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Year 2000 Presidential Election Survey
User comments
Without turning this into a partisian/rhetorical argument, who do you want to see for president in 2000 and why?
- bush because we need to restore honesty, dignity to the whitehouse and cut government involvement in all our lives.
- Albert Gore Jr. because of he is the only candidate presented by either party with the credentials and skills to be president. His policies support a government BY the people, OF the people, and FOR the people.
- George W. Bush. Supports less government, Will bring honesty and integrity to the office.
- Al Gore b/c i like what he has to say about the education and environment
- I would love to see Ralph Nader because when he addresses Issues they are always in a positive manner & he knows what he is doing! VOTE NADER!
- Al Gore, because I believe he is most qualified.
- I do not trust Bush and I do not believe he is the best man to handle our foreign policies.
- Bush - he is marginally more in touch with society,
- Al Gore
- George W. Bush - He really cares about us and our country!
- Al Gore. His views are more aligned with my own; Bush appears to have no views or if he does he fails to reveal them, only vagueness.
- al gore because he can keep the economy going
- Al Gore, as he is not guilty of murder in contrast to some of his opponents.
- Al Gore..He will protect a woman's right to choose
- George W Bush has more common sense understands the concept of responsibilty for ones action.If you contribute you do well if set on your laurels you get hungry.
- Gore, George Bush doesn't have the experience. Republicans shoudn't be rewarded for eight years of their hateful politics of personal destruction.
- George Bush would limit government more than Al Gore so I will vote for him.
- George W.Bush--fairness in the tax code--tax cuts to stimulate the economy--credibility and integrity in the White House.
- George Bush Because he is the best hope for less gov't regulation and elavating our moral standards and turning away fromthe gov'ts socialist leanings.
- Be honest. Talk to the people with respect and tell the truth. Let us judge what is best for us.
- George Bush. I like/trust his cabinet..esp Colin Powell and Cheney. They believe we do not have to "police" the world like Gore. Our troops are now going somewhere in the world every 14 weeks. Scary!
- Questions on tax breaks are slanted and leading.
- Ralph Nadar so that we can shift the focus away from ploitics as usual to combating our most serious problem the decay of the urban centers
- i dont know
- Al Gore, He is experienced with good results in both foreign and domestic affairs. I feel the country would continue to prosper under his leadership. He is an intelligent and capable man.
- Ralph Nader. I feel the other two major candidates have been influenced far too long by big business and politics. I think Mr Nader is a much more honest man, although I may not allways agree with him, I feel he does what he thinks is right.
- Gore. Experience. last eight years. Knowledge.
- We must restore dignity and honor to our presidency. We must remain strong militarily to remain free. We must cherish LIFE for young and old. We need tax relif so that we can save money for our old age. I believe George Bush will pursue the above goals and every American will benefit.
- BUSH - WAY TO GO!!! Albert Gore Jr,/Lieberman - WAY TO GO BACK!!! Stop the stupid policies of supporting special groups NOW!!! Gays/pedofiles, poor/broke, environmentalists/tree-huggers, black/multi-color, etc... Aren't you tired yet!? And anyone could use some tax cut money, right!
- Ralph Nader because he is the best candidate running, and I would like to see a third party candidate win.
- George W. Bush, Because he has a strong moral foundation, and because if gore gets elected we are going to continue to lose our rights.
- Bush,less government and srtong morals is exactly what this country needs.
- al gore, because I think that he will do a good job. If george w bush get elected, we will go back 10 to 15 years.
- Bush. His management style will bring out the best in his advisors/cabinet. Gore tends to dominate and degrade; his advisors will tell him what they think he wants to hear.
- GORE-Because Bush is dangerous and a threat to our national security.
- George W. Bush. He has more integrity and he has a clean slate with which to work where as gore has had 8 years with no success in the areas he is claiming as issues now. Bush will be better for the economy and especially the military.
- George W. Because I think he is honest, has the proper view of what government should be and is a leader.
- more effective and less wasting government
- 1. A known and well-respected person who would run as an independent. 2. McCain as Bush's VP. He could be the only VP who could become the next president.
- Bush, I wouldn't gain anything if Gore were elected. I wouldn't qualify for any of his tax and benefit plans.
- I really do not know. All I know is that the next president should be someone who is going to put the interests of the people infront of the interests of government agencies and big buisnesses.
- Gore, because he is responsible, and he cares about the people and the environment, and would, I think, be better as president.
- Albert Gore Jr. because he has the extensive federal gov't experience required to run this country!
- Al Gore--We need competent and experienced people in these days of turmoil.
- I will vote for George Bush. Clinton & Gore had 8 improve edu. & failed
- Bush is the only answer to America's problems with leadership.
- gore, we can't have a republican congress and a republican president. that's frightening.
- Gov. Bush. I fell the Clinton/Gore team had eight yrs to help the school system & failed.
- GW Bush Integrity and he's genuine! Gore is disingenuous and would say and do anything to win! No more Gore/CLinton!
- Lower interest rates, inflation. Higher rates of employment. It's obviously Gore.
- Bush, I think he will honestly try to do a good job, and I think he is capable of doing a good job.
- Al Gore because i thin k he will be good for everybody in our country
- I want George W. Bush to win because Al Gore will destroy the Second Amendment and not only allow but force me to pay for abortions....
- I would like to see the next U.S. President as a great communicator of moral values, education as a priority, and an individual who can lead a strong domestic economic agenda.
- Your survey sucks and it shows your and I guess the country's lack of understanding in so many fields. For example, the environment is part of the economy. They are not in competition. What do you mean by tax breaks? For who? What moral standards are you refering to? Abortion or thou shall not kill? Unions do not destroy prodcutivity they affect effieciency at a cost that to some might be destruction of productivity but there is also the protection of the worker that is gained from the loss of efficiency. The problem is that I have a hard time believing the media. How can I make a desicion about anything without being sure of my information?
- I want to see George W. Bush for president because I agree with his point of view on the issues. I believe that social welfare has gone too far and that we need to focus on the nation as a whole.
