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User comments [ARCHIVE X]
What do YOU think about Sex & the Internet?
- Oh Baby, I like it, It feels so good...mmmm more, more aah!!!
- True there shouldn't be child porno. That should be erased, But as for all other things it should be left open. If PARENTS don't want their children to access the internet they should buy a "Nanny Patrol Device!"
- like tony the tiger they're gggrrrreeeeeaaaatttttttttt!
- Sex on the Internet is allowable if some form of regulation is made available. Like all industries people have a right to make a living. The problem is that pornography can be degrading and demeaning in content. Built in blocking devices should be built into the system and it would be up to the consumer to remove them if they so choose to do so. Bestiality, child pornography, and torture should not be allowed and violators should be prosecuted to the fullest extent.
- I feel that the Internet needs to be appreciated for the good it can do and currently does. Like all things in life there are positive and negative aspects to the Internet, but avoiding the negative (or what you consider to be negative, offensive, etc..) is not difficult. You have options with your, you have or where you go on the Internet, you even have the option NOT go on the Internet al all. It is not difficult to avoid the things, subjects, pictures, etc... that offend you. People who complain the most are the ones who do not want to admit that they found what they were looking for.
- I have tried to find some porno on here several times and can't
- I think the net is open and anyone should be blame for Sex.
- I think you should put more pictures of males on the internet
- let it rip
- I came across hard-core porn for the first time on the Net. It's stinks. Beastiality, Bondage, oral sex etc. so easy to get pictures of these. The age check is just an eye-wash!
- My experience in the short time I have been on the Net is that sex is big business on the net with many people including myself willing to pay for pornographic material and dating services
- The Internet is just another medium through which sexual material and thought can pass. Acting in a sexual manner with others is easy because of the anonyminity, and lack of responsibility for actions.
- Very degrading, only particiated in survey in hopes of getting it OFF net!
- im no writer but , it is there and should be there. if some of these so called parents of children would get off there butts and know what there kids are doing we would not have this problem...
- Sex is good. Internet is good. Sex and Internet is equally good.
- it is an educative media for do best sex
- The Net is a convenient and safe place to meet and converse with people of like and differing mindsets. Let it be.
- I think that I can view sexual materials at home and I do not bother anyone else
- no response
- The Internet is a great place to learn about and experience our sexuality. Let us not allow the prudes to rob us of that.
- it's great because it's mostly free
- I think that freedom of speech and free expression is a valid part of life, but it must be done responsibly too. I think that parents and guardians have the responsibility to their charges to monitor children's Internet use, not just in the case of sexual material. This is the same way I feel about parents and what their children should watch in the way of movies, cable tv, commercial tv and magazines. Not everything is appropriate for everyone, but it shouldn't be taken away from everyone because a ew don't want to see it.
- Sex on the net is overall pretty cool and is harmless
- It is great for ideas for use in my personal life.
- I think it's very interesting. I am in the process of looking for information for a class and I ran across this. I am hoping to find some survey that I can use for my computer class about sex,
- Sex on the Net is cool. Many people find it nice because you dont have to go through the normal routines. Bi and gay sex is great here.
- i greatly enjoy sex, real sex, not seeing images on my screen.
- Interesting and enjoyable. Not harmfull.
- It makes masturbation so much fun!
- I think that Son on the 'net is acceptible and should be free to all who wish it
- Gives individuals the chance to "experiment" with alternative sexual ideas without having to leave home to seek them out.
- morality is a tough issue, however, the internet is public. I wouldn't want to see Play Boy on a bilboard for my kids...much less some of the stuff on the net today.
- I think that depending on how it is treated, internet sex is harmless. My girlfriend and I share erotic E-mail, and I feel it is healthy for our relationship, but as far as hardcore material floating around such as child pornography should be banned, and I support every effort to do so. Like I said earlier though. If you do not like what is seen, don't view it and go on to something else. What groups actually have the right to tell others what is right, and what is wrong?
- The net has amplified the game of sex just like all other human games. People can be what they say they are, rather than what they really are. I find this to be a drawback to the net, not just in a sexual context. And my experience on the net shows that we, as a society, are -way- too obsessed with sex.
- Seems like a harmless diversion.
- impersonal
- Its perfectly fine generally. Everyone to his own. There should be a means at the terminal level to cut off home use for access to children and those whom may feel offended. It encourages release of sexual energy without hurting anyone and can be turned on or off at will.
- You really do have to look for it !
- The "net" Has answered a number of questions I have had about areas of sex where I had no experience. I feel adults should have access to all information about sex!!!
- I do not understand why a man who loves a woman can't find everything he needs in her.
- No Comment!!!!!!
- It goes hand in hand I guess. People talk about and think about sex everyday so sex is naturally on the problem!
- I love it!
- The Internet has opened a channel for the democratization, univeralization of sexual ideation. It's easier and less dangerous than bars, xxx stores. It's a freeing experience.
- I think there should be more sex on the Net, and more chatsites devoted to it.
- magic
- It rocks my world.
- Where else can you have cyber sex with a miniature horse mare?
- Information I could not get anywhere else is available.
- I think it's a disgusting display of something that should be kept private, if anything at all.
- I personally feel that it should not be regulated,The net is an enviroment wher eall materials are open for access,If matierials are to be regulated then they should be regulated by parents and guardians not the government or any other outside groupe.
- it's not bad just need more access to the male nude photos, there seems to be plenty of women nude photos and just not enough of the men.
- Good
- Good potential-would like a free chat room-is there one?
- I think sex on internet is fine, pictures can't hurt anyone.
- I like it.
- Sex on the internet isn't going to make the world end, but there shhould be some regulation for children. (net nanny)
- sex on the internet is a new form of sex that if taken in the right way can be an outlet at times with no bad results
- Since I have a sexual-themed web site ( I admire the way that the 'net allows people to discover others like them. I also support (and use) the voluntary rating schemes, though.
- I've never given it much thought beyond the occasional scan around during boring times at work
- The anonymity of the net encourages folks to 'come out'.
- It is a wondersully open media for harmless sexual interests
- Great, fun, instructive
It makes me wet.- I like the comment above mine. ^^^ He is intellectually stimulating and turns me on.
- I agree.
- Who is that hot chick on the bottom of the form? I couldnt resist it, now im all messy. :-(
- I don't think that it is all that bad. You can find stuff if you look and everything but i fyou don't wanna look or see than you don't have to
- I think it is healthy and informative
- Hard to answer some of your questions, as my first experience was with a male dog (:
- Censorship of the net is not the say to go. Parents should start the censoring (if any) at home... they, not an 'all-mighty' organization should say what's on computer screens.
- I think its a boon to the airlines.. all those net based relationships :)
- I think it has opened many peoples minds to sexual activitys
- Call me a stick in the mud, but I don't think anything beats a good person to person sexual encounter with your spouse... I t is how God designed it and there is a purpose for it... man has deminished it through self gratification.
- If you are interested, where do you find it. I'm not looking for images just info & chat lines (not for dating purposes) just to talk openly with someone else about sexual issues. Heaps better than talking to a psychiatrist
- i like it
- I am engaged to a gentleman I met online. We participated in some net "friskiness", once we get married and I lose my virginity, I'll be able to check off another box above!
