinton. I think he did an excellent job as president in the last four years.
- Clinton-As a president, he's done a good job
- I'd like to see Harry Browne as President in 1996, because he understands that the primary purpose of government is to safeguard the freedoms of Americans, not to strip them for the political convenience of appeasing a particular interest. Government should not be anybody's Big Stick, and it is time to stop punishing people who have not committed any crime.
- Harry Browne, Both Republicans and Demacrats are too entrenched it our political system.
- Dole - He never attended a rally where the American flag was burned.
- Clinton. Must send a message to congress with democratic sweep.
- I am an independant voter, and I feel that harry browne would make the best president from the choices because he stands for something concrete, he seems uncompromising, and committed to the things for which he claims he stands. That is not always so evident with the other candidates. I agree with his platform.
- Bob Dole. Honesty. Values. strength of character. Government and foreign policy experience.
- I hope other Democrats will see how Bill Clinton has constantly lied and misled the public. First he was against family values in 92, now he is running on family values. Every issue he talks about he talks out both sides of his mouth. At least Bob Dole is a war hero who doesn't lie!
- bill clinton because he knows where he wants to take the country going into the next century
- Erik Welén beacuse he´s a good man that don´t trust in god and he´s a communist
- Eric Welén
- Someone who cares, loves America, and can get the job done.
- HARRY BROWNE!!!!!!!!
- Ralph Nader--America desperately needs more than two parties!
- fghkj
- Bob Dole because he seems more focused and doesn't say what a particular groop wants to hear
- Browne, Our country has fallen into corruption from the insane drug war. We need to end the drug war, end prohibition II.
- I don't know - someone who has vision, high moral character and doesn't want all of my money
- Anyone who desires the power associated with the presidency should automatically be disqualified. As H. Browne would remove the largest portion of power from both the presidency and the government in general he is the only candidate remotely qualified.
- Bill Clinton because Bob Dole wants to end my existence of me in the United States. I am a legal immigrant soon to be a United States citizen.
- Bill Clinton. He HAS NOT raised middle income taxs (like Reagan/Bush did repeatedly!), and he has succeeded in created millions of new jobs while lowering interest rates and cutting into the Reagan/Bush Deficit. He`s also endured the Lies and Dirty Tricks of the GOP (just ask Ross Perot). He also realises that not everyone can afford to send their children to private schools, so we MUST improve the quality of Public schools. The GOP thinks everyone can afford private schools....why?...because THEY`RE O T OF TOUCH!!!
- I am voting for Harry Brown because he wants to make a big change. Some of his views are drastic, but are we not in a drastic situation anyway? The REPs and DEMs will make no difference if elected, so I am voting for someone who might.
- Bill Clinton, for his stance upon education, a change in the welfare area, and his assertive nature in dealing with foriegn relations.
- Bob Dole Clinton is morally bankrupt and a pathological liar.
- Clinto because Dole is full of mean ideas as he is mean spirited himself.
- Dole because of the electable candidates, he is the only one with moral integrity, honesty, and trustworthiness. He also has the experience of dealing with Congress and would be a good role model for the country which cannot be said of Bill Clinton
- Clinton: He speaks to the younger generation
- Harry Browne--the only one who believes the Constitution means what it says.
- Clinton: Not because he is best for the job, but because I'm scared of Dole - fear being one of the best motivators known.
- Harry Browne, to reduce the size of the government
- Harry Browne - He embraces most, if not all, of the ideas that I agree with.
- Bob Dole, because he has character.
- Clinton. He's displayed enough political skill in weaving an overall middle course. Noone wants liberals, nor do they want the christian coalition or extreme right wing candidates.
- Harry Browne--He is a Constitutionalist and he is straightforward with the American people
- Bob Dole... The best man for the job. Also the most experienced person for the job, including Bill Clinton.
- Bob Dole because he's the best choice we have
- Ross Perot
- Libertarian all the way!
- Harry Browne. Government doesn't work.
- Harry Browne due to his posture of less government and more control in the hands of the people.
- Harry Browne- The country needs to dump the incumbant parties.