- Bush, due to the tax cuts! I believe that this will give us a better economy!
- Al Gore is the only qualified candidate running for the office. I do not believe in massive tax cuts for the wealthy and I do not support the conservative agenda.
- Gore because Bush is not qualified interlectually or experience wise to be president
- This survey is a perfect example of what is wrong with polls in general. You ask very shallow, or quite probably biased questions. For example; tax breaks and lowering the deficit are not mutually exlusive. People are already beginning to tune pols out as ineffectual. Soon the talking heads will lose confidence in them as well.
- G.W. Bush - The U. S. needs a new hope to carry us into the future. We are tired of the left wing liberals distroying this nation.
- George W. Bush Mr. Gore would continue the policies of Clinton, i.e dishonesty
- George W. Bush only as a protest vote against the corrupt Gore camp. Best case would bring back John McCain.
- I would like to see George W. Bush win the presidency because he will bring a more moral climate to Washington.
- G.W. Bush, He is for education, and does not stand on big goverment. I can use my money better than the goverment.
- Al Gore. Experienced,family values, caring; reasonable gun control, unlike Bush/ Republicans-NRA kickbacks.Gore: keep social security in tact.Work to reform in the White House not deplete income of American Elderly, like Bush. Gore will work for proper health care,elderly prescriptions. Bush will deplete all social services. GORE! GORE-the GOOD of the people!
- Al Gore because I believe HE is the right man to become president at this time: Morals, Economy, Sincere, Dedicated, For ALL the people.
- reduce partisanship
- George Bush. I agree with the majority of his positions, including those on social policies and the military.
- George W. Bush. His integrity,strength of character, leadership qualities and ability stay the course (not waver) on his philosophical convictions will bring needed improvements to the highest office in the land. Conversely, Al Gore would be one of our weakest presidents since Jimmy Carter.
- George W. Bush is the best person. He his honest and is not a documented liar as is Al Gore.
- I would like to see Al Gore as our next president. We need someone to fight for the environment.
- Al Gore. Experienced,family values, caringe; reasonable gun control-weapons in hands of wrong people, unlike Bush-apparently of Republicans-receievs kickbacks from the NRA to assure their party keeps ALL guns in these same hands! Gore: keep social security in tact.Work to reform in the White House not off deplete income of American Elderly!! Not deplete it like Bush. Gore will work for proper health care. Elderly prescriptions, unlike Bush who will deplete Medicare any way he can...GORE! GORE! GORE! for the GOOD of the people!
- George Bush Pro-Life/Pro 2nd Amendment
- Ralph Nader because he is honest, represents the majority of the people and encourages civic responsibility which has devoted his entire life to.
- Al Gore. He is experienced; family values; cares for young and old alike; wants reasonable gun control due to too many weapons in hands of the wrong people, unlike Bush who apparently is part of the Republican party who receievs kickbacks from the NRA to assure their party keeps ALL guns in these same hands! Gore will keep social security in tact and work on the issue while in the White House, not take right off depleting the retirment income of American Elderly!! THEY cannot make any more money, and rightly own their SS payments since working ane paying into it FOR their retirement. Gore will work to reform it, but not deplete it like Bush. Gore will work for proper health care for ALL, young and old, elderly get prescriptions where now they cannot; unlike Bush who will deplet Medicare any way he can...GORE! GORE! GORE! for the GOOD of the people!
- honesty, dignity, moral conviction, trustworthyness, integrity, truthful
- Al Gore Jr. Incumbent, experienced, attention to details, caring, honest, open minded. liberal enough to be conservative; conservative enough to be liberal. fights for ALL the people, not just those who can fill his pockets with cash!
- Geirge W, Bush. All for reducing the size of government, improving education and he has the know how.
- George W. Bush. He has made improvements as Governor of Texas and he seems quite genuine. Where Al Gore seems to be saying absolutely anything to try and get as many votes as possible, he sways with the wind.
- George W. Bush. I believe he will help protect our constitutional rights.
- I support Gov. George W. Bush, as a result of what I have seen of his character-honest and reliable, and I believe his ideas and goals would be best suited for America's future and he really is for our nation's best interest.
- Al Gore has the most common sense ideals and the experience for the job. Gov.Bush is biased towards big bussiness and has a poor record in the state of Texas on important issues and lacks the experience and personal achievement.
- Reduction of spending that doesn't relate with the basic fundamentals of our government.
- George W. Bush because he stands for smaller govt, and Gore cannot be trusted!
- Bush - Return integrity to White House
- George W. Bush,He's not for bigger goverment.
- Bush. He's a man of integrity and will work in a bi-partisan manner with Congress to do what the America needs.
- George Bush. His priorities of reducing excessive taxs, working for actual solutions to problems, across party lines if necessary, rather than just political posturing, and his honesty & integrity. Even if you disagree with him, you at least know his position.
- Al Gore, because the topics he talks about come across to the people easier that Bush. Plus Bush is more for the wealthy.
- I am voting for George W. Bush and want him to be President because he believes in the sanctity of life, he trusts me with MY money and he has character. The past 8 years have been embarrassing and pathetic. Its time to have someone with REAL values in our White House, and Gore doesn't
- I hope Gore will be the next president, for he is more likely to think things over.
- I want to see a better value for life... with appreciation for what we have in this great nation, satisfaction in our work and material items, and respect for others... I just want world peace (is that too much to ask?) j/k Go George W.!
- Gore, More experience, skills, knowledge, and believe it or not more touch with society
- GWBUSH Better leader than Al
- howard phillips. common sense approach
- George W. Bush because you can believe and trust him unlike gore and clinton before.
- George W. Bush. Think of any immoral issue that affects society and you see that the Democrats are all for it.
- George W. Bush , because we need a change in the moral climate in the White House and govt. in general.
- Bush, because Gore denies the simple truth that the second amendment to the US constituion protects an individual's right to keep and bear arms
- George Bush because I feel that he can get something positive done for this country.
