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User comments [ARCHIVE IX]
What do YOU think about Sex & the Internet?
- All the sexual topics do not interest me, therefore I indulge only the areas that do.
- if one is of age they should be able to see what they want
- we need more free site of sex
- What adults do with this is their own business, but there is way too much sexually related material in my own opinion
- very good
- I think that it sucks kinda because it has made me horny and I don't think that it right I wanted to save myself until I got marriied now I am not sure if I will...
- I personally don't care about the sleaze, if someone wants it they can find it here or anywhere else. Those who have no idea give the impression that the net is one big orgy... puhleeze! Now, open access to quality information is a need that should be accessible. Censorship=ignorance!
- Its great
- Glad that you are collecting this anonymous data. Now I want to see your survey CGI script so I can copy it for my own projects.
- I don't mind. Sometimes it makes the internet kinda fun!
- i dont now were those sights are
- Sex should be open and freely discussed and viewed. Children should learn about sex through the internet.
- Sex stuff is quite easy to access, all one has to do is perfrom a "search" on it and there it is!!
- free things arent free, fufilling fantisies difficult
- certain factions mostly religous, try to impose their values on everyone. Parentnts use the 'Net to baby sit their kids and blame everyone else for the sites the kids enter. Society in general has to realize that this information is available anyhow and the net is a tool to explore our sexuality without embaresment.
- I find that I use the Internet to look for sex a lot
- It adds a level of appeal to it.
- I think the internet is a wonderful place to give out sexual education to people who may be otherwise too embarassesd to ask elsewhere. As far as the "pornography" part. I, and many other people don't find the human body, or things done with it, offensi
- I think that with alot of the sites actually costing money that it makes it hard to get good pornography off the net.
- freedom of speech
- Just keep the government out of it.
- The society is mixed up about sexuality. The net is an expression of that confusion. Each person is special and sugnificant and therefore should be treated with respect. that respect sould include sexuality.....
- i don't have an answer for this question
- Parents should control the content of any thing their children see, watch and hear. If left up to the government out kids would be worst off, look at what the politicians have done to socialize us now.
- i'de like to learn more about the opportunities
- Sex on the internet is great! It's healthy and gets your mind and imagination working. And it's safe!
- It's safer then having sex in the real world. No worry of comminisable diseases.
- I think that the xtian assholes need to mind there own fake lives if you don't like it don't do it ! Hipocrats
- I feel it's a safe outlet for sexual fantasies
- I think it's great !
- They need more fetish archives.
- i don't think anything. It was just something I did to kill time.
- sex should be available for those who want it. Therefor it is a parents responsibility to moniter their children on the internet.
- I met my fiance on irc. We are in a long distance relationship and being on-line has helped our relationship grow. It is much easier to talk about things (especially intimate/personal things) on-line than face-to-face.
- I think the first amendment should be upheld in that sexual content should be allowed on the internet. Unfortunataly, since many parents are clueless to their childrens actions, the government does need to somewhat regulate material on the internet.
- Open sex on the internet is great!
- I really think that it is the responsibility of parents - it really is no different than pornograghic will look at it no matter what you do. It is up to their parents to try an restrict it, however.
- The survey asks good questions and accepts that gays may well be answering as well, let down however by the line of scantily clad women at the bottom of the survey; not to my taste!!
- I wish it was easier to get free sexual content on the Internet including free sexual samples and other sexually explicit materials.
- I think that sex is wonderful and it was made for mankind. The internet is a way for people who are not open to sex to learn or get a thrill out of sex.
- Sex on the internet is no worse than Penthouse or Playboy ... it should be used responsibly
- It is good, but I would like to see more articles about anal sex amongst heterosexual african americans.
- More sex on the interenet less violence on tv and movies I'll go for that tradeoff
- Too few girls around and too many guys pretending to be girls.
- Wish there were more free pictures of GREAT looking women!
- At this point and time I do not have a lot of experience on the net. However I was able to secure some valuable info on a lifestyle I'm interested in pursuing.
- its a great way to get answers to things you were afraid to even mention to your best friend
- I am in favor of more open forums on sexual behavioral and educational material for teenagers. Information could help teenagers make more intelligent decisions.
- good
- Sex is good, sex is great, let us ALL participate.
- The Internet is a reflection of humanity. What happens here happens in society. If we censor it, we are just an ostrich hinding our head in the sand.
- Sex exists everywhere. The internet is just another outlet.
- good
- Love sex, and like to see mild sexual content. Educational content OK for kids
- I have found that the vast range of sexual content on the Internet has helped me discover what I am really "in" to, rather than uninformed fantasy. I no longer hanker after things that I probably wouldn't have enjoyed anyway. Information is a great thing.
- I'd like to see educational information, quizzes, surveys and personal issues rather than the pornography. BUT...I also believe "to each his own" AND I believe porn should be regulated by offering a service to parents to exclude such access to children. And ABSOLUTELY NO PERVERSION such as Child porn or animal sex, etc. Only regulated porn like Playboy and more REALLY INTERESTING sites that would attract some honest places to find out if you're "normal", what an orgasm really is, how many times a we k is "normal". You get the picture. More fun, less pictures.
- Saved my sanity ;-)
- The internet allows the freedom for adults to learn about sexuality in their own privacy.
- Relatively harmless; The really nasty stuff costs money, so most people won't bother
- Although I like it a lot, but I'm must confess that I look for pornography when I look for gay "issues".
- The Internet is a very open and free medium (which is a good thing) so there is bound to be a lot of sexual material on it. It would be impossible to censor the Internet so it should be up to childrens' parents to guard them from things they shouldn't see.
- the people should be responsible for regulating themselves.
- I have always been a fan of sex. And I think that showing sexual stuff on the net is ok.
- Well, as I said above, I feel that the parents should be responsible for their own children and that there are too many people wanting it done for them
- As I said in No.13 better to have this outlet for your sexual desires than enflict them on other people (willing or not so willing
- Children should be monitored by the parents when accessing the Net
- i LOVE sex on the net.
- no comment
- There are already laws on the books protecting children. Minors can't smoke, drink, stay out all night, or view naked ladies on the NET. If the parents can't stop little Johnnie from doing these things ....why do I have to suffer?? (censorship)
- People are becoming more and more afraid of the sexual content of the Internet, or the Internet in general. The media continues to put a bad stereotype upon users of the Internet and the Internet as a whole. Until we as a society better understand the Internet, and understand that we have a responsibility to ourselves and our children, then this stereotype will continue to plague the Internet.
- I think it's good that there is sex on the Net, most people want to sex and why shouldn't it be on the Net? Of course people who doesn't want to see it shouldn't be forced to anything!
- It really opens a lot of eyes in that people feel there are others with the same thoughts, thus they are not at all alone in this world with these "bad" thoughts.
- It is very rare to see pornographic images or material on the net unless you make the choice to open such a site. If you stumble across some by accident it is usually rather obvious and the back key can take you away before you get offended. But really I think it is childish to get offended and indicates that the person has no emotional control. If some are worried about children deliberately sccessing such sites they will find plenty of censoring software in computer shops. But maybe you just got a ho ny kid if you find they are accessing porn sites often. So what..long as you talk to them about it and express your own views.
- I think there is not enough sex for Straight women on the net. There is tons of stuff for men and gays...
- I believe in the right of adults to access and view any material without government intervention.
- rate sites, provide browsers and blocking, parents are responsible for kids.
- I have no problem with sex on the internet, as long as all are consenting adults!
- There should be no regulation other than parent/guardians for moral standards. Think about it regulated's an oxymoron..freedom can't be regulated. I do however support a ratings system to guide the guardians and unsuspecting individuals of the content of a site before entering.
- Parents should not allow children to wander alone on the Internet.
- Too public
- Adults should be able to decide for themselves.
- The whole pornography/cybersmut hysteria is a result of Christoon Coalition election politics.
- It is safe sex!
- As long as it doesn't hurt anyone...Go for it!!!
- You need to be your own person and do what you think is right.
