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Year 2000 Presidential Election Survey
User comments
Without turning this into a partisian/rhetorical argument, who do you want to see for president in 2000 and why?
- George W. Bush - Gore has been around to long, I don't believe in lifer politicians
- George W.Bush. I believe he has more experience running a government.
- Al Gore- because I believe, as a member of the GLBT community, that our basic human rights are in jeopardy and the hate crimes bill is extremely important.
- George W Bush because he is straightforward, more honest, and a realist, not an idealist.
- Some one who has a good moral foundation whom we can trust to make the right choices on whatever issues may arise.
- George W. Bush because he wants to limit the government
- George Bush -- Pragmatic Reasons, he will win and could make a difference, while Al Gore is just not his own man.
- Bush, because I believe he is a Christian demonstrated by high moral standards,hes a leader that will stand strong for what is right. This counry needs fresh leadership and reform. How can anyone say (usually democrates) "we are for the people" and then choose to kill unborn babies. The democrates have become so liberal that the moral standards of this country have gone out the window. The only hope for this country to to return to God.
- I think its time for a change. I cannot trust Gore, who thinks a liar and louse like Clinton is a "great President" and couldn't give a COMPLETE honest answer if his life depended on it.
- G. W. Bush. We need to clean out the immoral occupants in office now. Bush can bring people together.
- I would like to see Govener George W. Bush as our new president. I beleive that he is just what this country needs for a change
- G.W.Bush...CHARACTER....CHARACTER............
- I would like to see G.W. Bush elected. Even though people may not always agree with his choices and beleifs, at least you know where he stands. Al Gore is wishy-washy and seems to have his nose in the polls and allows the polls to tell him what to think and believe.
- I think George W. Bush will do the best job between the two candidates.
- George Bush because I like what he says about reducing goverment. Al Gore scares me in that he seems to say whatever he thinks you want to hear. I don't believe that he is honest in what he will do for the nation.
- George W. Bush because he is a man of good character and has challenging ideas for the future in education, social security and health care.
- No comment...
- George W. Bush, to help restore good moral fiber to the aged and youth. From that follows all else.
- George W. Bush because I hope he is running for re-election.
- Bush because i believe he is exactly what this country needs.
- George W. Bush, for obvious reasons, bringing respect, honor, integrety, AND, nowhow, back to the White House.
- Al Gore- because I believe, as a member of the GLBT community, that our basic human rights are in jeopardy and the hate crimes bill is extremely important.
- Gore, because I am a democrat.
- bush
- George W. Bush. To restucture the education system
- George W. Bush. A moral man of high character (yes, it matters!) and integrity. A man who will restore honor to the White House. He will accomplish his goals for America - not just "talk" about them for political gain.
- George W. Bush We need to restore honesty and a sense of ethics to the goverment
- restructure the education system
- Bush.... He doesn't lie.
- george bush-more trustworth than gore
- I want to see more chooses for the people. I also want to see the goverment highering the retierment age. I also would like to see the goverment the schools more because we are your future and if our education isn't the best our country is in for a dive.
- George Bush because he will improve our education system and surround himself with the most intelligent and solid advisors.
- Honesty,fairness.compromise to get results
- It is time to end abortion
- AL Gore.
- George W. Bush, so that the Clintonites are gone from DC.
- Al Gore. He has the global political experience that will be very important in the next four years.
- george w bush
- G.W.Bush This country needs a morality reformation amd i believe he and Cheney are right gor the job.
- george W. bush, reducing taxes
- He must have a clear vision for what he wants America to be like in the future
- My vote for George W. represents my belief in his honesty and integrity and his ability to influence others in that regard. I believe the Al Gore will say anything and do anything to stay in power.
- George W. Bush Because I feel that he could do a better job then algore.
- George W. Bush, because he is trustworthy.
- I want to see Hilary Clinton for president because see is now the only democrat I trust and can run for the white house.
- I just want the office of presidency to be respected again and to bring back morality to that office. I want to trust my president again.
- George W. Bush: to strengthen military, reduce govt. beauracracy, gather talented team of advisers.
- Bush. He is genuine. The other man is phony and scripted. Far from the intellectual he pretends to be, he is deeply conflicted.
- break up th education monopoly in order to use some competition to improve our public schools where they have the poorest record.
- I would like to see George W. Bush as president. He seems more real and down to most of us.
- I would like to see Mr. Gore implement a program designed to improve education in America to preserve the ability for our nation to innovate as necessary to protect our heritage for our children and to provide them with a sustainable environment for all time.
- George W. BUsh because his morals are higher then Al Gore.
- I strongly support Bush because he is honest,downtoearth, and doesnt want to increase govt spending and giveaways
- G.W.Bush - Current administration has had 8 yrs to do what A.Gore wants to do NOW!
- George W. Bush, because he will appoint conservative Supreme Court Justices. If you have a good moral foundation to start from, all other things will fall into place.
- Bush. Will bring our troops home and will protect Social Security
- I would like to see George W. Bush because I think he will surround himself with a strong cabinet that will make America a greater country. I feel that George W. Bush will unite the country and not divide it like the Clinton - Gore administration has.
- George W. Bush, because he will appoint conservative Sepreme Court Justices. If you have a good moral foundation to start from, all other things will fall into place.
- I believe this country needs Bush to stop the United States from becoming a socialistic society.
- Al Gore, because he is ready to be the next president. He has experience in international affairs and knows that social security is a Gov't program!
- Bush - I need a new image ...Tired of Clinton and his cronies...He is theonly viable althernative
- George w bush-integrity, honesty,more responsible govt,no contempt for rel beliefs
- BUSH! gore is creepy. this will be my first time voting and my husband's 2nd. first time was bush senior. we are going for bush!
- George W Bush because he is a more likable guy and doesnt come off as being rude and cold hearted. He has been a governor for texas so he knows basicly what he will need to take on for the job of president
- George Bush: I think he brings a good balance of what govt. should do and what people should do, I also think that Bush has more leadership ability and will be able to form strong teams of experts to address Americas probems.
- Ralph Nader. No one in their right mind would vote for a son of a Bush.
- George W. Bush: He makes the most sense. He also seems to be honest about the necessary things we must do to improve the government.
- Bush is the best man to restore integrity to the White House and reduce unnecessary partisan bickering.
- Ralph Nader. He would fight for health care, the environment, and civil right for EVERYBODY.
- Keep the economy going.
- George W. Bush---a man of total integrity, vision and will continue strong economy
- Gore, because he will continue to reduce the national debt.
- Al Gore, particularly because he will be able to appoint Supreme Court justices
- I wanted to vote for John McCain but the Bush's rich thugs prevented that from happining.
- Al Gore, because I trust him to preserve reproductive rights.
- Gore- I am scared that so many people are supporting someone with his only only experience in being the governor of "a large state." Look at the poor situation of healthcare and the environment in that state.
- A good moral strong leader and who can stop terrorist
- President Bush, his character is more in line with a leader than Gore
- Bring back honesty and morals in the white house
- Bring back honesty and morals in the white house
- Governor Bush, because he's honest.
- AL Gore-He has demonstrated a strong support for the environment while George W. has said she sould suppot the industries in "self-regulation"
- Politicians should stand more for the people than themselves and their own self-importance!!
- George W. Bush
- gore=He is better prepared for the job
- gore=He better prepared for the job
- Gore to continue Economic Prosperty.
- Al Gore, because he is more competent than George W. Bush. Why? Because Al Gore has more experience and he seems to more confident than George W. Bush
- reduce taxes, smaller gov't, re-fortify military, bi-partisan, ethical behavior
- bush. get rid of the corrupt group of spinners who can't even lie in a convincing manner. i used to be a democrat but changed when i became ashamed of my party.
- George W. Bush because he will restore honor and dignity to the Oval Office.
- George W. Bush because Al Gore has no right to lead this country.