- george w. bush
- i would like to see mr. bush win the presidency because gore and clintons policy over the last 8 years have lead to numerious deaths of innocent americans. just recently the brave young men and women of the uss cole.noted gore said in the second debate."i believe america can go into any chartered water because every country likes the us." thank you gore for the blood shed you help caused!
- Albert Gore, Jr. Simply because I think he's the better man for the job!
- bush, he is for less federal government control and more state control
- Al Gore He is best canidate out there. Good family man and concerned about the american people
- ralph nader - because he actually would do things and rally people behind him - but voting for him is a wasted vote.
- George W. Bush because Gore will untrack the economy
- Gearge W. Bush because he is fare to everyone not just certain individual groups.And he believes the federal government is too large.
- bush because i believe he can bring moral values and trust into government.
- Ralph Nader will fight corporate influence and return government to the people.
- bush, strong moral character, less gov but more effective, no more scandels,no more waco's or elian, stop illegal immigration
- George W Bush because he will bring honor and dignity back to the white house. I want my kids looking up to the president of our great country.
- Al Gore becuase he better understands the working class
- I would like to see George W. Bush because he seems more honest and willing to bring changes to Washington than his opponents.
- g.w. bush
- Bush is by far the lesser of two evils. Unlike that jackoff al gore
- I would like to see Al Gore for president because he is a strong man who has the right ideas and vision for America! He cares about saving the environment and the minds of our children!
- I would like to see someone other than a dem or rep, just to stop this 2 party system.
- Bush, because he is better than the only other legitimate alternative.
- George W Bush,he's concerned with morals and education.
- Al Gore--I think he has more experience and I think he is more trustworthy.
- I'd like to see a reduction in the size and cost of federal government, as well as a return to the limits of the Constitution.
- George W. Bush. Clean the White House literally! I can't believe there are so many gulible people in the United States. Gore is just like Clinton in that whoever or where ever he happens to be - he pledges to do everything that those people or that area wants done that concerns them. You can't be all things to all people. It would be wonderful if we could pay enough taxes to make this a perfect world, but that's impossible. We need good paying jobs, not just retail/restaurant jobs. What happened to manufacturing in this country? Mothers need to be able to stay home to raise their family if they choose to, without living at a poverty level. One income never equals two,not matter what income level you are in. A large tax credit for staying home and raising good citizens would solve a lot of social problems.
- George W. Bush is not a liar, has sound ideas for America and I believe he can pull both parties together in Washington.
- Al Gore. I believe he is the better candidate of the two viable alternatives.
- Gun control - too many people getting shot by family members who own guns.
- Al Gore cause he is the better man. Bush is not the type of person I want as president cause he will ruin our economy with his tax cuts for the rich, tickle economics never worked before why should it work now
- George W. Bush because he will bring honor back to the White House and a new administration.
- ralph nader- the other guys are the "same crap" in different sacs.
- Al Gore because I share the majority of his views.
- George Bush - Integrity is very important to me. Gore's integrity is severely questioned.
- Geo. W. Bush - Because I feel he better represents my views. I feel Mr.Gore to be far to liberal and his environmental views scare me.
- G. W. Bush
- George W. Bush because I believe he can be TRUSTED and can raise the moral standards in this society. He also has better policies
- less government,against partial abortion,testing teachers,right to bear arms
- Gore, because he understands where this country needs to grow.
- Al GORE, I don't believe social security should be gamble with by giving the younger people the chance to lose it by investing.
- AL Gore, because he is solid and mature.
- Ralf Nader.
- George W. Bush. Beacuse he is the man for the job, and he has what it takes to bring morality.
- George W. Bush--Will work in a bipartisan manner to get something accomplished.
- pres Bush for education
- Al Gore
- Gore, because I believe that Bush is not upto the task, and because expectations were so low that by apperaing on the debate he already won based on media influence expectations.
- bush
- Truthfullness
- George W. Bush, as I feel he represents conservative values and progressive economic thinking and tax reform.
- I would like to see Bush win this year because he just seems like a more down-to-earth guy than Gore does. Gore seems to attack everything Bush says, which doesn't make him look very good, in my opinion. Also, I'm very much a Pro Life person and Bush supports this.
- I don't know.
- George W. Bush because he believes in the people and their ability to govern and determine their own destiny without the government's interference or direction.
- Bush-good man.
- Bush or Nader because Al Gore and Clinton have not kept their promises to fix social security and medicare for 8 years, and I don't believe al gore will keep any promises because he lies too much. Bush or Nader are nore honest and truthful.
- George W Bush. He's not Al Gore and Clinton fatigue set in a long time ago.
- Al Gore because if Bush is elected he will set about to destroy or weaken the unions.
- bush: tax for everyone $>20,000. prolife. military. His administration/powell,blah,blah
- George W. Bush. He is unconditionally truthful and honorable.
- Strengthin our military, star warrs program and doing away with the IRS since we have such a large surplus.
- Bush. Actually, John McCain, but Bush is the lesser of two evils.
- It would be nice to be proud of the leader of this nation again, George W. Bush is the man for the job.
- George W. BUsh is the only one I would vote for. Gore will just give take away all of our rights as Americans. He is a socialist liberal and needs to get out of office.
- A real pimp.
- less government. A president that will work with congress
- Bush -- don't trust Gore.
- George W. Bush as I would hope he could at least restore dignity to an office so tarnished. Al Gore I believe would not be much of an improvement in this area.
- Senator John McCain.
- Bush, Gore has stretched the truth too often to be trusted!
- Harry Browne will reduce the size of the federal government enough to repeal the income tax and replace it with nothing. Right from the inauguration platform he will pardon all non-violent drug offenders. Then he'll do about 60 more important things.
- G. W. Bush
- Al Gore because Bush would be a disaster
- someone with experience, a sense of history and an effective communicator...he ought to be able to write his own speeches
- George W Bush, Because we will have less gun controls, And more Freedom In the Supreme court Decisions that are to follow,
- George Bush - Fairness for all Americans
- ralph nader, i think the government has become corrupt with corp. influence,
- George W. Bush since he is against abortion.
