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SURVEY.NET - Year 2000 Presidential Election Survey

Survey started: May 5, 2000

Total Respondents: 37925

What is your age?
20.4% 7743 26-30
13.9% 5275 31-35
10.7% 4064 36-40
8.9% 3379 22-25
8.7% 3285 41-45
7.4% 2791 46-50
6.4% 2439 51-55
3.6% 1381 56-60
2.9% 1100 18
2.8% 1062 16-17
2.3% 877 21
2.2% 829 20
2.1% 808 19
2.1% 806 61-65
2.0% 763 15 and under
1.3% 487 66-70
1.1% 418 No Answer
0.7% 283 71-80
0.3% 117 81+
What is your sex?
64.8%24589 Male
29.9%11322 Female
5.2% 1981 No Answer
Your highest level of education completed:
29.7%11270 College - Bachelors degree
29.5%11194 Some college
12.6% 4775 College - Masters degree
9.1% 3433 College - currently enrolled
7.2% 2746 High school graduate
5.0% 1895 College - PhD
5.0% 1880 Some high school
1.9% 715 No Answer
Your political affiliation:
38.7%14694 Republican
28.8%10941 Democrat
12.3% 4680 Independent
10.1% 3814 No Answer
3.6% 1352 Libertarian
1.8% 676 Other
1.4% 533 Not registered to vote
1.2% 439 Not a US citizen
0.4% 155 Independance Party
0.3% 95 Liberal Party
0.2% 87 Grassroots Party
0.2% 72 Constitution Party
0.2% 72 Reform Party
0.2% 67 American Party
0.1% 43 America's Party
0.1% 40 United States Taxpayer's Party
Who did you vote for in 1996?
39.2%14863 Bob Dole
30.3%11494 Bill Clinton
11.4% 4342 Was too young/not registered to vote in 1996
8.2% 3092 Did not vote in 1996
6.0% 2276 Someone else
4.8% 1837 No Answer
Even though not all of these candidates are necessarily running, if the presidential election were held today, who would you vote for?
48.9%18557 George W. Bush
28.7%10867 Albert Gore
6.3% 2390 Bill Clinton
4.4% 1664 No Answer
3.2% 1208 Harry Browne
2.8% 1066 Alan Keyes
1.2% 449 Steve Forbes
1.1% 424 Jesse Jackson
1.0% 361 Bob Dole
0.7% 251 Patrick J. Buchanan
0.5% 195 Newt Gingrich
0.3% 124 Phil Gramm
0.3% 100 David McReynolds
0.2% 76 David Duke
0.2% 69 John Hagelin
0.1% 49 Bob Dornan
0.1% 34 Lyndon H. LaRouche
Of the following TWO potential presidential candidates, who would you vote for?
58.0%22011 George W. Bush
37.7%14299 Albert Gore Jr.
4.2% 1596 No Answer
Of the following presidential candidates, who would you vote for?
51.9%19700 George W. Bush
33.6%12745 Albert Gore
4.6% 1749 Ralph Nader
3.4% 1273 Harry Browne
3.2% 1229 Alan Keyes
1.7% 661 No Answer
0.9% 350 Patrick J. Buchanan
0.2% 76 John Hagelin
0.2% 60 David McReynolds
0.1% 36 Lyndon H. LaRouche
0.1% 24 Russell Lacasse
Do you consider yourself...
31.2%11819 Moderate
26.3% 9992 Somewhat Conservative
14.1% 5331 Very Conservative
9.6% 3646 Somewhat Liberal
7.6% 2867 Socially Liberal, Economically Conservative
5.8% 2196 Very Liberal
3.9% 1494 No Answer
1.5% 560 Socially Conservative, Economically Liberal
What political concepts do you agree with?
61.0%23116 The government should NOT mandate moral standards
55.3%20982 We need less government regulation in general
45.5%17240 Unions protect the worker
43.2%16375 Tax breaks are more important than reducing the deficit
41.7%15802 Unions are destroying American productivity
40.5%15356 States should have more responsibility than the Federal Gov.
38.5%14590 The economy is more important than the environment
35.8%13571 Reducing the deficit is more important than tax breaks
35.0%13263 We need more responsible government regulation
34.0%12905 The environment is more important than the economy
19.0% 7203 The government SHOULD mandate moral standards
In your opinion, what is the worst problem with our society?
15.5% 5866 Education
13.9% 5265 Government intrusion
12.9% 4878 Rising healthcare costs
7.8% 2959 Political/government corruption
7.0% 2668 Crime
6.5% 2472 Not enough religious influence
5.7% 2146 The media
5.1% 1941 Abortion
4.4% 1669 Big business influence
4.2% 1605 Other
3.2% 1211 Drugs
2.6% 1005 No Answer
2.4% 909 Environmental damage
2.4% 901 Welfare
2.4% 893 The national debt
2.2% 818 Illegal immigration
1.8% 688 Too much religious influence
Of those items listed, what should be our next President's highest priority?
32.3%12253 Improving education
20.4% 7727 Reducing government
16.7% 6323 Improving our moral foundation
6.0% 2268 Protecting civil liberties
5.5% 2083 Improving the economy
5.2% 1975 Reducing crime
4.6% 1742 Protecting the environment
4.2% 1604 No Answer
3.1% 1172 Improving world relations
1.8% 682 Fighting communism, socialism, totalitarianism, etc.

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