- Al Gore because he believes in a woman's right to choose
- Bush, not because he is the best candidate, but because I don't want to see Gore. If Buchanon had the chance, I'd vote him.
- George W Bush We need morality back in the white house
- Gov. Bush as he will be better able to work with both sides of the aisle to make government work more efficiently.
- George W. Bush appears to be a very personalbe man, however, entrusting the worlds greatest economic and military superpower to a intellectually limited person is a terrible mistake. Al Gore is much more qualified president.
- Although I will vote for G.W.Bush, I would prefer Alan Keyes as President because I think he is the most qualified person to lead the country in the direction of improved morality and increased opportunity for all citizens.
- Al Gore for President in 2000. He is more experienced, doesn't have a police record,he will fight for americans that need a voice.
- Albert Gore
- bush--->the last 8 years have been a constitutional disaster
- George Bush! I'm scared with Gore bec he is over confident with his lies and scary tactics against Bush. Please pray and God Bless Bush and his family!
- George Bush, he can work with both parties and has an administrative record, Al Gore doesn't.
- George W. Bush will at least make an effort to control the size and power of the federal government. Gore is a horrible choice as he wants to turn the U.S. into a social state.
- The rest of the world resents America.We need to be a little more humble and a little less arrogant as a nation,this begins at the White House.
- President Bush. It's about time for the Republicans to keep the White House clean again and hopefully people can get together with the President without spending thousands or milions of dollars. Thank you!
- George W. Bush because he has charisma enough to inspire the general population to follow him and credibility to be taken seriously by foreign leaders and Americans
- George W Bush...because he has intregity and morality as a higher priority.
- Busch- He's honest and believes in letting people make choices.
- George Bush: His proposals are the fairest to those who so much more than others.
- Al Gore because he is intellectually superior to the other candidates, has experience and knows that social security is a federal program.
- In a few wards an american that don't lie.
- George W. Bush will provide Integrity, dignity, and leadership as our next president of the United States! Al Gore has proven to be corrupt and untrustworthy...we have had enough of that for the past 8 years
- we need a president that values the sanctitiyof life. Everything about a civilized society begins here.
- GWB, AG does not represent my idealogy
- Bush. The appointment of three supreme court judges could reverse Roe V Wade, return prayer to schools and return to me those wages unconstatutionally taken from me.
- Bush-Gore can not be trusted.
- As it stands today, Al Gore, as I think he's infinitely better qualified than Bush, Nader, or Buchanan.
- George W. Bush - Lets get some moral influnence back in the White House
- Gore, Because he has 4 children (family oriented) with a record on education and environment.
- Bush, I do believe from the last debate that Al Gore was high on drugs for the debate.
- Before the campaigning began I was sure the democrats would choose someone else as Gore had really show what a Dufis he was. I am amazed that they picked him. As he has now shown through campaigning he not only is a dufis he is really a cartoon. Poor guy can't open his mouth without something coming out that shows how completely ignorant he is. But what can you say about a party that saves owls, kills babies, and wants to stop murders from execution, and doesn't have the brains to know that honest, responsible citizens are not the ones committing crimes and the criminals who are will not put gun locks on or buy guns from gun shows...are these folks really that stupid...and a tax cut does not cost the government anything...its my money to start with. How can it cost just stop taking my money. Maybe they are just all dufis's maybe we should call him Gomer Gore, and his supporters are..Goreon's all!!!!
- Al Gore. He is by far the most qualified to continue the strong economic growth and foreign relations than his opponent.
- Al Gore, because I trust him to do what he feels will help our country.
- Bush, I have no confidence in Gore
- Bush, to bring high moral in our country
- Bush. I am appauled with what has happened during 8 years. DII Ticket is Dem dirty trick.
- George W. Bush because he is honest.
- Bush....we need less taxes and less government intrusion in our lives. we can manage fine without all the Mommy rules
- gore because he has the experience to get the job done. he is smarter than bush
- Bush is more trustworthy and believes in less government intrusion than Gore.
- bush because of his leadership qualities
- Bush, because of his religion and support for younger people.
- Ralph Nader because he fights for real people and not monied interests.
- Bush, he is the best man for the job. he is real, and i believe, he can be trusted.
- George W. Bush. Restore honor and integrity to the presidential post and protect second amendment rights.
- Bush. Smaller government, restore moral leadership, he will favor America when he deals with foreign countries/leaders since he actually likes America! Fancy that, a president that respects this country!!
- Good admn
- GW Bush...because he can be trusted and he can restore integrity to the highest office in the land.
- George Bush. Although it is not an option on your question 11 above, the military is in desparate need of leadership, direction, and funding. I have several relatives in the military and they are losing most of the good people and have no resources. This should scare more people than it seems to.
- Bush to return respectability to the White House.
- Al Gore. I agree almost evenly with both Gore and Bush, however, his stand on issues such as Gay Rights, Education and the Environment pulled me towards Gore.
- I love Bush. If I could get more bush I'd be a very happy camper.
- Al Gore. Democratic adminstrations have been more fiscally responsible the last three administrations. The Republicans threaten the solvency of Social Security and more debt.
- I would like someone who can not lie to our face and know it. Also I believe in the constitution that we are free and that without intrusion of our private life when you become president you lose that right in the white house it is payed for by my tax dollars but when your not there I dont care what you do period.
- George Bush----he has the best plan to get America back on track.
- Al Gore-Because the Presidency requires more than being a fun guy. Gore posesses the intelligence and moral rudder to handle the position in a better fashion than his opponents.
- George W Bush. We need someone who says what he means, and means what he says, someone who will work across party lines, and someone who will never LIE to the American people.
- George W. Bush because libralism, as will be continued and enhanced by Gore, is creating a loss of basic freedoms thru regulation and a moral decay that is dismaying to we older people who remember more moral and free times.
- Bush/Chaney because there needs to be someone who can unite the parties, partisanship has retarded the political process. We also need to have a stronger military with leadership in the Whitehouse/Chaney.
- Gore - he is the lesser of two evils
- Mr.Gore.I find him more honest and less hypocritical.
- George W Bush, I like the idea of being in controll of the money i work hard for
- Nader, because this election circus is seriously out of hand.
- Bush. Gore will say anything
- George W. Bush because I believe he is honest and has good moral standards.
- Bush is who I want to see as president, for the following reasons. to lower taxes and make it fair for all. To reduce the federal government and to run it like a business so every time it gets into a money crunch it does not raise taxes. Next is to uphold our constitution and to preserve the rights our founding fathers gave us.
- Protect U.S. sovereignty first. Protect 2nd amendment rights. Rebuild military and use only as military force, not world police force. Reduce overall size of government. Return power to individual states on moral issues.
- Gore, because: 1) Bush would sell out Alaska to oil interests 2)Bush opposes women's right to choose 3)Bush is the worse hypocrite on "Drug War" policy
- Al Gore: Bush's Credibility is gone.
- George W. Bush should be the next president because he has demonstrated the ability to successfully govern at the state level, and has demonstrated a vision and commitment to integrity and honesty. Mr. Bush will fight to make America the grand nation she was in the days of our founding fathers while leading us into a bright and progressive future.
- I would like to see Al Gore as Preseident, I think that he is very intellectual, and I deem that he will lead our country towards the right path. Unfortunately, I do not think that Bush has the intelligence to make critical decsions if he were in office. He does not have the experience and integrity to make it as President of the U.S. So I go for GORE ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!
- Are current crop of children are idiots. We need to set standards and stand by them no matter what economic or ethnic area you come from.
- Bush because Al Gore is a liar and liberals are socialists
- George Bush
- Albert Gore: He has had much experience in gov't, and I agree with most of the issues that he supports/argues.
- Mr. Bush. He seems to be more compassionate.