- Clinton - Republicans will hand govt over to wealthy/big business/religious right.
- Harry Browne for his common sense return to the constitution, promised relief from taxation, and his consistency to his principles. His practical straightforward answers regarding the budget, education, crime, and what the federal government should and should not do make him my choice.
- Browne. The might be some type of social-logical advancement within our lifetime if the government would stop intervienning in everything it's afraid of. i.e. advances in energy, space explaration, education, ...
- Clinton, because he has a feel towards the people of this country. He may have made some errors in judgement but what human dosen't. Dole seems to worry about big business and the wealthy, not the low and middle class people of this country.
- Harry Browne or any other libertarian. Excessive government caused by excessive faith in government is the root cause of most of our problems.
- Bill Clinton, because of what he has been able to accomplish despite a hostile Republican Congress. The United States is better due to many of his efforts.
- Bob Dole is so old, he reminises about when baskin robbins had only 2 flavors.
- Bill Clinton because he has stood his ground on the national debt.
- Harry Browne - Best for the country
- I want, with all my heart, to see Harry Browne become our next president. None of the other candidates are serious about change -- reducing government control and increasing individual responsibility. Harry Browne is the only person who can clean out Washington, and the only person who knows how to do it.
- Bill Clinton. While too eager to please, he's held his ground on many important issues. Furthermore, he will do far more than Dole (alas, less than the Greens) to protect our environment.
- The Libertarian Candidate Harry Browne. He is one guy who seems to be making sense on a number of important issues.
- Bob Dole - Only viable alternative to the incumbent who has become totally unacceptable!
- Bob Dole. I am not sure if this country can stand another 4 years of being a liberal welfare state.
- Dole. I feel that he has morals which the current administration lacks. Clinton is promising everything to everybody. I'm thinking of my kids and grandkids.
- Harry Browne - He's a Libertarian and they're the only ones who know what freedom truely is.
- Harry Browne, because he's the only one promoting smaller government and more freedom, which will clearly benefit all Americans, and especially those now economically disadvantaged.
- A Libertarian Candidate: I think we can no longer afford to continue attempting to control by legislation that which can only be accomplished by motivated individuals, and it makes a mockery of government to try.
- Harry Browne; only a return to the principles of the Declaration of Independence and reliance on the sanctity of the Constitution can restore this nation to the vision the Founding Fathers had for it and its people.
- Bob Dole I belive he would give us less government
- Bob Dole - Economically responsible without regard to polls. Proven his ability to overcome obstacles. He has the respect of foreign leaders.
- Harry Browne. Let's see some press exposure, soon.
- Harry BRowne, because everyone else wants MORE government. Only Harry understands that government doesn't work, and will let me live my life as I choose.
- Harry Browne! Our government is out of control and falling fast. The two big parties are self serving at our expense. U. S. will soon implode.
- Steve Forbes
- Harry Browne, because he will reduce government.
- Harry Browne - He is dedicated to eliminating the national debt, drastically reducing the size and power of the federal government, supporting the Constitution, and respecting the rights of US citizens.
- Bill clinton, He's done everything he can to make change.
- B.C. - Why would we (at least we the middle class) want to go back to REAGANOMICS?...Sky High Interrest Rates, High Unemployement, Dirty Tricks Politics, Deregulation (see Silveraddow), Misinformation...PITHETIC! Clinton/Gore for WORKING America. GORE/GEPHART 2000!
- Ross Perot. No political influence. Straight business sense. Deficit reduction. LOVE HIS CHARTS BABY!!!!
- Harry Browne, because government doesn't work.
- NOT BOB DOLE!...Here`s a guy who wants to president so bad that he`s allowed himself to become the mouthpeace of the Far-Right even though his resume speaks of a moderate political carreer. We don`t need another Reagan bumbling through the White House, creating tax loop holes for the you-know-who. THE RICH SHOULD PAY THEIR TAXES LIKE THE REST OF US! "PUT UP OR SHUT UP" - RON REAGAN 1984
- Harry Browne. Is a man of principle. Although I don't agree with all of his/libertarian positions, in general I agree that he will take the country in the right direction, i.e. less govt/individual responsibility/opportunity
- Bob Dole. He is a man who gets things done and doesn't just talk about it. He is a man of action, and someone who I can respect.