- Properly used it can be very liberating, and open up a closed mind.
- Very exciting. Very safe, if its kept on the cyber realm. Can greatly improve the relationship between two people if properly approached
- I thank the so called "GOOD Sites" charge to much money.
- It has been wonderful for me.
- no regulation, free speech!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Give us freedom! Life is short - we should have fun in the Internet! So what if some people love those steaming pictures! If they don't get it online, they get it somewhere else!
- The internet is a sexually liberating force in a very puritanical age.
- I think that all sexual preferences should be allowed on the net. There should be not banning at all for some material.
- Hello, we live in the U S A! remember that freedom of speech thing. We should leave sex on the net alone.
- open minded people should have acess without government interfernce or censorship
- It's a shame when people in the media harp on about it and try to use it as an excuse to shut down or censor the net, the positive aspects of the net far outway the couple of idiots caught for downloading child porn.
- my hardrive is starting to look like a cunt
- Enjoy a good discussion
- Too difficult to find. Need better instructions on how to get there. Also, an index providing chat rooms, exchange of phornography, explicit sex stories, etc.
- It is very interesting to see how people interact on the Net.
- One is a computer the other is emotion, the don't mixed.
- I enjoy having it available, but I think solutions should be found to sensor material from children, without making it unavailable to adults.
- no view yet, new user
- Ithink people should mind their own business. It's up to the individual, and if people worry about their kids, then they should regulate THEM more not the Internet
- a must
- i like it fuckers!
- I would not be in favour of having an official governing body telling me what I can and cannot watch. As time goes on, the sexual slant of the net should decrease (percentage wise anyway) in the same way that photography itself evolved in content. Parents of any minors who happen across "unpleasant" should discuss the issues raised in an adult manner without trying to censor everything for their "benefit".
- It's an excellent form of safe sex.
- I'm so horny now!!!!
- over rated, People who are looking for it will find it... People who are just curious will find it... Government should not regulate the internet becouse it is a society of pure democracy; the people decide what is appropriate and what isn't. For example: junk e-mail is not wanted, and people (hackers mostly) try there best to stop it... often it doesn't last long...
- it's pretty great, cuz u can know a bit more about it...i mean sex
- It will never replace actual sex.
- Stop it !
- The Internet can be an educational resource which has great use in teaching people about things such as safe sexual practices,prevention of STDs,and serving as a device for those who are not sexually active to satisfy some of their needs in this area.
- It fills the needs of individuals to geeky to feel comfortable elsewhere.
- i don't know. it doesn't bother me, but i don'r look for it every time i am on here.
- Good form of entertainment and should be accessible to those that want it.
- A good way to meet people with the same interests as yourself
- They should have more things such as this to find out people think about sex and the net.
- I think there are many more important subjects for a half way intelligent person to concern himself or herself with. Hell, if you have a child using the "net" for purposes that you don't like, just stop paying the ISP's bill.
- its pretty cool
- Real Sex is a lot better....yeah
- I use the net both for a safe, unadulturous way to fulfill some desires. No one is hurt with interactive sex.
- The internet decency act is just another way in which the US government is trying to tell the whole world what to do.
- I love it baby, all the way, can't get enough, it's what I live for, yum yum give me some, long live porno
- It only really becomes a problem when children (or those who think like children) surf without supervision.
- I need it in internetand & in my life/Thanxs
- It's great! I want more!
- sex rules !!! all kinds of sex is great if you take the proper precautions. I think the internet is a very powerfull weapon for sexual education
- Not a problem to those of us who enjoy it.
- I would rather look at a video
- why not? americans have few privleges and less freedom. what happened to freedom of speech and the persuit of happiness.
- Sex is sacred and should be dealt with as such on the internet and elswhere!
- I must say the pediofiles concern me-that's all though. Turn the channel if ya don't like it!
- It's great!!!
- I think the site that do offer pictures, products, etc. Do a good job of posting warnings before entering their pages. Also most pages that have sexual material have to either be accessed by a password or paid for with a credit card.
- wish i could find out how to get to the pages of sexual content
- Is it real?
- Sex on the net is as varied as who puts the sex on the net. I always prefer finding a small, personal erotic site with mild porn than a commercial hardcore site.
- forget the site charges. i would spend alot of time looking for the free stuff before paying. the age verifaction services are alright i guess but still a pain.
- I love it. Hiding it from public's eyes is only counter-effective. The more laws will be broken and more preversities posted. Let the people choose what they want see, not some old politicians. Freedom is the key. Thanks and good luck!
- Real people and genuine experiences are far more interesting.
- it's very good
- has been rewarding, educational, sometimes moving, always facinating,,,,,actually a learning and growing experience rather than self indulgent
- GIVE ME MORE GIVE ME MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Keep it coming. (So to speak)
- if that's what people are's their choice
- it sucks
- no matter what you click, you're still ultimately masturbating
- looking at pictures is okay,but beyond that wrong
- Nice to see
- Sex is the esscense of humanity, it is not dirty nor should it be hidden, used properly it is the stuff that wonderful memories are made of and does not have to be contaminated by feeling of guilt and remorse whether or not it is with one partner or many. It is as individual as fingerprints.
- i enjoy it along with my husband
- people shouldn't decide for others if it's not harmful to someone
- its alright if you are looking 4 some, but it is 2 highly publicesed.
- I love it!
- some stuff are quite good, but unfortunatly there is also a lot of rubbish
- It's a bit of a laugh, occasionally enlightening!
- ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
- I enjoy it. It's reawakened my imagination and that's good.
- It's basically disgusting! Surely, these people have something better to do!
- its hard to find unless you pay
- I think it's a big money making deal. Nothings for free.
- sex on the net is not as bad as every one says
- Personally, I just can't get turned on by a computer monitor
- It's almost every where you go. I actually just bumped into this site. I was not even looking for sex related things. If you want to view sex stuff on your computer and that's how you get your kicks then more power to you. I frankly find it distasteful, unless, I get arroused and my husband and I do something about it.
- its good
- The internet is a multi-national computer network of users, it should be treated as such.
- it's an interesting way to learn what happens out in the world be it perverted or not.
- They're nuts to think I'm gonna pay the fees
- It is good for some.
- The First Amendment RULES! Parents, not government, are responsible for their children. Adults who do not wish to see sex on the internet do not have to look for it.
- The Internet is a free expression of people around the world and that right should be cherished.
- The Internet should be completly open. If we can't take the bad with the good and regulate, soon there will be no good either.
- It's ok when you are curious
- Morality is a personal thing. Parents need to take responsibility for their children, instead of expecting government, media, etc. to govern what they are exposed to. I think the Internet has opened a lot of people's minds, and for those with more obscure tastes, the Internet has probably helped them to feel they are not alone. Sex is good; violence is what we should be concentrating on eliminating.
- I love it , it beats Telephone sex.
- I wish it were more pervasive, chats personals etc.
- I think that it should be open for all adults to access , without government, state or local interference of any kind.
- It`s cool
- I've met so many great guys here!
- It's totally overrated. Mostly girlie pics, which incidentally I find more offensive than pics of plain ole naked folks.
- i get a better view of sex issues using the net, cost wise, it is cheap and the internet is private
- Sex on the Internet is great for those people able to handle it and bad for those who get lost in it. Yet it is a persons responsibilty to police themselves. If you don't like it or can't handle it.. stay out of it!!
- i get a better view of sex issues using the net, cost wise, it is cheap and the internet is private
- Sex is a part of life. If we truly believe in freedom of speech then let us pratice it. Why should my entertainment be curtailled because some parents can not control their children. It is the parent's responsibility to monitor their kid's activities.
- I think the ultimate responsibility lies with the parents...censorship of the Net is a waste of time
- I enjoy it very much, but it is too easy for children to access. The situation is improving though.
- I believe that the Internet should be an open forum for communication, and that no form of censorship should be allowed-except by parents on their own children.
- FIne with me!
- Great.
- Hell, I found this site easily enough....
