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User comments [ARCHIVE II]
What do YOU think about Sex & the Internet?
- Everything that humans touch turns to crap. It's because we are inherently evil. It happened with the atom, it has happened with germs, it has happened with chemicals, and now it has happened with the net. If we can find a way to bastardize and pervert something, then by golly we'll do it or kill ourselves in the process.
- It's the most public fourm we have ever had for accessing sexual material. I think it should be there for those who want to access it. Those who don't can refrain from clicking their mouse. Software and other systmes are available to "block out" sites which can be used for children, etc.
- some of itis quite explicit and should be monitored by parents.
- wish it was easier to find
- Everyone is having cybersex, but it get's boring after awhile. It's the same old thing, and it's mostly 12 year old boys on their parents computers. Parents should not let kids get on the internet unless they monitor them somewhat.
- Data Highway is like a real Highway
- Data Highway is like a real Highway
- Sex is going to be, regardless of rules, guidlines etc. Common sense and responsible behavior should be the controlling factors, not any type of government.
- Interesting -- exciting -- get away from real life.
- I enjoy it
- Just got on and I'm still looking. Really don't know what I'm doing at this point.
- I wish it was easier to find what I am looking for
- It is totally personal business. Just behave yourself.
- Yet another way men and women can turn each other on
- It is a fresh vehicle that arouses curiosity and makes life more interesting.
- It would be a shame if we lost it!!
- Should exist. However I object sites that request credit card info prior to access. I do not like being charged for something unseen. Hard core porn should be restricted and access codes provided via email.
- I see nothing wrong with helps to pass the day at work.
- welcomed and enjoyable
- the internet would not be as popular as it is, if there was no sex on it
- Only a ploblem to those who want to make it a problem.
- I don't have much 'personal experience' with sex content on the net, but I think the net should be open to all content. I think the users should be the ones to decide what is and is not permissible on the net; I don't think 'big brother', whether in the form of the government or some narrow minded religiously oriented group, should be able to tell mature adults in a free society what to do or not do, or what to see or not see.
- I don't know yet 'cause it's my first visit!
- under anarchism
- it's ok
- Web sites with sexual themes are among the most accessed sites on the Web, which tells me that enough people know how to find what they're looking for. There are ALWAYS methods of hiding, disguising, transmitting, and posting pornography so that it's impossible to control it completely.
- Very intriquiing. I can't wait to see what happens in the future.
- If you and a monkey have sex, can you make something?
- ok
- To each his own. Depending on the mood, sex on the net is a good outlet...otherwise it's easy to just ignore.
- it is alot of fun
- it can be a great help towards a normal RT sex life, but nothing more
- Sex is a part of life, we will always have it, why fight it.
- life is fuck
- An aspect of the Net that will never die.
- I like sex, and I like the 'net. Seems obvious. :)
- I have a hard time finding hardcore stuff on the net.
- Thanks to open minded parents, my 16 yr. old son knows more about sex than most of his teachers at school.I,m all for open, honest discussion with kids.
- I like it a lot
- I like the open access, but I'm searching for a way to allow my children access without the exposure to explicit sexual material.
- it's there, i'm not too interested in other people, let them do as they please
- It's a great way to expand your knowledge of sex in general.
- I think it can be an open forum to learn more about a topic that may have bee
- I think it is a good way for people to manefest desires that are all too often supressed within our paradoxial society. If we could get in touch with what we are then perhaps we can find out who the hell we are and quit being diverted by proxy emotions.
- too hard to get to it
- i wish i could find it!
- why not?
- Sex is just one of the topics the Internet supports. It should be upto families and individuals to regulate it. there should be self discipline among the netters though and a common sense of what is right and wrong. Child pornography and such material sh
- sex on the net is highly over rated it is just not there in the amounts that are claimed.
- I'd ;ike an easy password arrangement to block 'R' and 'X'
- this sex sucks i was looking for something harder!
- it's sick and degrading
- It's great where do I find it
- Probably not really a good thing, but against any form of regulations.
- i think sex on the internet should stay. i do feel that child pornography should be stopped in all forms.
- I believe that "virtual sex" can be very intense, when done well. I believe that this is GOOD, it gives people a chance to learn about sex and their own sexuality in a pretty nearly consequence-free environment.
- I see alot I do not agree with but it is my choice to ignore it. I would not change a thing.
- its ok
- Our fed gov was supposed to control dope in the US, which they've clearly been unable to do, how in the hell can they act as censors? It would be but again a huge do nothing bureau sucking up tax money. I'm afraid it would create far more ills, ie Salem Witch hunts, than any good that may result.
- If people want to find porn images then they look, otherwise they cant complain.
- You have to spend a lot of time seeking out true hardcore porn, it's scattered about amongst the abundance of tasteful soft images. There are too many commercial interests always trying to get you to part with your money, before allowing you access to som
- Uncle Sam - keep your hands to yourself!
- I think the GIF's and JPEG'S are great. Give me more
- Sex is a mojor theme for some people.
- I think that any kind of 'legal' solution to combat pornagraphy on the net is futile because we can't even agree on national standards of morality much less think about international ones. Self-regulation and common sense must prevail or our freedoms will not.
- Don't much care.
- While I don't bother with it, I abhor the idea of regulating it. I hope the Internet stays unrestrained and open to all.
- I think it is jst another way for some people to have fun and try new things without risk of rejection, or contracting a disease.
- it makes me horny!
- #15's answer is misleading. SELF-REgulation and content Flagging would help immensely.
- If surfers want to engage in (imaginery) sex, that is their business. If people don't want to watch or talk sex, they don't have to turn to a sex channel, but they should not try to force their way of life, or their beliefs on other persons, which I believe is true of any situation whether it be sex, politics, religion, guns, birth control, or any activity unless it is harmful to our countryor invironment. #
- it has reawaken my sexuality ,we have loved it!!!!