- It fucing rules
- I think its good, but you might add some beastiality related categories/questions/response answer options to this survey
- Free speech must not be compromised, not even to keep some people innocent for a few more years. Also, remember this: Net sex is safe sex.
- I'm new to the net,so Ihave not formed any opinions on this subject,however I'm generally not in favour of sexual regulation .Violence should be banned,not natural healthy consentual acts
- Enjoyable, a nice diversion from daily drudgery, some good ideas.
- It has turned my 25 year marrriage into a wedding night every time my husband and I get it on. Will keep on exploring the net for sex.
- My wife and I are both Cu-SeeMe players
- My sex life has benefited greatly from things I have learned on the net.
- Sex must protect in internet for adult only not for children
- Sex on the internet is safe, harmless, and better than nothing...what is the sound of one hand typing???
- I believe that the internet in general is a gigantic encyclopedia and Sex is part of life (in any form) which should not be excluded from this gigantic information source.
- All the girls on the Internet are getting 1-900 numbers
- If you don't aprove, there are thousands of other sites. Personally I think it's one of the important values of the net as long as the sleeze aspects are kept to a minimum, regulated by the demand.
- We are talking freedom of speech!--Complete openess is necessary. Parents must monitor their childrens' access
- THe hard core perversions are not a necessary part of life, they need not be included on the web. We do not need to feed these desires in this fashion.
- I dont like the cencorship
- damaging and addictive
- I think that people are going to find the hard core stuff if they want it. But as for mild stuff, it can be a fun turn on for couples, and a way to expand your sexual knowledge. A very "Safe Sex" release when you're horny!
- Sex on the internet is good thing. In Amsterdam far example, children are able to get hardcore sex on street. If there is a good elevation of children no prohibition is needed. So sex isn't a problem of the providers than of parents. Last but not least fuck the Pope and all the crazy christians...
- I feel it should be up to the person that is on the Internet to monitor there own activity and use their own judgement if they are over 18.
- Sex must be on Internet because it has a very important role in the life of everyone
- Kids and sexual content: Same problem as with drugs. If there were enough sex-education this would not be a concern.
- it is great
- love it
- I think that since the internet is a world-wide net all the countries should have a say, for instance if Denmark wants child pornography or Sweden wants open prostitution they should have it but for the whole world and not just themselves because the Internet is about bringing people together, right?
- it ok
- Love It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- I have participated in C-sex on occasion, I enjoyed it, and will do it again if I get a chance
- It's amazing how easy it is to find soft porn (nudity, etc.), even by the electric library.
- Thanks to the internet I would have never known about other infantilist as myself or support groups like DPF.
- I think You should let enjoy them selves on the net and if they want to look at or be part of anything of a sex nature then let them.
- Internet is coolest thing in this century!!!!!!
- enjoy pictures of beautiful women on the net. saves money on playboy and my wife has only caught me once!
- I love it Take me now
- I WANT MORE!!!!!!
- I want more erotic stories, kinky ones, too. The pictures DON'T interest me.
- I'm just getting started looking
- Itīs something that should be there. Youīve got to have a choise
- Ithink the net can be used to help educate children in sex education matters, but it must be monitered by parents.
- there for those who want it
- I don't know
- I think that a lot of people is so obsessed with sex that they want to find it everywhere, they should relax, take a breack and find that life has so many other incredible things to offer other than sex.
- It really dosen't do much for me, but I look anyway.
- is good, sex may be in anywere :)
- The internet should not be regulated. It's a forum for the world, and if people want to use it for sex, they should be able to. It's up to parents to keep kids off if they want to.
- As long as it is not hurting anyone GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!
- I think it's invaluable for adults to be able to express themselves about sex on the Net.
- I think that people have the right to put whatever they want on the net, but make it harder for minors to access it.
- i think it is more about information that porn
- It has its uses. I look for specific things i am interested in. Like finding a survey like this, for example.
- With the right attitude/precautions it looks like a great experience!
- We just love sex ... don't restrict it in any way to anyone
- Fun, exciting anf safer than RT sex
- I actually did stumble on internet sexual material by accident--really I did! What people do in the privacy of their homes is their business and I feel government has absolutely no business interfering. If I had children I'd keep them away from it as I would erotic movies, etc. Extremely interesting to see how it's dealt with in cyberspace. I find the legality of issues in cyberspace interesting--case law stemming from it, etc.
- its a benign outlet
- My only concern is that children shouldn't have easy access to it.
- There's a thing called 'freedom' here in America and only parents have the right to decide what their children should see, not the government.
- I am tiny married on a muck, We do more than just make tinylove
- freedom of expression
- It is fine with me. I don't really care for it, but if some people get enjoyment out of it,Great for them. I do think that the parents of young children should have the ability to censor pornography.
- The sex should not be censored of any way!!!
- I have to check
- I think that there's nothing wrong. The human race is evolving. Times are changing, and so shall the people.
- It is over-rated. But has potential to be a problem with using the Internet as an elementary classroom resource.
- Free speech , and choice of what you want to see or do on the Internet should be left up to each person. Censership should be left Webmasters/Site providers and the site users . Most sites want comments good or bad to help improve their services. If you don't like it don't watch it !!
- Hey, why not?
- It's okay, there should be more community though - less impersonal
- I think that too much is made of sex on the 'net. I am 16 and I have not seen anything that I did not want to see. I found this survey while looking for sex links. If I want to see it, let me see it. Pornography hurts no-one if it is open and above-board.
- parents should take the reponsibility to control
- Fun, harmless. Kids have to be monitored in every other aspect of life, what makes this different?
- Although I am sure that there are plenty of opportunities to access sexual materials on the internet, I believe that too much attention is being paid to this issue. There are many things far more important and interesting on the internet to dwell on just sexual materials availability.
- wish there was more of it, for free!
- I love the openness of sex on the internet...It gives me new ideas of things I can do...My girlfriend and I are always looking for something new to try...
- If that's what you're looking for, I guess you can find it. I have never looked, and have not bumped into any at all.
- I personaly prefer making it off-line. ;)
- no opinion
- love and freedom
- it's like a comic book
- Except for the hard core stuff, I think it is informative to questions I wonder about. I is cool !
- i am only lately starting to discover it
- I finally found a place that is adult--for adults. I enjoy being who I am and doing what I please on the net. I pay for it, so who has the right to censor any of it. I love sex!! The more of it the better, and the more explicit the better too. More cum shots, please. And where do you go to find personal ads and places where you can "chat" openly about sex? Someone please e-mail me on this. Thanks.
- Ok. I wish I could find my Fetish a little faster.
- Sex and the internet, well im for deregulation on everything-let the private sectors handle it-free speech, if it wasnt the material would still exist(illegaly) but at high costs. So let it happen and the liquidity(money)-economy) will be higher.
- I find it to be entertaining as sex should be. A cool outler for people to share views and ideas
- I think that people should see what they want to. If parents or other adults don't think that children shouldn't be exposed then they should watch the children closer. More "patrol" systems should be offered for people with children around.
- itīs a choice.
- I love it. What I really like is tickling feet. But the sex is cool too.