- Harry Browne(Libertarian). Every American citizen has the right to work, have a home, a well paying job and be free of intrusion in our personal activities that do no harm to others and really are VICTIMLESS CRIMES. A vote for Mr. Browne is a vote not only for freedom from a truly expensive, gargantuan government, but a vote for the freedom of decision and action in our OWN lives. It is never to late to change. Use reason, and please vote on principle.
- George Bush - Babies should not be murdered, Need Integrity in Presidential Office
- George W. Bush. Better represents the people of this country and promotes personal responsibility
- when poeple say al gore has integrity, what evidence do they have to base their claims; bush deserves a chance.
- I want to see Al Gore become President because he seems like someone who is a well prepared and articulate speaker, which is a key for public office.b
- George W. Bush because Gore is for taking away the second ammendment, an inalienable right, Bush is not. Also, Gore is for universal (mandatory) preschool and is for abortion in all cases, W. is not for mandatory preschool and is against abortion except in cases of incest, rape, or to a the woman's life.
- Bush. I had much respect for his dad and I think the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree.
- gore is a liar.
- Bush honest and moral
- Bush because Gore is a liar
- Gore - Supreme Court appointments; disparity of wealth will increase if Bush elected
- Gore- Busch just proved what a liar he really is.
- George W. Bush. He has integrity, experience, he tells the truth. Gore is a proven liar and would continue that trend if he were elected.
- George W. Bush. Because he has demonstrated that he has the character and the political savvy combined to wisely be our President and Commander in Chief of our armed forces. Our country will be able to be proud of our national leadership in a world that looks to us to set the standard.
- George W. Bush, Bush is a better person. Gore scares me in the 3rd debate he looked like he was going to hit Bush; we don't need violent people in the White House.
- George W. Bush. I want Bush in office because he is a better guy in Gore. And in the 3rd debate I thought Gore was going to hit Bush, if he would do that there what would he do other places, do we want someone in office even looking like they would???????
- Gov. Bush,,cause He doesnt believe in KILLING the unborn.
- Al Gore because he is a better person and he will be a better leader.
- I want to see Al Gore be President because I believe he has more policitical expertise and he is more intelligent, more tactful, has integrity and he won't be deceitful.
- George W. Bush for president, In the final debate, watching Gore "lurk" over Bush when it was Bush's turn to answer gave me the weebie-jeebies. I couldn't help feel like that Gore will be "lurking" and trying to intrude more into the lives of people who are willing to work, so he can rob from them to give to those who don't have enough pride to "GET A JOB!"
- Buchanan, strong voews on abortion and immigration
- I want a strong leader in our president. Someone who can bring respect, integrity and morals to the office. This will be an example to our citizen and the world of good government.
- GW Bush. Let's try a successful businessman instead of a career politician. I think anyone involved with the Clinton/Gore team should go away-America has been disgraced enough already.
- bush, i like him
- Bush because he will bring the military back into good standing
- Al Gore, because I just dont like that idiotic crack smokin stiff!
- I would like to see George W. Bush as president. We have seen enough of the politics from Clinton & Gore and it is ridiculous for them to take credit for our economy when we know it is driven by the wave of new technology that the home computer brought to this country.
- Bush
- Bush. Gore is two-faced. He says one thing and does an other. We need honesty.
- George W. Bush. Of the two candidates, he is by far the superior. Gore has been too close to Clinton and cannot be trusted. He has been devious in the past.
- George W Bush, because he is a lot more trustworthy than Al Gore, and I believe he will give the individual more power with his/herey.
- Al Gore because the policies he stands for best favor me as a person.
- Gore because he is smart and has the experience to lead this country.
- Al rlz
- George W. Bush. I'd like to see Ralph Nader but he doesn't stand a chance and voting for Ralph would be like voting for Gore!
- I would like to see Al Gore as president because he seems to have some good ideas to help the nation.
- Bush, He is a good man.
- Ralph Nader, because the other candidates are both evil.
- Al Gore because he has more experience and has clean-cut anwsers when questions are asked. He can seems he can back-up what he says with action.
- Ralph Nader - he opposes the dangerous influence of large corporations on democratic society.
- George Bush because I think he can be trusted
- George Bush, because he is for less federal government, he doesn't lie as much as Gore, (all politicians lie in one form or the other, he won't sell us out to China as Gore has, and Gore has never had an original thought in his life, except maybe when he invented the internet system
- George Bush He supports less government interference in our lives
- George Bush has done a great job in Texas. The economy is booming and Texas is exploding with growth. Al Gore is telling lies about Texas which is normal for him and the filthy campaign that he runs. Al Gore is dishonest and will do anything to try and get elected.
- George W. Bush
- I would really want Gary Bauer, but he is out of the race.
- GWB because we have had 8 years of liberals in the press & washington. time to change.
- Our country needs to worry less about the almighty dollar, and more about the moral rot that our country is going through.
- Albert Gore, Jr. He is a man who knows or is willing to learn any key issue, and make the tough decisions with forethought.
- George W. Bush I feel that he has what the others are lacking. Honesty and high hopes for our country
- I want to see a better public school system with more caring to our future leaders
- George Bush has been great for Texas and I believe he would be great for the nation. I think he is a fair and honest man who people will like and want to work with. I actually have stronger feelings about Gore. I feel Al Gore is dishonest and dangerous. I think he is a socialist who wants to rob us of our constitutional freedoms. His lack of respect for the American people, the laws of this nation, and basic moral principles disgust me.
- Bush - return honesty to a shrinking government
- Love to see Nader, he has an agenda I somewhat agree with.
- Al Gore, because bush is for concealed weapons and against abortion. I wont vote for someone who whod be for putting a gun in my hand, as a 17 yr old who is immature or some one else.
- George Bush becasue he shows great character and he seems like a great man. He will lead our country to a great future
- Provide persuasive arguments as to why we should protect the environment yet restore out manufacturing ability so as to eliminate the trade deficit.
- George W. Bush, because he represents ideals and values like those of the Founding Fathers.
- Nader, because he is "none of the above".
- Bush becuase he is a true leader who accepts responiblity. He accepts blame for his wrong doing.
- Nader seems to be the only one who's aware of how much America is effecting the world.
- george w bush why you ask hmmm. morals in this country have long been gone.
- Bush, because he's more human! You would have to be an idiot to think that Gore didn't know to drop a slanderous bombshell on Bush 5 days before the election! Gore isn't trustworthy. Think what he'll do to us - maybe he should tell us how much pot he smoked. These are stupid issues!!!!!!!!!! Everybody makes mistakes!
- gore is a fag
- george w bush is more honest and has a better vision for america.
- George Bush
- Al Gore because he will keep social security.
- Gore - he is more prepared, more committed to public service, and more credible
- BUSH,Because i am ashamed of who is in there now.I feel it is time for a change.
- Al Gore because of his fairness and just the overall aspect that he is the better choice.
- George W Bush because he is more trustworthy than the Democratic candidate.
- George W. Bush, simply because he seems more confident, loyal, and TRUSTWORTHY!!!
- George W Bush - He is a very moral man, and when he put his hand on the bible, he will back it up with good works. Plus he does not need to be Presdient, unlike the other guy.
- Al Gore because I think he is more prepared to lead the American people and be a world leader.
- G.W. Bush....we share the same views and is honest
- Bush . I feel that he can do the best job.He has the best chance to bring the two parties together
- Bush. The opponent has no conception of the economy or the ecology he speaks of.
- I want to see a true conservative in the Executive Branch, so that we can dismantle some of the overreaching programs and entitlements that have abrogated both states' rights and individual's rights.
- al gore is the best choice
- george bush. the supreme court appointments are crucial to this race. bush offers a balanced conservative approach to government
- Bush-He will bring character and a new approach to improving America.
- I would like the president to realize that the people of this country should be responsible for their own actions, and that the government does not need to babysit us, or make our decisions for us.
- ralph nader
- George W. Bush because I do not like Al Gore.