- Cool
- freedom of speech should let everyone read or look at anything on the net
- it's great
- more very free horny pictures
- you are new frontier
- I love sex on the net and I do it as much as possible!!!
- no coment
- This is another area where the Republican Jesunatzi's are trying to control the USA. They say they are trying to protect kids, however they are against any form of sexual expression on the NET ...serious or not. There are a number of ways for parents to screen f or adult areas and porno areas are not freely open for kids to stumble on. The problem is with those who get upset just knowing someone is having sex right now and probably enjoying more then thry are.
- Great!!!I like to look at dirty pictures, but keep the children away
- I have no real opinion. Sex is a much over rated thing. I don't see why people can't simply accept their animal natures and just on with it.
- Whats wrong with it
- Interesting to see/read about sexual practices I haven't/don't/wouldn't indulge in except in fantasy.
- its fine by me as long as the person or persons involved are concenting
- Erotic stories are cool, but I don't care much for the gross pictures.
- I believe that it is a good thing since it is a function of life. Europeans have no problem displaying sex in any form. Nudity on beaches is normal behavior in many countries. Sex on the internet can be a form of education and may eliminate the need for molestation and rape in society.
- There is a great deal of perversion, but it can be easily avoided by those who do not wish to view it.
- I think it's a great way for adults to express themselves like never before and to learn about issues they had previously been denied access to. This "access" hasn't necessarily been denied by someone/something but by social standards that can make it very embarrasing for some to explore thier individual sense of sexuality FREELY.
- I enjoy it. It provides me with a safe and inexpensive sexual outlet.
- Sex is a beautiful, natural act and if people choose to post it on the internet that should be okay. I've posted pictures of myself naked. People like to see pictures of my naked 12-year-old body. I get email all the time about it.
- As far as censorship goes, I believe tht education is the only way to ensure that people who have sex, which they will do anyway, as soon as they are ready for it, do it safely. The net is a particularly helpful, supportive place for groups which suffer prejudice, such as non-heterosexuals, polyamorists and sadomasochists, and it promotes greater understanding and equality.
- It isnt the goverments place to tell us what our kids do or see.
- I like it
- Harmless, this generations playboys, and they didnt hurt anyone did they?
- It is very intriguing but not mesmerizing. Sex on the net is like frosting on the cake...just a little bonus added to something already good!
- There's too much controversy about it & any censorship of it is wrong.
- it is great
- I think it's great! I found pictures that I can't find anywhere in the "real world". I'm very happy with it, and I don't want it to be censored.
- we don't have enough free sex sites on the Net, we should have access to more pictures and sex scenes.
- Why do so many people have a hang up about sex? Let's all grow up and accept our bodies and sex.
- Still exploring. It's my first look.
- I feel that sexual material on the net should be made more available and censorship needs to stop.
- I'm 13, and have had cybersex 3 times. So what? What is wrong with someone like myself (under 18) exploring their own sexuality? No one has come up with a legitamite answer.
- I have no problem with sex on the Internet. The whole point is that you do not have to look at it if you don't want to. Those in power seem to think that the general public are unable to think for themselves and therefore need to told what to and what not to do with their minds. But I also believe that a child who is not emotionally ready to view any material regarding to sex, should be supervised by parent/guardian while on the Net (or a program, such as Nanny, be operational just in case).
- I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!
- For myself & my family, it is not welcome...but everyone should be able to choose for themselves, not controlled by govt.
- I like it alot, but needs more use of goats in leather
- good thing
- An easily found area of interest, like any other, that should be availabe to those that wish to participate without restriction (assumed of age or with parental guidance_
- highly overstated
- i belive in freedom
- people use the internet to make loads of money selling pictures and other sex-related services
- I think there is a lot of duplication and little originality but an accurate reflection of society in general.
- it's about time that adults can access and view what they want in the privacy of their own home. It's illegal and obsurd for the government to in any way censor what we may see or speak abouton the net.
- it's almost impossible to connect with kindred sexual spirits in the "normal" world,but careful searching through the net may allow fine tuning of who you relate with. i think it's an answer to a life-long desire and need for me.
- I think that sex is as common and uncommon on the 'net as anywhere else. BTW: This survey *should* have prompted people to input their current age.
- Sex is GREAT... However the consenting persons choose to partake... The net is great it allows choice... If you don't like or are offended by something choose not to get involved with it...!
- It's great!!!!!!!
- I'd like to know when i'm being charged for access if at all
- It's getting harder to find good sites...all the sites I happen upon are filled with ugly women and I feel it's a waste of my time as of late.
- We all are tryin to get some... kids too. Didn't you ever play house when you were a kid? I think sex on the net helps open up dialogue. Lord knows we need to be a little less stressed about sex.
- The internet has given me great access to all kinds of stuff that makes me really horny. I think it's great.
- fine with me, better to learn about it over the computer than go out an experience it and get pregnant or diseased.
- The Internet is a wonderful cyber tool, but sex is so much better in "real life."
- Might encourage 'perversion' from person who doesn't have lot's of life experience (especialy sexual experience
- great
- I find that you can find others who share the same interest
- I am for it 100%
- It's what people want. I don't see anything wrong with it if it is consented to.
- All the furor over porn on the net is ridiculous - on a scale of one to ten in terms of how important an issue it is, I rate it sub-zero. Parents who don't want their kids accessing dirty stuff should take the responsibility themselves. I wish the politicians would let go of this non-issue and deal with some REAL problems.
- Singapore has the internet servers regulating is harder and harder to reach even newsgroups discussing about the subject.....a crying pity
- Leave it on the net!!!!!!!! It is a safe place for it,
- See my response to 13. The government should require the placement of codes on pages with pornagraphic material, and provide free software that will see the code and censor IF THE PERSON USING THE BROWSER So DESIRES.
- I don't believe in infringement of any rights whatsoever. If we don't stand up to them (US Gov.) now, we won't have any rights later!
- great
- Great for adults
- Of course, most sites are pay-only, but the under18 warnings don't work.
- I'm sorry, this appears to be a very biased survey: there are little or no positive choices under #9; what about letting people know that what they feel is ok, that other people feel the same? What about This is far from impartial, and very dissappointing.
- The only way you can get at it,
- Internet help secure sex
- I likeit, there is nothing wrong with it its is completly natural anyone who is ignorant enough to not see that it does no harm can kissmy ass
- It is very disguisting and I think these people need REAL SEX!!
- It's neato
- the real sicko 's should have an area of their own. ther are some real sick puppies out there.
- There is some sick shit (other than sexual) on the Internet
- I think it is great
- It's good for the society
- I think it's an outlet for the frustrated people. The government wouldn't have to worry about censorship, if parents would regulate what their children do with their computers.
- Not much. I've tried to make swingin' contacts, but to no avail !
- need more!!!!!!!!!!
- Personally, I think that it is pathetic.......To me, it's like phone sex. I'm all for masturbation, but when you bring in a total stranger, there's something wrong. I can handle the trading of pictures.....I do it just to see how many I can get, I think it's funny.
- i am not too interested in downloading sexual pictures, though i have downloaded a few before. unfortunatley, theres trillions of sexual sites. id ont find it offensive, it just doesnt interest me much. as for children, i think cybersurf and other programs are probably benficial. i am only 24 and do not have any children. i think having net sex or masturbated to x/r rated sexual photos from the net isnt bad..its the safest form of sex around. it shouldnt be banned, it should just be regualted a little it better.
- great and fun
- I am interested in pictures only. Regular pornographic pictures are easy to obtain but I have been unable so far to view pictures of 8 to 18 year old girls. I would never think of molesting a child. The effects are obviously so devastating that any such sexual activity should be punished severely. Therefor I wopul be thankful for easier access to pictures (or drawings). To be honest though, I am still a beginner as far as net use is concerned. I have not yet figured out how to get access to the u ergroups in Dyrc's lists.
- It is very hard to find sites that have content for straight women. We have to go to gay men's sites to find pics of men.
- There's a lot of it, but so what. Popularity, I think, is based on the interactivity of working with computers. A new medium will exploited in of them sexually.