- I think that there never will be a sure fire way to ban sex from the net because you will always have individuals that will do it anyways, just like all other laws. It will probably make some people want to post sex-related materials even more.
- Sexual madness has destroyed this once proud country. We are now no better than Sodom or Gommorah, and I suspect that God's judgement shall soon rain down on us all.
- The net has been a source of entertainment, and sex is only one part.
- I think it's better than buying magizines and its alot harder to hide under the covers.
- could be nice, but real one is better
- ok by me
- Too Commercial
- To each his own!
- very interesting for adults, cheaper than renting porn movies
- I think you can find some very interesting information on the net
- I love it. It's great. Iget to see all kinds of people having sex and get to meet other people interested in the same kind of stuff.
- In an age when sex is actually a tense subject and a sexual revolution is on the uprise, I think that the net needs some kind of regulation as to what kind of things are accessable. However, it does provide a good opportunity for those - older people - simply looking for something to satisfy either curiousity's or desire of the moment.
- It's cool. Have downloaded Kama Sutra for my girlfriend (she needs some pointers on blowjobs). Now if I could only corupt her some more...
- what harm can it do, to mature adults,enough sensoship
- the internet is the next big scape goat parents and politians can point at as the "root cause" of our problems. This with be easier than accepting their own failures and responsibilities
- I think if you want to find it it's not too difficult, but it's not at every corner!!!!
- okay
- The Internet is a like a phone, The Government does not censor the phone lines nor should they censor the internet. If a Parent or Leagal Guardian does not want his or her child viewing sexually oriented material, then there are numerous applications that restrict viewing that are free to all.
- not enought straight sex/couples areas or pics
- I think it can be fun.. But you need to also be careful
- I don't think anybody should be able to limit what I look at or do on the internet. This whole idea of regulating sex on the net is stupid. If parents don't want their kids to look and pornographic material on the internet, then they should monitor what their children do. Also, if kids really want to find sexually explicit material...they will.
- I think it's a great education for anyone but as long as they are responsible for what they are doing.
- it is not easy tofins erotic email correspondence
- It's cool!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Keep the right to free speech
- It is like everything else, if you want to find it you can, if you don't want to find it, you won't. Just like TV, if you don't like it, turn it off.
- great
- I think that if you don't like sez on the internet, don't look at it. No one is forcing you to look at it. Let people decide for themselves what they want to see and to read.
- i can easily view nude pictures on line and i find that it's great to have such an easy access.
- it has opened me to new experiences an i have learned about thungs that i have been curious about
- I have not found much for myself. I am a female and do not see much for females. The sex on the internet is more for males and gay people. I do not care for that. I want more for myself. Also, more shopping at sex stores. Show items that can be bought. I am interested in seeing what is available. Thanks. Try a harder to please females.
- Its there - so what! Otherwise, let's close drug stores because they sell condoms and suggestive magazines or shut down airports and train stations for the same reasons. Or Let's shut down the White House because Billy Clinton plays around with other women.
- I feel it is great my girlfiend and i "surf" regularly in the privacy of our own home. She and I really enjoy some of the stuff however, some pages you do have to suscribe to before they get really deviant
- No one should be able to restrict someone elses access to pornography based on their own values or morals. Everyone should be allowed to make their own choices.
- i like it
- I think adults (18 & over) should have access to sexual content on the internet. Parents, guardians, & internet service providers should set boundries.
- Sex at Internet is very surprising
- I still haven't found any open areas.
- This is the Red Scare of the 90s.
- The Internet is like cable TV: entertainment. If I want to watch Real Sex IV, I should be allowed to. If I want to go to a site with naked men, I should be allowed to. That simple.
- It is great vent for sexual fustration! I wish it had less 1-900 advertisements! I wish there was ssex chat box!
- I think that Sex on the Internet is hidden well enough that you have to search for it to actually find what you want. I enjoy reading erotic articles and so does my partner
- it`s open as it should be
- its great
- I Love It!!!
- Bait and switch, much promised, little provided, spam, spam, spam. Make Money Fast for the sexually frustrated.
- its cool and safe
- sex is wonderful and great! someone who is offended by sex needs to get counselling or just GROW UP! it is parents responsibility for minors. NO MORE LAWS!!!!
- I think its a safe way to endeavor into things people normally wouldnt
- its great education, by choice
- goes on my way
- I feel that a person has the right to read and view what they want to. The government is not in the business of policing public morals.
- I like it different all the times, should not be boring
- It helps you learn things that you do not want to talk to others about.
- It covers the basics of the arguments about sex on the net. I believe this survey is thought oriented and not some desprate plea for peversion.
- It is a very entertaining, erotic outlet for otherwise "proper" people.
- whoa! Thats cool. ha ha ha
- To each his/her own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- I think it's truly wonderful. Better than watching murder and violence on the evening news.
- not access controlled enough
- it is fine the way it is
- It's been great foreplay in my relationship of choice (monogomous marriage) and fun to exchange stories and pix with a close circle of mutual friends
- it's a good thing when it's used in a good mature fashion
- Temporarily separated from my spouse, and I feel either of us looking now is ok, but I feel when we are together we won't need to search the net for sex. We will have each other.
- It is pretty good,, It is something to see when you are bored. I like it.
- it is too het.male oriented, just like the printed porn...
- can be a good source of information or bad, just like anywhere else.
- I think that it is simply another form of media and that it should be as accessable for adults to access sexual content here as at an adult store.
- I have found that there are a lot of perverted people. I was lookimg for love on the internet and instead got all of this gross kinky stuff. I guess it should be allowed, freedom and all but some of it is too disgusting. People should try to find other ways to indulge in their fantisies in a private way.
- Sex on the Internet has gotten out of hand. It needs to be regulated from the youth of America. Someone/Something needs to be implemented.
- It's a shame you have to pay for a majority of the sex related sites, either to view pictures or simply get in through a secondary provider of passes, and this sort of thing.
- You have to be looking for sexual material to find it. You have the ultimate say in looking at it or moving on.
- there's not enough of it!
- Sex on the net is like sex on TV, sex in the movies, or sex in a magazine, the only difference is that it can be accessed in complete privacy. This may be too easy a temptation for young impressionable minds. Those who access and those who provide pornography on the net should be more accountable.
- i'm new at this and not had much success finding the right spots.
- The Same AS I Do About Anything "Controversial" EveryOne Should Just Lay Off. So What? It's There, Take Of Necro/Beastie/Kiddie And If You REALLY Want To Monitor Your Kids Minds And Raise Drones, Moderate Them. But If You Believe You Taught Them Responsibly And You Can Let Them "Create" Their Personality, Then Monitor WHATS There, Not That They Can See "Oh My Gosh Golly Gee, Nakedness".
- I build a lot of sites that have caused a lot of controversy. I do all I can to keep children off the sites, i am single but realize how influential media regardless of the form can be. The interent community needs to make available, and is, the tools to allow adults the opportunity to censor that which their children have access to. Not an easy subject... I realize.
- Sex is fun, so is the internet...of course they're together.
- Lots of hot stuff to look at and read what an easy way to get a tingly good feeling
- It is unfortunate that some people use the internet to peddle pornography but that is the price we pay for freedom.