- Al Gore, he seems to have a good handle on the direction of the country, where Bush always seems to have to think about what he is going to say (what everyone wants to hear).
- Ralph Nader. Get corporate power out of government!
- George W. Bush - He espouses ideas and philosophies that I believe to be best for the future well being of all U.S. citizens.
- Bush because he isn't an all out environmentalist or a liar like Gore.
- An emphatic George W. Bush! It is very apparent that Gore has his back against the wall, and is desperate. Given this past weeks events--desperate acts by a desperate man. Gore has had 8 years to make a difference, but hasn't--it's time for a change. No more Clintonism...
- George W. Bush..... honest, straight forward, for ALL people
- I want Bush over Gore, but I'm going to pick last minute between Nader and Browne. I like Browne's ideas, and Nader's passion for reform.
- Whoever is in offoce I want to be able to say he/she is first class. I think bush comes closest to meeting this expectation.
- bush, because he will do what is right and will not be swayed by political pressure--right is right, wrong is wrong.
- I see George Bush as President because he has pledged to lower taxes, strengthen the military, and more local control of education.
- gore, seems like it will be another four years of "clinton"
- Bush, I think he would be a better leader
- I am voting for George W. Bush because I believe the Republicans are ready for another shot at the White House and a new approach with the exciting method "Compassionate Conservatism".
- George W. Bush for President!!! THE BEST!!!
- George W. Bush. He has a better grasp of the average working man. Gore's lifelong politics have distanced him from reality.
- A president who fights for middle class families and not for the wealthy. And a prsident who takes care of the enviroment, and improves education, and teacher pay.
- I believe Gore has the experience it will take to lead our country. Bush does not.
- I want to see George W, Bush. I believe it's time for a change.
- The Democrats with their philosophy that government know whats best for the people is absolutely false and destroys what our founding fathers wanted this country to be. Seems to me that the best thing to happen to the American people is when a snow storm hits Washington DC and the Government has to shut down.
- Bush, Gore is a lunatic environmental wacko.
- George W. Bush, because i agree with most of his stances on the issues and I really like hime as a person. He is very easy to deal with and a real people person.
- Gore-Bush has no foreign policy experience and a person who does not read history has not learned the lessons of repetative history
- Bush, moral character, new ideas for old problems. Tax cut for all.
- Al Gore he is the best
- G.W.B, because I think we need to have a president that we can look up to and our children will once again say "even I can become president some day".
- Bush - I'm tired of the 8 years of lies and spin
- George Bush, to restore integrity and give America a moral and strong leader
- Al Gore, he seems more interested in the youth of America and has great ideas for gay rights and education.
- A candidate who will inspire the american people, who has made their own way in this world, and wants to serve in order to improve this country
- George W. Bush. He will restore honor and respect to the president's position.
- We need a president who believes all people,including himself, should be morally and economically responsible. George W. Bush
- Albert Gore — he's prochoice
- George W. Bush is an honest trustworthy man and can make a difference for us. Al Gore is not that man.
- I like Nater the most, Al Gore is qualified and has good plans. I think Bush policies are stupped and do not work.
- Gov. George W. Bush, he is an honest man looking to improve life in the USA
- A President that will uphold the law and believes in family.
- Bush, because Gore, whom I onced admired, and his entire party seem to have lost his/its morality and reasonableness.
- Al Gore. He isn't perfect, but his policies make sense -- Bush's, for the most part, don't. In a generally good economy, it makes more sense to stay the course than change to someone as unimpressive as George Bush. I am also concerned that Bush doesn't have any real vision for the country and will be controlled by the more conservative wing of the Republican party which I feel is far more dangerous than the extreme left wing of the Democratic party. I am particularly frightened of what Republicans would do to the Supreme Court -- which is already pretty conservative -- if they have control of the White House and the Senate. The Court should be more balanced than it is now with representatives from both strict constructionist and activist legal philosophies. Getting past the rhetoric on this issue, both extremes have led to great opinions by the Court and terrable opinions by the Court for different reasons. If Bush is elected, the Court will almost certainly overturn Roe vs Wade which would be a national disaster. But even more importantly, a strict constructionist justices will not find a right to privacy in the Constitution at all -- at a time in our history when privacy rights are threatened like never before. For these reasons, I would like to see Al Gore elected President in 2000.
- I would like to see Gore as president because I agree with all of the emocratic priciples he stands for(welfare, social programs, education, safety locks, cutting the debt, etc). Also, if Bush is elected, it is very possible that demorcatic judges in the Supreme Court will have to retire and be replaced by republicans.
- Bush, because the members of the Clinton Administration can not me trusted.
- Bush - no estate tax
- George W. Bush. I do not trust Al Gore at all.
- Bill Bennett - He's honest and ethical.
- Harry Brown because he stands for all the libertarian beliefs I support more than any other presidential candidate
- George W. Bush
- jhf
- George W. Bush- He's real, a more honest individual, and we need a change from what we've had for the last 8 years. This is besides the fact that Al Gore is the slime of the earth!!!
- al gore, because he is for the working man
- George W. Bush- He's real, a more honest individual, and we need a change from what we've had for the last 8 years. This is besides the fact that Al Gore is the slime of the earth!!!
- George W. Bush believes the American people are intelegent enough to run their lives without massive government intervention.
- Gore, because a womans right to choose is her own not the gov't. Plus i dont like COKE-HEADS(ie BUSH)
- believe bush has more integrity
- I do not feel that the MEDIA has left us with any leaders.
- reintroduction of morals and character to our young people and less government. Government was never meant to be the answer to every social issue.
- George Bush. Taxes are too high. The world is too unstable. We need an honorable man, not a liar.
- Bush, Im tired of the present admin. taking money from foreign interest that turn around and attack our country
- George Bush. Taxes are too high. The world is too unstable. We need an honorable man, not a liar.
- Bush: Honesty and integrity restored to our national leadership.
- Harry Browne, because he stands for original America, for freedom and for happiness.
- George W. Bush is the most qualified, most appropriate candidate for President because he has experience outside the realm of politics as well as within. In addition, I prefer to see a President with a tendency toward honesty, morality, and the integrity to take responsibility for mistakes which he may make.
- Gore is the best and more knowledgeable candidate running for the position. Bush does not appear very bright and would be an embarasment to the country.
- George Bush: He'll restore honor to the office and will work for the betterment of all peoples.
- I would have love to have seen john McCain as our president. I thought he stood for everything we needed. He was an American war hero, and stood for solid political views
- Gore is concerned with our future--the education and the environment. These two issues will be what makes America carry on as a successful nation.
- bush
- George W. Bush
- Bush, because he promised to work toward changing the culture of the USA through engaging dialogue to reduce abortions, increase regard for life and improve race relations.
- I see Al Gore as the next president because he has the most experience for the position.
- Bush, he will work with the constitution not against it. He'll allow me to keep my firearm rights.
- george w bush. he is not a smart alec and he is way!more mature than the liar algore
- I want to see George W. Bush for president in 2000 because he is pro-life, pro education; I understand his tax cut--Gore tries to make it looks like it's only for the rich, but they do pay most of the taxes. He is also better mannered than Gore who was very rude at the debates.
- George Bush.He is a team player and will make use of knowledgeable people.
- Gore, even though I think he has a myriad of shortcomings, he is the intellengent choice over Bush, who I think is an idiot.
- g.w. bush should be our next president. he will reduce the size of the federal gov't and bring back a little of America's integrity.
- I'd like to see John Hagelin elected, as he is the best candidate who can be trusted to honestly reform the government with a positive effect, as I do not believe that the changes recommended by other third-party candidates would have positive results.
- bush--to restore honor to the office
- George Bush, because he has decent morals and will steer this country the right way- together.
- George Bush! Al Gore is fake and insincere.
- Al Gore because he is not committed to destroying social security and the income tax which helps to raise funds for the national govt. to operate. A VAT would only hyrthe poor and favor the rich.