- George Bush because he will protect our eroding constitutional religous liberties and restore some moral values to a crumbling culture
- Al Gore is most qualified and has best understanding of views of Americans. George has questionable background of accepting bribes, insider trading, and drug use - not what I want for my President - not evidence of a "leader."
- Bush!!! He seems to be very honest and loyal to the Americans. He has good ideas, and is willing to be fair. I like that he is making an effort to work with people in agriculture. I think that Gore has environmental plans not economical plans and for our nation that does not make sense.
- We need someone strong and not afraid of the fact that we are the most powerful country in the world; someone people will respect...not Al Gore!!!!
- I'd like to see George W. Bush as president in 2000. He has faith in the American people, that we know whats best for our families. Gore seems to think he and government does. I want less government not more.
- bush.morals
- george w bush
- George Bush. We cannot make this country great by adopting the socialism of Al Gore.
- George W. Bush, Ethical and moral leadership without slamming it down our throats as well astrue downsizing of the federal government.
- George Bush. He seems to have the ability to bring people of both parties together to get things done.
- alan keyes
- Al Gore because he is very qualified to lead our nation. If George Bush is elected we don't know who will be running the white house, Colon, Bush, Sr. Chaney - we need to know the president is confident and able to lead
- Gore....because of the potential for Supreme Court Justice Appointments and who he would choose as opposed to George W Bush
- I strongly support George W. Bush because he speaks with and for the people. He is a man of integrity who will lead this nation with distinction and honesty!
- Considering the fact that over the next few years we stand to see the appointment four supreme court judges, this election is too important to pass on. Vote Gore/Lieberman!
- George W. Bush. He isn't everything I'm looking for, but there are only two choices. No more Gore please. Reduce size and corruption of government and MUST improve education. Hold criminals accountable.
- Harry Browne is the only candidate who will pare the federal government down to a manageable level. Even if one is in favor of taxation to fund government social programs, a Harry Browne Presidency would be better because state and local governments can more efficiently address problems than can the federal government.
- I think george W. Bush willmake us a stronger nation both militarily and morally plus improving our way of life.
- Gore Because his ideas I can understand.
- An inclusive sensitive intelligent person who understands diversity, global pressures, economic changes, the enviorment, and our role.
- Bush, he will reduce the tax burden.
- Al Gore. Because of his experience being VIce President and his ability to handle crutial matters under pressure. I don't believe G. Bush can function under pressure. He may go back to his old addictions of alcohol and drugs if the pressure became to overwhelming.
- Ralph Nader--I agree with his politics.
- Bush, because he is an honest hard working man who cares about the people.
- Stop homos. Stop abortion. No gun laws. Stop affirmative action. Environmentalists are stupid.
- try
- Bush because he is interested in the American people and he is a fresh face. Gore has done little to impress me as the vice President, why would he do anything different if elected for President - he seems weak.
- George W. Bush - He exudes more confidents, common sense and stability than Al Gore. I feel we need to restore respect and moral character to the office of the US president
- bush he is more likely to keep his campaign promises. gore is promising the same things from 8 years ago. clinton gore just lucked into an economy driven by tech.
- I want too see W. win because I want to keep my right to bear arms and I like his tax plan.
- George W. Bush because he is the most qualified and will get it done.
- George Bush should be the next president as he will return more choices to the people
- George Bush, because he will uphold the constitution. it scares the hell out of me that Gore has said The second ammendment doesn't gaurentee citizens the right to own a gun. If we elect another person that ignores one of the most obvious freedoms of the bill of rights, with the propaganda jauggernaut the mass media is perpetrating, we will lose the right to bear arms.
- George Bush morality and smaller federal government
- George W. Bush as Gore cannot be trusted and would only continue Clinton's programs.
- Gore has more knowledge and experience
- George W. Bush. Because he has integrity, I believe he will keep his word and is better qualified for the job. I think Al Gore should probably be in jail for his illegal activities.
- Geo W. Bush for a fresh start plus a chance to bring people together for our Country's good. Americans need to WORK together...
- Al Gore
- Gore all the way. He seems much more capable than Bush.
- my vote is agaist al gore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- George Bush will be the next president because he is honest, level headed and remains calm in the face of adversity. Leaders of other countries will have more respect for a person with these wonderful qualities, therefore George Bush will be able to accomplish far more positive results than any of the other candidates.
- George W. Bush is more likely to strengthen the military as well as raise morale. He is also the candidate that will restore a sense of honor to Office of the Presidency and to important posts such as Attorney General.
- gore,because bush does not seem to know much
- I feel that Gore will only do as much damage as Bush but that the damage Bush will do will be easier to correct than Gore's.
- Al Gore, he da man!
- I still think John McCain would have been the best candidate, but I will vote for Gore. I simply don't trust Bush and his "Texas Style" politics.
- George W. Bush gets higher marks from me in terms of reducing government and taxes. Taxes=control. I do not want the government controlling people. Bill Clinton and Al Gore have been raising taxes on the American people consistently, including the social security tax. Bush proposes the option that it is not the government's money, it is the people's. This Tennessean cannot vote for Gore.
- George W. Bush - any thing opposing the Clinton - Gore administation is an improvement.
- Bush. He will revitalize America's military and restore the respect Americans and the rest of the world have lost in the presidency. His team seem more interested in doing what is right then they do in implementing ideological ideas.
- This country became great on individual responsibility and initiative; I wish to delay to the maximum extent possible America's destruction by socialism.
- G. W. Bush
- Lies and hypocracy will be the legacy of Clinton. America will vote for Bush because a majority of voters (not necassarily those polled for approval ratings) hate Clinton and everything he stood for. Al was just unlucky enough to follow him.
- Bush-I agree with most of his philosophy and he has integrity. He is a reconciler, is sincere,has morals,fears God,and will lead this country in the right direction.
- bush
- George W. Bush because he can bring us all together. He can work with the democrats.
- Ralph Nader, because he has better policies than Gore or Bush. Nader cares about this planet and its inhabitants.
