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Political Survey #4
User comments [ARCHIVE I]
Who will be president in 1996 and why?
- Bob Dole because he is trustworthy and honest and clinton cannot be trusted.
- Dole, because he never refused to stand up for the land of his birth.
- Harry Browne - Corruption is our worst problem and corruption could not exist without government having sufficient power to elicit corruption. Harry Browne will eliminate the excessive powers of the federal government. This is the ONLY way corruption can or will go away. P.S. - the founders knew this and wrote the constitution accordingly. A republic not a democracy and severly limit the power of the federal government. Definitely not what we have today!!
- Ross Perot because he knows the real world problems facing each of us everyday and has solutions that will control our outcome
- Harry Brown. We need LESS government!
- Rossm Perot because he looks at facts; the others are just selling election rhetoric!
- Bob Dole is the response for a typical Republican.
- Dole. He is closer to my views on limiting the role of Federal government. Clinton's ethical values distress me.
- goerge bush
- Libertarian Harry Browne is the only candidate who offers specific proposals for reducing size, cost, and intrusiveness of government.
- Harry Browne. He seems willing to put this country back to what are forefathers had intended, freedom, liberty, justice.
- Colon Powell would seem to be an ideal candidate and successful president. Due to his unique situation, a minority who rose to the top of the US Military establishment, a proven leader, a thoughtful and sensitive man who does not appear to be overly zealous to a political view, I think the country needs such a leader.
- Harry Browne - because he is the only candidate with a reasonable plan for reducing the federal government and eliminating the national debt.
- Harry Browne Because he has so far shown he has good principles and sticks to them unlike any of the other candidates
- Pat Schroeder: Is open minded. Willing to defend a difficult political choice.
- I believe Harry Browne is the best candidate since he is on the ballot on all 50 states, and wants to reduce government's problem areas.
- Bill Clinton, He has done more in four years than the Republians have done in twelve years
- I would like to see Harry Browne as President. In contrast to the current occupant of the White House, he is prinicpled, honest, and straightforward. His policies of limited government and taxation are the antidote for many of our current social and economic ills.
- We need to send the Clinton family back to Arkansas to face the music; therefore, we need Bob Dole in the white house!
- Harry Browne, Libertarian candidate for President. He is the only candidate who stands for less government in our lives and personal freedom for everybody.
- Bob Dole,because it will be new and fresh leadership that very important for US while entering the year 2000.
- Bob Dole. Clinton is basically a liberal piece of shit.
- Bob Dole. He will restore dignity and respect to the office of Presidency.
- Bob Dole. Clinton may be more "polished" and a better speaker but Clinton is not trustworthy. I feel Dole is more trustworthy and has integrity
- Dole - get government out of our personal lives and restore the country to a democratic environment where there is equal potential for all, and where success is not punished by punitive tax laws and regulation
- Harry Browne, because he is the only sensible candidate who wants to restore this countries freedoms to that which it originally upheld.
- I'd actually like to see someone with uncanny common sense. But it's not gonna happen. Just as long as Bob Dole DOESN'T win.
- bob Dole. He is the lesser of the evils.
- Bill Clinton he is younger and he has proved he cares. I simply don,t trust Dole.
- I would like to see Bob Dole elected President in 1996 because his views, while not matching my own, are closer to my own than President Clinton's and because of his relative trustworthiness and ethicality.
- Ross Perot, but voting for Ross Perot is helping Clinton. Reason not voting for Clinton raising taxes not full filling his promises.
- Clinton's too Republican for my taste, but his Supreme Court nominees are likelier to protect our civil rights than Dole's.
- One good, honest, person with the ability to DO the right thing for America... A cross between Bush-Perot-Forrest Gump Maybe.
- I want to see Bill Clinton because he is young enough to relate to our young people, and is of a fine age. Bob Dole, with all due respect, is an old fool.
- Ralph Nader, because he would work to reduce the influence of big money in government, and encourage real citizen participation.
- I'm for Dole because character and honesty still mean something!
- Bob Dole, He represents integrity, experience, wisdom and supports true freedom.
- Bob Dole should be president because he upholds morals, has a viable economic plan for our future and understands and will uphold foreign policy.
- I would like to see Bob Dole as our next president of the United States because he has the enthusiam and the experience to guide this nation through the 21st century.
- Harry Browne: Because he is the only candidate who has given a detailed plan on how to reduce the size of goverment,balance the budget,reduce crime,and is the only one to promise to uphold the constitution as a literal document. This plan can be found in the book Why Goverment Does'nt Work.
- Bob Dole, because he has a proven track record for success,and he does not have the immoral background like Clinton
- Harry Browne. Liberty vanishes under the heel of the omnipotent state. Libertarianism will restore freedom in our country.
- Bob Dole, because he is an honest man who beleives in the A merican people and their abilities to succeed.Goverment today does not help people by making them dependent,they must be Independent!
- BOB DOLE, because I like him and his policies.
- I'd like Alan Keyes but I guess I am stuck with Dole for the moment.
- Bob Dole. I think that he is an honest person and would do right by the people in the country. I think that he is more apt to keep his promises that he has made to the people of the United States. Clinton is someone that says what he thinks people want him to say. He has already proven that he is not true to his word. I also believe that him and his wife are into some real shady deals. that if it was anyone else we would be in jail.
- I would like to see Harry Browne win the presidency. Mainly because our present two parties are so deeply entrenched, that they canno thelp but to be corrupt!
- Dole, Four more years of Clinton will result in more give away programs.
- Bob Dole, for a realistic shot a real tax relief
- Harry Browne--because he is the only candidate running who consistently stands for reduced governmental involvement in our everyday lives.
- I will vote for Harry Browne, because I want to see individual freedoms increased, size of government drastically reduced, property rights restored, and corporate protection rescinded.
- I think Harry Browne should be our next president because he supports the freedom that we should have.
- Harry browne because i am tired of big goverment.Telling me how i am going to run my life,raise my kids and how much money they will take.
- Harry Browne is the only real choice for president in 1996. He wants to reduce government, abolish the income tax, and end the insane "War on Drugs", returning personal freedom to all U.S. citizens.
- Bob Dole Because I trust Him to appoint conservitive Judges to the Supreme Court.
- Bob Dole, because Clinton has pronved he cannot be trusted.
- Bill Clinton. He brings to America a fiscally responsible social consciousness.
- Harry Browne
- Al Gore. Too much ability to waste and well trained
- Bill Clinton, he has already done a good job as president, he is a good speaker, and he definitely has more character than Bob Dole!
- Anyone but a professional politician. You can tell they're lying because their lips are moving.
- Education funding, and see Abortion be a woman's choice. And have any child go to any school that they want to go to!!!!
- action and compassion
- It is time to elect a third party candidate like Harry Browne. The Republicans and Democrats are worn out, corrupt and manipulative in our society. Their time is past
- Ross Perot ; Simply due to the fact that the other 2 major politiccal parties are unproductive and do not take any responsability for their actions. Ross Perot is not liike that
- Browne (says he) will return government to roles defined in constitution. Actually has ideas on how to make changes.
- government is way too big and unresponsive, and neither Dole nor Clinton has any inclination to do anything to reduce it. Although I realize that Harry Browne is not likely to garner the needed electoral votes, he is the one for whom I have voted absentee.
- Bob Dole. He can be trusted to lead this nation back into world prominance.
- Harry Browne. Because the government needs to stay out of our lives. 90% of the problems relating to drugs are a direct result of the fact that they are illegal.
- Ross Perot. Government reformation is long past due!!
- bill clinton. moderate enough for me. i need a CEO, not a priest
- HOWARD PHILLIPS He is against the new world order. He is for the constitution, civil liberties, and LESS government.
- Harry Browne. He will address the problems that face our society.
- I want Harry Browne to be elected, because I want our government decimated to its most important Constitutional functions.
- bob dole ,his causes are better for america
- Ross Perot because he is cool!
- Clinton because he is less likely to pander to big business and will protect the environment more. Dole is too weak and perhaps out of touch with serious problems.
- Hary Browne!!!!
- Bill Clinton - Maintained class and dignity during 4 years of constant criticism and hate from the other party. He's also in MY generation-near 50! Hope health care is brought back to the forefront.
- Bob Dole- I feel that he cares more about traditional family values, the burdon of taxes on the family. He is more trustworthy,caring and honest. We need a leader that we can trust to do the right thing for our country, not sell it out.
- Ralph Nader. Bill Clinton has no integrety. Bob Dole doesn't care about people. Ralph Nader has spent his whole career working for public safety.
- Clinton. Not because I think he has done a good job, but that I fear what a Dole/Helms foreign would do to both international relations and international business. We need WIPO (World Intellectual Property Org.-part of the UN), and we need to do things with the UN and not just by ourself.
- Richard Marcinko- We need a Prez who won't put up with shit from terrorists; one who will kick some major terrorist ass!
- Dole, The primary way to stimulate the economy is through lower taxation. This has been proven throughout history and is backed by professional economists everywhere. I also like the man running the government to have some integrity. With the evidence that I have, there is no comparison.
- Clinton; good policies
- how about if they had an election and no one voted who would be the pres.then what a concept! or if every one voted for them self
- Perot- I agree with him on many of the issues. I would have voted for Dole, but his negative campaigning has gone too far.
- Bill Clinton: He fights for the rights of Gays and Lesbians without seeing this as a fight against "family" values. Yes, I wish he would and could do more, but that probably isn't possible in this political climate.
- Harry Browne, because the main problem we face is the tremendous percentage of the GNP spent by the Gov't.
- Harry Browne- Our only chance to return the country to the people
- Ralph Nader --- an intelligent servant of the public and NOT a politician (or servant of the military-industrial complex).
- Clinton, because he supports student aid
- Socialism sucks!!!! We must stop relying on the federal government. VOTE FOR HARRY BROWNE!!!!
- Harry Browne - there is no alternative to individual liberty
- Bob Dole. Clinton must go; he has the only chance of beating him.
- Harry Browne, because he is the only candidate willing to admit that the federal government has been acting out of its constitutional authority for this entire century.
- Clinton! I don't always agree with him but he comes the closest.
- Dole. I beleive he will do his best to fullfill the "Contract for America" which is in the best interest of this country and will bring us back to what this country was founded on.
- clinton
- Harry Browne is the only man who will reduce government and bring liberty and freedom back to our country
- Dole, because he is more competent, more experienced and a mor moral person
- Harry Browne because he is the only candidate that is really concerned about reducing the overall government intrusion in our lives. If people could ever get the message I think a huge majority would agree with him. The special interests and politicians will try their best to ridicule or denigrate him.
- Dole, We can't afford the social changes brought on by a lame duck Moderately liberal Clinton.
- Harry Browne. Both of the major parties are corrupt, and Perot is too unstable.
- I think that President Clinton has worked hard and has had significant progress in a number of important areas. The election of Sen. Dole would signal a win for the rich and for big business to the detriment to the environment.
- Dole, because Clinton is evil.
- Bob Dole - best choice. Clinton's moral (immoral!) transparancy will destroy the fabric of this nation. the fabric of this nation.
- Someone who is primarily concerned with improving all aspects of America first, and ignoring other countries until we get ourselves straightened out. No matter how long it takes, even if we have to close our borders for a little while.
- bob dole is a very good candidate....why....i think he would turn this country around for the better.
- President Dole. Bill Clinton does not have the moral fiber to take us into the next century.
- Bob Dole, because I trust him a lot more than Bill Clinton.
- Dole, although Powell, Forbes, or Gingrich would have been even better.
- Bob Dole. He represents a non-controversial and solid pro-american background The president I vote for has to be a solid representative of our nation and to to the political leaders abroad.