- Libertarianism is the only way to reduce government significantly and finally get the government out of our lives. If I were old enough to vote, Harry Browne would have mine in a heartbeat. There is no candidate whom I agree with more.
- howard phillips -he believes in a sovereign god and the u.s. constitution-in that order
- Al Gore because he is not committed to destroying social security and the income tax which helps to raise funds for the national govt. to operate. A VAT would only hyrthe poor and favor the rich.
- G.W.Bush - integrity,emphasis on the miliary,
- Al Gore because he's intelligent, experienced, and is sensitive to the needs of all the people.
- George W. Bush He seems to have a high moral platform,and he speaks with our future in mind.
- George W. Bush, because I see an honest man who cares about more than his ego. I believe he can bring people together to do the things that need to be done.
- A moral for the Nation
- George Bush - Return respect for the office of the President
- George W. Bush - simply because I can't stand Al Gore.
- Al Gore because he stands up for America.He is more expirienced.He is a democrat.He is not a bastard like Bush.Gore/Lieberman 2000
- George Bush; Ban partial birth abortion, establish decency again, strengthen military, reduce my taxes!
- Bush -- Gore's idea of more government involment in individuals matters is better.
- George W. Bush--Copy South Korea's educational system as near as possible. Limit school boards to # of congressman in each state.--Inform parents of gang members. Law inforcment is going to take them out, so get them off the streets.
- Bush. I'm voting against Gore because of his asshole buddy, Clinton. Dumbass NY'ers are gonna elect carpet baggin' Hillary tho' (fools oughta realize they're but a stepping stone to her ultimate goal of becoming Queen of America) heh
- I want to see George W. Bush elected because he will stand for what is right; Gore will not stand for anything.
- Bush. Gore is a plastic, no real ideas person. Bush is what you see and I like to see what I am getting.
- I would like to see Al Gore elected president in 2000 because he is the most qualified candidate.
- Bush - less tax, less government
- Al Gore because he is intelligent has integrity and is well prepared for the position
- albert gore
- Al Gore
- I think Al Gore can keep us on the path that bill Clinton started us down. With George Bush there is to much unknown. He is wanting tax breaks for the wealth when we need to reduce our deficit and work to make the economy as stable as it has been from the past 8 years.
- Gore, because Bush is an idiot.
- George W. Bush. Fiscal responsibility, less union influence on the government.
- George Bush He is not a liar!
- I want to see George W.Bush become the next president of the United States because I feel he is more honest and truly feels less government will put the power back in the peoples hands.
- Bush. Get rid of gig government, bring back integrity and morality to government.
- Gore. Constitutional issues. Bush is Pro Tort Reform
- bush baby!
- Bush....he is much better morally than Gore
- George W. Bush, because he understands capitalism in practice, he understands teamwork by practice, he understands responsibility to a growing personal standard. He is who we need our children to look to as The President.
- Al Gore, because he wins by default considering GWB jr, does coke, got an OUI, knows nothing about running a country, and wants to destroy the environment
- Bush! No questions he is best choice!
- George W. Bush Character DOES Matter
- I would like to see a president that is honest, truthfull and can bring a trust back to the white house. I will vote for pr-life and improving education in America.
- George Bush in order to bring dignity and pride back to the White House.. I also feel I can trust Bush.
- Gore. He's never been arrested
- George W. Bush, I am tired of lying, and the twisting of the truth. I have no respect for the Clinton and Gore. They have taken the office and made it into a motel SIX with hookers and communists
- George W. Bush, smaller Federal government, state and individual rights, personal integrity
- Gore and Clinton are bigger liars than Bush could ever be. The Chinese love them both.
- I want to see George W. Bush for president. He holds to a moral foundation that Gore has only skirted around. Bush is not perfect, as we have found, but he let's us know who he really is and I can handle that. I truly believe that Bush has the countries best interest in mind and Gore has the Democrats best interest in mind.
- Al Gore, plainly he has more experience, he's more interested in lowering the deficit, not as bought and payed for by big business, cares more about the environment,and frankly more informed and more intelligent. MODERATE
- George Bush...he's real, honest and sincere.
- Bush. He has a history of honesty, while Gore is another Clinton
- Bush-honesty,concensus builder,anti-statist
- I suppose a democrat would be better for America, but as I´m German I do not have a vote anyway.
- George W. Bush because I think he has viable solutions to the problems that face the economy and the nation as a whole.
- George W Bush Keep the size of government down.
- G.W. Bush. Time to clean the Whitehouse.
- Of the two major candidates, I have to go with Al Gore. I don't affiliate with any party. I truly am independent. My selection is based on experience and knowledge. The other major candidate has too much of a chance to be an embarrassment and cause the country great economic harm. If we are paying down our deficit, I have no need for a tax cut. When we get caught up, then lets talk. Bush talks morals, but I'm not convinced he has them. After all, he is a politician.
- George W. Bush, because he believes in and trusts Americans to live their own lives without government intrustion and excessive taxation.
- Al Gore. Mostly because Nader can't win. But also because Gore cares about the environment and about education. He's intelligent and practical, and he, significantly more than Bush, understands the future implications for actions taken today.
- a man that will restore honor to the presidency
- Gore. Bush has no credibility now. He lied about being arrested.
- George W. Bush because I believe that he will be able to bring both sides of the aisle together. Stronger leadership skills than Gore.
- I really agree with George W. Bush, on many important issues. He isn't nasty and the typical politician, it is refreshing to hear someone who doesn't sound like a sound bite or a cue card. His plans also make sense.
- George W. Bush-Because i believe hes a Christian & will help restore our moral values
- George Bush becasue for 8 yrs Gore has been Clintons lacky and with 24 yrs of government service can't show one improvement he has made.
- George Bush because he seems to be the best option to try to retain our individual rights we have under the constitution and in a free society.
- George W Bush, because the US needs a president who will at least try to undo the volumes of liberal hogwash and bureaucracy that has diluted the meaning of freedom in these United States.
- Al Gore Jr - because he has the most presidential level of experience and the best contacts in Congress and the world to continue the fine presidential work which President Clinton has done for the past 8 years. Gore has been preparing for this role most of his life and George W. Bush would make a terrible President just like his father was.
- Bush
- Gore - Bush is obviously a puppet of the powerful without any spine whatsoever.
- Less Liberals in power.
- George W. Bush
- george bush, social security changes, education changes, military policy
- Harry Browne because he promotes returning the federal govt to its constitutional limits. Whether or not he does it is another question but nobody else is even hinting at reducing govt.
- Bush has more moral fiber and is for less government.
- Gore- Not only a president for the world, but for international presidence as well.
- Bush because he will keep taxes at levels that are fair for all people
- Bush - chaarecter, change, stop bashing business
- I want to see George Bush for president in 2000. As a college student in economics, I can see that Gore's idea of increasing Gov't spending will lead to a larger deficit, inflation, and unemployment. We learned from the economic problems in the 1970's (stagflation) that Keynesian Economics (Increased Gov't spending to create aggregate demand) was not the way to go; we should be getting away from it, and not towards it.
- Bush. Although many issues are important, the abortion issue is the deciding factor for me. I am pro-life and will not support a pro-choice candidate.
- george W. I need a tax break, the upcoming supreme court appointments and rebuilding the military.
- Ralph Nadar, because personally I do not want to see these two baffons running the country. Also, I agree with most of his viewpoints.
- George W. Bush, because he has more promise to bring people together. He will find the RIGHT people to help him.
- Someone who will reduce crime
- I am voting for Bush. I am tired of Clinton-Gore.
- Bush, because he will move for more personal accountability and less government influence on our lives and will not be influenced by NEA.
- Al Gore because he is intelligent and feels a deep responsibility to do the best job possible for the country and all of its people (not just the wealthy and the corporate powers). He is intelligent enough to comprehend the big picture.