- Bush We need a moderate president
- george bush, if for no other reason, just to piss off the liberal press.
- Gore, for those left out of economic prosperity to have an opportunity to participate.
- I want to see more inclusion and consideration of all U.S. citizens ie African Americans, Hispanics, gays government and economic platforms.Less battles over education and more cohesion and cooperation.A blending of ideas would be nice!
- Al Gore. He'll be better for the supreme court, education, and environment.
- I want George W. Bush to be elected president because AL Gore has proved time and time again that he is a liar. Whenever someone calls him out, he tries to cover up. We don't need another liar in office.
- gore is more intelligent, has more experience,has better platform ideas, and doens't rely on daddy to get him to the white house
- Gore is the better candidate among the two who have a chance at the office. He is more fiscally responsible and more likely to be truly compassionate.
- G.W.Bush, his answers in the debates sounded more honest and less forced than the V.P.'s.
- I want to see Al Gore as the next President, he has had 24 years of political experience compared to Bush's 6 years as the Texas Governor. The Texas governor is a figure in Texas when the Lietenant Governor is actually in charge.
- Al Gore. Plus a slightly Republican dominated congress. To maintain balance instead of tilting toward extreme views and wasteful programs associated with an unchecked majority.
- ralph nader, because the other two candidates don't seem all that different.
- George W. Bush won me over in the debates. Al Gore is a nasty, bitter, and hateful man. He thinks he is better than the rest of us. I was leaning with Gore before the debate but he lost me. He is unfit to be president.
- A person who does not consider self-monetary wealth as a high personal priority, is a leader, and cares for all. Al Gore fits better than G. W. Bush.
- George W. Bush because he is honest and is a proven strong leader.
- Al Gore, because the next president should be determined by his qualifications, not his personality.
- Gore is the man. He tells you exactly by the numbers what's going to be done. I think facts are very important than being a people friendly candidate!
- Bush. He is honset and moral whereas Gore is not. Gore represents evil and believes in child infanticide!
- George W. Bush..I would rather him win to reduce the number of people on welfare and to make the US more dominant in world affairs
- George W. Bush. I think he is honest and represents the same morals and views I believe are critical to returning this country to respectability!
- George W. Bush. Mr. Bush will decrease government intrusion into our lives.
- George W. Bush. I believe in the idea of less government. People would rather have opportunity, than to have Gov. subsidies. When people feel that they don't have opportunity, then they want the Gov. to care for them. This is why people all over the world come here. Because they have greater opportunity.
- Bush. We need a Republican president who will not veto the things the Republican congress is trying to do.
- Al Gore, because he the lesser devil
- Bush, because I dont trust Al Gore.
- Harry Browne is the only candidate truly running on a platform to reduce the size and influence of government.
- Al Gore
- I would like to see Harry Browne because he is the only candidate who realizes that government has gotten too big, too expensive, and too intrusive. He is the only one who wants to reduce government and return freedom and responsibility to Americans.
- Al Gore, If George Bush had more than two marbles rolling in his head he would be dangerous. As it is I think he should stay in in Texas and kill retarded people.
- Bush.honest,trustwothy,smart,pro-life
- Al Gore because George W. Bush does not appear to have much knowledge of issues or anything without his advisors.
- George W. Bush because he will restore respect, honor and decency to the office of the Presidency. A leader is someone who knows where they are going and then how to get there. JFK is the Democrat patron saint and in todays political climate he would be considered a conservative. Remember it was, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."
- Gore, he has the experience and understanding.
- Moral Leadership and honesty
- George W. Bush because of the less intrusive Govt. Alos more money in terms of tax cuts improving the economy.
- George W. Buch because he will protect the U.S. Constitution.
- I would vote for George W. Bush because he seems to be someone who is honest, trustworthy and wants to take steps to improve the moral decay in this country.
- Bring respect back to the office of president and to this country.
- make drugs and addiction a health essue and stop this "war on drugs" metaphor!
- Eight years of immoral behavior and lying have destroyed respect for the office of President and this country. Also the trend toward socialism need to be stop since it is one step away from communism.
- Bush, becuase he is will make our economy stronger and bring back what his dad accomplished.
- Bush, becuase he is will make our economy stronger and bring back what his dad did.
- George W. Bush - because he is the best man for the job
- Gore. I'm a union worker and don't need this to turn into a right to work state. the second amendment also means alot to me, but i'll have to fight that fight at a later date.
- George W. Bush...because he will accomplish that which he sets out to do.
- Al Gore simply put he is not a social extremist like republicans. George Bush has lower than average IQ!
- and another thing: truthfully folks i honestly don't know of any HARD WORKING american families that have to work for minimum wage. in my town companies have to get on the radio to advertise 11-15 dollar an hr. jobs. mexican immigrant are literally coming by the truck loads to get these jobs and are making a nice living for themselves(more power to them) so why don't we all follow the example of these immigrants? the answer is character. the person of low character wants (not needs) a hand out, and will not work to better themselves. but will expect the government to take care of their day to day needs via our tax dollars. we need a return to the values that made this country great.
- g.w bush because he keeps it real. it's true you can't be all things to all people. socialism,every where it has been applied ,does not work; it won't work here either.
- George Bush....he will bring a sense of comity and integrity back to the white house
- George W Bush... The present administration has had 8 years to solve many problems by increasing government programs and increasing spending. This has not worked and the taxpayers are over burdened. Also the credibility of the United States is lacking greatly due to the present administration of which Al Gore is a part of.
- Gearge W. Bush, because he will bring a healthy respect for life and morals to office.
- George W Bush. *****He's Pro-Life!!!!!*****
- George W Bush is a smart down to earth man with great leadership abilites.
- Al Gore-he is most experienced, he weighs out situations, reviews all the facts, before making a decision. He is a Viet Nam Veteran, he is concerned with preserving our environment.
- Bush, Highest likely winning candidate, that will fight for less intrusive govt in our lives.
- George W. Bush because he is honest and has good moral character.