- sex is in advertising, on t.v., talked about around water coolers, and whether a person admits it or not they like it. A rating system similar to the movies would be sufficient and have your computer set up so that if your child logs on, he/she won't be able to access rooms above a PG level.
- I think people make too much of a deal about it. Parents should monitor what the kids do and if they don't want their kids to have access to it they should control it.
- Most sexual content is protected. You usually have to state that you are over 18 or 21 to enter the sites. Most sites that have major pornorgraphy available cost money.
- I think it shows that the public is becoming more open about sexuality and it is no longer something that needs to be kept a secret. I also believe that I do not need moralists in the government deciding what I see or like to do in my own personal time. A person should be able to see or do anything they want as long as it harms no one.
- I think it shows that the public is becoming more open about sexuality and it is no longer something that needs to be kept a secret. I also believe that I do not need moralists in the government deciding what I see or like to do in my own personal time. A person should be able to see or do anything they want as long as it harms no one.
- If you don't like it then don't look for it. It should be there for people who want it.
- The Internet should be a free forum for anyone who wants to express their opinions to go ahead and do it. If you don't want to go into it, DON'T!! Most sites (ie. Webcrawler) offer summaries, and if you don't want this material on your computer at all (because of religious convictions, children, or because you basically think it's disgusting), then there are Internet policing programs out there.
- I think that if juvennals want to access sex on the net they should be free to do so.
- There must be a lot of desperate women and guys out there.
- Since my "significant other" left me for a professional wrestler my life has consisted of booze, and netsurfing. Cyberporn is an atiquate replacement but its hard to clean the jizz off the keyboard. I have went through several keyboards in the last year. 17 to be exact!
- n/a
- is it really any different than stealing your old man's playboy magsand showing them to your buddies in the neighbor hood i did that as an adolescent and i didn't grow up to become a sex offender .
- it will great for single or any one need to know or love arts and passion.
- The hysterical 'censor it all' types don't seem to understand what the internet is!
- theres a lot out there
- I believe sex on the net is fine, assuming it is with/for consenting adults or with adult supervision/permission/knowledge. It's safer than one night stands, more anonymous and generally more interesting as you never really know with whom you are having it with. I enjoy the element of mystery in net sex...
- For me, its a chance to flirt mainly. I think there should be some way to restrict access to those who have been sex offenders, whether in real life or just on the Net. I have been harrassed by men and women on the Net. There is very little that can be done to protect myself from their advances. Changing nicks doesnt cut it because none of the people I do want to talk to know me then. On the Web itself anyone can access the sexual content. I have been to some of the sites and it is no challenge to see nything you know how to spell.
- What an individual does on the net is up to them. If you don't like it don't look ! Goverment regualtion and censorship have gone too far. You can not legisltate morality. It is up to the individual as to what they consider moral.
- have never participated
- Lame
- Violence and Social Exclusion are the problem, not sex.
- I think it is crap and teachs kids at a young age what they should not be doing till they are married in my opnion I think the should band it from the internet!!!!!
- You don't have to be subjected to sexually-oriented material on the net unless you choose it. The nonsense spouted by those who don't even use the net is harming those who do. Censorship is vile, yet as a people we seem to encourage it by our panicky behavior. Let's tend to our own kids and their morality. I raised my kids right!
- it's knowledge. ignorance is not bliss.
- I have been surfing the net since I was sixteen. I have enjoyed the openness of the net. I think that it is that openness that makes the net what it is. If we as a people try and censor or restrict access to it we nothing more than communists who work to control even the thoughts of their people. I believe that it is vitally important to keep the net (our last stronghold of freedom) open to all.
- I like it!!! Here's my address: He!he
- really increased
- bs
- I think it's a lot of fun and provides a safe release.
- its great,but i wish its was easyer to find hardcore stuff
- I think the net will become the new whipping boy for any political types that are in desperate need of an issue.
- I feel it is perfectly fine in the form it is currently regulated in now. You are just opening a can of worms when you try to have some entity, government or otherwise, impose standards everyone must follow.
- cool!
- exiting
- Don't sweat the petty things. Pet the sweaty things!
- I think that sex on the internet helps people in a confidental way and allows freedom to explore and accept things. You could try out new things and not have to worry about catching anything because the only thing your are touching is your own key pad
- I think it is wonderful, provided that it is not misused. I find it a wonderful outlet for my sexual frustrations and to play out my desires.
- I love sex, and want to find more about it, even pictures, it's nothing to be ashamed of. If you really think about it..what's it going to do???
- I think that any attempt of the nat'l govt. to censor sex on the net will not work. If you go online, you must be aware of the stuff you may run into. It's the same with watching a movie, watching cable TV or listening to a CD. If the porn pages upset
- I think It's GREAT! I wish I had this as a teen - especially the open talk and pictures - they should be more graphic.
- The Internet really isn't a good as people say it is.
- for me is only an option in the net.of course I have more important subjects on my mind but I have nothing against the sex in the net.
- For me, sexual content on the net is a harmless outlet to pass the time. However, it is easy to see how it could be dangerous and damaging to others.
- it is cool.
- I like it!
- Two world slapped together... Not good
- it rulz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ???
- Sexual, and particularly sexual/violent material needs somehow to be restricted from who know more about computers than their parents.
- I cannot take it too seriously, but it is fun.
- I think it`s good and any1 that wants to could enjoy it.Even teens like me.No1 forces us to do it but we r intrested.I say let us if we want to.But if they don`t want to don`t force them.
- informative,interesting, but to some point too extreme
- Encourages openess - helps information disemmination
- It's great I use it for fun and info.
- good
- Sex and the internet can be viewed many different ways. I think that being exposed to many different types of people opens your mind... I would think that having sex on the internet is a safe alternative then going out and having sex with people one does not really know. It is a safe environment to try new things, because if one is becoming uncomfortable, s/he only need to log off. Though, doing so on a regular basis can produce such strong feelings for the partner, and then adultery will become an i sue. Just a quick little thoughts since you only wanted a few sentences!
- huh?
- It is wonderful whilst we have freedom of speech (etc), as with most things if it offends your sensibilities then don't look. Pedophillia should be made a capital crime world wide
- I have no comment
- none
- i like it
- 18
- Sex and the internet are great!
- In most cases, it is good clean fun..
- I love it But to many lil' hidden costs.
- starting on internet is atractive,but after lost interest
- Have not found yet!
- It is about as discreet as you can be and only there if you look for what you want. It has opened up private avenues in which to "experience" various things without having to commit or go out on a limb
- It is a great way to do it safely! It is harmless fun.
- It should be regulated with programs like Adultcheck
- i am the net beginner
- I think it's fine as long as young children aren't subjuect to it. it is harmless as long as people don't abuse it.
- intresting when i get time to view it
- i enjoy it
- No answer
- No answer
- its just another business, and another way to seekthat form of entertainment
- It helped me meet people I can talk to and helped me to not feel alone.
- I am new to this. Too early to tell.
- It's fun
- I think it is great!!!
- I Want to FUCK THe INternet!!!!
- too commercial
- Very exciting
- I want to see more of it!!!!!!!!!