- I would like to see Bush in office because he will restore honor to the office.
- Al Gore Because he has the best experiance in the white house.
- Al Gore because he is intelligent and feels a deep responsibility to do the best job possible for the country and all of its people (not just the wealthy and the corporate powers). He is intelligent enough to comprehend the dbig picture.
- George W. because Al Gore has his thumb up his ass.
- Gore because he seems more sincere.
- George W. Bush. Al Gore is untrustworthy.
- George W. Bush--decreasing big government programs and allowing people to invest part of their social security into securities.
- George Bush, WE need someone with some morales. Dole is like Clinton, Eat drink and be Merry, who cares who suffers.
- Al Gore Democrat policies more in line with me.
- George W. Bush - he is a Christian and so am I
- George W. Bush to restore morals, integrity and ethics to the Oval Office. Also, George W. Bush has a proven track record of getting things done.
- Ralph Nader> He is not beholden to The Republican or Democratic Parties. As a whole his views are logical, well thought out.
- George W.Bush 'Hope he will bring our education system nearest South Korea''Drug testing all levels.Wipe out GANGS GO TO GANG MEMBERS PARENTS LET THEM KNOW THE LAw WILL DO 'WHATEVER IT TAKES' 'THE GANGS WILL BE DISPOSED'.
- Kennedy, he's the best!
- I would like to see George Bush as our 2000 president because I think this country needs tax breaks, less federal conrtol, and a leadership. I believe Al Gore will give us none of this!
- Gore - I think less government is scarey, and I think Bush is a moron.
- Al Gore because he is an educated man. Just look at about stupid!!! He can't even pronounce his words!!! I think that the voters are forgetting his father and all of his promises, such as "READ MY LIPS...NO NEW TAXES!!!" Then he turned around and raised our taxes, we went into a recession and big business profitted. Remember...the apple doesn't fall from the tree. BUSH WILL BRING THIS COUNTRY DOWN JUST LIKE HIS FATHER DID!
- Nader, the only decent man running
- George W. Bush provides limited government, honesty, and believes in capitalism. Gore IS big brother, lies, and is a socialist.
- Al Gore. He can lead this country into the next 4 years with the prosperity that we have been enjoying. I also believe that he will do more for seniors regarding social security and drugs than Bush will. Bush is for big business, just like his father was and the country will suffer for it!!!!!
- Bush, he seems to tell the truth more so than Gore and he seems more like a normal american rather than a blood sucking robot.
- Bush all the way because he is pro gun and believes in the death penalty
- Nader
- I would love to see Nader as president. He stands for mostly everything that I do, and I know that he wants to help the environment! That is VERY important to me!
- Albert Gore to continue economic prosperity and maintain diversity in Governement,
- goerge w bush because HE IS DA BOMB
- George Bush should do for the nation with regard to crime, what he did for Texas-- ensure sure, swift justice.
- Gore is a liar, Bush is a drunk. Vote for Harry Browne.
- Bush--because Ido not want to see any one in office that was with Clinton.
- george bush - honest, down to earth
- George W. Bush not because i necessarily like him more I mainly feel that he is the lesser of two evils. Al Gore has proven time and again that he is a liar and will say anything to get elected and the undereducated, misinformed American people just let it go.
- George Bush because he is honest and does not pit groups against each other
- Whomever 'will bring our education nearest South Korea''Drug testing.Wipe out GANGS.
- George W. Bush, because he best represents my
- promises kept
- George Bush I think the office needs moral and honesty
- I think George W. because gore is a stupid stiff
- Al Gore because he worries about all of us not just the rich.
- George W. Bush can provide leadership from the foundation of morality and conservatism
- I think George W. because gore is a stupid stiff
- George W. Bush--He is honest and would reduce the size of government and reduce taxes.
- George W. Bush b/c even doing and accepting mistakes in the past i like his attitude & honesty.
- Al Gore because Bush is a moron.
- It is simply time to have a President who we can trust and believe.
- George W. Bush - He is an honest, truthful, caring, sincere man whom I feel will be one of the finest presidents of the US. He has the intelligence lead this country and appoint others to help.
- George W. Bush
- bush
- bush
- Bush. Gore.
- John McCain - He's not driven by polls and focus groups.
- George W. Bush This man has character, finally someone who we can respect!
- no liars in office
- Bush - Tired of the lies, secret deals and a justice dept that will not prosecute criminals
- Gore- The Supreme Court is the #1 issue.
- George Bush because I believe he will restore integrity to the office of the Presidency.
- Gore definately!! but actually I'd have to say: anyone BUT George W. Bush ps: I'm from Holland, so I'm not allowed to vote
- Bush because I dont trust Gore. Gore will not carry his home state, I think this tells it all!
- I hope that George W. will reestablish morality in the oval office and trust in the commander in chief.
- Al Gore because of the supreme court appointments - I am a strong pro-choice and pro-gay rights advocate, and this is very important to our nation's future.
- George W. Bush. Democrat delegate to the convention made available the DUI on Bush. How convenient! Bush stopped drinking, end of story.
- Al Gore jr. to continue the good work the present administration has done for the last 8 years for atleast another 8 years. Voting for Al means voting for the long terme prosperus and secure future of every world citizen (and that includes me. I'm dutch!)
- George Bush, He is an honest, real person that will tell me what he really thinks!
- Colin Powell, because he could actually do more to unite us as a people than anyone else.
- Ralph Nader, because he speaks for the people, is honest, forthcoming and is integritous in all noticeable ways. He states what he believes in, doesn't try to please everyone, and is therefore inspiring, which is what a President should be.
- AL Gore for his professionalism
- GORE for President. Bush is a "good old boy" and if elected, we will have the "good old boy network" looting the public funds, like the savings and loan scandals of the 80"s.
- honesty!
- Al Gore. to preserve a small amount of humanity, and protect us all from fascist totalitarianism.
- Clearly, Bush.
- NADER! Simple! He's a good man. A man without corruption. A man whom can see right from wrong.
- George W. Bush, as a soldier, i cant stand the democrats foreign policy, they are sneding us evreywhere yet they cut our funding
- G. Bush... I'm ashamed of the fact that we have a rapest in the White House who is protected by the likes of L. Flint (who gave us child molestation as a form of humor)and A. Gore who has to hire a woman to teach him to act like a man. Give back to America the dignity we once had.
- Of the two, George W. Although he hasn't the smooth way of speaking, he exhibits more sincere feelings. Gore always appears to be "ON", too studied and rehearsed in front of a mirror.
- Al Gore. Because i live in Texas and have seen first hand how bad Bush is. His policies really scare the hell out of me.
- George W Bush- To restore confidence in the Presidency as well bring about reform in our social programs.
- ralph nader because to me he knows what the people need to make living in lower america less of a struggle
- I want to see the the president worry about other problems that are pushed aside and thought of as nonexistent but are really more important than the ones currently at hand.
- i am still undecided
- Albert Gore, Jr. I hope now that no one will ever confuse "ethics" and "Bush" again. What else is in Bush's closet.............
- George W. Bush because he is not a socialist
- Albert Gore. I honestly feel that is better suited for the job. Plus, he's not a convicted criminal.
- I want to see Al Gore for President because I believe is highly qualified and although he doesn't completey stand for the working people. He does so more than Bush
- Bush 2000. He not out to sell himself, He's real.
- Al Gore/ like his thinking about supreme court
- Al Gore, because of the NRA, and what the Christian right wing wants. What makes anyone think that Bush can't tell a lie. and he will take away a womens right to choose.
- George W. Bush. He will make America Proud, just like he did with Texas.
- G.W. Bush because he will rebuild the military. He will also open U.s. oil fields.
- George W. Bush, because he is a honest leader and will make he promises come true.
- Al Gore has shown a passion and a willingness to work hard as President. He is more informed than other candidates about the issues and is more confident and prepared for the position
- Bush because of his reforms
- I would like to see Al Gore because I can associate myself with more of what he stands for than any other candidate.