- George W. Bush Moral issues, partial birth abortions.
- Neither one of the two running for office but I will vote for gore....the lesser of the two evils.
- Politics aside, if one candidate is twice as smart as the other, he should get our vote. I'm voting for Al Gore.
- I want to see George W. Bush, Because he is not promising everything to everybody, so I feel that he is more likely to actually deliver on what he is promising.
- G.W. Bush bring morals back to the Government
- Bush shows concern for the people. Gore I have a trust issue with.
- Duh. Bush.
- Geo: He is a better person
- george w. bush he cares about what the constitution stands for not the intrest groups
- Bill Nye the Science Guy
- I believe that Bush would make a better president. Gore is too much of a lier (possibly due to being around Clinton so long).
- I'm not sure...this country needs a leader this term; not a joke
- George Bush.I have listened to both canadates and i agree more with Bush then Gore.Therefore I believe GeorgeW.Bush is the right choice for President
- Harry Browne, he hasn't been corrupted. (yet)
- I believe that if Al Gore is to be elected that he will help our failing education institutes. Not by building charter schools but by giving more money to the public schools that need it.
- George W. Bush, because Al Gore cannot tell the truth to save his life.
- George W. Bush. because of his issues that I believe in. His view on abortion, education, crime, social security, tax cuts and reform, a strong defense, and health care. I feel he is honest, has high moral character, he is warm and friendly. I love his personality. He is the only one who has come close to Ronald Reagan. I trust him. I could not limit my feelings to one or two sentences. Sorry!
- Geoge W Bush: Government is already to large and tries to control our every day functions. Government should be able to set the standards and then allow us to make our own decisions. However, if laws are broken then that person should do the time prescribed.
- Al Gore because he is cares more about human rights.
- BUSH - Because he doesn't claim to have invented the Internet.
- Al Gore, because I believe he is sincere in wanting to make America better!
- Bush. It's all about who I can trust.
- Bush, because Gore is not truthful and i feel he cannot be trusted to deal with others
- George W. Bush because of his integrity and values.
- Harry Browne, because his policies are more in line with mine than the other candidates
- Bush, I am a fairly liberal republican and he seems to stand for what I believe in. Plus I don't trust Al Gore anymore than Clinton
- George Bush
- Al Gore because of his dedicated service to the country and his intelligent proposed policies that will use the surplus to implement needed programs like health care, social security, education, environmental control, etc.
- Al Gore because of his dedicated service to the country and his intelligent proposed policies that will use the surplus to implement needed programs like health care, social security, education, environmental control, etc.
- I want Gore because he has proven to by pro-labor, he knows the importants of paying off the national debt, and he has been the most effective vice president our country has seen in my lifetime.
- George W. Bush because he has won the GOP nomination and has the experience and ability to be a great president and to restore integrity to the presidency.
- George W Bush
- I would like to see George W. Bush because he believes the American People should have the ability to make decisions that effect their lives, not the government. Smaller government instead of larger.
- George W. Bush is the logical choice because he will restore the motivation to succeed. Gore will create government dependency.
- George W. Bush is the logical choice because he will restore the motivation to succeed. Gore will create government dependency.
- George Bush. He has more integrity. Al Gore will change his mind and say or do nearly anything to get elected.
- G. Bush sincere
- G.W. Bush - would like to see him appoint Supreme Court justices that will set a conservative tone for the nation's future including abolishing partial birth abortions.
- George Bush. Less Fed government and more state rights, environementally safe oil developement, less taxes
- I'd like to see Ralph Nader for president, otherwise nothing will ever change.
- steve forbes like his tax idea
- George Bush because he is more reliable.
- Al gore because he cares for the environment and doesn't want to outlaw abortion.
- Al Gore, because he is more intelligent than the other legitiment candidate.
- Bush Integrity,Sound common sense,strong military
- Ralph Nader, people's crusader!
- Improve the military to a pre-clinton status,hold the schools and teachers accountantable for poor student performance, and to encourage people to do their best. Also reduce the size of the federal goverment and to let the people keep more of their hard earned money by reducing the tax rates
- George W. Bush because his ideas will assure fairer tax cuts for all Americans and his education plan will encourage Americans to develop their minds and moral foundation with better accountability.
- George W. Bush. He stands for the basic morals in which our country is founded on
- gore- b/c bush is crazy
- GWB. I'm a firm believer in smaller government and more personal responsibility.
- GW will work with all politicians to get the answer right for America who cares less about your affiliation and more about solving problems.
- I would like to see G. W. Bush. Speaking as a Texan and as a service man. Bush has done so much for Texas by letting and encouraging family involvment in society. As far as the military morale is down, I found my self out of a job with Bill Clinton reduction plan of the early 90's. However, I flanked the system and joined the reserves and later augmented to active duty again. As a leader in the military I have so many restrictions on troop handling now that impedes my job. Thank you commander-in-chief.
- George W. Bush, Can't stand Al Gore!!!
- Harry Browne, because he would make life better for Americans by letting us make decisions for ourselves.
- Smaller government Character and moral improvement
- Harry Browne, because there should be more diversity in the # of parties that make politics --> 3rd parties shouls become stronger.
- Save the earth from being ruined and work toward economic and social equality for all people.
- GWB... I think he is a lot like me... he doesn't know the answer to everything, but he knows where to find some good help.
- Bush, he's not a crook.
- i would like to see Albert Gore Jr. as president because he knows what is right for this country. He has been trained for this postion his whole life, and mainly the last four years.
- Bush. Lesser of two evils.
- bush. he is not a nature natzi
- George Bush, I believe he can get more done in our government because he goes over well with people and who the people vote for.
- Ralph Nader- it's time for third party candidates to be part of the picture.
- i think that the people should be responsible with good morel leadership!
- bush-
- i think that the people should be responsible with good morel leadership!
- george w. bush-to restore dignity to the office.
- really dont care all the candidates suck ass
- George W. Bush
- I would like to see a president really get involved with educational issues.