- I believe in sexual freedom for adults. As for children, parents or guardians should monitor their activities on the net.
- too easy for kids to find
- I think there is plenty of sex elsewhere and folks should use those traditional forums instead of wasting bandwidth and legislation here.
- I love it!!
- sex is like any other human like or dislike .... we'll do it if we want too
- I wish I could find more free access to people looking for GREAT sex.
- I see nothing wrong with it. It's nobody elses business what I do with my free time. So censors BUTT OUT!
- difficult to find what i wanted
- ...its a free country...if you don't like it,don't look...fuck the self rightious asshole that does more shit behind closed doors than the law allows!!!!!!!!
- I think it is ok
- Sex and the Internet: It is free expression, a way to explore new avenues, to see new things. Everyone like to looks at a beautiful, sexy person..hey I don't care who you are your going to like seeing them. People should be able to keep the right to browse the internet for sexual material. Hey maybe some perverts will stay off the streets and satisfy themselves on line.
- If you like that type of thing, you should be able to access it!
- I have a very strange personality, morals, ethics, and philosophy. One that I have never seen anyone else have even close to. My thoughts on sex and the internet tend to vary with my personality. In conclusion, I cannot yet express exactly how I feel on these issues in less than a few pages. However, even if I could, most of the people in the world would think me very strange.
- Let's face it, the net is not a regulatable entity. It is international, dynamic, user dependant, extremely large, rapidly growing, etc. Whether people think it should be "regulated" or not is mute; It can't be regulated. The net is no more controllable than the phone system. In many places it is "illeagle" to use four letter words on the phone. Has anyone ever been arrested for this, I doubt it. It is illeagle to transmit certain types of pornography via the mail. It is also illeagle for anyone to search through your mail to see what you recieve. Again, mute. Determination of what is or is not appropriate must remain in the hands of the individual, or the guardian of the individual. It is also well within the rights of service providers to stipulate what materials can be accessed/served by their systems. People who are pushing for greater regulation of net content are silly and misinformed. You can try to regulate it all you want but it won't work.
- I like it. but I do believe that software will mature to the level to controll child access to sexually oriented materials on the internet
- Great mystery for me, why sex is such a dominant topic there.
- I think you must get a condoom when you sex.
- i love it
- There's a lot of it around, and it's much more accessible than other forms of pornography. But I think it satisfies many people's curiosity. But its availability to minors should be controlled through local censorship that can be imposed at parents' request.
- The only thing i`ve got to say is, get rid of the child pornography on the net. NOW!!!!
- What people see or do on the Net is thier own buisness. Legislation by any government that would regulate the contents of the Net is unconsionable.
- fun and interesting
- I think it broadens horizons when the sex is not illegal, i.e. pedophilia and actual rape!!!
- It's there.... it's just another thing in this world. Nothing big should be made out of it.
- its fun, with few consequences...
- Where is it? I have never seen it on the Internet
- I am just learning how to use the innernet for my own sexual response. the one guy i had met from my e-mail was a total blast and we practiced safe sex also.
- ;:::
- Love it! Keeps me home at out of the bars!
- There is too much
- As long as no one gets harmed, there should be no regulation for Sex on the Net. Me was only lookin for some pics the first few weeks - you know, like first looking up some dirty words in a dictionary...Ah yeah, and don't forget SEX is FUN!!!
- Most sex i've seen on the net is pornography, but there is some healthy sex education for children and their parents.
- ttttttt
- I find it to be a release for some pent up desires and informative on some subjects i did not know much about.
- Fairly easy to find, probably too easy but against gvt. sensorship.
- I like it because i have access to nude pictures if I am horny and want to masturbate
- erotic, exotic, sexy, fun, sexually stimulating
- its something one should have access to when one wants too
- is the best way to promote safe sex
- i wish it were easier to acquire pixs
- I think that sex on the net should be more open and eisier to find also I would like more perverted sex pictures.
- very eccitting, funny and open closed minds
- I enjoy it. But feel like I should not. A bit conflicted.
- good
- I have only seen it when , out of curiosity I went looking. I suspect that if you look for it and learn how it will be there in abundance. It is, after all, a very powerful instinct.
- It's fine to check out pictures,etc every once in a while
- More than 50% of my on-line time is spent looking for pornography. I hope that changes as the novelty wears off. I'm presently having difficulty regulating my use of the net.
- Sex is a essential part of life. - So why shouldn't it be a 'part' of internet.
- I like sex. I like the internet.
- Sex and the Inet go hand-in-hand; like prostitution, it's not going away. We are a sexual race and the inet provides a safe outlet for fantasies that we might not be able or comfortable expressing IRL. So be it. I watch my kid when she goes cruising and you should watch yours. Regulation is impossible - and it should stay that way.
- It's a new perspective of doing IT
- SEx is everywher and anybody who want it can have it.
- Sex on internet is good.
- far!
- I think it would be great if you were able to connect with someone and get an online handjob!
- Education sex is okay on the net, but I think porno on the net is kind of sick. I feel you can't really have sex on the internet. Sex should be between two people that are in physical contact with each other.
- Sex on the Net fuckin rules, I can sit and beat off with out anybody laughing at the size of my meat, and it adds suspense because you never really know what you're wackin' off to, it might be a women, dirty old man, child or whatnot.
- I enjoy the sexual freedom on the 'net.
- The whole concept of regulating the internet is stupid. No one can and no one should. If you don't want your family looking at something, don't let them.
- I think its Greeaattt!!
- I think its Greeaattt!!
- I think it is the parents responsibilities to limit how much a child sees on the internet. I have a 4 yo, and when it is time, I will watch over his use and lay a law on what he is able to link to. I think free speech on the web is very important as much as free speech in the public community is.
- enough of puritarian North Americans trying to enforce their narrow minded, repressed, self righteous, sanctimonious, right wing, bible-thumping views on the rest of us!
- Thanks for the opportunity to voice my opinions.
- I wish there were no membership fees. Clits rule!!
- Sex is a natural act and should not be hidden
- Sex and the Internet rule!
- I enjoy looking for different sexual experiences on the internet
- Cencorship is a bunch of bullshit
- Let everybody decide for himself what to see, but protect the children
- I feel thatanyone putting explicit material on the net should endeavor to make it hard for children to access, but ultimately it's the parents responsibility. There are plenty of programs designed to block these things.
- its okay
- its okay
- the internet is a place where consenting adults can explore their sexuality in private without fear of judgement.
- Sex is great at all lievels.
- I feel that the sexual material on the internet should be expanded. More people should experiment with themselves and others. Allowing yourself true sexual freedom is a cure for many of modern societies true problems.
- I am 25, and love lesbianism, threesomes and orgies. my friends and I are eager to particapate in these activities
- I was introduced to bi-sexuality on the internet, and since then, i have had many lesbian sexual encounters. I am thankful to the net for opening my mind and body.
- Let people express themselves.
- Sex and the Internet are a great couple! Way to go!
- I think it can help in some instances..
- I think that the internet is akin to an electric america and we should all have our first amendment rights protected
- there is nothing without sex,right.Why internet should be?
- i think its good
- Why not use internet for sex and love when TV is used for violence. Let's have a competition between love-line on Internet vs violence on TV. Who wins?