- Great!
- some times i think it is hard to get what i want on the enternet
- It's great. You can find anything here, really easy
- Just like life, it is there if you want it. Parents should stop surrendering their responsibilities to the government, while they still can!
- I think it is good for mature adults...
- Interesting
- I'm glad it's there... I'm too shy to purchase magazines in person so I'm glad I can have access to it on the internet and anonymously (sort of)
- Allows viewing of sexual material in the privacy of your own home
- I am kinda interested in inchanging fantasies with some women out there
- sex is big at any media, the net is just an other media
- Sex is a great gift and should be enjoyed freely, though not completely without supervision as there are sick individuals around. Internet is only one more channel to get and enjoy sex, if one wants to censor the net then magazines and private mail comes short after that.
- Useful
- It's a good thing
- i don't konwn, i did not find anything
- Its sick
- It cah be a healthy outlet if kept in the proper perspective. Parents should make themselves more aware of what their children do on the net. Net screening software is available and should be used.
- dying to find hotter and heavier and even wetter
- i think it should all be for free, no registration crap
- Thanks
- Like everything...use in moderation.
- I find that it makes me quite horny, and in return I go howm and have wonderful sex. I've met some interesting people on the net I think it's a blast and I really enjoy it. If people are against it they shouln't participate. Sex is everywhere and it's
- Cyberporn is a form of free-speech. Let technology create its own device to protect children from it. And leave the responsibility to parents!!!
- I love sex and am glad it is on the net. I don't think any of it should be banned.
- accessible, abundant, stimulating
- I think its awesome, wish there was more hardcore pics!
- I believe parents should strive to control what comes into their homes, regardless of whether it comes from the internet or it's hidden in their child's backpack.
- I think it can get a little disgusting espiecally if your not on the net to talk dirty to anybody. If I was looking for a date, I wouldn't talk to a bunch of people who were probably all just a bunch of pathetic losers that have no life.
- I think it is just fine that it is out there. People can't be sheltered from reality forever.
- sex on the net is open and available everywhere, parents need to educate their children appropriately and correctly about sex. Sex is not dirty or perverted, it is only those who induldge in those activities that gives sex a negative image. Sex is positive and the internet takes advantage of hunamities interest in sex. Parents need to explain and discuss sex, hopefully the kids will understand and they will eventually grow up and can make their own decisions.
- Mild pornography is easily come across but hardcore needs mor work to find.
- Haven't seen much yet. Probably will haave to reserve my opinion until I see more of it.
- can't control it. can't fight it. use your brains. learn about the "off" button.
- IT'S COOL!!!
- it is o.k.
- Sex on the net should be an extremely minor consideration when it comes to determining what should be on there. My kids are on the net when I'm in the house, and often when I'm in the room with them. They cannot be on the net when I am not home, and this is a very easy rule to enforce and even easier to see if it's been followed. Parents who don't monitor their kids are loser parents.
- It think it is a great outlet for people to seek out their curiosites HONESTLY, about their sexual preferences, frustrations, etc.
- I think it is good for people who desire to use it (sex on the net)
- Sex on the Net is still about information (where it is, how to get it, etc) , and any censorship should be left to the individual about how to deal with it, or to the parents/guardians of minors.
- I run a relationships site, and the net & sex were made for each other
- It's hard to do with just a mouse, and it keeps shorting out my keyboard
- It's ok for adults but i feel it is the parents/guardians responsibility to monitor their children's viewing.
- Clean and safe
- ok
- I believe it is great. We need more erotic pictures on the net. It needs to be monitored more closely by parents and teachers to make sure children aren't looking where they shouldn't.
- sex is great; American prudishness is a perversion. sexual relationships online is 'simulator training' and satisfaction. Go sex!
- infomative
- I think that is for everyones best intrests, keep it on the net
- Just like everything else in life, it is best in moderation. It's a way for people to address their curiosity in a fairly safe way. You find what you look for, but we should be free to choose for ourselves.
- Sex and internet does not correlate to each other directly, however, what to do to prevent abuse of the net is to monitor it's activity. One example is for parents to monitor their child activity. It might help to do that. Starting from good communication may help.
- I love it. I do it all the time and masturbate to it. Everyone should do it.
- Terrific!
- It is what people make it. When people are moral, it is...When they are not, it is not.
- Tghe internet should not be censored as a whole but monitored either by parents or specific ISP's that cater to those offended by pornography. Also parents can monitor pornography through one the the many freely available software monitoring systems.
- Love it...full filling
- cool
- I think that sex on the net has helped me to pleasure my partner better.
- I think sex is everywhere. It is up to society to teach and promote understanding, oppenness and educate, not to limit or censor. If a child is in a home with a computer, it is up to the parents to monitor the child. There is nothing wrong with curiosity, and if the child is aiming to find something, they will find it somewhere other than the Internet. One should not censor, one should educate.
- There are many benefits to the "openess" of the sexual content of the net. Many people can express their desires in a manner that is safe and free.
- Freedom of speech, o.k with me
- awesome
- ok
- I enjoy it because in a release for me beings I am unattached at the moment and it is a lot safer than going out and meeting some for a short while
- I believe that, regarding sex on the internet, it is an individual's right to find whatever they want. Parents should monitor their children and be aware of what they are surfing and not blame the internet but themselves if the kids find"inappropriate mat
- The internet is akin to the phone system. Users have the right to discuss and display whatever they want to. I am in favor of having select providers which block explicit material.
- I wish I Knew how to access more online sex chat and contacts relevent to my area so I might meet someone
- I Love It!!!
- want to find out more about beastiality
- Aint seen much yet
- I think its ok to have sex stuff on the net. Some of it is actually educational...
- its great place, wish it wasn't so protected
- great
- sex is a basic need and internet can be media for better sex
- i love sex and\on the net
- i don't mind it, parents should be aware of what they're kids are doing.
- Don't know much about it, but ain't nothing like the real thing. For those that find it good for them, enjoy.
- The amount of sexual material is surprising.
- I don't care one way or the other
- It's good but a little time consuming.
- USA must realise that they have no mandate to enforce their dubious morality on the rest of the world.
- Love it, It is not harmful and I believe that it promotes healthy communications
- I met my current girlfriend through IRC.
- the net should not be regulated ,free speech is part of our constitution
- Mixed feelings..Adults should have access, but better controles are a must.
- Censorship begins and ends at home
- i am interested in infantilism not much to show??
- it had better days
- sex is the internet
- A great way to bring sex out into the open.
- Sex is just a part of life... like the rest of the internet... so stop having a cow!
- I don't really understand the concept of Cybersex. It seems too silly to me, I'd rather be up close and personal, but some people prefer distance, and it is safer, so I don't think it's neccessarily wrong. I don't really care if there is pornography on the net, because you do have be more specific when you look it up, and there are warnings when you get there. I am very against children witnessing pornography, but some sex sites should be availiable for kids, especially teens who may have questions hat they don't feel comfortable asking someone they know. Sometimes it's easier to ask a perfect stranger. So, I'm 18, and still a virgin. It doesn't bother me to be a virgin; i'd like to have sex, but I can't just do it with anyone. I'm not saving myself for marriage or anything, just someone who I would feel comfortable giving a peice of my life to.
- for it but parents need to regulate it
- People need more sex. the US is very sexually deprived and most people are bitter and full of smame about sex.
- I think sex on the net is wholesome for our own sexuality, coming to grips with who we are!
- I think sexual material on the internet is basically harmless. People should just lighten up and take responsibility for they're own actions.
- I thinks its great!!!!!
- It's nice to act out all fantasy with out fear of ridicule
- It a perfect place to see and read things you want to know.
- what is the big deal it is on tv radio and in the movies too.
- It is reflective of our actual society
- I think it is fine
- I think it is good for people that need this kind of material to have a safe way of accessing it.
- I like it. It gives me thing's to try with my wife.
- I love sex on the net, althought it has cost me my marriage by my wife meeting someone on the net and had a affair
- No comment.