- Dont know yet, just got on the Internet
- very good forum for fantasy and reality outlets, I think there should be no regulation except that parents accept the burden of monitoring their kids use. I sense that some users (myself included) are becoming very paranoid about even surfing the net to look for whatever due to some invented legal action against them. This is sad. I sense the "unwashed masses" are in a moral panic about sex and the net and when in doubt, they just shoot and ask questions later. Let them "go play" with "BOB", or swap eceipes or whatever and stay the hell off the Net! Thank you for letting me voice my opinion:)
- Sex on the internet is just another form of release or exploration for many people who do not wish to take part in real-life sex, at least not at the time. It can be a good way for people to explore who they are and what they truly want in life.
- Serves a vital purpose in permitting all persons, particularly those who are extremely introverted or "fearful," to share their sexual desires and problems directly and with utter frankness.
- i'm all for it.
- fantastic
- no comment
- Sex in our society is presented as perverted; not beautiful as it is meant to be. Natural Family Planning within marriage is the only presentation of sex which is beautiful. True education is needed.
- I think the idea that sex is EVERYWHERE on the net is a pretty overblown concept. It's out there, but there is no neon lights saying "Get It Here"
- great
- I like to lok at the pics and i don't see anything wrong with it
- i feel that sex on the internat encourages openness and awareness
- I think it's great.
- yeah, big deal
- It's nice that we have FREE network, just as long it is free. There should NOT be too much "guards" around, but parents can restrict access of their children if they want to do so.
- great
- The Govt. and Media have blown the problem WAY out of proportion... so typical.
- It's pretty cool
- I am all for the internet being open regarding sex. We don't need government regulations.
- Sex, I love to talk about it, do it and here about it and reading. Internet is just wonderful
- A great idea especially for the inquisitive and shy.
- I think the only worry we should have regarding sex on the net is the exposure to children. Some of the material can get quite raw. Children are too swayable. Parents need to be the responsible party for ensuring the quality of upbringing of their children. Not only on the net but in everyday life...
- For those without a life in shades of grey
- Fun.
- it's great, be responsible. parents must be responsible too.
- I love it!
- I think it's great! It's a great place to vent your sexual frustrations.
- sex is good in all shapes and forms
- Im looking for it but cant find it! How can all those right wingers compalin?
- Isn't free speech wonderful?
- Mostly mild curiosity. The anonimity is attractive, but that in itself suggests something about my perceptions in this area. Obviously, if people really want access to sexually explicit materials, obtaining it is not that difficult. Perhaps social taboos have encouraged us from not allowing this area of one's personal life from simply dominating the lives of even more people that is already does. I doubt that we could blame the pope, the church, the government or anyone else for the tendency to sti l ap
- I think that it's just fine.
- I think the internet should be left open and not regulated.
- Keep it up!
- they don't mix physically, but it is good for info
- Like anything else, this is a First amendment right. Censorship should be done at the personal level. Geverment is not there to establish our individual moral standards.
- It's a great escape to forbidden pleasures!
- Keep the politicians out of it. Make next survey load faster, this one took forever to load due to the graphics that were not really needed.
- It's a matter of communication. No one forces you to access sexual material, there are many means to stop minors from accessing inappriopriate material, and for people like me who are shy, being able to communicate (fairly) anonymously about sex is good.
- hope it results in something positive
- I think it is too hard to access the hardcore porn.
- interesting
- I think it is good to have on the net. Sex shold be open like it is.
- Mmmmm....
- All in all, a very valuable educational resource!
- It's there
- its a grait kik
- You must now adress for yourself...-
- Keep the government out of the bedroom and off the net!
- Most informative. Provides detailed answers to a wide variety of questions concering sexual activities, hazards, necessary precautions and techniques for maximizing your partner's (and your) pleasures.
- I think its great for adults, not children under 18
- Parental Responsibility & the whole topic is way overstated
- Need more discussion areas and pornography, especially males
- It is something that should be enjoyed by mature adults.
- We´re all adults here, are´nt we ? You cant shock with the stuff thats on the Net, we´ve already seen it elsewhere. As for kids, only the parents can monitor what they do. Just like life in general.
- Its healthy
- I think that if parents want to censor there child it is there right...and if the child doesn't listen thats a problem for the parent not the net
- To Each His Own
- Sex is great! The Internet is good. Help me find photos of true
- Fine
- Why is everyone so upset?? Give it a rest! More important things to deal with than this stuff
- I am an adult. If I wanted something I'm resourceful enough to find what I'm looking for. I resent sexual overflow into channels that are not sexual, when the opportunity exists, presently, for others to learn to be resourceful, as well.
- I like to check it out occasionally curiosity
- I think that it is a better outlet for people. People will tend to learn more and be entertained by new material such as sex surveys, stories, etc. If it is regulated, people will just find ways around the regulation (they always have and they always will). After all, this is covered in the first amendment. Free speech shouldn't stop at the internet.
- Bad
- I think it's gggrrreeeaattt!!!
- Overall I think it is a good thing.
- Sex is a natural occurence, whether it's done electronically or not. I don't feel sex on the net should be an issue.
- If you don't like it go somewhere else or ignore it....
- could be easy to find
- No Censorship! The revolution cant happen without sex!
- Great tool to pass on the importances of sex, compared to the taboo regulation of religion
- I wish it were more readily available. It is tough to find, and as an adult I feel that I have freedom of choice when it comes to things like that.
- search programmes do not seem to help if you are looking for anything above talk back comments
- Great
- pretty good Interesting
- "...let it be"; child porn should be banned; parents educate your children!
- They don't mix too good. Keep sex (porno) from the net.
- Where there is people, there is sex; Where there is people, there is Internet.
- I think for the most part it is talked about too much. If people want to find sex in the real world they will find it, the same on the net. Those who want it will find it, those who don't won't look for it.
- Sex on th I-net is not too prevalent, if you want to you can avoid it, Only if you want can you actually find it without tripping over it, only the truly curious find truly what they are look ing for.
- sex is a fact of human existence. why censor nature?
- In order to receive some pornography, one must have a subscribtion.
- What hopefully two or more consenting adults do with there lives is there business.
- I am surprised at the people I know who have accessed pornography on the Internet.