- sex is great the internet is great and the work well to gether
- I believe that parents should know what their children are seeing on the internet. There should also be a rating system that includes a certain password that is sent to the person's home via regular mail and not e-mail, it is too easy to access through the e-mail.
- I will subscribe to a server who agrees with my views, and there should be that option available to all users
- I do not see a problem. I like it.
- I'm in a Long-Distance relationship from the net... Her and I get along wonderfully and she is the first to really be compatible sexually.
- a mechanism that enables parents to keep children from accessing explicit sites has to be developed
- Parents should monitor the activities of their childern on the Net as well as TV,music etc. Every time that society has tried to limit access to information about sex, there is a rise in sexually transimitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies, etc.
- I enoy some of the stuff I find on the internet. Some is stimulating, some funny, some sick. But all good!
- Room for Improvement.....
- Know any good sites??? ;)
- I hate too foul of material, hate bondage and that shit, like erotic, clean, tasteful, and a little raunchy stuff.
- If you're offended by anything just don't look at it. It can be there for the people who want to see it. The choice is yours.
- I don't think the internet should remove sites with sexual content. I think it is the responsibility of the individual adult to decide whether or not to view these sites. Parents should monitor their children's use of the net or use one of the many parental control programs available.
- !!!!! GREAT!!!!!
- So many of the sites are paid that it would be rather difficult for one to stumble upon the sex stuff, but it is certainly an entertaining diversion.
- If you're into looking for it, it's there. If not, it does NOT get dumped on you.
- I run an Adult Web Site and feel that that it is Parental responsibility to police it.
- It's great!
- I thin sex on the internet Is very intriguing. Except I am continuously glaring at my boyfriend telling him to stop beinboorish and vulgar.
- People want access to such material and should have a right to it, but safe guards should be implemented to protect those who are shocked by such candid material.
- I think Sex on the net should be totally free to anyone who wants it. I oppose censoring companies because money most be paid
- its a.o.k.
- some is good, but some kinds of sex go too far!
- It's the anonymous nature of the Net that leads to the greatest excesses. I've encountered only the mildest sexual stuff on the Web. It's the newsgroups that are most often beyond the pale.
- I think it's nice to be able to get sexual materials from one's home. It's my business what I do on-line, not the government's,
- There is alot more people who enjoy sexual stuff than you think
- keep it open to all...censorship sucks!!!
- Sex on the Net? Kind of reminds me of the "Orgasmatron" in a Woody Allen movie. I need to feel the skin next to me.
- Can be really bad , but can also be quiet interesting.
- I Love It!!!!
- Sex and the Internet are a natural pair. I've had great netsex on IRC, and _very_ flattering responses tomy own pictures. I feel more attractive now.
- I enjoy looking around for sexual pictures, to laugh at with my boyfriend, or just become aroused by. But I do not agree with it being so easily attainable, especially for children. What can we do?
- i love sex &use the net all the time
- Sexualy content should be governed closely by user.
- There is no problem if there was some way of keeping the "hot chat" people out of regular forums.
- Please see my responce to #13. Thank you.
- WOW !! good or bad ??
- Sex should be open on the internet but providers and guardians should have devices to prevent underage exposure
- The USA is the most sexually repressed major country on earth. The net helps us to see the world on many levels. Sex is one of those levels. The more we educate ourselves the healthier we will be.
- sex is the shit that don't stink
- I think it gives me some great ideas.
- I get very upset when someone IM's me with comments I consider rude. Keep it to yourself unless you're asked. Grow up.
- Most Internet Sexual Content is spamming by Pay Services.
- I use the net as as I would a library.
- There is nothing wrong with sex on the net as long as everybody takes control of their own childrens actions and takes the responsibility themseleves to either look or not to.
- the Internet is for is a form of expression...let people be!!!
- sex is afun thing specialy when it is on the internet
- not enough free hardcore
- I have no problem with it,sex is fun
- Don't care about it much. But I would help fight any censorship. And don't fall for that mis-leading view that only conservatives want to censor. I've seen more attempted censorship and civil rights violations from the left than the right lately. Note the Terrorism Bill - a total affront to the Bill of Rights.
- It is not like unwanted mail - you have to look for it. You therefore can't complain when you find it.
- i love sex and jacking off the cum dripping out of apussy turns me on so lets keep it on the net
- Sex on Internet is a nice thing - but it's a shame, that everybody tries to make money with it.
- I met my current girlfriend in a forum chat (she's a former playboy bunny) I wouldn't have ever met her if I had not been allowed to access forums containing sexually explicit material. THANK YOU for sex on the net!!!!!
- Sex on the Internet promotes the safest sex around, wanking it in front of a computer screen. If parents think that kids are getting off over online pornography they should be glad. They should send a letter of thanks to the provider of the pornography. T
- I believe a social revolution is well n truly on the way thanks to the Internet
- i think that cyber and posts are the best thing that ever happened 2 it...and that even though i am a "minor"...freedom of the net!!!
- I think sex on the net is no big's not like I'm going to get AIDS looking at pictures!!!
- Don't censor, educate how to keep kids out. Just like permitting a kid to an adult book store. There are registrys on the net regarding age, use them.
- It is a good survey, but "it" has a great potential for destroying a marriage.
- I think it's all right. I think kids should know what's going on in the future and sex is in the future.
- It's just a future.
- machines are machines, people are people
- It's Great, but I do think it should be easier to get around in.
- Sex on the Internet isn't bad
- I don't know I haven't seen any I'm new to the net
- not to reach by children
- I can'T seem to find it, how con I find it?.
- IRC is poison...ruins marriages and relationships and I speak from experiance.
- Love it!
- It is a nice safe private outlet for consenting adults
- Makes my day a little brighter!
- I find no problems with sex and the internet. It is a fun thing to combine. There is nothing wrong with cyber sex that I can see, as long as the people are mature.
- Not until the I experimented with the net did I feel comfortable with my self in regards to my foot fetishism. It is because of the open atmostphere of the internet that I am as comfortable sexually as I am.
- i like downloading mpeg
- Sex on the net is a unique experience
- i think, for the mot part, it's perversive stuff that freaks me out that's on here. k?
- Gooooooooood & Nice!!!!!!
- very important
- Porn is not a major thing on the Net and you you have to be hunting it to find it. (Unless you're on IRC). Parents should be watching out for their kids anyway, not the Fed.
- Why do I have to fill out this thing just to see the results
- I think it's a nice way to relax and veg out. If people don't want to see it, all they have to do is stay out of the sites that include sexual content!
- I haven't found much on the net, haven't really looked for it.
- Sex is wonderful, as long as it is for love.
- it is mostly fiction
- There should be more catagories in the first part on the survey. Dislike of turned off by.
- its fine for conscenting adults
- Some of the stuff is kind of out of control like child porn, which is wrong. The Internet provides a easy way to get it and destribute it. Why don't you try a tag.... Where did you learn about forms? Oh I like the chick at the bottom of the screen!
- In think that as the net becomes more open to the public and in widespread use that we sure put into place some of the same restrictions that now apply to other areas of communication.