- It is good for those who pursue it!
- hot
- There are several sites that encourage the making of destructive devices and explain how to use them to hurt people. I would rather have a kid looking at a nude female rather than learning how to kill and mame people.
- OK by me, I enjoy it, but a simple lock out for children should be intiated.
- It's not a big deal
- I applaud the efforts taken so far to limit access. I would like to see very hard material available more but with coding of sites as to content.
- it's good!
- I think that sex is there and if you want to find it, OK, if not dont access it.
- --------------------------------------------
- I wish there were more pictures.But I'm an adult and can do what I like. Children looking at porn on the Internet is another matter. It should be regulated.Less naked women,more naked men Yeh!
- Cool. This is the way information should be. Free, safe, and exciting. Regulation should be considered akin to book burning and a violation of our civil rights in America.
- Might be interesting. I'm new to the net and still exploring. Always open for new adventures.
- the internet was provided so that people could communicate and sex has alot to do with communication i dont think that porn or other sex related things should be banned they should just be rated and as for the audience of such things if a child is smart enough to get on the internet and get into contact with the pages which contain sexual content then i think their old enough to see what the internet has to offer
- sex is very personal and not up to anyone to say yes or no except those participating on a consensual basis.
- It's fun, harmless, & I'll continue as long as I can
- To each their own.
- Parents need to raise their kids, not the government
- i love it it helps me out
- too cool, let it keep comming.
- I think it's a great way to access materials that you'd not normally view or purchase elsewhere.
- For informational purposes, usefull. To support vices, destructive morally to the individual and thus society as a whole.
- Dont know much, would like to
- I think sex on the Internet is something good; I know that I have opened myself up to ideas and fantasies that I hadn't thought about before, and I have accepted that I _have_ those feelings and fantasies, rather than surpressing them at all costs.
- The Internet is a microcosm of reflects what true freedom is and should be...parents and guardians should live up to their responsibilities and safeguard their children from harm in any given situation, whether it's the Net or just crossing the street.
- Go look at the news groups
- it is like magazines
- good idea
- What's the problem? Repressed Anlo-Saxon hangups overridden
- I think sex and the internet is a grate learning tool..
- i don't have a problem with it
- I think that it is great that there is a place for people to expresses themseles. It only needs to be regarded for what it is.
- I think its fine for single people. But, after a lot of soul searching I decided (for me anyway) that it is really no different than adulterly. Not in deed but in intent.
- i love masturbating to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- I think it's good and should be easily limited by the person who owns the PC or is the subscriber
- Cool!
- Sex is a beautiful thing that should be shared by two people that love each other. With pornograpy as ramped on the internet as it is today, I fear what the next generation will be like socially. No one will everhave to meet in person just a bunch of mindless perverts that get all sexually frustrated and run out and rape the first woman they see.
- I think that sex on the internet is not necessarily a bad thing. It is all in how you look at it. For some it is a way to get rid of sexual tension instead of visiting a prostitute or maybe raping a woman. I would rather think of a man getting his kicks by masterbating to an unknown voice and getting rid of the tension instead of stalking young girls to get rid of it. I think people need to wake up and realize that it really is a good outlet. It beats just shutting our eyes and pretending that per erts don't exsist.
- It should be allowed to remain protected as free speech. On the other hand, the onis of reggulation should be left to the parents, and not a governmental body.
- i think it`s wery good, but i haven`t found a picture of a girl in wet pants yet. I am sure it`s here somewhere.
- It has no value to society--should it be protected
- Its great
- It is the same as if you watch something on television, you must "change the channel" to obtain sexual content material. It does not just out at you when you plug in a computer.
- its fun just trying to hunt it down
- the same as: sex and life....
- wow
- I like it occasionally. It makes me masturbate and get a hard-on! I haven't "cum" yet, but I want to! But, since I fell I am too young to have sex, and I have no girfriend, I masturbate alot. I wish my penis was bigger, though, but I'm only 15 and I get the job done. I am curcumsized. I think Sex and the Internet should be free speech, but parents/legal guardians should restrict access of this nature to their children.
- i think it is great and i should be more easy acsess
- Quality material is hard to find. Services that have good tast (moderate pornography) are hard to find
- i think it is a great sexual outlet and information tool
- To each his own
- I wish there was more
- i really like it
- it's great should be more!!!!
- Sex is in the eyes of the beholder, and should be left open to the public. There are enough programs out there for parent to download for free, to keep their children from looking at sexual materials.
- I think that sex on the Internet is out of hand, but is a right of the surfer to have it availible and not censored. People who take offence to such material are not forced to look at it or to find it, thus it is the responcibility of the browser to determine what is appropriate for themselves.
- Can be very informative and entertaining.
- It's a cool easy way to access porn and talk to sex people
- I think these people are perverted
- it is MY responsibility to stop MY children from viewing pornography on the internet. NOT THE GOVERNMENT !!!
- It is very stimulating, you can see things out of the ordinary and it is exciting!!!!!!!!!
- I love it. I get off every night!!
- nothing wrong with it should stay
- My boyfriend likes looking up sex stuff better than me.
- I think it's become very commercial
- It's a healthy addition to a relationship and a good source of arousal when you haven't got one!
- if it comes to the real thing you have to pay for it
- I honestly think its a great way to have safe sex
- It's quite interesting
- If taken with a grain of salt and the right speriat then leave it a lone. Let the partents take back the controll of the family and keep outsiders out
- it is great but i wish i could see more hard core porno!!
- There are times I enjoy the access and feel that I should have the choice of what I view.
- ITS GREAT,SAFE,AND FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- I love sex. Anywhere.
- Nothing wrong
- Its great!!!!
- It could be better, wish there was more of it I enjoy it.
- I think it is great, it has awoke something I thougth was gone...
- LOVE IT !!!1
- The only way to overcome local "community standards" controls of the right wing fundamentalists
- Great place to let off a little frustration and to explore areas that I've been curious about.
- I think of sex on the internet as I think of a sleeze porno book store ... :-)
- Too accessible.
- Can be a fun way to get off when you didn't find the right partner at the bar or are too tired to go out!
- I find it ironic that the people who are most easily offended are also the ones that try the hardest to find the things that offend them. Freedom isn't just for people you approve of, it's for everyone. Be careful what you wish for, you just might get more than you were ready for...
- I like it, its a great way to pass time.
- I think that sex is a private matter, and it should be kept that way. Who really wants to hear about the good time everyone else is having?
- good
- It is great.
- Yes, I've had sex with someone I met on the Internet, but it wasn't right away. We dated for 1 month beforehand and we are now engaged to be married.
- Highly Addictive
- non event
- Cheaper than porno movies and magazines.
- open to consenting adults. Parents control their own beliefs.
- it is a good and private source of fun/entertainment for all
- I think it is a safe way for people who have diverse appetites to find a way to satisfy their desires without harming anyone. I would never approve of harming or forcing children into sex, but I started at 8 yo and have had a fulfilling sex life and have raised two children who are normal hetereosexuals.
- It is kind of fun. Hardcore is pretty boring but erotic stories are nice.
- Personally, I think that sex through the Internet is probably one of the only safe ways of having sex anymore withough the worries of getting AIDS or other STD's. I think that it is a great way to express one's inner desires and true feelings, without having to really "face" others. We can use it like a "mask" that allows us to be more true to our sexual instincts and desires. I don't think that children should be exposed to it, especially the young. Although, I think that it should be made availab e to those who want it for personal purposes. I believe that it can lead to the "demoralization" and "degregation" of others if used improperly. Of course, a spoon could also be considered a dangerous thing if put in the wrong hads and used improperly.
- I'm all for both.
- should be more free porn and no age checking
- It's there, it won't go away and it's not a big deal
- There are too many sex phoneline advertisements.
- more free ads ,less 900 #s
- i think its a good place for people to experience their fantasies in a virtual situation, its good for chatting, and learning more about yourself. i personally love it
- My wife and I both enjoy looking for sex on the internet
- I've been disappointed with what I've found (or not found)
- It's great. If you don't want it, don't find it.