- I want to see Bob Dole as our nations next prresident. He has the experience and knowledge to a run a country of this magnitude. Bill Clinton, for example has the character of a fence post- none! Our leader should be the most respected and influential person that this country should produce. The idea of reducing the deficit, departments in the Federal government, and amending welfare are what Bob Dole is all about in the next generation to come. Bob Dole has been in the Congress for a quarter of a century, you would think he would know what he was doing, and he does. Next, is the issue of the 15% tax cut across the board, I think that it could use some mending, nonetheless, its a great idea for America and I think with some debate over it this tax cut will prove prosperous in the end!!!!!!!
- Clinton, it is the only way that the Repubs will get the message that they have to be serious about supporting less Government.
- Bob Dole, He may not be the best, but in my opion he cares for this country much more than Bill Clinton.
- Harry Brown, because he wants to dramatically reduce the size of government and get it out of everywhere it shouldn't be. He could be the next coming of Thomas Jefferson!
- Bob Dole. Smaller government with more power to the states and power to the people. Moral leadership with a sense of reality and common sense.
- Nader, someone who could break the mold and not be responsible to a politcal party for his office. Additionally the main politcal parties are just arms of special interest groups which tend to overirde the interest of the whole for their own selfish gain.
- Bob Dole. Because Bill Clinton has no moral fiber, takes credit where credit is not due, is not trustworthty, and is a congenital liar. Bob Dole is a man of integrity and deserves a shot at running the U.S.
- This country need strong leadership. The currnent administration can not be trusted, therefor can not effectively lead our nation.
- Bob Dole because Bill Clinton only performs according to the polls and does not stand for anything. No leadership! Wishy Washy
- Bob Dole - to reduce the federal government
- Someone not interested in PAC's, or status quo. Someone who is morally and ethically respected by the constituents, as well as other world leaders Someone who can take a stand, whether popular or not, and stick with it, regardless of how the current polls are running!
- I want to see a president that doesn't always listen to polls and does what is truly right for the country.
- Harry Browne. As a 15 year-old I will be the one paying taxes when the National Debt reaches critical mass. Harry Browne will reduce the government so I don't have to fear the future.
- Browne as only one who would seriously reduce the power of government.
- Harry Browne. Return the "Governing" back to "We The People" as mandated in our US Constitution.
- Harry Browne.
- Bill Clinton. He is the only president that has done any thing since JFK.
- For hundreds of years the corrupt leaders of the U.S. have unconstitutionally taken power away from the american people. I want the government out of my bedroom, this is why I support Harry Browne in 96.
- Bob Dole: Anyone but Clinton
- Bob Dole is the bridge to the truth. Bill Clinton is the bridge to socialism.
- Dole:he seems to have more faith in the people of this nation to do what is right for them selves
- Harry Browne. He is the only candidate with a plan to reduce government to a level that is healthy for our liberties.
- I want to see someone who is not corporate suported and says what he wants at least a little more than what they think the people want. I've considered Ross Perot but really favor Ralph Nader. We need to stop the Dem/Rep dictatorship of news coverage and everything else. No foreign sponsers to american campaigners!
- Howard Phillips. He is the only candidate who understands the significance of the U.S. Declaration of Independence and Constitution, and has pledged to work toward returning the national government to its constitutional functions.
- Browne. Neither Clinton or Dole inspires any trust (but at least Clinton isn't a senile puppet of the Gringrich monster), and both have sold much of themselves to the Xtian right. (ich!) Perot would just make the Feds an extension of his business empire, Seig Heil Ross -- bait and switch to a Fascist state run by a paranoid wacko. (Hard to puke and laugh at the same time.)
- I want to see Harry Browne as the next President, so our children won't have to wake up homeless and on welfare or at least paying 70% of their income to support their government.
- Bill Clinton - He is a progressive President who makes good on most of his ideas.
- Bob Dole, lesser of two evils.
- I would not trust any politician I know of in this office
- I want somebody who will reduce government size, keep his promises, and respect the individual over the collective. Even though I'm a Republican, I'm voting for Browne.
- clinton.he did a good job last time and I believe that if he will stay he will be even better
- Harry Browne. Ummm... He's the only one whose ideas i agree with.
- Bob Dole - Integerty
- Harry Browne to reduce government back to a level consistent with the constitution and the founding fathers understanding of the dangers in government out of control.
- Harry Browne. Neither Dole nor Clinton have any intention of shrinking our bloated, economy-destroying fed gov't. Browne does.
- Anyone but Dole/Clinton. Why? Haven't we learned anything by now?
- Bob Dole because of his legislative experience, his integrity, & honesty. He can be trusted.
- Harry Browne - government is the problem, not the solution.
- Harry Browne The only candidate who is really serious about reducing government
- Harry Browne -- although I'm certain this will not happen. I strongly support his platform of economic conservatism and civil libertarianism (duh -- that's why he's a Libertarian, eh?).
- Harry Browne, because unlike Dole and Clinton, he doesn't want to screw all of us over.
- Clinton..Clinton..he's our man if he can't lie dole can..Dull..Dull.. he's our man if he can't put us to sleep Newt can. We the People...Reclaim our country..and vote Harry Brown.
- Harry Browne - he addresses issues other candidates ignore (particularly Social Security)
- Harry Browne. He'll cut the federal government down to constitutional size and restore real individual liberty NOW. His proposal to pay off the debt and fund social security by selling federal assets which are not authorized by the constitution is the only practical solution being offered by any candidate.
- Harry Browne because he will cut the federal government down to its constitutionally mandated functions and increase freedom.
- I would prefer Bob Dole for his integrity and his ability to work with people of both parties.
- Clinton, because, while he is not too old to be president, Dole is too old to learn to be president, and will certainly be too old by the end of his term. He is also too damn mean, and has no vision, other that the hocus pocus 15%. Clinton, on the other hand may truly make 14 years of education the norm, which will benefit the nation immeasurably in the medium term.
- Being truthful about the upcoming "new world order" and how it will effect everyone. Put strict limits on commercial lobbyists $ donations and influence on government.
- Harry Browne. The two major parties have failed it is now time for them to take a back seat.
- Bill Clinton - Because he had proved to us that he can improve the economy and reduce the deficit at the same time. Dole has no real new ideas and is too busy criticizing Clinton and doesn't seem to care about average citizens, but rather his own ego. Thank You.
- Dole, the lesser of two evils. Would like to see less government and less entitlement spending.
- bob dole. better man, better character
- Harry Browne, so the government can return to its strict constitutional functions and size. Let's purge the New Deal and Fair Deal. The War on Poverty was just as successful and the current War on Drugs.
- Perot, he actually has good ideas and unlike Clinton, is trying to balance the budget.
- Keyes or Phillips because these men have strong, solid ethics and display discernment and wisdom
- Harry Browne, because he will get the government off our backs, out of our pockets, and out of our bedrooms.
- I would like to see Bill Clinton be reelected because he has allowed are economy to remain stable. I also support him because he believes in strong family values that will help our nation.
- Howard Pillips because we need to get away from the 2 parties that are selling our country down the tubes.
- Robert Dole. He is a reasonably moral man that can be trusted - as trusted as any politician. One, however, that seems to keep his word.
- Dole. Clinton has no intigerity and can not be trusted.
- While no candidate meets all of ones needs/wants, I feel that Bill Clinton best represents my wants and needs.
- Harry Browne- The Candidate who Will reduce Government to the minimum, not just promise it.
- Harry Browne would help to return this nation to original foundation,the Constitution. By abolishing the fiat currency that now enslaves all of our citizens, the working man and woman will be able to prosper as never before in an economy that rewards productivity and allows for the aquisition of wealth for the common citizen.
- I truly think Browne's the best; however, I'll not be surprised if he loses. Dole's only advantage is: his not Clinton. Clinton's advantage: he spends so much time seducing women, he doesn't have a chance to do real damage.
- Bod Dole - because throughout his career if he gave you his word on something he would do it. You can trust him. Bill Clinton's head turns more than Linda Blair in the exorcist.
- No one addressed the heart of the problem, and the solution, like Alan Keyes. It is a disgrace that America finally produced such a man, only to watch him be completely ignored by the mainstream press... and the Republican establishment.
- I guess at this point I would vote for Clinton over Dole. Dole has let things like the tobaco industry and relegious right dictate to much of his campaign.
- Bob Dole. We need to get rid of the eco-cookoos. The "silent majority" responsible americans don't need ridiculous regs to make them act responsibly. The big corps. need tax breaks so they can provide jobs for the people.
- Harry Browne because he has rational solutions to our most pressing problems.
- Ross Perott for he has the best business sense of the bunch and I would rather our president be up to the economic and strategic tests of the office rather than a smooth politician.
- Bill Clinton because I feel that Bob Dole will not help the economy and that he will not be able to balance the budget.
- Browne -- He is the only one who says he will downsize gov, and I believe him. The "big 2" have had the run of the mill for too many years now, so it's time for a change before something more serious happens.
- I would like to see Bill Clinton because of his stand on education. I feel that providing a good education to everyone would make us more competitve world wide.
- Vote Harry Browne!! If you want a smaller government, vote for it!
- Harry Browne, The national debt is destroying our nation, social security is going bankrupt. Its time to get completely out of debt and completely remove government from our daily lives. Lets get back to personal responsibility, liberty and freedom for all. Harry Browne seems to have a very good platform and plan to eliminate the national debt, down size government, get us out of the foriegn entanglements we find our selves in today. Our nation became the greatest nation on earth long before we got inv lved as the world policeman, a welfare state, and a socialist society. Now with $5 trillion in debt now is the time to just say NO!
- Howard Phillips - he represents real change, a reduction in government, and a platform based on strong moral principals.
- clinton, cuz dole's social ideas are way scary. clinton is the lesser of two evils.
- Howard Phillips. He has a consistent worldview and understands our constitutional republic.
- Clinton,because he is more moderate and forward looking.
- Bill Clinton. Wheras I don't agree with many of his dealings/moral dlillemas etc. I do feel that he has and hopes to do the best for the country in the next four years. That is, if he is allowed to...and if we get some of the New and "Eager To Prove Themselves" Senators out of the way. Ginrich is responsible for the Republicans downfall, if, it comes to pass.
- I like Harry Browne for President because he is the only candidate who understands that government is part of the problem vice a solution.
- Bob Dole, because Clinton is a bold faced liar, look at the cover ups. Bob Dole spends time thinking about what he's saying. Clinton just says it because it's rehearsed, he doesn't even know what he's saying.
- Two presidents cut taxes and added revenue to the treasury. One was President Kennedy and the other was President Reagan. President Reagan,s problem was a democratic congress.
- Ralph Nader is the only candidate who speaks out against corporate domination of our government at all levels. We need to rebuild our democracy from the ground up and restore real power to the citizenry and wrest it away from the wealthy and powerful few.
- Bill Clinton with a reasonable Congress to work with this time.
- Alan Keyes or Jack Kemp
- Bob Dole because he is moral, truthful, will appoint strict constructionist judges, will try to replace the IRS with a fairer, flatter tax plan, and will cooperate with a conservative congress.
- Harry Brown, I believe in a Libertarian society.
- Clinton. Because I feel that a republican president would mean drastic cuts in important programs like protecting the environment, education, support for the arts, maintaining the U.S. infrastructure.
- Harry Browne - he has a detailed plan for reducing government and at the same time giving the people something in place of it.
- Bill Clinton, I think he has tried to do a good job, and will continue to do so.
- Harry Browne. I believe he is the only candidate who will keep his word about reducing teh size and scope of the federal government.