- Ralph Nader is the only honest man running!
- CLINTON. He's the man. Rich people suck.
- Bob Dole because I trust him. Bill Clinton is too slick and he's really a liberal.
- Bob Dole. The best man for the job.
- clinton better choice
- Harry Browne. He's the only candidate that will prevent the US military from continuing to destablize the world.
- Bill Clinton has done a good job for the past 4 years.
- Bill Clinton is the more moderate candidate; I would not vote for a conservative, nor for someone who is too liberal; most of the actions Clinton has taken are ones that I agree with.
- Bob Dole will turn this country into what it is supposed to be.
- Harry Browne - the only candidate looking to truly reduce government
- Howard Phillips of the USTP. The ONLY candidate that matches the four choices I made above.
- Harry Browne
- Bill Clinton- he is an honest person. he has handled situations well. He is young and has less health problems.
- Bill Clinton - jobs are up, economy in good shape, some positive strides in fighting crime,policies on education
- Bob Dole. The Republicans should have an opportunity to provide solutions to the major problems facing our country. Democrats have failed.
- Bill Clinton. He's done a good job reducing the deficit and lowering interest rates.
- Anybody but Clinton.
- I would like to see Dole elected as I feel the country needs to have a more conservative influence. I perceive that he is for less government. I do not trust Clinton and cannot vote for him.
- I feel that Dole is simply a more capable man and he has the right ideas. Clinton, on the other hand, seem to want to steer America towards socialism, which has failed in every single country that has tried it. But what else would you expect from a 60's-throw-back draft dodger who smoked pot.
- What's it to you?
- Bob Dole because I can't stand Clinton.
- Bill Clinton, he's done a good job; not an idealogue
- Ross Perot, because he is less likely to be able to be corrupted by lobbiest since he has wealth of his own. He also is a successful business man which is what our finacially ruined gov't needs.
- I want Bob Dole for our president because his standards and beliefs are the most similar to mine.
- Harry Brown
- Browne. He is the only one who realizes that solutions to our problems are best solved in civil society (not political society). He says "Gov't Doesn't Work", but what's left unsaid is that free markets and individual liberty does!
- I'd like to see anyone but the man that disgraces the office now.
- Bill Clinton does not finish what he starts and he lies about what he is going to really do and everyone believes him that is a democrat
- Bob Dole - Reduce government spending.
- I want to see Bob Dole and Jack Kemp in the WhiteHouse because of their integrity and morality.
- Gen. C. Powell because every time he opens his mouth, he makes more sense.
- I would like to see Bob Dole elected as our next President. This election is about the future of our country and the direction that we are headed. The person that is able to appoint and nominate Federal judges is the person that will have the greatest control over the direction that our country is headed. I trust Bob Dole to make the best selections for apoointing judges and the future of our country.
- A republican because the democrat party is now socialist
- bob dole ,better the devil you know than the one you don't.
- Harry Browne - we need to restore constitutional government
- I wan to see Bob Dole for pres. for my kids they need less govt. and I need nore money in my pocket ...
- Clinton - If re-elected he cannot afford to become a lame duck since Dems will be looking to him for action that will continue to benefit the party in general after he leaves the White House.
- Jesse Jackson since there is no real left wing/liberal presence in US politics and one is needed.
- Clinton has 4 years experience. As a college student depending on financial aid, it is important for me to have a democrat in the White house
- Harry Browne, because I like him best.
- Harry Browne - Of the candidates of which I am aware, his views accord most clearly with the U.S. Constitution and the legitimate purposes of government.
- Bob Dole only because he is the better of the two.
- Bill Bradley
- Harry Browne, I am a staunch Libertarian and while I think there are better Libertarian candidates, I will vote with my party.
- Dole...Trustworthy/Conservative
- Ralph Nader because he has the knowledge and experience to immediately make a turnaround to the current pathy of the country, i.e., a legacy and Democratic continuation of Reaganomics. He has more principles than the rest of the Presidential field put tog
- Harry Browne should be president. His policies can restore prosperity and freedom to this country.