- good
- Sex is everywhere in'Chat' places--you can usually distinguish the kids from the adults there, it's just that no one is usually watching (the webmasters) to censor this. I can get onto a movie chat, and there will be no talk of movie, only sex. Sometimes people add nude pictures onto it--it's too easy for kids. But then again they do have to learn it all from somewhere...
- Wish it were not so hard to find.
- itīs great
- I think it is great!
- it shouldn't be censored because of different standards in different contries. Maybe applications like surfwatch and the like are the answer.
- i use nets to get all the animals i have sex with
- The issue is blown way out of proportion to reality.
- How many % of the worlds children speak english? and even if they do they should be able to HAVE FUN on the net. The only disadvantage with this line of thought is that your computer won't be available to yourself anymore.
- I would love to do it so manybe I would find someone that would love my ways
- I've learned alot about sex that my parents never taught me. I've also took what I've learned and played around w/ it (so to speak) and I think me and my boyfriend are closer and have more fun. The Internet is a good way to express your self in a way that you can't in society.
- It's Great
- to soon to tell- i am a new user
- I think its turned this country into a immoral nation... that is spiritually sick!
- Would buy some materials(considered taboo, if I knew that it was not a police sting
- I believe that censership should be left up to the individual. Parent should be responsible for their children.
- for the most part it is harmless. there are a few exceptions that can be ignored. if it becomes too much of a problem most services have options to suspend offensive users.
- It's safer I guess, but a little ridiculous as well. It cannot compare to real sex.
- Children should not have access to porn. Parents do your job, know what your children doing.
- the foot fetish stuff is great a real revelation that there are so many of us.
- I'm sure it's there if any one looks hard enough, but it's probably easier to find as 'traditional' magazines, videos, phone lines etc.
- I have an active sex life and enjoy women and images the Internet provides.
- It is only there if you want to see it and if you want to see it why not have a look - kids and animals is a bit wierd though and should not have services provided for - this sounds like a restriction on freedom but then both are illegal anyway
- hailarus
- i love it
- I love it! The more the better! Keep it 'up' I always say. ;-)
- All for it. The net started as a free exchange of ideas. Don't muzzle it for any reason!
- Although mind expanding, and allows people to explore their own sexuality, I think some form of restriant is needed. It allows people to be a little too free with their experimentation and almost encourages people to push the limits.
- the sex is in mind / age is not important / frbidding smth. makes it underground and uncontrolled (I mean psychos etc)
- The net should be free access to any sex related items. A rating system might help. Also, if sex is on the net, then it should not be sold like so many addresses are when requiring a subscription.
- I enjoy it thouroughly
- Cool. I found my marriage mate through the net.
- I keeping with the idea that the 'net' should be an open forum and sex is as part of nature as eating and breathing, I feel that no goverment censorship should exist among the net.
- love it
- The internet is probably the easiest place for parents to monitor their children's activity--stop trying to make ME babysit other people's kids!
- I don`t involve myself with it at this point in time
- It isnt a big deal, parents should take the responsibility and the government should stay out!
- IT is great that you can find difference of opions
- Nowhere near the real thing, thank God!
- very interesting
- I want to have it! But no children-sex!
- Leave it there
- Great
- its natural act that should not be hidden away an inquiring mind
- Interesting and intriging
- Great source of knowledge
- Well, it takes people out of reality for a while.... its just too irresponsible right now, a government body shouldn't have to regulate this shit, if these people were so smart they would do that themselves
- It is just like buying a steamy noval or the nude magazines
- I enjoy it
- I think there should be more free hardcore sites on the net
- I think its great and there should be more!
- Rather overdone
- I never knew that there were so much material about Infantilism here! WERY GOOD!!!
- I feel it is a great outlet & no one can get hurt.
- think it is a ideal mechanism for meeting people anonimously
- it is what one makes of it, no one should be told they cant, those who say that are the biggest ones who do use it and dont want others to have the right to, ( they like to control people)
- sex should be on the internet it is america and it is part of life
- There's not enough Rush Limbaugh porn
- I love it. My husband works long hours and I regularly converse with a man overseas. It's safe and harmless and allows me to burn off a little frustration.
- I think it's sooo great! The only reason that I wanted to get on the Internet was so I could download things to masturbate to. It's great because now I can get ANYTHING that I want to look at. I tell you, there's not a night when I'm at home when I don't jack-off to something I got on-line. And my mom doesnt' even care!
- You have to pay for the good stuff.
- The only thing that worries me is the fact that pedophily is too largely allowed. Children need more protection, being lax on the net about this might unfortunately reduce the importance of children sex abuse in some peoples minds.
- Interisting, but could be much better.
- It's overrated by religous zealots. Perhaps they want to keep it to themselves!!
- I think censoring the internet violates the 1st Amendment
- It's a great idea for adults.
- awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- the net should be free of cencership because the public pays for it, not the government
- I think it's great.I have been calling "sex sites" for years and will continue to do so.
- I think it can be fun.
- i find it very interesting and exciting
- it sucks
- I haven't seen too much, but I hope you don't have to download everything!
- Fuck the CDA! ;>
- Its great to see such wide openess, without stuffy politicians sticking their noses in !
- good!!!!
- most of whats there is no worse than kids could get from their friends or buy from a convenience store. Cybersex with a stranger is kind of wierd, though.
- LOVE SEX, INTERNET=Open Minded Intelligent, GOOD!!!
- Sex and Internet? A media'story !
- It is fantastic!
- I enjoy it. I wish I could find a good cyber lover.
- I think that sex on the internet is just another way people can express themselves. No government or provider should tell us what it is right and wrong, it's up to the individual.
- I like being able to sit down at the computer and be able to view pictures and read stories with sexual content. It's cheaper than buying dirty mags and just as fulfilling.
- You can't get AIDS on the Internet.
- Educational. Entertaining. Outlet for sexual frustration.
- wasted time
- I think you can find things if you are looking for it, but it is not easy.
- I think that sex is perfectly natural, and if the government wants to censor something censor violence
- Sex can be a wonderful thing, But our right wing christian groups want to take any and all things that bring enjoyment to the masses away. Why ? Because they are closet perverts and are anal retentive.
- if i want to see it, it is there and i enjoy looking
- It should all be free! I'm not going to pay for anything like that. That would be prostitution! That's bad!
- I think it's great,I'm recently divorced and not having much luck finding a new partner because I'm over-weight. The internet gives me an outlet for my sexual frustration. After 23 years of marriage, it's rough being without a sex partner.
- I believe that as adults anyone should be able to put any type of pages up that do hurt others. Cotroled by some code system to alert guardian software.
- You should put a few men next to those women down there.
- Just beginning to find out
- harmless to the majority, as with any subject extremists expolit the weak
- almost as good as real life
- In a way, it's like the magazine rack. Don't pick it up if you don't want to look at it. But unfortunatley, pages don't always have a "cover" that lets you know what your getting into. That's why I would favor a rating system.
- too general need specific input sites
- Ask a question about incest!
- it is a good change to look at once in a while
- It is a good tool if you are the shy type.
- Great,but would like to see more for women to enjoy.
- Human Sexuality is everyones instinct. Knowledge promotes responsibility. Would rather see violence off the Net than sexuality. Promote love, not hate.
- i love it
- I don't see why so many people are worried about it. unless you know where to look, you don't see it. If you have people around whom you don't want accessing that type of info, then prevent that from happening with either a censor or whatever. It causes no problem to be made available for those who want it, and know how to look for it.
- The Internet should remain an open source for all kinds of information. Children will find what they want if parents do not take an active part in their lives. The only people that miss consored material are older folks who don't know how to get around it. Keep goverment out!
- hard to find.would like to explore it.
- Content control at the server level at user's request.
- Most of the sex on the internet i OK and should be legal.