- Bill Clinton, primarily because he is a better candidate than Bob Dole.
- Bob Dole, His political views are closer to mine than clinton.
- Bob Dole -because he is a man of character
- Bob Dole. He will advance a policy agenda which reduces taxes, reduces government, turns more responsibility back to the states, and generally will get government out of our lives.
- Harry Browne is the only candidate with the legitimate answer to solve the governments problems. Shrink it.
- Bob Dole because Clinton is not trustworthy in ANY aspect.
- Harry Browne is my choice because he's the only candidate willing to cut government, reduce spending and reduce taxes.
- Bob Dole. He has integrity and understands what the nation needs. He doesn't focus on the special interest groups.
- Bob Dole - Bill Clinton pursued his personal agenda (and that of his liberal buddies) throughout his current term... at the expense of our liberties and pocketbooks!
- Harry Browne - limited government
- Harry Browne. He's the ONLY candidate with a specific, principled plan to rescue the U.S. from big government and eroding freedom and the looming economic crisis.
- Bill Clinton. I think Bob Dole's only goal is to be 'top dog' before he dies.
- Bob Dole -- There is no reason to re-elect Bill Clinton, a person of such horrible moral thread.
- I don't think any because it should be a woman because this world would be a much better place if a woman was in charge.
- none because they all seem not to have the qualifications
- Harry Browne because he has a definite workable plan for reducing the size of federal government, restoring power to the states, and eliminating the IRS so that each individual can have more disposable income with wich to help themselves, their family, friends, and those in need.
- Harry Browne---He stands for the ONLY moral position of RESPONSIBLE Freedom.
- I want to see Clinton as President in 1996, because he has solid economic plans that are geared towards improving the well-being of the American people. He has also been in the seat for 4 years and knows the realities of what exactly can be done and what is wishful thinking, unlike Dole who believes he can give a 15% tax break and actually has no idea the implecations of that.
- Harry Browne, as he is the only candidate to run on real concerns and not on personality and negativity.
- Harry Brown, because I am sick of the other two parties and all of their lies and bickering
- Harry Browne, because he is for constitutional govt.
- Harry Browne, because he is the only candidate that actually has a non-sound byte platform, and I agree with the platform.
- dole, because clinton is a liar and a cheat and cannot be believed or trusted.
- Ross Perot. He states facts and does not gloss things over with politics.
- Bob Dole, I would hope that he truly cares about the people and do what is best for our country. Not for the liberals or big business. We need to get back to the basics of what our country was founded on, and keep trying to turn this into a godless socialist type government.
- Ralph Nader because he is williing to fight the two-party system, reduce big-business' role in government, and give aid and opportunity to those that have been hurt by our nation's greed.
- Harry Browne; I believe in a minimalist government since government fails at anything it touches for very basic reasons. Government takes from the productive members of society and gives to the non-producers thus harming all.
- Bill Clinton is foward thinking and is an effective bridge to the future. His interests in improving medical care for the average citizen should be given a chance. His efforts on world peace should not be ignored.
- Of the two candidates I'd rather see Clinton as president over Dole. Dole is too out of touch with the younger generation.
- Someone more conservative and for less government.
- Though neither of the major candidates is ideal, Bob Dole appears to take the same stance on the issues that I would. I also have great doubts concerning President Clinton's character as evidenced in the way he has handled his private and public life. I just don't trust him.
- Harry Browne, he is the only candidate who has concrete plans for reducing the size and scope of federal government
- I would like to see Harry Browne as President and I think it would be fantastic to have a woman as VP also. It's about time we had a woman in higher government!
- Bob Dole, we need to decrease the size of the federal government, We need to get back to the basic foundation our country was founded on. We need to return to love & respect for each other, with honesty & morality.
- Dole, so the GOP Congress can be unfettered.
- Clinton - most qualified and not a sellout to 30 yrs of DC politics
- Harry Browne - Dole cannot articulate the qualitative difference between Republicans and Democrats. Perot knows the problems, but has no credible platform or artuculable ideology.
- republicrats make goverment bigger while pretending to "protect" the public's "values" and "rights" to other peoples money.Therefore I want Libertarian Harry Browne to be president of the United States.Huge tax cuts,huge spending cuts and a balenced budget NOW
- Harry Browne. He is the only candidate sincerely promoting reduction in the size of government.
- I would like to witness the re-election of Bill Clinton. He does not base his ideas in tax cuts for the wealthy and vague ideas of 'trickle-down' economics.
- harry browne
- Browne. The times have changed. We are going to face a new world as the information age comes about. It is time to get rid of the political buzwords and talk about the real issues. SS, how to develop a competitve economy not a protectionist one, lower taxes, less government, and individual rights. The politics of fear and hate is getting old. Nick Checota Seattle - WA
- I'd like to see Bill Clinton as president. I know it is sad but its sort of a lesser of two evils things with me
- Libertarian Harry Browne, because responsible people need the Federal Government off of their backs and irresponsible people need to learn responsibility.
- Among many factors I identify more w/ Dole's conservative economic views. Also, I want a president that my child can look up to and respect and Clinton is not that man.
- Howard Phillips-the only truly pro-life candidate. would try to return us to a Constitutional Republic
- Harry Browne and Libertarians are principled and follow the Constitution, not special interests like everyone else.
- Harry Browne I've had a life time of expanding government. At twelve I figured out that laws don't make people good.
- Bill Clinton becaue he is so smart (the 9th smartest president ever and he is so well read.
- Harry Browne - I want to greatly reduce the size and influence of the federal government, which costs $$$$$, interferes with our lives (IRS, drug war, workplace regulation), and generally makes a mess of everything it gets involved in.
- Harry Browne's plan to sell unneeded federal Assets to finance annuities for toady's Senior Citizens is a honest, fair approach for putting an end to this Ponzi Scheme once and for all.
- Harry Browne. He is pledged not to advocate force for political or social causes. He believes in "govern your neighbor as yourself".
- Bill Clinton, who as a consumate politician will be able to put forth programs without having to worry about reelection. I also believe that Bob Dole, fine senator that he has been, has missed his time. I'm terribly afraid of his chosen running mate.
- Harry Browne because it is time to get government out of our lives and to get control/responsibility back to the individual/community.
- Howard Phillips of The US Taxpayers Party because he is the ONLY TRUE Conservative, Constitutional, and 100%Pro-Life Individual!! Thank you for your consideration. ATJ.
- Harry Brown. To end this DRUG WAR on society.
- Clinton. The US has seen considerable growth over the last four years.
- Clinton, better education support policies, he's reducing the deficit, etc...
- Harry Browne has the best plan for dealing with drug issues as well as releasing non-violent drug offenders that take up precious prison space.
- Harry Browne - Immediately slash federal spending, immediately end the Income Tax and shut down the IRS, immediately balance the budget.
- Harry Browne is the only candidate that has any interest in cutting back the out of control intrusive government that has destoyed our economy, our morals, our environment,our privacy, our safety, and our lives. the voters in this country have no real interest in saving our country because the majority are either getting paid of by the government or are so discusted by the corruption and the control that the people in power have over all phases of the process specially the PRESS.
- Harry Browne is the only candidate who understands the nature and proper role of government.
- Harry Browne because I vote for principled candidates. We must breakout of the two-party system.
- Harry Browne because he is the only candidate that is willing to accept the truth and not tell us only what we want to hear.
- Wipe out the federal deficit in 6 yrs. or greatly reduce it by at least 75%. Return dignity to the working class of this country by;promoting not destroying the Unions,raise the minimum wage again and soon,people can not live on such a low pay scale as that. Reduce crime and remove all assult weapons from the streets.
- Bob Dole. Because he represents our religious and political viewpoints. He has integrity. He has a great vision for USA.
- Harry Browne - the only real advocate of a Republic-based society
- Harry Browne is our best hope for restoring liberty and prosperity.
- Harry Browne because I like most of his positions and think that he means it.
- Harry Browne because both Clinton and Dole seem to want to create police states.
- Democrats want our money. Republicans want our rights. I want a Libertarian.
- Bob Dole, I hate to think how high our taxes will go if Clinton is re-elected
- Bob Dole!!! He is a good man, with a proven record. He stand by his word, and is a man of strong moral fiber. If Bill Clinton is re-elected I fear America is DOOMED!!!
- Harry Browne, because he wants to reduce the federal government, and protect civil liberties.
- Harry Browne, He has the only credible plan to reduce the federal government to it's constitutional limits. Without doing this we are headed towards the most devastating financial collapse in history.
- Harry Browne, because one of his major platform issues is to eliminate government programs (99% of which I feel are poorly implemented or not needed in the first place) and to eliminate federal taxes (which I feel support more bad or at best useless things than good things). I think people will willingly pay for what is important to them if it is not just handed to them.
- I want to see Harry Browne, because the Libertarians are the only party truly seeking freedom and prosperity for Americans.
- I would like to see Harry Browne reduce the current size of the national government, reducing the amount of taxes paid by Americans on outdated and ineffectual sociopolitical constructs.
- Harry Browne, because he believes in Constitutional government, and because he will eliminate the rampant corruption within the Presidency.
- Harry Brown - He is not left or right he is sensible. Why let government take on tasks it wasn't constitutionally designed to? Stop spending on all these extra gov't programs and let people keep the money they earned!
- Anyone who will respect the Bill of Rights
- Harry Browne - he will cut government size, spending, and intrusiveness.
- I want to see Bill Clinton win this election because I believe he has done a good job up to this point against great odds. Given a second term I believe he can help lead our country competently.
- Harry Browne is the best man to lead our country!
- Bob Dole - service to country, honor, and integrity
- Clinton, to hold off power of conservative Republicans
- Harry Browne; he is the only candidate who has complete integrity in what he is proposing, to reduce government and clean up the mess it's created.
- Harry Browne for President. He is the only candidate with the best interests of the Constitutional Body of Government, We the People, at heart and in principle.
- Harry Browne, because he emulates how I feel about what being an American is all about...Liberty and freedom.
- Harry Browne because he is believable, he will reduce government and thereby solve most of our country's problems.
- Harry Browne. The Federal govt oversteps its bounds in every direction. Let's get back to the Constitution.
- Harry Browne because he is commited to getting the government out of our lives.
- Bob Dole, because I feel he is the best capable man for the office, and I'm tired of Clinton's attempts.
- Harry Browne, I believe in all government or no government. He limits a lot of government policies.
- The Libertarian Platform (Harry Browne). Also, to answer your debate question, both Harry Browne and Perot should have been included. They are both on the ballot in 50 states.
- Harry Browne is the only one who will save us from big money running the usa
- Harry Browne...the Libertarian philosophy is closest to what I believe. Less government. An added answer to the question Perot in debates. All candidates who are on the ballor in all 50 states should have been in the debates. So, to answer ... Perot and Harry Browne should have been included.
- Harry Browne. He would work to free us from big government.
- Harry Browne, With rights returned to the states, People would feel they could have more control, with control comes responsability.
- Dole, as he is more likely -- with Kemp and a GOP Congress, to bring taxes and spending back into balance and truly reduce the size of government. As for Clinton, he is the least qualified, most venal man ever to hold the office.
- Bob Dole because of his tax cuts, reputation and gained respect. His strong sense of morality and decency and his support and experience in the military.
- Howard Phillips - with a commitment to slash government to its Constitutional skeleton.
- Harry Browne has real solutions to the problems caused by an overbearing, intrusive, dumb, government. He will limit government to its constitutionally enumerated powers, instead of limiting individual liberty like the other candidates.
- I would like to see Harry Browne. I don't agree totaly with the liberterians, but their ideas are best suited for me.