- Harry Browne. Big government is way out of control and the Libertarian party is THE ONLY PARTY that has views consistent with the US Constitution. Republicans and Democrats are vitually indistinguishable.
- Dole is the best man for the job
- I would like to see Bill Clinton reelected. He has a good head on his shoulders. He is leading this country in the right direction.
- Your survey questions are very biased
- Bill Clinton should be president.
- Bob dole for president. We need to get Hilliry's husband Bill out of the White House. He thinks he can save eveyone, in the wild only the strong survive, and thats how it should be!!
- Bob Dole. He knows politics and how Washington works, he supports the military and is not a hippie.
- Harry Browne because he makes the most sense
- Harry Browne
- Harry Browne because he believes in the Constitution (and is therefor the most qualified candidate for the job).
- Character counts - Give us a man we can believe in - Bob Dole
- I'd like to see Harry Browne as president because he respects and believes in people's freedom and ability to make their own decisions. He also expects people to be responsible for the decisions they make.
- Harry Browne, I know he would reduce the size and intrusiveness of government.
- Bill Clinton. By far the best candidate of the choices at hand...
- Newt Gingrich, I think he truely wants to see this country continue to be the greatest nation ever.
- Jack Kemp - A man with ideas and character
- Bob Dole because he is more in line with my beliefs
- Harry Brown. It's time we had a true Libertarian in office. We need the government to stop trying to run our personal lives.
- Browne. We need change NOW not in 7 years.
- Bob Dole seems to be our only choice--can't trust Clinton
- Ralph Nader - pro consumer
- I am voting for Ralph Nader because of his concern for the Environment and because of the need for reform of the two party system.
- Bob Dole because he seems like he understands the American People, unlike his opponent Bill Clinton.
- Bob Dole, tax cuts, smaller fed. gov., integrity, believable
- Harry Brown, because he will do his best to reduce the overall government and return freedom to the people of the United States.
- Bob Dole, because he's 10 times the man bill clinton. and big government suck's
- Bob Dole. Honest, trustworthy, experienced.
- Bob, with out a a second thought! For four years we have had Bill and, well to be frank I'm not the least bit impressed! Bob is honest, he's a conservative with a conservative tack record, Bill sounds more and more conservative every day, yet we all know he's a Liberal. There's nothing wrong with being Liberal, even though I might disagree with you. But for Heavens sake!!, if you're going to call yourself Liberal act that way. In short I like some of Bill has to say, but what I like are the things B b saya too, and frankly I put more trust in Bob's intent on actually doing them!!!
- Bob Dole. He has ethics, integrity and character. He is a proven leader and will not be an embarrasment to our country. He has vision and plans for America that I agree with.
- Harry Browne because he admits the war on drugs is lost and should be ended.
- Any Libertarian candidate (therefore Harry Browne in this election). Since 1966 according to IRS published statistics, the federal government receipts have grown from 130.8 billions (adjusted to 1980 currency) to the current figure of 1320.9 billion (also 1980 currency). That's a growth of 1000% even though the population has grown only approx 25%. The government has become a monster beyond our control - an entity entirely unconcerned with the protection of the rights of freedom and property upon w ich this nation was founded. I will only vote for a candidate who recognizes that the only legitimate function of government is the protection of the individual from the use of coercive force. It is not the function of government to prohibit voluntary trade between free individuals. It is not the function of government to force its populace to fund ill-managed programs of supposed "charitable" end. It is not the function of government to enforce ill-founded religious "moral" precepts upon its people. There is to my knowledge only one political party in the U.S. at this time which represents a belief in the classical liberal principles upon which this great nation was founded. That party, the Libertarian party, despite whatever faults it may have, and despite any disagreements I may have with its official stance on select issues, is the only party I recognize as being a viable choice in the upcoming elections. Although I normally do not bother to vote (lacking a suitable candidate for which to cast my vote), I will be voting in this election. I will be voting for Harry Browne.