- It's a great entertainment and information tool for adults
- love it
- good place to find useful information
- it is a private means of satisfaction
- No comment
- Sex is a natural part of life. I see no reason why it should be banned form the net or anywhere else for that matter. As a parent it is "my" responsibility to limit what my children may or may not access.
- Just like a library or bookstore you HAVE to LOOK for find it! But if you really want to find it you can!
- most of what is out there is trash, or teasers to lure you into spending money. It was helpful to introduce the idea of D/s to our marriage, now it's a lifestyle for us and our relationship, sex, communication are better than we ever imagined.
- I've seen that the Internet has been used as a vent for frustration and in some cases i'm sure this will help people.
- its great wish I could find more preteen sex on line
- I am so curious. I like Sex & the Internet. Good stories, photos, and no sexually transmitted diseases.
- too many services are requriing monthly fees--BOGUS!!!!!!
- People have blown a "problem" way out of proportion, the Internet is the last vestige for true freedom of speech. Lets keep it that way!!!
- I think sex should be allowed on the internet, I think the internet should be free and open to whoever wants to use it. If they are offended, click off the page, and if it's children, parents should be monitoring it. It is up to the parent, not the government.
- No one forces you to look at porn, you have to be in search of it to find it
- I think it's great. Saves money from buying mags and movies.
- sex is great; on aol it was easy to get pictures from other people which were fantastic to jerk off to and sometimes to meet other people but newsgroups i do not know how to access them plus chat sessions i have not figured out access yet be nice if there was easy menu; sex should be open to everyone now
- no response.
- Welcome to a subject that man has had to deal with for centuries. For the way some people act about sex in general, it's a wonder that the human race is even here at all.
- I enjoy sex on the internet. I have learned more in these past few months than in my entire adult life.
- Too much sex. In doing searches on something completly unrelated to sexual things somehow there usually ends up being something about sex there.
- Still lacking in jock mount technology
- it sucks that you have to pay for most sex sights. there should be more free sights.
- I like it it is fun to jerk-off to.
- There is not much difference to videos. I got hardcore videos in the age of 15 without problems ... (and I think it hadn't made damage to me, it opened my eyes how primitive hardcore could be ...)
- I use my computer like I use the library to seek information and education. I also happen to know people who use the library to pick up on people, it is all based on you and your way of life.
- It's good if you use it properly
- Free access to all forms of information and content earns the internet a serious PG rating!
- Look for open nntp sites
- I think the government should leave the net alone, and that parents should stop whining and do their fucking job!!
- Sex is as natural as dying, why hide it?
- Sex on the Internet seems to be driving the technology of the internet. The sex advitizers I have seen have the most advanced systems for presenting their product than any other group on the net.
- I feel the internet is a fantastic outlet for the sharing of ideas, including those relating to sex.
- I think it's great. If you want look at it you can, if you don't know one is twisting your arm to look at it.
- It's great!!! I'm not getting it from anywhere else.
- We deal with sex everyday. It is an American tradition that everyone (well just about everyone) goes through. It is enjoyable and fun if it used in the right way. Sex on the net is definately a plus for me. Please start putting more pics of black naked men. They get me so horny and hot. I want to FUCK THEM ALL!!!!!!@!!!!!!!&*(*(&*%^w#*@*#%
- The amount of sex on the internet is completely dependent upon how hard to look. Look hard and there is lots, don't look and there is none.
- I've heard of things going on throughout the Net and I'm curious to see what's out there.
- Sex is ian interesting topic to a lot of people. A forum for open public input without the possibility of embarassment or feelings of discomfort is a positive thing. Sex isn't that shocking. The fact that many fear discussing it in schools or with others is what greatly influences individuals insecurity with their bodies and sexuality.
- its great
- I think it's good for some people and entertaining!!!
- Can be usefull, if the Net'e people are honest and decent (from Portugal)
- Found two of my fetishes and have e-mailed a few folks becasue of it. I think it is a wonderful forum, and anything that helps promote communication to others is good for society.
- keep it clean
- Would like local free phone sex numbers.
- Sex in Internet - it's so good !
- Just one area of information on net
- that the best
- I don't see anything wrong with adaults entering these areas, I just wish they were easier to find
- it will open you up to the things that you never knew about while living in a close-minded world
- I think it is fine with consenting adults
- Sex should be open in the Internet. It is a safe way of learning about sex.
- To each his own
- Software such as NetNanny can help parents/guardians keep children from seeing objectionable material.
- It's there so I look at it/ I'm 17 year old male. It is a choice that you need to make for yourself, althought an option to block porn should be given free by the government to parents.
- I think there should be no censorship on the net but I do think there should definitely be some kind of parental lockout available for pc users.
- Not much. It should be there for learning purposes.
- My wife and I are experimenting with each other in a very safe and controled manner. We are trying to find information on the Internet and being computer virgins, it's hard.
- A good thing!
- Sex repression in a nazistic behavior. Sex is an expression of freedom.
- Sex is rad... it is nice to see anywhere, anytime.
- Sex on the net is fine as long as it is used by mature, responsible adults.
- good
- it is a lot more easy than going to sex clubs and far more safe.
- It's better than buying and reading the magazines.
- I think sex, or anything else for that matter, should be on the Internet. If people have problems with the topic of sex, then, they should go to other Internet areas and sites. As far as children viewing inappropriate material, I think that this is the responsibility of the parents to watch what their children do and to monitor their Internet access to prevent them from viewing things of a sexual nature.
- I think it's wonderful. I have made a few very close friends by discussing things like exhibitionism, voyeurism, and masturbation. I have learned a lot from my new friends and have had many wonderful orgasms while talking with them!
- I have no problem with sexual content, but I strongly oppose child porn, it's abusive to children and needs to be stopped. The internet provides a forum for it to go on without restriction.
- only if your really looking for it (say enter it in a search on the net) then you'll find it. there's enough to do on the net that you dont hafta bump into sex related things
- FUN!
- i dont think the problem is that bad when you compare to anything else in society its just another way the goverment wants control....
- It's a double-edged sword. It can promote open communication about topics not normally discussed face-to-face, but accountability is less of a factor, and deception is easily done--and common. The Internet is populated by people, and therefore mirrors soc
- Sex on the Net should be limited only to particualr subcribers
- Although I may not appreciate all the graphics of sex on the net, I think anyone over 18 has the right to access any material of their choice within the guidelines of state and federal laws.
- fun!
- It's no worse here than in any other media forum; Internet sexual content is a mere reflection of degenerating societal standards; if there were no demand, there'd be no such content available.
- it's great
- It's out there, easy to get if you know how, and kids will find it. Parents should use whatever measures necessary to restrict the use of these sites by software or even use separate accts for adults and children.
- U.S. society has a ridiculously schizophrenic attitude toward sex: overly prudish and controlling on the one hand, it shamelessly uses sex in advertising on the other. In my opinion, society (in the form of government) has no business whatsoever regulating private sexual behavior, as long as all parties are mutually consenting. Similarly, the government has no right to censor any form of sexual expression.
- You're ether involved or you'ra not.
- I think there should be more available, parents who are concerned have options to protect their children from viewing such material.
How would you deal with the issue of regulating sexual/offensive content?