- Harr Browne because government doesn't work. He will immediately take action to correct all of the problems that the Rep/Dem government has created ove rthe years.
- dole; with clinton the size of government will only grow
- Harry Browne is the best man for President because he is sincere in reducing the size of government and returning personal liberties back to the individual
- Harry Browne would bring real reform to the Federal Government, getting it out of both our bedrooms and pocketbooks.
- A president who promotes strong family values, stabilizing and strengthening the economy, and reducing the defecit
- Smaller government and a return to the Constitution as it was written.
- 39 scandals in the current administration, Clinton's not doing much until the election year, the stock market almost crashing twice causing the public to elect overwhelmingly a Republican Congress.
- Harry Browne because he is serious about cutting down the size of government.
- Our government faces bankruptcy if it remains on its current course. Only Harry Browne has proposed to fundamentally alter that course.
- Harry Browne. He will work to reduce government to it's essence.
- Dole. Because I dislike Clinton's policies and lack of personal integrity. I really wanted Colin Powell.
- Bill Clinton, Because he is the best choice at this time.
- Harry Browne. Politically (though not in character) Dole and Clinton (the biggest scoundrel to be President this century) are nearly identical.
- Harry Browne. He is the only real candidate who stands for less government, not more.
- Bob Dole. HE is trustworthy and honest. As a veteran it's an insult to me to have a Draft Dodger as Commander in Chief.
- Anyone BUT Dole or Clinton would actually be real progress. ANY true "outsider" would shake things up, but only Harry Browne has a workable set of policies to implement.
- There's not a dime's worth of difference between Dole & Clinton -- I want change, and am voting Libertarian!
- Harry Browne - incorruptible
- Harry Browne - government is not just "too big", it's about 10 times too big.
- Harry Browne. He has integrity. All else comes from that.
- Clinton, because I am pro-choice and so is he. Plus, I don't like Bob Dole. He's too old!
- DOLE, he is the moral leader
- Colin Powell; leadership and consistency in carrying out his duties and beliefs. He is an effective speaker and has charisma and simple style.
- Bob Dole is a better person, and a better canidate.
- wh
- I want to see Harry Browne as president because I share the same philosophical base as him.
- Harry Browne. America is no longer the land of the free. We are slaves to an ever increasing government, to more and more political correctness, and to less and less freedom
- I would like to see Harry Browne as president since he is the only candidate that has a consistant platform, and he has actually considered and constructed its details himself in an attempt to improve this country. Through this years campaign, he has remained true to his ideals and has not compromised his principals (such as not taking federal money even though the US government was attempting to force it upon him, and not asking the US court system to become involved in a private matter such as the debates).
- Bill Clinton...he has improved the economy over his tenure in office and he seems to deal with his own issues face first.
- I'd like to see Harry Browne but I know he won't win. If Clinton wins maybe the country will wake up!
- I want to see Al Gore for president because he is more liberal than Clinton and more interested in my issues (environment, less corporate power in government)
- Perot, so that maybe the government would be more interested in what the public wants instead of special interest groups.
- Harry Browne. He is the only candidate truly determined to decrease the size of government.
- Harry Browne. Because the alternatives are unacceptable, I shall vote for the Good, not the lessor of evils.
- Ross Perot is bought and paid for by the Republicrats and Democins to spoil the chances of a real third party
- Harry Browne. He is promising to do what I have been saying for years that I would do if I were President.
- Bob Dole is a God-fearing man, unlike President Clinton who seems to have too many scandals going on to trust him and his genuine beliefs.
- Dole because, Clinton is two faced and does not support the military.
- Harry Browne: best in a field of "me-firsters."
- Bill Clinton. It is said to say this, but one of the main reasons I would choose him is because I would have to move out of the country if Bob Dole was elected. He scares me to death!!! I am a white, upper-class, heterosexual female. I can't imagine how much he scared lower to middle class, black gays or any other minority.
- Harry Browne will empower the individual by reducing government, not by proposing non-existant government 'solutions' to our problems (many of which have their roots in government intervention in the first place).
- me.
- Clinton. Four years of experince has qualified him to be a capable president
- Harry Browne - the only candidate that understands that government does not work!
- Ralph Nader.
- Current Indiana Gov. Evan Bayh has done a wonderful job and is a definite consideration.
- Harry Browne: The Candidate of Principle from the Party of Principle
- Bob Dole, he is someone I can respect. He is the kind of individual that has made this country great! Look At his life and then look at Bill Clinton.
- Harry Browne! He understands what is wrong with society.
- Dole because he has the experience and depth of character to be a world leader.
- Harry Browne is the logical choice, the only candidate who recognizes the coercive sector for what it is. Government needs to be slashed, not increased.
- Ralph Nader. See question 12.
- Bob Dole; Clinton tried already
- Harry Browne, to drastically cut the scope of government and its burden and intrusiveness in our lives.
- Harry Browne. Harry Browne is the ONLY candidate who will reduce the size and scope of Government.
- Harry Browne-He is the most supportative of civil liberties
- Bob Dole for his philosophy regarding govt.size, family
- Bob Dole. Tax cut, better Presidentical image and better foriegn policy.
- Harry Browne, because he'll end the outmoded legacy of the New Deal.
- Dole, I beleive the ever increasing number of serious scandals in the Clinton white house are numbing america sense of right and wrong, and Dole would restore the national conscious, as well as improve our economic conditions and personal freedoms.
- Harry Browne. He believes in drastically reducing our government and defending our civil liberties.
- Until her death my choice would have been Barbara Jordon. Now -- Carol Mosely Braun
- Bill Clinton: Because so many people have turned away from our moral base.
- Harry Browne is the only candidate worth considering.
- Harry Browne I'm not Libertarian on all issues, but on many I am sick of the Democratic/Republican choices -- they're both too Liberal.
- Bob Dole: His views reflect most of my own. Runner up: Harry Browne: His views reflect most of my own, and he isn't tied to a left or right platform.
- Browne ... the only candidate who is committed, as a matter of ideological principle, to dramatically downsizing government.
- Howard Phillips is the only positive choice I could vote for without feeling guilty. Dole would be a wasted vote, Clinton is a criminal.
- We need to turn around on the path of economic destruction. Our national debt is a disgrace. I want my children to have better opportunity not to be burdened with a debt due to Government irresponsibility.
- Harry Browne, He will legalize drugs which will reduce crime. And I will not pay as many taxes and education will improve when the government is not as deeply involved.
- Bill Clinton, lesser of two evils. More realistic and flexible given the right situation.
- A return to individual rights and liberties, and a return to Constitutional Law.
- Harry Browne, He represents moral, ethical, and resposible ideas, that strengthen families and the economy.
- Harry Browne, simply because he want's freedom. freedom from an over zealous, out of control government.
- Caimpaign reform to include all parties. Reduce Government. It does not WORK!!!
- Harry Browne is the only candidate that is serious about reducing the size and scope of government.
- Colin Powell has both the leadership qualities and integraty it takes to be President.
- Harry Browne to restore the Constitution and dissolve the IRS and eliminate at least 50% of the Federal government that is illegal under the Constitution. He would inform people of their right on the jury to dissolve bad laws by voting innocent in cases where the law in question is un-Constitutional.
- Harry Browne. The only candidate serious about reducing the government size.
- Harry Browne. He is consistently for getting the government out of peoples' lives and returning power to the communities and people
- An independent (preferrably Harry Browne) because an election which results in the winner being either Republican or Democrat will produce an administration which just perpetuates the status quo: Government will contiue to grow, taxes will be raised, corruption will continue, PAC's will gain more control and the deficit will increase. If we want change (and I certainly do), it will have to come from outside the "establishment".
- Harry Brown, We need help to protect our liberties.
- Harry Browne is the only candidate for smaller government. Bob Dole said it himself in the first Presidential debate, Clinton wants government to grow by 20% over 6 years, Dole wants it to *grow* by only 14%. Doesn't sound like smaller government to me...
- Harry Browne is the only candidate who proposes to realistically slash the national debt. All others merely spew forth campaign rhetoric.
- I want Harry Browne because I want real change and the real actions that must be taken to save this country from its Ponzi schemes of the past.
- President Clinton. Frankly, I'm choosing the lesser of two evils. I don't Bob Dole can be trusted especially with maintaing certain government programs.
- Harry Browne, to restore the contitution
- bill clinton 'has done a good,overall
- bill clinton 'has done a good,overall
- Harry Browne, because he promises to reduce government
- Harry Browne, for constitionally limited government
- Harry Browne because Government Doesn't Work!
- I want to see Libertarian candidate Harry Browne as president in 1996. I am very concerned that the ruling Democrat and Republican Parties have become a mutual "Me too" society,
- I want to Dole as president although he is still not conservative enough for me.
- Harry Browne, because we should be free and responsible for our own lives. Harry Browne has the only viable plan which will eliminate both the national debt (not just the deficit seven years from now) and the income tax (not just scaling it back for some).
- I want Harry Browne to be president. He is the only canadate who wants to restore the government to Constitutional levels.
- Who - Harry Browne. Why - Unlike your questions such as #7, Harry browne stands for change and choice not simply a question of degree of agreement on the status quo. Harry Browne asks "Why do it" rather than "How much should I spend on it?"
- I voted for Harry Browne (through early voting) because he's honest and has a specific, workable plan for reducing government, getting rid of the income tax, and paying off the national debt at the same time. If you want to know more, drop by my home page at
- Anyone with an understanding of political history and the nature of the state (any state), and who cares about maintaining the individual liberty (and the accompanying individual responsibility) upon which this nation was founded will vote Libertarian - Harry Browne. A vote for the Demopublicans is an abdication of your responsibility to preserve the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness for yourself, your children, and our society.
- Harry Browne because I want government dramatically cut. My future and my family's future depend on it.
- Dole! He believes the people not the govemment can make this country the best it can be. I believe give the people a chance to be the best they can be,and this country well stay the greatest in the world.
- dole, reduce government intrusion and bring some dignity and respect back to the office of the presidency.
- Bob Dole. Bring a little respect (via honesty) back into the office.
- Browne He believes in self government with the Fed power severly limited by the Constitution.
- Harry Browne, he is the only candidate who understands that 1)government doesn't work, 2) that government can't be reformed (read 'Why Government Doesn't Work', to find out why), and 3) the only candidate who really wants to reduce government to be bound within the limits of our constitution.
- Harry Browne - we need a person with a consistent, thought out political and economic program which is morally defensible and which does not depend upon the use of force to carry it out (other than in the defense of personal rights life and property).
- I believe Bob Dole should be president. I do not trust Bill Clinton and am afraid of what he will do in four more years.
- Harry Browne. Less government
- Harry Browne. The libertarians are the only party that represent and defend the liberties that made this country great and are the only philosphically consistent party.
- Harry Browne. Because Government Doesn't work. Restore the Constitution.
- Harry Browne will reduce government to only those functions mandated by the Constitution.
- Harry Browne. I agree with the Libertarian point of view of increasing personal responsibility and decreasing government's.
- Harry Browne, to fight for personal/civil liberties and put an end to party-politics.
- Harry Browne. I think his time has come, and America is ready for a change.
- Harry Browne- eliminate IRS, reduce gov't to role prescribed in art.1, sec.8 of Constitution. I am capable of governing myself,thank you.
- Harry Browne. The Libertarian Party is the *only* small-government party in this country, the only party dedicated to changing the system, and the only party that supports the principles of individual freedom and responsibility.
- Harry Browne. To get us back to strictly the constitution,and get the government out of the way and off our backs. Basically to save us from coming financial disaster that goverment has us heading towards.
- Browne...will return US to a constitutional republic. We are adrift!