- killer
- Sex in my view is a very good boon of god to humans. sex on the internet is just for fun but not for real.
- Pornographic material is information...just like any other. The thing that firghtens the goverment more is free information. Theyd rather keep you ignorant.
- A lot of hoo-ha about a very small aspect of the net. Sex is a part of human life, it's natural it should be a part of life on the net, but it's only an obsession for a small percentage, just as it is in mundane life. What we need to do is encourage a responsible, consensual, non-coercive attitude towards sexual behavior in general. As the parent of a teenager, I can tell you - kids will have sex if and when they're ready. The best thing we can do is provide them information, health care and the ri ht to say yea or nay according to their own sense of self-esteem (we need to make sure that our kids HAVE self-esteem - not just rules and regulations)
- good and not a big deal. what we need is more and better parents not big brother
- Right now I am just curious.
- i believe that sex on yhe internet should be shared between two computers.
- I love being able to talk freely about sexual experiences and having computer sex. It is much more honest & open
- i like it...l love it...i want more of it
- cool.
- Who is to decide what is "moral" and "indecent"? A bunch of old rich white men sitting on capitol hill? No, it is up to the individual. My standards are considered horrendous to some, normal to others, and possibly soft to a few. The net is one of the only "pure" things left in this dogma-dominated world.
- i'm looking for it dammit!!!!!!!
- I think it is great and think we should keep it.
- We are a couple looking for a bi-female to live in with us, and the 'net' is a great way to find such a person. We placed an ad and have had several responses. We have only been on the 'net' for 3 weeks. I came across a survery last night, and some of the comments were really gross, but I believe, if you don't want to read things like that, then don't go to that site. I don't think anyone, government or otherwise, as a right to censor the 'net'. I hate having my freedom controlled by some narrow mi ded body or religeous group.
- Good stuff, nothing rash
- I've heard a great deal about the huge amounts of sexual material on the Net, but I find it difficult to actually access this data.
- its free speach. parents beware
- should be avilable to adults only, but I want it now!!! (I´m 33 y o)
- It's oke
- It's a fact of life, w/o it we wouldn't be here, why do people have a problem with it?
- no opinion
- It is very cool.
- The power to turn it on and off should be in the home not the congress.
- super
- I wish there was more
- Very useful and entertaining as long as it is not abused.
- I'm personally all for it.
- I don't think there is anything wrong with sexual content on the Net. It is our right to say and to post what we want. Besides, everyone has to learn about sex sometime, so why is it such a big deal??
- it sucks
- I feel that it is a great thing, however realize that some people are against it. I say let them keep crying and let us keep our freedom of speach.
- there needs to be more pictures
- sex on the net is not a problem. Parental control is
- I've just begun to investigate Sex and the Internet.
- sex is fun, but i am not familiar with sex on the net
- i thiml it is very cool
- I think it is a little too easy to find.
- Easy to get a lot, and quickly
- Those who would take away our First Ammendment rights are using scare tactics to gain with their own agendas. Almost all service providers I have encountered, provide options for parents to exclude different areas or content types. Better education in that direction is the only thing that will work.
- where is it?
- guess I should try it
- guess I should try it
- It's a wild time!!!
- I do not know how to accessit, so I can't tell you.
- I think the internet is the greatest collection of sex related information... so far in our history.
- first time on net i don't know much yet.
- The Internet just makes everything happen faster.
- I think it has helped me open up more to my husband, sexually, and it is a pleasant pastime.
- sexual monitoring is the job of the parent,not the internet or goverment
- it's a great sucess.
- I enjoy it, but kids have easy access and that's wrong.
- Okay for adults, but not okay for kids under 17
- Sex is never dirty when it`s ment real.
- Perverts have gone hi-tech and we are the ones paying the price, because the net is generally a powerful mechanism as part of the information superhighway. powerful
- nice
- It can be a lot of fun and provide a boost to a flagging sex life
- It is very good!
- I think the moral police of the US (christian representatives etc) will eventually stop the evolution of the net if they continue promoting censorship.
- Great!
- i met my lover on the net...i visited him..we call keeps our love alive since texas and michigan are miles apart:)
- Since I have just begun to peruse the net, I think it is very interesting how this topic is handled
- blows
- Lovely pictures, I'm only human.
- new on the net, i'll keep you posted
- its allrite! its 4 fun so there is no harm!
- it's cool huhuhuhuh
- I lost my virginity on the Mexican side of Laredo one year before I got married. I was at bat 6 times and batted 500. I don't consider prostitutes sexual partners.
- "To each his own." If one wants to see hardcore pornography on the internet, then they should be able to; if someone doesn't want to see sexual content on the internet, then they shouldn't hook into those areas of the net.
- I'm new to the net, but I would like to find out what more it has to offer. Including finding out more about sex sites, since I don't know where they are at.
- I cant find enough sites with pictures to view for free.
- So far it has been interesting, however I am not sure exactly what resources are available or how to access them. I am also not sure about the censoring of my server, I wish I could speak with someone who could give me better and more information.
- At the current level I find no problems. But when and if the art is thrown out for blantent porno, I will probably change my mind.
- It is more of a fad thing when you first start but I think if it does not occupy all of your net time you get bored of it.
- need more pictures of graphic sex scenes.
- I think pornography on the Internet has ruined the value of the Internet in the minds of most people (thanks to the media). Unfortunately, the availability of the Internet has made it much easier for people (who would otherwise not) to access pornography--which is dangerous to us all. I personally don't want more people perverting their minds and then trying to rape my daughter for some cheap thrill. It's dangerous. It needs to be recognized and addressed, but by REAL PEOPLE, not the government.
- easier for males to get access. Females want hard core too!
- Exciting
- "sex and the internet" is the same as "news and the internet" or "information and the internet". it's the good, the bad, and the ugly.
- Very Fun, Very Easy!
- To much attention in focused on it.
- Not only parents have certain responsibilities, but access providers to minimize to some degree.
- It's not doing any harm.