- Well, I know there's a lot of porn out there and that a lot of people are outraged about that.... SO WHAT!? I don't like hardcore porn either... SO I DON'T GO TO PAGES THAT HAVE IT. About cyber-sex I find it a bit ridiculous, but hey, it's a free world out there.
- Interesting
- educational, but don't want sicko's to go out and harm people.
- I think it's great!
- very entertaining if that is what you are looking for.
- meeting whit other girls for sex
- I find nothing wrong with it. I have found that it has given me a chance to explore subjects I would not or could not explore in public.
- need more hard core sex talk one on one!
- if you NEED to find sex on the internet your a real loser
- This Telecommunication Act of 1996 is a bunch of hooey!
- I can't find personal ads.
- As long as we have freedom in this country, you should have the right to look at anything you want as long as you don't offend someone who's with you. If a person doesn't want to look at sex on the net or in public they don't have too. I have seen warnings in every net and in magazines saying that if you are offended: DON"T GO ANY FARTHER: Of course if they didn't look then they couldn't BITCH!
- I think: If you want to find it you will...but there is no way of finding it unless you want to. There should be a law against pedofilia and other related newsgroups on the net!
- good start
- Not all people like it but I am against censorship of any kind.
- If you're over 18, and it's your choice, viva la difference!
- right on
- Sex is great!!!
- I think sex on the chat lines gets a gross. People come on to chat with names that belong to the genitalia. It's kinda gross.
- I think it is good for those looking for it, those who are into a lifestyle that uses the content, and those who are curious of such a lifestyle
- I think the govt needs to stay the fuck out of peoples business
- it's information that shouldn't be put aside
- I think it's a good, healthy thing. I think anything should be available (labelled appropriately with warnings), and that children should not be allowed access to the *whole* internet without parental consent.
- I think that it incourages masturbation skills and helps children with their sexual idenity
- Not why I tried Internet, but the reason why I stayed, mostly.
- i like it
- I think its great...if these lazy-ass parents would watch their kids instead of waiting for everyone else to raise them, there wouldn't be all of these old FUCKS, who don't know what the hell a computer even is, killing the freedom of the net!!!
- I think that the moral majority is turning the access to the internet, and a few places that do offer the pern, ar getting raked over the coals about it. It is the person who operates the mouse whou should dictate where they go, and not have interference place upon us by the government. Things are regulated too much allready, and this is another tactic by beaurocrats to tie up one of our freedoms in a court litigation, etc.
- I am able to scratch an itch that I haven't been able to before.
- I think that if things like racism are not banned on the net, why should sex be! It is a free world!
- I'm from the old school -- it belongs behind closed doors between the two participants only.
- it ok
- I don't see much because I really don't look for it. I'd hate to sse a lot of it on the internet, because most of it would be submitted by people who are frustrated and unhappy, and this is NOT the kind of sexual material that has any value.
- Withhold comment until I have had more time to explore the services offered. Initial "cold eyes" observation is that I like having the option to go where I want, when I want and I do not feel the least bit "judged" by the values of others! I have found that I am not alone in my sexual desires!
- Sounds like fun.
- Leave it on the internet. It is parents and legal guardians' responsibilities to montior children's activities on the net.
- It should be available to adults but not to children and that does not mean physical age but emotional age as determined by parents. It's time in this country for parents to take responsibillity for their childrens actions instead of school,police&court systems to do their job for them. Please pardon my spelling.
- some informative/alot very stupid
- Overrated
- It can encourage positive things: very safe sex, open communication...but its just interactive pornography, nothing REAL, and people shouldn't take it too seriously. At the most, its only talking dirty.
- No censorship- the net should be completely open. Parents can control their children with special filtering software; everything else should be an adult's choice.
- I'm mostly housebound these days & would love it if someone came up with a way to have PHYSICAL stimulation over the net!
- There wouldn't be so much controversy if people were not interested in sex. Sex is human, natural and fun (yes, dangerous, but you have to regulate risks). Sex and the Net is inevitable, people need to just get over their inhibitions and let everyone else enjoy their life.
- Mostly ok... but do not approve of sexual material which includes minors...
- I liked it the way it was!
- The true value of the internet lies in its non-regulation. As soon as censorship becomes normal on the net, much of its use will disappear.
- No censorship!! If someone doesn't want to see something, then don't look at it. If you don't want your kids to see it then watch over them or get a censorship chip.
- while entertaining, it could cause problems for young children and their new problems that are occuring around them. They are especially prone to do things are somewhat abnormal because of their age.
- Have to pay too see the good sites.
- There are too many naked women and not enough males.
- I like it
- great
- i love it!
- Sex on the Net is great... it's completely safe and it's fun. It's nowhere near the real thing, but it doesn't have any drawbacks or concerns that you have to worry about such as preganancy or STD's.
- Good
- It's been great for me to get answers to some areas of sexual interest that I have. I have new ways to explore my feelings and desires that I've always had but never understood.
- It is too difficult to find and view exotic sexual material. Otherwise it is pretty fun!
- it's hot
- Men, transexual, bisex
- I think SEX ON THE NET is a topic that is much too early to
- sex is something that doesn't go out of style it should be dealt with by adults
- I am dialing from the US where sex is considered a terrorist act
- Itīs easy, no embarrasment involved, since only I know what Iīm really doing. Itīs good, as long as children donīt get their hands on really discusting stuff. But that is their parents problems, not the authorities.
- Too perversion orientated, too little emphasis placed on the erotic
- I think sex and the internet are pretty cool but I can't seem to find any good sex online communications to talk to someone live but over the computer
- sex on the inter net is a help to maney teen boys thay do not get ronge info thay get the true info on sex to make up thare own mind
- Don't people realize that government regulation of the net is one step towards losing individual freedom? The government will be parents to our children . that's our job.
- Can provide a wonderful pasttime.
- I think that sex on the net should be allowed as an outlet and as simple enjoyment.
- It helps to keep fire burning
- I think that the Internet is a great place to discover, view, and talk about things that you wouldn't normally. I hate censorship, and think that the Net should be open.
- All for it.
- I think it is immoral and most discusting. I think it is just sick!!
- take it for what it area to experiment
- over rated
- Too bad, the dark side of human nature seems to get glorified.
- I think it's a great idea. It has helped many people I know to reveal what they are really looking for in sex. It's not embarrassing
- It RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
- Love it, want more
- why push for reality when fantasy is soo satisfying?
- Where humankind goes, so goes sex. Why should the net be different?
- I think the GOV should keep their hands out of my businessss!
- I believe that is shold be banned from the Internet, it serves no value at all.
- I think its an individual's right to see what they want.
- i like it!!!!!!!!!!1
- Any attempt by American politicians to censor, or otherwise inhibit communication on the Internet is useless. Period. The Internet is not a U.S. entity. There is no reason to create new laws to deal with the Internet, since there are already laws govern
- It's amazing how much there is. But you do have to lok for it.
- Its there like in any other place too. One has to go and find where it is, if one wants to look at it. And anyway what's so bad about it? There are things that are worse.
- No comment.
- I don't see any problem with sex on the Net. Let people have their fu
- Lots around. Parents need to practice 'Parenting' to keep their kids off of the sex stuff on the internet.
- I was very surprised by the question about sexual activities on the Net. I see very little, am online quite a bit. Judging from the other questions, I have a really boring sex life.
- that's okey
- I think its great
- I think the government should stay out of the bedroom.
- yeah, yeah. More, more.
- works for me
- Mr. Harris likes it
- IT is a private, in-your-own-home way to find new things!
- i love it and hope it stays
- I have no problems or complants about sex on the internet; it should be the parents/guardians responsiblity to monitor, watch what their children do on the internet.
- No real big deal; not any worse than dable T.V. here in .ca land...
- I seem to have a hard time finding the things I'm interested in.
- I am totally against censorship of sexual content on the internet.
- It can be very scary. I mean look around. I've seen topics such as death/snuff sex. Thats scary. On the other hand, netsex can be fun and exciting.
- a let down!
- I like sex. I like internet.
- A nice complement to RL sex
- Sex on the Internet is a great release for older people.