- Harry Browne, he is the only candidate in all 50 states who wants to DRASTICALLY reduce the size of government.
- Harry Browne. He has the strongest ethical and moral foundation (refused federal matching funds!) and the best ideas, and I don't want to wait seven or ten years to find out (again) that Reps and Dems lie - reduce government now!! Pay off the debt now!! Zero out the deficit now!! Slash taxes now!! And most important: reduce government drastically now!!
- Browne. He will actually eliminate, not "reduce", "re-engineer" or "reinvent" the failed federal programs
- Harry Browne, because he offers fresh ideas and does not have his hands tied by the usual special interest groups.
- Harry Browne. I consider the Constitution to be of greater importance than people's own personal ideas on how and what government should do.
- Harry Browne. He will reduce the size of government and allow people to keep the money they earn. Also, he took no matching funds.
- Harry Browne, because GOVERNMENT DOESN'T WORK
- Harry Browne because I have seen both sides promise to reduce government and each year it gets bigger and our taxes go up.
- Of the candidates that are running on any sort of a major ticket, I see none that I would like in office. Bill Clinton is too immoral, Bob Dole is a power-hungry fool, I cannot trust Ross Perot, and I have no confidence in Ralph Nader's ability to lead our country. My vote goes for Ralph Nader because of the views he represents and of the two, my hope goes for Bill Clinton because he will not destroy our government with an unreasonable tax plan.
- Harry Browne, It is time to drastically reduce government before it distroys our children future through bankrupcy and a total lost of civil liberties.
- Harry Browne is by far the best candidate because he is the only one willing to cut government back down to what the Constitution states it should be.
- Browne, because he is the only one running who would actually take immediate executive actions to reduce federal bureaucracy, regulatory excess and spending. He represents identifiable ideas about issues rather than pursuing a popularity contest.
- Ross Perot, we need a president that is out for us and not for his own political career.
- Harry Browne,Libertarian Party-He's the ONLY candidate that will protect our civil liberties and keep us safe from government intrusion. He will also sut down the IRS, end social programs that don't work (welfare, ect.) END TAXATION and give us back our money, thus freeing up businesses to be prosperous, stimulating the economy, and giving us back our lives.
- Harry Browne, it's the only chance we have of reducing government before our economy collapses.
- clinton, because I cannot have dole as presedent
- Harry Browne..He's the only credible one with a workable plan to cut government.
- Harry Browne, because the Federal Government is too large and powerful.
- Dole. The Judges, fix the IRS and the regulation and tax cut
- Re-elect Lincoln. He's dead and can't do no harm!
- Harry Browne. Because he is the only one who will truly reduce government.
- I want Harry Browne to be president. I belive that government is too big, there is a possibility of a New World Order, our country is turning socialist, there is too much taxing, and many others.
- Harry Browne, new blood. Clinton has waffled too much, and we don't need more money going to the rich from the Republicans.
- Harry Browne: The ONLY candidate who would really reduce the size of government as president.
- Harry Browne, the belief is that we need LESS government. Government should not dictate how we live our lives if we are not endangering others or committing crimes.
- Harry Browne. He is the only candidate who puts the Constitution of the United States first, and foremost.
- Harry Browne ofcourse. Why? He has workable doable ideas. What he proposes is the most ethical set of ideas I have ever seen from a wog. Further he is honestly trying to get the beurocrats out of our faces and put "the people" back in charge of their own affairs. No Taxes on our income has been a great but highly suppressed idea for decades. It is time. I am sick of the lying hypocritical cheating pork barrell loving maggots that have been running my country all my life. When the last major war was over, they should have all been retired or fired!
- Harry Browne is for little or no federal government just as I am.
- Harry Browne is for little or no federal government just as I am.
- Harry Browne. The Libertarian Party, in existance for 21 years is a legitimate political party. Harry Browne and the Libertarians have _real_ answers to return the country to the Constitutional form mandated by our founding fathers. He'll produce other than the "more of the same" that's come from both Dems and Reps.
- Protection of enviorment, better relations with third world nations, and morality provided in the entertainment world. Also I would like to see the economy grow with economic discipline among the people.
- Libertarian Harry Browne! He will cut spending and taxes and do it NOW!
- Harry Browne - He is the only candidate that for personal freedom and severely limited government.
- Harry Browne. He is the ONLY candidate who represents a party founded on the Jeffersonian principles of Personal Liberty FIRST.
- Harry Browne would be best because he wants to reduce government to Constitutional levels. He is the only one who even has a clue as to what would help this country get back on the right track.
- Harry Browne. I'll give up my favorite programs if he'll agree not to steal my earnings.
- Bill Clinton. He has demonstrated he can make a difference in the economy by more evenly weighing the needs of the individual together with the needs of business.
- Go Harry!
- Harry Browne Legalize freedom
- Hary Browne for Civil and Econmic liberties
- Harry Browne. He supports radical concepts such as self-ownership, self-responsibility, and you should be able to determine how to exercise dominion over your property, your earnings, and your body.
- Bill Clinton because Bob dole is too old and crazy
- Harry Browne. The problem is not with a conservative or liberal, left-wing or right-wing, demopublican or repocrat government, but with government in general.
- I would like to see Bob Dole elected as the next president because I think that is very important for the leader of our country to have values that we should strive to have. I believe that he fits that description.
- Harry Browne, because he is the only candidate committed to reducing government to its constitutional limits and protecting civil liberties (including the 2nd Amendment).
- Harry Browne. Eliminate income tax and federal welfare programs. Reduce Government to constitutional size and responsibilities
- I'd like to see a 3rd party candidate win (though, I realize that this is imposible in our 2 party system), because I feel that the Republicans and Democrats have both lost touch with what they and their parties really stand for. Frankly, the Republicans and Democrats seem to be ineffectual at everything except fighting with each other.
- Harry Browne because he will attempt to do what he says. I want a lot less government, particularly federal government.
- Harry Browne. Government is too big and corrupted. It doesn't work as it was intended. The real problem is the lack of responsiblity of the individual whether it is freely givenup or 'taken away'.
- Harry Browne -- because he is the only one with a legitimate plan to significantly reduce the size and scope of the Federal government.
- Harry Browne is the only candidate who will make the across the board cuts needed to bring the government under control.
- Harry Browne. The Constitution and Bill of Rights have been walked upon long enough. The government is a failure.
- Harry Browne, to cut taxes NOW, to cut back on the government NOW, eliminate the defecit NOW, balance the budget NOW, save and privatize social security NOW, and to restore full employment NOW. Not a bad platform, really!
- Harry Browne, because he knows the problems and the solutions, and is the only candidate truly committed to smaller government.
- Harry Browne - he is the only candidate in whom one can believe that he means what he says - get government out of our personal lives, return power to the states and abolish the unconstitutional income tax
- Harry Browne is the only candidate with a consistent set of ideas.
- Harry Browne. It's the "government", stupid!!!
- Harry Browne. He is the only candidate who want's to return our government to it's constitutional size.
- Harry Browne because he would scale back the presidency to a level of power appropriate to the office.
- Harry Browne - He has all the right ideas and is highly principled. Says what he means and means what he says. Kind of refreshing!
- Harry Browne, he is the only candidate who will truely cut government.
- Harry Browne. Government doesn't work, and he has a plan to get it back to size.
- Bill Clinton. During his last four years, I have had more financial success than during George Bush's 4 years, and I feel the president also cares more for the poor and middle class, and has a working plan on all issues that will help our country succeed well into the 21st century.
- Bob Dole. He is an honest, trustworthy man. He has experience and integrity way beyond what our current president could even dream of having. I think he has insights that will take us into the next century and I think he can reduce the deficit and give us a tax break. If I have a tax break, I will spend it or save it and that will in turn help the economy. If I shop somewhere with my money, it may make that business need to hire a new clerk. That newly-hired clerk (hopefully an ex-welfare recipie t!) will be contributing to the economy and paying taxes, thus raising revenue. This is a small example of what WILL HAPPEN when Mr. Dole is elected.
- Harry Browne - because the best government for me is myself.
- Harry Browne, because he cares about our rights.
- I support Harry Browne because he is the only candidate that actually wants to cut government instead of only slowing its growth.
- Harry Browne, Libertarian for president. He is the only man who's philosophy respects ever man's unalienable right to his self and his property.
- Harry Browne - the only sane choice. Government is out of control
- Harry Browne because he is the only choice that will stick by what he says and promise only what he can deliver.
- Bob Dole because he will reduce taxes, reduce gov't spending and he has the moral character to lead this country to be a respected nation again.
- I think Harry Browne should be president, because we need less government. Much less.
- harry browne because he's not a socialist
- browne. see for details. =)
- Harry Browne--Give power and responsibility back to the people.
- Harry Browne, because of his understanding that Gov't does not and should not be the magic gun to solve everyone's problems. Only Harry Brownse is committed to reducing the Federal Gov't to its constitutional functions and appropriate size.
- Harry Browne because I would like to keep what I earn. Government doesnt work.
- Someone with strong ethical standards. Clinton and Dole both fail miserably on this point, selling influence to the highest party donor. It's obscene.
- Browne--> he is the oly one that has a pro-citizen plan
- Harry Browne, Hes the only canidate actually for great cuts in the size of Government. He wants to abolish the IRS. This would free people of Government intrusion and Productivity would rise and the Country in my opinion would prosper like never before.
- Browne - a plan to reduce government and return power to the responsible, free individual.
- Bob Dole, Clinton is a socialist.
- Harry Browne. The only candidate who would make a difference.
- Harry Browne because I would have to be crazy to turn down a 20-25% raise!
- Harry Browne is the only candidate who wants to and knows how to reduce govt to anywhere near reasonable levels.
- Harry Browne, simple consideration of the govt. we've gotten from the 2 major parties, and the incredible cost ... Harry Browne is the only candidate with an outlined plan to reduce govt. with fiscal integrety in his first year in office.
- Someone other than a Democrat or Republican because these parties do not care about the people. I feel like I am in a huge high school and we are voting on the homecoming queen. Our representation sucks and the choices do too.
- Harry Browne, because he's the only candidate with a serious grip on the issues.
- Harry Browne because government is too large and intrusive.
- Harry Browne - We have to stop this fast track movement to becoming a Nwe World Order police state.
- Harry Browne, because he's the only one who can save our democracy from the special interests.
- Harry Browne is the only candidate who will really reduce the cost *and* intrusiveness of the federal government.
- Those who wish to reform government are dreaming. Harry Browne is the only candidate that recognizes that government doesn't work and therefore can't be reformed, and he is the oncly candidate that has a plan for reducing gov't to its scope as defined by the Consitution.
- Browne. Our strength is our freedom. Without it, we have nothing; morals become hollow, and promises mean nothing. We can depend only on ourselves, and should no longer be fooled by impotent government programs and its corrupt policies.
- Harry Browne. He's the only candidate who advocates real change and liberty.
- Harry Browne. He would cut government spending and taxation to the bare bones, and get the bureaucrats out of my life.
- Harry Browne- The only candidate who stands for consistent application of the constitution and the limits placed on federal government. Individual liberty, personal responsibility and a workable plan to eliminate the deficit AND the income tax are some of the planks of his platform.
- Harry Browne because he is the only candidate who is for reducing the size of government.
- I want to see Harry Browne because only he will reduce costly, counter-productive, oppressive government activities.
- I want to see harry browne for president because I think he will implement what he says, and I think his positions are valid.
- Harry Browne! Read " WHY GOVERNMENT DOSEN'T WORK "
- Unfortunately neither Bill nor Bob will get much done, but I'm afraid of seeing anyone in office who owes naything to the Christian Right. Population control is the big issue here folks. We don't have enough resources to sustain all of ourselves here. Anyone got any answers?