- it should be there for those who want it. Sort of like religion. The Net should remain an open coummication system, without regard (or better yet, despite) governmental regulation and surveilance. It is an open world communication system that is unique and governments and religionists should keep their noses out of (which). The Net should be free and open. If parents have a problen with children and the Net, then the paraents should do some parenting and supersize what their kid do their computer(s). After all, who buys the comupter? and who pays for the Net connection?.
- Heathy if you're ready for it. Anything else and it's wrong.
- Definitely SAFE sex!
- It is cool!!!!!!!
- it's G-R-E-A-T!!!
- Not much to say,everybody needs sex.
- I think it is great! Opened many windows in my mind.
- I think that it would be a good way to express safe and harmless sex. People should do this more often.
- i don't now
- I Think it is very hot. I get an erection with I see gay sex pictures
- its too much fun
- Human beings are very sexually driven creatures with an equally strong desire to communicate. This being the case, any uncensored communications media is going to have sexual content. I'm far more concerned about the very real danger of censorship than I am about the alledged dangers of prnography.
- More nudity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- No answer
- I like looking at the pictures of men and women. I would like to see more men having sex with other men.
- Government should not regulate the Net. Don't they have more important problems, i.e., trade issues with china, etc.. It is the parents responsibility to teach morals to their children, not the government.
- The internet should be an open place. Sexual areas should be flagged that only adults are to enter and that anyone who does does so on there own and consents to such material and states that they are of age. This would then protect the internet provider in a similiar way that it is easy to mail order items from adult magazines without the age of the person ordering the item to be verified.
- you really didn't need to put the pix of that woman at the bottom of this survey
- I think The Internet is leading a sex revolution that will change sex forever. It allows people to learn assorted sex techniques and to meet new partners.
- I have 2 words...."FREE SPEECH" Screw censorship!!!!
- it should be more accessible because not all of us are prude
- I feel its wonderful :)
- Discussion and exhange of sexual material is inevitable when humans get together to interact. It happens whenever people get together. The government's only role should be to advise parents of the possibility that children can access explicit material on the Internet.
- It's fascinating! Yeah! Yeah!
- I love it!!!!!!!!1
- ok
- it's o.k.
- To many restrictions,not open enough.
- Cool ! :)
- enjoying irc for safe sex and increasing my libido
- Someday it´s normal, like reading Playboy!
- No practical relations, just pictures & stories.
- Sex is just a little part of the Internet.
- Exon can kiss my ass
- It's fine for adults and adults who monitor their children's internet access, but they should redo netscape to add an access code feature for adult access on the net.
- I think that the government stepping in to controll the internet using sexually orientated material is a ploy to controll the net using sex because it is a sensitive subject. No one really wants to see children hurt and the government knows this. What they really want is to monitor all the mail and conversations on the net since they can't do this now (unlike the regular phone system).
- nothing
- Sex on the internet is fine...if you don't like..turn it off!
- more more more!!!
- Wonderful
- it should be only forbidden for children
- The internet is excellent for those whose bizzare sexual desires have made them feel isolated and alone in their life so far. It provides a basically anonymous way of learning more about your own desires.
- great
- There must be more
- not the real thing (yet)
- not enough pictures or i cant find them
- nothing major unless you know enough about computers and have someone show you how to get around the net
- The intermet is an information provider, and information about sex is still information after all.
- I'm for sex if it's on the net or anywhere else!!
- Should be left to the pesons own likes or dislike only..
- I think sex is somewhat of a problem on the Internet.
- Its harmless and fun!
- I really so not think it is neccesary to be on the net. It is already everywhere else.
- poor
- not enough free sites with good graphics
- i really haven't seen much of anything
- cool way to share erotic experiences with my partner that we would not usually have access to.
- There should be more of it
- Too few raunchy pictures
- The Net has opened new areas of sexual exploration for me.
- I like to fuck~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- It allows a person to explore without fear of consequences
- I don't mind it.
- It keeps me going!!!
- Turn on
- What a big deal about such a little thing! Sex on the 'net should not be that significant to people with balanced lives
- Kinda fun
- It's a great place to find pornos to masturbate to.
- I love it...I met my future husband on the internet :>
- I think it is a great outlet for for voyeuristic urges. Also, I can safely look at various aspects of sexuality and appreciate the anonymous nature of the Internet
- I don't have a problem with it. I very open when it comes to sex, nothing has ever shocked me when it comes to sex, sexual act.. whatever. If someone doesn't like it, they don't have to look at it or discuss it. I like it, and like to talk about it and do it!!!
- The media is hyping only the tawdry, much like they would talk about a red light district affecting a sprawling metropolis. The public needs to be educated as to what the *real* issues are. EDUCATION!
- cool
- i want to find sex on the net live between people
- I think it's the first time ordinary, sexually restless people might find a really anonymous solution to their situation.
- I think it should be available. After all, computers are an adult toy with more adults, than kids, using them.
- i think it's a great way for sexual frustration and it's safe because nobody can get pregnant or anything
- I think that openness is important and provides an evironment that encourages experimentation and freedom
- Saw this at a site: "I'd much rather my kids see a sexual act than a murdering slaughter!
- It is alright, it is safe and erotic at times
- I think there is nothing more wrong with sex on the internet than there is with the magazines that have been around, and very sucessful, for years. If parents don't want there children to use the internet then they need to monitor what their child is doing.
- Censorship on the INet is wrong!
- I love to masturbate while on the Net. It gets me real horny.
- shows potential to be entertaining, enlightening, and an outlet for good natured sex.
- I love it and I think there should be more hot sexy sites
- It's pretty interesting, but not as good as the real thing
- It's just delightful. Varied, pleasant...
- If it's concentual I think it's ok. If someone isn't willing, they can just leave the area, or stop talking to the other person.
- It is a good thing - freedom of speech
- go for it!
- I think it's rampant, however the choice of either having it or attempting to censor I would choose to have it, since the censorship would spread like wildfire and cause a global scene.
- I think that the Internet degrades the sanctity of sex...The Internet makes pornography and adult entertainment too easily accessible.