- George Bush has Collin Powell on his side. Gore was only a journalist when he went to Vietnam. Clinton/Gore are both two-face and both should have been impeached if the government wasn't corrupted. Bush will fix America!
- gore
- bush, gore is a liar
- Bush is a humble and a hard working president. Gore is a person you cannot trus, along with Clinton.
- George W.Bush, because he seems to have the right idea of what is more important in America. Also, he doesn't think that he invented the internet and the calculator, and who knows what else!!!
- George W. Bush because he stands for maintaining traditional values, as opposed to legalized baby killing, acceptance of homosexuality as normal, and allowing people the freedom to make their own way, rather than having the government take away from some to give to others.
- Al Gore, he has sound experience as a national leader and is knowledgeable in foreign affairs.
- George W. Bush.
- Bush. He has a pretty good chance of successfully running a Center-Right government and slowly moving the country to the Right.
- George Bush I believe he is honest. I don't trust Al Gore.
- George W. Bush, for lack of a better alternative.
- George Bush because of his honesty and good moral charachter. He would restore honor to the office of president.
- Bush, return morals to our government, what ever happened to clinton/gore treason investigation concerning china?
- Bush.Because Gore is an idiot
- Ralph Nader because he has more of the views of the younger voters.
- Bush does not have mental capacity to represent the United States in a conflict or waar.
- George W. Bush because I believe the Democrats can't be trusted
- Al Gore. And I am a republican. Why? Becuase Bush is not qualified for the job and the Presidency is no place for on the job training. He is not ready.
- Bush, Honesty
- George bush. he has intergerity
- I feel Al Gore has the country's - as a whole- best interest in mind. George Bush is in the pockets of the oil companies; he hasn't made the kind of progress he should be braggin' about re: most issues in Texas, and I don't feel he's qualified enough to lead this country like Al Gore can.
- bush smaller federal goverm,ent
- George W. Bush He is an honest man.He would restore honer to the office of the president.
- I would definently want to see Albert Gore as President in 2000, because he is a very responsible leader and he truely cares for the American people.
- Geo W Bush. The present democratic party is a corrupt and disgusting option to the integrity and honesty of the Republican party. Although all politics of both party is questionable at times the present administration has brought shame on the US and the office of the President. It is high time for a change back to a more moral and honest administration.
- Alan Keyes. He is brilliant.
- I would definently want to see Albert Gore as President in 2000, because he is a very responsible leader and he truely cares for the American people.
- George W. Bush...more intelligent and has better judgment than Gore.
- Al gore, because he is mainly working for education, and unlike bush thinks he doesn't think the RICH ONLY should have a tax relief
- Al Gore because he is working to improve america and still loves his family, education is one of his biggest wants.
- I want Al Gore, we don't really have any other choice, Bush just doesn't have what it takes, that the bottom line!
- I want Al Gore, we do't really have any other choice, Bush just doesn't have what it takes, that the bottom line!
- George W. Bush. Because, he was the one who addressed the concerns of minorities especially American Muslims.
- George W. Bush - Character, Leadership, wants to put government back in the hands of the states.
- Bush's vision for the future comes the closest to mine.
- bush
- George w. Bush because he isn't Al Gore. We have had enough of his kind of "leadership"
- George W. Bush....Dignity and character should count for something.
- Al Gore He seems to be more intelligent and in touch with the middle class. Bush is a likeable person but he doesn't seem to in touch with the issues of today.
- Bush, he seems to possess a higher moral standard than Gore.
- George W. Bush taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes. Have I made my self clear.
- George W Bush. I feel that he speaks from the heart. Al Gore is merely posturing, and will continue his agenda of liberalism.
- gourge bush he is a good person
- Bush. Because I'm sick of the present administration. Gore can thank Clinton for my opinion.
- George Bush because he has been a good governor for Texas and he is more honest and moral than Al Gore
- Harry Browne is the closest because I believe in limited Gov't. and personal responsibility. Bush would be #2
- George Bush The only Choice
- Any one but Bush. Big oil has too much power
- George W. Bush
- I'd like to see Al Gore because of his stance on the environment. BTW, there is no deficit as implied in question 10 (I interpret this as national debt).
- Al Gore because he is intelligent and informed and seems like he'd be a strong leader.
- Ralph Nader represents people instead of corporations; understands the need to protect the environment and use renewable sources of energy; fund universal health insurance; reduce military involvement in other countries and reduce military budget; decriminalize drugs and thus reduce crime and incarceration rate in in all probablility, drug use.
- I will vote for George W. Bush on Nov 7th, he has the best ideas on all the issues of concern today. He is honest and straightforward and doesn't play political games like Gorey.
- I prefer G W Bush because he brings business sense and higher moral standards to the office of the President.
- Bush - we need a change from the current amoral administration & we need the same party in control of the legislative and executive branches to make a real difference..
- Bush, I want a Presdent with Solid Character
- George W. Bush, Bush does not have huge Government spending plans. He is strong on education. Bush is willing to tell the American people that it is the individual's responsibility, not government's, to seek out and achieve success. That's a return to the American ideal of self determination. That equals FREEDOM.
- Gov Bush I believe will keep our country in the middle of the road and reward those who produce the goods and services, while I belive that Al Gore will do like most liberals and try to force redistribution of wealth and thereby reward his voting base
- George W. Bush, because he is for smaller government and not a lier
- Al Gore because he is not influenced by the texas oilmen.
- Bush, Lower tax rates, Better miltary security, less government regulations.
- Gore, because he will protect middle class Americans from the special interests and greed of big corporations
- Al Gore because I see him as a person more willing to fight for the people and consumers. He also is more experienced.
- Give elderly drug insurance
- GW Bush. He seems to be honest and although he may not know everything, I believe he will at lease tell the truth.
- I want Bush because he's the lesser of two evils. I would have voted for Gore if not for Lieberman and his support for Israel. His criticism of low morality in society and the media, conflicts with his staunch support for Israel's brutal and genocidal tactics against the Palestinian people. I mean come on rocks against tanks, apache helicopters and an assortment of US military hardware.