- Harry Browne, because government REALLY doesn't work--trust me.
- Want free trade, open immigration, a repeal of Drug Prohibition, the government out of your bedroom, an end to government mandated racial discrimination, repeal of the income tax, repeal of social security, and a LOT more freedoms additionally returned to you? Then vote for Harry Browne.
- Harry Browne because he recognises the benefits of legalized drugs.
- Harry Browne - The federal government has overstepped its Constituitional roots and we need to get rid of many of the illegal laws and intrusions.
- Harry Browne - Government Doesn't Work
- Bob Dole. Clinton is too liberal and too dishonest.
- Harry Browne. He's the only candidate whose positions are founded on a consistent philosophy rather than political winds.
- Harry Browne, because he is the only candidate committed to reducing government size, cost and intrusiveness across the board.
- Harry Browne, because has has principles and good sense.
- i don't think the government should dictate moral standards, nor should it prosecute "victimless" crimes (like drug possession). government needs to balance the budget and deal primarily with law enforcement; and should research and promote, but not legislate, programs to help out citizens who need it.. (sorry, it's a bit complex). no candidate matches this description; maybe a combination of Harry Browne and Newt Gingrich (who does a great job of being a cheerleader for non-government social programs).
- Harry Browne, the Libertarian candidate, is the only one who both proposed to reduce the size of government and has a specific plan for doing so.
- Harry Browne, because in simple truth, he is the only candidate that approches being a moral person.
- Harry Browne, because he will scale back gov.
- Harry Browne - The only candidate with a WRITTEN plan, a blueprint, published and available in any bookstore, (Why Government Doesn't Work) that details exactly how he will reduce govermnet size, eliminate the income tax and the IRS, and return the country to the Constitutional basis upon which it was founded. No rhetoric, just real, solid plans.
- Clinton
- Only Harry Browne wants to reduce government and give us back our Constitutional Rights. Only Harry Browne has a workable plan for big tax cuts NOW, big spending cuts NOW and a balanced budget NOW.
- I would like to see Harry Browne reduce the Federal government.
- Harry Browne, because he is the only candidate proposing to drastically reduce the scope and size of government.
- Harry Browne; He's the only candidate who is serious about reducing the size of government.
- Harry Browne he's the only person with ethics.
- Harry Browne. He's the only candidate who consistently supports reducing the size and invasive nature of government.
- Dole, because he has more character. Clinton is in some ways an effective politician but does not deserve another term.
- Clinton, He is a great Campainer, but a lousy President
- I would like to see a president with morals and character and one that wants less government.
- Browne, he is the only candidate with a principled view...everyone else is either status quo or some variety of lunatic.
- Harry Browne, because he is the only candidate who understands that GOVERNMENT DOES NOT WORK!!!
- Bill clinton is the forced choice due to more humane behaviour and age. He looks less of an "insider".
- Bob Dole. Bill & Hillary are corrupt and immoral. They are not good role models for children or adults!!
- An individual who has the definite mission of creating an environment where each individual can achieve, to the best of her/his limitations, all that is achievable through education, economic strength and environmental awareness!
- I have no choice at this time
- Bob Dole is the Republican presidential candidate and his credibility, character, and experience make him a much better choice than Bill Clinton, who is in short supply of these.
- Howard Phillips - Supports causes I believe in!
- Bill Clinton. It is his last to prove himself.
- Either Ralph Nader or Colin Powell would be trustworthy leaders at least in the sense that they mean what they say. I have absolutely no sense of what Clint-Dole really believes about anything.
- Ralph Nader believes in something so much, he can give a speech without notecards, "Preparation grilling," etc. He is also not for sale; these two things make him a real leader.
- At this time Howard Phillips supports the return to a constitutional for of government - socialism does not and cannot work
- Bob Dole Will stimulate the economy and reduce taxes.
- Dole. I feel he is honest. Clinton is shady in his dealings with people and the government. He is like a yo yo.
- Colin Powell captures the imagination, is intelligent, has charisma, and is an eloquent speaker. Those are the most important qualities of the President in its current manifestation. I am white.
- People of the caliber of a Jesse Jackson , Ralph Nader etc.
- Howard Phillips - I believe He stands for the ideals and principles that were instituted by our Founding Fathers. We need to get God back in America again and stop playing politics!!
- Harry Browne because he is the only candidate to consistenty stand for smaller gov't, more personal freedom/responsibility.
- Bob Dole - Character IS an issue!
- Bill Clinton, as I have seen improvement in my quality of life in the last four years. This is a stark contrast to the 12 Reagan/ Bush years.
- Bill Clinton
- Clinton. Dole is vague on issues. He's also living in the past This is the 90s not the 60s
- Bill Clinton because I like his style, and I loathe Bob Dole
- i would like to see perot because the other two parties are not try to fix the problems by devising new ideas but rather want to pour more money into them,and i consider that a waste.
- dole. i don't want to have national health care.
- Bob Dole, because of his proven Character. I feel that he will limit the size and scope of the Federal Government. The 15% tax cut would give more of our money back to us and not to the Federal Government in the form of oppressive taxes. I also have no trust in Bill Clinton, it is election time and he is trying to appear as conservative as possible to get votes, but in his heart he wants liberal policies, bigger government and four more years.
- Harry Browne - The only candidate who will return us to Constitutionally limited government.
- Clinton
- Clinton, because he will best balance social issues, with economic growth and fiscal constraint requirements
- Browne!
- The Government is FAR too bloated and Browne is the only candidate I see wanting to cut all the bloat.
- Dole has the knowledge, and the leadership qualities that I am looking for in a Pres. He has the character that I expect from the pres. Dole will win on Nov. 5
- I would like to see Bob Dole for president so as to avoid governmental gridlock.
- Bill Clinton should be President in 1996. He is more respresentative of the American people and offers the best and most workable solutions foe improving the ills of the country.
- Harry Browne, because I would like government to get mostly out of people's pockets and entirely out of their bedrooms.
- Dole is better than Clinton because of image, morals, and commitment
- Bob Dole. He has an incredible political background and walks on a firm foundation of what his issues are, and the man has "integrity".
- Harry Browne. Liberterian ideas espouse reducing government intrusions in citizens lives. We're adults and I resent have the Govt Nanny watching over me.
- Harry Browne. I want the government off of my back, out of my billfold an dout of my bedroom. It's MY life to live, for better or worse.
- harry browne seems to be the only canidate that legitimately desires to reduce the size of government and not just talk about taxes and programs
- Bob Dole because of his honesty, integrity, and character
- William Bennett. He is a true conservative with high ethical standards.
- I will vote for Harry Browne because he is the only candidate that wants to reduce government to the size and functions limited by the constitution.
- Bob Dole: He has a strong sense of what makes this nation great. Family,the Constitution, our position in the world politically,economically and defensively.
- I would _like_ to see a third-party candidate president in 1996 because I think it's the only way we'll see any real change. However, realistically looking at the candidates I'd have to settle for Clinton over Dole.
- Pres.Clinton is easily the best Pres. in years.
- Harry Browne because he understands reality better than all the other candidates.
- Bob Dole, because he is an honest man and will bring morale fiber back to our country. He supports the military and bring it back to the strength it needs to be. His vision is real and he understands the needs of the people. He is not a draft dodger.
- Harry Browne -- the only candidate who would *actually* bring about lower present and future taxes and reduce the size and intrusion of government.
- Harry Browne sends a strong message that I want much less govt. Voting for him builds the party for the future.
- Dole. He's fought for our country's benefit all of his life. A 15% tax cut generates more taxes from the 15% increase in in public financial activity. It's just a shame he doesn't smoke pot like our current Prez.
- Bill Clinton, because Bob Dole is a facist and a rascist. He has no interes in what the people of the U.S. need, only what the economic elite will benefit from.
- Dole We need a change in goverment direction
- I really have decided not to vote for president, because I have decided not to consent to voting for the lesser evil anymore. And Nader is running a lousy campaign.
- Harry Browne as he's the only one who will _really_ cut taxes and government. The assholes(R)/weasels(D) are old hat.
- Harry Browne He is the only candidate who has any principles.
- Dole. Less government. Clinton is a well-intentioned, yet misguided hillbilly Marxist.
- Harry Browne, because he would act to ELIMINATE the Income Tax & the IRS. That alone is sufficient to earn our undying admiration. Coupled with the rest of his platform, he is a STAND OUT candidate with a great running-mate in Jo Jorgensen.
- Bill clinton, because he is trying to do something about the tabaco industrys.
- I would like to see Bob Dole as president. His tax plan can work, and will work. The evidence comes with comparing our tax rate as a country over its history. The rate of tax has gone up nearly every year. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that government can operate less, and more efficiently when it does operate, leading to more money in taxpayers pockets.
- Harry Browne is the only candidate on all 50 ballots who would actually reduce the size of government. Period.
- Bob Dole. More trustworthy, better economic plan, more apt to sign the right bills, will appoint conservative judges This is liberally slanted Poll. Loss of moral conviction as well as religious influence, crime deficit, too high taxes, Abortion, Government corruption, drugs, cost of healthcare are all equally a problem there is no one problem.States should have more controll in some areas Federal Government should have controll in others. We should be good stewards of the planet but it should be reaso able it is not more important than the economy but the economy is not more important than the environment. The deficit will be lowered with lower taxes. The government already mandates morals by laws. Unions only protects the bad employee.
- Bob Dole. I don't want to give Clinton a second chance to mess up again.
- jim carry, everyone loves him.
- Bob dole because we have better chance to remain free than with that stinking comunist we have in office now.
- I want to see Bob Dole as the president. Dole has more character in his little finger then Clinton has in his entire famnily.
- Bob Dole, because i have the impression the he's genuine.He's not flashy.but more important,he's honest and more than qualified
- Bob Dole, due to the fact that character is the primary element of a good leader. There is no substitute for honesty and integrity.
- Bob Dole. I can't trust Clinton
- Dole... because... Clinton lied about inhaling and he protested against America In a foreign country!!!
- Harry Browne -- We must get government out of our lives at the ballot box .... while we still have the chance.
- Bob Dole's plans will help stenghten our country both economically and morally. His prescence and leadership capabilities will make us more respected world-wideas opposed to Clinton who will say anything to anybody in order to get elected. Clinton has no moral authority and just cares about being in a power position. Its all ego with him.
- Bob Dole because he is conservative and will limit power of govermant
- We are better off now than we were four years ago. Clinton is trying to advance important programs to benefit the nation as a whole.
- I would like to see Bill Clinton as pres. in '96. He seems to have his tax breaks and plans in order and still be able to reduce the deficit
- Harry Browne. He seems the most intelligent choice we've had in ages. He's not a politician, and he talks good sense. Go read what he's saying, and make your own choice.
- dole- less government,less taxes, limit spending to revenue dole- less government and taxes, limits on spending and entitlements
- Ralph Nader would make the best president. He hasn't sold out to any corporate interests, and he would put the good of the majority of people ahead of profits for those few who own corporations.
- I would like to see Bob Dole as president because he will bring more honesty and is more experienced in domestic as well as foriegn policy. Although I am not totally satisfied with either candidate, I Bill Clinton is less satisfactory to me than Bob Dole.
- Dole the lesser of two evils
- Harry Browne: The only canidate who is dedicated to bringing the Fed. Gov't back in compliance w/Constitution
- Bob Dole
- Clinton because of age, good record and support of civil liberties.
- Harry Browne because there's not a dimes worth of difference in the way Bob Dole and Bill Clinton do business.