- al gore, to keep the freedom and our liberty. He knows what he's doing.
- I would like to see George W. Bush elected. To my family, the economy is important, but morals are more important and a president who cares about morals and ethics will do everything else right.
- Geroge W. Bush. I think he will bring back some long over do honer to the white house.
- George W Bush - Decency & integrity which V.P. Gore knows nothing about.
- George W. Bush because I feel that he has he integrity to move this country to great things.
- George W. Bush Freedom
- I want to see George W. Bush for president because I agree with him on the issues. Al Gore is a puppet, acting different ways in order to get votes and I disagree with him on the issues.
- I want to see George W. Bush for president because I agree with him on the issues. Al Gore is a puppet, acting different ways in order to get votes and I disagree with him on the issues.
- Bush is more trustworthy than Gore.
- Jesse VEntura and an end to the war on drugs!
- I want to see George W. Bush for president because I agree with him on the issues. Al Gore is a puppet, acting different ways in order to get votes and I disagree with him on the issues.
- George W. Bush
- Bush-I am from TX and extremely satisfied with how he run it. He is the best for president.
- Nader is promoting a policy that looks a lot like Marxism. Clay (the last great Statesman from SC) is dead. Clinton...I won't go there. The choice becomes obvious, give the rights back to the people, BUSH. (By the way our fore fathers only intended RICH LAND OWNERS to run the country anyway).
- I would Like Nader to win but I am voting for Gore because Bush is worse than Nader is good.
- george w bush, the better man for the job ...honesty and ability
- Bush to restore morality in White House
- Gov. Bush because He is honest, will do what he says, and He knows GOD IN A PERSONAL WAY.
- Governor Bush because he seems to have the most ethical values and acts like a president.
- Bush - We need to return personal integrity and proven bi-partisan leadership to Presidency
- bush for his big business economic views, and tax cuts for the wealthy. (not that im there, but hope to be before hes out :)
- Al Gore because he isn't an alcoholic.
- George W. Bush, best leader
- bush - bring morality back to govt
- Nader, because though all of the candidates are idiots and liars, he's at least do something to help people, which is, I think, the government's job.
- George W. Bush. The day Al Gore made his "No Controlling Legal Authority" speech, he disqualified himself as a candidate for chief animal control officer in the most remote county of Alaska
- Nader, because though all of the candidates are idiots and liars, he's at least do something to help people, which is, I think, the government's job.
- A president who works for the average American citizen...not just for the rich and powerful.
- I voted for MC Cain in the primaries, and if he was running I'd vote for him now..but Bush is the lesser of two evils
- George W. Bush. He'll bring some much needed dignity back to the office.
- George W. Bush is my pick for our next President - Character, foundational beliefs, and principals.
- I would want to see Bush just because he is quite honest and after Clinton, who needs a president who lies like Gore??
- Pat Bucanan will save amerinca the new world order.
- George W. Bush because i beleive he has Americans best interest at hand.
- George W Bush, because he is an excellant guy that tells it how it is, no fuzzy math!
- A non-Washinton, non-politician with common sense who is not corrupted by power and money.
- Integrity and leadership not bipartisanship
- Listen to what people.... especially kids have to say instead of pertending to and then doing as they please
- Nader - although he definitely won't win, I feel that a vote for him is standing up against the things that have made the public cynical and apathetic about politics.
- Bush, He wants to give more responsibility to states, less federal interference.
- Honesty, integrity, and the acceptance of a controlling legal authorityl
- no answer
- George W Bush We need to limit growth of government.
- gwbush he tells the truth
- Al Gore. He's smart, experienced and will protect the environment.
- I would like to see Al Gore as our next presient. Send Curious George the Monkey back to Redneck Texas where he belongs.
- George W. Bush, because I believe he will do more to pull americans together rather than pit groups against each other.
- Al Gore. The most important role the president has is nominating Supreme Court Justices. Al Gore will nominate candidates more likely to preserver individual liberty.
- George W. Bush, because I would like to see some dignity and honesty returned to the white house. The present administration has humiliated our people in the eyes of the world.
- Someone who is honest and open with the people.
- Ralp Nader the time for radical change is now before the out break of another war.
- Bush of course, if not only because he tell the truth as he knows it to be. No one is perfect, but Gore is worse than Clinton...
- I want a president who stands by his conviction, and doesn't change it to meet the media's viewpoint.
- Out of the choices that exist, I want Al Gore to win.
- albert gore jr.
- George W. Bush..because of his integrity and honesty. Gore does not measure up in this area.
- George Bush because he has integrity
- I cannot believe Al Gore as I could not believe Bill Clinton. I will vote for Bush because he is the least likely to betray my trust.
- G W Bush, because Al Gore is a tree hugging, bunny hugging fanatic who want more govt
- Do what he says and never lie!!!!!!!!!!!
- me cuz i am kool and i am fun and i kick butt
- I see our President with honor and the American Flag flying in the breeze prouldly. Uncle Sam, who stood with our soldiers, sailors, and airmen in WWI and WWII will again be wlecomed at The White House. This President will lead our nation and the American people into new frontiers. This President will provide the American people the first prosperity of American dollars for Americans first.
- I think that George Bush should be the next president, because he is a people man not a government man, he cares about us, and about our world
- bush; because gore is untruthful
- George W. Bush. He will put families first.
- Bush - good ideas on education; social security plan is workable
- George W. Bush due to the fact he is can tell the truth. This is something that has been missing in the White House for the past 8 yrs.
- truth
- Bush, For a stronger military.
- I want Mr. Bush because Gore and Nader are completely unacceptable and Thomas Jefferson is dead.
- George W Bush: He is honest, trustworthy, and has principles that he won't go against unlike Gore. I also believe he unlike the other candidates can actually get done what he promises.
- Bush he most closely reflects my values about the role of government
- I dont think HUGH G. RECTION or HUGH JASS should be president.
- Gore, to use the armed forces as peace keepers, and prevent war
- george w. bush because he embraces my ideas and i hope he can fumigate the white house.
- I want to see George W. Bush for pres. I think Bush has a lot to offer!!!!!
- I'd like to see Bush in office. Gore is a liberal democrat.
- no one
- Al Gore...The old saying..If it's not broke don't fix it..
- I would like to see Ralph Nader President.
- I want to see Al Gore because his social views are more like mine than Dubyas are.
- Bush, Gore is a damn liar and he's a bleeding heart. Spend, Spend, Spend.
- Bush, able to work with factions and move the country out of deadlock
- Bush - consensus seeker
- bush- More trust in people and has told less lies. does not create platform based on polls
- Al Gore is who I would like to see as the next president. He has the integrity and experience to make this nation a better place to live.
- George W. Bush for better moral standard
- Al Gore based on his experience, moderate democratic principles, and health care position.
- al gore because of his medicare agenda
- I think Bush is the man for the job because he has proven his ability to cross party lines, something Gire has proven unable to do.
- Albert Gore-because he has the intelectual capability and experience to be the president.
- G.W. Bush
- Buchanan he would put a brace on the bad back of the country, and chain it up
- I would like to see G.W.Bush because Al Gore's views on the issues scare me!
- Bush because he can be trusted. He would us heal from the shameful eight years we went through.
- George Bush is a much bigger liar than Al Gore - don't be naive - vote for Gore...
- George W. Bush
- Al Gore. I think he is an honest man. He has the right views and I think George W. Bush is a big liar. I really hope Al Gore wins and I am speaking for many college students in Western Pennsylvania.
- Ideally I would like to see Ralph Nader destroy the bi-partisan stranglehold on our government but that won't happen. Not this election, anyway. Of the 2 main candidates I hope Gore wins. Bush is a incompetant racist, who is simply a puppet for the Republican party. He is their ventriliquist dummy. Its pretty obvious he has no idea what is going on. You never know what he's thinking and neither does he.