- Not as bad as the news depicts. Like real life, there are some real dangerous people out there and you just can't jump into a strangers web .. this is true though out the world.
- Obviously there is a problem with kids accessing pornographic gifs and such, but there has to be another to solve this problem without abolishing pornography completely from the net. I think of it in terms of adult bookstores in most cities in the u.s., near the entrance there is always somebody there to check Ids to make sure no one under 21 gets in. Likewise there should be some mechanism that filters out those people who don't want those sites to be accessible from those who do want those sites to e accessible. Could you imagine if all adult bookstores in a particular city were to be closed down because some minors managed to get hold of some pornographic material? There would be an up-rise 10 times worse than the prohibition days in our nation's history. Also, pornography isn't seen as such a big deal in Europe (trust me I know) people will just access sites in Europe where the topic of pornography on the net really isn't an issue. In fact many german programs have rediculed the fact that such a issue has to have a congressional hearing to be resolved. I know there are different levels of morals in different countries but the fact of the matter is that people are going to find sex on the net whether it is regulated or not simply because the demand is there. I probably shouldn't say this but there are plenty of hackers out there who have established secret sites that are known only by a select few and can never be traced. (I know because I'm one of them) So regulate all you want with the exxon ill or whatever, there will always be the UNDERGROUND---------
- no idels
- it is for a bunch of faggots suckas
- Provided it in properly policed so minors have no access, I feel it is healthy and opens ones eyes to what is happening in real life.
- It's all new to me!!!
- Good source of information, but frightening potential for misuse (I am not so open-minded as to tolerate pederastry or rape against either gender)
- Good for our love-life
- I am new to the Net so I haven't seen too much yet.
- I think the Internet is a marvelous resource for expressing one's own sexuality and learning about the sexuality of others. Having all this information--technical, practical, prurient, and commercial--in *one* fairly private place is a tremendous and valuable achievement. The wide-scale *positive* effects of that achievement on people's emotional and spiritual lives will only become apparent in the 21st century ... in the mean time, we must NOT let local standards--even our own--dictate what is allow ble or available on the Internet.
- Just happened to come accross it and was curious.
- should be open to everyone
- Sex is something that shouldn't be prohibited by law - it should just me monitored (re: paedophilia, etc.) Only the correct people should have access - difficult, I know, but...
- Good Idea, but I am not sure everyone would answer honestly. Invalidates it maybe?
- just fun
- It is kind of hype. There is not that much pornographic available
- kool, kewt and kinky - also harmless and good fun.
- Idon't think it should be banned. Ithink that parents should be responsible for their children, that is where the kids would gain access.
- want to find special intrest sex and comunicate with others
- No free access comunication system should be be involved in sex.
- I have been on bulletin boards for years, don't see any problems there but I am new to the net. In general I am opposed to censorship in any form.
- like everywhere !
- Excellent
- stuff
- it is very cool.........
- Exon can go eat a dick! Keep the Net free!
- Its a good thing...people can come to terms with unusual desires, by seeing others being open about it. I think (and hope) this will lead to more than just openness regarding sexual issues. I think we're on the road to truly beginning to understand each other on levels that we have NEVER in history explored. People will be all the healthier for it, and much happier.
- Its arousing..but see as dangerous in the wrong hands...
- Internet is sexy.
- It's fine for those who are of legal age.
- where is it
- muy bien
- i wish i had access to more picyures
- want more
- The net has been a helpful place to zoosexuals like me. We have been able to find others of our kind and find belonging for once in our lives. Something straight people take for granted is special to us. It has saved the lives of some too. Kept them from hurting themselves.
- I love finding new stuff to jerk off with everynight!
- The parents should be the one to keep it from their children.
- I like it. It is easy to find. Just how I like it.
- should be easier to locate
- No different than sex elsewhere in the "real" world.
- Sex is gift that is share between someone that you love. Internet is sometimes misused by many pepole. This promotes negative things about sex.
- Where is it? I've been looking for over an hour!
- dull
- An interesting distraction
- for adults, if you want to look it up, it's your choice to do that. I love sex and am glad that I have the opportunity to express it.
- I love it!! I am into sex on many levels, both intellectually and physically and love having instant access at my finger-tips. I wish I had/could find more access to interesting sites, including hardcore porn and interactive video.
- In question 10 you didn't offer "read instructional/informational material" as a choice. I've learned a lot that has braodend my and my wifes sex lives.
- Enjoy it while you still can!
- It should be easier to access for those that want it.
- ok
- good for a brouse
- good for a brouse
- With a few exceptions, there should be no restrictions on the net's sexual material. The exceptions should be child pornography or any pornography advocating harm or violence to people.
- It is a bit prolific, but should not be regulated
- It is good for imagination and fantasies. I can talk about what I want to and not worry about repecutions.
- I would never find it anywhere else(in some cases).
- It's great!!!!!!
- keep up the good work
- It's safe!
- I think it provides a great open minded forum for adults to share true life desires and feeling we weree always afraid od
- It's better to do it in the net than doing it with hooker
- an injoyable experience but should be confined to your own four walls
- Seems safe but it can really harm us.
- It's a great place for fantasy!
- I've just always thought that folks find what they look for on the Internet. Some choose to be offended, some do not. But whether a person is a proponent or in opposition to something they find, or simply of no particular opinion, sex on the 'net is not something people just bump into, anymore than they would in real life...And they always have the option to simply turn it off.
- More, More, More
- A real non-issue. Reflects role of sex generally, which is compelling topic for us all.
- I have no problem with it at all. It's a normal extension of healthy human sexuality.
- I am a zoophile with intrests in people primarily and various species lower on my scale. All things should be available to anyone over 18.
- I believe that the Internet, like any other media, is used for communication. Naturally, people want to talk about sex - it is an important part of life. The possibility of anonymous posting may encourage sex discussions, but thats it. Of course, the uncensored Internet promotes open minded thinking - this is a Good Thing(tm). Anybody afraid of the Net probably also opposed the invention of the radio, the telephone, book printing, television and language. A media does not imply judgement. Every medium roadens the range of personal experiences and therefore is a Very Good Thing(tm). Wannabe-Censors should be dealed with.