- Bill Weld; I like his record, and his stance as a fiscal conservative while staying out of "morality" issues.
- William F Buckley is the only one i know of that could even hope to get us put of this mess!
- Bob Dole, I don't trust Clinton. The FBI files causes me great anguish.
- Clinton, I don't trust Dole to do the things he proposes for the good of the whole country.
- This country needs a president who is honest and trustworthy. Who has a fear of God and high moral standards. Who works for the people, not against them. We need someone who will not take our basic rights away and will respect the right to one's own personal defense. We need someone who will not have daily scandals in the press. Someone who doesn't cheat on his wife and who didn't dodge the draft. Someone who fought for their country. Bill Clinton is not this man. But Bob Dole comes pretty close. DOLE/KEMP in 96!
- Clinton because of his greatER sensitivity to issues of economic justice the gap between rich and poor (which has a lot to do with crime, welfare, etc.) Interesting that the huge gap between rich and poor was not even a choice for "greatest problem" in this country.
- Harry Browne because he wants to cut down the goverment
- Bill Clinton because he is a better candidate.
- Harry Brown.... because if he were to win I believe he would do all he could to reduce government... which I think *needs* to be done. I think that if more people thought he had a chance of winning, they would vote for him as well. I also think that our country would benefit if everyone began to question the logic behind their own beliefs.
- I would like to see Colin Powell become president because he grewup with everything agaist him but today he is a great Army General. As for Clinton and Dole, Clinton did a good job, but I don't think he deserves a second term and Dole's tax plan will only cause the deficit to skyrocket and force tax increases in four years. Also, I believe Dole is too out of touch with teenagers to deal with drug problems.
- Dole, I believe that Clinton's legal problems will hamper his effectivness in a Republican controlled House and/or Senate.
- Harry Browne for a drastic reduction in the size,scope and cost of the federal gov't.
- I agree with most of Dole's ideas and views, with the exception of pro-life.
- Bill Clinton because I believe he is doing a good job.
- Bob Dole, because he is reliable, known for decades to be a rock solid politician, and his plans are quite reasonable. His opponent on the other hand, is not a presidential material.
- Bob Dole is an honest man of integrity. He almost gave his own life and went through much physical pain and agony for his country. I believe he is totally devoted to it's welfare.
- I would like to see Bob Dole as President because I know he can lead this country to a firm economical standing while at the same time prove himself to be a leader in not only morals and character, but also courage. All the other issues are not even in question.
- Bob Dole -- Only viable candidate who believes government should be smaller and less intrusive in our busness. Bill Clinton is a lying manipulative Crook.
- Bob Dole. He is a man of integrity and experience. He CAN reduce taxes and balance the budget at the same time.
- I intend to vote for Harry Browne, because I feel that he is the candidate most likely to be concerned about civil liberties.
- Dole- I feel his goals to be directed toward family and its developemetn -in conjunction with the rebuilding of America.
- Harry Browne, He is the only canidate with a real plan to reduce government,taxes,and make people responsible for themselvs not relient on the government.
- Bob Dole, I think that people should be in control of their lifes more than the Gov't is.
- I really wish there were better canidates. There is just something about Dole and Perot that I Don't like. It seems like that just want to rule the world?
- B. Dole, because Mr. Dole is a good man and Clinton is a sleaze ball.
- Bill Clinton cares about specific solutions to problems. See his solution for increasing vaccination rates in children which helps the health of the whole society and revamping the student loan system to give more money to students and less to bankers and reworking the cooperation between the EPA and landowners with the Nature Conservancy and others for a better economy and a better enviroment.
- Bob Dole - Its hard to image after coming out of the economic success of the 80's people still are skeptical of a tax break. The only thing I have seen Clinton do to reduce the deficit is raise taxes - Dole plans to reduce spending and stimulate the economy (a stronger effort).
- Harry Browne.
- Bob Dole
- Bill Clinton; the best combination of competence, experience, moderation and compassion for the job.
- Bob Dole, because he's honest and has the experience to become a very good leader in our fast growing country.
- Harry Browne. He is the only candidate who respects the U.S. constitution, and will seak to balance the budget and limit the Fed. Gov. to its constitutional functions.
- Bob Dole, the Democrates had their chance in 92-94. I am not better off than I was then. It`s time for the Republicans to make the difference.
- I want to see stuff about Bob dole cause he is interesting
- I want to see Clinton; his objectives have not been met yet, but I believe they are worth pursuing for four more years.
- Bob Dole. Character counts!
- Clinton, I am tired of Dole bashing Clinton. In my opinion, since Dole is bashing Clinton, Clinton must be doing something right.
- Bob Dole. He is the last of the World War II generation. I do not feel the people of this country are as patriotic as they should be. Senetor Dole could bring back pride in our country. That is important to me.
- Bob Dole....because he is an honest person of which we can all be proud of and can trust.
- Clinton, because he has a plan for the future that is working and will continue to work.
- Bill Clinton - I feel that Mr. Dole has placed too much emphasis on the past with little vision for the future.
- Dole will help restore decency to our lives and downsize government.
- Clinton because he is a good president, and because Dole is cynical.
- Bob Dole - I hate Clinton
- Newt Gingrich - not afraid to say what he thinks. Has his own ideas and tries to sell them. Not follow the wind. However he's not running now.
- Bill Clinton, because he has a genuine plan to eliminate the deficit while protecting medicare, medicaid, education, and the environment.
- Harry Browne to decrease government intrusion in my life.
- Harry Browne....Politics the way our founding fathers meant it to be.
- Bill Clinton Clinton is more for the blue collar worker than Dole is.
- Bob Dole because character matters.
- Bob Dole, because he is someone I can trust.
- Bob Dole because character matters.
- Harry Browne is the best candidate because he understands that government doesn't work and wants to help Americans rather than himself.
- Ralph Nader. Very little difference between Dole/Clinton. Both are the puppets of big business after taking their millions of dollars for the campaign. Big corporations are being given major tax breaks and write offs while citizens are asked to pay more to help limit the debt. It's the biggest problem facing this country, and Dole and Clinton aren't talking about it because both are drinking from that well. Nader is the only one of the candidates determined to end big business influence in our governme t.
- Censorship scares me. Make the government smaller. It's none of their business what I do with my money and what I do in my bedroom.
- bob dole... shows far better character than slick Willie.. clinton must lose.....after all he's a loser...
- Bob Dole, I'm from Alaska & Federal government intrusion is gastly How would you like to live in a place where 92% of all land is owned by the federal govrnment, and the people that are trying to run it from Washinton DC. -SCOTT-
- Harry Browne. He's the only candidate who has a philosophy that's consistant with the founding fathers'. Basically, he's right!
- Harry Browne is the only candidate talking about reversing 100 years worth of increasing Federal intervention in every problem short of dandruff.
- Bill Clinton understands COMPROMISE,this is a strength not a weakness and has produced a highly successful four years. I value performance over past history!
- I want for president someone I can look up to as a leader, one whose moral and ethical foundation is above reproach. In other words, I want someone I can trust and believe in to do what is right for my country.
- Dole, Moral Conviction and intent to decrease Governmental intrusion into our lives and pocket books without letting the truly needy slip through the cracks of society.
- after 40 years Dole has done all the damage he needs to I'll take Clinton
- I firmly believe that Harry Browne would be the best president this country has ever seen. This insane, megalithic government needs dismantled, and he is the only candidate who advocates such action.
- Bob Dole-his faith in the family and the locality is better suited to the American way than the "government knows best" notions of Clinton.
- Bob Dole-despite fears of Republicans running amuck - He has shown he has the ability to compromise on items without compromising his word.
- Howard Phillips is the only candidate who will govern according to the Constitution. The words of Dole and Clinton mean nothing in terms of their actions.
- Harry Browne. The Libertarian party is the only party committed to the founding principles of our, country - limited government, personal freedom, and individual responsibility.
- Bill Clinton because I support his views far more than I support Bob Dole's. I believe Dole's tax plan is insanely impossible and impractical.
- I want to see Bob Dole as president because he is a man of great integrity and character who has the qualities of experience, leadership, wisdom, and a strong relationship with God that will enable him to be a president that will make the necessary reforms needed in reducing the size of government and reestablishing the Judeo-Christian values as the moral foundation of our society. Bob Dole is a man whose word is his bond. The American people can trust this man. Honesty is so hard to find in the cur ent administration. Bob Dole's economic and foreign policies will truly put us on the right track to cross the bridge into the twenty-first century.
- Howard Phillips because of the Party's platform which calls for a return to ideas that this Country was founded on; we need a retrurn to the US Constitution!
- bill clinton
- Howard Phillips, the ONLY true conservative. 1-800-2-VETO-IRS,
- Harry Browne. He is the only canadiate who makes sense.
- Ross is my vote to show the utter disgust with the political situation!
- HARRY BROWNE, he's the man with the plan! Legalize it!
- BILL CLINTO - GREAT JOB IN BAD CIRCUMSTANCES. WITH A COOPerative congress he could be a grat president
- Bob Dole he has the best ideas. We've already seen Clinton and I don't think anyone wants that agian.
- Browne or Perot, in order to show Dem's & Rep's that they are not acting in good faith as perceived by the general population, and to give referenced ideas a voice, rather than meaningless "statistic wars".
- Bob Dole because we can TRUST what he says and we can BELIEVE he will do what he says, unlike his opponent. For those of you who vote for Clinton, just remember what people were saying right before the election, as Clinton is going through his impeachment hearings.
- Harry Brown .His promise to end the war on drugs is good. I'm subject to ramdom drug testing and it is degrading.
- Bob Dole, as I feel the other choice will lead to socialisum, and the "New World Order".
- bob dole he is more truthful and i believe the promises he is making. he doesnt want larger goverment and believes in local goverment and small business
- Robert Dole will make the better president of the current election because he represents the values and the integrity expected of the leader of the world. His view of the future laced with the high standards of the past is a step towards the only viable path to greater freedom from the stiffling goverment grip.
- Harry Browne should be our next President because he will trade off the entitlements boondoggle and abolish the income tax.
- Bill Clinton, I don't like Dole.
- Harry Browne, because everyone else sucks.
- Bill Clinton -- because I trust Al Gore and want to see him win in 2000.
- Browne, less govt.
- A strong conservative to sign the conservative legislation from Congress!
- I feel President has earned another four years. I don't feel former Senator Dole has a vision of the future. He is still fighting WWII.
- Bob Dole, because i feel that he has better moral character and with good morals will come the ability to make better governmental decisions
- Harry Browne, because although he does not stand for absolutely everything that I do, he is close enough. Even if he is able to cut the gov't by only 10% it will still be 10% smaller, not 3 r 5 or 30% greater.
- Harry Browne because he is the only one who is trustworthy and will reduce government while protecting the constitution.
- Bill Clinton because he is not going used the government to dictate a moral code.
- Harry Browne. We need far less government.
- Dole/Less Government
- Clinton. Dole scares me, i don't think he's sincere, and he's too old.
- Bill Clinton only becuase he is lookong into the future. I feel that we cannot move forward without looking forward.
- Clinton because he seems easier to trust.
- Harry Browne. It is a far-fetched dream, but I am not the first American to dream about liberty.
- Mr. Clinton. He leans towards the right on economics and the left on social issues. Doesn't mandate morals..but protects the freedom of others.
- Does it really matter?
- Bob Dole, because he will further the necessary move back toward personal responsibility and away from the "victim" mentality.
- Harry Browne. The Libertarian Party has a set of beliefs from which it derives all its stands on issues. Other parties waver too much in their thinking.