- Produce computers with the V-chip installes so access could be blocked right away. Make it an option to remove the chip after the purchase at your own expense.
- Tell them to screw off
- If you dont like it, dont fucking watch it!
- It's the parents responsibility to raise their children, NOT the government's.
- establish rating with "V chip + varification system"
- If you don't like it, don't view it. How hard is that to understand?
- Establish a standard 'potential offense warning' system
- personal/family opt on program
- tell them to kiss my fat hairy ass
- Parebts should take responsibility for raising their children and not expect the governement to step in as a babby sitter
- Tell parent's to use "Surf Watch" and other such things to "protect" their brats.
- let the parents control what their children see
- I have no aversion to sexuality on the net but I am totally against exposing children to pornography
- Absolutely NO kid porn
- Let parents get software to monitor or block what their children can look at
- If they've got a problem with it, they don't have to access those sites
- nudity is ok, but the pornographic sites should continue to require passwords to get in.
- I have no problem with sex on the Net because there are babysitter programs to prevent kids from seeing things they shouldn't, and if you don't like it, don't look at it. The only kind of pornography I have a problem with is kiddieporn. The rest is between two consenting adults, but kiddieporn is hurting children for some pervo's kicks. Anyone caught distributing or downloading that smut should be shot and pissed on, and so should the providers for those pages.
- Parents should have the ability to censor
- we dont want it censored of any way!!!
- develop better filtering software
- impossible. forget it.
- parents should take care of it themselves
- the parents should take care of what their kids watch on the net
- a person doesnt have to look
- The net should be open, the parent should be aware of what their children are accessing
- parents should monitor their children, not blame the governments. and adults should let other consenting adults do what they wish.
- supply lock-outs
- Parental Supervision
- It's fine now, concerned parents can use blocking software and monitor their own children
- keep current systems
- The net needs to have more for female veiwers
- you should be able to request certain material be omitted
- Let them monitor their own kids and leave everyone else alone.
- Parents are responsible for their children; and adults are responsible for themselves.
- Burn the censors
- already enough laws. use of internet is personal responsibility
- best education their is
- put more pussy on the net
- Individual censoring
- access control
- a Net browser with capabilities similar to the "V-chip" for private, individualized censorship of pornographic material entering the home on-line.
- you have to go looking for sex on the net intentionally -- it doesn't insert itself onto your screen unbidden -- w/ 2 kids having online access I trust them to follow our rules and if I chose to could purchase a "Net Nanny"-like service
- Let people make up there own minds
- Leave it to the individual to decide. If they don't like it, they don't have to look at it.
- Develop some sort of adult "key"
- Give Up Trying To Control Other People's Minds, If They Are Old Enough To FInd It, They Can See. After All, They Once Bathed With You.
- Provide tools to allow adult the ability to censor younger surfers ie. cyberpatrol, netnanny, etc.
- The government should not enforce morality
- If people don't want to see these things they don't have to enter the web site usually you can click out of any site before they would see anything offensive to their eyes.
- If people don't want to see these things they don't have to enter the web site usually you can click out of any site before they would see anything offensive to their eyes.
- "Net Sitter" software to all homes with kids
- That's what parental locks are for.
- Chop the kids hands off so they cant type or play with themselfs
- have parents monitor their children, not the internet
- if someone doesn't want to see sexual stuff on the internet then they could always turn it off
- establish a rating system that would serve as a warning, but would not bar or ban ANY sites...FREE SPEECH!
- Let the service provider decide. The market will take care of the rest
- If it's that omportant to keep it off the net..just don't let your children on!!
- some just go to the net if they like to go !!!
- Sex is nature...we should enjoy it all..nomather how old if the person wants let him!If not don`t force him!
- Parents should monitor what their children see on the internet
- have access words parents choose to keep children out of certain web sites
- Let censorship be handled at individual basis
- The net should be completely open. I will not be held responsible for other peoples children, that is the job of the parents. I will be responsible for my kids, I don't need any help from strangers.
- It will never be solved to everyone's satisfaction or reluctant exceptance
- Local domains and net providerts are fully able to establish rules for content. Let people use their head.
- Pay-per-view / membership; too easy to find free pornography
- What people do or access on the Net is thier own buisness.
- let the parents decide what's approriate and not
- Have some what morality standards but, also a type of blocking program for parents, to keep their children away from sex on the net and away from perverts.
- In my home, I set the morality standards
- make the effort, do a good job of educating your kids at HOME. In this area, and MANY OTHERS...that's the biggest problem with society and its ills!
- fuck 'em, it's not any of their business
- the parents take care of it.
- Cyber Nannys or surf watches are fine
- If they dont want to see keep there azz out!!!!!
- If they dont want to see keep there azz out!!!!!
- Don't like it? Don't look at it
- If they wish not to see, do not go looking
- everyone should be responsible for themselves, parents should be responsible for thier kids...
- what happened to parents?
- Parents should control their own kids.
- encourarge "blocking" software
- all sites cannot be left open for any child to access
- limit access of children to the net
- Tell parents to monitor kid under 16 at all time then from 16-18 have a talk about filth on the net and let them have own judgement.
- The choice is yours. Look or don't look!
- leave it to the parents to police!!!!
- free speech
- Find a way to really keep children (0-16) out.
- Come on, everybody likes it...
- If you don't like it don't look. No one has forced you to see it. Who clicked the button to get there in the first place?
- If it involves pornography, rape, incest etc. it's illegal anyway and has no business here. Otherwise just do me the courtesy of NOT sending it my way unless I ask.
- use your own discretion, if you don't like it don't look or read it
- If they're so "OFFENDED" they don't need to go there!!!
- I think that it should be fixed in a way that children can't look at certain materail without a program like a password.But yes I think is should be open.
- Parental education to prevent access.
- Parent Control if under 18.
- It should be left up to the parents if they have young children weither to block something out or not to.
- completely open, except for beastiality and child
- use limiting devices
- there should be a band on child pornography
- The parents should do their jobs and watch their kids
- shut down anything related to child porn/pedophilia, snuff, anything illegal, and prosecute
- I say anyone with young mind around should be paying attention to what goes in those minds.
- Keep the net open. Codes so youth won't be exposed.
- these things are constitutionally protected!
- if you don't like it don't look!!!
- Stay closed minded then, and stay away from the sex sites
- Parents are responsible for the proper upbringing of their own childre
- Filtering/blocking software
- parents can watch their own children.
- Tell the parents to get off their ass and for once take responsibility of *their* children.
- Let the parents regulate their own children!!
- Parents should do their jobs so we would not have to worry about 9 year Bobby fucking his pillow every night.
- Incorparate Passwords to Adult sits through server or browser
- Let parents do it
- TELL THESE GROUPS TO FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- the government should create a net blocker for free which should be offered to people opening new accounts.
- Establish rating system; not allow anything related to child pornography
- have better child-blocking software, only censor illegal (child porn, rape...etc...)
- let each person monitor their own
- I dont believe in censorship
- shut down child porn
- PARENTS are responsible for teaching morality/ethics.
- Prohibiting it would increase the desire to do it; let it police itself.
- if we do not police our own pc's we must start
- Let Parents be parents and monitor the use of the net
- parental guidance
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