- Sure
- Sex is a very special thing between two people who love each other!
- i think there should be more
- I think its exiting. I love women and their bodies.
- needed
- Its a great way to gain information about sex and vrious practices without buying alot of books, or feeling embarassed by the curiousity.
- I am totally for the use of the internet as an open forum for sexual discussions and sexual ideas as well as all other topics of human interest.
- I love it. I'd like to find some real chat sex area.
- I think the openess is a good thing, if they want to close down sexual places because of children, then keep them off the net. Its the parents place not the goverment to control what is done on the computer.
- I think it is a form of free speech and should be left alone for the most part. Very hard-core or illegal stuff should have no place on the Internet
- I think the openess is a good thing, if they want to close down sexual places because of children, then keep them off the net. Its the parents place not the goverment to control what is done on the computer.
- It rarely occurs except for reference & product ordering
- provides new ways to stimulate sexualty
- I feel that sex in the internet should be there but anybody who wants to access it should be given some sort of an ID like social security no so that people who are above 21 can access it.
- The alt. newsgroups should be esier to access. There should be an online forum for spanking besides just the newsgroups!
- Absolutely love it! I find out alot about things that I've been curious about for a long time. Also it's giving me the courage to act on my desires. Thankyou and keep it up :-)
- if you see a newsgroup called you should be not so utterly stupid that you think it's about baking cookies or something!!!!
- I love it! It has given alot of contacts that I wouldn't otherwise have.
- ok
- This is a well constructed survey. I hope you gather some useful information that informs a rational approach to sex on the internet. Congratulations!
- its kind of funny!!
- People have the right to view or read whatever they desire !
- It's great fun...
- Sex is good, hopefully the internet will contribute to future sexual experiences.
- overated
- I think it is a person's right to view or not. You don't have to view it if you don't want. So let alone the people that it entertians.
- Parents should be able to keep their children away from the heavy porno stuff
- good
- Fast and easy way to get pornographic material
- crude and a bit impersonal
- It`s good
- i like it alot
- censure is too much (look like angie everhart)
- I like it
- Unless you are looking for it, it won't show up for the most part, and if it does, you can always not look at it. That is why the government has no business censoring.
- I love sex and the net is cool but not tigether it is degrading and desparate
- Too little!
- a bit too open... Don't like child pornography.
- It has been a very educational database.
- I would rather that it wasn't on the net. I would rather have the net be a place for reasearch and learning things of value, and exchanging information to uplift and be productive. I would rather that the sex / porno, if it must be anywhere, would be in one area, easier to avoid or block.
- Easy to get! It's better than rape on the street
- not really a problem.people who don't like it,don't have to see it.
- There should be a central site that alows access to all facates of sex and sexuality
- It has been given too much focus by the media. It's not really that big of a deal.
- ok if its limited with suprmodels and nude celebrity,nothing hard core
- Just 3 words...FREEDOM OF SPEECH
- I think sex is something that everyone should learn and talk about freely. The internet is a great place for people to learn and get more information on the subject!
- I have had some of my best orgasims through it
- good if controlled by parents
- good if controlled by parents
- boring
- It's healthy!
- hmmmm....i like sex and i like the internet...however, i prefer sex!
- Sex and the internet is no differentthat sex and a magazine
- duh
- The news like taking things and blowing them out of proportion. Yeah, the few children who have been abducted by pedophiles are a few too many, but you don't hear of malls being closed because of kids getting abducted there. 1 abduction is 1 too many, but don't blame it on the net. It's the person that kills, not the gun.
- it's great and I wish there was more.
- i want to find more of it
- I am curious to know what all the contriversy is all about. If it is monitored by parents/guardians I see no problem -- as long as there is a special mail-in that the parents fill in to make a password that kids don't see. A varifacation should be sent in as well AFTER the password has been sent in in something that looks like ordinary mail so no suspcion is arroused. My e-mail is Feel free to e-mail me to let me know how things are going. :-)
- Its freedom of speach , those who dont like it can ignore the pictrues easy enough
- it's there, it's just difficult to find.
- It's Cool ManĦĦĦĦ
- Nothing next to local BBS's
- I think it should be available to all that want it but not imposed on any that don't. It should be capable of private regulation.
- good
- SHOULD BE OPEN for all adults
- leave one outlet that is not restriced
- Fun!
- I want some!!!
- People who want it, get it! Parents, regulate!
- It's kind of funny, but useless
- Its a discrace that the most powerful nation in the world is also the most conservative when it comes to sex!
- more power to you!!!!!!!
- Its a fun forum to explore what is only human and natural!
- It more soft than hard core
- There should be more of it
- It's a good point in censoring...Keep up w/the good work...Parents should take care of their kids if they don't want the kids exposed to certain material
- sex is cool and the internet is too
- What I think is that it lets us know that we are not the only ones "getting it on" out there on the "SuperHighway".
- they go well together
- I would like to, find more,but its not that easy
- it's fun
- My gender is private and no one should be allowed to ask for it. This subject should never never come up.
- hard to find i'm still looking
- Sex on the net is here to stay. Just like rock and roll.
- It's great!! I love it !!
- I think its great
- More please
- the only sex i;ve seen is in the newsgroups (just pictures)
- I love it!
- If one is very computer literate, s/he can find what ever they want on the net. Where as childeren are concerned... parents should make it a point to be just as litterate to protect their kids. It isn't that difficult to install blockers.
- I think it's an excellent way of exploring one's sexual identity, and to possibly explore new avenues of fulfillment. As to children vs. access, the term "child" be clearly defined; does it mean under 18? under 13? who knows.... I believe if you're old enough to engage in sex, you're old enough to be fully informed as to the potential consequences of you're actions, and then you may make an informed choice as to how you proceed. First step: stop equating religion and general morality with sexual procli ities.
- It's out there, it's uncontrollable, and with the exception of the illegal stuff (Child, etc.) leave it alone
- It can't encourage perversion because if someone wants the material, they will get it somewhere no matter what.