- Harry Browne. Republicans are like abused spouses. Even though they get beat up, they keep coming back. The Republican politician, like the abusive spouse, keeps saying they will never do it again. But when the spouse comes back, they beat them again. Harry Browne is the shelter. The Republicans can learn only if they suffer. Let's make them suffer.
- Dole: Because I believe he is an honest man who would try to keep his word, and not laugh in the face of the American people.
- Harry Browne. He is not only the Libertarian candidate, he is the best Libertarian candidate ever.
- I wish we could have a pres who actually keeps his promises and helps reduce crime, drugs, teen pregnancy, and makes education a real priority.
- Clinton - Younger and more moderate than Dole
- bob doyle - the royle of gov. is allow people to make the best of their own lives, not dictate how you should/should not live... (less gov. involement), this is what republicans stand for in general.
- Harry Browne, The two main parties have lied to us for all these years so lets give Harry Browne a chance.
- Bill Clinton. Although he did break his promise to cut taxes, his policy played an important part in lowering interest rates. I was able to refinance loans and save over $200.00 a month. The savings I realized are far more than I would save from Bob Doles 15% tax cut. In addition, Ronald Reagan cut taxes and look what happened to the deficit. Americans are now paying close to $1,000 per person just to cover the interest expense on the deficit created during the Reagan/Bush era. I guess what it al boils down to is the classic arugment of monetary versus fiscal policy. In the past for years, Bill Clinton's tax increase where offset by cuts in interest thus still managing to stimulate the economy and lower the deficit.
- Libertarian Harry Browne....the only viable candidate that would drastically reduce the size of government.
- Bob Dole. I will unhappily vote for Dole because of his age,buthe is a war hero and and ethical person. Clinton is morally corrupt. His past and present life represents almost all values I oppose.
- I'd like to see Bill Clinton remain in office. He seemed to do a reasonable job last term, and he has good ideas as well as morals. The environment is an important asset to future generations, and it appears to me that Clinton realizes this as well and plans to accomplish something with it.
- Bob Dole. I will unhappily vote for Dole since he is a war hero and and ethic person. Clinton is morally corrupt. His past and present life represents almost all values I oppose.
- I vote for Clinton not by choice, but by neccesity. I shudder to think what sort of rash plans that the "new" Republicans of Congress, if they, as they will likely, retain a majority, will do with a puppet such as Dole in the white house
- I would like to see Bob Dole for president because he has more of the same beliefs as I do, and I believe in his character, while Clinton's I am skeptical about.
- don't feel comfortable w/ anyone running now.poss.collin powell?
- Senator Bob Dole because Clinton is a draft dodger, a liberal, a womanizer and is not trustworthy.
- Libertarian Harry Browne, because he is the only candidate who will reduce government
- Bob Dole becaues we need a leader that is responisble and takes a stand on a issue and dose not change his mind the next day.
- Some one who truly believes that government should keep its hands both out of your pocket and out of your pants.
- Clinton, becuase he's kept fighting for the middle and lower class Americans. He is more in tune to the needs of the country going into the next century.
- Bob Dole: He has the best vision for America. Namely, he can be trusted to cut taxes, balance the budeget, and encourage economic growth, while reducing the size of an intrusive government.
- Given the choice of Dole vs. Clinton, I want Clinton to win. I feel that Clinton is far more conservative than I am and I rarely vote for anyone who supports the death penalty, but I feel that a Dole administration would increase the gap between the richest and poorest Americans.
- Harry Browne..less intrusive government and increased civil and personal liberties.
- Bob Dole.We must always remember when we become apathetic and no longer care what our leaders character is we are in danger of losing our freedom, Hitler was elected.
- Harry Browne! He isn't a liar and he is lucid. Qualities I see lacking in the other canditates
- I would like to see a candidate that is willing to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Anyone who ignores this necessity lacks the true foresite to take us into the 21st century.
- Harry Browne, the only candidate who understands individual liberty.
- Bob Dole. Because he knows the right way to run the government. He is old and wiser than Bill, and he is in it for the people.
- Harry Browne. He's consistent, up-front, and has well thought out plans.
- Bill Clinton...I like his position on issues dealing with small business
- I want to see Dole win, because most of Clintons plans benefit the "the minorities", and although this is important, it should not be done at the expense of the majority.
- Bob Dole, because I feel that he has a better plan for the future, and he has a word that I can believe.
- Bob Dole: I believe in a conservative economic plan Clinton's foreign policy is terrible. Troops out of Bosnia!
- Harry Browne. Our worst problems are caused by the government incompetently meddling in order to "fix" things.
- Harry Brown To return this country to it's greatness, and to allow indiduals to succeed on their own marits.
- Harry Browne because America should be a free country. To be a free country, we need to reduce government.
- I would like to see Harry Browne elected because I think he would do his best to reduce the federal government to its constitutionaly authorized size.................
- Bob Dole. Clinton is an embarrassment to the United States. Clinton invites terrorists to the White House ie. Gerry Adams. He gives our weapons to terrorrist nations ie. 16 F-16's to Jordan
- Bob Dole because he is a better man.
- Anyone but Clinton to hopefully restore restpect to the office of the President
- Bob Dole. Or more accurately, not Bill Clinton. We can't trust him to keep promises and he either doesn't understand economics or he is intentionally misrepresenting economic principles and history in the attempt to get elected.
- Take a wild guess from my answers... ;-) and the reasons are integrity & trust.
- Bob Dole because of his 15% tax cut and economic growth plan. His administration will give the power back to the people where it belongs.
- Bob Dole. I feel he can return trust in our government and a more ethical leadership.
- harry browne because he advocates policies that most closely match the beliefs of the framers of our constitution.
- Dole is the only one truly consern about the future of our children and he is not just using a slick word to get elected. Bill Clinton is using the Republican ideas and calling them his own. Look at what he said he was going to do in 1992. He has done a 180 and supports everything Bush supported in 1992. Clinton cannot be trusted. FBI FILES, Case In Point.
- Harry Browne wants to eliminate the income tax, and retire trhe debt in the same amount of time Bob Dole proposes to get out of his white house bed. Stop endorsing the Fake candidates. Tell Dole and Clinton you are sick of taxes, Vote Browne!
- Harry Browne. Only "third-party" candidates advocate reducing government; Harry and the Libertarians are consistent and clear.
- I want to see the most responsible, truthful, and ethical candidate as president. Of the two candidates, I think Bob Dole fits those requirements.
- Ralph Nader because he is the only one with the spine to stand up to American Big Business
- Bob Dole
- Bob Dole shows more leadership, and strength in character. He seems to be someone who does not feel that you have to please everyone, becuase that is not possible.
- Harry Browne; because he favors less government on all issues at all times.
- Harry Browne - He will reduce government to it's original intent and stop the waste and corruption that has become the Washington establishment of the social and corporate welfare state.
- Bill Clinton - his beliefs better align with mine.
- harry browne. less government control over every aspect of peoples lives.he is for privatization of all issues.
- Clinton is a futurist with sensitivity, committment, energy, and creativity.
- Clinton, despite his pandering to the moment by moment change in the direction of the poltical wind, has his heart in the right place.
- Bob Dole, because Bill Clinton is a phoney two faced liar.
- In President Clinton's first election he addressed several important issues facing this country as a whole and it's constituents which he later retracted when in officecleading to a growing distrust of anything Clinton says. Tax increases must end somewhere or there will be nothing left to tax.
- President Dole...I think President Clinton is doing things that are illegal
- Bob Dole, not necessarily because he is the best candidate, but because Pres. Clinton does not deserve another term. The president has promised much, waffled even more and delievered nothing.
- Browne, tired of politics as usual, want to try something different
- Bob Dole because clinton wants to RULE not lead
- Harry Browne -- You will not get one spending cut proposal from Clinton or Dole. Tax cuts are possible IF we have spending cuts. Problem is, the major canidates will not propose any.
- Neither Dole nor Clinton embody many of the traits I'd like to see in our next president. We need someone who's less intersted in fighting "the opposition" and runs this country a little more like a business.
- Browne for supporting the constitution
- Bob Dole - Big Government like big business tends to become insular and merely promotes itself. This has to stop and I don't see a Bill Clintont promoting smaller federal government .
- President President President Clinton connects with people, Dole is one track==negative and would not be a good policy connection with foreign countries he is too negative answered every question with an attack not a solution;;;
- I want to see either Perot or Jack Kemp (maybe Dole will die). I will vote for Browne to spread his message, but he does not have the experience to be President.
- Bob Dole, because he reflects a higher personal integrity and moral base than Bill Clinton.
- Bill Clinton: Cause he is pro-choice, pro environment, for the average person - not big business. Just because I'm from Kansas, doesn't mean I'm for dole!
- Harry Browne- the only candidate who wants to reduce the federal government, sweep our burdensome regulations and end the income tax.
- President Clinton should be in the president in 1996 because he has the most vision for the future
- Harry Browne will limit government employees' control over my life. The government is a menace to our civilization.
- I think Bill Clinton would be the best choice. I don't see any way that Dole's economic plan can work. You can't cut taxes, reduce the deficit, and not have to cut some important programs
- Ralph Nader - he will not be influenced by big business,or money
- Ross perot. Ross is right how a simply business plan could fix our economy, and basic problem solving steps could find solutions for everything else. Please, no more career politicians. The have destroyed enough.
- Harry Browne--because he is the only candidate committed to reducing the size of government.
- Haryy Browne -- he is the only candidate that will ACTUALLY reduce the size and scope of government
- Harry Browne. He stands for reducing the government down to size. He has real ideas, not major party rhetoric.
- Harry Browne- unlike the three most metioned, he's the only one who keeps in mind the US has a CONSTITUTION!
- Harry Browne because he is the only candidate who knows that Government solutions don't work!
- I want Bob Dole to win because I truely believe that his word is good, he is upstanding and that he would and could give us the 15% tax break. (P.S., I didn't answer the two questions that were leading and inferred they were mutually exclusive [e.g., tax break vs. the debt.])
- Bob Dole should be the next president because I trust him to lead our country in the proper direction more so than I trust Clinton.
- Bob Dole. He is a better role-model for everyone. He is more trustworthy.
- Bob Dole/Jack Kemp: Smaller government (not NO government, as the press would paint conservatives), and less bureaucratic control of individuals' lives is critical to our nation.
- One interesting thing I note is that most of the people I talk to who are against Clinton have an almost irrational hatred of the man almost exclusively based on what they've heard on radio & television. You can't talk to a single anti-Clinton person who doesn't spew a bunch of unsubstantiated innuendo; the basis of their prejudice is not logical. If you look at Clinton's record of accomplishments, it's quite clear he has worked very hard to deliver on his promises. Anyone who expects too much from politicials (in general) is deluding themselves, but I believe history will show Clinton to be an excellent president, probably even better than Kennedy. He supported a wide variety of very intelligent legislation that various special interest groups love to demean but when you look at the facts, things like the Brady Bill, Family Leave, Feinstein Amendment, Don't Ask Don't Tell in the military, are sound and moderate proposals - they're not liberal - they just make sense. Clinton WILL become re-elected because the American people are stupid, but not quite stupid enough to think the republicans, or any other candidate is being realistic in their promises or sincere in their concern for the country's future.
- The person who will revamp the goverment before Social Security is gone and before Medicare is gone and before we become tax slaves.
- Bob Dole because he has honest plans to make America a better place.
- Bob Dole -- High moral and ethical charactor. His honorable service to America during war time. And his belief in the American people.
- Bob Dole. We all must take more responsibility for our own lives. We have been giving away too many of our freedoms.
- I want to see a communist revolution in 1996.
- Either Ross Perot or Ralph Nader because they would shake things up and boot out the entrenched special interests.
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