- GO bush you are number one in my mind, I think you will win because you have great ideas and a great moral in the iconomy.Thank and good luck Bush
- Bush, because of honisty and trust
- Gore, seems more in touch with the problems facing the average person.
- George W. Bush for his philosphy re: government vs individual responsibilty, as well as the fact that I think Mr. Gore is as untrustworthy and deceitful as Mr. Clinton.
- Bush because he is Honest
- George W. Bush
- Al Gore listens, hears, and understands everyone's needs and concerns. He clearly understands Foreign Policy, unlike Bush. And Gore can speak clearly.
- Al Gore listens, hears, and understands everyone's needs and concerns. He clearly understands Foreign Policy, unlike Bush. And Gore can speak clearly.
- Al Gore - I am much better off than 8 years ago. Bush scares me. He has too much phony smiles while calling someone an asshole - too much anti abortion, anti choice, punish, punish, consequence, consequence, kill, kill. I would fear for world stability with Bush in office. Curious why healthcare was not listed as a possible question 12 option.
- Bush! Gore is an incompentent liar who will destroy this country
- Al Gore, because he has a good record with the Clinton Administration and he seems to have the right balance between family, government and the economy to keep the country running in the right direction. Bush scares me because he is just like his father too rich to be president and to out of touch with the american people.
- Fowlbert Gore beuz hiz alreddy din so much fur edukation.
- No coment
- Al Gore becase he is for public schools
- I think George W. Bush will restore dignity and credibility to the office of the President of the United States.
- Al Gore should be President because I feel he can continue the improvements needed for education and the rising cost of health care.
- dont understand
- Raplh Nader because the other choicces are terrible. Give the socialist parties more of a voice and stop this "two" party system of Republicrats!
- George W. Bush because he will restore dignity to the office of president and recognizes that our future resides on allowing the unborn their right to life. Our economy, as well as this generation's healthcare (Baby Boomer generation), will be greatly affected, more than anyone cares to consider, because one out of three tax payers and contributors to society (i.e. healthcare worker, AIDS or Global Warmer scientists, etc.)have been aborted since Roe vs. Wade. The "George Bailey" syndrome, as seen in the classic holiday movie, "It's a Wonderful Life," is unfolding before our very eyes and the generation that has selfishly thought more of themselves than those who come after them will eventually reap the consequences of their sin. As the Boomers grow old, there will not be enough people to care for them, whether in taxes for Social Security or s workers in the Healthcare system, because they aborted them. Be sure your sins will find you! - Ouch.
- Al Gore. Gore has a great interest in improving education, the schools, and showing that teachers are professionals. He clearly understands Foreign Policy.
- George W. Bush, because he is a moral individual exceptionally gifted in leadership. He is for the people first, and government second. Education is a priority in Texas and will be a priority for the rest of the country. Bush has an outstanding record on healthcare in Texas. He believes in a strong defense and has an excellent support cast. He will update and modernize the military. He will ease the crippling tax burden we current carry. He is pro"life". He will ensure our military is not put in harms way to achieve politically motivated outcomes that have nothing to do with providing for the common defense. George W. Bush is sensible and level headed. He will enforce the laws currently on the books and not add new ones with additional costs and additional government regulations. He will help individuals save for retirement by enabling them to invest social security funds in a way that is safe and much better than the current 2% rate of return. He will respect and protect the elderly with Medicare Prescription Drug benefits and will do it in a bi-patisan way that does not require new taxes to fund. Bush is a good guy.
- A return to decency and strong moral values.
- George W. Bush, he has proven himself in Texas and will surround himself with competent people, which is the first sign of a good leader.
- george bush-best candidate
- Bush is not as corruped as gore yet
- Bush, he has a common sence approach without the spin
- Gov Bush is by far the more believeable of the two major party candidates. I believe VP Gore would say anything to be elected, and probably has.
- Anyone but Bush! Have you actually watched the man speak? Just call him George W. Quayle. What an embarrassment!
- Need a fresh start with someone honest we have had a bad four years with two dishonest men in the administration Gore and Clinton a embarresment..
- George W. Bush, because I think he would surround himself with excellent advisors.
- I want a president who knows what he is doing and walks the walk...instead of just giving lip service to every issue.
- Bush- Gore does not always tell the truth
- George W. Bush. We need a fresh administration, a return to honesty and morality. Education, Social Security, Medicare are important and Bush can deliver.
- bush, he is smart, kind and prepared
- bush, he is smart, kind and prepared
- Gore. I live in Texas. G W Bush is unqualifed to be governor much less President. Bill Hobby. Ross Perot and Mark Whie deserve the credit for improved education in Tx. not Bush.
- George Bush, because Al Gore is a closest Socialist. I believe in freedom and George Bush is closest to these beliefs while still having a chance of winning.
- Al Gore and George Bush are spoiled children who never had to work one day in their lives. Go Nader.
- Gore/Lieberman are taking credit for Republican initiatives. I'd like to see Bush and a Republican Congress have a chance to do extraordinary things.
- Bush - Gore is a liar - did not have integrity to denounce Clinton - political philosophy
- I want to see the a president with better ethics business & personal!
- John McCain, Reform the system
- Albert Gore. He has much more experience that George Bush. Bush is a lightweight.
- I would like to see George W. Bush in the White House because he is the man who can lead us into the future. His leadership is proven and it's time to restore honor and integrity to the White House.
- I want to see George W. Bush in office for the main reason that he has strong moral beliefs, and with those in check, everything else will fall into place.
- of the two major candidates -- i would vote for al gore because he is obviously the lesser of two evils
- George W. Bush - represents a change to the declining view of President held by most people.
- G.W.Bush. I believe he will actually work to fix the problems in goverment and not simply throw more money at them.
- I would like to see GW Bush for president. I think Al Gore is the epitomy of a creepy politician.
- i want to see my gay pirate as president b/c he would make good ships for the sea and we wouldn't sink any more and also we could always pierce out ears and other parts of our body on our ships!
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