- I am voting for Al Gore because George W. Bush is a fool.
- Bush is more honest and does not seem to be anyone but himself, Gore would be anything to get the vote.
- I would like to see Gore win the election because Bush is an incompetant moron who supports guns and does not respect the women's right to choose.
- John Hagelin to implement flat tax, eliminate much of the IRS, reduce government, and reduce the national debt
- Gore. He knows how policy; he knows how to deal with Congress; he knows Washington; he UNDERSTANDS foreign affairs without advisers whispering in his ear. This is the type of person we should have in office.
- "W"- big time!
- Rebuild the military, and decrease federal control of peoples lives
- George W Bush. I believe that he COULD lessen the hold the federal gov. has on politics and return much of it to state/local concerns and allow us to reach the decisions that will be much better suited the situations we are in. Illinois is NOT Florida, and CA is not NY.
- Goerge W. Bush Represents integrity and honesty
- Bush - Gore never met a government program he didn't like.
- AL Gorer has the experience and the background to lead the country. I feel more comfortablw with his economic policies than those of George W. Bush.
- George W. because he is in favor of smaller government, local control, investing Social Security and is NOT arrogant
- Bush....smaller gov. and reform of Social Security..Clinton/Gore have sold the counrty out by allowing secrets to go to the Chinese for Political contributions. Why did Gore only serve five months in Nam when a tour was 13 months. Because he was given an entrance into devinity school. Then dropped out. Cut me a lying break.
- George W. Bush favors tax cuts to stimulate the economy, smaller federal government favoring more control to the states, and has a strong record in Texas of improving education in ways that are accountable to the students and parents.
- Gore- He has experience. I generally disagree with Republican views and I'm quite nervous about the possibility of Bush who is so poorly prepared, becoming president.
- George W. Bush for president. Al Gore is a Socialist.
- Al Gore for president. I'd like the leader of the world's only superpower to at the very least be of average intelligence. The son of a Bush is an idiot!!!!
- george w bush, he will surround himself with a good group of cabinet members and be a strong leader.
- George W. Bush should be our next president because he is a man of integrity and will surround himself with brillian leaders of wisdom, knowledge, and integrity.
- Al Gore Jr. because Bush is "unusually incurious, abnormally unintelligent, amazingly inarticulate, fantastically uncultured, extraordinarily uneducated, and apparently quite proud of all these things."
- I want Al Gore as president because I like his education reform. Also he is able to name foriegn ministers and knows them.
- A Pres. must pursue what he feels is the best measure for the population of the U.s. no matter what interest groups think or other politicians......I just believe Bush stands on his own two legs better than Gore.
- George W because of credibility. How dare a (mature) adult get in W's face as gore did.
- I believe Gore is a panderer for votes. While I don't agree on all issues with Bush I believe he wil not SIGNIFICANTLY compromise himself and his beliefs over the next four years.
- Al Gore because I think he is the lesser of the two evils.
- Bush because Gore is for welfare and he is pro-life
- I would like to see Bush win this election because I believe that he has more eeffective policies than Gore. He also has a substatially better running mate and has not stooped to using insults in an attempt to win voters.
- Albert Gore is experienced, intelligent, hard-working, and politically moderate. Dubya is inexperienced, dumber than a box of nails, lazy, and a stealth right-wing extremeist. The choice for me is clear. Al Gore Jr. for President and for the people.
- pat buchanon because he unlike bush and gore, will address issues the other candidates are unwilling to address. DESPITE MY PREFERENCE FOR BUCHANON, I WILL VOTE FOR BUSH
- The lesser of the two evils, and the candidate that most echoes my own beliefs, Al Gore.
- ???
- A true leader who can bring dignity and honor back to the White House. I want someone who can be trusted.
- I would like to see education be more important. The candidates need to stop talking about fixing education and actually fix it!
- Jim Lehrer of "The New Hour" on PBS.
- I want to see G.W. Bush as president because of his good record in TX, his views on reducing government, and his desire to reduce the tax burden. The last goal will, I feel, boost the economy as tax dollars will be freed up to do work in our economy.
- BUsh, because he seems like when the time comes to make a decision he has the backbone to make one.
- bush he is not a liar he is honest anyone who doesnt see the sneer on als face is blind !
- George W--as far as experience goes, both Reagen and Gore were governors before being president. Bush is honest, and I agree with him on issues.
- RALPH NADER. he is not a cookie cutter politician. he can think for himself, and has prominsing and unique ideas.
- George Bush because: 1.Al Gore has been proven to be a liar, & 2.He is for abortion(also called murder.)
- GEORGE W.BUSH. We need morals and integrity back in the White House. Less government is better.
- George Bush, because he would bring decency and honor back to the office. The current adiminstration has been an embarrassment.
- Al Gore, because he is better suited for the job. I feel anyone who wants to be president should have some sense( Common or Business).George Bush left a bitter taste in my mouth and his Son who just wants to be President because his DADDY was is a poor excuse to qualify for this position. Dyslexia+ alcoholism and cocaine = DISASTER
- Gore: He can best provide what our nation needs at this time.
- George Bush. I feel he will bring decency, honesty and moral values back to the office so the American people can hold their heads high instead of being a laughing stock.
- George W. Busch
- Bush, he doesn't chage his opinion to suit the situation. He at least stays consistant to his beliefs not public opinion.
- Bush
- Bush because Gore is a socialist.
- I want some one who actually answers questions and does not act like voters just don't care about anything other than vague, general ideas. W. is insulting my intelligence!
- George W. Bush, I feel he is the best candidate.
- George W. Bush....because telling the truth matters
- George W. Bush -- Because he demonstrates genuine interest in a government less intrusive, a government smaller, and a government with leadership providing example of good sound moral values this great country was built upon.
- Bush - Gore is a proven pathological liar. Bush is at least 'what you see is what you get' and has a firm moral foundation. Gore is promoting the murder of children by not stopping partial-birth abortion - if anyone really knew what it was about there's no human way they could be for such a hideous practice.
- Al Gore. More for the middle class
- Neither really, But if Al Gore were to become, let it happen and let it begin!
- George Bush has to be elected. George W Bush reflects ALL of the morals and values my wife and I raise our four children by. The current administration takes WAY TOO MUCH credit and NOT ENOUGH BLAME for the countries positives and negatives.
- Gore, because I can't trust a man who smiles while declaring that someone will be put to death.
- Bush
- I want to see Al Gore for president in 2000, since he has been vice president along with president Bill Clinton I see that he may have learned alot from him to run the country.
- George W. Bush, because he can win.
- George W. Bush. The sex scandal has reduced the image of the US presidency
- George W. Bush. Because Gore is going to cut the C02 emissions. And then two billion people will starve.
- g.w.bush,because he is the examle of a american man.
- Gore, he's a cool dude.
- I would like to have Lyndon Johnson resurected from the dead and bring the great society back and get in people's faces and tell them how it is.
- George Bush should be President - His personal best record for running a marathon is faster than Albert Gore's.
- nader- two party system inherently corrupt
- George Bush I do not trust Democrats
- George Bush I do not trust Democrats
- George W. Bush, He will lead with strong character and good judgement not by political poles.
- I want to see George Bush as the president for the next 4-8 years because I feel Clinton/Gore have benefited from great economic success when they really didn't do much but decrease the national debt.
- george bush because he offers the best opportunity to bring back our moral standards.
- gore. clinton did wonders for the economy and making jobs,as a collge student i feel gore will do the same.
- AlGore will accomplish a great deal more than George Bush based on experience. Gore has a good knowledge of government policy.
- George W. Bush because Gore is an asshole
- Bush--limit the role of government in our lives, stregthen the economy, and re-instill morality in the White House.
- I would like to see Al Gore president. I don't want to see Bush president. Gore believes in the things I want.
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