- I just started using the net, but So afr I like what I see and I see alot of stuff I don't mind. Pretty strange considering I am a pretty cnservative guy. Although I am a college student!!
- it is a free world, let's keep it open to everyone
- I think there is nothing wrong with it. This country needs to be more open about sex. Without it none of us would be here. Too many Americans freak out if they see a females breast. Who cares. It is the human body...It is the most well constructed ma
- Though the internet is not regulated, I can understand all the sex on the net. Its a freedom as American citizens we chooses to have, but we must not forget that our children are online too. Sad to say but this controversy will continue to grow with no satisfactory end.
- Interesting when you first start surfing thereafter pretty boring
- I think parents should take more active control of their children in all matters. We should not have to suffer for their lack of control.
- Don't need it, but being a sex freak, I don't mind it :)
- more articles on incest
- Its a great opportunity to expand one's sexual/sensual horizons. It is not the place for censorship and must remain open and unsullied by any single point view. If one doesn't like the material available---don't log on. Do some gardening or fishing, etc.
- I want more stuff ...
- I'm so excited I can not stop touching myself and I'm in a computer lab with 40 other people.
- I enjoy that, and I hope to get more information.
- All the media hype would be nothing if parents would take responsibility for their childrens actions.
- I'd like to experience more.
- happy
- good
- Sex between couples, esspecially parents with small children, need a place to solve their problems, and learn from others expiriences to avoid divorce
- Until I tried "surfing the net" I was set on being a virgin until opened me up alot!
- no comment
- It is a very easy thing to fing in the net and I think steps should be taken to avoid children seeing this material.
- should be easier to find---lighten up north america========
- It may be better than real sex because no one gets pregnant.
- I had never seen a real penis and was preaparing to see my boyfriends so I would know what it looked like.
- Sex is fairly self regulated, not as bad as the media hype !!!
- As an adult, I would like to think that I could find any and all sex,erotica,pics,stories, and long as I conform to local laws.
- The more the better....I'd have cyber sex with all that I can.
- Sex is each individuls right to choose if it doesnt harm others
- The internet serves the people who enter it, they will decide the eventual outcome
- Sex on the net should not be regulated. I feel that as responsible adults we should have enough discipline to police ourselves. This is supposed to still be a free country isn't it?
- I'm glad it's here. I've met some interesting people...
- It's ok. but , it could be possible to lock the browsers access to sexual address
- It is intriging! although I do prefer it in the flesh!
- It's good for entertainment... Nothing more
- should be more diverse to cater to all
- Just a part of the whole.
- not enough
- All this histeria about children accessing porn is bullshit. You need to be a member of a porn provider anyway.
- Where is all the Mpeg's on sex?
- personally, I want to see more of it, at a cheaper price...
- Strongly believe in freedom of speech (communications).
- Sex on the internet, like many other things in our society, doesn't need government control or regulation. People need to be responsible for themselves and leave the rest of us alone. If they don't want to see something don't look, as for their children,
- Sex on the net is a big $cam for the almighty $
- no good
- I've heard there is some really raunchy stuff on the net. Neither that nor sex education in schools nor most parental instruction is very helpful in this area. Maybe people should only view it with the consent of their sexual partners (so, most kids wouldn't have any).
- killer!
- The internet is a way to express your opion on any subject, although sex is everywhere parents must still regulate what their children should see. This day and age parents should be open-minded, but still instruct their children what sex is all about at the proper age. The age for children to know about the birds and the bees, should be around nine to ten years of age even a bit earlier. For more information i think people should listen to a few radio talk shows, one in particular Dr. Laura.
- I think there should be easier access to porrnogrophy
- most hard core things come from pay services...the way it should be
- If I want to look for it, I will. If not, I won't!
- Sex has been around alot longer than the net (and Congress)
- It is mildly stimulating. I see nothing wrong with adults having free access to materials of a sexual nature. If you don't want to see it don't look!
- Our society is decaying. Everyone will feel the effect of moral decay.
- great
- more sex
- I do not have a problem with sex on the internet as long as it does not involve children.
- You can't eliminate the sexual desires of people, but maybe divert or channel these desires away from innocent victims of rape
- I dont have anytihing against sex on the net
- dynamic
- I don't reaaly know because I haven't been working on the internet long.
- It's better than a BBS.
- The basic principle of our nation is freedom. That is why so many people have flocked to our nation. Therefore the less government intervention the better. Internet does well on it's own. Let society not government be the judge and use the net in their own choice method. Freedom of Choice is the answer.
- pk
- I see no problem with it if parents monitor their children's behavior
- Ive seen some pretty sick individuals as well as some very good educational tools.
- The stuff that is easy to find appears more on the onjective informational side of things. To get access to the hard-core pronography you have to pay anyway which would turn most people/children off on the idea. All in all it doesn't appear to be offensive or "bad".
- sex on net is thrilling and easy to find.
- I like it. I've met a lot of people who share my sexual interests
- GREAT !!!!!
- These guys need to get out more...
- I find it fascinating, and I think it will be a real shame if it becomes restricted. I, at least, will fight this.
- It allow one to experience different lifestyles in a safe enviroment. It also allow people to express their feeling honestly.
- I think it is okay, and that it should continue as is, with no outside intereince.
- I think that im spending to much time for searching Sex.
- You can buy it in the stores. You can find it your parents bedroom. what the hell is wrong with it on the net? Nothing! Control your kids..
- Like anything, it has its good points and its bad points
- It's fun
- I think that each person should be able to decide for themselves whether or not they want to view or read anything of a sexual nature.
- I Like It I Love It I Want More Of It
- Much Ado about Nothing
- I like it, I love it, I want more of it
- humiliate me, make me dress up in your panties!!
- It's a fun and safe outlet for sexual frustration
- I think there are enough regulations period. What happened to freedom of speech?
- I love them both
- You already need an account and ID to gain access to most sexually explicit material so it would be difficult for a child or anyone without a password to access. It is already self regulating.