- Humans are sexual creatures. The net is a HUGE melting pot of humanity. I have no problem with any of it.
- I see no problem in continuing to contain graphic material on the internet.
- sex on the internet keeps disease out the bedroom!!
- It is very interesting!
How would you deal with the issue of regulating sexual/offensive content?
- The net should be completely open and get the government out of our lives.
- If you dont like what you see, dont look.
- Programs to put an adult lock on adult sites available through internet providers (preferably for free) and let PARENTS monitor what their children see!!!
- home monitoring and enforcement of undesired subject matter
- It's very simple. If they don't like it, don't look at it.
- if you don't like it don't look for it ! you gotta put in an effort to find it !!
- Free porn for everyone!!!!!!!!
- parents could buy SurfStreet browser for $30!
- X Rated Material Should be allowed on the net!
- Incarcerate the whining morons trying to run our lives. ( ! )
- Open net - those opposed need not subscribe ie Parental control
- I feel that the individual should be responsible for what is seen on the net. And that parents be responsible for their own children.
- Let it continue. Better let socially uncorrect and unaccepptible acts happen here in cyber space than in reality where they do damage and you can not as easerly switch it off if it gets too much
- Increase the use of (and increase the security of) adult verification schemes such as AdultCheck, etc.
- If people don't want to see it, then don't go looking for it.
- Create a "Kiddie-Net" and get children off the Internet
- Do not censor, encourage use of filtering software & services.
- Provide software for parents to "lock" certain sites
- Parent should be responsible for their children
- launch a heavy political campaign against censors
- Individuals should regulate their exposure, and their children's exposure, to content they found offensive. A rating system *may* help, but is ultimately harder to enforce than establishing house rules for each individual's household.
- allow parents to lock out sites to thier own children
- I think most "mature" adults can make thier own decisions on what they want to access on the "net", as far as children are concerned, I think you should ask one of the child's parents.(hopefully they'll be one of the "mature" adults I spoke of earlier)
- I want to see it all baby
- parents need to decide for their kids-other than that-it's a free world & it should stay that way
- deal with it!!!
- Cnvince the whiners that their concerns are paranoid/luddite delusions
- password-protected sites ?
- parental controll of their childern
- if they don't like it, keep them and their own children out of it and don't make my decisions for me
- better sensorship to prevent underaged's access
- Monitor your own children
- Parents need to take the responsibility and not request the government to parent for them.
- Adult sites should require age verification and pass word to get on.
- Make parents legally responsible for childrens behavior/viewing on the net
- the only thing that i am opposed to is the kiddyporn it should be banned
- Net Nanny type regulations; free choice, that's it.
- I like the 'rating system' idea but there should also be parental blocks available to ALL "questionable" sites
- i think that pornography is a beautiful thing and that pedophilia should be legalized because it's erotic to watch young children being fucked by older men with large throbbing penises
- If you don't want you, your wife or your kids to look at it... then don't!
- more whipping boys going down on goats
- The ultimate decision is up to the parent
- Let those who detest sexuality on the 'net avoid sexual 'net sites:
- If you don't want it... Don't open it...!
- Let all be up to the discretion of the user and/or parent with use of such programs as CyberWatch or NetNanny
- tell parents that they need to start being parents again, instead of expecting society to watch the children for them
- Be open but impose a monitoring software where internet is available to children
- Should be a parental responsibility, no one else's.
- Individual choice
- Place a code of random letters on each explicit page that censoring software could regonise, thus keeping censorship up to the individual and avoiding the problem of programs censoring things like breast cancer sites.
- I'm against infringement of rights of any kind.
- parental lock-out codes
- Fuck the Government
- Let parents use SurfWatch or something like that
- establish an difficult method in obtaining sexual content, therefore separating the people who really want the material and the people who do not.
- If you don't like a tv program, you don't watch it, right? If you don't like broccoli, you don't eat it, right? If you don't like pornography, yoy probably don't have a subscrition to Buff magaine, right? If you can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen!
- Leave people alone and let them have fun
- parents concerned should monitor the activities of their children on the net. They should consider purchasing available screening software.
- tough question. perhaps a separate "web" where anything is ok, and a more restricted one for lusers who "can't handle the truth". people would then self-censor or be e-bombed to death.
- Parents should watch there children not the government
- Provide that info with a password only
- Let each person decide whether it is right for himself
- shut down hard-core, violent pornography (civil rights violations against women)
- There is always going to be porn. Get a fuckin helmet.
- Allow home users to select and block sites from their machines.
- parents need to restrict what there children have access to
- parents should monitor their children
- Each person will just have to choose what they want to look at and view...the govt. or whoever can't screen out all pornography just like they will never get all of the drugs off the street. It will always be here.
- Let the individual owner have the technology to censor their individual computer.
- don't make people suffer because of bad parenting!!!!!
- It suould be up to the parents
- completely open, but have safe guards against access to children and schools
- Users need to regulste their own computers
- Blocking devices to exclude children
- parental responsibility
- make them keep bouncing checks........
- ID Porno users for age
- Let people regulate themselves
- Encourage parents to monitor their children's activities.
- create a system that easly allows users to restrict there own Pc
- Let people keep out of sites they don't like and use the available software to keep their kids out. A rating system would help the software keep new innapropriate sites unavailable.
- Get rid of the internet, it is a tool of the devil.
- tell them to get a nanny for themselves and leave other people and their rights alone
- completely open, yet with ratings
- Parents should monitor their own children
- only censor at the request of the user (e.g. for sake of children) - otherwise, the NET should be censorship free
- get more for me to see for free
- Teach parents to use cyber patrol or take a interest in what their children are doing on the net!!!!!
- Software should automatically filter out sexual nets but enable a method for adults to over-ride.
- Hello Big Brother and all his agents. ... PARENTS must be PARENTS !
- If you have censorship it shouldn't matter
- Adult ID to restricted sites
- programs such as SurfWatch.
- Make it harder for kids to access without parents knowledge.
- majority rules (fuck em)
- If you don't like it don't go there! It's your choice, no one is forcing anyone to read any sexual content. And the parents can restrict what the kids see through Net Nanny, etc.
- parental+software guidance for children only
- anyone who opposes opennes on the net may move to another planet
- I am ademently against child porn geared towards the lowest of life forms
- Everyone who uses the net should have to apply for a licence or register thier page, they should have the right to have access to these pictures, but they should also be held responsible
- Parents should purchase a password protection
- personal software that blocks usage
- Allow parents to turn off certain sites if they so desire
- use the sysems already developed to have the monitoring be done by they individual household
- Open within legal restrictions
- Censor your kids yourself!
- Send in Id and prove your age ( but what is a fair age ? )
- Have parents watch children.
- Parents should monitor thier children and take advantage of internet censoring software.
- v-chip style software
- Parents Responsibility
- Parents need to control their children
- maturbate on their keeboards
- Get government out of our lives
- Adults: Don't look for it. Children: should be monitored by their parents. Rest: No restrictions.
- parental responsibilty
- If you don't want to see it, don't look at it
- Parents should be in control of their children use of the internet.
- by use of passwords etc. regulate access to legimatie adults
- Rating System along with "Net-Nanny" type software
- Parental internet-control software
- get parents to do their job. Leave everyone else out of it!!!
- should have passwords to get into certain sites
- make the net secure so that young children can't easily access the info
- I think that people shouldn't post a site advetising sex and offer no sex what so ever sex is harmless it's alot of the people who use it that is dangerous
- shot the blue noses my body is mine i do as i please and will not tollatre interfince in my sex life espacaly sice its tottaly by consent ive had yes than my partner said no wheen i wass hafe my dick in and i stoped and thock my dick out !
- The internet is a monster no one can control it.
- freedom of speech, save for already illegal activities (i.e., kiddie porn)
- Parents should monitor their children's net use.
- password for over 21 surfers
- leave up to individual to go there
- I feel it will eventually take care of or destroy itself.
- parents should parent their children, and not let them parent themselves
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