- I want to see Ross Perot, He would be the best at getting our country back on its feet financialy. I think without major changes at reducing our debt, this country will fall.
- Harry Browne is the only one that supports the Constitution as it was intended. Only he will return us our freedom and destroy the IRS and other criminally insane government organizations.
- Bob Dole because of his character and trust in the people.
- Harry Browne - He will return us to the U. s. Constitution as our forefathers wrote it.
- Ralph Nader. Has lived awhile. Has contributed much to the country.
- B.Dole Has a new view of how the American people should be treated
- Bill Clinton. He has been an effective leader thus far in protecting the rights of middle class Americans. He will not sell his soul for the benefit of the powerful.
- bob dole. his experience and integrity are leadership qualities that are imperitive for the office of president.
- Harry Browne: re H.D.Thoreau - That government is best which governs least.
- Bill Clinton because the world needs a leader with vision for the future, not the past.
- his second term will be his last so clinton may be able to do more of the things he had hoped to do first time around.
- Harry Browne because we need to return to our constitutional rights which are slowing being taken away from us by the present government system.
- Harry Browne. All other candidates want to control the way I live my life.
- Harry Browne & the Libertarians are the only party with principles and integrity... who really WOULD abolish IRS... who really WOULD balance the budget in 3 months and eradicate the national debt in one year --- all without collecting any additional taxes.
- Ralph Nader running on the Democratic ticket with Gen. Colin Powell as VP running mate
- Bob Dole...This country deserves better than Bill Clinton
- Bob Dole. He is honest, dedicated to serving his country . Great American.
- A person that will be fair to all concerned but keep the federal government at bay.
- Clinton--he's at least realistic in his views and doesn't make a habit of bashing Dole
- Harry Browne, because he support less government
- Bob Dole - Defense spending and tax cut plan
- Jack Kemp Is great
- The only person already in political power that I would trust as president is Barbara Boxer. I have become completely disillusioned with Clinton since he bambed Iraq. I had always blamed overt aggression for political or material gain on the Republicans, but now I know that the Democrats are not immune. It's a sad realization for me.
- Bill Clinton. Although he has capitulated to political pressure on some issues, he is more concerned about the environment and education than his opponnent. He is less concerned about the wealthy and big business than about the needs of the American people.
- Harry Browne becuase I want our governmen to end and he is the closest candidate towarded leading us to anarchy
- President Clinton has done a great job. No, I don't agree with each and every thing he has done or view he has but I certainly think no one is running who could do better, but could do much worse.
- Bill Clinton, because he is leading the coutry in the right direction.
- Bob Dole because he is honest bill clinton is a dishonest man with no morals
- I would like to see Bill Clinton as president for 1996 because I think he is the only presidential candidate that supports any of my interests, such as the pro-choice movement. I don't think I can morally allow myself to vote for anyone else, including Dole, who is the shiftiest, most idiotic candidate there has been in a presidential election for years.
- bob dole we need a leader we can trust and respect.
- Bob Dole - One word - Character
- Bob Dole
- Clinton. He is the president who has changed so much in our society thus far. And about the marijuana issue...hell LEGALIZE IT! It would save us tax payers a lot more money. We are putting away these petty criminals for somthing everyone has easy access to regardless of if they are incarcerated or not. It would also be a way to put America on top of the world in economics and potentally save the rain forest...Clinton needs to stress more on this, I believe the votes would not dramatically change beca se it is as common a alcohol in todays society. With the baby boomers children now growing and much of that pop. still smoking the herbs...their children are too. Wake up Dole...This could be our number one cash crop!
- Bill Clinton - he's doing a good job, he's made some progress in important areas, the economy is doing very well, he is in touch with the needs of the U.S.
- Bob Dole - He has integrity and proven leadership ability.
- Bob Dole ... I want a man (or woman) who has integrity, is not afraid to stand up for what he/she believes in, doesn't lie, doesn't fool around on his/her spouse, etc. In general, this individual should be a "good" person and work hard for the people of the US. This individual should not be wishy-washy.