- I'm horny
- It keeps me at home and out of trouble. I'm alone and want to keep it that way now.
- OK...People need to make their own "online" judgements
- it is informative.
- I have no problems except kids should be limited by parents
- It is vastly overated.
- its much more important to watch about drugs, violance financial and political corrution and POLUTION!
How would you deal with the issue of regulating sexual/offensive content?
- Parental lock on home systems
- use browsers that block children
- Let gov't enforce morality standards and have rating system
- if people can find it they deserve to see it
- get them to masterbate while downloading pictures
- Keep 'hard' sites away from young eyes - password.
- parent-locks
- The net is a world within a world with no borders and no laws it's the last and youngest outpost of the "other side"
- Sexual material could be made available for purchase only. That way children wouldn't have a chance
- don't look at it if you don't like it
- blocking programs
- i think that there should be alot moor of it.
- establish self-reg body, no hardcore porn, rating system
- people should have to enter S.S. number to prove they are over 21.
- The tools are in place to limit access thru AOL i.e., so parents haves that option in place if they are concerned about it, as they should be. But the Internet Should be completely open.
- create a key security system like the cable companies have for not allowing children to view adult movies after hours?!
- I think parents can control it adequatly
- let the parents do the policing of their own children
- do adult-only passwords
- Let Rome burn, for Christ's sake
- Make tools available to control it at the user end.
- Parents should supervise their children
- Better education to the public about the restrictions providers may offer to protect their children from unwanted areas.
- If a kid is old enough to look for it, they are old enough to see it.---Sex is not bad or ugly!
- Makers of such filth and flarn should have their sexual organs gouged out of their bodies and set aflame. Perverts should once again relegate themselves to "flashing" old women in the park.
- parent guidance is best, nothing else
- Provide a means for self-censorship(from children)
- shut down access by influential groups
- net should be open and adults should have a special pass word
- personal software which will filter out certain sites based on keywords
- Software development of restricted access programs
- let parents do it
- Let parents guide children twoards healthy chanels
- Part 'rating system' and mandatory for ISP's to provide limits of the ratings to users as part of their subscription.
- Parents should be solely responsible for their children!
- let families and host intstitutions prevent children from accessing pornography
- Let me decide for myself what I want to read and see
- let it all go is enjoyable
- let people take the blame for their actions for once. Another words, the parents should have control of their kids in such a way that the kids would not get access. The government doesn't need to keep on telling the people what is good and bad. People
- some kind of way where it can be controlled differently from every computer
- Ther should be more of it
- Kill all non-believers
- This planet needs a single bill of human rights, a governing body to administer the definition of rights, a judicial system to enterpret them and an enforcement agency to act on them. Once this is in place then all conduct online or off should be regulated by this.
- Educate the ignorant
- NetWatcher systems integrated into net products that require changing settings (that can be password protected) in order to view porn (in cojunction with an online rating system).
- Allow third parties to provide ratings
- Each individual household should determine via a contract with the internet service provider whether or not they have access to the x-rated sites. Then if a minor were to access these sites the internet service provider could not be held accountable due to the fact that whoever took up the responsibility of the household decided that these x-rated sites would be accessible. This reminds me of the age old idea of parents being responsible for their children. WOW!! What a thought! Now, a another group o society, namely the group of adult single guys who like to access adult material, should not be short changed by the mere fact that a lot of parents out there just don't give a damn about what their children are getting into. LONG LIVE ANALINGUS!!!!
- Personal Control through software. (Like blocking cable channels)
- Work at promoting understanding and acceptence.
- parents should supervise and be held responsible
- It can't be regulated, give it up...
- Give parents tools to protect children
- give codes to certain sexual contents
- develop software for use by parents/site admins to limit access
- Net sh be open, but req a Server-assigned password to access sexually explicit material.
- Allow only 18+ or 21+ into the systems through user checks on their systems.
- it will regulate itself
- the parents should be responsible enough to place blocks on such sites they deem unsuitable for their children
- combine open sites with moderated sites; all rated with filter programs available
- Parents should censor the kids themselves, since that is their job as a parent.
- establish ethic code, no rules
- Individuals and parents control usage and access. Keep the governments out of it!
- take all the Christian Coalition Nazis, put them in a room, and force them to watch "Anal Intruders" for eight hours
- Parent should be responsible enough to look after their children. Teach the kids what to look and not look at.
- control access through lockouts
- If they don't like it, then don't access it!
- parental control
- The people using the internet should have to enter their age truthfully.
- parental control
- If certain people don't like it, don't watch!
- parents must regulate THEIR kids, not expect US to do it
- screw 'em
- Lock the geezers away, sans computers, in the old folks' home
- should be a combination of self regulating about rating system sites
- Secured access for explicit sights, with admittance granted only after Proving age.
- Unfortunately, some Americans believe that sex and nudity are evil dirty. However this is another discussion in itself. My suggestion is to require Parental Control options for all Internet providers.
- People should pull their heads out of their asses and open up their minds.
- Parents should be responsible for information children have access to.
- special blocker system
- Establish passwords to allow proven individuals into the areas.
- parents should teach their children how to responsibly handle sex.
- parents are responsible for their children's access
- I think it should be up to the parents to censor their childerens viewing
- No child porn
- promote freak bashing
- Make user type in driver's licence or identification--this can be checked against an on-line record with birthdays. Yes, people could copy other people's driver's licenses. Big whoop.
- If they have a problem with it they should be using it. There should a code or a password of some kind that keeps young people away from it, but I don't see how sex on the net could cause a problem if people are doing this in their own homes, where it is not hurting anyone else.
- parents should supervise what their youngsters do.
- check ages of recipients through social security number
- People should be responsible for their own actions. Parents should monitor and educate their own children. Let's keep this society free and let people choose for themselves.
- blocking software
- parents should be responsible for what their children access
- a rating system for sites with tight regulation on access availability.
- Everything but child pornography should be permitted
- if you don't like it don't read it
- we have the right to communication. If they don't like it they need to stay away, or keep the ones they don't want to see that stuff off the net..
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