- Harry Browne...he is the only viable candidate with real solutions, and he has a real party behind him. The LP has access in all 50 states. There is an active effort to keep Perot out of the debates because otherwise, they'd HAVE to let Browne in...and then, there goes any hope of Clinton or Dole to win the election!
- Bill Clinton
- Bill Clinton-because he cares
- Harry Browne. I want government out of my bedroom, out of my office, and out of my wallet.
- Harry Browne - He's the only candidate that has a plan that isn't clouded in a lot of "smoke and mirrors".
- Dole: He shows leadership and the charter to lead this country
- 5,000,000,000,000 I will vote for PEROT don't waste your vote on billybob
- I would like to see Harry Browne as president because I feel he is the one candidate that has the best interest of the american people in mind as it relates to the u.s. constitution and our rights guarenteed there in.
- Pat Buchannon, because he most closely emulates the values that I find to be the most important.
- Harry Browne. The number 1 problem in America is the corruption of the judicial branch of the federal government. This lack of courage by judges to set limits on the power of the federal government and to preserve constitutional limits on federal police
- Bob Dole
- I would like to see Harry Browne in the white house due to his beliefs, which I believe are more in conjunction with the true meaning of the Constitution than any other candidates.
- End the income tax!! Vote Harry Browne!!
- Bob Dole because he has integrity
- Bob Dole, for real leadership and character
- Bill Clinton because in his 4 years as president, he has done more for students, middle-class families,minorities and Americans as a whole,than any of the other candidates can door want to do. Also Clinton is much much more preferrable to DOLE!
- Bob Dole because he is trustworthy, honost, fiscally conservative and morally straight. Bill Clinton is a liar and a criminal with no beliefs and waivers with every new public opinion.
- Bob Dole, we need a moral principled person as President. More than anything we need someone who will reduce government, cut the deficit, and reduce taxes....
- Ross Perot.... The Republicans blame the Democrats.. The Democrats blame the Republicans? When will we learn ... They are the only 2 parties that have been in got the last 100 yrs.. Its a no brainer to me..
- Abe Lincoln. Sure, he's dead, but what the hell, he was for equal rights and he was a REPUBLICAN!
- Clinton. Check and balance.
- Bill. Less munski for the rich.
- Ralph Nader, because of his pledge to lessen corporate control of government
- Ralph Nader
- BOB DOLE. Of the candidates on the ballot, he is the one who is most likely to win who best fits my idea who our next President should be.
- Either Ralph Nadar or John Hagelin. Both are fine intelligent men. They have good hearts and really care about ordinary people. Dr. Hagelin has some very interesting and worthwhile ideas about problem-solving in our country.
- Browne - limit government again to constitutional limits and minimal responsibilities (courts and national DEFENCE)
- Robert Dole..a man of character,integrity and vision
- Dole, to support the Republican congress.
- Dole. he seems to be the one most concerned with our ballooning finances. Though I do not agree with cutting taxes, I do believe we need to make drastic spending cuts and save money where we can.
- Jack Kemp, because he is a moderate conservative, with realistic approach to todays problems, and he acts according to what is good for the people and the contry, NOT what is party politics
- Bob Dole because he has more vision for the country, understands economic policy, shows more leadership, and exhibits higher ethical standards.
- clinton Bob Dole is tooooo old
- Harry Browne - The only REAL change in FED Government
- Ralph Nader
- Harry Browne. The only canadate that will tell the truth and stand on principle.
- Dole. Lower taxes less government.
- Harry Browne for President. He make sense. I beleive he really does want to reduce the size of government. I also believe that he wants to end the war on drugs.
- Clinton deserves re-election.
- Bob Dole , He believes in tax cuts, welfare reform, tax reform, less government, and more responsible government spending. He will also bring back some dignity to the White House.
- Harry Browne is the only candidate who will actually reduce the intrusiveness of the federal government.
- Bob Dole - 15 % tax cut and balancing the budget can be done if unnecessary wasteful government spending is reduced
- Clinton is open minded, fair and has been a good leader for the past four years. The republican nominee should not be considered for several reasons, the two most important, his age and NEWT!
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